#Leena Twelves
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rieamena · 5 months ago
twelve: suspension ᯓ★
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a/n: dms are from satoru's pov
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silentglassbreak · 1 year ago
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(photo cred to @lilyhella's post)
Noah Sebastian x OFC
Chapters are shorter because I want to get this story out faster. Just means more chapters than the original. The love I am getting from this story, and from Anonymous, has me absolutely dying. You all are the best. Thank you so much for taking the time to follow this! 🖤
Warnings: Desperate, sad, heartbroken smut.
+It goes without saying. This is a work of fiction. My words are mine. Plagiarism is a crime.
Taglist: @flowery-mess @lma1986 @myownthoughts12 @poisongirl616 @missduffsblog @reidsblessing @malerieee @jilliemiw86 @thisbicc
Also, @diabolicdiatonics, your kind words and feedback earned you a spot on the tag list. 😉
Part 5 - Blurry
‘Having your heart ripped out of your chest’ is a grotesque, yet extremely accurate metaphor to use when you’re dealing with heartbreak. The pain, the depression, the perspective it gives, I can imagine resembles that of someone tearing through your flesh, muscle, and bone, ripping your beating heart out, and throwing it on the floor like it means nothing.
Ironic, because I’d prefer that to what I was currently feeling.
Two days had gone by since Mileena ended us. Two slow, long, painful days. One of the best parts about being a parent, that no one forewarns you of, is that you don’t get to break down. Not when you have kids.
After that phone call, all I wanted was to crawl in a hole. If anything, just to keep myself from crawling into a bar or a bottle. I wanted to lay in bed and never wake up. Stay in the safe bubble of my room forever, where the pillows and sheets and blanket smelled like her.
Is that what I did? No. I promptly took my daughter home, and kept her for the following forty-eight hours.
She didn’t deserve to see the pain that this had caused, that I somehow managed to conjure. She deserved her Daddy’s full attention, and that is exactly what she got.
The first night was hard. I had to text Leena several times to ask questions. Had her bedtime changed? Why did she keep throwing her favorite stuffed lion out of the crib? Where was the rash cream? What the hell did ‘handle’ mean?!
Leena: We go to bed at 8:30 now.
Leena: She’ll do that over and over. She’s messing with you. She’ll stop after a few times.
Leena: Medicine cabinet, Addie’s bathroom, top shelf.
Leena: Angel. She misses the dog.
Her responses were robotic. Cold. No emotion at all.
After Addison finally fell asleep, I had no time to sulk. The tour exhaustion creeping in and the weight of the entire day pulled me into bed, narrowly managing to click the baby monitor on before I fell into a slumber. In my dreams, Mileena was with me, curling her arm around my waist like she did, pressing her ice cold feet to the back of my legs, and all was right with the world.
But that reprieve didn’t last nearly long enough, as Addison was awake, bright and early at 6:30AM, ready to eat and be changed.
How did Mileena do this for months alone? I was twelve hours in and felt like dying already.
That day, I called and begged for help, prompting Nick to come hang with Addison and I for most of the day. He also, thankfully, brought Angel to stay with us until Addison went back to Mileena.
We didn’t talk about it. I couldn’t. It felt too real already.
The day passed easier, but I still had to ask too many questions.
Me: She wont eat her puffs. Is there something else she eats now?
Leena: Cereal.
Me: What’s the wifi password?
Leena: Addison1031!
Me: What size diapers does she wear?
Leena: It’s on the front of the diaper.
By the final day, I had vowed not to ask any more questions. I was a father, a grown man, I could handle my own daughter. I could make decisions and figure out how to keep her happy and fed. I wasn’t an invalid.
So that’s exactly what I did. I didn’t ask a single question the entire day. Each time I managed to figure out what Addison needed or wanted, I cheered for myself, proud that I could manage.
But by midday, my phone had chimed on the counter while I fed Addie lunch.
Leena: Everything okay?
I scrunched my eyebrows.
Me: Yeah, why?
Leena: Haven’t heard from you all day.
This made me roll my eyes.
Me: I am an adult. I can handle an 18-month old.
Leena: Okay. Is 7 a good time to come by and get her?
My heart sunk, a regular feeling for me these days.
Me: Sure.
I pursed my lips, typing again.
Me: Are you sending someone else to come get her?
Leena: Do you want me to?
I thought about this. Did I want to see her? Feel the hurt even more than I already could? Have her so close that I could touch her, but not be allowed to? Rip that wound, that had only barely begun to scab, back open wide to bleed all over?
Me: No.
Yes. Yes I did.
I was frazzled, Addison in stage four meltdown mode. She was extra tired, having refused to go down for a nap today. It was 6PM, and I hadn’t had the opportunity to pick up the living room or kitchen yet like I planned, intending to not look like a total mess in front of Leena.
My sweats were covered in what could only be described as mystery goo, crusted and a foul color. Was it food? Crap? Boogers? What a time to be alive.
“Lady, I don’t know where your lion is!” I was currently ripping my living room apart, sweat coating my forehead and neck, while my daughter sat in her walker, screaming bloody murder for her toy over and over.
“Where did you put him, mama?!” The couch cushions were askew, the coffee table pushed off to the side, and all of the cabinets in the entertainment center wide open.
The constant screaming burned a hole in my brain. I stood up, and took a calculated breath before my head exploded. It hurt so God damn bad, and the ibuprofen was just not cutting it.
It was at that exact moment I saw a flash of yellow fuzz fly by my peripheral, and I whipped my head around to see Angel, lion between his teeth, standing at attention at the edge of the living room.
I let out all of the air in my lungs, nearly collapsing in relief when he trotted over to the baby, dropping the stuffed toy on her tray and licking away her drying tears.
My body fell back onto the remaining intact cushion, and I dropped my head into my hands.
Who was I kidding? I can’t do this.
Like some kind of cosmic joke, the doorbell rang just as the thought crossed my mind, and I heavily lifted myself up, stalking to the door.
I pulled it open, any stress and anxiety melting, and an overwhelming calm overtaking me. As it sunk in, the tinge of dread at the end kept me from smiling at the sight.
Mileena stood on the other side, black tank top cut low, jean’s hugging her hips, flip-flops showing off black painted toe nails. Her hair was pulled into a tight bun on top of her head where her sunglasses were perched.
I couldn’t think. I couldn’t breathe. I just wanted to fall, let her catch me. I wanted to break down like a small child, and cry. Listen to her tell me it was okay. She was done punishing me, and she would come home. That life would go back to the way it was supposed to. That she loved me, and forgave me, and that we’d never be apart again.
But I knew better.
“Hey. Come in.” I stood aside, letting her step inside, watching as her eyes surveyed the scene in front of her. She looked amused.
I began twirling around, putting cushions back and straightening the table. Picking up toys and tossing them in the bin, closing cabinets.
I looked back at her, frozen in the same spot, a grin on her face. My chest lurched for a second, until she lifted her finger and pointed behind me.
Confused, I looked back, seeing Addison now laying her head down atop her lion, eyes closed and snoozing comfortably. Still bent over, completely defeated, I fell back onto the floor, knees bent, and rested my arms on them, shaking my head and chest trembling with quiet laughter. Leena took a step into the living room, chuckling herself.
"Long day?"
I just looked at her, and shrugged. "Maybe a little."
Her eyes were sympathetic. Her smile was tight.
"Uhm," She shifted, and it was then I noticed the tote bag on her shoulder. "do you mind if I run upstairs for a minute? I just need to grab a few things."
I waved toward the staircase lazily. "Go for it. Looks worse up there though."
My tone was dismissive, which wasn't exactly on purpose, but I couldn't muster anything else in that moment. She just nodded, trotting up the steps. I just stared at Addie, breathing evenly, thinking about how simple life seemed when she was sleeping.
"Noah?" I looked up to see her, hanging slightly over the banister. "Have you seen my flat iron?"
"Under the bathroom sink."
She shook her head. "It's not."
I grunted, standing back up. "Angel." I snapped and grabbed his attention, pointing at Addison. He promptly jumped up from his bed in the corner of the room, and curled up in front of the walker, always keeping watch.
I jogged up the stairs, brushing past Mileena, making a conscious effort not to notice that she smelled like fresh soap. Recently showered.
I swung into the bathroom, bending down to look under the sink, and dug around the miscellaneous items that lived under there. I finally located it, beneath a stack of towels, and pulled it out. She was stood in the doorway to the bathroom, and I handed it to her, stopping just short of a foot in front of her.
She grabbed it gratefully. "Thanks."
Leena turned around and disappeared into the closet, coming back out with some clothes she had left, and other random items that I didn't take note of. I leaned against the frame of the bathroom door, just watching her move. It made it worse, seeing her empty her things out of the bedroom, but maybe it would help me accept the situation? I definitely didn't have the energy to fight.
She finally zipped the bag, and looked up at me. "I think that's good for now. I can always grab more when I drop her off again."
"Mm." Was all I could say.
She shrugged, and sat down on the bed, her large, deep brown eyes staring at me.
"Do you hate me?"
She's joking, right? She had to be.
"You look like you hate me."
This made me laugh from somewhere deep in my chest, a twisted, sadistic cackle. "Wow."
She crinkled her nose. So fucking cute. "Wow, what?"
I grabbed the back of my neck and looked down at the floor, trying to find the strength.
"No, Mileena. I don't hate you." I pulled at the hairs that grew at the base of my skull, begging for a sensation other than this fucking misery. "Quite the opposite, actually."
Her face looked...sad. So fucking sad. I could relate.
"I hate this." I pointed to the bag next to her on the bed. "But not you."
Her hand tapped the mattress, beckoning me to sit. I knew I should give her a wide enough berth, fearing I may lose control at any given moment. I wasn't good at that in general, but around Mileena? Fucking hell.
I didn't budge.
She rolled her eyes. "Noah. Come sit with me."
Well, I mean, when she put it that way.
I walked over to the bed, and sat. I kept at least six inches of space between us, and looked at her.
Her eyes were shiny; wet. This was hard for her, and I knew that, but I couldn't see how she could be hurting as much as me.
I was worth losing. She wasn't.
"I just," Her voice was crackling, as if it was almost gone. "I miss you."
"You know how to fix that." My words were so matter-of-fact, and I knew it wasn't that easy, but I wanted it to be.
"I told you. I can't."
"Can't, or won't?"
She was just gazing at me. There was something behind her eyes, that I was sure she didn't want me to see, something vulnerable and broken. Her soul. It hurt.
Maybe that's why she grabbed me, wrapped her arms around me, and buried her head in my chest. It startled me, but my arms still circled her, and my chin came to rest on her head. Her body was trembling hard, soft cries coming out of her.
I pressed my lips in to the top of her head, my own tears beginning to spill over, soaking into her hair.
"It's alright, baby. I got you." I tried my damndest to keep my voice even, hugging her tighter the harder she sobbed.
"Noah, I love you so fucking much."
I began rocking us gently. "I love you too, Mileena. More than you could ever understand."
Her fingers were gripping the shirt on my back like her life depended on it. "I'm so fucking sorry. I'm so sorry."
Her words were so quiet that I almost missed them.
I pulled back, looking down at her reddened face. "Don't."
Her eyes widened, her lip shaking.
"Don't apologize."
I don't know why. I didn't even think. I just leaned down, and brushed a soft kiss against her lips, as if it was nothing. Like a reflex.
But when I tried to pull away, her hand had me, the back of my neck locked into place, and her mouth pressing against me hastily, as if she was starving. Like she would never get the chance again.
A spark ignited inside of me, a roaring fire building in my chest, and for the first time in days, I finally felt alive. The blood shooting through my veins was hot as sulfuric acid, needing to be put to use or it may burn through my skin.
Pressing my tongue into her mouth, she let a gasping moan come out of her mouth.
That was it. She was done for. Even if only in this moment, she was mine.
I dug my fingers into her waist, and flipped her around, pushing her back onto the bed, without disconnecting our lips. I sucked her bottom lip into my mouth, letting my teeth dig in hard enough to make her whimper.
Trailing wet kisses down the side of her neck, I let my left hand trail down the center of her body, and pop the button of her jeans open effortlessly, pulling the zipper down.
She was trying to get my attention, as if she didn't have every shred of my mind on her at all times. I didn't stop, my hand sliding down into the front of her jeans, fingers slipping into her panties.
"You tell me to stop, and it's done." I spoke against her neck, making her shiver.
I paused, waiting, but heard no sounds of protest. Just hot, ragged breathing.
Mercilessly, my hand slipped down between her lips, my index finger penetrating her smoothly, making her back arch clean off the bed.
"That's it, baby." I pressed my lips to her cheek, slipping my middle finger in, curling both digits to graze her sweet spot. "Just let it all go."
It was as if a rubber band snapped in her, her body loosening, relaxing beneath my touch. Her eyes had fluttered closed, her lashes dancing on her cheekbones. I watched her, mouth open, drinking in the sight of her coming undone. Her hips bucked, fucking herself harder on my hand.
Her hands pulled at my arm, grounding herself. "I'm going to fucking come." Her words were broken, fighting for breath.
"Yeah baby, come for me." I pressed against the soft spot inside of her, applying more steady pressure as I fingered her savagely.
I saw her eyes rolling back, and felt her spasm around my hand, a flood of moisture soaking her panties.
She reached her face up, connecting our lips again, and we laid there, making out for longer than necessary, arms and legs tangled together. How long we stayed like this, I just couldn't say. I would've stayed there forever if I could.
Eventually her hand snaked down to my sweats, palming the hard erection I had been trying to ignore. I grunted, pushing up into her hand. I would take any touch, any attention, from her.
I pressed my forehead to hers, noses bumping as I continued to press light kisses on her lips. "Hmm?"
"I need you."
I am not one to deny someone their needs.
It took a fraction of a second before I had her jeans off, panties going along with, and was sliding my sweats down, letting my cock free. Her eyes stared at me, half-masked. Waiting.
I had no time to waste, for fear at any moment she may just disappear, so I lined myself up to her, and pressed in hard. She let out a noise that could only be described as guttural. I took a moment to adjust, trying not to explode right then and there. Once I had gotten a grip on myself, I began sliding slowly in and out of her.
Her hands grabbed me, fisting the hair on the back of my head, and pulled my face down to hers, locking us again in a warm, wet kiss. The emotion that poured between us was an ebb and flow of want and regret, not knowing what was coming after this was over.
Leena’s hips shifted to meet my thrusts, our bodies pressed together in a rhythmic dance. We parted to breathe, panting together, each growing closer to our respective climaxes.
“Noah,” She was staring up at me. “I love you.” She grit her teeth. “Fuck, I love you so much.”
I had to close my eyes, focusing on the feel of her around me, her pussy tighter and tighter with each thrust.
“Fuck, Mileena. I fucking love you.”
Her hands were now holding my shoulders, her face desperate. Her eyes begged me to come as I felt her begin to spasm again.
That’s all it took. I let go, the waves rushing over me all at once, my skin burning white hot.
We stared at each other for a long time, pain being shared between the small space of our bodies. It was almost suffocating, but I preferred it over feeling like I would never be here again. That single fact was enough to keep me locked onto her, silently begging her not to leave me.
However, she broke our connection, shifting underneath me, a sign that this was done. The moment had gone, and it was time to let reality back into the room.
Two weeks. Two weeks without my better half. The side of my soul that held anything good and sane. Two weeks I had felt like the shell of a human, a suit of skin hung over a skeleton like some kind of elaborate Halloween decoration. Two weeks I had felt like I was going to die at any given moment, or wished I would.
Somehow, I was still breathing.
Today was going to be different, though. I had received a call from Alec, our representative from Sumerian, saying that the meeting was set and we all needed to be there.
I anticipated this meeting every second since that moment in the hotel. It was finally time to make things right, to at least some degree. I was nothing if not ecstatic.
My truck parked neatly next to Jolly's Audi in the parking lot, I met the guys, who all stood outside the building, chatting.
"Afternoon, gents." The smile across my face nearly broke my jaw.
"Hey, he's alive!" Folio's arm came up to shove me, making me shove back playfully.
"Shut up, dude. I'm going through shit."
He responded with an eye roll. "Can't even check in, dick."
"Cut the man some slack, he's adjusting." Nick snickered.
"Yep. I'm adjusting." I laughed.
A woman, nearly as tall as me, clean-cut and wildly intimidating, opened the door to the building and addressed us.
"Guys? We're about to get started."
We all straightened up, walking into the office and following her to a conference room.
"Ah, guys!" Alec stood from the long meeting table, a warm smile on his face. He was dressed casually, jeans and a plain blue t-shirt, coming around to give each of us a hard hug. "Good to see you."
We all said our greetings before taking seats on the same side of the table as Alec. The woman, who I had not met yet, was sat on the other side, a folder in front of her and a pen in her hands.
"This is Elizabeth Jones, our attorney." She nodded.
"Wish we were meeting under better circumstances." We all nodded in approval. She sighed, looking at the time on her watch. "She should be here shortly."
My heart began thumping when I could hear the door handle turning, and the heavy wooden door swinging open. I leaned back in my seat, my hands folded over my stomach. I caught Alec's face, giving me a knowing glance to keep my mouth shut.
"Rachel. Come in."
Rachel walked in, dressed more professional than I think I had ever seen. She wore black slacks, a grey, sleeveless blouse, and her hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail. Her lipstick was bright red. Likely due to the demon living inside of her attempting to escape. I only allowed myself a fleeting glance before I stared down at the table.
"What can I do for you all?"
Elizabeth stood to greet her.
"Rachel, I'm Elizabeth, nice to meet you." Her smile was fake, snake-like. I loved it. Deception. Rachel's exact game being played against her.
The blonde sat directly across from me, and I could feel her eyes on me. I didn't even bother looking back at her. She didn't deserve that. Not from me.
"Rachel, we brought you here to discuss the events that took place in Manhattan, and San Diego." Alec's voice was calm.
I heard her sigh. "I assumed as much."
"Okay. Well," I looked over to see him gesturing with his hands. "you see, it's come to our attention that there is some hostile tension between you, and some of the members of the band."
I looked over to my brothers, noticing they all glared directly at her.
"Tension?" She scoffed. "You mean the way Noah nearly attacked me at the hotel?"
My jaw tightened. Shut up. Don't say a word.
"The story we heard had to do with you causing a scene in the hallway of the hotel, making advances toward Noah, and spreading some rather salacious rumors about him at a club in New York."
Her hand slapped down on the table, causing a loud, sharp sound to echo in the room. I didn't move an inch.
"That's bullshit! He came to my fucking room late at night, misconstrued me asking to hang out, and then nearly pounced on me three days later when his girlfriend fucking left him!"
Don't fucking speak, Noah. It's not fucking worth it.
My hands were nearly ripping the skin off each other, my nails digging in to keep from letting my rage spill over.
"Ms. Hollis," Elizabeth's voice came in, unnaturally soothing. "the details of the events are unimportant." She sent a stare at me, to which I did not return.
"So why am I here?" Rachel's voice was irritated. Yes, what an inconvenience this must be...for her.
"Due to the aforementioned tension, and lack of cohesion with this working relationship, we would like to make you an offer."
I finally snuck a glance at Rachel, who had an eyebrow raised at Elizabeth in apprehension.
"What kind of offer?"
Elizabeth slid the folder over to her, setting a manicured hand down on the table.
"Six months pay, up front. All vacation days paid out, and several letters of recommendation from Sumerian."
Her mouth fell open, and her eyes narrowed. "You're firing me?!"
She turned her attention back to Alec, her voice becoming shrill.
"It's a separation." Alec was cold.
Rachel stood up, shoving the folder back at Elizabeth.
"Oh fuck that, you can't fire me over this!"
"Again, this is not a termination, Rachel. It's an amicable separation."
Elizabeth, however, was met with the end of Rachel's pointer finger.
"How dare you!" She turned to us next, her lips sneer and teeth bared. "And you!" She looked directly at me. I challenged her gaze, and couldn't help but let slip the slightest smirk.
"Oh, you fucking bastards." She backed away from the table. "You'll be hearing from my fucking lawyer."
The last of her I saw was a flash of her hair before the door slammed shut.
"Guys?" Jolly looked at Alec and Elizabeth. "Do we need to be worried?"
Elizabeth just stood, sighing heavily.
"I hope not."
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leaptfromthegallows · 23 days ago
Hi there! ✿ I'm Leena! I'm in MST, pronouns are any, and I'm 29! I'm looking for RP partners to write with on discord!
I have twelve years of writing experience, and I'm more than happy to share writing samples. I'm looking for partners that are: 21+, willing to nerd out over plots and characters (I make pinterest boards for my OCs, tumblrs, graphics, etc)
I'm a grad student, and have a very involved job, and understand that life gets in the way! I typically am able to respond to my current partner 1-2 times a week, but I'm looking for someone to respond 2-4 times a month, and be kind when life gets busy (I'll do the same!)
I'm comfortable writing multiple paragraphs (300+) words and would expect the same from you. I love any plot settings but really prefer fantasy (I'm in like 3 DND campaigns) and also enjoy most dynamics (childhood friends, enemies to lovers, etc etc). I loooove romance plots but am not comfortable writing smut. I prefer writing male-presenting characters but will write whatever!
I do prefer writing OCs. Finally, here are a few settings I prefer:
✿ vampires, werewolves, ghosts ❀ post apocalyptic (zombies, viruses, experiments gone wrong) ✿ any DND setting ❀ fantasy (magic, LOTR, wizards, etc) ✿ spooky small towns, detectives, etc but I'm open to anything!
If you're interested you can DM me :)
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writeforfandoms · 1 year ago
Here have some more dragon lore
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The first woman combat rider came long ago. Women before her had been riders, but exclusively in support positions.
This woman was different.
Leena stood as a prospect among over thirty hopefuls, staring at only eight eggs. A series of bad years, fighting with the wyverns, and sickness had depleted the number of dragons and riders both.
These eight eggs were the only ones for the entire year. The previous year's clutch had come to only twelve.
Leena stood with the others, stone faced even as her heart beat hard and fast in her chest.
She was the last chosen, a green dragon coming to her.
The two were indomitable, trying things before they were allowed. Leena almost fell once or twice, but proved to be more daring than the men on her team.
She refused to be relegated to a supporting position. She wanted to fight, to defend her people.
So when wyverns attacked, she ignored orders to stay on the ground, to provide support. She ignored that her dragon was one of few females at this garrison.
She fought. Just as hard as the men. Just as long. She didn't escape unscathed, earning herself three scars to her scalp for her efforts.
But they won the day.
She was ordered to the ground while her fate was decided. Leena had known Zhe was taking a risk, but it was a risk well worth it, in her opinion.
So she was pleasantly surprised when her commander stepped up to speak for her. The debate lasted a long time, long enough that she was fully healed, looking up to the sky with carefully guarded longing.
The ruling came down in her favor, this time. She returned to training with the men, and other women joined in.
Leena never saw the changes she started. She and her dragon both fell into the ocean after a fight.
Neither were ever recovered.
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tabsters · 2 months ago
The Twelve Days of Zodiacs - Day 12
"On the twelfth day of Christmas, my Zodiacs gave to me, Twelve skaters skating, Eleven singers singing, Ten actors acting, Nine sledders sledding, Eight drinkers drinking, Seven bakers baking, Six ornaments, Five ugly sweaters, Four wrapped presents, Three snowmen, Two bread rolls, And a snowball fight under a tree."
aaaaaand that concludes my second ever SGZ X TZE crossover!!! this was really fun to write as well, and putting in a bunch of christmas tropes was very refreshing, compared to the stuff I normally like to write. i hope you enjoyed this 12 chapter fic!!!
it should be noted that this story is in a modern AU, aka an AU where no magic exists. everyone is just normal and untraumatized! the modern AU names for the characters are listed below:
SGZ! Aquarius: Odessa SGZ! Pisces: Cherise SGZ! Piscis Austrinus: Paris SGZ! Aquila: Aquilina SGZ! Lynx: Lennox (Len) SGZ! Lepus: Luka SGZ! Chamaeleon: Mae
tagging @mythicalmagical-monkeyman @hyperfixation-tangentopia @maiawhimsicalt @sweet-star-cookie
"Gotta warn you, though," Ciara said as she laced up her figure skates. "I'm garbage at skating. The last time I did it was in eighth grade, when I went on a family trip. Fell on the ice, then on my older cousin, then I cried."
"I'm sure you've improved in that time!" Cassie said as she wobbled on the ground, holding her hands out to keep her balance. "It's been three years."
"Yeah, but I haven't skated at all in that time." 
"Eh, fair point."
"Don't worry!" Cassie's friend, Ellie, piped up. Her curly brown hair bobbed around her head as she bounced around. "We'll be here to catch you if you fall, won't we, Leena?"
"Hmm? Oh, yeah." Leena, a small girl with a curtain of straight black hair, nodded. "Yeah, definitely." 
"Do you guys go skating a lot?" Ciara asked, finally trying to stand up by herself. She immediately almost lost her balance, and sat straight back down.
"Yeah, every year," Ellie said, grabbing onto one of Ciara's arms. Leena limply hung onto the other arm, and Ciara slowly rose. This time, she was able to stand, with their help. 
"Don't worry, it's much easier when you're actually on the ice!" Cassie grabbed Ciara's shoulders, and together, Ciara was escorted out of the locker room by a troupe of eighth graders. 
"Easy, easy...ooh, don't trip and fall!" Ellie squealed nervously as they slowly made their way towards the ice.
"You could crack your head open on the ice," Leena said, her voice low. "That would be really bad."
"No! Nobody's cracking their head open!" 
"Lots of blood. Lots of guts."
"Anyway!" Cassie laughed, and Ciara was reminded of the concept of the Freudian Trio, from AP Psychology. There were two people that each fell on an extreme, and one in the middle to balance them out. It seemed that Ellie was "anxious energy", Leena was "no energy", and Cassie was "calm energy". A very good combination when it came to friendship.
"Almost there...almost there!" All of them finally stepped onto the ice. "Woo! Success!"
Ciara then proceeded to almost slip and fall face-first on the ice, so maybe it wasn't quite a success. 
"Oh, jeez!" Ellie tightened her grip on Ciara, while Leena loosened hers. "Hey—Leena, come back here!" 
"You got it!" Leena shouted, skating away. Apparently, she had the most skating experience, as she was able to expertly spin in circles on the ice. She even did a little hop twirl move, which Ciara found very impressive.
Cassie skated forward to replace Leena. "Don't worry! Take it easy. Right foot, left foot...yeah, that's it! Just like that."
"This is gonna take a while," Ciara sighed.
Ciara did up being able to stand up by herself, albeit with the help of the rink railing. She inched her way forward, just putting one foot in front of the other. Cassie stayed by her side most of the time, and when she did skate off, one of the other girls went to replace her. 
However, she couldn't help but feel that she was intruding on something. Every time one of the girls traded out, Ciara felt that they looked enthusiastic to leave her behind. 
That's not true, She tried to tell herself as Leena stood at the end of the rink, waiting for her to catch up. Not true. They enjoy having your company, probably. They think you're cool, even if you can't skate. Probably.
Leena was staring at her, the majority of her face hidden behind her hair. Ciara was trying not to think about how Leena was probably judging her underneath all that hair. 
"Leena?" A voice asked, causing the middle schooler to look up suddenly. Ciara looked over as well. There were three women, all skating towards them. Cassie and Ellie were accompanying them as well. For the first time since Ciara saw her, Leena had a visible smile on her face. 
"Hi!" Leena said, quickly skating over to the tallest woman. She had dark curly hair, and was wearing dangly lightning bolt earrings. The woman standing next to them, one with dark skin and a pink dress, patted Leena's head. "How have you guys been?"
"Good, good," The tall woman said. "Cherise has been helping me with my prototypes for my next fashion show."
"And Paris has been helping her model them!" Cherise gestured to the final woman, who was small and had long, dark red hair. The woman waved up at all of them, blinking her lime green eyes. She had on a sparkly skating leotard that was adorned with various pink sequins. 
"This is Odessa and Cherise," Cassie said, waving to the two women standing on the right. "And Paris. Odessa's an old friend of Leena's mom, and Cherise is her wife."
"Her mother and I were in a band, back in the nineties!" Odessa chuckled, playing with one of her earrings. “Ah, those were the days!”
“Your work is so good!” Ellie said, admiring the leotard. It seemed to shine no matter what angle Ciara looked at it from. “How long did this take?”
“Ah, forty hours?” Odessa shrugged. “Give or take. One of the longer pieces I’ve worked on. I’m hoping to beat miss Aquilina over there."
All of them looked over to see a woman with bright yellow hair leaping on the ice. She was wearing a similar sparkly leotard, this one with blue and green sequins. Perhaps she opted to model her clothing herself. 
"Now, now," Cherise said, patting her wife's arm. "Just because Aquilina won last year's competition doesn't mean she'll win again this year."
"She better not." Odessa seethed. 
Paris tapped Cherise on the shoulder, signing something in ASL. Ciara could understand a bit of it—one of Mizumi's friends was deaf—and she thought it was something like 'we should go'. Cherise nodded in agreement, gently tugging at Odessa's arm.
"We should really get going," Cherise said, and Odessa seemed to snap out of whatever reverie she was in. "But it was lovely to see all of you!"
An hour later, Ciara was making a tiny bit of progress on her skating skills. At this point, she told the middle schoolers to go on without her, that she would be fine by herself. Cassie made a brief argument against it, but Ciara insisted.
Alright, let's try this again, she told herself as she slowly let go of the railing. Left, right, left, right...nope.
She fell on her butt, yet again. She sighed, wondering if straight up lying on the ice would be a better fate than this.
She then heard the distinct sound of someone laughing at her. 
They were three teenagers, two guys and one girl, probably freshmen. She hadn't seen them at her school—they probably went to the one across town. One of the boys was wearing an oversized hoodie, with what seemed like a cat print on the back. The other boy was wearing a fur-trimmed coat, with a checkerboard pink and purple pattern. The girl, who seemed to be their leader, was wearing a plain white sweater with various colorful paint-looking splotches.
They looked like idiots, in Ciara's humble opinion. And she would be damned if she let herself be made fun of by idiot freshmen. 
So it is with this thought that she grabbed at the railing once more and stood on her feet. She wobbled around some more, but finally managed to maintain her balance. The kids stopped laughing at her. Damn kids. 
Emboldened, she skated forward, slowly putting one foot in front of the other. 
Nope. She lost her balance by the fifth step, falling forward and reaching her hands out to block her fall. The two male teenagers keep laughing as they skated by her.
"Len, Luka," The girl scolded them as she passed Ciara. "Stop laughing." Her voice is dripping with insincerity, and it catapults Ciara straight back to middle school. "That's not nice."
"Yes, Mae," The two boys grumbled in perfect sync as they pass as well. 
"You good?" A new voice asked as they approach from behind. Ciara muttered some swears, her hands struggling to get purchase on the ice. The person skated in front of her, reaching out a hand, and Ciara distantly thought that this day will be responsible for giving her a heart attack.
"Hi, Kai." Ciara said as she took the hand offered to her. Kai's wearing the Charizard beanie that she got him when they were nine. The orange ears flopped around as Kai readjusted it. "What are you doing here?"
Kai shrugged, holding up his phone. "Pictures for photography class. Candid shots of passerby."
"Ah. Nice."
They stare at each other for a little while more, Ciara trying to figure out topics of conversation. It had only been a couple days since she saw Kai at the coffee shop. Maybe the universe was playing games with her. Damn universe. 
"You kept my hat." Ciara pointed out, pointing at his hat. Kai looked up, touching his hand to the neon orange Charizard hat. 
"Yeah. I did." Kai pointed to Ciara's hat, smiling a little bit. "And you kept mine."
Ciara, bewildered, pulled her hat off her head. Had she wore the hat today? She just put on a random hat and ran out the door. 
"Huh," Ciara said, staring at the Pikachu hat. "I did."  
"Ciarachu's back," Kai laughed, ruffling Ciara's hair. "Remember, in fifth grade?"
"Yeah! And now..." Ciara stared at the Charizard hat, trying to come up with a way to mash Kai's name and Charizard's name together. "Kaizard's back as well!" 
Kai ruffled Ciara's hair, placing her hat back on her head for her. "You still don't know how to skate?"
"Eh, no."
"Well, c'mon." Kai held out his hands, shaking them a bit. "I'll help you, yeah?"
"I..." Ciara gently placed her hands in Kai's. "Yeah, okay."
"Great, great." Kai looked over his shoulder, making sure there was nobody behind him. "Alright, don't let go, okay?"
"What are you—"
And so Kai began to slowly skate backwards, holding onto Ciara all the way. Ciara found herself being tugged along slowly, more secure now that somebody was holding both her hands. 
"Yeah, just like that," Kai said as they both drifted along the rink. For a split second, it felt like they were the only ones in the skating rink, maybe even in the whole universe. "See? You're not so bad after all."
"That's just 'cause you're here to help me," Ciara laughed. It was true—every time she felt herself slipping or sliding, she held onto Kai's hands tighter. Kai then steadied her, shifting her back to a better position. 
"Nah, that's all you," Kai said, smiling down at her—when did he get so tall? 
"Hey, Ciara!" Ciara could distantly hear Cassie shouting as she skidded across the ice. "Oh! And your friend! You've been having fun by yourself, yeah?" 
Ciara could just hear the 'wink, wink, nudge, nudge' in Cassie's voice. Kai didn't seem to notice, though, and cheerfully waved at her. "Hi! You're Ciara's middle school friend, right?"
"Mhm!" Cassie nodded her head as Ellie and Leena skated up behind her. "And these are also my friends from middle school! Ellie and Leena, say hi!" 
"Hi!" Ellie said, while Leena just nodded her head in greeting. "Who's this?"
"I'm Ciara's friend from middle school," Kai said, shaking his bangs out of his eyes. He threw the girls a grin, and Ciara swore she could see Ellie swoon. "Name's Kai."
When did he get this cool? Ciara had to ask herself as Kai let go of one of her hands to smooth his hair back. 
"Are you...?" Leena asked, pointing in between Ciara and Kai. "Dating?"
Both of them looked down at their connected hands, seemingly now realizing that they were holding hands. Ciara quickly let go of her crush's hand, immediately almost toppling over. Kai spun around, grabbing Ciara's shoulders and keeping her upright. This ended up with Ciara awkwardly holding onto Kai's waist, and Kai awkwardly holding onto Ciara's shoulders. 
"Anyway!" Cassie said, skating in front of both of them. This gave the two of them a brief moment to recollect themselves, and untangle their limbs. Ciara thought she could hear Leena snickering. "We should take a picture, yeah? Everyone gather round!"
Leena and Ellie skated over to stand next to the two high schoolers—Ellie seemed very eager to stand next to Kai—and Cassie put herself in the front and the middle. 
"Sorry we left you behind," Cassie said as she fumbled to get her phone out. Ciara held her purse steady while Cassie finally fished the phone out.
"No problem." Ciara snuck a glance back at Kai. He was smiling, chatting with Leena about some RPG game. "I found a friend, so it worked out, yeah?"
Cassie nodded cheerfully, smiling up at all of them. She held the camera up, shifting it to get all of them in frame.
"Alright, guys!" She shouted, all of them looking towards the camera. "Say 'Merry Christmas'!" 
Ciara looked up at Kai, who grinned down at her. He nodded his head towards the camera, as if urging her to channel her inner Christmas spirit.
So she did. After all, she was surrounded by good people that cared about her. And wasn't that what Christmas was all about?
"Merry Christmas!"
check out @sweet-star-cookie's starglass zodiac lore if you liked this!! questions about my lore are greatly appreciated!!
happy 2025 everyone!!! wish you luck and prosperity and good mental health!!!
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iceemoondemon · 10 months ago
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Ah yes, it's the biological ocean themed siblings from both sea, and land ^^
Leena, and Aindreas 🐟🌊☪
So here's some stuff about them
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Leena Mistraso 💙🌊
-18 years old
-Nationality: Asian American
-Occupation: A mage
-Specialization: Oceans, Tides, and waves
-Residence: Sweet Cocoa Palm Manor
-Friend(s): Niko, Sabrina, Tobias, Aaron, and Milo
-Relatives: Aindreas (older biological brother)
-Romantic Interest: Yasumi
-Optional Inventory: A spell book, a bag of saltwater taffy, and a wand
-She met her biological brother. Aindreas, at the twilight zone of the sea, and she was happy to find him again on land
-She really loves magic, and sea life, so she wanted to use her powers to help others in need.
-She learned ocean themed spells at twelve years of age
-Spells: Boon of the Ocean, Concellious Waverous, Melodious Penitence, Waveous Meditacious
-Traits: Gentle, helpful, smart, caring, and generous to her friends
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Aindreas Mistraso 🖤🐟
-25 years old
-Nationality: Asian American
-Panromantic Asexual
-Occupation: N/A
-Type of Sea Creature: An anglerfish
-Residence: Sweet Cocoa Palm Manor
-Friend(s): Murete, Serephina, Linus, Niko, Sabrina, and Lewis
-Relatives: Leena (biological sister)
-Romantic Interest: Milanette
-Optional Inventory: Some snacks, a phone, a switchblade (just in case), and a journal
-Aindreas was in the ocean growing up with his sister, Leena, he got a chance to go up the surface, and see his sister
-He loves bunt cakes, he had bunt cakes for him, and Leena, and sometimes his lover, Milanette, to share while in the water, and on land
-He met Milanette at the sea, and with all his kindness, and his loyalty towards her, Milanette was starting to develop feelings for Aindreas, thus having a crush on him
-Abilities: Nightlight, Claw attack, Twilight Zap, and Shadow's Lurking
-Traits: A bit short tempered at times, kind, loyal, serious at times, and a peach at heart
Anyways, hope you enjoooooooooooy!~ ✨✨✨
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moonstonexgallery · 9 months ago
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🌊🦋Amelia-Rose Robinson -19 years old -She/Her -Nationality: British -Panromantic -Occupation: N/A -Residence: Shallow County -Optional Inventory: A medical kit, her drawing book, some snacks, and her pepper spray (just in case she needs to defend herself) -Friend(s): Leena (close friend), Aindreas, Dimitri (close friend), César, Petra, and Tiara -Relatives: Lillian (Mother) -She grew up in the UK, and moved to Florida when she was eleven years of age -She's the only child in the family, she never had any siblings, or a father -Amelia considers Leena, and Dimitri as her close friends, because she met them in middle school -She really LOVES cute little animals (Like dogs, and bunnies) -Pet(s): A dog named Harley -Traits: Kind, protective, gentle, and independent
🖤🔮Dimitri Carrel -21 years old -He/Him -Nationality: French American -Demisexual -Occupation: N/A -Residence: Shallow County -Optional Inventory: His journal, a jar of seashells, and his phone -Friend(s): Amelia (close friend), Leena (close friend), Aindreas, Tano, and Yasumi -Relatives: Élisabeth (older sister) -Romantic Interest: Celine -He's possibly the mature one in the group -He lived in France because he wants to become a pastry chef someday, that was when he moved to Shallow County -His sister supports him for trying his hardest, and when he got older, he can support himself, he'd help out his sister with cooking sometimes, like a good brother should -He met both Amelia, and Leena at the age of twelve, and they slowly became close friends. -He's really good at making crepes, cookies, and steak -Traits: Calm, kind, loyal, and protective
Fun fact: Dimitri uses magic at times
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mirandamckenni1 · 10 months ago
Figuring Out What to Wear to the Eras Tour I GOT MY DATES MIXED UP AND TTPD COMES OUT IN 2 DAYS!! What the f*** am I going to wear to Taylor Swift's Eras Tour?!🪩 Thank you Hello Fresh for sponsoring! Click here https://ift.tt/wjUJTDp to enjoy an exclusive offer of 60% off your first box, along with a 25% discount for the following two months plus free gifts. Alternatively, you can use my code MORE60. This special offer is available for new customers as well as those who cancelled their subscription twelve months ago or more. Eras Tour Wardrobe: https://ift.tt/2BVjCMd Big Sister Swap: https://ift.tt/YCchGw1 Wild Orange Tree: https://ift.tt/z2qGQSa Change of Heart: https://ift.tt/OvfxDF4 Wild Clay (gifted earrings): https://ift.tt/t4CrMj2 Leena: https://www.youtube.com/@leenanorms All Too Well scarf pin: https://ift.tt/dtkoXTZ? Autumn leaves earrings: https://ift.tt/dtkoXTZ? Pixie Wand: https://ift.tt/YgQ9zC0 Lace and Beads: httphttps://www.laceandbeads.co.uk/ CHAPTERS 00:00 – Getting started 06:51 – Inspo/planning 15:09 – Shopping/trying on 20:42 – Final outfits SIMILAR VIDEOS The Wearing vs Styling Trend Makes Me Feel Insecure: https://youtu.be/SZFADmHU6ws Dressing For Imaginary Dates: https://youtu.be/YMkRaWoa2y8 Personal Styling at Big Sister Swap: https://youtu.be/OUAC5OQT2rs ✨WANT TO SUPPORT ME AND MY WORK?✨ Join The Common Room on Patreon! https://ift.tt/05S8yj7 Buy me a coffee! https://ift.tt/zsRLTAI 📝SIGN UP TO MY NEWSLETTER📝 http://bit.ly/HannahWittonsNewsletter 🌻FOLLOW ME🌻 Instagram: https://ift.tt/PbWNmx0 TikTok: https://ift.tt/FZV0TRg 💛ABOUT ME/WORK WITH ME💛 https://ift.tt/t4mkfPR ⭐SERVICES*⭐ Captions: https://ift.tt/6cHO5Sy Music: https://ift.tt/cEzTAJC *Affiliate links #HannahWitton #MoreHannah This offer entitles you to 60% off your first box, and 25% off your next eight boxes when ordered in consecutive weeks during your first two months as a HelloFresh customer. One voucher per customer and household. Must be 18 or over. Once redeemed you will be signed up to a flexible rolling weekly subscription. Valid for UK residents only (including Jersey, Guernsey & Isle of Man), excluding Scottish Highlands and Islands. via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WASfbpLiAI
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tails-writings · 3 years ago
Boredom (Writing Prompt)
(Another OC-centric writing, though this is actually a character that I would love to sometime use in a D&D campaign at some point if I ever get back to playing and end up joining another low-level starting campaign. This is just a small thing to kind of help work as a supplement to her backstory if I do use her and is mostly to try to get a better idea of her personality and also add a little bit more to work with regarding prior relationships too. Though this is really just purely fluff in this one.
The names mentioned in there may or may not become actual side characters/NPCs. I have yet to determine.
Click here for the feedback form. ) ------------------------------------------
Leena groaned as she fell backwards into the rather shabby mess of crates and wadded piles of  cloth that the guild called a couch. The teenager wasn’t exhausted physically, but she did try to put on an exasperated tone as she complained. “I’m boooooored,” though her blonde hair was normally cut short, mostly to not be in the way during jobs, she still kept a lock of it long and fashioned into a braid that hung over her shoulder, her fingers fiddled with the braid a little bit as she continued to whine some to the older, lithe man in front of her “Dad, can’t I just go out for one mission? I’m almost done with my training.”
The man did look to be significantly older, at least in his 40’s, he stroked his goatee a bit as have Leena a stern, but caring look. “Can you recite our guild’s code by heart?” he asked, perhaps just wanting to see if his adopted daughter had the capability of still upholding the honor that the guild had as thieves. Especially since she was still one of the family as well in that regard.
She gave off an annoyed grunt, sitting up a bit yet still playing a bit with the braid as if she was annoyed. “To steal from those that are greedy and corrupt. Plunder those that live off of the plunder of others and return the gold to who it rightfully belongs. Should you find treasure with no rightful owner, everyone is to get their cut based on their contribution and need. Thou shall only fight in self defense and never steal another’s life. Have the back of your comrades and they will always have your own, for no treasure is worth the life of your brother in arms. Our clan’s word is our bond, thus never make a promise that will not be kept.” She paused a bit, thinking that was all that there was to it.
The guild leader had a bit of a raised eyebrow as he was waiting for her to finish, though once it looked like she was content with her answer, he finally chimed in with a slightly disappointed tone. “And, we do not take on more than we can handle.” He then finally added. “Nor do we act alone without informing the others as well should something go wrong.” It was obvious that he was concerned for her most of all, she wasn’t ready yet for a major task he felt, then again he saw the entire guild as his family and thus didn’t want to lose any of them unnecessarily.
“I knooooow,” She whined, collapsing back into a slouching position now. Pouting a little as she did actually forget about that last part, though Leena was raised by the code, she still was so impatient that she still neglected to bring all of it to heart. She just wanted to not be treated like a child, to finally get a chance to be on a real task instead of the training they always set up for her to practice, and besides, she was doing better and improving each time. “Can’t I at least go on one of Uncle Dio’s missions? Or how about going with Uncle Wes when he is gathering info?” She still wanted to get a chance to test what she had learned.
The guild leader only chuckled some there from her eagerness, going over and sitting down beside her. Even if they were related by blood, there were many things he found quite familiar in her. “If they have something that won’t be as risky yet I’ll talk to them. But you’re not ready yet for the dangerous infiltrations or solo missions. I was just as impatient as you were at your age, and I ended up losing someone close to me back then due to my lack of skill. You’ll get your chance, but I have to ensure something like that doesn't happen to you.” He went and ruffled Leena’s, trying to get her to cheer up despite not having been able to go out with the rest on this task. “Also...we haven’t had time together like this in a while.” 
Leena flailed some due to the unexpected ruffle. “Daaaad, stop it. I’m not a kid anymore.” Though there was still a small laughter from her until at least he stopped. “I don’t wanna let you down. I wanna prove I can be just as good as my aunts and uncles too.” She said, perhaps trying to help get him to see her side of this too.
“And you will, you might even take my job someday.” the guild leader assured, then again if she did continue to work as hard as she did. She really would be able to take over. “You’re skilled in your swordplay, and you have been able to give even our most skilled poker players the slip. You have the talent as a thief, but you need to finish honing it and you haven’t been tested yet in being able to scout and gather information.” Though it was at that moment he tried to pull for his cards, though only realizing that they weren’t there in his pocket and was in Leena’s hand instead already.
“Gotcha! How about a small game then while we wait for word on the others?” Leena smiled, she wasn’t too upset as she definitely took her dad’s words to heart, but she did still want to be able to prove herself. Right now he was right, they didn’t get that much time together and it was best to take advantage of it too, besides, it still allowed her a chance to try to hone her abilities to give others the slip too.
The guild leader couldn’t help but smile there, agreeing to the game as well. “I didn’t even see you manage to do that, ok, I’ll bite. But you better work harder not getting caught cheating this time in the game.”
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tinfoil-jones · 4 years ago
Humble Team aka Caboose’s Spartan-III Washout Family
(From my Fanfiction Red Battalion, Blue Regiment) 
This is mostly for @redteam-daydreams aka Dremma
When assigned to Humble Team, they were all mentally conditioned to forget their original names (like how Spartan-II’s were mentally conditioned to forget their surnames) 
They were given new names from the NATO/military alphabet based on birth order (Bravo/Bria is the oldest, Mike/Caboose and November/Nova are middle, with Zulu/Zoey being the youngest)
Their team number is their rank based on skill (November/Nova being the most skilled, with Charlie/Carla being the least skilled)
Humble Team split when they turned eighteen
None of them could remember their original names and weren’t permitted to use them, so they chose a first names based on their NATO letter. Or they kept their NATO letter because it was a common enough name (Sierra, Mike(ael)
Most of them pulled their new surnames from the Temporary Profile Randomizer (Caboose, Walla Walla, Hollywood, ect.)
November died at sixteen, and didn’t live long enough to choose a new name. Nova was a nickname Caboose called her. If she had lived, she most likely would have chosen the last name Caboose like her brother and best friend.
The ones with full names listed are the ones who are not just mentioned in passing
Bravo-B402 Humble Four | Bria
Charlie-B219 Humble Eighteen | Carla
Echo-B350 Humble Sixteen | Erika
Foxtrot-B175 Humble Five | Faith
India-B313 Humble Two | Indi 
Juliet-B276 Humble Twelve | Julie
Kilo-B090 Humble Thirteen | Kylie 
Lima-B066 Humble Eleven | Leena
Mike-B057 Humble Six | Michael J. Caboose
November-B013 Humble One | Nova A. Caboose
Quebec-B111 Humble Nine | Quincy
Romeo-B088 Humble Eight | Roma
Sierra-B030 Humble Seventeen | Sierra 
Tango-B242 Humble Three | Tiny (from RVB ZERO) 
Whiskey-B023 Humble Fifteen | Walla L. Walla
X-Ray-B341 Humble Seven | Xaviah
Yankee-B153 Humble Ten | Yvette
Zulu-B046 Humble Fourteen | Zoey Hollywood
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spaceprimcessleia · 5 years ago
Sparks in the Night
Here is my Bering and Wells exchange gift for @pers-books some angst with fluff and sweetness to round it off. 
AU- ‘real world’. The gang work together in an antique themed cafe where Helena is a regular customer and Myka’s girlfriend. 
Hope you enjoy! 
Myka stands shivering on the doorstep for a long time before she has the courage to knock. It’s Christmas, she tells herself. You can’t just go barging in on Christmas. But she doesn’t have anywhere else to go, and snow is falling onto her shoulders, melting right through the knitted sweater she’s wearing. 
Helena answers with a mug of something hot in her hand. Her curiosity turns to surprise and then alarm; she reaches out with her free hand and drags her into the house like she’s just caught her making out with her boyfriend on the porch. “Myka! You’ll catch your death.” 
As soon as they are inside, she throws the door shut. Without another word she steers her into the lounge and gently pushes her onto the couch. A moment later there’s a soft weight on her shoulders and Myka grabs the edges of the blanket gratefully and draws them around her shoulders. She’s thinner than she used to be. Too thin, really. 
“I’m going to get you some dry clothes.” Then she’s gone and Myka is left blinking at an empty room. She shivers, even underneath the blanket. 
In the far corner of the room there’s a bare Christmas tree. Its branches hang, limp and plain- offering nothing to the walls devoid of any kind of ornaments or tinsel. The only offering is a picture of Helena with her arms wrapped around a baby girl mounted at the centre of the wall opposite the couch so you can never help but look at it. Tears sting Myka’s eyes but she forces herself to blink them away and swallow hard before her girlfriend returns. 
Helena comes back with a thick pair of pyjamas and a sweater. She hands them to her with a smile that Myka can only weakly return. She cradles them to her chest, struggling to summon something to say. 
A smirk dances on Helena’s lips as she looks her up and down. “Don’t be shy, dear.” It’s so normal that she relaxes her grip on the clothes and almost smiles back. But she can’t quite bring herself to strip down in front of her. Not when she already feels like she’s already sitting there with her father’s words stamped across her forehead. With a gentler, but more diminished smile, Helena excuses herself to go and make some tea. 
Myka changes quickly, pulling the borrowed clothes on without looking at herself and folds her own up in a neat parcel. Her girlfriend returns a minute or two later with two steaming mugs. She hands one to her, handle first. 
It’s still a long while before anyone speaks.
“Are you going to tell me why you were on my doorstep in this weather? Not that I’m not delighted to see you.” The tea is cool by now, but Myka still blows on it before she answers. 
“My dad knows,” she says to the mug, wrapping her hands around it. 
There’s a quick, sharp intake of breath beside her, but it’s a moment before Helena says anything. “I trust he didn’t react well to the news?” 
“He threw me out.” It’s like someone’s jammed a rock in her throat. She wants to breathe, but there’s nothing but a lump and when she swallows it moves down to her chest and lodges itself there. 
When Helena reaches for her, her hand circling her wrist, Myka thinks of pulling away. They don’t talk about this. It’s there, but they don’t talk about it. Helena sees the way she shrinks in his presence, the stacks of notebooks in her closet, the steel bucket in the corner of her room that she’s never questioned. Myka is sure she sees far more than they’ve even dared to whisper out loud, but talking about it is something else entirely. 
But Helena’s touch is warm and calming, so she unpeels her hand from around her mug and lets her take it. She forgets about the dull pain in her wrist until Helena’s grip is suddenly a little too tight. Her thumb brushes the ring of bruises as gently as if she were made of butterfly wings. 
“He did this?” Her voice is quiet with a ragged edge like the serrated blade of a knife. 
Myka just shrugs. He had done it, when he was pulling her towards the door to throw her out into the snow, but to say so feels like opening something she’s kept an air tight lid on for years. He’s never been violet, exactly. Just cold and hard and cruel. And there’s the steel bucket that sometimes gets filled with ice water for her to stand in until she can remember all the answers. 
Helena’s grip on her hand is almost tight enough to be painful. “Did he...hurt you anywhere else?” 
“No,” she says at last, her own voice like someone is standing on her throat. “He just wanted to get me out.” 
Without even looking at her she knows Helena is angry. Angrier than she’s ever seen her. But she knows what happened five years ago and that this can’t. “It’s okay,” she tells her, trying to force herself to sound lighter. “At least I get out of the Christmas quiz.” The one where her father pounds her with question after question until well past midnight. 
When Helena looks up at her, her eyes are dark, only lightened by the dancing flames of the fire. “It’s not okay. He thinks he can do this to you? To anyone? What gives him that right?” 
Myka shakes her head and squeezes her eyes shut. No one has ever stood up for her, not even her mother, but now she wishes she could go back to quiet denial. A picture of her mother standing in the kitchen, hands to her mouth, muttering It’s Christmas, it’s Christmas, over and over again spills into her mind. It’s the closest she’s ever come to telling him to stop. 
She jumps to her feet, delayed fury crashing through her veins. “Shut up! You wanna yell, then chuck me out and go to a dive bar. I’ve had enough people screaming at me.” It’s gone as quickly as it came and she sinks back onto the couch, wanting to bury her head in her hands, but Helena’s face drops. 
She sits down slowly, carefully. “I’m sorry, darling. I wasn’t shouting at you.”
Myka lets her head drop onto Helena’s shoulder. “I know,” she murmurs. “I just...I don’t need you to be mad. Not right now.” In answer, her girlfriend wraps her arm around her shoulders and pulls her into her chest. 
It’s a long time before either one of them can bring themselves to move, but Myka’s legs are cramping and she really, really needs to pee. Her cell buzzes in her pocket and when she pulls it out she notices it’s gone past midnight into Christmas Day. With a jolt she wonders what her parents are doing, if they’ve just gone to bed like nothing happened. 
It’s Christmas!!! The text is from Pete, her colleague (friend) from the coffee shop. Attached his a selfie of him, Claudia and Leena. She had almost forgotten they were spending Christmas together. She’d been invited too, but she was supposed to be at her parents’, decorating the tree with her dad. They had only got half way through it. 
“Perhaps we should consider going to bed?” Helena says, not the least bit suggestively for a change. 
Myka makes a non committal noise. She knows already there’s no chance of sleep, not with her father’s words ringing around her head. As if she knows what she’s thinking, Helana stands up, pulling Myka with her. “Or if we’re both awake, perhaps we could make this place look a little more festive?” 
Ten minutes and a trip to the tiny attic compartment later, they have a box of decorations that look as if they haven’t been opened in twelve years and mugs of hot chocolate with shots of spiced rum (made with water rather than milk). 
It’s obvious Helena’s trying, so she does too, but it’s not until her girlfriend literally throws a string of tinsel at the tree that she really steps in. “What are you doing? You’re meant to hang it!” She snatches it from the branches and rearrnages it so it rests neatly in a circle all the way to the back of the tree. 
Without looking she knows Helena is rolling her eyes behind her, but she thinks maybe this was a lot more deliberate than she’ll admit. 
Even with all the baubles the box has to offer on the tree, it still looks bare. “Is this all you have?” 
“Yes, dear it’s all I have. I wasn’t expecting guests.” But then her eyes flash like she’s just discovered the secret to time travel. “I have some candles in the kitchen.”
Myka frowns. “I suppose we could light some…”
“For the tree.”
“You want to dangle an open flame from a pine branch?”
Helena crosses her arms, defensive. “I’ve seen it in films.” 
“In cartoons, Hels. Do you want to burn the apartment down?” 
“All right. It was merely a suggestion.” 
“I’m never leaving you alone again. You’re worse than Pete.”
“Please do not compare me to that imbecile-”
For a moment, it’s enough for her to forget why she’s even there. It’s enough to make her smile in the face of Helena’s glare. “What?” she demands, but Myka just bites down on her lip and shakes her head. There’s a warmth glowing in her chest, like there’s one of Helena’s candles where her heart should be. 
Then- she’s not sure who steps towards whom- they’re kissing hungrily and desperately, like they can find all that they’re missing in each other. For more than a moment she thinks maybe they can. They only stop when the buzz of Myka’s cell makes them jump and spring apart like they’ve been caught on the front porch. 
Helena sighs. “Is that Peter, again?” It is. Another selfie- Steve and Artie have been dragged into this one, the latter looking very much like he would rather be anywhere else. Claudia has her arm thrown around his shoulders, her hand coming up behind his head in a ‘V’ gesture. Pete is doing the same to her. 
Myka smiles, finally feeling like maybe she could sleep after all. Helena slides a hand through hers and tugs her closer. She rests her head against her shoulder and closes her eyes. When she opens them again, there’s fresh snow falling outside the window so the entire world looks strange and new. “It’s Christmas,” she mumbles as if she’s only just noticed. 
She feels Helena press a kiss to the top of her head. “There’s no one alive I would rather spend it with, even if the circumstances are a little less than ideal.” Myka squeezes her hand, gently, saying everything she can’t find the words for. 
When Helena’s lips find hers again, they’re softer and kinder. They make it to the bedroom at last, and Myka lets her peel her clothes away without flicking off the lights or dropping her eyes so she doesn’t have to see. Even before they crawl under the sheets she is finally and completely warm. 
A banging noise is coming from somewhere outside of her dream, tugging her out before she’s ready. Myka groans and buries her face in Helena’s hair, but it doesn’t go away. It gets louder and more insistent, like it knows she’s ignoring it. “I wonder who that could be,” says her girlfriend, dryly. 
Frowning, Myka lifts her head. “Did you invite someone?”
Helena gives her the smile that’s reserved only for her. “Why don’t you go and find out?”
Still half asleep, Myka rolls out of bed and pulls on her sweater and the first pair of pants she touches. Her girlfriend trails behind her, her own sweater brushing halfway down her thighs. She doesn't bother with anything else. 
Finally, Myka tugs open the front door and what looks like half the state spills inside. Pete, holding something huge wrapped in tinfoil- Claudia with three tupperware boxes stacked together, Steve with a giant pudding and Leena with more tinfoil wrapped plates. Finally there’s Artie- their boss and Claudia’s favourite person to torment- sporting a Santa hat and a sack that looks suspiciously of gifts. “Ho, ho, ho,” he grumbles. 
Pete is the first to hug her, dumping his own parcel so her can wrap both of his arms around her waist and lift her right off the ground. “Happy Christmas, Myks!” He spins her around and drops her back on the floor while Helena allows herself to be hugged by Claudia and Artie dumps his sack of presents in right there in the hall. 
Leena’s next, then Steve and Claudia, before Helena’s arm loops around her waist and she leans back against her. She’s smiling wider than she ever would have done if she had stayed at her parents’. “What are you all doing here?”
“Helena text us,” Claudia offers. “She said there had been a change of plan and we had to get over here today without asking any questions and bring all the food we had. Oh, and these!” she holds up a bag spilling over with tinsel and baubles. “Something about not setting the tree on fire?” 
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party-of-rpg-muses · 6 years ago
Mun Plays Final Fantasy V
Continuing where I left off, I continued to climb the Phoenix Tower and with a bit of work, eventually reached the top. Though I could have sworn there were a few more Magic Pots, but whatever. I reached the top and got the Phoenix Summon. I then returned to the Phantom Village to heal and went to tackle the Fork Tower. I had Bartz and Krile, a Monk and Blue Mage respectively (the latter ended up being a bit of a mistake), taking the right tower, where physical attacks are solely used. And Lenna and Faris, the White and Black Mages, taking the left tower where there solely magic was used.
Surprisingly, I encountered practically no enemies. Only one group with the sisters and none with Bartz and Krile before reaching the top. And the fights were super easy. With Minotuar, he pretty much only attacked Bartz, who would often counter and deal hefty damage. Now since Krile was a Blue Mage, her physical damage was highly lacking, so she just healed whenever Bartz got low. And with Omniscient, I just had Faris use Carbuncle while Lenna reflected -aga magic off of them, dealing hefty damage. On occasion, he would attack, only for his attacks to be reflected back. I was even able to reflect his final attack, Flare, back at him. Put simply, Faris and Leena took no damage whatsoever.
After my airship got the submarine upgrade, I went to the Sunken Tower and made my way to the bottom with little issue. And when I “fought” Gogo, I just did nothing until I won. I warped out, but stuck around for a while, trying to get Lvl 5 Death and Self-Destruct, which took quite a while. The biggest issue being Bartz countering and one-shotting the Bomb whenever it attacks him. Eventually, I managed to hit it with Death Claw and leave it alone, waiting for it to use Self-Destruct on Bartz, Krile, Faris, or Lenna, since they were all either Blue Mage or had the Learning ability. When I eventually got it, I left. Also, while I was there, Krile mastered Blue Mage, so I switched her to Ranger, so she got some good ABP for Ranger before leaving.
And even then, I explored the world, getting songs for the Bard with Krile taking the job in question. I was able to get them all and finally find all Pianos. But I missed the Mana's Paean, since it was inside the Library of the Ancients. When I got all I could, I returned to the Great Sea Trench (I went there previously to beat the Gargoyles). I also switched Lenna to Geomancer for the lava. Honestly, the Great Sea Trench was a serious non-issue thanks to Requiem. So long as I don’t get ambushed or didn’t run into any of those Skeleton types of Unknown.
I eventually reached the bottom and fought against the triple boss. I won’t lie, they weren’t hard, just a pain, having to take them out at the same time. I may have killed each, like, 4 times before I finally beat them. I switched Lenna back to Time Mage so I could warp out. I also switched Krile back to the Ranger. And after that, I made my way to Istory Falls and defeated the guardian Gargoyles. I contemplated tackling the dungeon real quick, but ended up deciding to save and turn the game off.
I’m getting really close now! Once I go through the dungeon, defeat Leviathan, get the Final Tablet, access the Twelve Sealed Weapons, track down and defeat Bahamut, then go into the Interdimensional Rift and defeat Exdeath! I’m also thinking about making Lenna a Dragoon later while making Krile or Bartz a mage of some kind.
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magicallibary · 7 years ago
A/N: I love how this one turned out and it’s also the longest short story so far! It has a few different elements (the files, flashbacks) so it’s probably slightly different to the other stories so far. Well, hope you like it as much as I do!
Word Count: 2902 Words  Warnings: I think there’s nothing (tell me if there is, though).
Summary: They tell you to never get attached to your experiments or creations. So, what happens when Dr. Lynch does get attached to a Saturn cell system he discovered? 
S.cientific and G.alactic R.esearching D.irective
     Research File Code >> xxx-xxx      Date of File Creation>> June 18th, 2053      Type of File                >> Public (Lorene Cross: 35 years of age: Writer)
Astronomer, biologist and retired astronaut Shawn Lynch discovered a cell system located on the surface of Saturn on the 2nd of June, 2053. After researching the system further, Lynch found that the cells were arranged in a similar way to a humans making it possible for the system to be a living being. Today, June 18th, 2053, at 5:46am, the SGRD’s astronaut group (led by Lynch himself) came back with the cell system.
As of now, Dr. Lynch is beginning work on a solitary project on the cell system authorized by president of the SGRD: Saul Gonzales. The rest of the astronomer team is currently attempting to locate where this, potentially, new form of life came from.
       Edit >> March 18th, 2059
Work on the Saturn cell system has been stopped for the security of the country and the consistent lack of information being given from the experiments.
S.cientific and G.alactic R.esearching D.irective
     Research File Code >> xxx-xxx
     Date of File Creation>> June 21st, 2061
     Type of File                >> Private (Shawn Lynch: 34 years of age: Astro. -- Bio.)
Today, June 21st, 2061, at 1:51am, my goal was accomplished. After eight years of work on the Saturn cell system I was able to create a life form similar to the one of a human. It looks exactly like a human girl around the age of nine, its hair is very long and brown while its eyes are a bright purple color. Its skin is extremely pale it seems to change color to be slightly tinted violet, not very visible. It still seems intimidated but I’m still trying to calm it down. I’m going to address it as Leena, to see if it calms it down.
I mustn’t tell anyone about it. At the very least, not yet. Perhaps one day, I could show it to my peers and to Director Gonzales.
S.cientific and G.alactic R.esearching D.irective
     Research File Code >> xxx-xxx
     Date of File Creation>> September 4th, 2064
     Type of File                >> Public (Shawn Lynch: 37 years of age: Astro. -- Bio.)
This is the current information I have on the S.C.S., as Director Gonzales requested.
Appearance: Age: Appears Twelve      Hair: Dark Brown
                    Eyes: Bright Purple          Height: xx
                    Weight: xx                        Skin: Pale (Or Pale with slight Violet)
Behavior: - Skin turns slightly violet when experiencing a strong emotion (fear,                  excitement…).
               - Has the ability to manipulate the environment around her (moving    objects, creating winds, changing an object’s color…) and purple smoke and particles are formed when used.
                - Every so often, the skin will require moisturizing using water. The more often this is done, the smoother the skin will be. If not done, the skin will become rough.
After revealing Leena to his peers and to the director as he had planned, the SGRD and the government began debating whether Shawn would be able to keep the cell system or would it be handed over to the government or to another research directive, on the other side of the country.
“I don’t get why this has to be discussed. I’ve the this job for the past 3 years, so well in fact, that no one knew what I was doing.” Debated Lynch. He sounded so professional while given his reasons to his coworker Thristan, when he was actually drowning in desperation. “Why can’t I keep her?”
“Because you’re clearly too attached to it. See, you just called it ‘her.’ You can’t get attached to your own experiment, Dr. Lynch.” Answered Thristan trying to remain serious. Shawn’s coworker always thought Lynch was too ambitious and too secretive. He always thought that, someday, Shawn’s plan wouldn’t work and it filled Thristian with pride, knowing he was right. “You clearly see it as a daughter, but, guess what? It isn’t. It’s just a cell experiment that took you years to finally crack.”
After that statement, the colleague began walking away, leaving Shawn unable to rebuttal. Before he completely left he called out to Dr. Lynch one more time.
“In about half an hour, there’s a meeting that will finally decide your little cells’ fate, I would be there if I were you.” Thristan winked with his blue eyes before turning around and, finally, walking away.
Lynch allowed a sigh to escape his lips as he ran a hand through his light brown curls and with the other he twirled a pen around in circles.
-“Why do you always do that?” The curious voice came from the nine-year-old looking being. Leena’s eyes shimmered in wonder and the reflection of the lab’s bright lights laid on them. Shawn looked into the pair of strangely colored eyes in confusion, before a finger pointed to the pen his hand was holding. His emerald eyes looked down at the object.
“I guess it’s just a habit, I don’t really know.” He smiled sweetly as his shoulders shrugged slightly. Suddenly an idea formed in his head. “Here. You try.” Shawn held the technological pen towards the being in front of him. Leena’s pale hands slowly grabbed the object, before twirling it slowly. The green-eyed scientist ruffled the child’s long, brown hair. Pale skin turning slightly purple as a laugh filled the air and a smile graced Leena’s face.-
The scientist raised his hand to check his clock before starting the frustrated and worried walk down the hallway towards what could possibly be the end of the best thing that ever happened to him. Before Shawn knew it, he was standing in front of the black door that led into the meeting room. He filled himself with all the courage he could find within him and set his expectations as low as possible before slowly stepping into the white and gray room. Lynch swore he could feel his blood run cold and a shiver crawl up his back when he sat on the chair. He felt eyes on him even though he wasn’t at the head of the table.
“Dr. Lynch.” The president of the country spoke clearly, trying to catch Shawn’s green eyes, but he kept looking at the white table in front of him. “Glad you make it today. Should we get started?” The brown-haired 37-year-old could only nod at the question.
The meeting seemed to go on for hours and the green-eyed man wasn’t paying attention to most of it. He knew he should, since the topic affected him directly, but he couldn’t push himself to do so. He didn’t care if they took away his job. Those people were so heartless that they were willing to lock up a being, alone, and taking away their freedom. Shawn didn’t want to be part of that group of people. Human or not, Leena was a living being that deserved freedom.
“I believe this is the most reasonable solucion.” Spoke Director Gonzales.
“So be it.” The president began to explain. “The Saturn Cell System shall be the government’s property but it shall stay inside this very lab. Inside one of your shower capsules. No human contact allowed. Furthermore, no one from outside these walls is to speak of it. Dr. Lynch shall be allowed to see it when he pleases, but no more than twice a month. This process shall start immediately after the end of this meeting.” Silent nods were shared across the room. “Meeting adjourned.”
Everyone began standing up and leaving the room until Lynch stayed seated alone. Thoughts began to fill his head about what he should have done or what he could have done differently. The realization stabbed him like a knife through his chest: if he hadn’t told anyone about Leena nothing would have happened. It was his fault.
-“It’s not my fault I’m like this.” Leena defended, looking back at her wall art work.
“So, you’re saying it’s my fault?” Shawn challenged playfully, a teasing smile on his face.
“I never said that.”
“But you thought about it, didn’t you?” He picked her up, a groan flying from his lips as he did, and twirled her in the air and spun around in circles. A wind picked up around them, and purple mist flew with it as papers followed the breeze, but the pair continued giggling together.-
A sweet voice brought Shawn back to the world. A woman. One he had never met. Her short, pixie cut hair was black, her skin entirely tanned. She wasn’t very tall but her black heels helped. She wore a loose, crimson dress and a long black jacket over it. Her eyes were quite small but they were colored a rich blue color.
“I’m Shawn Lynch, nice to meet you, and you are?” He introduced himself.
“I’m Sophie Howard, and I already know you.” Lynch looked at her, a strange expression on his face. “I mean, I work in team and member organization here, so I know almost everyone’s names. Anyway, I’m sorry about the whole, you know… The girl.”
“Really?” Sophie nodded a yes, shyly. “Well, thank you. That would make you the first.” Answered Shawn with a sad smile tugging at the end of his lips.
“I know it isn’t of much help,” she began “but, I totally think she should stay with you.”
The scientist had to repeat the woman’s words in his head. Had he heard her incorrectly? He thought there was no way someone would agree with his point of view, yet, someone had just done exactly that.
“You really think that?”
“Of course I do.” Sophie offered the confused man a warm smile.
A few hours later, a team was sent to pick up Leena and to welcome her into the shower capsule, that would now be her house. Dr. Lynch wasn’t allowed to intervene but he could watch through the cameras what was happening inside the capsule room. Said room had white tiles all around it and the walls were a shiny light gray. A strong glass box could be found leaning on the back wall, a huge shower head above it. The box had a sliding door that needed a passcode to open. A window sat on the top of one of the side walls and through it you could observe the panel room which was used to adjust the shower capsule.
Lynch’s green orbs observed the screen in front of him, his stare not moving a millimetre. A few security guards stood near him. The air felt dense and difficult to breath in and the silence suffocated the area, yet, everyone stood still. Suddenly, the heavy door was opened and a group of people came in, carrying the sleeping body of the purple-eyed individual. The team slowly walked, giving each other whispered directions as the people that sat in the panel room talked through a microphone. The girl was carefully placed on the tile floor of the capsule, before the transparent door was locked shut and the shower slowly began releasing water. Shawn shifted his focus on the ground below him.
It had been done. There was no going back.
As he slowly moved to leave the observation area, a strange noise came from the speaker in the room and he jumped in surprise. When he looked at the cameras, his emerald eyes grew in fear. The capsule room was covered in warm mist and through it, he could faintly see Leena’s figure against the wall, avoiding the water.
-Shawn looked at Leena as she slowly moved a hand to feel the water. As the hand made contact with the wet substance, it winced back quickly.
“Not a fan of hot water?” Asked a curious Shawn. The girl used her head to communicate a no. “Alright then.”
He messed around with the shower temperature until it felt colder.
“Is that cold enough for you?” The girl made the same hand movements a s before but this time her hand remained in the water. She looked at him and nodded.-
“It’s hot water, isn’t it?” Lynch exclaimed, a hint of fear in his voice. Before anyone could answer him, he was already rushing to the room next to the misty one. Screams of protest could be heard around him but he couldn’t care less about the sounds. He opened the door to the panel room quickly and sat in a spare chair, pushing anyone in his way. As he brought the temperature down, he held his breath.
As the mist faded, the sight of the being standing up, eyes closed and feeling the cold water could now be seen. Lynch released the air inside him, slowly.
“I’m guessing you’d like to see it now, Dr. Lynch?” Asked one of the members of the room. Shawn nodded.
He entered the room carefully, the door being left opened just a crack.
“It’s a shame it has to be water.” He commented. Leena opened her colorful eyes and looked at her visitor, a shy smile forming on her lips.
“And why’s that?” She asked, smile widening.
“It ruined your outfit.”
She laughed as her hands ran through the black and purple fabrics. “I guess you’re right.”
They looked at each other for a moment, silence falling between them for just a few seconds.
“I’m sorry-”
“Don’t apologize.” Leena interrupted. “You were doing what you thought was right. Nobody can blame you for that.”
“But what I did ended with you paying the prize.”
“It’s alright.” She reassured. “We’ll keep seeing each other. Twice a month. You know I’ll wait.”
-“You sat here waiting for me?” Shawn asked, confused. He had entered his office to work on some paperwork and when he finished he found Leena sitting outside his door.
“Yes. I wanted to spend time with you.” She explained.
“You have a lot of patience waiting that long.”
“It wasn’t that long, Shawn.”
“Whatever you say, Lee. Now, let’s actually spend time together, shall we?”-
They talked for a while more but, eventually, Lynch had to leave. He waved goodbye before closing the door behind him. Surprisingly, he found Sophie leaning against the outer wall.
“I would tell her if I were you.” The woman simply stated.
“Tell her? Tell her what?”
“That you love her. That you feel like she’s family.”
He looked down slightly. “I tried explaining love to her once. She probably wouldn’t get it if I said that.”
“Perhaps not.” Sophie started. “But one day you’ll have to defend that you do and you’ll regret not saying it sooner. I certainly did.”
Every time the scientist would go visit Leena, he would think of Sophie’s words, but he’d never have the courage to say the words to the brown-haired twelve-year-old. Until one day.
It had been about 6 months since she had been placed in the capsule, when he came to see her once again. It was late afternoon, almost all the guards were taking breaks and everyone was finishing their final tasks to go home after a long day. The brown-haired male had asked for permission to go visit Leena and, luckily, he was allowed. He had gained trust throughout those 6 months, so much so that, sometimes they’d let him visit her three times a month instead of two.
Shawn and Leena had spent about an hour talking about nonsense together. A small laugh filled the strange room before Shawn asked something.
“Lee, can I tell you something?” His voice trembled a small bit. She laughed quietly.
“Of course you can, Shawn. What is it?”
“I just wanted to tell you that,” he hesitated “I really love you. You basically brightened up my life and became the daughter I always wanted to raise.” He placed a hand on top of the glass surface. “I can’t imagine my life without you and seeing you in here make me want to open this door and spin you in my arms like before. I’m so sorry this ever happened, because you don’t deserve this. You deserve to be free, to live a life you want to live, wherever you want. I’m sorry.”
His eyes closed after his rant, his unused hand rushing to his brown hair. He couldn’t believe he had finally said it.
“I-” He opened his emerald eyes when he heard her voice. “I feel the same way.”
She slowly raised her slightly violet hand reaching for the glass. Hesitantly and carefully she placed her hand on the glass, the two hands meeting between the glass. Purple mist and sparkles travelled through the transparent surface in beautiful patterns. Silence remained as they simply watched the nearly touching hands. Then, a frown colored Leena’s face.
“What is it?” Asked a concerned Shawn. The girl quickly removed her hand and turned around, the patterns vanishing from the glass.
“I promise.” She began, her voice shaking ever so slightly. “I promise that someday I’ll escape and we’ll see each other and really hold hands.”
She panicked when she only heard silence, but then she heard a weird noise. She stood still until Leena felt something on her shoulder. She turned around quickly, finding the glass door open and Shawn touching her shoulder lightly.
“And when that day comes, I promise to do everything to help you.”
They shared a smile till an alarm began ringing through the area. Lynch closed the door and offered another smile.
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badwolf-winchester · 7 years ago
A Soul So Dark it Scares The Devil part 2
So after a lot of consideration i have decided to so a second part to this. I hope you all are ready cause i sure am 😄
Warning: i dont own supernatural or its characters.
Pairing: Lucifer x Reader
One more thing: Please dont steal my writting i work very hard on this and do it becuase i love it.
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The crisp cold air stung my face as i walked as fast as i could to my appartment. Today marks my 10 year deal and by the end of the day i will be dead. Its not like i didnt see it coming i mean who can really forget about a deal you made with a demon. Its bad enough my soul was causing a ruckus in hell but it was to the point Lucifer himself visited me a couple of times to try and bargain with me to take it back. However, those visits consisted of me telling him to go screw himself and then one of his henchmen comes to take him back to hell to deal with as he likes to call "Hell's new ruler." To be honest i was quite impressed with my soul for having taken over the place so quickly but again it wasnt a suprise. When i had my soul, this nagging voice kept telling me to do things.. things that i honestly didnt want to do. It would always whisper to me "kill them." Or "I wonder what his head would look like on a spike." As you can see the voice wasnt the kindest of neighbors you would want living in your head. That's why i needed to get rid of it, not becuase i wanted to live out my life without morals but more to get rid of that sweet whispering voice. This is why i tricked Crowley into taking it 1 year into my deal.
After entering my apartment i quickly threw my keys onto the desk by the door. Shrugging off my lether jacket i haphazardly dropped it onto the couch before making a beeline to the fridge for a beer. Sighing i rack my hand through my black and red hair before taking another swig of the cold beverage. My heart pounded in my ears as i try and get a grip on myself wondering what was happening to me. never, since i got rid of my soul, have i ever felt this way before. Quickly glancing at the clock on the stove i see it reads 11:30 almost midnight, as i realize i only have 30 more minutes the feeling in my chest spreads and tightens. I close my eyes and take a deep breath trying to ground myself i open my eyes and looked at my hands.. are they shaking? No thats just ridiculous i cant be... afraid? My eyes widen as realization dawned on me. "Im... afraid. I'm actually afraid right now." I said to my self, placing my hands on the counter i bow my head and let my hair fall in my face. Slowly i start to chuckle then grow into a full on laugh, as it turns into only what can be deacribed as a mad man cackle the clock strikes twelve. At the first stike of the grandfather clock in the living room i suddenly stop laughing. With each chime i hear howls and barking get closer, but once the 12th chime struck everything was silent.
Suddenly a crash broke through the bone chilling silence as glass scatters and skids across the floor. Without thinking i grab a knife from its sheath on the kitchen counter and slowly make my way to the source of the crash; my bedroom. I advanced to the door and was about to open it when a hand jerked me back and covered my mouth. The sudden jerkiness of the intruders movements made me drop the knife in suprise, as i tried to squirm my way out of the tight grip the door to my bedroom broke off its hinges causing me to freeze my antics. A snarling invisible hound slowly but loudly stomped on the ground as it got closer, its nails scraping against the wood floor as it huffs out in short hot breaths. The arm that was holding my midsection tensed as the hound got closer.
In a shaky voice the man that was holding me said "Now Leena no need to be so hostile.." at this the Hell Hound gave an extra loud snarl signaling that she didnt like his choice of words as she readied herself to pounce.
Thinking quickly i rammed my elbow into the man's ribs and jumped to the right avoiding the Hell Hounds snapping jaws by inches. Unfortunately its claws grazed my ribs ripping my flesh like a hot knife to butter, as i fell to the ground i cried out in pain as hot sticky blood began pouring out of me. My scream was not the only one i heard, for when i turned my head i notices the Hell Hound didnt advance on me but instead was tearing the man, now realizing demon, apart untill it became quite. The only thing i could hear was the rapid breathing of the Hound, as if just noticing it wasnt alone still the Hound turned its head to me and began making its way towards me. Paralyzed by fear i could only hold my left side to try and stop the bleeding, when the Hound's hot breath fanned my face i closed my eyes finally accepting my fate. A minute passed and i could still feel the hot breath but it wasn't making its move, being brave i opened my eyes to come straight in contact to beating red eyes. The Hell houd tilted its head at me as if confused, then tore its gaze away from my face and looked at my hand that was holding my injured side. Whining it moved my hand away to inspect the wound and started licking it, as soon as its saliva made contact with my side i could feel the pain melt away. Completely confused and shocked i closed my eyes and let it continue till it thought i was fine. When it was done i re opened my eyes to see not just empty space but a black shadow of a huge dog with a upside down white cross in the middle of its forhead looking at me, as if it was natural the Hound sat down infront of me then proceeded to laydown with its head in my lap.
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Mustering up courage i placed my had on its head and started petting it. With happy grunts comimg from it and a whirlwind of tail waggs i started rubbing its belly only to be interupted my a flutter of wings.
"YOU HAVE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME!" A loud familiar voice boomed at me and the hound.
Whipping my head up i see Lucifer himself huffing in rage. Smirking i went back to petting the Hell Hound and chuckled. "What's the matter Luci surised to see me still kicking?"
Lucifer flared his nostrils at my mocking voice and stepped closer to me only to take a step back once he heard a threatening growl come from my new Hound. Running a hand through his hair in frustration he began to pace my living room trying to think.
"Why?! Why is it that the hounds are protecting you now?!" He yelled pulling at his hair. He turned around and glared at me when i started laughing.
"I can tell that you have failed at reclaimimg your throne. Looks like my soul is still reigning supreme." I said before getting up off the floor and dusting off the imaginary dust from my pants.
With eyes flashing red and rage evident Lucifer advances towards me only to be stopped when the Hell Hound jumps in front of me and snarls. They both hold thier ground before Lucifer backs down and pinches the bridge of his nose and shakes his head.
"Ok i get it Leena i wont hurt her." He said as he finally slumps his shoulders and leans on the back of my couch with his arms crosses.
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"We need to come to an agreement here you know that right?" He questions me as he sighs.
Raising an eyebrow i place my had on my hip. "Oh do we now." I said with a condescending tone.
Pushing off the couch he raises his arms in the air. "Yes we do, as much as i love this little cat and mouse game we have been playing it needs to come to an end."
Sighing i run a hand through my hair and look to Leena she is still on high alert and in a fighting stance. " Leena relax we are just talking." With hearing her masters comand she instantly straightens up then plops on her butt and proceeds to scratch behind her ears.
"Thank you." Lucifer says looking back up to me instead of the Hound.
"What do you have in mind for a situation like this." I said as i looked away crossing my arms.
Scratching the back of his neck nervously he replied. "Honestly i have no clue this sort of thing has never happened before." Putting a finger on his chin he went inro deep thought.
"Lucifer can i ask you a question." I said placing one of my hands to my side while the other grips my bicep.
"You just did." He said while smirking at me.
Rolling my eyes i looked him in the eyes. "Im serious. Its important and might be the reason for everything."
Apon hearing this he recrossed his arms and gave me a pointed look. "Go on."
Scratching my neck nervously lile he did previously i sighed before lookong him in the eye. "Is reincarnation real?"
"Well for certain beings yes. Why do you ask?" He said tilting his head to the side.
"Becuase i think that i may have been reincarnated." I said truthfully.
".....What makes you say that?" He said hesitantly.
"Before i got rid of my soul i would have dreams. Not the normal kind like real.. like i was re living my memories only that i was someone else." I said looking away from him to the window.
Raising an eyebrow he spoke with confusion. "What does this have to do with our current situation?"
Closing my eyes i turn back to him. "Does the name Lithium Nightstar ring a bell."
Disbelief washes over his face then anger and finally shock. I tilt my head to the side and call out to him. "Lucifer you ok there buddy?"
In a small but hearable voice he said. "How do you know that name.."
"In my dreams that's what you'd call me. I would always have dreams about you, not in this form but in your true form. I wouldnt be able to see you fully though it was like a bright light that a camera wasnt focused on. I dont remember much from what i dream but that name always stood out. Who was she to you?" As i said this his eyes became wide with awe and shock.
"She... she was the only one who understood me. She wasnt made by my father but rather from death. She was his only child. You see she didnt see me as a monster that people see today. She saw me as the angel i truly was or thats what she would say. She was my best friend and my partner in crime but most of all she was my wife. After i fell Death decided to punish her as well for she fell in love with me and i her." He said with passion and anger. As he spoke my head started to hurt so i placed my hand on my head and closed my eyes. Voices started to ring in my head and progressively grew louder untill i couldnt take it anymore, as i fell to the floor Lucifer jumped to catch me. His voice was but a whisper as memories came flooding back to me and incaded my vision, a bright light consumed me and i felt whole again... i had my soul.
Part 3 coming soon.
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brownichu27 · 5 years ago
Can you hear me screaming? Because I am.
I want the interview to be avaiable to as many people as possible. Therefore I will be translanting it to catalan and spanish. Here is the original version, the best one if you want to get to know the author better.
The author
Let’s get to know the author a little better. Were you an avid reader? When did you start writing? Was there a book that inspired you to write?
I did read a lot, though I remember being frustrated with how long it took me to learn. I think it wasn’t until I was at least seven or so that I was able to read, which was frustrating because I remember being several years younger and desperate to learn. It just took me awhile to pick it up.
I started writing outside of the classroom when I was eleven or twelve. Mostly I’d write down all the adventures that I’d have in my head while wandering around our rural property. I thought it was really magical that I could take these things I imagined in my head and put them on paper so they could be shared with someone else. Making thoughts real!
I don’t know that if there was a specific book that started me writing, but a book that certainly formed a lot of what I’d later become interested in writing and learning about was Alanna: The First Adventure by Tamora Pierce, about a young girl who pretends to be a boy so she can train as a knight. I read that when I was eleven, and it clearly had a huge impact on me.
You have written many best-sellers by now. But the question is: how was the experience with your first publication? Do you have any recommendation to give any aspiring authors?
Write what you want to write, because life is short.  Spanish author Rocío Vega talks about how she wrote “the book of her heart” when she penned La compañía amable. Write the book of your heart! Write what matters to you. Write the book only you can write. Everything else after that is just a matter of persistence.
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Do you think that your history studies have influenced your stories?
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Oh, absolutely. I focused my academic studies in history because I wanted to go where the greatest stories were. Reading widely is vital to any writing career. Every book I have written required a great deal of research. I spent eight years doing research for my God’s War trilogy, and the book that finally cracked open my writing on my book, The Light Brigade, was reading The Unwomanly Face of War: An Oral History of Women in WWII.
Her books
Many people tend to make a character like themselves. Do you believe that any of your characters is just like you?
I sure hope not!  I write about broken, complex, and often angry people. And while I have been all of those things, I don’t think there’s a character that’s exactly like me. In real life, writers are fairly boring people.
Certainly I’ve felt many of the emotions my characters go through at one time or another, and I’ve felt connected to characters like Nyx from the God’s War trilogy and Zezili from the Worldbreaker Saga not because they are like me but because they are so unlike me in many ways; like a Dark Jedi mirror-image.  They are not good people, but they get things done.
Which of your books holds a special place in your heart?
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My first trilogy will always be special to me, as I poured so much of what I knew and felt at the time into them. I spent many years trying to write books that were “like” what was selling elsewhere, and not only were they boring to write, but they simply didn’t sell. The God’s War trilogy was me saying “fuck it” and just throwing everything that I was interested in and thought was cool into a single series.
It was a tough sell, in the end, but it did get sold, and nearly ten years later – it’s still in print and I’m still getting checks for it. So, win!
Why did you choose the space as the place for most of your novels?
I had been thinking about the world of The Stars are Legion since at least 2011. I loved the idea of creating a raft of living worldships and populating them entirely with people who could give birth to the parts the ships needed. With the success of that book, The Light Brigade was the logical next step: I had been wanting to write a military SF novel for a while, and because I only had a 2-book contract, it made sense to write another book that could stand alone instead of working on a fantasy series that would most likely have at least a three book arc.
I am sincerely curios about the concept of “Bugpunk”, are there other stories around except from yours of this genre?
I made up the term “bugpunk” to describe my God’s War trilogy because there didn’t seem to be an existing genre that it fit neatly into for marketing purposes. That said, I was certainly inspired by a number of books which were part of the New Weird movement, like China Mieville’s Perdido Street Station, Steph Swainson’s The Year of Our War, and KJ Bishop’s The Etched City. An older novel, Frank Herbert’s The Green Brain, also does fun stuff with bugs, as does Leena Krohn’s Tainaron.
The initiative
I participate in an initiative called #UnAñoDeAutoras where different bloggers try to give more visibility to female authors through reviews, interviews and more.
Being said that:
Which proportion of female authors do you have in your library at home? Do you believe that there’s a need to give more visibility to women stories?
That’s a good question! I’m honestly not sure. Certainly when it comes to books I’m interested in, I tend to try women authors first. In any given year, my recommendation list is probably 70% women authors.
I do think we need to surface more women’s work when examining our reading habits and our “best of” lists, for sure. I have also sought out books from people who aren’t white and/or North American, which are even more underrepresented and under-promoted in the genre here in the US.
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How do you feel with the #UnAñoDeAutoras initiative? Do you have something like it in your home country?
I’m always supportive of initiatives that challenge readers to seek out new work, especially work from authors they would not have otherwise sought out.  Reading widely exposes us to a range of viewpoints and perspectives, and makes us smarter, better humans.
We don’t have a specific initiative related to women authors, though I know there are readers who choose to challenge themselves by reading half women authors, or all women authors, in a single year. We also have #WeNeedDiverseBooks, which is a campaign that promotes the writing, publishing, and reading of more diverse books from a broad range of authors, in particular those who have been historically marginalized in the publishing industry.
What change do you believe important to acquire the literary equality? I sure believe you express many of them in your book: The geek feminist revolution.
Certainly books by women authors need to be promoted on equal footing with those of their male counterparts. We often see, even in genres such as YA where women are the predominant writers, men getting more speaking engagements and more press than their female counterparts.
I also challenge readers and reviewers to pause before they recommend the first book that pops into their head: often we surface books from white male writers first not because they are necessarily “best” but because they are first to come to mind due to our social programming.
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  #UnAñoDeAutoras: Interviewing Kameron Hurley (@KameronHurley) Can you hear me screaming? Because I am. I want the interview to be avaiable to as many people as possible.
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seoulnationalhq · 6 years ago
✧˖° is that park sooyoung (joy) and kang mina ? no, my apologies, that’s chwe leena and jeong nikita, star students here at seoul national ! they’d better check into their dorm in twelve hours, or someone might take their spot ! 
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[ park sooyoung. cisfemale. she/her ] hey, it’s CHWE LEENA, a student here at seoul national! i hear they’re majoring in FILM MAKING, and they’re TWENTY TWO. apparently they’re living in MIRKWOOD and they’re a MEMBER OF FILM & TELEVISION, VICE PRES OF LGBTQ+, AND CAPTAIN OF VOLLEYBALL. you should introduce yourself! though sometimes they can be JAUNDICED, once you get to know them, you’ll find that they’re very COMICAL. [ uto. est. they/he. 20. preference for co-ed dorming. ]
[ kang mina. cisfemale. she/her. ] hey, it’s JEONG NIKITA, a student here at seoul national! i hear they’re majoring in SPORTS MEDICINE, and they’re NINETEEN. apparently they’re living in FANGORN and they’re CO CAPTAIN of the VOLLEYBALL TEAM. you should introduce yourself! though sometimes they can be COMPETITIVE, once you get to know them, you’ll find that they’re very PASSIONATE. [ athena. cst. they/them. 18. coed. ]
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