#zushin the sleeping giant
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thewittyphantom · 2 years ago
Found an interesting thread about the hardest Yu-Gi-Oh cards to summon.
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yoshifawful64 · 3 years ago
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it’s his time
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zigfried-von-schroeder · 5 years ago
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Happy Halloween with the creepiest monsters of Yugioh!
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fyeahygocardart · 8 years ago
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Zushin the Sleeping Giant
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Gundham, Himiko, and Sonia, you now face the unstoppable and invincible Zushin the Sleeping Giant. He's literally unaffected by all magic and effects whatsoever and his power level will be equal to your powel level except much higher. (Yes this is Yugioh. Show some respect to this impossibly hard to summon monster.)
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Himiko is not with us right now...Sonia? What do you have in your deck?
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My strongest card is Obelisk the Tormentor! I also have Magical Hats! What about you?
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I have both Slipher the Sky Dragon and Dark Magician. For support I have Multiply and Monster Reborn...
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Let us give it a go.
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ojamayellow · 7 years ago
Selling Rare Yugioh cards
Hey, I’m selling a bunch of rare yugioh cards! I need to get rid of these, and I will base my prices using comparisons from online stores! These include Secret Gold Rare. Gold Rare, Secret Rare, Super Rare, Ultra Rare, Mosaic, Shatterfoil and Starfoil. Sharing this post/Buying these would be very appreciated as I am a jobless student in need of money! Thank you very much!
(I also have a collection of Rares and Commons if anyone is interested, including Extra deck monsters.)
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Names under cut.
I used this website as a rarity guide.
Secret Gold Rare: Angmarl the Fiendish Monarch, Horn of Heaven, King’s Consonance, Isolde Belle of the Underworld.
Gold Rare: Luster Pendulum The Dracoslayer, Alich Melabranche Of The Burning Abyss, Pot of Duality, Daigusto Emeral, Maxx “C”.
Secret Rare: Cyromancer of the Ice Barrier, Squib Draw, Berserker Soul, Invoked Elysium, Magical Meltdown, Darklord Enchantment, Quick Launch, Express Train Trolley Olley, Pendulum Paradox.
Super Rare: Interrupted Kaiju Slumber, Tribute Burial, Yokotuner, Worm Barses, Torque Tune Gear (x2), Pot of Acquisitiveness, Construction Train Signal Red, Lionhearted Locomotive, SPYRAL Resort, Downbeat, Dystopia The Despondent, Zoodiac Whiptail, Qliphort Helix.
Ultra Rare: D/D/D Dragon King Pendragon, Lector Pendulum The Dracoverlord, Magnarokket Dragon, Zushin The Sleeping Giant. 
Starfoil: Achacha Archer, Tentempo the Percussion Djinn.
Mosaic: Embodiment of the Apophis, Blockman, Zubaba Knight.
Shatter: Offerings to the Doomed.
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lykegenia · 8 years ago
The Things We Hide Ch. 5
The Southern Water Tribe stood for a hundred years against the Fire Nation, indomitable until Sozin’s Comet tipped the balance in Fire Lord Ozai’s favour. Now, as planned, the South is decimated, Chief Hakoda is a puppet on his throne, and Princess Katara is a political prisoner held in the Fire Nation capital to ensure his good behaviour. But Ozai has little time to gloat. A vigilante masquerading as the Blue Spirit is causing unrest among the people, rebel ships still hound his navy, and right under his nose the South’s most powerful waterbender waits with the patience of ice to strike at the very heart of his empire and bring it crashing down.
Chapter 1 on AO3
Words: 3048 Pairing: Zuko x Katara Chapter Summary: In the aftermath of the attack on the harbour, Zuko tries to find answers to who the mysterious waterbender is, and what she wants.
Read it on AO3
Scrolls littered the long table in the royal library where Zuko had sat researching since even before the palace servants were awake. Every scrap of parchment on the Water Tribes the Fire Nation had archived lay in front of him in haphazard piles, from treatises on waterbending to collections of scholarly notes, but all they told him was how woefully ignorant his people were about those that lived at the ends of the world. Most of the accounts were second-hand or hearsay, and those that weren’t tended towards the sensational, and were so old that they offered nothing useful anyway.
Blearily, his rubbed his eyes and pulled yet another yellowed scroll towards him. This one was a military report written by a Lieutenant Sangon. It was about thirty years old, stained by saltwater, and told of the capture of a Southern Water Tribe ship.
Liuyue Twenty-sixth Day
In the night we came upon a bank of dense fog incongruent with the weather fifteen leagues off the shore of Whaletail Island, and knew our enemy lay within its depths, though not how many ships ranged against us. Captain Mei-Lin ordered a return to the commonly sailed patrol route, but by dawn the fog overtook us. General quarters were called, but as visibility lessened the captain decided to proceed with engines cut and fires doused so we would not give away our presence. It is well known the water vessels run on the wind and the currents they themselves manipulate, so I think her hope was we would run on the current before them.
The captain bid me consult our charts against compass and last known position in case they planned to sink us on shoals, but, reassured we were in deep waters still, she surmised their tactics would be more traditional icebergs and overwhelming waves. Our elite Cormorant Squadron stood ready to defend our sides and blast away ice attacks, while the ammunition for the prototype pivot trebuchets were readied with pitch and spark powder.
The Water Tribe attack came estimated an hour before sunrise. Our only warning was the crack of ‘lightning ice’ that froze the propellers solid, before two Southern Tribe ships breached the fog off our port stern.
Zuko found his fingers creasing the edges of the paper as he read on, only too able to imagine the fear those firebenders faced against enemies who could encase them in ice or send water whips out of the sea to pluck them to their doom. Only the unexpected power of the then-new deck mounted trebuchets had kept the ship from being totally lost, as the shot loaded into them had been designed to shatter and spread explosive flame on impact – more than a match for the flammable wooden hulls of the Water Tribe.
In the end, one of the enemy ships had sunk with a gaping hole in the starboard keel, and the other had suffered a lucky shot that brought down the mast and all but snapped the vessel in two. Lieutenant Sangon described the aftermath with unprofessionally graphic detail, but Zuko hardly noticed.
Under my orders the hands followed procedure in taking account of the casualties and clearing the deck of the debris from the forward trebuchet. The fog around us cleared enough to allow the sun to filter through, and it roused heartiness in us all. The light let us spot a figure among the flotsam of the destroyed ship, a young woman in the garb and war paint of a waterbender, though through my glass I saw her bleeding heavily from a wound on the scalp.
Thinking to create some return for the tragedy of Captain Mei-Lin’s death, I ordered the boat out, and the girl was brought back in chains, to many jeers from the men in the crew. Their display left a sour taste in my mouth, for all she had tried her best to kill us all not moments before.
I conclude my report with a note on the waterbender’s condition. It is lucky we picked her up in such an incoherent state, otherwise it is certain she would have followed the example of her captured brethren before we could begin to question her. Her wounds have been treated, but for her own safety and ours we are keeping her drugged with wortroot, which has the added bonus of supressing qi should she manage to shake off sleep.
We estimate Gaolong Harbour in three days, and will submit our guest to the port authorities at that time.
In my own hand
Acting Captain Sangon Zushin
Rubbing the back of his neck to ease the ache, Zuko sat back, tapping his fingers against the table. The report mentioned the Southern waterbender had her face painted, and that in the attack some of the crew were killed by strands of water rising from the ocean like the tentacles of a giant squid-topus. Although this was the best corroboration he had found so far, it was still a tenuous link to what he had observed two nights before at the docks.
Rumours had already begun to gust around the capital. Witnesses to the disaster swore it was the work of angry spirits; Officials scoffed and said it was an act of sabotage, committed by a group of rebel benders intent on destroying the lives of helpless Fire Nation citizens. Only time would tell which story the people would take as truth, but already the harbour swam with offerings of flowers and rice thrown down to try and appease whatever god was powerful enough to destroy three ten-deck troop carriers single-handed.
As for Zuko, he knew with certainty the woman the Blue Spirit confronted that night was human. This raised more questions than it answered, however. Was the saboteur alone or did she have a network of hidden waterbenders helping her? And if she did, why attack at night? Such power as she demonstrated would have made short work of any soldiers sent to stop her, so was it merely convenience that she had waited until the docks were quiet, or was it conscience? Considering the scale of the disaster, very few of the ships’ skeleton crews had been killed in the attack, and more than one report mentioned feeling the waves push them onto the breakwater, heavy armour and all.
Zuko groaned and buried his face in his hands.
“Prince Zuko?”
The elderly librarian shuffled forward, a new stack of papers in his arms. “You wanted the tactical reports from the Southern Conquest.”
“Ah, thank you.” He pushed out of his chair so he could relieve the old man of his burden. “You know you could get one of your assistants to help me.”
“No, I could not,” the librarian replied, waving his prince’s concerns away. “It would dishonour you to have one of those bumbling children getting in the way of your research. Besides, it does these old bones some good to get about a bit.” He wheezed a laugh and cracked the stiffness out of his knuckles. “Might I ask what all of this is in aid of, Prince Zuko? I haven’t seen you this studious in years.”
“I’ve had other things to think about,” Zuko replied testily. “Do I need a reason?”
“Of course not, of course not.” The librarian held up his hands in good-natured surrender. “Just tell me if you require anything further.” He shuffled off again, leaving Zuko to his alcove and his privacy.
The biggest problem, the prince observed wryly to himself as he flitted through the newest stack of documents, was that nobody had any real clue about the capabilities of waterbenders. Every naval report spoke about them with a sort of reverent fear, and it had taken the power of Sozin’s Comet to finally bring their society to its knees, but there was no empirical value set on their abilities, either the range or the volume of water an individual could manipulate at any one time. He supposed that reflected the subtle nature of their element, but the Fire Nation’s lack of knowledge had more to do with lack of subjects – captured waterbenders never lived for very long.
Still, he found it difficult to believe one person could be powerful enough to cause so much destruction - apart from the avatar, of course. His uncle would have known. Once, before everything went wrong, Iroh had encouraged Zuko’s curiosity about the other nations. He had said understanding other cultures was the true key to bringing peace after conquest, but then Lu Ten had died at the siege of Ba Sing Se, and the once revered Dragon of the West had betrayed his own men, ordering a retreat when they could have pressed on and assured victory. When the soldiers rebelled, their general had been caught in the blast of the Avatar’s power, his body torn apart by the elements.
Official records left out the true circumstances of Crown Prince Iroh’s death, but afterwards Ozai made it clear to his son that an open-minded attitude towards the other cultures of the world would no longer be tolerated. Iroh’s weakness in the face of the cursed avatar became a lesson in the perils of mercy.
But the avatar was far away in the Earth Kingdom, the last of the Air Nomads alive and well, busy stirring up rebellion against Fire Nation colonisers. The bender he encountered at the harbour was definitely not an Air Nomad, and there was no mistaking her shape underneath her clothes. He felt his cheeks warm at the memory and fisted his hands on the table to try and regain control of his fire. Royal princes did not become flustered at the mere thought of beautiful women, especially ones who were such a threat to shipping.
Was she beautiful, though? Under the war paint, did she have dark skin like that of others of the Water Tribe? Was it smooth and soft, or chafed by sea winds? What shape were her lips? He hadn’t been able to see the colour of her eyes in the darkness, but they were fierce.
He groaned again and pinched his fingers to the bridge of his nose.
The lattices of Katara’s private chambers were all open, but no breeze could be tempted in from the baking garden. If anything, the scorching heat of the sun had only increased since the day before, as if trying to squeeze the last moisture from the earth before the arrival of the winter rains. The still, dry air made Katara fidget under her sweat-drenched sheets, her fever slow to cool.
The influence of the full moon and the rush of her own daring had allowed her to destroy not one but all three of the ships moored in the harbour. Even in her delirium she remembered the savagery of her joy at being able to unleash her full power and strike at the heart of her enemy. She felt again and again the scream of tearing metal as she smashed the Ryujo against the breakwater, only now the tremors lanced through her body instead.
At the time she hadn’t realised how much energy she was using, too busy focussed on the flow of water in her hands. Afterwards, though, when she dragged herself back through the dimming streets, she had felt the tug of fatigue slowing every step as if stones pulled at her feet.
She woke sometime the next afternoon to the caress of healing water on her forehead. Linara sat over her, the healer’s smooth face scrunched in concern as she tried to map the splintered lines of qi through Katara’s body. Hama stood at the foot of the bed, her hands framed into rigid lines as she froze the air into powdery ice over her charge’s wrists and ankles. That was how she remembered the hours, in snatches of consciousness as shadows from the window trailed across the room, with her guardians working in seamless, unending tandem to bring her back from the dark.
Now, Katara sat in a pile of cushions with the vile taste of some reviving tonic lingering at the back of her throat. She focussed on separating the dank flavours to work out what they forced down her throat, because the alternative was having to look Hama in the eye.
She had never seen the old woman so angry.
“What were you thinking?” the old general demanded. “It’s a blessing you weren’t seen – or captured! What do you think would happen to our people, to all our well-laid plans, if they find out it was you who destroyed those ships in the harbour?”
“I couldn’t sit by and do nothing! Those ships were going to take soldiers to the Earth Kingdom, and now they can’t,” Katara retorted. She glanced down at where her hands lay in her lap. “And nobody caught me,” she added sullenly. “So they aren’t going to find out it was me.”
Ham sniffed. “And how will you explain your current state when the guard comes to interrogate us?” She threw up her hands. “You never think things through! Always impetuous, always taking on more than you can handle. They’ll be looking for waterbenders, girl.”
“General, please,” interrupted Linara. “This can be saved for another time. Katara needs rest.”
“She needs sense knocked into her. Where’s a glacier when you need one.”
“I’m sorry, Sifu,” Katara mumbled as Hama turned to stomp out.
The general hesitated in the doorway. “No you’re not,” she grunted. “You’re pleased with yourself. I hope you still are when all of our sacrifices come to nothing.”
Katara watched her teacher cross the garden and round a corner towards the kitchens, the blue-clad form shimmering under the intensity of the sun. She bit her lip. Everyone had risked so much for her, and Hama was right: the lives of too many people depended on her staying in the good graces of the Fire Lord as a political hostage, too demure to be a threat and too important to be thrown away. To be found out as a waterbender…
Tomorrow, she would make a proper apology, when exhaustion no longer clawed at her bones and made her head swim.
Linara tactfully chose that moment to replace her healing water, running her fingers along the rim of the turtleshell bowl she had received when she attained the rank of Master Healer. At twenty-five, she was one of the most gifted students in the school, hand-chosen to be part of Katara’s entourage, to protect the young princess in the polar bear-dog’s den, and to keep the skills and talents of the Southern Water Tribe safe, hidden in plain sight in case Hama’s plan failed. The bone beads threaded into the locks at her temples clicked as she kneeled once more at Katara’s bedside.
“All that bluster is just worry for you,” she said kindly. “The general’s actually quite impressed. We all are.”
She lay her hands against Katara’s fevered skin, one on her abdomen while the other smoothed a healing glow along her legs and down over her feet. Tension eased out of the Water Tribe princess, resignation settling in its place.
“Dad’s going to be so angry when he finds out.”
“He may be angry that you put yourself in danger,” the healer calmly replied. “But nobody can deny how far this will set back the Fire Nation war effort. Each of those ships was worth two thousand soldiers at least, and now it’s unlikely they’ll get to the Earth Kingdom in time to relieve the soldiers already there. Mark my words, it’s a gap that’ll be exploited. If there’s anyone who can make the most of this, it’s -”
“Don’t remind me,” Katara interrupted, burying her head in her hands. “That’s another person who’s going to be mad at me.”
The healer grinned. “Not looking forward to Mimi’s next letter?”
“It might not be so bad. The Fire Navy will be short three of its biggest assets until they can replace them. That’s at least six months of unchecked piracy. The Third Fleet will be busy.”
Katara pushed herself out of her pile of cushions, gnawed by an unexpected concern. “And how many people will be worked to death to get new ships ready in six months?”
Linara’s hands paused against Katara’s skin, her smile hardened into a frown as she brought her fingers up to touch the carved pendant at her throat. The once-beautiful image carved in the mother-of-pearl was marred by a deep, deliberate scratch.
“That’s not our problem.”
“Isn’t it? It’ll be my fault.”
“There’s more suffering in this place than any one person could hope to change,” Linara snorted. “Don’t make yourself responsible for a society where the nobility break the backs of peasants to avoid stepping in the mud.”
“But -”
“If you want to help them, see this through. Care if you must, but remember you’re the only one who will.”
They lapsed into silence, Linara’s thoughts her own and Katara’s wandering back to the moonlit pier and the man with the twin swords who had confronted her there. At the time, she had been too surprised to notice much more than the glint of moonlight on steel and the gruesome mask leering through the darkness, but when the guards stole his attention and allowed her to get away, she had looked back. He moved through them with perfect control, chaos poised by discipline. Her father’s troops were well trained, but she had never seen anyone fight like that. His black clothes were loose, made of material that wouldn’t rustle as he moved, but Katara could imagine the lithe muscles beneath. He would not be bulky, like Water Tribe men used to hauling fishing lines, fed a steady diet of fish and meat. Was he a native of the capital, or somewhere else? What colour were his eyes? Most importantly, what had he been doing at the harbour that night?
She blinked and found Linara watching her.
“Are you alright?”
“I was just wondering…” Katara paused, finding the right smokescreen for her interest. “I heard some of the Fire Nation soldiers talking. You’ve been to the market. What are people saying about a man in a blue mask?”
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krainsworld · 5 years ago
heres the next duel team Team ICARLY
member 1: Carly Shay
bio: team captain and founder of ICARLY who hosts an awesome web show called ICARLY along with her best friend Sam Puckett even though she and her friends end up in bad situations she and her friends always find a way out after ICARLY ended Carly ended up in Italy to live with her father Colonel Shay her deck is identical of the Fusion Dimension duelist Celina her ace is Lunalight Leo Dancer.
member 2: Freddie Benson
bio: cameraman of ICARLY who has an overprotective mom and is pretty good at fencing he has knowledge of tech and computers and he is always a target for teasing by Sam Puckett his deck consults of machine,warriors and zombies his ace is Vampire Genesis.
member: Spencer Shay
bio: Carly's big brother and is an excellent art sculpter and has a habit of unintentionally setting things on fire so much that the Seattle fire department won't help him anymore he often gets good deals from his buddy Socko and is very protective of Carly his deck is identical of the Synchro Dimension duelist Chajiro Tokumatsu with a few statues and fire attribute monsters his ace is Flower Cardian Lightshower.
member 4: Gibby Gibson
bio: Carly,Sam,Freddie and Spencer's friend who always help Carly,Sam,Freddie and Spencer in jams he succeeds in opening his own restaurant called Gibby's and is a big fan of One Direction when he takes of his shirt he unleashes his inner Gibbyness and full power which he used to save Carly,Sam and Freddie from Nora Dershlit his deck consults of fighters and defense his ace is Zushin The Sleeping Giant.
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headless-horseboy · 7 years ago
So I've been reading guides on how to get zushin the sleeping giant out on the field/make a zushin deck more effective so I can make a deck around it. And one thing that confuses the hell out of me is that in literally none of the decks I've seen has it recommended cards like hand holding genie to divert attacks from the level 1 monster you've got
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yugioh-cards-hourly · 3 years ago
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neverending-vrains-blog · 7 years ago
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Okay so I get it. It's a common card and everyone has Zushin.
What I DON'T understand is why the hell they ALL had a god damn copy with them
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yugioh-cards-hourly · 3 years ago
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yugioh-cards-hourly · 4 years ago
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yugioh-cards-hourly · 4 years ago
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