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Unfinished and abandoned nuclear power plant, Żarnowiec
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Christina was a Bohemian woman from townsfolk and daughter of Wenceslaus, mayor of Prague. At some point she was married to merchant Mikuláš Rokiczan, who unexpectedly died leaving her with great fortune. Thanks to her husband's connection with the King, she most likely became the lady-in-waiting at Bohemian court.
It was well known that King Casimir The Great is a womanizer and Charles of Luxembourg decided to use that fact to gain a spy in Polish court and possibly destabilise situation in Polish Kingdom. He invited Casimir to Prague in May 1356 and asked Christina to charm the man. It was successful, because Casimir shortly after brought her with him to Cracow. Christina, however, refused sleeping with him and becoming his mistress, what made Casimir marry her.
The problem was that he was already married with Adelaide of Hesse, which was sent away by him to Żarnowiec. She didn't agree to get a divorce, what made Casimir's marriage with Christina bigamous.
She stayed loyal to Charles of Luxembourg, stating in one of the latters they exchanged that as a Queen (although she was never crowned), she will make sure to take care of his interests and “being there [in Cracow], thanks to him, he can trust her as if they were still personally in the city of Prague”.
At some point Christina's and Casimir's relationship fell out and there are two theories about what happened — one of them says that Christina was suffering from hair loss and scabies and Casimir found out about that from one of his servants, whereas the other one says that Casimir was mad at her after Christina ordered to burn the peasant house, because it blocked a view of Wawel Castle.
It is known that Christina was still in Cracow when King Casimir married his fourth wife, Jadwiga of Sagan. According to the legend, she was burried in the garden of Łobzów residence, which Casimir builded for her.
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Zofia Wendorff-Serafinowicz (1905- 1989) pintora, profesora y conservadora polaca.

Zofia estudió entre 1924 y 1931 en la Facultad de Bellas Artes de la Universidad Stefan Batory de Vilnius.
Fue premiada muchas veces en exposiciones de la Facultad de Bellas Artes y en 1931 recibió el diploma de artista con honores.
Perteneció a la Sociedad de Artistas Visuales de Vilnius y participó en sus exposiciones.
Paralelamente trabajó como docente en las escuelas del Instituto de Oficios.
Después de la guerra vivió en Gdańsk. Continuó trabajando en educación, participó en la vida artística de Triciudad y expuso en Sopot y Varsovia.
En 1956 ingresó en el monasterio de las Hermanas Benedictinas de Żarnowiec, donde, además de realizar trabajos artísticos de temática religiosa (pintura, gráfica, escultura), se dedicó a la conservación de obras de arte.
Le ponemos cara con su "Autorretrato". 1939.

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hydroelectric power plant Żarnowiec
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Piotr Wróblewski „Żarnowiec”
Krytyka Polityczna, 2023 Polska energetyka jądrowa nie miała i nadal nie ma szczęścia w swojej historii. Piotr Wróblewski w swoim reportażu przybliża nam jej początki opowiadając o powstawaniu Elektrowni Jądrowej w Żarnowcu. A w zasadzie pokazując dlaczego EJŻ w ogóle nie powstała. Autor skupia się na rozmowach z osobami bezpośrednio zaangażowanymi w proces powstawania Elektrowni w Żarnowcu.…

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Early birthday gift for @poducha <3 happy birthday soon! dA
#digital#anthro#wolf#canine#poducha#stworzenie#monere-lluvia#gonedreamer#flowers#scotch broom#żarnowiec
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Maria Konopnicka Museum in Żarnowiec, Poland.
Maria Konopnicka (1842-1910) was a Polish poet, novelist, writer for children and youth, a translator, journalist and critic, as well as an activist for women's rights and Polish independence.
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Can you please rank all the portrayals of Casimirs and Jagiełłos wife’s on Korona Królów?
hello, of course!
so, casimir's wives from the one i liked the most to the one i liked the least:
1. christina rokiczana — she was exactly how i had imagined her; cunning, ambitious, clever, but not absolutely evil. at some point she started to really care about casimir and regret her choices. although i didn't like the allusions of her having some kind of romance with charles of luxembourg ( what absolutely did not have place in real life!! ) and that rush ending they gave her. i really hoped they will go more with the legend and he will send her away after finding out that she was a spy.
2. adelaide of hesse — now listen, i did not like the plot making her mad, but i can definitely see that it wasn't unreasonable: her husband was constantly cheating on her, she was feeling completely alone in a foreign kingdom and couldn't provide an heir to the throne. but after casimir basically threw her away to żarnowiec she was constantly fighting with him to get back what was rightfully hers and did not give up. aleksandra przesław showed adelaide's emotions very well. i just hoped they would show us adelaide's political engagement.
3. jadwiga of sagan — she's probably the best portraited one ( probably, because she was just in a few episodes ). but yeah, young girl forced to marry a man, who could be her grandfather and then forced to leave her daughters and not being able to see them again.
4. anne of lithuania — so my beef is more with the actress, because, i'm sorry, but i can't stand marta. the first season was rough, actors were stiff and that's my impression of her acting. but talking more about the character herself: they really ruined jadwiga of kalisz to anne's advantage and that i hated. i also didn't like her getting a cheating on casimir plot. anne needed more episodes of her getting used to life of the christian wife of the future king: after first episode that ends with casimir's and anne's wedding, there's a time ship where they already have daughters. i feel like we needed at least two episodes of anne's first days on the polish court.
now jagiełło's wives:
1. anne of cilli — she's absolutely the most underrated from all four. history remembers her only as mother to jadwiga jagiellon, her allegations of cheating on ladislaus and the fact that she was ugly ( what she probably wasn't ) but the crown of the kings really gave her new life and showed her in a better light. the most important: anne's infidelity is showed as just a rumour just as it was in history. we also see her taking action in many matters, not just sitting back like many historians claim her to do. she's energetic, but not stupid. what the series could do better? show more of her political side ( polish regalia came back to poland from buda, because of her, but series assigns it to jagiełło ) and lead her relationship with her husband in other way, but i'm happy they didn't make ladislaus hate her as some claim he did.
2. sophia of halshany — she's almost perfect. her in recent episodes as queen mother? delicious. strong, caring about her sons and her constant war with oleśnicki is one of my favourite plots. but they absolutely ruined it through her relationship with jan hińcza. sonka, just like other wives of jagiełło ( not counting elizabeth of pilica ) was accused on cheating of him with few young men, hińcza being one of them. it was absolutely not true, but the series decaded to make a love story with them. they fell in love with each other on the first sight, but sonka has to marry ladislaus, they still have feelings for each other and after his death they are having an affair. and it's so irritating to me, i absolutely cannot stand them on screen.
3. jadwiga of poland — one of my favourite historical figures, but in the series she was... not particularly bad, but well, not my jadwiga. the king-woman was known for her kindness towards poor and people in general, but in the crown of the kings i feel like this was not enough emphasised? she also loved music, dances, but we see no such scenes. also, she was a ten years old girl during her coronation: it's obvious noblemen weren't going to let her rule the whole kingdom, but the series forgets about it and treats her like an adult woman.
4. elizabeth of pilica — my main problem is how she was written in season 3. we see her as a young girl already fascinated by the king and she does nothing else than stay silent and stares at him all the time. and jagiełło stares back as if suddenly awestruck with love, smiling. historically, of course they knew each other, because elizabeth's mother was jagiełło's godmother, but love came in time and something between them builded up after anne's of cilli death. it was just unnecessary drama. however, i quite liked how they repaired her in the jagiellonians. good woman, who got through a lot and now she wants to just be happy with the man she loves, but people can't accept her.
thank you for the question!
#asks#korona królów#the crown of the kings#jadwiga of poland#anne of cilli#sophia of halshany#anne of lithuania#adelaide of hesse#christina rokiczana#jadwiga of sagan#elizabeth of pilica
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So as you could read in previous post, right nowe we don’t have nuclear power plant. But we want to have one. To be honest we do not have a choice because we have so little time to 2050. Also, in Poland we know that other countries are going far and we are standing still in one point. From time to time in polish media you could read about polish NPP that we will have it and that government will build it.
The investment company is conducting researches in two locations: Lubiatowo-Kopalino and in Żarnowiec. After researches will be finished, there will be a possibility to choose preferable location. Right now local community supports the project.
We need the NPP because of that it will increase energetic safety of country. Second of all, it will ensure stable power prices for polish people. It will be an advantage for environment. In addition, construction of power plant will make a huge progress for science, development and entrepreneurship.
Now, about the possibilities that we have. We have 3 countries that offered us help with building NPP. These countries are: the USA, France and South Korea.
We chose the USA because this country is our the most important partner if we talk about the safety of country. In addition, coworking with the USA will be not only about building power plant but also about next big investments.

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performance który miał miejsce w opuszczonej Elektrowni Jądrowej w Żarnowcu
performance wich took place in a abandoned Nuclear Power Plant in Żarnowiec
special thanks to Radosław Deruba, Jarosław Król, Dariusz Skarżyński
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#kościół Zwiastowania Pana #church #Kirche #wnętrze #interior #Interieur #gotyk #gothic #Gotik #gothicarchitecture #architektura #architecture #Architektur #historiaarchitektury #historyofarchitecture #GeschichtederArchitektur #archdaily #instaarch #instamoment #instadaily #picoftheday #Żarnowiec (w: Zarnowiec) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_61_iOn73_/?igshid=dielpzfu30lk
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Żarnowiec miotlasty (Cytisus scoparius) Scotch broom
Żarnowiec miotlasty (Cytisus scoparius) Scotch broom
Cytisus scopariusPobierz / Download free

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Świnoujście - Miało być tak pięknie - Panie prezydencie - kto świnoujścianom zafundował "ŻARNOWIEC" ??
#Świnoujście - Miało być tak pięknie - Panie prezydencie - kto świnoujścianom zafundował "ŻARNOWIEC" ??
Świnoujście – Miało być tak pięknie – Panie prezydencie – kto świnoujścianom zafundował “ŻARNOWIEC” ??
Dokładnie trzy lata temu świnoujscy dani zafundowali nam SUPER NEWS co dziś zostawało z tych planów ??
Teraz mamy swój “żarnowiec” 😦
Zobacz jak piękny kompleks hotelowy powstanie w Świnoujściu –…
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Zapomniana Elektrownia Jądrowa Żarnowiec
Zapomniana Elektrownia Jądrowa Żarnowiec
Podstawą polskiego przemysłu energetycznego jest węgiel. To właśnie elektrownie węglowe są najważniejszymi w naszym kraju od wielu lat. W latach 70-tych podjęto jednak decyzję o rozpoczęciu prac nad pierwszą elektrownią jądrową w Polsce. Niestety koszty prac i olbrzymia niechęć społeczeństwa doprowadziły do porzucenia projektu.
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