You Don't Have the Clearance to be Here.
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31, nonbinary, bi, ace, they/them. Call me Red. I like ttrpgs and I do art sometimes.
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completelyredacted · 1 day ago
officially decided that anyone who tries to divide the lgbt community is a fed. i dont care if you're not actually a fed, if you're causing infighting in a minority community then you're a fed who just isnt getting paid to be one. either apply for a job at the CIA or shut the fuck up
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completelyredacted · 1 day ago
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they said it couldn't be done etc etc [x]
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completelyredacted · 1 day ago
We ask your questions anonymously so you don’t have to! Submissions are open on the 1st and 15th of the month.
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completelyredacted · 2 days ago
been doing a LOT of analog note-taking / journaling / planning lately (new years' resolution fulfilled! yes!), and I've slowly but surely started writing mostly in cursive again.
that said, I'm old (almost 35, ew) so I have questions.
if you want to RB this and put you age / locale / whatever else you think is relevant in the tags, that'd be very cool
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completelyredacted · 2 days ago
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completelyredacted · 3 days ago
there is something so crazy and powerful about having art of your oc that was made by anyone other than yourself. like oh my god you actually exist outside of my own brain that's WILD
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completelyredacted · 3 days ago
Facebook is not a good site, but where else would I see gems like the ugliest Christmas shirt of all time
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completelyredacted · 4 days ago
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completelyredacted · 5 days ago
it’s crazy how absolutely blatantly luigi’s constitutional rights are being breached and people seem more concerned about his appearance than a real, scary view of the power CEOs and the healthcare industry have over the legal system. like yeah he looks good in those photos i can appreciate that too but can we focus on the fact that the media is absolutely treating him as if he has already been found guilty. this could happen to anyone. anyone could be arrested over the death of a wealthy, influential person and the precedent being set right now is essentially that the prosecution can run wild and create documentaries declaring your guilt. like that’s really serious and scary.
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completelyredacted · 5 days ago
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Happy March 15th to those who celebrate.
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completelyredacted · 7 days ago
“Get a rat and put it in a cage and give it two water bottles. One is just water, and one is water laced with either heroin or cocaine. If you do that, the rat will almost always prefer the drugged water and almost always kill itself very quickly, right, within a couple of weeks. So there you go. It’s our theory of addiction. Bruce comes along in the ‘70s and said, “Well, hang on a minute. We’re putting the rat in an empty cage. It’s got nothing to do. Let’s try this a little bit differently.” So Bruce built Rat Park, and Rat Park is like heaven for rats. Everything your rat about town could want, it’s got in Rat Park. It’s got lovely food. It’s got sex. It’s got loads of other rats to be friends with. It’s got loads of colored balls. Everything your rat could want. And they’ve got both the water bottles. They’ve got the drugged water and the normal water. But here’s the fascinating thing. In Rat Park, they don’t like the drugged water. They hardly use any of it. None of them ever overdose. None of them ever use in a way that looks like compulsion or addiction. There’s a really interesting human example I’ll tell you about in a minute, but what Bruce says is that shows that both the right-wing and left-wing theories of addiction are wrong. So the right-wing theory is it’s a moral failing, you’re a hedonist, you party too hard. The left-wing theory is it takes you over, your brain is hijacked. Bruce says it’s not your morality, it’s not your brain; it’s your cage. Addiction is largely an adaptation to your environment. […] We’ve created a society where significant numbers of our fellow citizens cannot bear to be present in their lives without being drugged, right? We’ve created a hyperconsumerist, hyperindividualist, isolated world that is, for a lot of people, much more like that first cage than it is like the bonded, connected cages that we need. The opposite of addiction is not sobriety. The opposite of addiction is connection. And our whole society, the engine of our society, is geared towards making us connect with things. If you are not a good consumer capitalist citizen, if you’re spending your time bonding with the people around you and not buying stuff—in fact, we are trained from a very young age to focus our hopes and our dreams and our ambitions on things we can buy and consume. And drug addiction is really a subset of that.”
— Johann Hari, Does Capitalism Drive Drug Addiction?
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completelyredacted · 8 days ago
Spin a wheel to be assigned someone!
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completelyredacted · 9 days ago
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Second style study! This time I tried to go for deathburger's style! I really loved this, and the hair is some of my favorite I've ever done! (This is my OC Titania again.)
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completelyredacted · 9 days ago
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I'm glad somebody in government is saying it explicitly without mincing words.
Abolish the Republican Party.
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completelyredacted · 9 days ago
I heard recently that you can tell a lot about a person by the first movie they know Tim Curry from and I literally can’t stop thinking about it.
so say in the tags what’s the first movie you know Tim Curry from. Mines muppets treasure island
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completelyredacted · 9 days ago
ngl for lot of my life i thought parents sitting their kids down and telling them how babies are made was just a thing they made up for comedies on tv so now im curious how common it actually is.
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completelyredacted · 9 days ago
Yeah, machine learning can be kinda neat. But you know what’s even better? Actual learning
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