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The first two chapters of my new fic are out. It is 25 chapters long, a new chapter every week. Hope y'all like it 💜
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Thanks for the tag, this was fun! I don't know how people changed the background colours, but I don't mind the plain and simple look anyways.
@zz-chikorita and @sky-skeks if you wanna do it then go for it!
Let's all make ourselves as little guys! Everyone is welcome to join!
Here's mine:
Tagging: @silentwillowwhisperer @hecateisalesbian @mushr00mswirl @mischievousmary
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thank you so much for the kind tags, @zz-chikorita
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JR Character Profiles:
For fun and kind of a writing exercise, I made sort of, like, profiles with short bios for the vast majority of my characters. It's mostly for my own reference, but I won't stop anyone who wants to look through them.
🛑🚨Be warned that a lot of them contain spoilers for my stories!🚨🛑
• Age: 28
• Alt names: Boss, G (friends), Big G (Molayne), Z'Goose (Moon)
• Class: Team Skull Boss
• Occupation: Gig worker (variety), sex worker (reluctantly)
• Hobbies: Surfing, reading scientific articles about Bug Pokémon, swimming, listening to his absurdly large collection of ripped CDs, alolan sumo wrestling
• Sexual identity: "Ya boy got enough love for everyone"
• Gender identity: "Nunya"
• Birth Region: Alola
• Ethnicity real world equivalent: Native Hawaiian (Kānaka ‘Ōiwi)
• Ran away from home at age 16 after a certain incident that caused him to be a suspect for attemptive murder. The charges were eventually dropped, but he did not return home or to school. Instead, he joined a street gang, eventually overtaking it and developing Team Skull.
• Trivia: The vast majority of his character and personality is based on my older brother
• Age: 25
• Alt names: Big Sis, Plums, Plum Tree (A.), Aneki (Blue and Pink)
• Class: Team Skull Admin
• Occupation: Aether Foundation Conservation Agent
• Hobbies: Cosmetology, reading classical literature, story writing
• Sexual identity: Aro/ace
• Gender identity: Cis female
• Birth Region : Alola
• Ethnicity real world equivalent: Native Hawaiian (Kānaka ‘Ōiwi)/White (US American)
• Father was a cop. Ran away around the age of 8 and lived with an elderly woman she would come to consider her grandmother. The woman suddenly passed away, leaving Plumeria to fend for herself for 1-2 years. Did not trust Guzma when they first met him but stuck with him since he protected her. Evidently grew to love him platonically.
• Trivia: She loves pokemon plushies to the point where she's never stolen one because she feels too guilty about it
• Age: 22
• Alt names: Lee, Dandelion (Father), Dande (Legal first name- no one calls him it)
• Class: Former Galar Champion
• Occupation: Galar Pokémon League Chairman, Macrocosmos CEO
• Hobbies: Cooking, collecting League cards, running, playing piano
• Sexual identity: Gay
• Gender identity: Cis male
• Birth region: Galar
• Ethnicity real world equivalent: White (Scottish)/North African/Indian
• Blessed with natural charisma and showmanship, he adapted relatively well as the face of the Galar league from a young age. However, he does not have a talent for code switching and had to undergo rigorous coaching to be able to speak without his heavy southern galar dialect. His mother underwent terrible PTSD after his father's passing, forcing him to step up as the main caretaker of his younger brother. Despite this, he holds no resentment for either of them. He is still processing his loss to eternatus and loss of his champion title.
• Trivia: I would legit just scroll through Scottish Twitter back when I was still figuring out how I wanted to do his eye dialect.
• Age: 14
• Alt names: Mizuki (family, mother side), Selene (family, father side)
• Class: Alolan Champion
• Occupation: Student, Research Assistant
• Hobbies: sleeping, shiny hunting, traveling through Ultra Space
• Sexual identity: Lesbian
• Gender identity: Cis female
• Birth region: Kanto
• Ethnicity real world equivalent: Japanese (Kanto), White (US American)
• She and her mom moved to Alola after her parents' divorce. Her father, a Kanto gym leader, relinquished custody of her and paid her mom out a hefty sum, allowing them to afford to move regions. She was borderline mute when she first moved since English was not her first language. Over the years, she has gained confidence and "won't shut the fuck up now," as far as Guzma's concerned. She's well liked by the people of the region for all she's done and for the liking Tapu Koko had taken to her, despite her origins.
• Trivia: my original concept for her was to be older (16 or 17) but I ended up going younger as I preferred that dynamic between her and Guzma
• Age: 13
• Alt names: Hopscotch (Leon), Hoppy (Leon), Hip Hop n R&B (Guzma)
• Class: Trainer
• Occupation: Student, Research Assistant
• Hobbies: Battle analysis, Highland dancing
• Sexual identity: "I don't like boys! I just like him, ok?!"
• Gender identity: Cis male
• Birth region: Galar
• Ethnicity real world equivalent: White (Scottish)/North African/Indian
• He grew up admiring his older brother and studying/analyzing battling techniques, although said techniques don't come to him as naturally as they do Leon. He's not entirely aware just how much Leon played a role in raising him as a young child. Despite his admiration, there are times he feels he's walking in Leon's shadow and will never catch up to him. He's gained much more confidence after defeating eternatus, but now struggles watching his brother undergo the consequences of his defeat. He tries to be there for his brother in any way he can.
• My original concept for Hop was for him to be just a plain straight boy who has a crush on Gloria (who is a lesbian). Sometimes when I write, the characters get away from me and do what they want. In Hop's case, he really wanted to make out with Hau.
• Age: 14
• Alt names: [redacted]
• Class: Team Skull Grunt
• Occupation: Student
• Hobbies: drawing, reading manga
• Sexual identity: unspecified
• Gender identity: FTM
• Birth region: Alola
• Ethnicity real world equivalent: Japanese (Kansai)
• The child of second gen johto immigrants. He was disowned by his mother when she found out he was trans. His twin brother, in solidarity, also left home despite his mother's protests. He is considered the more quiet and reserved of the two twins. Guzma secretly worries that the two are too codependent, unconsciously seeing a lot of his past relationship with Kukui reflected in the two of them.
• Trivia: The twins names (and thus, hair colors) were actually switched at first, but I thought that'd be too on the nose.
• Age: 14
• Alt names: Akkala (Plumeria), Kintaro (family)
• Class: Team Skull Grunt
• Occupation: Student, Surf Board Craftsman Apprentice
• Hobbies: Rugby, playing pranks, drawing
• Sexual identity: straight
• Gender identity: cis male
• Birth region: Alola
• Ethnicity real world equivalent: Japanese (Kansai)
• He's the more outgoing and obnoxious of the two brothers, although it is mostly an act to get people's attention away from his brother. After leaving home, they lived on the streets for a couple months and while attempting to pickpocket someone, they were caught- Nanu was the officer on the scene. He did not file a report and instead brought them to the "disbanded" Team Skull house where he convinced Guzma to let them in.
• Trivia: He seems to have more screen time than his brother than I intended, but I suppose it's more natural for me (as cis) to write about a person struggling with feeling powerless about the injustice happening to the people they care about most, than it would for me to be write about a trans person and their specific struggles.
• Age: 27 (at time of appearance)
• Alt names: Delta (interpol)
• Class: Punk girl
• Occupation: Medical Doctor
• Hobbies: Unknown
• Sexual identity: Unspecified
• Gender identity: Māhū, fem presenting
• Birth region: Alola
• Ethnicity real world equivalent: Hawaiian (Kānaka ‘Ōiwi), Jamaican/African
• A licensed medical doctor who often treats underprivileged peoples for free. She's not known for her bedside manner and dresses "unprofessionally" according to many adults on the islands. She was an enormous influence on Guzma's personality and fashion sense. She was taken into custody for using illegal healing moves in her treatments and given an ultimatum- go to jail with no chance of parole or join the international police and use her bright mind to help them on their endevours. She chose the latter, hoping it would one day allow her to return to the islands to continue helping those less fortunate.
• Trivia: The reason her name is DJ is literally just because it stands for "Doctor Joy". My original concept was actually for her to be two people, a pair of sisters that ran a pokemon center, loosely based off me and my sibling.
• Age: 27
• Alt names: Mo (friends), Big Mo (Guzma)
• Class: Elite 4 member, Former trial captain
• Occupation: Observatory Director, Inventor
• Hobbies: working with robotics/electronics, playing video games, weight lifting, photography
• Sexual identity: Asexual/alloromatic
• Gender identity: Cis male
• Birth region: Unova
• Ethnicity real world equivalent: White (US American)/Japanese
• A rather soft-spoken person, he's an incredibly brilliant inventer and astronomer. Raised mainly by his young aunt, he grew up very poor. He makes just a decent living, despite the fact he invented the tech that would lead to the mass production of rotom phones. This is because he made all of his work open source because he does not believe knowledge should be locked behind a pay wall. He has somehow maintained a healthy relationship with both Guzma and Kukui after all these years. He also happens to have an enormous crush on Plumeria.
• Trivia: My original idea for Molayne was to be pansexual and actually end up with Kalani by the time the story is done. However, I had one commenter pitch me this idea about Kalani meeting Raihan and well... yeah...
• Age: 23 (at time of appearance)
• Alt names: Jess, Auntie
• Class: Swimmer Girl
• Occupation: Tatto Artist (main), Lifeguard, Barista, Waitress
• Hobbies: Unknown
• Sexual identity: Straight
• Gender identity: Cis female
• Birth region: Unova
• Ethnicity real world equivalent: White (US American)
• She gained custody of Molayne at the age of 19, being his only living family after his parents died in a tragic accident. She worked multiple jobs to keep them afloat and build a small savings, as she wanted nothing more than to be able to send him to college, since she never had the privilege. She had a brief fling with a member of the Malie Kanto gym, resulting in her getting pregnant and giving birth to her son, Sophocles.
• Trivia: She's actually a really important character to me as she was inspired by an old friend's mom, partly because of her personality and partly because I seemed to keep in better contact with her than my actual friend, which was likely the same for Guzma. This person passed away while I was writing the chapter Jessamine is in... I remember her name popping up on my phone and her husband's voice being the one to speak when I answered... But it made me really think about how we go through life and meet all kinds of people that truly mean a lot to us, but we don't spend as much time with them as we should or dont keep in as well of contact as we should because life is fickle and things happen. But this doesn't mean they weren't, or aren't, important to us.
• Age: 27
• Alt names: 'Lani (friends), Fairy Boy (Guzma), Sharpedo Boy (Guzma)
• Class: Surfer, Former trial captain
• Occupation: Surf Board Master Craftsman, Hula Kane Instructor, Bartender
• Hobbies: traditional art/painting, surfing, hiking
• Sexual identity: Gay
• Gender identity: Cis male
• Birth region: Alola
• Ethnicity real world equivalent: Hawaiian (Kānaka ‘Ōiwi)
• A year younger that Guzma and Kukui and the same age as Molayne. He's a fairy type specialist and was the trial captain for the late Fairy Type Totem Pokémon, a ribombee. Guzma resented him, believing he could've been a good Bug Type trial captain for Ribombee. Once actually getting to know the boy, they became casual friends. Lani lost contact with Guzma in their mid teens for several years. By the time they met again, Guzma was at a very low point in life. They entered a purely sexual relationship, despite the undenying fact Lani has been in love with him ever since the first day they met.
• Trivia: I knew I wanted to have a Surfer Class character somewhere in the story because I was in love with the character model from the first time I saw it! Initially, he was more of a toxic exboyfriend type and Guzma's old drug dealing partner. Then, I stopped and realized the whole reason I wanted to make this character is because of how much I adore the Surfer class... so I changed the whole concept
• Age: 55-60
• Alt names: 000 (pronounced double-O-Zero; interpol)
• Class: Police officer, Kahuna
• Occupation: Island Kahuna, Police Officer, Former Interpol Agent
• Hobbies: caring for his many meowths, sleeping, people watching
• Sexual identity: Aromantic/pansexual (does not acknowledge this and would say he's straight if asked)
• Gender identity: Cis male
• Birth region: Alola
• Ethnicity real world equivalent: Hawaiian (Kānaka ‘Ōiwi)
• He left the region and joined interpol to escape the pressure of being chosen as next kahuna by Tapu Bulu. He only returned after losing one of his interpol partners, someone he considers the only person he's "ever gotten close to falling in love with."
• Trivia: Another example of me trying to write a simple, straight character and then it getting away from me, haha
• Age: 28
• Alt names: The Masked Royal, K.K. (Guzma and Molayne)
• Class: Pokémon professor, Alolan Champion
• Occupation: Pokémon Professor
• Hobbies: Battle Royal/competitive battling, traveling
• Sexual identity: Bisexual
• Gender identity: Cis male
• Birth region: Alola
• Ethnicity real world equivalent: Hawaiian (Kānaka ‘Ōiwi)
• Most know him as extremely bright and cheerful, although he's been known to let off steam by taking hits from his pokemon and it's an ongoing joke among his friends that he's a bit of a masochist. In reality, he does have a bit of a temper and often goes to Kahuna Hala to rant about one thing or another. He has always had a difficult time tolerating certain textures and would prefer not to wear a shirt if at all possible because of it. His degrees are mainly in cultural anthropology where he focused on studying traditional indigenous medicine, specifically MBM (move based medicine). His parents only minimally helped financially support his education as they were upset he didn't go into one of their fields (physics or chemistry).
• Trivia: Kukui's dad is based off my own dad and the emotional trauma and manipulation I endured growing up
"The Berry Man"
• Age: 40-45
• Alt names: Uncle/Unko
• Class: Gentleman
• Occupation: Farmer
• Hobbies: Fishing, percussion
• Sexual identity: Gay
• Gender identity: Māhū, masc presenting
• Birth region: Alola
• Ethnicity real world equivalent: Hawaiian (Kānaka ‘Ōiwi)
• A jolly, older Alolan man, his name is never actually specified. He taught Guzma how to use berries medicinally when he was a child. He knew Guzma was being abused and tried to file a police report on more than one occasion. He and Guzma's late grandfather grew up together and were extremely close.
• Trivia: I considered giving him a name, but he isn't given a name in the game and him just being "The Berry Man" has really grown on me
• Age: ~65 (at time of appearance)
• Alt names: Uncle/Unko
• Class: Gentleman
• Occupation: Pokémon Center Café Owner
• Hobbies: Story telling
• Sexual identity: Unspecified
• Gender identity: Cis male
• Birth region: Alola
• Ethnicity real world equivalent: Hawaiian (Kānaka ‘Ōiwi)/African
• A boisterous older Alolan man, he was Jessamine's manager when she worked as a barista in the café. He's extremely mischievous and likes to tell tall tales, especially to the kids
• Trivia: When I picture him, I think of one of the old men from our local Kiwanis group that my mom worked with a lot when I was itty bitty. I was a very shy, anxious child and was very afraid of him at first because he was well over six foot tall and very imposing. But he was an extremely kind, gentle man with a bright, white smile and beautiful black skin.
• Age: 21
• Alt names: Aaron (pronounced Ay-Ay-Ron)
• Class: Team Skull Grunt
• Occupation: Malie Gardens Giftshop/Café Employee
• Hobbies: watching YouTube, graffiti art
• Sexual identity: Bisexual
• Gender identity: Cis male
• Birth region: Unova
• Ethnicity real world equivalent: White (US American- New York)
• The oldest grunt currently in Team Skull. He's short tempered and not the sharpest tool in the shed, but he's very good at beat boxing and is a very talented graffiti artist.
• Trivia: He has a team Skull tattoo on his upper right arm.
• Age: 20
• Alt names: Blake (pronounced Bolahkay)
• Class: Team Skull Grunt
• Occupation: Thrifty Megamart Employee/shelf stocker
• Hobbies: surfing, graffiti art (is not as good as A. at it), singing
• Sexual identity: Gay
• Gender identity: Questioning, masc presenting
• Birth region: Alola
• Ethnicity real world equivalent: Hawaiian (Kānaka ‘Ōiwi)
• The second oldest Grunt in Team Skull. He's got a laidback personality and is always up for whatever shenanigans A wants to drag him into. He's also usually the one to drag A out of whatever shenanigans he gets them into.
• Trivia: He has a team Skull tatto over one of his pecs
• Age: 46
• Alt names: N/A
• Class: Cabbie
• Occupation: Leon's personal assistant, Leon's former personal cabbie
• Hobbies: Unknown
• Sexual identity: Straight
• Gender identity: Cis male
• Birth region: Galar
• Ethnicity real world equivalent: White (England/East London)
• A loving family man, he lives with his wife and four daughters. A former army captain, he has a warm personality and cares for Leon like a son.
• Trivia: I named him Gene as an homage to @oceandiagonale 's OC, whom I love dearly. Go read their comics if you haven't, you won't be disappointed
• Age: 25
• Alt names: N/A
• Class: Galar Gym Leader
• Occupation: Singer/Songwriter, Gym leader
• Hobbies: sleeping, bar hopping
• Sexual identity: aromantic/bisexual
• Gender identity: Cis male
• Birth region: Galar
• Ethnicity real world equivalent: White (Scottish/Welsh)
• To those he's not acquainted with, he comes off as cold and sarcastic. To friends, he is also cold and sarcastic but also very caring and will support and protect them fiercely when necessary. Half of his family is South Galarian and he'll often speak Scots to Leon as a way to connect with him
• Trivia: I have this hc that he's in a very healthy and completely platonic, sexual relationship with Gordie, but I haven't actually found anywhere in the story for it to come up
• Age: 22
• Alt names: Rai (friends), Han (Leon)
• Class: Galar Gym Leader
• Occupation: Historian, Gym leader
• Hobbies: social media, photography
• Sexual identity: Bisexual
• Gender identity: Cis male
• Birth region: Galar
• Ethnicity real world equivalent: South African
• His vain, borderline arrogant persona he puts on for the public is only a partial truth. To those close to him, he is rather reserved and a very respectful young man who'd rather have his nose in some historic tome than be lauded over by his thousands of screaming fangirls. He grew up in and out of foster homes, his only living family being his birth mother, who developed early onset dementia after undergoing controversial Hypno therapy to help with her drug addiction. She's more or less catatonic on most days and does not recognize Raihan as her son on good days. He tends to prefer things grouped in twos or pairs.
• Trivia: Raihan's attempt to resuscitate Leon after his battle with eternatus and the subsequent trauma it caused him is based off of my own mom's PTSD after failing to resuscitate her brother when he had a heart attack. Unlike Leon, my uncle was not so lucky, even after paramedics arrived.
• Age: 14
• Alt names: N/A
• Class: Alolan Champion
• Occupation: Student
• Hobbies: Eating, alolan sumo wrestling
• Sexual identity: Bisexual
• Gender identity: Cis male
• Birth region: Galar
• Ethnicity real world equivalent: Native Hawaiian (Kānaka ‘Ōiwi)
• He has an infectiously cheerful personality. However, as a teenager he has become a bit moody and it worries Hala. He still regrets not telling Lillie how he felt before she left and has "dated" a couple other people since then.
• Trivia: There's a scene I have yet to write about him that's inspired by a scene in "The fresh prince of bel-aire" where Will breaks down about his father abandoning him. I remember watching it as a child and bawling my eyes out.
• Age: 14
• Alt names: Glad, Glad-force-flex (Moon)
• Class: Trainer
• Occupation: Student, Aether Foundation Board Member
• Hobbies: Battle Royal, anime
• Sexual identity: Straight
• Gender identity: Cis male
• Birth Region: Alola (outer waters)
• Ethnicity real world equivalent: Native Hawaiian (Kānaka ‘Ōiwi)/White (US American)
• A very stereotypical "emo middle schooler" type, his loving friend group brings the best out of him. He has some say in the goings on of the Aether Foundation, but Wicke was the one to actually take over after Lusamine seeing as he is just a child and doesn't need that responsibility thrust upon him.
• Trivia: He considers Wicke a mother-figure and calls her Auntie.
#zz chikorita#what with the hcs and such#ref#jolly rogers#guzma#pokemon leon#plumeria#hau#molayne#kukui#kahuna nanu#my ocs#team skull grunt#gladion#pokemon piers
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Attention lovely followers who read my JR series (and I guess others if you feel compelled for some reason):
#zz chikorita#ao3 stuff#writer stuff#will it be smut? idk depends i guess#im too lazy to go find a lenny face to copy and paste here#so just pretend like its there k?
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Everything you write is actually top quality stuff. I know things are rough, but keep on keeping on my dude. You are for sure on of my favorite authors
Stay well @zz-chikorita !
It's Show & Tell Time!
Tag your favorite fic author!
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May I offer a completely normal fic on this completely normal day in April?
#zz chikorita#my ao3#team skull#pokemon leon#wrote editted and posted this in about a 2.5 hour period#look at me. i am the april fool
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Summary: Guzma has a migraine and calls his mom. Definitely nothing crazy happens before, after, or between those events.
Jolly Rogers Series:
<- Previous Part 52 Next (Coming Soon) ->
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So I wrote this raileon thing yesterday instead of getting the next chapter of GoA up. Whoops!
Will get GoA up some time today, promise!
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January to March 2020 doodles
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I fookin' love ya boi!
(Turns out I never played through the ultra moon post game...whoops)
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Summary: Dawn of the final day (and what a dawn it was!)
Jolly Rogers Series:
<- Previous Part 46 Next ->
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Summary: All revved up with no place to go
Jolly Rogers Series:
<- Previous Part 48 Next ->
#my ao3#jolly rogers#guzma#pokemon leon#zz-chikorita#ya boy's back!!!!#and like a sinner before the gates of heaven Ill come crawlin on back to you
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An alternative introduction of Plumeria to Malihini (Snom)
(I still can't find my sketching pencils so I made this bullshit instead of finishing the last thing I drew)
#zz-chikorita#zzchikorita#my art#Guzma#snom#mom holy fuck#no i will not stop making fanart of my own fics#when will arceus still my sinful hand?#shitpost#plumeria holy fuck#I really wish i could find my pencils so i can shade the chinchou drawing ;w;#my ao3
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(young)Guzma: *About to go to Akala for work to pay off his hospital bill*
(young)Kukui: Wait! What am suppose to do while you're gone?!
(young)Guzma: I dunno... What do you normally do when I'm gone?
(young)Kukui: *tearing up* Wait for you to get back...
#zz-chikorita#shitpost#guzma#spongebob quote#this is based on my fic btw#jolly rogers#Kukui's a clingy lil bich but we love 'im#incorrect pokemon quotes
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Bro, this post game got too much chaotic energy XD
Imagine being in the Game Freak story writer's meeting and some fucker stands up and says "we need a scene where Archie and Maxie argue about their unresolved sexual tension while Guzma beats the shit out of Team Rocket in the background" and everyone else in room goes, "Fuck it. Why not?"
Fucking legend
#zz-chikorita#pokemon#guzma#Maxie#Archie#team rainbow rocket#pokemon sumo#ultra moon#not jolly rogers
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