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lucdrawsthings · 1 year ago
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"thus do the voices of the mortals plead, ever hopeful of proof of our existence..."
RIP Toriyama. He may not have influenced it quite as much as Dragon Ball, but his art gave Dragon Quest so much of its charm, and IX in particular means a lot to me.
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videogamepolls · 10 months ago
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Requested by anon
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mirielsart · 10 months ago
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Headcanon: The companions don't actually know they have a Celestrian in their midst until they get to Wormwood Creek.
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oktaviaslabyrinth · 11 months ago
Pub Polka // Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies (2009)
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mrsometimes11 · 2 years ago
DQ9 Remake (hypothetical)
I'm sure a lot of us would like to see a Dragon Quest IX remake, at some point, but what would we actually want from it? Graphical improvements are given, unless they give the job ILCA, but what else? Should stuff be added? What stuff? Should it be faithful in every way to the DS original? Your thoughts please.
Please comment/reblog with your thoughts, and anything else you'd like to see.
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celestrianprincess · 2 years ago
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he was always such a flirt and for WHAT
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cosmic-showdown · 2 years ago
cosmic showdown round 1
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steven universe & greg universe (steven universe): 1. His name literally has “universe” in it 2. Has a star on his shirt, sometimes his eyes will have stars in it 3.His mom is an alien from space thus making him half alien 4. Lots of stars in show and again, a lot of star images revolve around him
stella (dragon quest 9): her name, + her chamber (https://youtu.be/3hCx1WqluAU?t=289 at the given timecode)
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durzanightshadeblack · 2 months ago
Last available entry 216 of 231
And the playlist:
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fabrizio-art · 1 year ago
I actually started running this arc as a TTRPG campaign
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And they ask me why I'm a lesbian. My nine year old self had a pretty clear answer to that
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weirdmarioenemies · 1 year ago
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Name: Sacksquatch
Debut: Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies
Look! It's a burlap sack! I don't know what it is about burlap, but I love when a creature is made of it. It just feels right. I think scarecrows establish that burlap is destined to become a creature, and we all know that scarecrows walk around at night and when no one is looking, stealing crops from rival farms to use for bartering with birds.
So why shouldn't non-scarecrow burlap be able to come to life, too? It just makes sense! The one improvement I have in mind for Sacksquatch is that it does not contain potatoes, my preferred thing for a burlap sack to contain.
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Instead, it contains sand, because it is a Sandbag! The kind you use to batten down the hatches (I am not using that phrase correctly), or to lighten your hot air balloon, or a whole bunch of things. I'm sure it can be nice to hug one if there's no one else around, or even if there are people around who you like less than a sack of sand. Sacksquatch in particular is said in one game to be from a factory, and in another to be from a construction site. The implied branching timeline of Sack Of Sand!
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Here is the funny sack in its debut on the DS! It debuted as a bonafide Monster, an enemy to get in your way and be fought, and this rough-textured ruffian just loves to blow sand in heroes' eyes to temporarily blind them. That is VERY rude, but I can't be mad at it. What else is a leaking sack of sand to do? Drop a grand piano on you? This is just what they do!
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As with most Dragon Quest monsters, Sacksquatch would appear in Dragon Quest Monsters games, where it can be YOUR friend! Will you welcome it? It will probably sprinkle sand in your undergarments for a giggle, but that's probably how it shows affection! And in the recent DQM3, if you fuse it with a killer hymenopteran...
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You get the all-new Saccharine Sacksquatch! I know this looks like cheese, but it is honey! Unlike gray sand, honey is a substance which I am actively a fan of. Saccharine Sacksquatch is a strange concept! I would not think to fill a burlap sack with honey (and I would not eat honey from a sack), but it is certainly more striking than if it was full of oats or dirt or something. These sacks love to eat honey and try to raid the nests of killer bees, but I think a perfect solution would be for it to allow some regular bees to nest within its body. A sack full of bees! Don't squeeze it! I like to think it would be able to taste any honey it contains.
Sacksquatch makes a small cameo in Dragon Quest Builders 2, where it is the icon for Faerie Fertilizer. Though made of bones, petals, and dirt, the description calls it "manure", so I will not be including the image. Just in case. Perhaps an unwholesome appearance, but I appreciate it. Compost Is Cool!
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bodhrancomedy · 5 months ago
What I've Been Playing - October
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Darq: psychological platformer horror
Status: Unfinished (3/6 chapters)
Initial Thoughts: I like the mechanics and the dreamlike atmosphere, less sold on the monster designs.
Rating: 3.7/5
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Bramble: The Mountain King: Nordic horror adventure
Status: Unfinished (12/16 levels)
Initial Thoughts: I love this game so much. The music, the menace, the pathos. Only complaints are less accessible for D/deaf players and massive difficulty spike at level 12.
Rating: 4.8/5
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Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies: Fantasy turn-based JRPG
Status: Finished (x8)
Thoughts: I'm so glad that this game has held up for me since I was eleven. While I miss the aspects of having defined characters in your party, the running theme of coming to peace regarding death and missed opportunities more than make up for it.
Rating: 4.2/5
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Avalon Code: fantasy action role play
Status: Unfinished (prev. 6/11 chapters, new 1/11)
Thoughts: This game has way more confusing controls than I remember when I was nine though I find fighting easier. The concept is really cool (you have to collect information to preserve before the world ends) and I had an early crush on some of the romantic interests. However, it's unwieldy and does not seem to make use of its core conceit.
Rating: 2/5.
That wraps up October's game update, I guess. DQ III's remake comes out next month but we'll find out if I have any money, then.
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worldworseweb · 1 month ago
magical girl themed npt pack please?
MAGICAL GIRL NPT ; [ Mod Slots ]
Order up !! :]
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Celeste ; Seraphina ; Madoka ; Aurelia ; Saphira ; Vespera ; Nova ; Lyra ; Nyxi ; Lumina ; Auri ; Elysia ; Liora ; Astre ; Orion ; Eclipse ; Solstice ; Zephyr ; Caelus ; Cyrus ; Lucius ; Oberon ; Caelum ; Lysander ; Valtor ; Azura ; Thalia ; Magnolia ; Brielle ; Soraya ; Cassiopeia ; Vega ; Andromeda ; Solara ; Celestine ; Sylvia ; Elysia ; Mirabelle ; Amara ; Isolde ; Calyxa ; Felicity ; Ziriel ; Marisol ; Ariella
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She / Her ; Sh✧ / H✧r ; Sh♡ / H♡r ; Ae / Am ; Ve / Ver ; Oria / Orias ; Star / Stars ; Sparkle / Sparkles ; Glitter / Glitters ; Dazzle / Dazzles ; Spin / Spins ; Twirl / Twirls ; Frill / Frills ; Lace / Laces ; Ruffle / Ruffles ; Pink / Pinks ; Princess / Princesses ; Magic / Magics ; Create / Creates ; Spell / Spells ; Wand / Wands ; Cast / Casts ; Vir / Virtue / Virtues ; Pure / Pures ; Cheri / Cherish / Cherishes ; Love / Loves ; Kind / Kinds ; Care / Cares ; Good / Goods ; Conquer / Conquers ; Heart / Hearts ; Glimmer / Glimmers ; Shimmer / Shimmers ; Bow / Bows ; Ribbon / Ribbons ; Tiara / Tiaras ; Crown / Crowns ; Sun / Suns ; Moon / Moons ; Moon / Moonlight / Moonlights ; Galaxy / Galaxies ; Saturn / Saturns ; Venus / Venuses ; Nova / Novas ; Jupi / Jupiter / Jupiters ; Neptune / Neptunes ; Adore / Adores ; Charm / Charms ; Myst / Mystic / Mystics ; Mystic / Mystical / Mysticals ; Arcane / Arcanes ; Dream / Dreams ; Dream / Dreamscape / Dreamscapes ; Wish / Wishes ; Whisp / Whisps ; Whirl / Whirls ; Light / Lights ; Shine / Shines ; Sequin / Sequins ; Cosmic / Cosmics ; Rest / Rests ; Nurture / Nurtures ; Nature / Natures ; Gem / Gems ; Jewel / Jewels ; Sol / Solar / Solars ; Solice / Solices ; Eclipse / Eclipses ; Breeze / Breezes ; Mercy / Mercies ; Bless / Blesses ; Imagine / Imagines ; Fai / Faith / Faiths ; Hope / Hopes ; Celeste / Celestial / Celestials ; Sun / Sunspot / Sunspots ; Astro / Astros ; Fantasy / Fantasies ; Glow / Glows ; Fate / Fates ; Sweet / Sweets ; Harmony / Harmonies ; Sing / Sings ; Bri / Bright / Brights ; Peace / Peaces ; Chibi / Chibis ; Ani / Anime / Animes ; Ma / Manga / Mangas ; Curl / Curls ; Cheer / Cheers ; ✧ / ✧s ; ♡ / ♡s ; ✨ / ✨s ; 🩷 / 🩷s
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The Protector of the Eternal Dreamscape ; The Keeper of the Twilight Realm ; The Guardian of the Silver Moon ; The Chosen of the Starlight ; The Warden of the Elementals ; The Sorceror of the Sacred Forest ; The Guardian of the Sacred Flame ; The Princess of the Celestial Realm ; The Empress of the Moonlight Kingdom ; The Heir of the Solar Wind ; The Warden of the Cosmic Sea ; The Seraph of the Starry Skies ; The Keeper of the Lunar Heart ; The Emissary of the Constellations ; Starlight Sovereign ; The Magister of Arcane Light ; The Queen of the Dream Realm ; The Druid of the Eternal Grove ; The Archmage of the Celestial Court ; The Archon of the Cosmos ; Paladin of the Celestial Order ; Swordmistress of the Moonlit Path ; Warrior of the Starbound Light ; Defender of the Forgotten Kingdom ; Sentinel of the Starfall ; Knight of the Waking Dream ; Seer of the Endless Skies ; Sorceress of the Golden Lullaby ; Mistress of the Moonlit Dreamscape ; Princess of the Luminous Dawn
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mrsometimes11 · 2 years ago
If that's Goresby-Purrvis, one of the taller enemies in the game, how small is everything else in DQ9?
Goresby looks to be like 2ft high, and he is twice the height of the PC.
If Goresby is smol, then you, and every other human sized thing in the game is baby.
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mirielsart · 10 months ago
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I'm playing Sentinels of the Starry Skies again.
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oktaviaslabyrinth · 11 months ago
Sandy's Theme // Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies (2009)
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fishing-lesbian-catgirl · 1 year ago
Fuck it. Help me choose what to play on the plane
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