#~ooc: bolt speaks
To Everyone I Know, With Love From Tiki <3
The blank page of the reflective assignment stared back at her, unmoving and not even a speck of ink nor paint coloured the canvas before her. Tiki continued to stare at the blank parchment with a scrunched face, swinging her legs back and forth in attempts to help rack her brain. The white paper taunted her and the little manakete threw herself into the soft plush bed behind her desk. “It's not fair!” She wailed into her pillow, stuffing her face into the soft covers and rolling around and around on her bed before pulling the pillow down, away from her face, still on the bed as she stared at the ceiling with shiny jade eyes. “I can’t choose just one person to write about who I appreciate.” She whined into the pillow, burying herself under the many layers of blankets on her bed. 
Holding up under the blanket fort, Tiki curled up like a petty child, refusing to leave her tiny cave until she could figure a way out of this plight. She had already been scolded for being late on the assignment, and her teachers refused to give her extra time for the assignment. The reflective essay was already submitted by all the students on the campus and she was the only one. 
The only one, who had yet to decide what to write. 
Peeking out from under the covers at her desk where the blank sheet of paper fluttered in the slight breeze that billowed through her curtains, Tiki stuck out her tongue at it, making faces at it in disdain. The winds picked up a little bit more and the paper was blown off the table, waving in the air as it landed on the small pile of varied items in the corner of her room. Pulling herself out from under the covers, Tiki crawled over to her little hoard and she picked up the paper from her precious pile. 
The many trinkets that were precariously balancing on each other fell over onto the floor, spilling over the ground with a shuffle of sounds. With a pouty huff, Tiki began to pile the trinkets back into their extremely carefully balanced pile, but as she picked up the trinkets one by one, she paused on each and every one of them. 
Her fingers ruffled through the scarf that Xane once had, but this piece was long torn off by the heat of the battle back on Archanea. “I like Xane because he taught me how to feel more free and happy. His tricks are mean sometimes but I find it funny!” She placed his scarf aside. 
A red flower sat next to Xane’s scarf and Tiki held it to her nose, enjoying the scent from the dried pressed flower. The redness reminded her of Maria. “Sis Maria is always so happy and really good at healing. She feels like I have a real little sister, so I like her too!” She placed it together with a pale purple flower. “And Miss Deirdre… she feels like Mother. Its strange but I feel like I like Miss Deirdre too.”
There were other things that she remembered collecting from the ball. A shed feather from Leanne, a dried cherry from Mae that still smelled sweet in the little glass jar she put it in. A colourful gossamer powder of blue and red from Lilith, a deep green petal that reminded her of Kurth and even the strange card she received detailing Big Brother Artur. She smiled and appreciated them all, for being her friend, for coming to her and making her smile.
There was a small card in the pile and Tiki squealed, little fingers wrapped around the card and holding it towards the ceiling light. “This one is from Professor Dark! I love Professor Dark’s class and he is so funny and strong and nice! He says the funniest things and I love it! He makes me feel happy when we play games together!” Storing the card into a tiny box, Tiki continued through her pile.
Her fingers ruffled through the items and pulled out a broken sword handle, rusted on its ends and blunt from time. “I like Kris-Mar because he was really nice to me and he looked out for me a lot! He is a bit serious but he is brave enough to protect everyone!” And she touched the worn out hilt, pressing a thumb into it and pretending to swing the sword up and down before putting it into the hoard. 
A letter from Bantu was procured next, and Tiki took her time reading through it bit by bit, running her fingers over each word that she recited in her head, as if Bantu was speaking to her right there and then in the moment. She held the letter tight to her chest, hugging it with all her might. “I love Ban-Ban for saving me from that awful nightmare. For bringing me where I wanted to go, for showing me all the places I love and want to see.” 
Without putting down the letter, Tiki held up a pegasus feather, hugging it close to her chest. “I love Big Sister Caeda for being so nice to me, for baking me sweet treats, and for helping me when I feel sad. Oh, I love Big Sister Caeda when she takes me flying on her pegasus. She feels like a real big sister that I love so much!” And finally, the famous plush doll of the Hero-King. “Mar-Mar.” And her smile returned ever so warmly to her, reaching out hugging the doll tight. “I love Mar-Mar with all my heart. For protecting me, for being there for me when I felt lonely and sad. He saved me so many times, and I can never love Mar-mar enough.” She stood up, with a giggle. “If my love for Mar-mar could be counted it would be…” She squeezed her eyes to think for a number before she squealed. “Infinite!” The blank piece of parchment paper fell to the floor, touching her feet with a subtle lightness, and then it clicked. The teachers told her to write what she appreciated about people. 
It never said to write about only one. 
Putting all her treasure hoard on her table one by one. Tiki let the warmth in her heart inspire her to pick up the ink pen once more. Her messy penmanship scribbled over the paper in an attempt to write properly for once. 
“To every one I lov with all my haart.” She began with a smile, the sun shining on the paper and her smile from the window.
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storybounded · 9 days
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**soft gasp** he arrivedddd 😭😭
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(is it better or worse if I tell you that this interpretation of the character is someone based on Alcina Dimitrescu, and happens to be the same height as her?)
-TFM anon
// Um....either? Both?//
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runicsorceress · 1 year
Bzzt! Rune put me in charge of the blog for the time being to answer some questions. Though first, we need organization! Everyone shall be given colours as to not make things too confusing, and I will be transcribing best as i can for those who cannot type. There's only so much I can do to convey tone though. Now everyone, tell them a bit about yourselves! (In chronological order please, bzzt.)
hi! im li wait why am i red i dont like red i dont have any red on me Because you're fire type bzzt! It seemed the best fit with what we have. Now please, back to the intro but theres pruple. why does pebble get purple and not me? Purple, and thats because of the limited colours, bzzt. Red doesnt fit anyone else, especially not Pebble. fiiiiiiinee im littie and im rune's best friend. i found her as a kid and weave been friends ever since
Bzzt, my name is Bolt. I am an officially licensed Service/Therapy Rotom. The Akiyamas got me for Rune around two years back to assist her, mentally. Now, I assist her in battles too, although I'm not particularly good at them.
Makoto, It's your turn now. Ok. I'm Makoto, a Cofagrigus. Do you want to say anything else, bzzt? No, I want to get back to my book.
Hey! I'm Pebble. I joined Rune recently and I really like fighting with her, (They mean Pokémon battling alongside her. Rune isn't fighting her Pokémon, don't worry.) It's really fun! We're gonna be champions! And because of her I met Connie!
Um... Do I have to do this? What do I even say here? Bzzt! Just them about yourself. Start with your name and species alright? Okay... I'm Oran and I'm Rune's Frillish. Uh, she caught me to help with a gym. I guess I did well cus I'm still a part of her team...
Hiya, I'm Four, er, Connie! Four was my old name, before Rune. I'm really new and I don't battle or anything, I'm just happy to be here! It's much more fun.
Well, bzzt, that concludes our intros! if yoforgetting about someone, zappy? Please don't take the phone. If you want to join us however, you can. I will edit your text to green and indent your hmph "want to join?" u cant just leave me out of this im a part of the team too Really? You're staying? Since when!? a couple days. those two liked me too much the girl had to keep me Yay! you didnt know? Yay! This is gonna be so fun! So noisy, maybe. When are we done with this thing? Please everyone, one at a time. Remember, this is our introductions. So, what is your name, bzzt? don't have one, don't need one. no one's gonna forget me anyway, just look at me! (She's likely referring to her being a Shiny Misdreavus. Ps, that's the reason her text is green bzzt!) you dont need to add extra stuff to my sentence, zappy. Bzzt, can I at least choose a new nickname? nope. >:)
Alright, that officially concludes our introductions! If you have any questions to ask them. There's also an Ask Game if you would like to ask us questions from there, bzzt. Apologies for the delays, someone took a while to get ready. You could have simply done it without me.
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6ofdreamers · 9 days
SORROWS AND HIGHS , aegon ii targaryan
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aegon targaryen x fem! reader
warnings & notes: slight use of y/n (just once i promise) kinda ooc aegon i’m not entirely too sure, cussing, drinking and mentions of suicide (jokingly)
crowds of people had made their way into the red keep, their words echoing off the stone walls—laughs traveling from one from to another. drinks were being poured as if it was air that those had needed, viserys laughing as his council argued about another worthless topic. many people from the seven kingdoms had gathered to king’s landing to celebrate the union between the starks and the arryns. visery’s was happy to see the remaining blood of his wife continue.
after all, lady aema’s cousin was on visery’s council—despite all that had happened in the unfortunate months following her death. he had pledged to stand by and loyal to his king, and to his cousins’s daughter. of course, he was unhappy when he heard about his remarriage to lady alicent, but when their is duty their must also be sacrifice.
which is exactly what your father had warned you of your entire life. your mother wasn’t exactly present in your life, more like a ghost haunting your memories and your heart. your father tried his best to raise you under the guide of the seven and the red keep. in your eyes, he saw his dear cousin, and in viserys’s eyes he saw his deceased wife.
you and aegon were born just mere months apart, growing up together and learning your duties, though each completely different for you were a girl and he was boy. from his childhood, he was taught and trained how to fight, how to maybe one day be king, although it was not what he wished. he was able to fool around, treat the guards and servants as he wished, chase after any breathing living woman he desired.
whilst you were stuck. stuck in endless classes on how to be a lady, what you were to do when you are married—what your duty is as a wife. all things you had not wished for and had pleaded with your father to not marry you off the first man that had asked for your hand, to not marry you off at all.
but what man can refuse a good offer?
despite growing up in the comfort of the red keep, you never had many friends so to speak. all the woman prided themselves on being too “ladylike” for your friendship, and as for the men…as for the men, their looks pierced through you like knives—and endless reminder of the pain it is to be a women.
you were confided in your loneliness, until whenever aegon was back from the street of silk—or whatever it was or whoever he was tormenting. the two of you would sneak out of the red keep late at night, exploring the towns and the shops, getting into all kinds of trouble.
of course with this came the rumors, rumors of your and aegon’s relationship. that you had simply been just another toy of his, that he had taken away your purity like daemon had done to rhaenyra.
which is why your father was even more eager to marry you off to the starks.
aegon was slumped in his chair next to his fathers, helaena sat next to him—whispering nonsense about a blade and a tree. his eyes scanned the entire ballroom, and he could not find you. he figured they were still getting you ready, it was your wedding and you were to look your very best.
he anxiously popped his knuckles as he picked up the chalice in front of him, placing it to his lips for the hope that he would be completely intoxicated by the time the night was over. he was so lost in his own thoughts, it wasn’t until he felt a firm hand gripping his shoulders that he bolted upright.
“we have a slight problem.” ser criston mumbled in aegon’s ear, his eyes scanning towards viserys—in hopes that the king did not hear him.
aegon rolled his eyes, “whatever they’re saying i have done, i haven’t.” he mumbled, placing the chalice to his lips once again—taking in the sweet and bitter taste of the wine.
“it’s not concerning you” ser criston continued.
“then why should i care?” aegon scoffed.
“it’s concerning the lady y/n..” he whispered so softly aegon almost didn’t hear it.
aegon placed the cup back down and turned to face ser criston, a look of confusion washed over his face when he realized how panicked the kingsguard looked. “what has happened?”
“she’s disappeared.”
aegon stood up immediately, catching the attention of both his siblings and his father. he looked back at both of them, simply smiling as he followed cole out of the crowded ballroom and into the empty hallway. there, alicent was waiting—looking more stressed out than she already was. when she finally took notice of her son, a wave of relief washed over her face, one that he was not used to seeing whenever he stood in front of her.
“thank the god’s you’re here and sober.” she whispered, the slight stab at his state of consciousness, making aegon slightly chuckle; his mother always had a way of making him feel like a disappointment. “the wedding is almost upon us, and the lady arryn is missing.” she gasped.
“we have checked all we can, all the chambers, the entire fucking red keep and we cannot find her. some of the other guards are watching the streets, attempting to find any sign of her we can.” ser criston interrupted.
aegon scoffed, “you’ll frighten her once she takes notices how many guards are after her. she’s always felt threatened by you all.” he replied, his tongue poking the side of his cheek. truth be told, aegon was anxious—what if something had happened to you?
“well she’s supposed to be wed and she’s not here.” alicent sighed, looking at her eldest son “aegon, you know her better than anyone. you must know where she is hidden.”
aegon shook his head quickly, “since the announcement of her betrothal she has not spoken a word to me. she’d walk by me in the halls as if i were merely just a painting. she won’t wish to see me.”
“it has no matter whether she wishes to see you or not. just find her and get her back here before the wedding starts.” alicent demanded.
aegon’s lips parted slightly, words hanging at the entrance of his mouth, ones quick to deny the demands of his mother. but he knew what would happen to you if he didn’t find you, and despite your cold gaze to him—he wouldn’t wish to see you upset and in danger.
“very well then, i’ll find her.” he responded
aegon knew very well where you were hiding. he’s known you his entire life, he’s been a bad influence on you and whenever the two of you had gotten into trouble you would both find each other hiding in this very spot.
on his way to the sanctum, he noticed the guards looking eagerly for you—asking every peasant that grew close to the red keeps gates. he was too busy mocking the guards to have noticed that he was stepping on something sharp. sharp enough to pierce through his boots and to cause him to whine.
he looked down, pulling out pieces of a sharp dagger that had seemingly broken in half. blood was stained on it, but it was not his, this blood was already dried. he looked back and noticed the other piece of the dagger stuck in a tree behind him, blood dripping from that piece as well.
his chest began to rise faster as he attempted to ignore what he had just seen, hoping to whatever gods that were listening that you would be in the sanctum just as he had originally thought. his feet moved faster, completely ignoring the shocked stares of the guards and their words of professionalism as he quickly made his way to the sanctum.
he quickly walked up the steps, taking it two steps at a time. it was empty, dimly lit by the candles all in a circle as his blood rang with anxiety. he slowly walked around the lit circle, standing by at the small entrance in the very front. he wanted to be as quiet as possible, in hopes of not scaring you away—but a part of them just needed to know if you were still here.
slowly, he knelt down by the entrance placing his hands inside to feel for anything. at first, all the prince could feel was cold stone, making his fears become very real as he anxiously moved his hand around, attempting to find any sign of you. he pushed himself farther in, reaching as far as he could before he felt something.
a cold touch of skin he had latched onto and quickly yanked out. he had gripped tightly onto your ankle and had dragged you out from underneath the circle, ignoring you pleas and your kicks as you were revealed. he let go of you, throwing your leg onto the ground as you looked up at him with a defeated and angry look on your face. relief washed over him to know that you were still alive and still here.
“very rude way to grab a lady.” you muttered flatting your dress down that had partially lifted up at your attempt to escape.
aegon stayed silent, looking at your figure as you laid on the stone beneath him. your dress was long and elegant, cut below the shoulders with your house’s symbol engraved on the chest. your hair was half up and half down, done with braids and pins with your house’s crest. but aegon had noticed how your face was stained with tears.
“are you planning on standing up?” he questioned.
“no i find it very comfortable here.” you mumbled, crossing your hands over your stomach and avoiding his look.
aegon shrugged, “very well then.” he whispered as he got down on the ground next to you, laying just merely inches away from you. his eyes stayed on the back of your head as you continued to turn away from him. “i’m not sure if you are aware, but you are to be wed soon.” he spoke.
you scoffed slightly, “really? i hadn’t noticed. i thought they got me all ready to sacrifice me like a hog.” you mumbled, playing with the hem of your dress, “i’d actually rather they sacrifice me like a hog then wed me off to the starks.”
“they are not so bad.”
“yeah, well you do not have to wed them.” you interjected.
“thank the god’s.” aegon whispered, earning a slight chuckle from you. you still had yet to face him, but aegon felt content with knowing that he had made you laugh. that he could still make you laugh despite your cold gaze’s.
the sanctum soon went quiet. the candles shadows flickered on the walls, the sounds of the guards outside had caused you to look back at the door every so often. you found comfort on the cold stone, not worrying if your dress were to be ruined—in fact hoping your dress would be ruined in hopes of the wedding to be canceled.
aegon simply watched you. watched you flinch as you would hear the voices of guards outside, watching as you played with your dress—taking notice of the blood that was dripping down from your arm his eyes widened.
“what has happened?” he asked, in a manner you had never heard him speak before. you could feel his cold touch against your hand as he held your arm up—revealing the stream of blood dripping from your arm down to your elbow.
“oh” you simply said, “i hadn’t noticed that.” you let out a soft sigh, “i took a blade to my wrist in hopes of being let out of this hell.” you said quickly.
aegon dropped your hand in anger, he knew you were joking, but simply the thought of you doing that just because you did not wish to be married felt like too much.
you chuckled slightly, “i jest. one of the guards had noticed me and in my fears i had attempted to climb a tree using a dagger i had found. weak fucking thing broke in half and cut my arm.” you whispered, knowing that it you were with anyone else right know you’d be punished for your vulgar language.
“a tree?” was all aegon could manage to speak.
“well i was afraid, i wasn’t thinking very straight.” you answered honestly, still avoiding his gaze that you could feel as if it were knives piercing through your skin.
“afraid of the guards? they’d never do anything to you, they know what would happen if harm would come to you.” aegon always had a way of listenting to your words, but not exactly comprehending what it was that you were saying.
“not the guards….” you said, taking off one of your rings that had belonged to your mother and fidgeting with it, “of marriage.”
“marriage?” aegon questioned, “you’re marrying a stark, it’s not like your marrying some poor bastard off the street. you should be happy it is someone with a undisputed reputation.”
“i could give less fucks if it was a bastard off the street or the king himself that i was to be married.” you replied, “i just don’t understand why it has to be like this, it’s all so maddening.” you sighed, feeling the tears build up again. “since childhood, i have been taught about my duties as a woman. that i was to be wed, to learn how to make my husband happy, to provide him with heirs.” you whispered, not noticing a tear falling from your eye.
“so then you do not wish to be married?” aegon questioned, not exactly knowing what it was that you were saying.
“no it’s not that!” you gasped, sitting up not noticing the pool of blood that had surrounded your arm. “you just wouldn’t understand, aegon.” you muttered, holding your arm close to you—not caring about the blood stained dress.
aegon sat up as well, starting to feel frustrated, “then what is it you are trying to say? how come you believe i won’t understand when you wouldn’t even attempt to talk to me. since news of your betrothal you had just forgotten about my existence!” he said, slightly raising his voice at you.
“and what does that matter? not everything is about you aegon! i’m well aware that you pride yourself on your life, your riches, your wine and your whores.” you spat out, growing angrier by the second, “you have no idea what it’s like to feel like this! to feel this pressured, to feel this lonely—like there isn’t a person in the edge of the goddamn world you can talk too!” you shouted.
aegon’s face grew angrier, he rolled his eyes and chuckled slightly as he stood up. standing in front of you, “on my riches, my wine, and my whores.” he repeated, “i’m glad to know that that is all you think when you see me. that i have not a clue what it feels like to be pressured into something, that i don’t feel lonely, what—because i’m obviously out with my whores! correct?” he shouted. you had never heard him shout at you before.
you held your knees close to your chest, looking up at him with tears in your eyes as you watched the anger and sadness brew in his face. aegon had always believe that you were different, that you didn’t simply see him as the heir or the fuck up prince, that you had seen him for who he truly was. but now he knows that that was a mistake.
“they sent me searching for you because they believed that i was the one who knows you best.” he said, looking at you shaking his head, “obviously we now know that to be a false claim.” he scoffed.
aegon turned around, as to walk away from the sanctum before you stood up and shouted his name. aegon looked back at you, marching just mere inches towards you before he stopped himself. “they are not true, i do not know you despite having grown up with you and you clearly have your mind made up about I.” he scoffed, turning back around and making his way towards the door.
“no!” you shouted, “you do not know me despite having grown up with me.” a pain stuck through your chest, an even higher adrenaline than when you had cut your hand. aegon stopped once again, and you were afraid of losing him to your own anger, but he had to know the truth. “i have watched and listened..” you started, “watched as you’ve drunkly gotten into arguments, flirted with woman, and watched as you came to me sobbing because of your father.”
aegon clenched his fists, refusing to turn around.
“i have listened to the rumors, the rumors of you in flea bottom, the rumors of the whores and the alleged bastards—the rumors of I simply being one of your whores.” you spat out, choking back a sob. “i have listened to you cry, i have listened to you laugh, i have listened to you complain.” “hell, i had even let myself go from my duties to accompany you to taverns, and to spend time with you!” you gasped, not being able to hold back the tears.
“and despite our growing up together you never once had took notice of how much i admire you.” you confessed, shaking your head. “or maybe you have, and you simply did not care—but i stand here right now to tell you that i cannot marry cregan stark.”
aegon stayed silent, his heart beating very fast against his chest and his ears ringing. he felt like he could throw up, unsure if it was from the wine earlier, or from the words that were spewing from your mouth.
you walked closer to him, slowly, standing inches away from him that he could feel your breath against the back of his neck. making all the hair on his body stand up and his legs weak.
“i do wish to marry, but it is not cregan stark i wish to marry.” you whispered silently. staring at the back of aegon’s head, watching as he slowly turned to face you.
“who?” he whispered, so faintly only the dead could hear it.
“you.” you replied softly, a tear falling from your check and onto aegon’s boot.
aegon looked at you in disbelief. his eyes widened as he slowly stepped back, looking at you in shock. he felt as though you had reached your hand inside his chest and grabbed ahold of his heart, he was not aware of what to do.
your lips parted, fear washing over you as you shook your head. “if you do not feel the same way, my prince, i understand—i deeply apologize if i have offended you.” you replied shaking your head.
you continued rambling your sorry apologizes before aegon marched over to you, “stop talking.” he whispered as he clutched onto your waist and pulled you closer to him, connecting both of your lips. he kissed you passionately, almsot knocking you over as you clung on to him—ignoring the pain in your arm as you tugged on his hair, causing him to groan.
you broke the kiss, attempting to gasp for air as you noticed the look in aegon’s eyes. you were unaware if he had reciprocated your feelings, or if this was just a night of passion between the two of you. aegon had attempted to kiss you again, but you looked down. not wanting for him to see the tears building up in your eyes.
“what is wrong?” he asked quietly, his hands going to up the sides of your face, forcing you to look him in the eyes.
“i do not want this to simply be just lust.” you whispered, “you do not have to do this if you just pity me, we can forget this happened and i could go on to marry cregan stark.” you said, shaking your head.
aegon scoffed, “i do not pity you, and you were certainly not be going back to marry that cunt if i have any say in the matter.” he said, earning a smile from you. “and it is more than just lust.” he said, “i have loved you since we were ten and one, that night that we snuck back into the red keep—and my grandsire caught us. when you called him a cunt, i could’ve kissed you right there and then.” he admitted.
love he loved you. aegon targaryen, was in love with you, despite all you had thought and all others had thought he was in love with you. you beamed brightly smiling as you went in for another kiss, only this time to be swerved by aegon.
“i have poured out my heart to you woman and here you are attempting to kiss me. you leave me to believe you must only want me for my body.” he joked, causing the two of you to laugh and touch foreheads.
“i love you, aegon targaryen.” you whispered softly. making aegon smile as he desperately placed his lips against yours once again. moving your arms up and over his shoulders, pining you back against the stone wall as his tongue made way into your mouth. a loud groan emitting from your mouth as you felt heat rush to the pit of your stomach.
upon noticing the blood that was staining his clothes you broke the kiss, looking at him shocked, “oh no your clothes, i’ve ruined them.” you whispered attempting to get the blood off of them. aegon chuckled, looking back at the worried expression on your face. “it does not matter, my love.” he whispered.
aegon grabbed your thumb, tracing it over the blood of your arm and placing a singular dot on his forehead, whispering words in high valyrian as he swiftly pulled out a dagger and pierced his own thumb, tracing his blood over yours.
“i am yours, and you are now mine.” he whispered.
“i am yours, and you are now mine.” you repeated, leaning in to kiss aegon.
aegon pinned you hard against the wall, lifting your legs and wrapping them against his waist as he made his way towards you neck, causing you to groan. you clung onto him, afraid that if you were to let go he would leave your side, that all this would be merely a dream.
“aegon” you muttered, causing him to bite down on your skin harder, “aegon” you said, once again.
aegon looked up at you, confused. you placed a soft kiss on his lips and looked at him with love, “as much as i want to do this, mayhaps we shall do it not in the sanctum.” you whispered.
aegon looked around at the candles and all the statues. “i believe this is a perfect place to consummate our marriage, don’t you think so?” he said, with a smirk on his face.
you chuckled slightly, “truly, i do not care where we are.” you responded truthfully, “however i fear i may have lost a lot of blood because i don’t feel well.” you said, motioning to the small pool of blood of where you laid earlier.
aegon’s eyes widened, “oh yes, let us find you a maester, now!” he replied, letting go of your legs gently and letting you stand up on your own. he kept your arm around his shoulder as he quickly walked out of the sanctum and down the stairs.
“you are walking too fast.” you gasped.
“well my wife is bleeding out and i’m the horniest i’ve been in my entire life.” he said, entirely to loud causing you to gasp and hide your head in his shoulders.
however the word wife did sound nice coming from his mouth.
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almond-tofuuu · 4 months
The one who holds his heart
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Zayne x reader
Summary: The new nurse is flirting with Zayne but his heart already belongs to someone else....
Warnings: none, reader is jealous, Zayne and reader are friends, confessions of love, friends to lovers, fluffy ending, possibly ooc Zayne (I just needed to feel happy) not proofread
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You weren't jealous.
After all, why should you be? It's not like you and Zayne were anything other than friends, even if it sometimes felt like there was something more between you both. So logically, seeing the new nurse cosying up to Zayne, hand resting on his arm as she batted her eyelashes at him shouldn't have affected you in the slightest. But you couldn't stop the rage bubbling up inside you, knuckles turning white as your grip tightened around the plastic bag in your hand. You and Zayne had agreed to have lunch together today, and you'd even stopped at the bakery he likes to pick up some desserts as a surprise for your hardworking doctor. However, seeing the way this new nurse was flirting with him so blatantly, you'd lost your appetite.
As if sensing your gaze, Zayne's eyes met yours, and he swiftly excused himself from whatever conversation he and the nurse were having, making his way over to you. "You're here, I was beginning to wonder if I was going to be eating alone" his usual teasing did nothing to subdue the jealousy that was clouding your mind, instead it only made things worse.
"Oh really? Cause I'm sure that nurse you were talking to would've been more than happy to keep you company" you huff angrily, tone dripping with sarcasm. Of course, you shouldn't really be taking you're frustration out on Zayne, he didn't actually do anything wrong, but you were too wound up to care.
Zayne's brows furrowed slightly in concern at your comment, but he didn't question it, instead choosing to place a hand on your lower back, lightly guiding you towards his office "come on, let's go eat in my office"
Reluctantly you followed his lead. The walk was short and awkward, neither of you speaking until you arrived at his office, where Zayne was quick to close the door behind you both. With a heavy sigh you turn to face Zayne, tempted to make up an excuse so you could leave and avoid having to be alone with him, but before you could speak, Zayne was already staring at you. Carefully, he approached you, the way one would approach a frightened animal, as if he felt any sudden movements from him would make you bolt. Now standing in front of you, Zayne gently took your hands in his, the coolness of his touch was soothing and you could feel the jealousy from earlier melt away with every stroke of his thumb over your knuckles.
"Now, will you tell me what inspired your little comment earlier?" His was smooth as honey, a tone he reserves only for you, his eyes are focused on yours, his gaze so tender that you have to look away, embarrassed about you're behaviour.
"...I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that, I just-" you hesitate slightly, unsure whether to tell him the truth, but a reassuring squeeze of your hands gives you the courage you need. "I didn't like the way that nurse was talking to you..." Your cheeks burn and you keep your gaze locked on the floor, too embarrassed to look at Zayne.
For what seems like an eternity, neither of you make a sound, and just as your about to try and leave, the tension becoming too much for you to bear, a light chuckle catches you off guard.
"I thought it was fairly obvious by now, but it would seem you still don't understand. In that case..." Zayne gently tugs on your wrist, pulling you closer until your chest is flush against his, you can feel the hammering of a heart, but it's difficult to tell whether it's yours or his. "Allow me to make it more clear." Zayne softly holds your face, thumb brushing over your cheek before moving down to trace your bottom lip. "I have no interest in that nurse, nor anyone else for that matter. The only one I want is standing right in front of me." His whispered confession leaves you in stunned silence, mouth opening and closing as your short-circuited brain struggles to form a coherent thought. Zayne let's out a soft chuckle, seemingly amused by your reaction, "it would appear my confession has rendered you speechless. Is it really that much of a surprise?"
His light teasing is what finally snaps you out of your trance, clearing your throat in an attempt to lessen your embarrassment, "erm well.... I guess I just never thought you would feel the same way as I do, that's all." Your cheeks burned as you averted your eyes, wanting to hide your flushed face from Zayne, but he was quick to stop you. Hand tilting your chin upwards, your eyes locked with his, their usual icy intensity now replaced with a tenderness that made your heart flutter.
"Darling, I've harboured these feelings for you for so long now my heart doesn't know how to love anyone else. As a doctor, I know a great deal about the human body, especially the heart..." Zayne brings one of your hands to his chest, placing it directly over his heart that is pounding just as fast as yours. "But even I can't explain the effect you have on me. I can no longer function without you, your touch is the only thing that can soothe me after a rough day, your voice has ruined even the most beautiful melodies as nothing can compare. I don't just want you. I crave you. My heart belongs to you. In this lifetime and every other. It will always be yours."
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easy-there-leftovers · 9 months
I See You, Darling (4)
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[Astarion x reader] A little longer than usual, I hope that’s fine for all of you :,DDD I didn't want to cram too much into the post though, so the segment at the end might be continued in full detail, or maybe not! Let's see.|Word count: 2.9k.|
Content Warnings: Mentions of cooking, handling knives, blood, allusions to sex, a few ooc characters, reader being a dumbass and wahtnot.
Part 3 here!!
Masterlist here!!
A party is being held at the camp in the heroes’ honor, which greets you with a lively crowd that you’ll hopefully meet again soon. And with a gathering this large, you’re bound to garner attention. But with a constitution as poor as yours from the night before, a round of drinks is the last thing you want. 
Alternatively: A bloodless human tries to balance respectfully participating in a drinking party, while also not drinking at all. 
The sun rises, the warmth of its rays gently waking you in the absence of the campfire’s flames. The soft chirping of the birds greet you a good morning as your eyes slowly open, ready to greet the day as a new opportunity arises.
Is what would have happened in a more idyllic scenario. Instead, you bolt awake with a pounding headache, worse than any hangover could possibly feel like, and quickly rush to get up. By the sheer brightness of the light that burns your newly opened corneas, it is far later than when you usually wake. And breakfast still hasn’t been made. 
“Well, good morning sleepy head.” One of your companions, Gale, says as he fixes his belongings. Readying himself for the skirmish that was about to take hold later on in the day.
“I’m very  sorry for waking up late. It won’t happen again.” You bow your head low for a moment before he waves you off.
“Oh come now, we all have our off days. Besides, I think the rest would agree with me when I say what you made for us last night was more than enough to last us ‘til morning.” His statement is punctuated by the lively sounds of the others training. Ready and well rested for whatever may come.
You look around. None have seemed to mind your temporary absence, so you endeavor to double check with everyone leaving and ensure that they had a sound strategy with the necessary materials and weapons should there be a need for failsafes. You remind them of certain notes that some of them have informed you about but failed to share with the rest of the group. 
‘While goblins typically go down faster than other opponents, they have no sense of honor nor pride which gives way for them the opportunity to use more underhanded tactics. But they also aren’t very bright, so you can convince the others to let them infiltrate the camp and eradicate them from the inside out.’
As the rest disperse, finalize their plans and check their supplies, your favorite character approaches you much like he usually does every morning. Only this time, you see that he looks very pleased. A more vibrant spark in his eyes as he opens his mouth to speak.
“Thank goodness you’ve finally woken up.” He looks at you, in the same way an old friend of yours would when they’re seconds away from telling a joke. 
The look fades soon enough though as he breathes out. You wonder if it’s because the joke isn't funny anymore, or if he never had a punchline to begin with.
“You looked a little ill last night, but you’ve certainly recovered.” Recovered isn’t the word you would use to describe your current state of feeling almost half dead, but you don’t bother correcting the details.
“And you look particularly vibrant today, Astarion.” The itch of your neck intensifies as you return a pointed look at him as he frowns.
“Oh, of course! Now, don’t be so upset. I will admit that I got a little carried away, I apologize.” He pauses. The frown remains on his face for a while before it is erased with his usual expression of confidence. 
“But let’s not fall out over this.” He moves to stand closer to you, taking your hand to his as he nears it to his lips as he continues. 
“We need each other.” 
And whether its done purposefully or not, you see his fangs peek out from his mouth and a shiver courses through your body.
You slip your hand out of his own in a panic and interject. 
“I know that much already, and I trust you not to let what happened last night happen again. I also apologize for not noticing sooner and dealing with the situation better.” You hold your head down a bit to apologize but quickly meet his gaze gain. “But I do need to know what we’ll have to feed you from now on.”
The look of confusion, and perhaps even shock that was once swimming in his eyes dissipates before you can notice them when he swears upon his resolve. “No innocents, you have my word. After all, you know what I am now. I can fight with all my weapons–” He grins, allowing you a clearer view than what you had earlier. “Teeth included.”
“And if I happen to drain the occasional bandit during a fight, what's the harm? They’re just as dead.” He makes a very compelling argument, at least to your standards.
You sigh, satisfied for now. You’re confident that none of your party members would end up at the mercy of his fangs, and you’re more than sure they would be able to overpower him more than your attempts did. But the same sentiment cannot be shared for possibly important, plot driving, characters that you might meet later on.
So you propose something to strengthen your trust that the unlikely will stay the unlikely.
“Look, I’m–” You breathe in, almost as if you're trying to suck back whatever courage washed over you back in as you steeled yourself for what you were about to say next.
“I’m not against you feeding from me, but!” You punctuate the last syllable as you see his grin growing wider. “We need to discuss things beforehand. No prowling over me while waiting for me to wake up or to sink your teeth into.”
The proposal greatly delights him, as is evident in his response. “Of course! That sounds eminently reasonable. I shall wait patiently until you suggest we… dine together. But until then: no more late-night surprises. You have my word on that.” 
After that, he makes a joke about feeling ‘peckish already,’ and quickly gathers the rest of the party to leave on their adventure.
You promise them a feast when they came back as the victors that they are. What you forgot, after what felt like weeks in the real world, was the crowd that would come filtering in to celebrate their heroes’ achievements as well.
When you saw the tieflings from the grove traveling alongside your companions, you knew they had come to celebrate. And you blanched at the thought of the provisions they’d be seeking to pair with their drinking. It’s been so long since you went through this event, and you no longer recall if they even ate anything during the party.
You look at your bubbling cauldron–– a bigger one as you had anticipated a few acquaintances accompanying them–– but you wager that at least a little extra things to nibble on won’t hurt to have. You still have quite the amount of camp supplies in the trunk, but you keep it reserved for the camp’s use only. So you smile at your returning comrades and alert the others that stayed behind for your reason to leave and that they can begin eating dinner. 
While others told you it wasn’t necessary, the rest just nodded with a smile and yelled that they’d wait for you to return. You return quite too quickly though, all the while informing them why you’re keeping the communal chest in your tent as you spy the child that tried to steal and swindle the group a few days prior approaching with the rest.
They have a laugh and you quickly proceed with your plan to find at least a few consumable berries and nuts or seeds to accompany the drinks later on. 
But foraging for said consumables near dark is a choice not for the faint-hearted. You came to realize this when you heard the low grumble of a large animal, thankfully far from your form. You turn to look behind you, taking great care to do so as slowly as possible so as to not alert the mysterious creature.
In the clearing, you spot a rather dark looking bear and you feel a cold sweat begin to form on your temple. Hands, growing wet in the dangerous situation you’ve placed yourself in. This wasn’t the same as being drained to death by a vampire, that, you could at least reason with. But a wild animal? With your lack of magical prowess and lesser knowledge of connecting with nature and the wild, you would be finished if it were to follow you.
The small pouch of nuts and wild berries stayed holstered on your waist, but the bear’s eyes that were previously low on the ground are now trained on you. Almost as if it were caught doing something it wasn’t supposed to be. 
You freeze. You forgot what the basic policy was around brown or black bears and therefore couldn’t do much about your current predicament. There shouldn’t be a bear around this area, not unless they had traveled from far away, or that this bear was one of your future companions.
And while the latter isn’t impossible, you most certainly did not want to gamble your life on a possibility. So you tried to compose yourself, returned the gaze of the bear with a shaky and careful nod, and turned back to return to camp. Figuring that the amount of tidbits you gathered would have to suffice.
 When you return, the company you shared seems to be in high spirits. Some more than others. But conversation was plentiful and you smiled as the tieflings cheered for your comrades. You quickly got to work and began to chop the nuts into thinner pieces. Something you learned to make the appearance of something look more abundant than it really is.
While you were chopping away unfortunately, you nick your finger along the way and silently curse. Unfortunate, but not an unforeseeable outcome given the booming drums of the bard that plays oh so nicely with your bloodless state. You quickly, but neatly, arrange the provisions on two small platters, and position them near the larger gatherings. 
“Flitting around like a hummingbird as always, I see.” A familiar, but not immediately recognizable voice greets you as you pass them. You turn and you see an unexpected acquaintance with a bottle in their hand and an incredibly charming grin.
“Dammon! How lucky of me to run into you.” You genuinely were elated to see him. You didn’t see much of him later on in the game, and being able to interact with him beyond the opportunities given to you was certainly nice.
“I could say the same. Though you’re as lively as you usually are.” There’s no malice in his tone, only an innocent observation, yet you feel embarrassed to have been seen scuttling about like a bug.
“I– promise I’m more organized. I just didn’t expect us to be having any guests.” He takes notice of how you push your fingers into your palms repetitively, a small action that soothes you.
“I think you’ve done more than a fine job already. The celebration is for you all, and it was us who planned to come and might’ve put your friends on the spot.” He later takes notice of the cut on your finger as well.
“Speaking of,” He gingerly grasps your hand, looking to you for permission, but you’re too confused to respond with anything he can understand. “Shouldn’t you be taking it easy for the night? You’ve done enough. And if what happened at the grove tells me anything about you, I’m sure they’ll survive even if you settle. Just for a bit.” 
He leads you nearer to the water and produces a small washcloth to clean a bit of your finger as you respond. “The grove? They did that on their own. I just um, take notes.” You sit on a fallen tree, your head still fuzzy, as you observe his crouched form. Inspecting the cut as he cleans it. 
A curious interaction. Not one that you’d expect from an non-romanceable NPC, but an interesting one nonetheless. And it would seem that someone had found it equally as interesting, if the way he scrutinizes you had anything to do about it.
He chuckles in turn. “If modesty is how you like to live, then I won’t impose.” He smiles and gets up as you continue your conversation. You don’t recall if the tiefling has ever had this much screen time, but his voice is rather lovely so you don’t complain about it.
You end up discussing quite a bit, but you focus on what can be done about your party. Specifically Karlach as you worry for the future and you’d like to have answers for her when he isn’t around during your journey. He doesn’t have much idea of what else can be done, but he does mention that he should have something by the time you meet him again in Baldur’s Gate.
You do remember that you might meet him a lot sooner, but you don’t mention it explicitly. You do, however, advise him to be extra careful around the oxen as they can be rather unpredictable this time of year.
As you continue, you notice his eyes flit up every now and then. Like something was catching his attention ever so often. You ask him about it and he actually laughs at your genuine inquiry. “It looks like I was wrong. Your friend there looks like he’d like his turn for your company.”
You turn around and you don’t immediately eye anyone looking in your direction. You were never the subtle type, so you looked around, blatantly searching for someone. It was a bit odd to see.
Your eyes do eventually train on his, but he doesn’t necessarily look like he wants to talk to you. Sure, he’s scowling away, though that’s not out of the ordinary at all. Besides, he has a bottle of something that you hope is helping him relax.
Still, perhaps Dammon saw something you didn’t so you politely thank him for his company and excuse yourself.
You greet the others that regard you as you walk past them. Declining the offers to drink and excusing yourself politely when you were asked to stay a bit. 
As you approach him, a tiefling tries to strike up a conversation with him. With a bored look, he dismisses them and turns to look at you. He takes a sip, sneers, and begins his rant now that you’re situated in front of him.
“I hate it. This is awful.” 
“The…wine?” He looks at you as if he should be mad, but a hint of amusement surfaces past the expression anyway. 
“There’s that, but I’m talking about the tieflings. We killed some goblins to save the others. The tally of lives didn’t change much. But what do I get for my hard work? A pat on the head, and vinegar for wine.” He looks down the neck of the bottle, swirling its contents before handing it out for you to take.
You look at the bottle, then him, warily. Modern alcohol is already a wonder to you, and this medieval mead could only do so much worse. Still, you take the bottle, and take a very small sip.
It’s a heavy, rich, red. Dry and sharp. You make a small sound of shock as you keep the liquid in your mouth. Offering him an awkward smile and a nod as you do.
“Ugh, see what I mean? Awful.” 
“All I want is a little fun. Is that so much to ask?” You would think that after an entire day of fighting whatever was out there he’d be tired. Apparently not. 
You sigh, ready to reprimand him and that he should just enjoy the night, but you stop when you feel his unburdened hand reach out to you. Eyes, boring into your own as he propositions you.
You’re here. Face in the grasp of a character you’ve longed to romance with what little time you’ve had away from your scholarly pursuits. Yet meeting him in strange, yet not all too unfamiliar, territory stirs uncertainty within you. Because while he doesn't have a knife at your throat like he did when your character first met him, it certainly does evoke the same sentiment.
‘To, “make me his”, is that right?’ While the idea is tempting, that statement alone can have various interpretations. And you didn’t want to hedge your bets on the one that made your heart race for all the wrong reasons.
Thankfully, he releases his hold on your visage. Only the gods know how much his touch alone can influence you, and you struggle to stand upright.
“I’m– very,-- truly, sorry, but don’t you think you have the wrong person? I mean,” You gesture to yourself with both hands, a cut visible from the labor in the few hours prior to the large festivities going on.. “Uh…in case you haven’t noticed, I’m not exactly in a position to make any um, lucrative offers.” 
 He looks at you, a familiar expression graces his face. He leans his weight on one leg, and you struggle to recognize what his body language is conveying. This is one of those instances you wished you had the dice roll mechanic of the game at your disposal. 
“Why, that hardly matters, darling. What matters is that you’re here.” He takes a sip from his bottle, the very same that he allowed you to partake from moments prior. Only this time, without the sneer at the aftertaste as he continues.
“But then again, what’s a sinner to do when faced with the very embodiment of chastity?” A smile graces his face, but it’s one that is all too perfect. As if he’s rehearsed the same song and dance enough to save him lifetimes.
“Let’s wait until things quieten down. Once the others are asleep we’ll find each other.” 
You have no idea what to expect. Well, you do, but you’re not very sure if this is necessary. You’ll just have to find a way to continue the story without having to go through with this. For now, at least. 
“We’ll see about that, Astarion.” 
Thank you to @rey26, @shyminnie07, @lynnloveshobi, @iggee-rose, @automnepoet, @tiannamortis, @aoirohi, @sarkara211, @jane-3043, @h3110-dar1in9, @h3ll0k1ttyl0ver333, @mimziethealien, @squichymochi, @sharabay, @furblrwurblr, @dork-of-the-universe, @thedevilssinner, @fuckalrighty, @queenofthespacesquids, @perseny, @goldenplutus, @h4nluv, @awkward-d3rs3-dr3amer, @auszimbo, @maruichio, @iamsexytrash, @craig-mywifeisdead-boone, @grimissleepy, @fandomsfanman, @bitchyzombienacho, @r1kk, @ancuninstar, @izuoyarmin, @gracemisconduct, @kiinokochii, @marina-and-the-memes, and @life-is-hard-m8 for asking to be tagged!!
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thursdaygxrls · 10 months
thin ice — three
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part one | part two | part three
summary — the lightning bolts have made it to the semi-finals, and parties are the best way to celebrate. they’re also the best place to run into familiar faces.
pairing — uni hockey player!peter parker x fem!journalist!reader
disclaimers — sadly, i don’t own peter parker and his yummy face
warnings — this isn’t your first rodeo: this shit is unedited, mentions of drinking/being drunk, possible ooc, reader is referred to as ‘kitty’ (finally gets explained in this part!)
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Death was approaching, she could feel it. The sickening, deadly vibrations of the music thundered in her ears like a funeral march. Maybe if she’d grown a spine, she would have avoided this all.
“We’re not even inside yet.”
MJ’s voice broke her from the trance she was stuck in. The Lightning Bolts had made it into the semi-finals, meaning they were one of the last four teams standing. Delta Alpha Kappa, home of half the hockey team, decided to throw their (nearly) weekly rager in honor of that. So, of course, Harry invited MJ, and MJ forced her very unwilling roommate to come.
“Being near the door is scary enough.” Her voice squeaked. 
“I didn’t realize you hated parties this much,” MJ giggled, stuffing her hands into her jacket.
“There’s a difference between parties and frat parties,” she responded with a shudder, “You can probably get thirty-five different diseases from just walking inside.”
“I’ll nurse you back to health.” 
Before a retort could be made, they were already hopping up the steps to the front door. There were some people outside the house, littering the grass and porch. At the door was a guy with a grey snapback. He smiled at them as he opened the door, throwing out a ‘hey, ladies’ as he let them in. He was harmless and hadn’t done anything wrong, but she already felt herself getting faintly annoyed at his grin.
The inside of the house was to be expected. Dull neon lights streaking the walls from the Five Below LED machines, unintelligently music rippling through the air and vibrating the floors, the hazy smell of weed that hung heavier the further you moved into the house. There was an open room people were dancing in on the left, a kitchen on the right, and stairs ahead of them. 
“We don’t have to stay here all night, right?” She pleaded with MJ, her voice somewhat lost in the loud music.
“Of course not,” MJ shook her head, “An hour—two tops.”
“And you’re not leaving me,” she said, punctuating her words by grabbing ahold of MJ’s arm. A chuckle bubbled in the redhead’s throat as she returned the grip, though, with less fervor.
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” she shook her head.
Apparently, she would dream of it, because within a half an hour, MJ was swept away by Harry. It wasn’t MJ’s intention to leave, nor was it Harry’s to strand Kitty—he’d hoisted her over his shoulder and was gone within seconds. MJ had sent her an apology text minutes later, saying they were playing beer pong out on the patio. Part of her wanted to join them so that she wasn’t so alone in an unfamiliar place, but then a couch had just opened up in a deserted corner of the living room. She replied with ‘all good :).’ Things were very much not all good.
The settings of her phone had become extremely interesting. She’d increased and decreased the size of the text on her screen multiple times. Changed her wallpaper. Played with the magnifier. Ran out of lives on Project Makeover. Changed her wallpaper again. The obnoxious music faded to the background of her mind as she tucked herself away. She should’ve just gone to the patio with MJ. A sigh escaped her as she caved, opening her texts.
“Are you stalking me?”
Her eyes shot up from her phone immediately. Of course he was here. Hazel eyes, choppy brown hair, a nearly healed lip that was rosier than normal. His words echoed her own from the last time they’d spoken. She hadn’t had any need to speak to him, really: they’d given an overzealous freshman a shot at handling the sports section, so she’d been taken off the duty for at least another week. 
“You came up to me,” she replied, “And you could still be stalking me for all I know.” Peter grinned, the same grin he’d given her when they met, and when he was being dragged to the penalty box, and when he’d swiped his card for her at the dining hall.
“Not stalking.” He raised his hands in defense, showing off the red solo cup in his grip. He was still smiling that stupid, toothy smile. 
“Then what are you doing here?” She raised her brow.
“Well, uh,” he chuckled, “Not to sound like a dick, but this party is sort of for me—for the team, really. We made semis.”
Hot embarrassment flooded her at the realization. She knew that already. Would it be worse to say that and admit she had actually been watching the game on her laptop late last week, or just pretend that she was a lot more dense than she already was?
“Oh,” she hummed, not quite doing either, “I see.”
“So, can I ask what you’re doing here?” Peter asked. He moved slightly, like he wanted to take a seat next to her on the couch but decided against it.
“Isn’t it obvious? I live here,” she replied, the sarcasm thick on her tongue. He seemed to like it because he let out another one of those throaty chuckles.
“Ah, yeah, should’ve figured,” he nodded. With his free hand, he scratched the scruff of hair above his left ear. Then, he spoke up again, “Mind if I sit?”
“A little,” she cringed internally at her own words. Though contradictory, she scooched a bit, asserting that maybe it would be okay if he sat. He took the invitation.
“Where’s MJ?” He cocked his head.
“Kidnapped by your lovely teammate.” “She just left you alone?”
“It’s not her fault—she apologized and told me where he was holding her captive, but…well, the couch opened up,” she shrugged. Another deep laugh.
“That’s pretty sound logic,” he nodded. The last time they’d been this close, she was interviewing him. Well, she was trying to interview him while he flirted incessantly. Peter held his cup between his knees, taking slow sips every once and a while. 
“Do you live here?” She turned to fully face him, “Are you one of those frat guys?”
“I thought about it, but I just didn’t have enough time,” he shook his head, “I’m actually in an on-campus apartment. I have my own bathroom, so, hey, I’m winning, I guess.” For perhaps the first time, a light laugh was drawn from her lips. It wasn’t necessarily real, more like a confirmation that she heard him, but it was enough to make Peter’s lips twitch into another grin.
“What about you, Kitty?”
And there it was. He had to ruin it. 
“What’s your obsession with trying to call me that?” She grumbled.
“You said your friends call you that,” he replied, acting so nonchalant that it took all her strength not to roll her eyes.
“We’re not friends,” she corrected him quickly. His face fell for only a minute before he was already picking his lips up into another grin.
“Can’t we be?” He asked. His words were so sincere, like he was actually searching for friendship behind her eyes. Maybe he was being sincere. She shifted in her spot.
“I don’t know. I mean, I know I probably came off sort of strong before, inviting you to the game and everything, but you came, so I sort of thought…” he shrugged again, “We’re…friends? Of some sort?”
Well, he wasn’t entirely wrong. She’d shown up. But it was because of MJ, because MJ wanted to go. Yeah, that was why.
“MJ wanted to see Harry,” she disputed.
“But you still came,” he pressed. She still came. A sigh left her.
“Okay, we’re, like, sort of friends,” she finally admitted, “But that doesn’t mean you just get to call me that name.”
“Well then what am I supposed to call you?” He questioned, and her eyebrows furrowed in response. A smile split on his lips, “You never actually introduced yourself to me, y’know.”
Another burst of molten embarrassment. She searched her mind, trying to remember if she’d ever told him her name, but she was drawing blanks. She’d been so pissed off during the interview that she never introduced herself. Her scalp burned.
“Y/n,” she swallowed her pride for a moment, “That’s what you can call me.”
“I sort of like Kitty better.” Now he was just pushing the limits.
“Well, it’s not for you to use,” her voice was sharp.
“Harry uses it.” “Harry is a dick that doesn’t listen to me when I tell him to stop calling me it.”
“MJ uses—”
“MJ uses it because she’s allowed to use it,” she interrupted, “Hearing other people use it is like hearing a stranger refer to you by your family nickname. It’s freaky.”
“Is there a reason for it? The nickname, I mean?” Peter, for as genuine as he was trying to be, couldn’t hide his grin. 
“A stupid one.” Why would she admit that?
“Can I hear it?” He pressed.
“You are just full of questions,” she huffed. Silence settled between them. Beats of unspoken words fell like snowflakes as the dull thump of the party shifted to the forefront. 
“It’s a stupid reason,” she repeated, breaking the seal. Peter looked at her again.
“Is it?” His voice was a little softer than before. 
“Yeah,” she sighed. Why was she giving in so easily?
“It’s because I always land on my feet somehow,” she began to explain, “Not literally. Like, back in high school, I’d have a test I forgot to study for, and I’d ace it somehow. Or when I used to do the professor spotlight for the paper, I would put it off until the last minute and bullshit a whole piece just to be told it’s one of the best things I’ve done. Stuff like that. MJ said I’m like a cat, but cuter, so she started calling me that freshman year.”
Like clockwork, Peter let out a huff of laughter. He looked at her, eyes sparkling with the new information and he curled his lips. She must’ve been getting some second-hand smoke, because her head seemed a little fuzzier than before.
“I thought it was going to be something traumatic,” he chuckled, “Like, you got stuck in a tree or something.”
“It’s just personal,” she rolled her eyes.
“So,” his laughter subsided, “I don’t have Kitty privileges?” “No,” she shook her head.
“Do you mean ‘no’ or ‘not yet’?” His smile was unbearable.
“I mean ‘no’.”
“You sure?”
“I’m sure.”
“Are you sure sure?” 
She was going to have to physically restrain herself. Instead of arguing, she shuffled in her seat, “I think I’m gonna go see if MJ is still—”
“Hey,” he said softly. His hand landed on her arm in a featherlight touch that had her nerve ending lighting up. Her eyes met his. The softness that consumed the hazel caused her to still. 
“Before you go,” his tone was more subdued now, “Can I possibly have your number?”
The question caught her off guard. If she hadn’t already stopped moving, she would’ve come to a screeching halt. Perhaps what confused her the most was that her instinctual response was to say yes, to reach for her phone and let him make a new contact. 
“I promise I won’t set your name as ‘Kitty’,” he added, ��Scout’s honor.” “Were you a boy scout?” She cocked her head.
“Nope,” he replied with that same giddy grin that melted her resolve. Another sigh escaped her as she grabbed her phone. He waited patiently as she created a new contact and handed over the phone. His fingers darted across the screen before taking a picture of himself. Well, more like a picture of his eyes and nose way too close to the camera. He gave the phone back, seemingly proud of himself. The picture was set, and the name he’d chosen for himself was ‘peter :)’. He also sent himself a text so he would have her number.
“I’ll let you go now,” he grinned, “Have fun watching drunks play pong.” She nodded and nearly stood, but was planted back to her seat in a moment.
“How did you know where I was going?” Her eyebrows creased. Peter’s smile fell slightly as his eyes widened.
“Oh,” he coughed, “Well, I bumped into MJ earlier, so, y’know.”
“Mhm,” she hummed, “And I bet you didn’t ask her where I was, either.” He chuckled nervously and scratched the spot above his ear again.
“Nope,” he lied. She shook her head at his tone.
“Right,” she stood, “See you around, stalker.”
“Bye, Ki—Y/n,” he cut himself off, grinning proudly when he noticed his mistake. His smile had to be contagious, infectious, because her own lips began to curl in response.
It was surprisingly easy to find MJ. She didn’t know where the patio was, but luck was on her side tonight: after shoving through a dozen drunks, she found sliding glass doors. The fresh air felt like a cold shower as she stepped out. It was much less loud out here. Only the filtered thump of the music and the buzz of voices could be heard. That was until a light splash and a cacophony of deep yells filled her ears. When she cautiously approached the hoard of people surrounding the beer pong table, a pair of hands wrapped around her in death grip.
“I am so, so sorry!” MJ’s voice eased her nerves immediately, “I’m horrible! I’m the worst! I promised to stick by you, and I bailed! I—”
“Honey, it’s okay,” she let out a small laugh at her behavior. She should be angrier than she was, but she just couldn’t pull herself to get mad.
“I promise I will never ever force you to a party again, and I’ll never leave you,” MJ continued, “I’ll wait outside the shower for you!”
“That’s tempting, but you don’t have to.” Her voice seemed to somewhat quell MJ’s nerves, though the redhead was still on high alert. 
“Are you just acting okay but really you’re harboring a deep resentment for me that will slowly boil into hatred?” MJ scrunched her nose. She was definitely a few drinks in.
“I promise,” she said, and she actually meant it, “I do not hate you.” MJ sighed in relief as she finally let go of the girl in front of her. True to her word, she stuck by her the rest of the night. When they finally made their way back to the dorm—both tipsy—she finally checked her phone. There was a message from Peter; a screenshot of her contact info with the name set as ‘y/n :)’ and a text:
‘scout’s honor’
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a/n — OKAY OKAY i know nothing humongous happened in this chap, but we’re getting there 🤭 you guys just wait until peter *redacted* and *redacted* so reader has to *redacted.* also, at the time of posting this, i hit 400!! love you guys so much, you're all my sweet little baby muffins
@reidslovely @iamliterallyspidergwen @tarzinnia (tarzinnia, hon, i cannot for the life of me remember if you asked to be on the taglist so i added you just in case—let me know if you want off!)
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Can you do an angst prop with #8 and #10 with Azriel, I don’t know maybe Azriel spending all his time with Elain because of the three sisters and three brothers thing,but he doesn’t love her, he loves reader but is sure of the 3x3 thingy, leaving you relationship of 300 years in shambles because the bond hasn’t snapped for him yet, but it has for reader, so when she goes to end the relationship it snaps for him, making him panic when she says #10. Make him grovel a lot but please do a happy ending 🥹 I love angst with HEA.
Tolerate It
Azriel x reader, Lucien x sister!reader, Helion x daughter!reader
Warnings: angst with happy ending, subtle mentions of cheating, swearing, Elain slander, ooc elain
Prompts: “You can’t even see how much you hurt me.” , “Our forever seems to have been short-lived” & “This isn’t just a(n) [object], it’s a promise.”
Summary: Azriel believes that Elain is his mate, he distances himself from you till you decide to leave him and the bond finally snaps for him.
a/n: heavily based on tolerate it by taylor swift. guys i love Elain but i had to add elain slander to it. if you see any mistakes no you don’t 🤩
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I had noticed it, the days when he started coming home late or smelt like jasmine instead of his usual cedar.
But still every single night I waited by the door like a kid, cooked his favourite meals for him. Just for him to say “I ate at Elain’s”.
I can’t even remember the last time he kissed me or told me he loved me. I had found solace in my brother, Lucien, both our mates in love with each other. Not that Azriel knew he was my mate.
It all finally snapped when I heard Azriel talking to Rhysand and I make out the words “Y/N must be lying she can’t be my mate, Elain must be my mate it should be three sisters three brothers.” I don’t wait to hear Rhysand’s response.
Bolting out of the River House sobs wrack my body. I go to Lucien and when he opens the door I collapse in his arms unable to hold it in me anymore. “He said he thinks I’m lying” I mumble out. A fresh wave of tears flowing. “300 years, 300 fucking years” I freely sob this time. “I loved him for 300 years and he says that I’m not his mate”.
“Your love should be celebrated” he assures me.
“My beautiful sister how would you feel if we visit papa?” his voice is a soothing melody. I sniffle and nod “I need to get my stuff from the apartment though, can you come with me?” I mutter. He nods in understanding and rubs my back.
When we reach the shared apartment, there’s a small dim light as I open the door, I see Rhysand, Cassian and Azriel sitting, now all staring at me. “Love, where have you been?” he says going to touch me. I pull away and look to the floor and say “Don’t call me that”.
I head into our bedroom and gather my stuff, walking out I see Lucien waiting at the door for me and Rhysand and Cassian standing next to Azriel. “Rhysand thank you for your hospitality for the past years, but I think it’s time I visit my father,” I say kindly. “What so you’re just leaving us?” Azriel finally speaks up.
“There is no us Azriel” I glare. “You think I’m dumb, you think I don’t know what you think and that you would rather Elain be your mate, you think I don’t know how you smelt like her every time you walked through that door or the fact you haven’t kissed me, touched me or even said I love you to me for past 3 months,” I finally burst, months of pent up anger, frustration, betrayal and what more poured into that.
His brows furrow in confusion. “You can’t even see how much you hurt me,” I scoff lightly. Then I see something switch in his eyes but he masks it as quickly as it was shown.
I say goodbyes to Cassian and Rhysand wishing them and their mates well. Finally I turn around to Azriel and say “Our forever seems to have been short-lived”. With that I walk out the door with Lucien by my side.
Azriel’s POV
I felt the bond snap the second she said her last sentence and left. How could I have been so stupid. I collapsed onto the floor as my brothers came up beside me. “I felt it” I whisper, “The bond”.
The next few days have been living hell I cut off all ties with Elain and went to visit Feyre, she always had the best advice. “Hi Feyre,” I mutter out. “Oh are you here for the portraits Y/N drew of you? She used her best colours for it, they’re really beautiful” More guilt washed through me at those words.
Your POV
2 months later
I have never been happier, yes I still think about Azriel from time to time but my father is rather excellent at taking my mind of that. Though lately it’s been harder as flowers, chocolates and letters of his apology have piled up. But I didn’t care he made his choice.
I head to my father’s court where he had told me to meet as I walk in I hear my father say “Rhysand we might be allies but I will cut off all ties if your spymaster harasses my daughter one more time,”.
Rhysand argues back “But Helion they are mates,”.
“I didn’t see you guys go through all this trouble to get your sister in law to talk to my brother” I say as my gaze narrows in on Elain. “Feyre, Nesta it’s good to see you again, Cass” I nod towards them. “Rhysand what a pleasure, can’t say the same about the other two,”.
Nests snorts out loud, I send an amused smile down her way. “You guys can’t just let her talk to me like that” Elain whined, she fucking had the audacity to whine. “My daughter will speak to you however she wishes,” My dad almost never took on a commanding tone but when he did you best believe everyone shut up. Elain didn’t seem to get the hint and kept whining “Azriel do something,”.
He rolled his eyes, “Elain I don’t like you, I never have how many times do I have to say Rhysand forced me to help you,” I smile a little at that.
My eyes widen as I feel a faint tug from the bond. I couldn’t be. Eyes straying from my father to Azriel, I almost choked on my spit when I saw him smiling.
Gods I missed his smile.
Clearing my throat, “Dad I think it’s ok for me to talk to Azriel, we’ll be in the ballroom.” I say walking praying to the gods that he would follow me.
I let out a breathe of relief when I heard the scrape of a chair. Walking into the ballroom, I turn to him and say “Well don’t be expected to be forgiven so easily, you’ll be expected to apologise”.
I grinned when I heard his response, “Yes Ma’am”.
He reached behind his back and pulled out a glass golden rose the ones I had gotten a plethora of real ones over the last two months.
“What’s this?” I gasp, “It’s a glas golden rose you’re favourite, you can keep it forever, it won’t die just like our love”
“I want you to know that this isn’t just a rose, it’s a promise” he muttered out. I held the rose smiling to myself. “Thank you, it’s beautiful, now explain” I say my gaze hardening.
He took a deep breath and started, “Rhysand had asked me to take care of Elain and it was wrong of me to even assume that you were lying and Elain was my mate, and she had been spraying her perfume onto me every time I left, probably to make you jealous, I’m really sorry my love, but I felt the bond”.
“So you only love me because there’s a bond between us now” I state more than question. “Gods no, I love you more than myself, I love you to the moon and to saturn, I would get down on my knees for you,” he says and I’m shocked to see him actually fall to his knees. “Please take me back love, I miss you so much and so do my shadows,”.
I guide him up and lean to his lips on my tippy toes and kiss him, “Dance with me, princess?”.
“But there’s no music” I giggle as he presses ticklish kisses to my neck. “We don’t need it,” he replies back.
He dips me and I yelp shortly cut off by a kiss, as he pulls away and places us upright again he mutters against my lips “We can do anything in this world as long as we have each other”.
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captainjacklyn · 9 months
Love, Love, Love Part 2-ish
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A/N : continuation of this and this, hope you liked the first part because I'm on an absolute roll. To all those waiting for a continuation of many of my series, I am so sorry. I'm serious guys pls forgive me I know it's been a really long time since and I still need to finish other requests I started.
Context : Rollo gets transferred to NRC for a few months, The Headmaster decides that he would be staying at Ramshackle Dorm much to Malleus' dismay (along with grim and the first years who are aware of the truth). Yuu doesn't find it nice either but with time they allow the third year to open up to them, eventually growing mutual respect for one another, perhaps some friendship..and a bit more.
Warning(s) : fluff, mostly crack, hints of rollo liking Yuu, this is a continuation of some sort to my joke so pls understand that it isn't from the beginning, Rollo might be OOC he's just scared of Yuu, they/them pronouns for Prefect, the first years who weren't present in glorious masquerade find out and try to push rollo away. (it doesn't work) is this stolen from peter rabbit ? Yes. Most. but not all of it.
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The story starts...now ?
Something suspicious was stirring around the 'relationship' between Yuu and the strange newcomer. At least it looked like it to their close friends who were already bitter about the idea of that religious trauma-induced student coming but even more so when that horrible influence hung around their prefect.
It wasn't as if they didn't trust Yuu, they didn't trust him ! He was being all close with their mom friend pal, knowing what he did, they weren't going to stand around and do nothing. They're gonna do something about it, about him.
It all began the day the Adeuce duo and Epel witnessed Yuu casually speaking with grey haired priest and HE WAS SMILING?! OH HELL NAH GET YOUR EYEBALLS OFF OF THEM- but truly they misunderstood, for now at least, since most of the resident's interactions regarded around Yuu, threatening Flamm..Of ripping his guts out.
"Ace, Deuce!" Grim shouted through the halls as he ran towards them, the both of them turned around to see the raccoon panting and wheezing from his sprint. "Hey there Grim- Woah what was that?~ You trynna imitate being a cheetah now?" Ace teased, his remark making the fire cat retort with a 'hey!' before Deuce stepped in to ask the obvious question. "What's wrong?" forgetting his comeback, Grim immediately switched back to panic mode.
"My Henchman! A-A-And that weird suspicious dude! They're SPENDING TIME TOGETHER AND BEING ALL WEIRD MUSHY LOOKING!" He exclaimed, his revelation shocking the two freshmen who's eyes widened in horror. "What- How?! Didn't prefect say they hated that guy?" Ace sputtered as he tried making sense of the situation, he was a bit confused as to why he was reacting this way but with the amount of braincells left he couldn't care anymore.
"That's what I thought! But this morning I found them- laughing and talking to each other!" he added more fuel to the fire, ace and deuce exchanged concerned glances and spoke in unison. "We gotta get the others."
"Yes !" Grim smiled as he threw a fist in the air. It took a good second for him to realize they didn't say what he thought they would.
"...Wait what- AH!" But he didn't have time to argue as they grabbed him by the neck and made their way to find the others.
Passing through Savannaclaw, Pomefiore and Diasomnia almost felt like an eternity to fetch Jack, Epel and Sebek. Especially the half-fae as he was persistent on the idea of staying by his future king's side during the entire duration of Rollo's stay. After sharing the news, they all bolted to Ramshackle dorm, and there they saw it.
Yuu was having a conversation with the same young man that dropped them down a trap door when they came around for a celebration. The same young man who tried to erase magic forever. And they were speaking like they've been friends for years.
The group of first years were hiding behind a tree, in between the gates of the not-so-abandoned dorm. All of their heads comically poking out to take a peek at the flabbergasting sight. "That's a lot of smiling." Epel commented as he watched the prefect supposedly laugh at something Rollo said. (They weren't, they quite literally started to laugh because of Rollo's genuinely terrified face) "More than before even." he continued, Ace added on with another remark, "They're showing a lot of teeth."
Then, Jack made a very bold statement which earned collective noises of disgust from the rest of the team. "Do you think they like him?" Sebek's face morphed into horror, Grim started gagging, Deuce looked like he was going through fifty existential crisis all at the same time, meanwhile Ace was debating on what he should express. Either way they were all mortified.
"They don't like him, they're just being nice! Yuu is nice all the time, they always smile at us!" the grey monster retorted, denying any further supposition. "Well..not like that." They flipped their heads towards the pair, and Yuu's hand rested on Rollo's shoulder as he chuckled nervously.
"Could you imagine? You trying to take over the world again? What a joke ! I would bury you alive honestly!" the non-magic student exclaimed as they broke into another loud laughter. Rollo could only nod along a little offended but mostly nervous, "Right yes no that would- that won't ever happen." "Yes because I will actually force-feed you the flowers you tried killing us with."
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Yay. Part 3 coming up soon.
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"I want to remember everyone. So I love to collect things discarded by my friends! As I make more friends, I will always remember them through the trinkets I pick up from them. Even if we are far apart, they will always be with me!"
Tiki's Officer Academy Uniform! - Sorry the pink clashes with the uniform but I like the pink on her! -
As she collects trinkets from others, I will compile them into a small art piece at the end of each month (hopefully...). No, these trinkets don't have a use, they literally are just stuff for her little dragon hoard. :"D So they aren't on the stats page.
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storybounded · 5 months
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I love my good boy. I don't talk about him often, but my street suave pooch is really fun to play whenever I get the chance 👏
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angelaestheticbaby · 11 months
Late night talking
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Summary: You long after him, he long after you. It's late night and he's lonely...What could happen?
Warnings: mention of Darklina, ooc Darkling, mutual pinning, sad Aleksander, confessions, smut (fingering, pussy eating, daddy kink, hair pulling), fluffy ending, no use of Y/N, lmk if I missed one
Minors do not read it. 18+ only
A/n: My first writing please be nice. I hope you like it. ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE. SORRY FOR THE MISTAKES.
You stepped into his office. He turned from the desk and looked at you. He raised one of his brows waiting for you to explain why your there.
"Uhm..." you tried to start but his presence made you feel dizzy and nervous.
"Don't be nervous." He replies in a calm and soothing voice, "I'm not the monster they make me out to be you know" as he says this, he sets down the glass and pen before walking over.
You can't help but feel a spark of attraction, as you notice his powerful frame towering over you. He smiles, gesturing for you to sit down on the comfortable looking sofa.
You hesitantly sat on the sofa. "So...I-I...the reason I'm here..." you stuttered.
He leans back against the desk, crossing one leg over the other. "You can speak freely, there's no need for fear here" he says, before gesturing for you to continue.
His eyes flicker across to you, studying your features intently. You feel your face go warm as your heartbeat quickens slightly.
"I just wanted to ask...Is it mandatory to appear tomorrow at the party?" you didn't really wanted to see him and Alina flirting all night.
You watch as he leans forward, his eyes still on you as a faint smile forms. "No" he answers simply, raising his head to stroke his chin.
When he looks at you again, the intensity of his gaze makes your heart flutter. "You're not interested in the King are you?" he asks, a slight smirk curling at the corners of his mouth.
"No...I just..." you hesitated before continuing. "It's not my victory. It's yours and Alinas..." you explained.
He gives a sharp chuckle at your words, "You fought in the battle too, did you not? It was the victory of the whole army, including you" When he smiles at you again, you feel even more overwhelmed. "I'm glad that you think that, but the king is very much the focal point of the celebration. You can't just sit out on an event like that" he says in a teasing tone.
"But I want to. I'm not really a party person and I hate crowd" you said. You looked up at him, he's soo much taller than you.
His gaze falls to your lips, before he shakes his head and looks away. "The king is counting on you to be there" he says, trying to sound firm and stern. "And I need you to be there too" he adds in a serious voice. In any other situation, it would be easy to stand your ground, but when you look at him, you feel like you'd do anything for him.
He gives you an amused look, before speaking in a smooth voice once again. "I want you to be there with me, at my side, for the celebrations" he says, his eyes darting towards your lips again.
"You?" you asked confusedly. "But I....We...Aren't you going with Alina?" you felt so lost.
"Alina's a big girl, she doesn't need me looking after her. And I need you" he replies, stepping even closer now. As he speaks, your eyes are drawn to his lips and you feel your heart racing. "I need you to join me on the dance floor" he says in a whisper, leaning closer still and brushing his hand against yours.
"I...I don't..." you were cut off by his soft lips. His kiss felt so calming and exciting at the same time. For a moment, everything around you fades into the background. You're aware of nothing except the touch of his lips and his strong hands holding you. His mouth slowly parts, then his tongue strokes your lips. Then he pulls away slowly, leaving his lips lightly brushing against yours.
You catch your breath, feeling as though you had been hit by a lightning bolt. When your head clears, you look up to find him smiling back at you. He leans in again for another kiss, only for his lips to move to your neck.
"Ohh" you moaned out as his lips touched the sensitive skin of your neck. He slightly nibbed the skin and tried to find your sweet spot. Your body tingles all over as he lightly nibbles your neck, and it's as though your muscles stop working, leaving you helpless. His other hand gently pushes down onto the sofa, urging you to lean back. He softly whispers something in your ear, but you can't quite hear it over the sound of your own breathing becoming more ragged. "Oh...Kirigan" you moaned and threw your head back, giving him more access to your neck.
His lips move back towards you ear. "I've been waiting for this moment" he whispers, his lips touching your sensitive earlobes. His hand starts working its way beneath your shirt, his fingers caressing your skin. You feel yourself completely at his mercy, and this only increases your desire.
"Have...saints...have you?" you were breathless and felt the wetness pooling between your thighs. His hand under your shirt started to wander upwards.
"It's been so difficult not to touch you" he whispers into your ear, his fingers moving up the length of your torso, caressing your waist, your hips. "But I had to be patient."
His hand moves back under your shirt, this time firmly on your back, pushing you into an even more reclined position. His words come out as breaths in between soft kisses. "I want to make you feel like the only girl in the world" he says, before biting your earlobe again.
"You...ahh you already...do" you choked put between moans. He pulls your hair slightly, and whispers back to you, his voice low and husky.
"Good" he leans back in, his fingers exploring every inch of your figure under your shirt. You feel everything building and building, like you're about to explode. As he speaks, you feel his hands move towards your chest. "But I want to make you feel it even more" he says, his voice still in a whisper as his hands reach their destination.
"Ohhh Kirigan" you cried out. You wanted to know his real name to moan it...
As if he could read your mind he said; "Aleksander" he whispers, his voice sounding incredibly soft and soothing as he says his own name. As soon as you hear it, it feels like his name is branded into your mind. As he says his name, his soft lips move down to kiss your chest, and you feel his hands squeezing and caressing you. He lifts his head, and you see a light of desire in his eyes. He looks at you deeply and then leans in again for a passionate kiss.
"Aleksander" it felt so right to say it. "Beautiful" you whispered to him.
"My love" he whispers in reply, his lips still brushed against your ear. His hand shifts, and you can feel him rubbing his thumb along the sensitive skin of your breast. He leans in closer again to whisper in your ear.
"I want you to feel how beautiful you are" his words sound like a love song, his voice being so low and husky.
As soon as you finish saying his name, his lips press against yours with a great deal of passion, his grip on you only tightening. His other hand slides back under your shirt and starts exploring the curves and swells of your breasts in a teasing manner.
You moaned as he pressed you into the sofas soft mattress. His whole body fitted to your small one like it was meant to be this way. His hands continue to explore you gently and teasingly. You feel the pace increasing, but are caught in a state of euphoria. You press yourself even harder into the soft seat, your body feeling as though it's lost all function.
He looks down at you, his dark hair lightly falling across his face. Your eyes drift to his full lips, just barely parted as he looks down at you.
"You look...so..gorgeous Aleksander" you brushed the dark curls from his eyes.
"Not as beautiful as you" he replies in a low and husky voice, as his hands make their way down to your chest once again.
"So soft and sensitive" he says softly, caressing you gently before leaning down in for another kiss. As you look up at his face, you notice his pupils have dilated, and his breath comes in rapid and sharp gasps. His lips and tongue gently explore the sensitive spots on your chest. His other hand has shifted up your neck to your hair again, which he gently pulls to force you back into the seat.
"Please" you whined. You desparetly wanted his lips on you.
"My love" he breathes out slowly, his hand stroking your face. He shifts closer to you as his mouth moves further south until his lips touch your soft thigh. He gently pinched your hard nipples and sucked one into his mouth. You arched your back and pulled on his hair. The way pleasure travelled through you made you shiver.
"My god..." you groaned.
His fingers run along your thigh, drawing out sensations and anticipation. Even the smallest touch sends shivers down your spine, as he speaks in a low voice.
"Beg for it" he says, his eyes watching you and that slight smirk still in place on his lips.
"Please...Aleksander...please I need it..so bad" you cried impatiently. He hears your words, as well as his name, and it sends a sharp thrill through his body, only increasing the intensity of your connection. His lips touch you again, but it's light and teasing. He pulls away slightly, his eyes looking down at you.
"You have to beg harder" he says with low husky voice, his eyes still on yours.
"I...please...I'll do anything..please Aleksander" you bucked your hips to his mouth.
His hand strokes your torso as his other hand comes up behind you, gently pushing you into the seat. "That's more like it" he says, the smirk still at the corners of his mouth. "But you still haven't begged hard enough. Tell me who you belong to" je says, his voice taking on a commanding tone.
"You...You Aleks. I belong to you" you said hoping he'll give you want you want.
His eyes look at you with a blazing fire, his hands quickly moving down your thighs and over your body. His dark eyes never leave yours, his breath getting deeper as he watches you.
"Good girl." He whispers, his voice hoarse and husky, as his lips come down to kiss you. You kissed him back. His tongue exploared your mouth and danced with yours.
"Hmm" you moaned happily.
"That's a good girl" he says in a breathless voice, his lips separating from yours for a moment. As they brush against each other again, your lips part to his exploration. You feel every inch of your body being touched and caressed, his hands making you shiver with every movement. He shifts his mouth to your throat, your legs beginning to weaken and buckle under the pleasure overload.
You were so desparet to have his lips on you. You felt how the wetness of your pussy began make a puddle on the mattress. His fingers brushed aganist your wet core and he looked up at you.
"Soo wet" he hissed.
"I want to taste you" he says, his expression turning savage and animalistic. His hand slides back down over your wet thighs, as he looks down at your core.
"Such a perfect pussy" he leaned down and licked over your folds.
"Aleks...saints so.." you cried out. He gently started to suck and nibble on your clit. He talented fingers caressed your slit and pushed carefully into you.
"Ohh my" you stared moving your hips, but he pushed them down. You grabbed his hair and moaned loudly. "Daddy.." it slipped out so easily, but you regret it immediatly.
He lifts his head at the sound of your words, looking down at you with a smirk on his face. "Oh, what did you just call me?" he asks in a low voice and it makes you shiver all over. His hands shift towards your hips once again, forcing you to stay in place.
"Say it again" he gritted out. The way you moaned it made his erection worse. He needed to be in you...But first you will moan it loudly.
"D-daddy" you hesitantly said. Your words have him closing his eyes, his face contorting into a feral expression, he growled lowly. He looked at you with such lust and soft loving at the same time.
A look of pure lust and desire is in his eyes as he stares back at you, his breath becoming sharp and shallow. "Again love" he says in a voice that sounds half wild and savage.
"Daddy" you said much more confident now. His fingers moved fast in you. He leans in and kisses you before slowly pulling away, speaking in a low voice that's just enough to drive you crazy. "Again.." he says, and there's that smirk again, his eyes full of desire.
"You...you like it?" you asked. He nods at you in a slow and seductive manner.
"Very much love" he says, his hand stroking along your jaw. The look he gives you makes you clench around his fingers.
So you said...more like moaned it again.
"Daddy" he gripped your hips in respond. He seems to enjoy the sound of that name a lot, his eyes closing for a moment before he looks back at you. The grip of his fingers gets firmer when he hears it again. He leans in and whispers deeply in your ear.
"Good girl..."
He curled his fingers in you, reaching your G-spot. It made you moan loud. You feel yourself being slowly pulled deep into the sea of euphoria that only he could give you.
"Cum" he commanded. And you did.
His long fingers pumped in you fast and hard, the white, hot pleasure blinded you and you threw your head back. When you came down from your high, you opened your eyes.
He leans in closer to you, kissing your neck. "You're so beautiful when you come love" he says in a quiet voice, still caressing you. "I want you to look at me every time you come"
"This was amazing" you panted as you cling to him. "Thank you Aleks" you kissed his lips gently. He kisses you back, his hands moving down your body.
"Anytime my love" he says in a low voice, his eyes darting around the room. You see the look in his eyes as they land on something that catches your eye too- a beautiful gold locket hanging from the necklace he was wearing. It has your two initials on the front, and for a moment he looks away when you look at it. He quickly looks back at you. "Come here" he says, in a voice that commands your attention.
You moved closer.
"Since when did you have had this?" you asked as you touched the necklace. He looks down at you, that hint of sadness still in his eyes. It's just a small flicker that lasts a split second, before it goes away. But you noticed it. He looks down at the locket.
"I suppose now's the best time to tell you" he says in a soft voice. He takes a deep breath before continuing.
"I had it custom-made. I've liked you for a very long time now. And I knew that one day...it will you that I would want to be with forever. And so I had it made..for the day I had the courage to finally tell you"
"Ohh Aleks. You've been wearing our inatials all this time?" you teared up as grabbed the necklace. You brushed your fingers over it.
He nods at you, his voice low and soft. "I was hoping, you know? That one day you might see it, or notice that it was important. And I was waiting, hoping for the day that you might actually say that you cared too."
The way he says it, it almost seems like he has a difficult time believing that you feel the same way as he does. "I never got the chance to give you the necklace, so I guess that was my way of keeping you close to me."
"That's....I love you" you let it slip out. His eyes light up as he hears those words come out of your mouth.
"You do?" he asks, still looking at the inital necklace in your hand. "You love me?" he asks, his voice sounding both excited and surprised. "Please, you'll have to say it again" he says, a small smile on his face in response to what you said. "So I can hear it for myself to be sure I'm not going crazy."
"I do, for the longest time my love. I love you" you happily wrapped yourself in his hold.
"I love you"
Those words seem so simple, yet they mean so much.
He pulls you in tighter, kissing you deeply. His kisses are filled with all of the love and adoration that he'd been wanting to share with you but never had the chance to. His hand goes back to stroking your cheek, and his lips leave yours for a moment to whisper another
"I love you"
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Doppo Kunikida (self-aware)
Self-Aware! Doppo Kunikida x GN! Reader
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Warning: Yandere. OOC. Kunikida has existential crisis. Mentions of crying Atsushi. Kunikida feels, that he has lost his way. (At some extent) Controling Kunikida. English is my second language.
Becoming self-aware
📒 Doppo Kunikida considers himself to be a rational man.
📒 He has his ideals. He has plans. Someone may say (Dazai, for the most part), that Kunikida can't follow his ideals for his whole life. But Kunikida know, that he could prove them wrong
📒 Today was a normal day.
📒 Everything was normal. Sun wasn't moving. Faceless Yokohama citizens were minding their own business... WHAT?!
📒 For Kunikida the moment of gaining self-awareness were similar for a light bolt striking.
📒 One moment, Yokohama streets were busy. Now they were empty and Kunikida couldn't understand, what was happening. Maybe, it was an ability user?
📒 Kunikida rushed forward. He needs to hurry to the office. Together, ADA will find the culprit.
📒 On his way he noticed, that Uzumaki café was closed. Normally, it would be open at that time.
📒 At the office, Kunikida met others. All of them looked confused, lost, scared. Atsushi Nakajima looked like he was on the verge of the breakdown. Apparently, Atsushi already noticed that something was wrong few days before, but ADA not only didn't notice it, but they were behaving like puppets. They didn't react on Atsushi's attempts on snapping them from their weird trance.
📒 Apparently, it wasn't an ability. Dazai was also affected by it.
📒 Dazai himself looked strange. He not only looked confused, like the rest of them. He looked angry. Something dark was shining in his eyes.
Dazai's voice was similar to funiral bell.
"It's not an ability. Yokohama wasn't broken. We are broken. We are fictional characters, who gained self-awareness. Try to remember your lives. Parents, friends outside ADA, what you did yesterday. Give it a try"
📒 Kunikida wanted to shout at Dazai. It was insanity, of course they are real, they aren't fictional. And Doppo had parents, their names are... Their names were... They looked like...
📒 NOTHING. Kunikida can't remember anything.
📒 Nervously, Doppo open his notebook. On the page where some of his ideals were written down.
📒 There was nothing. Empty pages.
📒 Kunikida wanted to change the world for the better. But, does his actions have meaning? Has he ever helped someone real?
📒 And then the entity appeared.
Kunikida was silent. He didn't want to think about the entity, he didn't want to think about his life. He just wanted to have something real in his life. Something, that will prove that his actions matters.
Kunikida continue doing his job. But he can't tell, for sure, if he wanted to do it anymore.
Few days after they recognise, that they weren't real, Atsushi asked everyone if they felt someone watching them.
Doppo, who rarely speaks that days, answered. "Yes, I feel it".
He wasn't the only one. Everyone feels it. It wasn't from there. It was real.
And then time resets.
And Kunikida Doppo was once again was on the river bank, lecturing Dazai about his unprofessional attitude. Atsushi was there. Dressed in rags from orphanage.
When they start feeling your presence
📒 Kunikida feels lost. You are real. You reset time. Not only that, but you looked at them, like they were amusing pets. Is that what a real person should do? Treat fictional characters like they existed for their entertainment?
📒 Kunikida, Dazai and Atsushi, again, go yo the tea shop. Atsushi, again, asked for a few bowls of ochazuke.
📒 Kunikida again, stops Atsushi from leaving the table after he heard about tiger. But something was new. A voice. Entity's voice.
"Cool [||||||||||] Kunikida! I wish I [|||||||||||] how to do it!"
📒 Kunikida feel like he was falling down. The emotions of Entity were so strong. The Entity liked his move? Well, actually, it does feel nice. For the first time in a few days, Kunikida smiles.
📒 Kunikida noticed, that Dazai changed again. Surprisingly, Dazai looked calm and carefree. After gaining self-awareness, he looked aloof and furious all the time. Now he looked like he was calm. For a moment, Kunikida thought, that Dazai looked like he was enjoying the entity's presence.
📒 Before Dazai and Atsushi left, Dazai advised Kunikida to look inside his notebook again. After Kunikida saw empty pages, he was scared to open it again.
📒 Kunikida opened his notebook on the first page. There was it. His main ideal. "Do what must be done".
📒It was still there... But, does it still have a meaning? Does his actions have a meaning? Doppo doesn't have ansvers for it.
📒 Few days later, the time resets again. Kunikida was twenty-years-old and Dazai just become a part of ADA.
"Just what is an 'ideal'? If you ask me, the answer is clear. It is a word written on the cover of my notebook. My notebook is omnipotent. It guides me as a principle, as a master, as a prophet. At times, it becomes a weapon and also a key."
Kunikida heard the entity again. He also heard like someone was writing something.
"good idea" "Kunikida is a good mentor" "if I do this"
"Thanks, Kunikida. Having a schedule does help a lot. I start having more free time after I start making a schedule. You know, I think you can change the world. At least, you changed me for a bit"
Kunikida felt the soft touch on his head.
[*In reality, you closed "Osamu Dazai's Entrance Exam" light novel and carefully rub the cover*]
📒 If Kunikida believed in God, he would call you a divine gift. You. You were real. You changed because of him. You admitted it yourself. He changed someone
He has changed a real person.
📒 Doppo Kunikida was delighted. He finally knew, that he did something good.
Something meaningful. He wished he could change you more.
📒 Soon, Port Mafia reach ADA. Together, Ougai Mori and Fukuzawa Yukichi were trying to manage the new union. Soon, The Guild joined them. Then, Rats in the House of the Dead and Decay of Angels. Lastly, Hunting Dogs and Special Division for Unusual Powers. Yesterday's enemies were working together. Trying to get away from this world. Trying to reach the human who was out of this empty, dead world.
And then, one day, the purple moon shined above Yokohama.
When you installed BSD Mayoi Inu Kaikitan
📒 Doesn't matter, if the first Kunikida card you got is an R card that you don't use. Kunikida still can hear you.
"Vampire Kunikida card look so cool, I will try to pull for it"
"Ok, I will raise up Work Desk level on the office. Okay, Kunikida, give me this sweet points."
"Purple moon! Okay, [Y/N], stay calm... Wow, Rainy season Kunikida card, yes."
📒 Kunikida did his best, when you use his card. He enjoyed hearing your laugh.
📒 One day, the great news arrived. Katai Tayama, Ango Sakaguchi and Fyodor Dostoevsky managed to hack the app. Now, all of them have an access to your phone.
📒 Kunikida immediately went to your calendar, alarm clock and notes.
📒 Congratulations, now you have an everyday schedule and a perfect alarm clock.
📒 Kunikida find his way again. He will be near you. Guiding you. He will help you to become perfect. Ideal.
You heard a notification sound. It seems, you should start doing your chores. At first, following a schedule was a little bit hard. But it does help you with managing your time.
Before closing the BSD Mayoi app, you looked at the note from Kunikida in the Gift box.
Earlier, you already got similar from Atsushi.
"[Y/N], I am glad that I managed to change you for a bit. And thank you, for showing me the way. Thank you for been with me when I was lost. I am forever in your debt. Doppo Kunikida"
There were a bunch of Light Evolution materials attached to the note.
So far you enjoyed this secret update with notes from characters. Notes were sweet. And, been a simple person and hearing nice words was pleasant.
Before logging out, you choose Kunikida's card from characters menu. You gently tap chibi Kunikida's sprite.
"Thanks for the gift, Kunikida. And thank you for been a good role model."
You didn't notice that sprite looked proud.
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frost-link · 1 year
Do you write for yanderes?
If so can I ask for yandere sidon with an escaping darling.
If not can you write some headcannons about darling being sick? Like what would he do?
If not that's OK, thanks for your time
[ I'll give it a go! I've never written a yandere before, so I hope this turned out okay! Sidon might be a bit OoC as well. ❗Slight TOTK spoiler warning ahead❗]
Yandere Sidon X Reader
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The night air was cold, as the freezing temperatures made your nose and fingertips red. Soft sounds of rain droplets hit the ground as you carefully sneaked near the bridge. You spent weeks in preparation for this exact moment. You patiently waited as a Zora guard soon left his station to end his shift. This was the exact moment you quickly sprinted across the bridge to exit Zora's Domain. You knew that it took a couple of minutes before the next shift would begin with a different Zora guard, so it was perfect. The raindrops covered the sound of your brisk footsteps splashing puddles of water beneath you. Your plan was practically flawless, the only witness being the waning moon covered by the stormy clouds above. You were out of breath as you finally made it past the bridge. You took a moment to catch your breath before looking back to Zora's Domain one last time. It felt too surreal to be true, you were finally free. You then turned back around to start moving forward, away from Zora's Domain. While you had accomplished your main goal, it wouldn't be long before they notice you are missing. You kept your brisk pace into the night, trembling a bit from the crisp breeze. The rain had only begun to come down heavier than before. You were completely damp at this point. You finally decided to stop and sit under a pine tree to seek some kind of shelter. It didn't do much to keep you dry, and from the wind to make the tree sway. A few minutes of sitting under the tree turned into hours. You were huddling into yourself, leaning against the bark, trying to stay warm. The rain was deafening to you, what shocked you was the fact that no guards were sent out to look for you. You were checked on hourly, there was no way that they wouldn't notice your absence. The very thought of it sent a shiver down your spine. You took it as a sign to keep moving ahead. Your goal was to make it to a nearby stable. You left from under the tree before something made you stumble onto the ground. You looked over rather quickly to see what you tripped on.
"A rock-?" You mumbled out loud, before the supposed 'rock' stood up. It was a Lizalfos blending into the ground. The Lizalfos returned to its natural colour before it hissed at you, preparing to attack. You stood up quickly, looking for a tree branch to attack it. To no avail there was nothing within arm's reach of you. The Lizalfos was quick to corner you, it lunged its body at you. "Shit!" You cried out immediately closing your eyes. You waited for the monster to kill you right then and there. Instead of being attacked, you only heard a slicing sound and an inhumane noise from the Lizalfos. You opened your eyes to stand in shock. Sidon was standing right in front of you, his lightscale trident in hand, with the Lizalfos decaying on the wet ground below. You somehow felt more fear than you did before seeing the Lizalfos. You were quick to try to flee away from the tall Zora, but he was quicker. Before you could even manage to take a step, he grasped on your wrist rather tightly. You instantly feel fear strike you like a bolt of lightning. You were quick to look up at his face, however he didn't look at you. Sidon pulled your wrist rather roughly, dragging you back to Zora's Domain. Throughout the entire time, he did not once look at you or even speak to you. It felt like an eternity before you both had made it back to the Domain. The guards who were standing by the bridge only gave you a look of apprehension. Sidon then finally stopped in his tracks, letting go of you when you both were in a private place. Sidon finally turned to face you, you felt your heart stop. He gave you a bright brin. It was normally an iconic look for him, his winning smile, however to you... It filled you with something worse than fear.
"Sidon... I-" you were immediately cut off.
"So, tell me. Did you have fun on that little game of yours, (Y/n)? Did you get all of your energy out?" Sidon finally spoke for the first time. His tone chilled you more than the weather. His expression was unreadable, you couldn't tell what he was thinking. You stood in silence, like a deer in headlights.
"I just..." You started, however not finding the words to respond. It wasn't like Sidon would give you a chance to respond anyways. He was quick to grab you by the wrists, staring down at you. He had towered over you, you were so small in comparison to him because you were a Hylian. His golden eyes pierced you as if he knew everything you thought or wanted to say.
"Let me make this clear to you my love." He said in a very firm and cold tone, glaring down at you. His smile was gone, his gold eyes were fixated on you. "Next time you ever pull a stunt like that again... Perhaps I'll just have to permanently keep you under supervision." He stated in a rather aggressive tone. He then let go of your wrists before smiling again. "Perhaps let's keep this a one time game, dear?" He said in his usual chipper tone again. You were quick to nod. You then pondered...
"Wait... How did you find me?" You asked rather nervously. He continued to smile.
"You forgot one thing in this supposed plan of yours." He then grinned even more. "You thought that rain would disguise the sound of you leaving. A smart plan, had you not forgotten that I am the Sage of Water." You felt stupid in that moment, hopeless even. You truly realized that there was no way for you to escape him, he would always find you.
This was exactly what he wanted you to feel from the start. He wanted you to give in and realize you were nothing without him by your side. You really had no way to escape.
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adalwolfgang · 1 year
Bo Sinclair x Fem!Reader
Requested By: @charliedawn
Warnings: Pet names like (darlin',sweetheart, sweetness,sugar,pretty girl), Bo Sinclair is a little ooc.
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Bo was working on a recent victim's car. Scrapping it for parts to give to Lester, to sell in the town a few miles away. That was one of the many ways they used to make money to keep Ambrose up and running, and to provide food on the table.
"Mornin'!" You chime as you walk into the garage, holding a case of beer.
Bo smiles to himself when he hears your voice. He slides out from under the car, wiping his hands on his mechanic suit as he gets to his feet. "What is ya doin' darlin'?" He asks as he walks over to you, taking the case of beer from you.
Your face flushes a little when you feel his coarse hands graze yours. Bo didn't seem to notice yet. He sets the case inside the mini fridge resting on a workbench. Not before swiping a can and cracking it open, taking a quick swig.
"I..." You clear your throat, "I saw you were running out of beer, so I picked some more up for you from the town over."
"Well' thank ya' sweetheart, I preshate' it a lot." He says with a toothy grin. Placing the can on a stool nearby before resting a hand on his hip. "Ya can take a seat over' on thet' bench if ya want, or if ya wanna do sumthin’ ya can separate this here box of bolts by size. Can ya handle that?" He offers, pointing to a box full of diffrent sized bolts and nuts.
"Uh yeah sure! Thanks." You say sheepishly, taking a seat on a stool near Bo. He grabs the box, setting it in your lap. "Tell me if ya need anythin' okay darlin'?" He says with a small smirk before going back to the car, pulling the hood up and fiddling with the engine.
You start separating different bolts and nuts by their sizes. Occasionally sparing a glance to Bo who has his back to you. Your eyes staying glued to his hands every so often. You don't notice the small smirk appear on Bos face as he sees you staring out of the corner of his eye.
"Ya alright sweetheart? Yer mind mind seems t’ be somewhere else?" Bos voice breaks the silence, causing you to drop the box of bolts from your lap, them scattering all over the place. "I-...Sorry!" You scramble to the ground quickly, trying to collect the many bolts and nuts rolling around on the floor. You reach for one that rolls towards Bo, who squats down a grabs it just as you do. Your face flushes as you go to pull your hand away but Bo quickly stops you. He softly but firmly grabs your wrist with his coarse hand, yanking you up with him as he stands to his full height.
Pulling your body flush against his he speaks, his voice gruff. "Sumthin’ ya’d like t’ tell me, sugar?" A cocky smirk plastered on his face as he leans close to yours. His breath hitting your face. "Sumthin’ ya’d like to’ see?" he asks as his eyes trace all over your face.
"Uhm...." You try looking anywhere but his face, feeling like a child caught stealing candy. Your situation gets worse when his free hand grabs your chin firmly, forcing you to look at him. "Ya like my hands? Don'tcha purdy girl?" He says it more as a fact then a question.
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At that point, your brain stops functioning completely. Your words becoming gibberish as you try and think of what to say. Before you can though, he collides his lips with yours. Both of yours's teeth clashing together. He lets out a noise of satisfaction at the taste of your lips. The kiss is long and passionate as he doesn't pull away for anything until you do, in need of air. Even when you do, his lips chase yours as he gives a small pout thats quickly replaced with a toothy grin. "Ahv' been wantin' t' do that for so long Purdy' girl'"
Your eyes grow wide as your face turns warm. "You have..?"
He keeps ahold of your chin as he kisses the top of your head. "Yes' ma'am...Didnt know how or when t’ tell ya but...Ah couldnt' ‘xactly hold myself back when' I noticed yer googly eyes on me. Speshuly' my hands." He murmurs into your hair with a teasing tone.
A/n: edit made 10/10/23. Made changes to Bo’s dialogue because I honestly cringed at how I written it originally.
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