tails-for-mermaids · 3 years
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Luke and Elliot from ‘In Other Lands’ by @sarahreesbrennan
I finished this book recently and just fell completely in love with the story!
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tails-for-mermaids · 3 years
just wanted to say that you liking a post of mine yesterday inspired me to finally read in other lands (I’d been meaning to for a while) and fjfj AHHH. I just finished the book and all I want to do is scream about it. anyway love your blog lol there really isn’t enough iol content. (Are there any other blogs that post about iol that you can recommend?)
I forgot that I had any asks I’m so sorry and I don’t know when this is from but I’m so happy that you loved IOL! It’s one of my favorite books and always puts me in a good mood. The other blogs that post IOL content that I can think of off the top of my head are @incorrect-in-other-lands-quotes @face-limned-with-gold @incorrectinotherlands @tails-for-mermaids and I few others I can’t remember but the best way to find more IOL content is to follow the tags and check on them every so often. I hope this helps and I’m really sorry that I didn’t see this possibly months ago.
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tails-for-mermaids · 3 years
no but i'm legitimately curious
@sarahreesbrennan how many times are the words "elliot inquired" written in in other lands?
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tails-for-mermaids · 3 years
@sarahreesbrennan how many times are the words "elliot inquired" written in in other lands?
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tails-for-mermaids · 3 years
hiii sorry i haven't been v active here lately, but i have a few things queued atm <3 my main blog is @ohh-deary-me ( identity reveal!! ) if for some reason you want to follow me, even though i don't post or rb iol content there :/
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tails-for-mermaids · 3 years
So who’s the snarky diplomat and who’s the mild mannered deadly warrior in your relationship
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tails-for-mermaids · 3 years
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In Other Lands
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tails-for-mermaids · 4 years
Your Borderlands name!
Have you ever wanted to find out what your name would be in the Borderlands? It’s your lucky day.
Your Borderlands title is based off the month you were born.
January, February, March: Cadet
April, May, June: Captain
July, August, September: Councilor
October, November, December: Commander
Your first name stays the same, or you can choose what whatever you like.
Your last name is in two parts: the first plant that comes to mind and a land or water form/biome you think about often. Or make your own combination!
For example my Borderlands name would be along the lines of Cadet Sofia Cloverlake, feel free to reblog and tell me your Borderlands name!
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tails-for-mermaids · 4 years
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Yes, yes it is
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tails-for-mermaids · 4 years
For Women’s History Month I wanted to talk a bit about the female characters in IOL and the reasons they inspire me.
Captain Woodsinger inspires me a lot because she’s strong and doesn’t take anyone’s shit. She knows when she’s wrong and when to let someone else take the reigns. As a black woman I love how she is portrayed without words relating to foods and how she’s strong without being masculine or aggressive.
Serene inspires me because she learns to slowly change her views, the way she was raised in her culture is not a strict rule-book that she lives by. She learns to adapt to a strange world and change how she sees men. She even becomes sword-sister’s with one! She teaches me that it is okay to change your views and opinions and that we always have to move forward.
Myra teaches me the importance of a good friend and how important it is to be confident in your culture. She stops hiding behind her hair and embraces her non-human features. Even though she doesn’t look like everyone else she’s beautiful and kind and trusting. Once again as someone who is Black and Ashkenazi, I’ve hid my features because they didn’t look like those I saw being desired. But I’ve been able to learn to love my features even if they aren’t (Western) Euro-centric.
Rachel teaches me about strong ness through motherhood. Mothers are warriors and not all are perfect. She cares for her children while still being able to lead her own life. She never backs down from a fight and encourages her kids to stand up for themselves. I love my mother and Rachel reminds me a lot of her.
Adara shows how complex women are, we aren’t a monolith. We have layers and we aren’t perfect. I love Adara, she’s skilled, she’s beautiful even when she isn’t sure of herself, even when she’s rude. I appreciate Adara for her fullness.
I could talk about this forever but I don’t want this post to be too long. The last women I’d like to appreciate in this post is Sarah Reece Brennan herself, obviously she is not a character, she’s the author, but I’d like to appreciate her for giving me a book that allowed me to express myself. One that allows me to run wild in my imagination. It isn’t bloodless but it isn’t so painful that my heart stops. It’s complex, like real life. Thank you, for all you’ve given me, for all you’ve written and how you interact with us, the fans. Anyway y’all I’ve rambled on long enough.
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tails-for-mermaids · 4 years
i didn't know what the idiots-to-lovers trope was. and then i read in other lands.
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tails-for-mermaids · 4 years
More IOL content please?
yes! coming! so sorry, i've been quite busy with school and my own novels, but i will make sure to post soon xx
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tails-for-mermaids · 4 years
in other lands was the last book i read in 2020 and the first one i read in 2021 and if that’s not perfect than what is? 
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tails-for-mermaids · 4 years
loser ( affectionate )
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tails-for-mermaids · 4 years
appreciation post for @sarahreesbrennan ( sarah rees brennan ) for actually interacting with her fans? and not just on instagram, here on tumblr too? i mean, sure, the iol fandom is tiny ( which is quite sad ), but still, she takes time out of her own life to talk with us, reblog our stuff, reply to our comments, etc. when she first replied to my instagram comment a couple of months ago, i literally screamed and was freaking out the whole rest of the day. since then, she’s responded to about three other comments, reblogged some of my stuff, and liked tons of my comments on instagram. so just - thank you, sarah rees brennan, for being such an approachable author who so clearly cares about her fans. we love you. 
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tails-for-mermaids · 4 years
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tails-for-mermaids · 4 years
luke and elliot’s first pride together though - just imagine the chaos that would ensue especially if serene and golden came ( which of course they would, being luke’s swordsister and swordsisters’ beloved ) 
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