Tails' Tales
9 posts
Sideblog for Short Stories and Drabbles. Many of which are both original and fanfiction. Always willing to take critique and feedback on how to improve.
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tails-writings ¡ 2 years ago
Aron (Writing Prompt)
I’ve had this one in progress for...a very long while. I had kept trying to finish it from time to time but I just was never happy with it. You could say this snippet is technically unfinished and unresolved, but I honestly just find myself not wanting to continue with it anymore either.
But this one does give a bit regarding not just Stahl, but also a friend of hers named Aiden. (who I do need to work on fleshing out and expanding on some more too in the future)
The feedback form is still open and around as well, so please feel free to give me some.)
"Stahl! I know you're excited to meet your idol, but slow up!" Aiden complained while he chased after his friend as she began to run deeper into Granite Cave.
Of course, it was only natural for this to happen. The moment there was even a single word of who it was that was in here, she went off like a bullet. While normally Aiden would be able to more than keep up with her, if not surpass her in running, she had gotten more than a huge head start into the cave, and thus had disturbed the pokemon sleeping in the cave, which in their annoyance ended up getting in his way more as opposed to hers.
Stahl on the other hand was indeed being a lot more reckless running deeper into the cave the moment she heard that the Champion was here as well. She saw him back during the Pokemon World Tournament back home, but never got a chance to talk with him and even get his autograph at the time. Thus even as the depths of the cave became darker and thus much harder for her to see, she still kept running, that was until the next thing she knew she found herself face-first in the ground.
When Aiden entered the darkened cave, he already had Mothra out of its pokeball. The Volcarona helped to illuminate the cave so that he could see where she even went. Though he didn’t have to look far as he heard a small yelp in the distance. “I told ya to slow down.” He snarked as he ran over to her side to help her up.
“Suuurrreee, you would be the exact same way if you heard Valerie was around.” Stahl snarked back as she got back up to her feet, brushing the dirt off of her clothes as well. Though in the dim light given off by her friend’s Volcarona, she could tell that he was looking a bit flustered from that comment. Then again it was hard to hide the fact that he did have a crush on the Kalosian gym leader as well so she used that at any opportunity that she had.
“I…she is just attractive. Much more than Elesa most of all.” Aiden stammered out, trying to hide how red his face was getting at that moment. Stahl knew she could get away with teasing him about that and did take every opportunity that she could.
There was a small, almost bark-like noise that came from near the two trainers’ feet, prompting Stahl to have to look down. A small steel-plated pokemon was near the large rock that Stahl tripped over, and it seemed to be coming over to the pair a bit closer, as if it was curious about the light first off. Though she wanted to get a better look, getting down on her knees some in order to get a better look at the small armoured pokemon, though as she did so, the small pokemon began to try and bite at her jacket a bit, trying to get at the zipper most of all. “You’re hungry, aren’t you?” Stahl couldn’t help but notice that, then again she had already a couple of steel-type pokemon already and they normally liked to snack on metal as well, it was apparent this one was wanting to get at that. With that she reached into her pocket, pulling out a couple of metal scraps that she normally kept on her for when Machina and Starscream were a little hungry. The Aron didn’t hesitate too much before already scarfing them down as well.
Stahl was about to make a small comment about how ravenous the pokemon was already before she could hear the footsteps of someone else coming near them in the cave, looking up to see there was some figure with a flashlight moving closer to them as well. “Normally Aron tend to stay away from trainers in this cave, that’s why they are considered to be rare. But it looks like this one is either brave or just too hungry to care.” A recognizable voice said to the two young trainers.
Though the moment the figure stepped closer to the pair and was in the range of Mothra’s own sparks of light, it wasn’t long until Stahl recognized who it was standing before them, though she tried her hardest to contain herself a bit, not wanting to have a bad impression in front of her idol. “S..Ste..I mean.. Champion Stone..I..” Stahl stammered, at least thankful that the dim light made it harder to see how flustered she was seemingly getting, though she was finding it harder and harder to contain some of her childish excitement a bit. “I..it is…” She tried to take the plate that she had in her hand, one that had a few bites already taken out of it from the Aron, unable to fully think straight as she began to hold it up towards Steven. “Can I have your autograph?” She then blurted out very quickly. Though in her haste, a pokeball then fell out of her bag as well.
The aron was curious about the small spherical object, being how it hid in the case and how few people come this deep, he hadn’t seen one before. Getting a bit closer and began to sniff it, it smelled good…like a sort of iron or metal. Was it food? It smelled like food, and thus he was ready to begin to try and taste it, hoping that it would be food for him. Though when he tried to bite it, the ball seemed to emit a flash of light that engulfed the pokemon before it was let inside. Though it was then that Steven had seen what was going on, not taking the sheet of metal yet to signed it, perhaps there was a small laugh as if he had seen something like this before, then again some aron did let their stomach get the better of them when it came to anything metal.
“I think you should first check on the pokemon” He suggested, it was then that Stahl looked down and saw the struggling and shaking pokeball, did the Aron really just? Sure enough the struggling stopped, the ball itself becoming still as if the pokemon finally stopped struggling and accepted being captured. Picking up the ball, she then let the iron pokemon out as well, not intending on capturing it by this manner. “Did you want to come with me?” She asked, perhaps wondering if maybe it was just too hungry and liked the treats, giving the small sheet of metel she had to the pokemon for it to chew on. It happily took the treat, munching on that some more as if it had accepted his new trainer as well.
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tails-writings ¡ 2 years ago
Scar (Writing Prompt)
(Yeah, I’ve been super busy a lot lately with studying, so my writing is gonna be dropping off a lot for a while. But I managed to barely conjure something up.
This has been kind of on the unfinished side for a while as well because of some...drama going on between me and an..ex RP partner in it. This fic here does involve a character of that partner’s as well (and this fic is of course very highly shippy and very fluffy in nature because we did ship our characters very hard when we did used to RP) but...because of a lot of things going on it took a hard push for me to even finish it regardless.
This has to do with an old verse that used to be part of a group RP thing that had long since disbanded (and was the verse that I once originally created Conrad for a while back), the verse doesn’t belong to me or the ex-partner at all, as instead it belongs to a friend that I still keep in touch with. I might try to do write more things to get back to that verse again for things, but I don’t know.
(Of course, the feedback form is still up for people to submit to)
“Dear…you never mentioned you ended up with any scars…” Belle observed while tracing her finger along one that seemed to run along her fiance's right shoulder. She ended up stopping the massages she was giving to Conrad once she took notice of the mark, a small show of concern for him before resuming her inquiry. “What happened over those 5 years?” The scar laid right along one of the indiscernible scrawls of text that marked much of the encyclopedia CV’s body. Though the way the scar healed, it almost looked as if someone had tried to rewrite over top that small area of text a little bit on him.
Conrad couldn’t help the small sigh, feeling the weight of Belle on top of his back as she began to lay on top of him and get a little comfortable a bit, still feeling her finger trace along that scar as they both laid in bed. “I had a predicament with a rogue during a mission…” He muttered, though he knew if she was to find one of the other small scars he had she would ask about that as well. “The incident occurred 2 years ago, do you recall hearing any information at this base regarding a particularly troublesome knife-based CV?” He knew that it caused issues for multiple bases near where he used to be stationed before his transfer, but he did recall having to write up the reports to send to the other bases after his team’s encounter with it before as well.
Belle thought for a bit, there were such rumours of such a CV that she could recall, but the details were vague. “I think so, I think it was something the higher ups would know more of. Or maybe he was caught before even coming this far.” she admitted, burying her face into his back some and bringing her arms around him a bit the best she could, wanting to hold him tightly now. “Even if you didn’t know…I can say that our team did not apprehend him at all, he managed to escape during the time we were sent on the task to stop him.” Conrad continued to explain, he had been through worse instances so it wasn’t like trying to explain this incident was painful…not like other things he had been through…but it was still a reminder of the risks that their job entailed. “Regardless, his abilities involved being able to form and manifest physical knives from his hands, unlike other weapon-based CVs where the manifested weapon remains attached to them, he was capable of completely detaching them from his body to effectively utilize as a throwing weapon.” Though he did leave out the fact that the other CV’s accuracy was fairly good, while not as skilled as his own marksmanship with his firearms, the rogue was still dangerous nonetheless.
Either way, he expected she would ask about that, then again them both getting injured on their job was going to be inevitable. He just wished he had been more careful at the time. “At least the wound wasn’t too deep to cause permanent injury, but it was still enough to leave that mark..” Though he couldn’t help but become a bit self conscious about it, much like the text that his body bore. Just nuzzling down a little bit into the pillow, still not wanting to move lest she fell off of him.
Belle couldn’t help but give a small pout at that answer, it still didn’t answer much. She knew what it was he normally did during the few missions they both had back when they lived on the island. “That is not like you, normally you don’t go on the front lines.” She muttered back, her concern evident in her voice as well as she began to rub his shoulder some, trying to help him to relax a little bit.
The rubs did help some as Conrad let off a small, and content sigh. At least now she was finally here to help chase away his own pains and worries. “I know…but we were in a confined locale. There were no vantage points to allow me to maintain adequate view of the field with my rifle this time around, and also I was required to be part of the infiltration team into the bunker that he holed himself up in.” He only explained it a bit more, then again everything else that happened after that went faster than even himself could process. “The next thing I could notice once we had encountered the rogue was that there he was trying to take each of my team out, he did not succeed in taking any life, but the injuries were enough to impede our progress in maintaining his trail.”
Still, he would have to look for the files to see if there was any progress on dealing with that CV, but that would be once he finally obtained the clearance to do so at this base. He may have been a Syn back on the island, but being on mainland now meant that his prior rank was useless anyways. And though he didn’t make it up the ladder yet at the prior base, he would have to see just how possible it would be here.
Though there was something that she didn’t mention that he was surprised about, and thus he was a bit curious now as he finally spoke up again. “Are you sure that it doesn’t look odd? I always thought it did due to how that portion of text seems to look out of place with the rest of it now.
Belle couldn’t help the faint smile, planting a kiss near his neck, “No, It looks more like you tried to write your own addition to our story instead. Adding more of our future to it after surviving another mission.” He didn’t have to worry too much, he was still him to her eyes most of all, and thus something like this would not make any difference at all. “Though right now, I think you’ve gotten enough of a massage, how about making me your mission this time?” She teased a little bit, then again they did have a plan to enjoy the night together afterwards. There was a slight smirk on Conrad’s face from what she just said, knowing just what it was he promised to her regarding tonight as well. “I think I’ve already got enough of a ‘briefing’ now to be able to effectively carry this out, though you better prepare yourself.” 
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tails-writings ¡ 3 years ago
Shenaniguys (D&D Session 0)
(First off, I blame one of the people in our DnD group for coining that name. Also...I totally blame them for what all happened in here. Also this is quite a bit lengthier than my last things that I wrote too.
This actually is transcribed from an RP log that I have of a Session 0 in the campaign that I’m actually a part of. Needless to say, I’m 100% not sorry for everything that happens. Most of the characters in this belong to their respective players most of all, though. There is a chance I may try to do some other things based on this campaign as well or at least taken from the notes that I have regarding what happened in the campaign too.
Also, once again, click here for the feedback form.)
“Looks like ye’ve ‘ad quite a bit to drink there. Might I ask what brings ye ere?” The gnome bartender addressed the middle-aged sailor in the tavern. This patron definitely was far unlike the usual customers that would come here to the ‘Wild Magic Lamp’. Most of the usual customers were those that studied at the nearby university here in the Kingdom of Everance’s capital city, and thus many students and scholars frequented this place. But the somewhat built sailor before him, with his balding hair and the ugly beret he wore on his head, was definitely an unusual sight, along with the fact that he was on his fifth tankard today as well.
“This?” The sailor lifted up the current tankard of ale that he was working on drinking. “Small time compared to the night prior, which is why I’m here. You see, I do my prayers and patronage with this stuff, bailed my arse out of trouble more than I can count on de ocean.” He took another sip of the ale before continuing on, it being evident that he is a bit tipsy still from the number of drinks he had. “Yesterday, my patron told me to wait here…people en me should meet for somethin to do wive de world. In short, I’m waitin for someon or sometin, details a bit vague.”
The bartender was used to hearing a lot of babble from some of the scholars, but even this sounded like rather crazy talkings from a drunk man to him. “A premonition ye sae? Are ye sure it jus ain't the brew talkin?” He let off a hearty laugh.
The sailor set his drink down for a bit, “Ne’r sailed on a ship that sank, los crew, or got pirated since the first time I got drunk in prayer, Issay that is proof enough.”
At that moment, another human had came into the tavern to sit down at the bar as well, though this one still seemed to stick out along the usual crew as well, especially as many eyes began to fall upon the newcomer, considering the leather jacket and the brown bandana mask that he wore as well along with the rapier that was slung across his back. Despite wearing such a mask, he did not have the impression of a bandit at all. “I can see that I am expected, but for the sake of tradition... I am Rodriguez Elcazorro.” the newcomer announced upon seeing all of the gazes that were on him in confusion at this moment.
“That must be yer guy then ae?” The bartender joked a bit to the sailor that he was chatting with before going back to cleaning the empty bar glasses at the moment.
Though seeing the newcomer that had sat down next to him at the bar, the sailor couldn’t help but stifle a tipsy laugh. “If that is the guy, I can understand why the details were vague”
The man who introduced himself as Rodriguez continued to ignore the confused looks that were on him as he continued on his tale at the bar "You see, Kord has foretold of one who is here in the cold. They need my help. So have no fear, I am here. And yes, that rhymed." Though it was after that time the several patrons of the tavern resumed some of their conversations, yet there were still whispers and remarks about how crazy this masked man is.
The sailor looked over at the new companion that came by. “One in the cold, eh? And what might you mean by that?” He picked up his own tankard and began to drink it, motioning for another one for the sake of the new friend here. “You see, premonition put me here too. However, my god wasn't so keen on details. Mind sharin?”
"I'm not one for spirits but I don't mind a story.” Rodriguez declined the drink, and thus the sailor waived it off as it wasn’t necessary before the masked man then decided to continue speaking. “If you are a fellow man of faith, perhaps we have some common ground. I've followed a sign from Kord that I could find a powerful ally in need of my assistance. More people down south are familiar with my tales but up here, I just seem to get stares... I can't imagine why." That last line had a hint of sarcasm mixed with seriousness to it.
The name that the masked man dropped raised a curiosity from the sailor. “So, that’s his name? I don’t know the name of my patron, only how loud he is.” He takes another sip of the ale, “No its not due to the amount I drink, tipsy or flat out drunk it’s still a-ear ringing at times."
The masked man laughed at the amusing companion. ”Ha! I know all about loud voices. I didn't even use Thaumaturgy to announce myself this time."
"I ask how many beatin' you have gotten from doing that. Loud and strong drink don't mix" The sailor pauses for a bit, as if something else from the past came to mind as well. "Ok stark naked doesn't mix well either, but that hasn't stopped me at times." That remark prompted the bartender to give the sailor a bit of a disgusted look before going back to work.
Rodriguez gave a slight laugh there, “Ha, I like him already.” He spoke aloud to himself before turning back to the other. “And what is your name, fellow priest?"
“Walter Hill Howards by name, jus call me Walter. No fancy title stuff.” The sailor introduced himself to the masked man, quite enjoying this company. “I would ask the same but you introduced yourself before we talked."
"Indeed. And for the sake of this bar's glasses, I'll not do it loudly again. Elcazorro. Hero-person. You know the drill."
Walter returned to his drink some more, there was still the question of what brought them both here. "so... of this man of cold. I have a mix of skills yes, but nothing that I have or know that could relate to that. Certainly not a cold personality either, but I think you know that by now."
"My magic tends to be on the loud, thunderous end." Rodriguez responded, realizing that it also described his usual way of speaking as well. "Hmm... Oddly fitting. But alas, I figured it may have been in relation to the temperatures in which we find ourselves. If indeed it does refer to a third person, all the better; isn't there a saying about it taking three to make a party or did I horribly misunderstand that?"
Walter shrugged a bit, not sure himself in that regard. "Pair, party, and crowd I think is the term we are looking for. I might have the' wrong though so forgive me bit o ignorance if that the case." He finished off that tankard, calling for another for himself to drink. "So we wait, from the sounds of it tho we have good stories to share. Want to hear how a dragon and I got strung up in a mast naked?”
Waiting was all that they could do, at least it would pass the time. "I'm not not sure if this is one of those things that will make me laugh or cringe, but let's hear it." Rodrigeuz then replied before Walter began to dive into such a story.
In the meantime, in another part of the capital city, a young lady carrying a small pile of tomes entered one of the many extensive libraries of the capital city’s magic university. She was hoping to get the opportunity to talk to the nobleman that owned and ran the school. The young lady definitely didn’t look out of place alongside the students of the school, the golden scales and several draconic features including her horns and tail that did seem a bit unusual at the least even when compared to the students of various races at this place.
Inside the library, there was a young human man with silver hair and very ornate robes, it was apparent that he looked to be someone of status at the very least. Though he had quite a small stack of books on the desk that he was at, seemingly invested in his own studies at the moment until he had noticed the young woman that came in. Though upon the young nobleman’s first observation of her, she looked to be a Spellscale, which were not common in this land at all, thus he was wondering as to why one would travel all of this way here.
“Madame, if you are looking for my Father, he is actually away at the moment. Though if you wanted to deliver those tomes to him, I would be able to do so in your stead.” The young man offered, taking a moment in order to clean his glasses before finally turning his attention to her again. He was informed by one of the workers that she was looking for the head of this institution, but considering the current situation, he had asked for her to be directed to him right now.
“Oh, um..” The young spellscale had said, perhaps still standing there a bit awkwardly with her tomes in hand. “I see. I wanted to meet with the head of the Strasburg family, though if he is busy, then perhaps you could help me figure out something from these? Or am I mistaken in assuming you’re the next in line?” She asked as she put the tomes that she was carrying down on the desk. It was apparent that the young woman also looked to be one of scholarly pursuits as well, though her robes seemed to suggest that she belonged to a group of scholars that normally worked outside of the kingdom as well.
Still, the young noble didn’t mind the idea of helping a fellow scholar at the least, he did still have his own duty to uphold as well. Plus, his own studies could wait a bit if there was something new to possibly find out and discover as well, especially since the books that she had did intrigue him. “You assume correct actually, Conrad Strasburg at your service.” He introduced himself to the female scholar. “Though allow me to take a look at those with you, I might be able to figure something out with you at the least in my Father’s stead actually.” He then offered, as it was also a part of his family’s duty to assist a fellow scholar as well.
The female scholar’s golden eyes lit up at the offer, immediately helping herself to a seat at the table as well. “That’s wonderful!” she exclaimed, already beginning to open up the tomes that she had brought as well. “These tomes supposedly surround some ancient lore and artifacts.”
Of course if there was anything that could get Conrad’s interest, it was information about any sort of ancient lore. It was a subject that there wasn’t enough books on at the least and most of all, a lot of legends were rooted in some history as well, and he was interested in finding out and recording what he could regarding the past, and discovering the truth behind those legends and myths. Though he did want to know some more about what it was she brought “Would it pertain to the lore of the kingdom, or does this possibly stretch further than just these lands? Regardless, I have studied some of the history to be of some use to you.”
“This would appear to be something stretching the world over” The spellscale then answered, letting Conrad take a couple of the tomes in order to go through as well. At least with two scholars looking through the information there was bound to be something to be found out.
Conrad began to look through the tomes himself, trying to note down any information that he found and try to cross reference it with another one of her tomes too. “I can see why you would have a rough time with it, considering how old this piece of lore is. There are only a few things that even vaguely touch upon this story as well. Though, I wonder how much of things in this book is even true or what could have been distorted through time.” He had muttered to her as well, these books in general seemed to cover about many of the origins of the world’s societies, but the major thing that it was apparent that their studies was most focused on was also about an ancient battle that happened between a dark lord and several heroes as well, heroes whose names seemed to have been forgotten about through time too.
This battle in particular seemed to also imply that the heroes also used some magical artifacts in order to seal the dark lord away as well, but all of the specifics about what these artifacts were and their locations were seemingly lost according to the tomes as well, and also due to how long ago that it was said to have been. Though it was apparent that in some of the tomes, there were many things that also sounded as if they were written to cover something up, but it wasn’t as if they were able to discern what or why most of all, even with the two of them working together. “But these artifacts that they used, could they still exist in this time or would they possibly be long destroyed by now? I imagine that is something even Professor Tempora would ask as well if he saw these tomes too.” Conrad then added, as he knew one of the teachers here could still be also an asset to them in trying to puzzle this out.
Though the lady scholar was still more than willing to assist in answering his musings as well. “Indeed. As for the existence of these artifacts…well, that is something that my group and I think is entirely possible. We don't really know for sure but this definitely affirms our belief that there had to have been some powerful magicked artifact or something akin.” Though she continued to keep studying for a while at the least, at least with another person involved it felt like there was some small progress being made as well.
Though after the two had continued to study for a few hours, cross-referencing the notes they both made and even made some corrections here and there as well, the young lady finally stopped for a bit and closed the tome she had in front of her. “Phew I myself am feeling a bit parched and can't find much else here.” It was apparent that she was getting a bit tired from all of the studying that they did, though a small idea did hit her as well. “Oh hey, We should stop at the Wild Magic Lamp! My colleagues should be waiting for me there anyway.” At least she had wanted Conrad to come with her there, it seemed as if maybe he could hopefully help them out some more too.
“Honestly, it would be beneficial to take a break from these books for the time being. We can at least take another look after organizing our thoughts for a bit. Perhaps get a little bit of more insight on it too.” Conrad stated as he accepted the offer, despite the fact that he did not really care for such social places at all. He would have loved to have pursued these even further in the library, but there was a chance that the people she came to this kingdom with could know more too, especially considering the theory he had now regarding those artifacts actually still existing as well.
After a short bit of traveling, the pair would at least finally make it to the tavern. There was still a lively amount of conversation going on inside, including a rather boisterous pair of unsual men at the bar counter itself, “.........and that is the story on how I got most of my hair burned off! Scaly lass didn't take too kindly to my little rope trick on the mast!” one of the men at the bar had said rather loudly. The two scholars overheard that easily, which caused the spellscale to be confused for a moment but merely shrugged it off. On the other hand, Conrad couldn’t help but express a small groan of annoyance, then again he liked to avoid this place when the more rambunctious individuals were frequent too.
Though at one of the tables, there was a small group of other scholars that the spellscale had led Conrad to. As they approached and sat down, a dwarven fellow at the table already went ahead and greeted them “Heyy Melvanna! Ye finally made it! We were wonderin' if ye got lost er somethin'!”
The spellscale, Melvanna, greeted her companion in return. “I'm quite fine, thank you for the concern Horben! What took me so long was I ran into this gentleman who helped me look into these tomes a bit further!” She seemed to be rather glad to have made it back to her group as well, especially as Horben encouraged her to sit down to share what had happened while she was gone, ordering herself a tea in order to drink for the time being.
Though in that moment, Conrad did take note of the fact that each of the scholars did possess the same sets of robes, many of them having not been from around here, ordering himself a tea as well to drink for right now as he figured he was going to end up sharing the information that he had assisted her with as well. “Honestly, I have not quite seen tomes like the ones that she brought until now. Though I imagine you are not from around this area. Was it just the need for some assistance with those tomes that you came here?” He had asked, wanting to know some more about what their intention was for coming here at the least, considering it wasn’t often people would try to seek his family out specifically for such matters.
Another one of the scholars at the table, a moon elf with long black hair with a white streak in it, spoke up to Conrad’s inquiry “We're from all walks of life, some of us are from around these parts, such as myself. Others such as Horben and Melvanna are not. We had tasked her with meeting with the head of the Strasburg house for the express reason that maybe he would be able to help us get to the bottom of the lore. Though I see she managed to gain the attention of the next in-line. Am I not correct in assuming?”
“You are indeed correct. My father is the head of the Strasburg house.” Conrad responded first, then again it was unsurprising that one would recognize him in that regard, but there was still the main matter that was at hand too. “I know Father would be able to have more insight to offer regarding this lore, but I can understand why you want to find what truth there is regarding it. I too am quite intrigued by it now and what parts there are that the tomes have left out.” 
Melvanna delved into thought after Conrad’s words. “Perhaps…” she muttered a little bit, until she was suddenly struck with an idea. “Maybe you can help us out! We are looking for people who are capable and you at the very least seem like you're capable of helping us!” She exclaimed loudly, not realizing that two of the people at the bar managed to overhear the entire conversation that was going on between the scholars at the moment.
Of course, one of those two individuals at the bar, in his tipsy state, had perked up upon the idea of someone looking for people, was it who they were looking for? Out of the group of scholars that he overheard, one of them was far more well-dressed than the others, and the snowflake-like patterns that some of his clothes had only prompted an idea too. “Bartender, pour me one of the stronger drinks, no rocks” Walter had requested upon gathering that idea before he decided to make his way slowly over to the table of interest.
Back at the scholars’ table, Conrad was a bit surprised by the offer. “I would like to help since this is something I would like to uncover, though I do still have my....” He trailed off, he was about to say that he would still have his own studies and his obligations of his status as well, but really, it was better to still take this offer while it was available most of all, especially since it meant he would hopefully be able to discover something regarding the truth of those legends as well.
Though any further response to the scholars would end up being rudely interrupted by some drunk sailor coming up to their table, swirling the drink in hand. Seemingly addressing Conrad most of all. “So, Fancyman. Us here have a little premonition, something involving a man of ice.” Walter then held the drink forward so that the confused group of scholars could see it as well. “I have never seen this drink in my life frozen. To the bitter cold of the north, to the nastiest storms of the ocean. So, show me this man of the cold!”
Conrad was becoming visibly annoyed by the incoherent ramblings of this apparently drunk man. “I cannot say I know who it is you are talking about, though it would be best for you to leave since we were having a very important discussion.” He grumbled to the sailor, trying to get the idiot to leave them alone.
In an attempt to try to keep the peace at the least, especially considering the tipsy state that his friend was in, the masked man had finally come over to the table of scholars as well from where he was seated at the bar, trying to explain the situation a little bit at the moment. “Excuse me, but I couldn't help but overhear your dilemma... because I was eavesdropping… You're looking into a lost bit of ancient lore?” Rodriguez asked, “As something of a scholar and hero-person, I may be able to assist you. Oh, and please forgive Walter... We were discussing a vague prophecy from our collective deities and I let the sauce get the better of him.”
“Until I'm on the floor, I haven't had enough! There is a reason for my madness here.” Walter protested, then again he was intent on doing this his way at the moment, setting the drink on the scholar’s table now. “A man that commands ice is what our gods want us to follow, I'm sure of it! The fact that both of us have been led here by the same prophecy is not mere chance. So I ask, who among you controls the ice?”
Most of the group of scholars had given a very confused look at each other, then they looked over at Walter as if trying to figure out what he was talking about. Finally they looked over to Rodriguez, then back to each other, then finally their gazes fell collectively on Conrad.
Walter took notice of the fact that most of the individuals at the table were staring at Conrad. “Eyes on the fancy man of the group, I say you are the one in the premonition.” He started, hoping to finally get an answer from the apparently disgruntled young noble. “So I ask this, freeze the drink of fire!”
Most of the scholars chuckled a little bit, especially Melvanna and the elf, as they had found this strange man’s words to be a little bit punny. Conrad, on the other hand, was only growing a bit more irritated at Walter’s proclamation. And with everyone apparently looking at him, waiting to see what he would do or if he could, he just couldn’t help but let off a very agitated sigh. “You have completely lost your mind.” He muttered as he used his finger to push the glass of alcohol away from him. “Though I could make you personally feel the cold if you wanted.” He then threatened, leveling an unamused glare at Walter.
Seeing the noble’s continued refusal, Walter then picked the glass of booze back up, “I see I was wrong, sorry to trouble you” He then stated, about to go back to the bar he was sitting at, not wanting to waste this drink now that he had it.
Conrad still was feeling annoyed by the sailor that came to them, at least while he noticed the other was leaving with the drink, he couldn’t help but try to get some bit of retaliation, even if it did ‘confirm’ that idiot’s suspicions. Thus as the sailor left, Conrad then snapped his fingers as an action to perform a small, simple spell.
Walter didn’t even take notice of the chill of the glass in his fingers or the fact that they were practically stuck to it either due to how cold it was. The moment he tipped the glass over to take a sip, a block of ice would instead slip down the glass and then boop him on the nose. Walter only noticed something was odd when he felt a chill against his upper lip. When he lowered the glass to take a look to find that lo and behold, his alcohol was now a completely frozen block of ice.
Walter just stood there absolutely speechless and stunned at what had happened.
With the drunken sailor at least finally silenced now, the dwarf, Horben, finally spoke up now, at least continuing the conversation that was going on before. “I take it yer interested in the task?” He offered, especially since he could tell these individuals were likely capable as well of being able to obtain the artifacts.
Rodriguez was the first one to accept the offer, especially since he felt like it could be fun at the least. “I could be. A chance to research some ancient lore, make some money, have an adventure, and show off my skills? What's not to like?”
Walter was still stupefied at the frozen booze, but he had heard the offer, looking back to the table of scholars before finally giving his answer. “In.”
Conrad still wanted to accept the offer, but he was hardly thrilled now to hear that those two had decided to take it up too. Though he was more hoping that his job involved more research instead at the least. “I would prefer to not be in the same vicinity of that drunkard, but I may as well not have a choice. I would like to find out more about this lore too. Though I will join up with you after consulting a few individuals first.” He responded, knowing he was going to at least have to tell his own family about where he was going first.
“OHOHOHHO! GLAD AM I TAE 'EAR IT!” Horben loudly shouted, perhaps getting a bit excited there. Thus the elf of the group had to remind him to keep his voice down before she went ahead and began to give some more details in her companion’s stead. “Very well... There have been some rumours surrounding one of the elusive artifacts. First thing in the morrow we will be making way for Beliana, a town in the nation of Stralor. Rest up and be ready for the trip by sunrise.”
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tails-writings ¡ 3 years ago
Raikou (Writing Prompt)
(Next pokemon prompt is bringing another idea that I’ve had that had kind of migrated from RP things, the ability of legendaries taking on a human form. Obviously this is kind of something that is really just more to make it easier for me to write many legendary pokemon and personalize them a bit more but also to allow for some more interesting interactions with human characters too.
I know it is likely something that not a lot of people may like outside of RP stuff, but kind of have to fill that itch somehow. I’m still working out ideas as to how a lot of my pantheon would be in regards to story and lore.
Also, feedback would be lovely too. ^^ )
A large yellow saber-toothed pokemon slowly plodded through the burnt ruins that still remained in Ecruteak City. The wild pokemon parted out of his path as he walked through, as if he was someone to be feared yet revered at the same time. The destroyed tower still seemed to be preserved in some manner, as if it was kept as a tribute to the event that happened so long ago.
The legendary pokemon plodded further into the ruins, almost as if he had been here many times before since it was in this state, the wooden floor was entirely broken away as it always had been since the incident, revealing the basement area of the tower. The legendary beast then leapt down carefully into the floor below seemingly navigating with some form of purpose until he finally found what looked to be a patch that was well-illuminated by the moonlight above. Though in that patch was also a large worn stone, the engraved text in the stone, written in an old Johtoian script, was worn away to where only small bits of it were legible.
Even though it was hard to read what the text was, the legendary pokemon that came to this place seemed as if he knew what this represented. And thus the Raikou sat down in front and bowed his head to the gravesite. It looked as if someone else came by and laid some flowers for the graves, even though it was this long it seemed like someone paid a tribute here.
“I knew I would find you here, Volt” A small voice said from the corner, the pokemon looked over to where the voice was to find what looked to be an aqua-haired young man. Normally the pokemon would flee upon coming across a human in this sacred place, but…no…the aura this person had and the look of familiarity meant that this was most definitely no pokemon at all. Instead, the Raikou’s form seemed to shift a bit, taking upon a humanlike form as well. Thus a young man with short blonde hair stood in its place, he looked as if he was older than the blue-haired one as well. “Mizu…was it you that left these here?” He then asked, there still being a small melancholy tone most of all.
Mizu shook his head before at least better wrapping the white scarf he wore around his neck a bit more, as if trying to make sure it didn’t fall off while down here. Though the human-form Suicune began to approach his older brother as well before responding softly. “No, but I saw one of the Kimono Girls leave it here the other day, I didn’t think they still did that even now.”
‘Of course.’ Volt thought, then again, he always felt a connection to the Kimono girls, as if there was someone he only vaguely knew was associated with them in the long past. It felt like there was a faint trace of a memory, a foggy image that the Raikou tried to mentally reach out and touch, yet it faded away before he could do so, still looking to be in a daze at that moment.
“Are you still getting those flashes again?” Another voice said abruptly as a figure stepped out of the shadows, his long brown-red hair fell around his shoulders like some kind of mane really. Though it was apparent that the legendary was concerned most of all, then again, they all were brothers and it only made sense for him to worry about them.
“Y..yes. Every time I come here I feel like there is something..wanting to come back about our prior life. Yet the memory always fades before I can see and understand it.” Volt finally said while addressing both of his siblings, letting his fingers trace along the worn away marks on the memorial.. “Agni…Mizu…don’t you get them too?” 
Agni shook his head, then again even in human form, the Entei was still a proud being, of course he wouldn’t even admit something like that to even his own family.
As for Mizu, he looked down a little bit. “Not…often. Just in my dreams I sometimes see myself as another pokemon. I know we weren't like this before Auntie said she gave us life, but I cannot remember why or what it was like.” He then said, finding his own confidence to admit it. “I know this memorial was for us as we used to be, but I don’t remember the trainers that we called our trainers at all, not even their voices or faces.”
Volt let off a small sigh. “I don’t either, but I do still feel like...there is something familiar about those girls, even though it has been many generations since the ones we would have known.” He went and at least helped to straighten out the flowers that were left here, at least best to make sure that the memorial was kept looking straight. “Though…I cannot help but come back here on our rebirth-day.” He looked back at both of his siblings with a faint smile, especially since he still had to be the older one and still look after the both of them. Bringing the both of them into a small hug as well, appreciative that he still had them through the years. “At least, let’s go and pay the theatre a visit, it has been a while since we’ve seen their last dance performance there too. I think even Auntie is joining them in this show as well this time.”
Though that thing couldn’t help but get a chuckle some from Agni as well. “She managed to convince them that she didn’t have two left feet? That is a surprise” though that remark had him met with a small elbow from his older sibling.
“Don’t let her hear you say that.” Volt corrected, even though he did find it funny. “She has been practicing hard to be able to do well.” Then again, it was rare that she would try to join in the Kimono girl’s practices, mostly because of how much they revered her a lot too. “And she is expecting us to be there today too.” He ruffled the hair of both of his younger brothers while he had the chance to, much to the disdain of Agni most of all, though Mizu couldn’t help the small laugh there in return.
“Please, don’t do that again.” the Entei groaned a bit, though he didn’t resist at all, secretly enjoying it. At least though they did still have each other, most of all.
“Haha, you like it, don’t deny it.” Mizu then chimed in, knowing just how he was there with this. “But let’s not keep her waiting at least, she had prepared for this day for us.” 
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tails-writings ¡ 3 years ago
Boredom (Writing Prompt)
(Another OC-centric writing, though this is actually a character that I would love to sometime use in a D&D campaign at some point if I ever get back to playing and end up joining another low-level starting campaign. This is just a small thing to kind of help work as a supplement to her backstory if I do use her and is mostly to try to get a better idea of her personality and also add a little bit more to work with regarding prior relationships too. Though this is really just purely fluff in this one.
The names mentioned in there may or may not become actual side characters/NPCs. I have yet to determine.
Click here for the feedback form. ) ------------------------------------------
Leena groaned as she fell backwards into the rather shabby mess of crates and wadded piles of  cloth that the guild called a couch. The teenager wasn’t exhausted physically, but she did try to put on an exasperated tone as she complained. “I’m boooooored,” though her blonde hair was normally cut short, mostly to not be in the way during jobs, she still kept a lock of it long and fashioned into a braid that hung over her shoulder, her fingers fiddled with the braid a little bit as she continued to whine some to the older, lithe man in front of her “Dad, can’t I just go out for one mission? I’m almost done with my training.”
The man did look to be significantly older, at least in his 40’s, he stroked his goatee a bit as have Leena a stern, but caring look. “Can you recite our guild’s code by heart?” he asked, perhaps just wanting to see if his adopted daughter had the capability of still upholding the honor that the guild had as thieves. Especially since she was still one of the family as well in that regard.
She gave off an annoyed grunt, sitting up a bit yet still playing a bit with the braid as if she was annoyed. “To steal from those that are greedy and corrupt. Plunder those that live off of the plunder of others and return the gold to who it rightfully belongs. Should you find treasure with no rightful owner, everyone is to get their cut based on their contribution and need. Thou shall only fight in self defense and never steal another’s life. Have the back of your comrades and they will always have your own, for no treasure is worth the life of your brother in arms. Our clan’s word is our bond, thus never make a promise that will not be kept.” She paused a bit, thinking that was all that there was to it.
The guild leader had a bit of a raised eyebrow as he was waiting for her to finish, though once it looked like she was content with her answer, he finally chimed in with a slightly disappointed tone. “And, we do not take on more than we can handle.” He then finally added. “Nor do we act alone without informing the others as well should something go wrong.” It was obvious that he was concerned for her most of all, she wasn’t ready yet for a major task he felt, then again he saw the entire guild as his family and thus didn’t want to lose any of them unnecessarily.
“I knooooow,” She whined, collapsing back into a slouching position now. Pouting a little as she did actually forget about that last part, though Leena was raised by the code, she still was so impatient that she still neglected to bring all of it to heart. She just wanted to not be treated like a child, to finally get a chance to be on a real task instead of the training they always set up for her to practice, and besides, she was doing better and improving each time. “Can’t I at least go on one of Uncle Dio’s missions? Or how about going with Uncle Wes when he is gathering info?” She still wanted to get a chance to test what she had learned.
The guild leader only chuckled some there from her eagerness, going over and sitting down beside her. Even if they were related by blood, there were many things he found quite familiar in her. “If they have something that won’t be as risky yet I’ll talk to them. But you’re not ready yet for the dangerous infiltrations or solo missions. I was just as impatient as you were at your age, and I ended up losing someone close to me back then due to my lack of skill. You’ll get your chance, but I have to ensure something like that doesn't happen to you.” He went and ruffled Leena’s, trying to get her to cheer up despite not having been able to go out with the rest on this task. “Also...we haven’t had time together like this in a while.” 
Leena flailed some due to the unexpected ruffle. “Daaaad, stop it. I’m not a kid anymore.” Though there was still a small laughter from her until at least he stopped. “I don’t wanna let you down. I wanna prove I can be just as good as my aunts and uncles too.” She said, perhaps trying to help get him to see her side of this too.
“And you will, you might even take my job someday.” the guild leader assured, then again if she did continue to work as hard as she did. She really would be able to take over. “You’re skilled in your swordplay, and you have been able to give even our most skilled poker players the slip. You have the talent as a thief, but you need to finish honing it and you haven’t been tested yet in being able to scout and gather information.” Though it was at that moment he tried to pull for his cards, though only realizing that they weren’t there in his pocket and was in Leena’s hand instead already.
“Gotcha! How about a small game then while we wait for word on the others?” Leena smiled, she wasn’t too upset as she definitely took her dad’s words to heart, but she did still want to be able to prove herself. Right now he was right, they didn’t get that much time together and it was best to take advantage of it too, besides, it still allowed her a chance to try to hone her abilities to give others the slip too.
The guild leader couldn’t help but smile there, agreeing to the game as well. “I didn’t even see you manage to do that, ok, I’ll bite. But you better work harder not getting caught cheating this time in the game.”
0 notes
tails-writings ¡ 3 years ago
Child of Destiny
(I’m still not the most happy with this one, but it is an attempt at an idea of some of the events before Ocarina of Time. I’m still not sure what better things I could do in order to help improve on it and my research into what some of the actual canon is regarding this is..needless to say didn’t lead to much. I also had came up with a name to use for Link’s father, which was taken from one of the old comics that is not canon at all, so I felt it would be a good reference to make
I’m hoping it at least is fairly decent for the crowd here. Feedback is appreciated via the feedback form.)
The flames of war had long since erupted throughout Hyrule, the fighting having only grown more and more throughout the land as time went on. Despite the best efforts of Hyrule’s knights in this civil war, there was no stopping the fighting at all as the opposing army made its way into Castle Town. Most of the townsfolk were at least sheltered somewhere safe, but there were many that refused to leave town and tried to fight alongside the knights or hole up in their own homes.
Though the opposing army continued to try to press forward through the town, their sights set on trying to invade the castle. The knights tried to stop the continued advance, though their own numbers were dwindling from just how long this war was continuing on throughout the land. Though as the enemy force approached closer to the castle, many of the royal knights scrambled to try to protect the stronghold.
In charge of them was a blonde Hylian knight, one of the personal guards to the current king of Hyrule, though the said king went to join his troops as well, himself armored for the fight too. “Your Majesty, I cannot protect you if you join the fight too.” The high ranking knight advised, his concern showing, even if the warriors from the shadows were around and keeping an eye on the king too, he still wouldn’t survive at all. Though the old Hylian royalty just laughed a bit. “You worry too much, Arn, and besides, my son is the king now, not myself.” Really, the former King felt he had to fight alongside on the battlefield, he couldn’t be seen as the sort of royal that would let his people die while he saved his own skin, no, there were too many casualties already..and this had to stop, and he knew his son and their coming child would be able to take over in his stead.
“I hope you’re right..” Arn sighed as he drew his own sword and shield, it was the king’s job this time to rally the knights, not him. Though his concern would still be apparent, not just for the former king that decided to fight alongside them, but also towards his own wife and newborn son as well, who had taken up shelter somewhere away from the castle.
Though he would not notice the trails of smoke that rose in the distance once the fighting started, nor would he know that this would become the last battle he would ever fight in.
Flames engulfed a home just close to the edge of Castle Town. The young Hylian woman thought that they would be safe here due to the focus of the opposing army, but over time it seemed as if civilian casualties started happening. Many people were already starting to flee Castle Town, though the young woman was no different, running out of the mansion with her baby in her arms. Her fair hair was pulled back some in order to better see where she was going amidst the debris and smoke through the town. “Arn..please be ok..” She wished for her husband’s survival as she ran towards the stable before it caught fire as well.
The horse she was entrusted was still there thankfully, though at the request from her husband, she was advised to keep their trusty steed’s saddle and bridle on during this time should she need to make a fast escape, and now was the right time to need it as she quickly mounted the stallion and quickly rode out of the town’s gates. Arrows fell from the sky, one of them striking her in the shoulder as she escaped, it was apparent that the enemy army was trying to keep anyone from leaving the town, but she still managed to get out with only some injury, most of all, at least the baby she held was still alright.
But there was still the matter of where to go, her first hope was the farming village that sat in the middle of Hyrule Field. Already quickly trying to head over there, but as she approached, it was apparent that even that village was engulfed in flames, there was no safety to be seen in somewhere that was already attacked. But out of the allies of the royalty, where else was there that was safe? The mother didn’t bother to take out the arrows that was still stuck in her shoulder from before, it hurt terribly but she had to bear through the pain. Though she could see there were other soldiers coming from the destroyed village, she was seen, and thus had to run somewhere..anywhere safe.
She commanded the horse to run off at high speed away from the village, trying to find where else to go amidst the chaos of war, but as she ran, she felt another sharp pain along her back, it felt as if something cut her there, there was a spear that clattered to the ground beside her, it seemed as if they at least missed a direct hit to her side, but where it did graze through her at still hurt, she had to get somewhere safe..to be able to get her wounds bandaged but to also make sure the child was going to be safe as well, especially as the howling of wolves in the distance began to signify that night was beginning to fall along the land of Hyrule.
The mother knew that the nighttime would prove their own dangers as well, they wouldn’t be able to last out here for long. Though as she still tried to figure out where to go, she heard a voice telling her to go to the forest. Yes there was no one around at all, making her wonder where the voice was coming from. Though she could see a faint green light coming from there, as if it was calling her to and begging her to come. Perhaps it was one of the goddesses that was speaking to her, and thus her horse began to gallop upon the woman’s instruction to go there, despite the fears that the forest brought.
The forest was dark, and spooky as well, there was always rumours that most people who came in never came out, and thus why it was considered to be forbidden at times, though there was tales of a guardian that resided in the woods as well, that was entrusted by the king to guard a great treasure. At least that was what she heard from her husband, but there was no guarantee that it was true.
She could feel her strength fading though, the pain from her injuries were becoming very hard to bear, her vision beginning to get blurry as they wandered through the forest, she lost track of how long it was they were going, the horse’s gallop slowed to a good canter at that point to make sure she didn’t fall off. But yet the soft voice and gentle light helped her to press on. Though she didn’t even question why none of the forest creatures spooked the horse yet or even tried to attack them, was..something protecting them at the moment? Eventually they rode into a clearing, the mother in her last strength and with the baby in her arms tried to get off of her horse, almost stumbling to the ground until it seemed like a some sort of root sprung up from the ground and caught her, lowering her to the ground carefully.
She looked up to see what happened, her vision still blurred but she could see what looked like a large tree in front of her, a tree with what she could only barely make out as a face. Was this..the guardian? She wasn’t sure, but she could hear the snarling of some sort of creatures around her, perhaps they were waiting for this moment. But the snarling stopped when a loud, aged voice resonated out. “Silence! This woman brings you no harm.” Was it the tree talking? She wasn’t sure, but for some reason everything else in the forest fell silent aside from the sounds of the rustling leaves.
“What brings you here to the forest?” The voice then spoke again, though it sounded like the voice of an old man, but she couldn’t see anything around her aside from the trees. She was finding it harder to remain standing with her failing strength, falling to her knees with her child still in arms as she pleaded out her case. “I..I was told…to come here..that…we would be safe. Please…forest guardian…” She was still losing a lot of blood, and nothing could eventually be done as she gasped out her words. Laying her child on the ground in front of where she could hear the voice coming from before she could find it hard to even kneel on the ground anymore, thus falling to the ground herself, gasping for breath.
Several roots came up from around the baby, carefully and gently cradling it before lifting him up a bit, as if the tree wanted to have a better look at the baby, there were several small ‘lights’ that also came around, as well, zipping around a bit as if they were some sort of small fireflies wanting to look at it too. The mother wasn’t sure what the lights were. But she knew she wouldn’t be able to find out finally muttering the last words. “Take…care of Link..” she finally said, unable to keep going anymore.
The Great Deku Tree could tell that the woman was no longer..she risked everything to bring this child here. The fairies themselves were curious too about the young child. But none of them wanted to be with him if he was to be raised as one of the forest, it would take time for the fairy to be born that would share a spirit like this. “Link…” The tree repeated the name, though at that moment a soft green light appeared around the baby boy, feeling the treasure that he was entrusted resonate with him too before both the light and the small well of power faded away. “I can sense that you have a great courage, and a great destiny before you. You will be raised like one of my children…until the day comes that you have to leave here.”
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tails-writings ¡ 3 years ago
Espeon (Writing Prompt)
(I had this one done a while back, I’m also going to do a series of prompts made from just RNGing a random pokemon, since it may help me out in trying to also develop different things with that verse. This one is based on me making an In-Character run/putting my Gym Leader OC taking over the protag role for Pokemon Colosseum, or at least is a prelude to it. Though there is a lot of likely very unpopular changes that will also happen to that game too.
Also, this also involves reference to a concept called Chosen which was one developed by an RP friend of mine. Though I want to make my own version of that concept mostly, I just need to find the right name to use and such and find ways to still differentiate it.
As usual, click here for the feedback form) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-Commander, are you sure having someone like this stand in for Leo is a good idea?- The Espeon looked up from on the hospital bed where she laid, the pokemon wasn’t in any harm at all, but she was curled alongside her trainer, a young man with platinum blonde hair, who seemed to have been obviously bandaged up for some burn wounds, he was at least conscious and no longer in critical condition, but he definitely wasn’t going to be released anytime soon. Though in the corner of the room also sat an Umbreon, apparently looking as if he was keeping guard of his trainer and partner as well. -It would be very hard for her to be able to pass off as him, even with myself and Eclipse by her side- The Espeon was broadcasting her thoughts aloud to those that were in the room, mostly to the two visitors that came to see their bedridden trainer.
One of them, a far older male, was the one that spoke first in response. “Even so, we need someone to take his place in this operation. They both are about the same age and height, we just need a little bit of work with her disguise at the least and I think she could pass off as a convincing male for a while. Also, she has a desire to take them down herself too and we can use someone with that purpose and her skill as well, or have you not heard of the group of trainers that had helped defend the pokemon League in Unova, Karis?”
The Espeon’s ears folded back, almost as the Interpol Commander’s words sounded like a slight accusation. -No, I have, and there was another trainer with them that could have been far more convincing as Leo as her. And besides, at least Leo can understand what myself and Eclipse were saying to him too outside of telepathic communication.- Karis was very much skeptical of this, but there was good reason too in that regard. The Umbreon stepped out from the corner as well, communicating with his own noises towards Leo and Karis as well.
-Eclipse...we need to look into the success of this. You’re too eager to get back on the field again in order to rip into them…but we can’t be careless.- She was quick to reprimand her Umbreon partner, but it was futile as the Umbreon began to continue to communicate some more.
It was at that moment the black haired young lady spoke, at least, it was really only through her voice or her hair style and length one would think her to be a lady…the way she carried herself and dressed definitely spoke otherwise. “Eclipse is looking into the success of the operation, if you just stay here, that means Snagem and Cipher will continue their reign of terror, also, they took a pokemon that was very dear to me, I will do anything to get him back..” It was evident that she seemed to understand the Umbreon as well, even though she had only just met them.
Karis had a bit of a look of shock, and thus was entirely ‘thoughtless’ at that moment. It was then that Leo finally interjected for the sake of his pokemon there, though one could tell that he wasn’t at full strength, and the burn wounds that he had suffered along his chest and arm were still bothering him, “You…You’re a Chosen too?” He then asked, trying to force away the stinging pain that still lingered, though he still wanted to make sure this was correct.
“Yep!” She answered, perhaps a bit too quick to let that information slip, but considering Interpol did have a full list of all of the Chosen that existed in each of the regions, and she was debriefed from the commander that Leo was one too, at least she wouldn’t get treated any different in that regard. Though at that moment, she began to call upon her own abilities as a chosen, her hair shifting from the black it was before almost a silvery colour, if it was just dirtied a bit, it would definitely look close to Leo’s hair colour for sure. “Stahl Silverstein, and I want to kick SnagTrash's butt as much as you all do.
Eclipse looked to be quite amused by that name there, he was definitely going to take that term for sure, even Leo couldn’t help the small chuckle as well. “Well then, Stahl, I think once we get you trained and disguised, you will do well. But we will have to do something about your voice too in order to sound like me, Gonzap already has become familiar with me during my time undercover, so you’re gonna have to be able to play the part well.”
Though there was one snag in that which the commander then finally added. “We already have something set to help disguise her voice as well. Also our intelligence report says that Gonzap is already aware that you were the one who set the changes and broke their snag machine and also stole the portable one, we will have to try to work with that. He believes that you betrayed them but he doesn’t know why nor does he suspect our involvement, so we'll just have to play off of that. Then again, we’re at the phase where we can use the portable machine to be able to reclaim the stolen pokemon once she gets some training with it, so you don’t need to act the part of the bad guy anymore.”
-So his cover was blown…- Karis seemed to be a bit annoyed, some of her fur standing on end a bit, Leo reached down a bit to at least try to pet her some to get her to calm down for right now.
“No, it wasn’t blown, he just thinks I got tired of working there.” Leo knew just what the commander was planning most of all. “But it looks like you’re just going to have to play the part as the vagabond drifter being the hero. At least actively oppose their plans but not let it in that you’re working for us. It should be easy to blend in as a drifter in such a rough land as Orre anyways. And these two will help you maintain your cover as well, they are very capable battle partners, even if they bicker like an old married couple on occasion.”
Stahl though honestly didn’t mind, “So, that means you have feelings for Eclipse?” She then teased Karis a bit, then again, trying to get to know those two would be beneficial to their working together as a team, though with those words the Espeon looked away, obviously embarrassed with the way her tail flicked even though it was evident one couldn’t see how flushed she was under her fur. -We are not a couple.- Karis denied.
Stahl couldn’t help the small laugh at Karis’ obvious admittance there. “Suurrree, though don’t worry, I will make sure not to fail ya both on this mission.” She then said, going over and giving Karis a small scratch under the chin to try to calm her down a bit.
“Karis, Eclipse, go with them. I’ll be fine here, just don’t give Stahl any trouble that could compromise the work we’ve done so far” Leo finally said to his partners. Knowing that Stahl was going to have to start training with them in order to be ready to start the next phase. “And make sure to give Gonzap hell as well if you ever end up seeing him.”
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tails-writings ¡ 3 years ago
Study (Writing Prompt)
(I’ll be doing some of them where I start with a one-word writing prompt and just go from there. Though this one I decided to start making a small scene in a long distant past in Conrad’s main verse, though I kind of stopped once I ran out of steam and couldn’t figure out how to go about it much more. I might go back to this one or not.
As usual, feedback is always appreciated and encouraged. (Feedback Form)  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Katrina gave off a small pout as she opened up the door to her grandfather’s study. She had expected to find her brother here most of all, and of course there he was as usual, trying to get one of the spellbooks off of the shelf. Then again, the little girl felt that her brother almost always had his nose in a book of some kind, he didn’t know entirely how to have fun that much.
“What are you doing?” She asked, though she already knew the answer.
At that moment, the young boy finally stepped down from the small wooden step he used to reach the shelf, the book that he was after at least in his hand as he began to flip through it. “Grandpa is having me learn magic.” He answered, though the response only made Katrina pout a bit more.
“I know that..but what about right now?” Honestly, that was what she was more after, especially since that was the same response that Conrad gave yesterday…and the day before. He was always studying ever since Grandpa said that he was of age. She still had a couple more years because she could try to learn it too, but it didn’t look any fun with him being here all of the time.
“Well I haven’t done anything yet…but I was…going to….” He was starting to say, that was before Katrina went ahead and interrupted him at that moment. 
“Good! Come on! I wanna go into the woods!” She then exclaimed, already taking hold of his arm to begin dragging him out of the study. Conrad really couldn’t quite resist her tug on him as she ran outside with him in tow. Though there was still a concern that he had in regards to where she wanted to go.
“But…isn’t it dangerous to go there, even in the daytime? What about the wild animals?” He asked, it wasn’t like he was afraid, but he did have to be the responsible one out of the two, especially since Katrina would do anything to have fun right now.
“You’re learning magic, I have you to protect me!” She didn’t seem to let him get his way even though he was the older one. “Besides, you can show me what you can do so far!”
Conrad didn’t seem to be all that amused at all, he was still learning…and the book he had was just on beginner spells and theory. He couldn’t do much yet. “B..but…”
“Oh come on, are you scared?” She then taunted, not letting him get much of a sentence in.
“No, I’m not. But as your older brother I have to look out for you.”
“Good! You can!” She was not going to let him still have his way as they went to the woods. “My friends say that there is a ghost in here, and he only comes out on the very first night when the first flower blooms, that has to be tonight!”
“You don’t believe that, do you?” At that point Conrad was no longer being dragged by her, though he felt it necessary to go along with her so mom didn’t worry at all. “There isn’t a ghost in here, else Grandpa would have done something.” Then again, their parents always told them stories like that to scare them. He just never believed it at all, there was no explanation as to why, it just didn’t sound true really.
“Ohh come on, of course there are. Even Lyra said that she saw one!” She added, trying to get her brother to stop being so un-fun. Though as they walked she finally stopped upon hearing some sort of noise. “Did….did you hear that?” she said, her earlier carefree demeanor changing almost instantly to one of apprehension.
Though with that, even Conrad stopped too, almost shivering a bit. “Y..yes..” He then shuddered, he still wasn’t that practiced with magic, but he could still do very small and simple things right now. He still had in hand the book that he took from his Grandpa’s study, as Katrina didn’t even give him a chance to set it down before being forcefully taken out here, and thus began to furiously turn the pages, trying to find something that he could at least try for right now. “But it isn’t night yet…it can’t be…the ghost.”
“Y-you…said that there was no such thing…” Katrina stammered out, not sure what to do right now if it was such. Though the noise seemed to have stopped all of a sudden when a small rabbit hopped out of the bushes. Causing both of the siblings to relax a bit.
“Yes, and I was correct.” He let off a sigh, trying to hide the fact that even he was a little scared for a bit, though he was going to have to scour through this book for any spells to help if she was persistent on this small adventure of hers. “Also…mom will worry if we stay out late here to see it.”
“Then we can just come back after dinner!” Katrina was persistent most of all, she was going to keep her brother from studying the day away if she could help it! “Come on!”
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tails-writings ¡ 3 years ago
First Blood
(I had tried to write this just to try to get myself started on trying to do my own drabbles and also to detail a point in my primary RP character’s backstory as well, involving the first moments when Conrad was turned into a Vampire. Story is under the ‘read more’
If you want to leave extended feedback, I set up a Google Form you can use to submit it through.)
Pain and cold..that was the first thing that Conrad had felt as he started to come to. His entire body felt as if he had dealt with a magic backfire and yet he wasn’t quite sure why or what happened. His body felt stiff as he tried to move, only realizing that he seemed to have been restrained on whatever it was he was laying on. Though there was a small gathering of voices, unable to quite make out the muffled noises that seemed to come from one of them at the moment.
The last thing he recalled was trying to help instruct his sister in using her magic. She had a much harder time grasping it than he did, and it was apparent that she was frustrated. But then what next? There was some intruder that came to the family home..that much for sure. No..two of them actually. He recalled his magic being ineffective at trying to fend them off…that nothing he did would even harm them at all as he tried to protect his sister…then one of them threatened her, only claiming they were looking for him. For what reason he didn’t know, but the red eyes those intruders had told him that they would kill her if he didn’t say he would cooperate…as for what…they never said. Of course that thought about his sister only snapped Conrad a bit more awake for a second, “Katrina!” He exclaimed a bit, as if his concern for his younger sibling welled up. He tried to get up, but the restraints kept him down as he began to fight against him. She had to be alright..was she? He recalled them saying they would let her go, thus he had to ensure that they kept their end of the deal.
Though from that moment, the room began to feel a bit colder, not even realizing that it was his own doing at the moment as he tried to get up, but one muffled voice only seemed to notice his struggling now. Conrad still wasn’t sure what was going on, his vision still wasn’t entirely adjusted at the moment and thus all he could notice of the cloaked figure before him was the bright red eyes.
“Cease this resistance at once.” the figure demanded, placing his hand on Conrad’s chest for a moment. At that moment all Conrad could feel was sharp numbing pain. He could somehow sense that there was some magic at work but..he had no idea what. Though he wouldn’t have time to be able to process it or what it could be as he found it impossible to even struggle or move him limbs at all.
He could tell that he was being forced off of what it was he was laying on. He couldn’t get up, whatever that individual did before, it rendered it impossible for him to move, though he could feel himself being forced up, his arms being forcefully held behind his back as well. The voices were still muffled and hard to make out, likely due to whatever that other figure did to him. Though the words he could make out was something involving a ‘success’ and also ‘get him fed’ He had no idea what they were referring to, unable to entirely concentrate on what was happening. He couldn’t even fight them to try to get out as the next thing he knew he was forcibly led down a dark hallway.
He started to finally regain some voluntary movement, though he didn’t seem to feel any different, trying to struggle against his captor. Whatever hold this person had on him was strong..almost ironclad, anything he did wouldn’t do anything, but with his arms bound, he couldn’t use the magic that he currently knew in order to fight back and find his sister. “What are you doing? Where is my sister?” he finally managed out, it seemed hard to even speak, it was as if he couldn’t get enough air to speak and yet..he didn’t feel as if he was out of breath either, not even feeling a need to gasp for air for that matter. Though the individual that had a hold of him was silent through the time they went down the dark corridor. There were many doors, each of them with apparently a very small window to the door, as if they were isolated cells for that matter. The next thing Conrad knew, one door was opened and he was quite literally thrown into one of the cells. “Eat first.” was all that the cloaked figure said before slamming the door shut. 
The moment he impacted the floor of the call and the door closed, Conrad could actually fully move again, scrambling up as he rushed to the door immediately, slamming his fists on it as he tried to call out the best he could. “What did you do to her? You said you would let her go!” he demanded, still trying to find his voice yet it was still difficult to even do so. He tried once again, his own hands not even feeling hurt even as he used all of his strength on the door, but in his frustration, many bits of frost seemed to have been left behind where he hit against. He was told to control his emotions or else he would lose control of his magic too, but…normally that only worked when he was fully casting a spell, he wasn’t…willing using it now..was he?
He stopped for a moment, it was evident that his attempts for answers were becoming futile, he wasn’t sure what to do, but…trying to determine where he was at..and what happened was better than nothing. He recalled what happened…the last thing he felt was a searing pain in his chest after demanding them to let his sister go. Looking down for a bit to notice that there were apparently a few holes in his shirt by where he remembered feeling the pain at.,..almost like something speared through him. But despite the bloody holes there was absolutely no injury at all, not even a scar either. That was the last thing he knew before finally waking up, but yet it still brought him no answers either. Though as he thought for a moment, he began to notice just how much clearer his surroundings were now. He could better see the cell it was in, but…it didn’t help. It seemed as if everything was clear and ‘brighter’ in a sense despite somehow there were no forms of light around at all, not sure as to what was going on. As he scanned the room though, he had noticed something…
There was a young lady, possibly the same age as his sister, dressed in rags and barefoot in the corner of the room. She was curled up and shivering, almost scared to be in here but just how did she get in the condition that she was in? Perhaps she knew something as he began to approach her. “Miss, have you seen anyone else here. Young lady around your age, silver hair?” he asked, trying to get a bit closer and hoped to get some answer. Not realizing that while he could see her, it was far too dark in the cell for her to see him.
“Get away from me…” The girl was terrified, having been locked up in here and unable to see where the voice was coming from. She thought that there was some monster in here, fearful for her life now as she tried to cower further into the corner. She couldn’t erase the memory of the screams that she heard in the hours past while she was here. She was going to be next, that was all she assumed. “Leave me alone!” She began to try and run away from the voice, following the wall to get to another corner of the room.
Her reaction left Conrad rather confused, he was just trying to ask a question. “I’m not here to hurt you.” he tried to reassure, trying to grab her arm as she tried to run, though instead the young girl tripped, her knee scraping against a sharp stone in the cell. Conrad had finally grabbed a hold of her at that moment, trying to help her up now, though he didn’t realize just what the scent of the blood now permeating the room would do. “You…have something that I need.” He said, not even entirely in control of his actions now. Something about her seemed almost… tasty at that moment.
Though as he began to think that, he finally snapped back to reality. Almost disgusted with himself as he let her go, “Stay..stay away from me..” he cried out, retreating off to the other corner of the cell. He could have sworn he smelled blood..that he smelled something…appetizing from her. “What..is wrong with me?” He grumbled to himself. He thought he was going crazy now. Trying to figure out what happened, his gaze went over to her, for a moment he could have thought he actually saw the blood that was pulsing through her, calling to him as well. Yet he tried to resist it. He wasn’t taking this well at all, finding it only harder and harder to resist the macabre desires he was starting to have. “No...I..I’m not crazy.” He muttered, as if it would help. But even as he tried to resist that, the instinct he had was starting to take control, no longer in control of his own actions as he began to slowly walk towards the human that shared the cell with him.
Conrad could not stop himself, his own sense of what he was doing was starting to slip with each step closer to her. At this point, he was drawn closer to her by the scent of her blood, even his own eyes began to take on a less human look as the new instincts finally took over what little sanity he had left. He grabbed hold of the young lady, his new fangs, though rather small at this point, were bared in anticipation of the meal that was yet to come.
And with that, the young lady then let off a bloodcurdling scream, one that didn’t last long before the scream was forcefully cut off.
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