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You ever just eat fucking horribly for a while and gain a ton of weight and you just wanna die because that’s me today I’m just gonna die I swear
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Came to the sudden realisation of how bad my BDD has gotten. I literally can’t leave the house without my shoulders being covered as I feel like wreck it Ralph with a giant square body. I am so insanely anxious all the time, I fixate on my man shoulders, I just can’t stop.
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11 Things Everyone Dealing With BDD Should Say (But Can’t).
1. “I’m sorry that I’m constantly focused on my appearance; I don’t mean to irritate anybody. But I can’t stop.”
2. “When I rant about how shitty I look, it’s not to get sympathy, and it’s definitely not to make anybody else feel worse about themselves. It’s actually just how I see myself, every day - And sometimes I just get sick of it.”
3. “Please don’t tell me it’s all in my head. It doesn’t help.”
4. “Don’t tell me I’m being ���superficial’, ‘trivial’, or ‘obsessive’. I’m already fully fucking aware - trust me.”
5. “I’m sorry I can’t stop fixating on diets, or surgery, or whatever fucking fix I think I need. Again, I’m fully aware that I’m as obsessive as hell.”
6. “I don’t mean to give off the impression that looks are all that matter. They’re not. I know they’re not, but it feels like they are.”
7. “The only person I’m judging by these insane standards is myself.”
8. “Every time I’m in public, I can tell people are staring at me. I know they might not be, I know they probably couldn’t care less about a random passer-by like me, but I can tell they’re staring at me.”
9. “I hate myself every time I look in the mirror - and not knowing if what I’m seeing is ‘real’, an ‘exaggeration’, or ‘not as bad as I think it is’, only makes me feel worse.”
10. “I’m sorry if you’re feeling fed up with me. I’m pretty damn fed up with me too.”
11. “I don’t want to be perfect. I just want to be more than this.”
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Its really sucks you know, being the person who always gives too much. the one friend who deals with everyone’s issues no matter the time or day, the girl who will stand by her friends and hold her ground for them.
And then to turn around and feel absolutely no support, to be surrounded by people who take everything from you and offer nothing in return.
I am through being used by fake friends who will throw you under a bus to better themselves the moment they have the chance.
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if you dissociate hard enough you can eavesdrop on conversations you’re a part of
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