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owlservice · 1 year ago
To my new followers. Welcome to my blog. My name is Sarlota and I live in Pag. Yes I've been to Zrće, where I was knocked onto my bottom by a medium sized wave. 🌊🇭🇷
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balkanmedia · 5 months ago
Ja sam najveći fan Ronalda na svijetu! #lukasilni #hrvatska #zrće #crnia...
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emilianobertelli · 7 months ago
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discobar · 1 year ago
Hideout 2024: ecco i primi headliner 
Il festival Hideout è pronto a tornare. Hideout si svolgerà infatti sulla spiaggia di Zrće in Croazia da domenica 23 a giovedì 27 giugno 2024 con i suoi quattro palchi, sui quali suoneranno tantissimi fuoriclasse della musica elettronica.  Anche quest’anno infatti la line up di Hideout promette scintille: tra i primi nomi annunciati spiccano i debutti di Bicep con il loro spettacolo Chroma AV…
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lignanolanotte · 1 year ago
Hideout 2024: ecco i primi headliner 
Il festival Hideout è pronto a tornare. Hideout si svolgerà infatti sulla spiaggia di Zrće in Croazia da domenica 23 a giovedì 27 giugno 2024 con i suoi quattro palchi, sui quali suoneranno tantissimi fuoriclasse della musica elettronica.  Anche quest’anno infatti la line up di Hideout promette scintille: tra i primi nomi annunciati spiccano i debutti di Bicep con il loro spettacolo Chroma AV…
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gtaradi · 1 year ago
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satansmile · 7 years ago
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superbmakerzombie · 6 years ago
JEDAN OD VOĐA BRANITELJSKOG PROSVJEDA OTVARA KLUB NA ZRĆU Osim divljeg provoda i luksuza, imat će kabaret i restoran, a cilja na goste starije od 30
JEDAN OD VOĐA BRANITELJSKOG PROSVJEDA OTVARA KLUB NA ZRĆU Osim divljeg provoda i luksuza, imat će kabaret i restoran, a cilja na goste starije od 30
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Vlasnik zaštitarske tvrtke Klemm Security, javnosti poznat i kao jedan od organizatora braniteljskog prosvjeda u šatoru u Savskoj, Josip Klemm, ulazi u ugostiteljski biznis.
U suradnji s partnerom Ivanom Bušljetom, Klemm kupuje kultni noćni klub Aquarius na novaljskoj plaži Zrće, najpoznatijoj hrvatskoj i jednoj od omiljenih europskih party plaža.
Iako Klemm ne želi još davati izjave o…
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nomadicstateofmindhr · 6 years ago
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🅙 🅒 ⓢⓐⓝⓓⓐⓛⓔ ⓤ 🅒🅡🅝🅞🅙 ⓑⓞⓙⓘ . 📷 @thuymi . . #crostagram #sandale #nomadicstateofmind #zrće #knezmihajlova #fashionhr #cromoda #streetstylemontenegro #streetstylecroatia #ellecroatia #špica #korzo #bosniangirl🇧🇦 #obuca #journalhr #ecofriendly #visitcroatia #fashionserbia #rivasplit #splavovibeograda #izlasci #ljeto2019 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bta5d6EnqIq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ajk2t05sn5ss
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zrce-beach · 8 years ago
S Druge Strane Mjesečevog Otoka
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Davno još iz doba dok je ovaj otok bio samo 300 kvadratnih kilometara kamena i par maslinika. Još jedna trgovačka ruta u sredozemlju. Otok poznat po svom kršu i negostoljubivom vjetru koji ne štedi ni kamen ni život. Kako to obično bude, gdje ima prometa i trgovine  razvoj brzo uzima maha. Uzimajući u obzir luksuzna dobra kojima se nekad ponajviše trgovalo (kao što su sol, maslina i riba) ne čudi što je Pag bio sjecište mnogih kultura i trgovine. Tisuću godina naprijed, nakon nebrojeno mnogo olujnih bura i sad već dobro ukorijenjenih tisućljetnih maslina, ovaj otok je zakoračio u pomalo drugačiji oblik trgovine. Onaj koji i dalje uzima maha i onaj koji i dalje drži mnoge svjetske kulture i narode nadohvat ruke…
Luskuzna roba kojom se trguje odjednom je postao turizam. Prvo ona tiha verzija turizma gdje se uvijek traži mir i skriveno mjesto pod pokojim polusuhim i slanim drvetom ispred plaže koju sunce nemilo drži u okovima. Onaj zvuk klapa po lokalnim restoranima i konobama koji su u obiteljskom vlasništvu vjerojatno koliko i ona maslina koja diže asfalt na parkingu dok se u stojadinu paca riba pripremljena za gradele. Tu tišinu će uskoro zamjeniti podmukli i teško objašnjivi zvuk. Zvuk koji je puno teže razaznati i čuti, koliko osjetiti u prsima i koljenima.
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Sve je počelo šumicom…tako barem kažu. Mali beach bar Kalypso, koji je napola izgubljen u šumi i na pola prosut po sunčanoj plaži Zrće, bilo je mjesto gdje je jedna nova generacija mladih ljudi prihvatila novu glazbu i način izražavanja kao svoj. Na sceni klapa, tambura i mandoline, pojavila se elektronska glazba i ubrzano je uzimala maha. Pojavila se dance glazba. Prvo okljuštarena inačica dance glazbe iz svijeta, prilagođena lokalnom mentalitetu, a kasnije i svi ostali žanrovi i podžanrovi kojih ima  dovoljno za sljedećih nekoliko članaka. Ivana Banfić (I Bee), po mome tada neokrunjena kraljica ovog novog novog novog vala, snimila je, za tadašnja vremena, poprilično provokativni spot pod nazivom “Šumica”.
Gotovo preko noći, plaža Zrće se pojavila u medijima kao totalna suprotnost svim plažama o kojima se dotad pisalo i promotivnim flyerima lokalnih turističkih agencija. Paralelnim razvojem klupske scene i elektronske glazbe u ovom kutku našeg svemira, nekako se uvijek i provlačila ta pomalo drugačija tema “šumice” i papanja soli… Svaki klub u Hrvatskoj je redovno na repertoaru imao i tu pjesmu kroz svoje tematske večeri. Kroz idućih par godina, Zrće je postalo plažom želja mnogih nedosanjanih klinaca i vikend bježanja na poluilegalne partije uz otvoren gepek Yuga 55 i nabrijanih Hondi (čiji zvučnici premašuju vrijednost istog tog komada metala na kotačima sa poluispravnim kočnicama). Znam, bio sam tamo. Cijela plaža je dobivala neku mističnost  koja se razvijala usporedo s razvojem elektronske glazbe i odrastanjem klinaca. Kako svaka generacija ima svoje snove i osjećaje, tako je i ova plaža rasla sa snovima tih klinaca.Spavalo se na plaži, spavalo se u autu, spavalo se po šumi, a ponajviše se nije spavalo. Živjelo se za vikend. Pa nazad za Zagreb prepričavati i koji put preuveličavati. Sve ono što prosječni klinac radi.
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Sve je su to bili oni temelji Zrća koje postoji danas. Oni temelji koji povezuju osjećaje i ljude… Stvaraju zajednice i prve primitivne društvene mreže. One druge, prave temelje, postavili su dalje drugi klubovi. Jer gdje ima mjesta za jednog, obično ima mjesta za bar još troje. Pojavili su se Papaya i Aquarius koji su dotad bili samo plažni restoran i beach bar s toboganom. Tada je po prvi put primijećen potencijal plaže Zrće i Novalje općenito. Pojavili su se prvi after beach partiji i prve razuzdane klupske večeri. Tada su Aquariusom palili Mirkec, Karlo, Marko Babic i Zhuti. Partijalo se dan i noć, a otud su se udomaćili izrazi “beach that never sleeps” i “day and night”. Plesalo se cijeli dan i noć, ljubilo još više. Pilo se sve što je sadržavalo imalo alkohola.Plaža je vidjela svašta. Plaža je davala i uzimala, a more ispiralo. Volio sam na toj plaži. Volio više nego ikad. Plaža je imala čudesan utjecaj na ljude. Ekipa iz Papaye (koja je inače organizirala studentske partye po Zagrebu) je radila svjetski PR posao i riječ “Zrće” je polagano počelo dobivati na medijskoj težini. Svjetska imena sa DJ scene su stizali na plažu. Poluklubovi su se pretvorili u ozbiljne klubove, usput je niknula i Euphoria. Plaža je postajala tijesna, kao i Novalja. Tražio se smještaj više kojeg nije bilo. Klubovi su počeli aktivno ulagati u razvoj Novalje prepoznavajući potencijal i potrebu za popratnim sadržajima koji trebaju pratiti cijeli projekt Zrće. Ulagalo se u infrastukturu, Novalja je postajala epicentar cijelog otoka. Počeli su nicati apartmani, hoteli i hosteli. Teško je shvatiti koliko je zapravo plaža imala utjecaj na cijeli razvoj ove regije i ljudi općenito. Svi su tražili svoj dio kolača i nudili svoje usluge.Svi su željeli Zrće. Cocomo Klub u Novalji je u to vrijeme počeo također raditi na veliko. A na Zrću se naknadno pojavila Noa, Deep, Rocks club. Nije lako objasniti kolika količina ljudi je u to vrijeme boravila i radila u Novalji tijekom sezone. Deset autobusa redovno je vozilo na relaciji Novalja – plaža (udaljenost od 6 km), svakih 15 – 20min. A onda iznenada medijski natpis: Sodoma i Gomora. Kočnica, šta, kaj, ća… otkud ovo. Odjednom se počelo pisati o raskalašenom životu mladih na plaži, orgijama, alkoholu i drogama. Iako je bilo za očekivati da će ta fraza uvelike zakočiti Zrće u razvoju, dogodilo se sasvim suprotno. Društvene mreže preuzele su priču. Ta je postala fraza koja je još više omogućila priči da se širi. Krenuli su festivali, priča se širila izvan svih granica. Došli su Hideout, Sonus, Fresh Island, Barakud, Blacksheep, Hard Island, Springbreak i mnogi drugi klubski festivali. Od tog dana, priča nije stala niti ima tendenciju usporavanja.Deset tisuća stranih turista na festivalu samo govori o kvaliteti onoga što im plaža i otok mogu ponuditi. Ali kako svaka priča ima svoj vijek trajanja i sazrijevanja, tako je i Zrće sazrijelo. Kako to izgleda danas? Danas klubovi žele pokazati i širi spektar mogućnosti otoka osim same plaže. Jer otok ima zaista još puno toga za ponuditi: lunske tisućljetne maslinike, Solanu Pag, bicikilističke ture po otoku, adrenalinske doživljaje, redovne izlete prema unutrašnjosti sve do Plitvica i Krke, mnoge arheološke i povijesne nalaze… Mogućnosti su nebrojene kao i potencijali.
Dok ovo pišem, a pogled mi vodi prema Lunu, ne mogu prestati razmišljati što još ovaj “Mjesečev otok” može ponuditi. Komad masline uglavljen strši ovdje tisuću godina, pa se pitam postoji li mogućnost za još bolji razvoj. Vidim daleko, možda predaleko… Vidim marinu i vezove. Berbu tisućljetnih maslina i turiste koji uče o njihovoj povijesti. Heliodrom s redovnom linijom Zadar – Pula. Luksuzne hotele na potezu obale od Novalje prema Lunu. Autohtone restorane i plažu Zrće koja se širi prema Zadru. Potez šetnice uz plažu po kojoj mladi ljudi željni festivalske zabave hodaju kilometrima. Vidim još više mladih koji vole na toj plaži kao što sam ja volio. Vidim nove nebrojene domaće DJ nade koje stasaju i kale se na buri držeći tisuće ljudi u iščekivanju ekstaze. U toj je slici budućnosti još klubova (tematskih klubova), još bazena uz plažu. Krš i kamen popunjeni su festivalskim šatorima. Svaka osoba ovdje ima svoju priču i svoj stil. Svi su ovdje netko drugi i redovno su svi ono što bi htjeli biti. Upoznao sam nebrojeno ljudi i podijelio sa svakim svoj dio raja (kao i oni sa mnom).
Slušao sam želje i nadanja gostiju i ljudi koji rade. Svatko je ovdje dijete, svatko u istom trenu nađe sebe i u drugom trenutku se izgubi u glazbi. Danas si jedno, drugi dan poželiš biti nešto drugo… i budeš. U kakofoniji zvukova, boja i osjećaja nema potrebe za ponavljanjem. Istražuješ otok i sebe. Barem je meni to ovaj otok pružio. A tko sam ja? Ja sam Goran. Zanesenjak, dijete u duši…vječiti fotograf sa Zrća, ilustrator. Uživam u glazbi i glazba me pokreće. Hodam u ritmu, s basom u glavi i mislima daleko u oblacima. Velikih snova i sigurnih koraka. Ja sam onaj koji stoji iza Instagram i Twitter profila @zrcebeach na kojima pokušavam podijeliti sve ljepote koje ovaj otok može pružiti (kao i svoje mentalne diareje). Mislim da će ova sezona biti posebna. A znaš da je dobra ako barem jednom staneš u centru kaosa i pomisliš: “Ako je danas zadnji dan, sve je vrijedilo. Rewind molim.”
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godofmidfield · 7 years ago
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reallyfeonly · 7 years ago
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you got this brah
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balkanmedia · 5 months ago
Polako gubimo članove: Gdje je nestao naš Mojkitić? #lukasilni #zrće #hr...
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denisgoldinofficial-blog · 8 years ago
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Denis Goldin feat @iamrobhazen - Heartbeat OUT NOW on @Spotify https://open.spotify.com/album/6ysagpnQOeI0FUtshB7Hkz @kingsiderecordings ] #presspic #progressivehouse #protocol #futurehouse #electrohouse #edm #djmag #deejaytime #italy #croatia #ultramusicfestival #mwc #india #japan #house #deephouse #trance #singer #songwriter #spotify #repost #lifestyle #manfashion #producer #flstudio #zrce2017 #zrće
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yeshrv-blog · 6 years ago
Top Festivals in Croatia
Single price ticket costs for these events vary between a hundred and 2330 kuna and with the exception of the festivals on the coast, one among them are going to be control in Slavonia, Croatia’s most japaneseregion. Based on the votes of the distinguished British DJ Magazine, the Croatian clubs may be terribly pleased with the inclusion on the list of the simplest clubs within the world. Six clubs square measure among the forty best within the world and also the voters have expressed their feelings regarding the atmosphere on the Croatian coast thus we {will|we are able to} expect that the organizers will do their best to form2018 even higher than the previous year. the amount of festivals grows once a year, a spread of genres at festivals throughout European country permit everybody to search out one thing for themselves and their friends to get pleasure from and have an honest time. Also, for a few of them, you'll still obtaintickets at the first bird value. The first event is that the echinoderm pageant http://www.seastarfestival.com/ (from twenty four to twenty seven May), that was control last year for the primary time in Umag, welcome quite fifty,000 guests from seventy completely different countries, exposes however huge this pageant extremely is. There square measure seven stages within the famed laguna of the Frank Stella Maris advanced and considering the various genres, we tend to square measure certain that everybody can realize their favorite stage. huge names are confirmed, like Dimitri Vegas & Like electro-acoustic transducer, the Belgian brothers WHO take second place on the list of the simplest DJs of nowadays. There square measure also: Hurts, Disciples, Robin Charles M. Schulz, Paul van Dyk, Detour, Dječaci, Krešo Bengalka … the value for the ocean Star pageant is 279 kunas. Big names are confirmed, like Dimitri Vegas & Like electro-acoustic transducer, the Belgian brothers WHOtake second place on the list of the simplest DJs of nowadays. There square measure also: Hurts, Disciples, Robin Charles M. Schulz, Paul van Dyk, Detour, Dječaci, Krešo Bengalka Events at Papaya https://papaya.com.hr/ begin at the top of could (May 31st) once the large Beach recessstarts. For now, there are confirmed performances by electro-acoustic transducer Candy, Rene Rodrigezz, David Puentez, Sheko, and Trevon. the value of a three-day pageant price ticket is 370 kunas. At the top of Gregorian calendar month (from twenty five to twenty seven June), the thirteenth edition of the foremost famed pageant in Zagreb, INMusic festivalhttps://www.inmusicfestival.com/ are going to becontrol at Jarun lake. free performers square measure Queens Of The period, Nick Cave & The dangerousSeeds, Interpol, Alice bound, David Byrne, St. Vincent, Portugal. The Man, The Kills, Bombino, Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes, Forest, Reykjavíkurdætur, Tshegue, Super Besse and lots of others. Tickets may bepurchased at a value of 470 kunas, and there's a break of shopping for inhabitation price ticket for 265 kunas. A sixth day of remembrance, from Gregorian calendar month sixth to Gregorian calendar month eighth, are going to be celebrated by radical Europe https://ultraeurope.com/ , the eu edition of the radicalMusic pageant, the foremost famed electronic music pageant within the world. once the top of the third day, the complete story goes to Brač, wherever the fun can continue on the beach known as ‘Zlatni rat’. The second island to be visited by lovers of this pageant are going to be Hvar (July 10th), whereas the topis reserved for the island of Vis on Gregorian calendar month eleventh. Afrojack, Alesso, Arminius van Buuren, Axwell & Ingrosso, Carl Cox, David Guetta, DJ Snake, Hardwell, Steve Angello, The Chainsmokers are going to be performers within the Split, whereas Hvar is set-aside for Fedde lupus erythematosusGrand, Nicky Romero, Jonas Blue, Joseph Oliver Heldens and San Holo. price ticket value for the primary a part of the pageant is 1300 kunas. In time period (10 – twelve July) the contemporary Island pageant https://www.fresh-island.org/ (with hip-hop and R’n’B music) are going to be prevailed Zrće. within the past, this pageant brought hugenames like Sean Paul, wizard Khalifa, and Chris Brown whereas the leading name of this year’s list is that the seventeen-year-old Lil Pump. contemporary Island is additionally set-aside for Goldlink, J Hus, Stefflon Don, Tim Westeood, Statik Selektah, Cheese on Bread, Faded, Shorebitch, Shorty Bless, thuscontemporary thus Clean and Stamina. guests will be able to visit the Boat Party (ticket value is 240 kunas). An exception to the festivals on the Croatian coast are going to be Ferragosto JAM http://ferragostojam.com/, which is able to be control from August a pair of to five August on Orahovica lake. after you see the list of performers: TRAM eleven, pipschips & videoclips, Bolesna Braća, Mašinko, Bad Copy, Zdenka Kovačiček, J.R. August, Shank, No Smoking, High5, Space, Sass, Chui, and Killed A Fox, we are able to conclude that the organizers have created certain that each traveler enjoys their genre. Tickets may be purchased in pre-sale, at a price of a hundred kunas. For now, solely a price ticket package of 2330 kuna is offered, which has a pageant price ticket, accommodation, and a few drinks. When you see the list of performers: TRAM eleven, pipschips & videoclips, Bolesna Braća, Mašinko, Bad Copy, Zdenka Kovačiček, J.R. August, Shank, No Smoking, High5, Space, Sass, Chui, and Killed A Fox, we are able to conclude that the organizers have created certain that each traveler enjoys their genre. Papaya https://papaya.com.hr/ , Aquarius http://www.aquarius.hr/ , and Kalypso https://kalypso-zrce.com/ are going to be home of the Sonus pageant https://www.sonus-festival.com/ (from August nineteenth to 23rd). For now, solely a price ticket package of 2330 kuna is offered, which has a pageant price ticket, accommodation, and a few drinks. The performers can be: Adam Beyer, Adriatique, Agoria, Chris Liebing, D’julz, Dana Ruh, Dixon, Dorian Paic, Constantine, Luigi Madonna, Maceo Plex, Marco Carola, Rhadoo, David Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Seth Troxler, Solomun (Official), Sonja Moonear et al. The end of August and also the starting of Sept square measure reserved for the size pageant https://dimensionsfestival.com/line-up/ , which is able to be prevailed eleven stages, whereas the guestswill be able to party on the boats and beaches. The pageant can surface from the twenty ninth of August till the third of Sept at Fort Punta Christo in Botswana monetary unit. The price ticket value is four hundred kunas, and a few of the performers square measure Jon Hopkins, Bonobo, Lena Willikens, Amp Fiddler, Helena Hauff, urban center In impact, Semitic deity Kraviz, Batu, Peggy Gou, James Holden & The Animal Spirits, Azymuth & Marcos Valle Alfa Mist, Kraftwerk, Moodymann … The Outlook pageant https://outlookfestival.com/ are going to be control at constant location from Septfifth to Sept tenth, wherever fans of bass, d’n’b, dub, reggae, lurking, hip-hop, jungle, and dubstep canrealize their favorite stage. Jay, Commodore, Jodie, Jhus, X-Men, X-Men, Jie Hou, Stefflon Don, Kojey Radical, Mist, Madam X, kids of Zeus, AJ Tracey, David Rodigan, Channel One, Bonobo, Andy C, Noisia, Digital Mystikz, Gantz and Lamont, designer & Neek, Channel One, Icing Steppas, Confederate soldier Clarke, Digital Mystikz, Silkie, Truth, Kaiju, A / T / O / S, Sicaria Sound, India and Jack Sparrow square measure just a few of the performers WHO can perform at this pageant. the value for Outlook pageant is four hundredkunas.
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crostuffnow-blog · 6 years ago
Top Festivals in Croatia
Single price tag costs for these events vary between a hundred and 2330 kuna and except the festivals on the coast, one in all them are control in Slavonia, Croatia’s most jap region. Based on the votes of the celebrated British DJ Magazine, the Croatian clubs will be terribly pleased withthe inclusion on the list of the most effective clubs within the world. Six clubs area unit among the fortybest within the world and also the voters have expressed their feelings regarding the atmosphere on the Croatian coast thus can|we are able to} expect that the organizers will do their best to create 2018 even higher than the previous year. the quantity of festivals grows each year, a range of genres at festivals throughout Republic of Croatia permit everybody to seek out one thing for themselves and their friends to get pleasure from and have an honest time. Also, for a few of them, you'll still obtain tickets at the first bird worth. The first event is that the echinoderm pageant http://www.seastarfestival.com/ (from twenty four to twenty seven May), that was control last year for the primary time in Umag, welcome quite fifty,000 guests from seventy totally different countries, exposes however massive this pageant very is. There area unit seven stages within the noted laguna of the Frank Stella Maris advanced and considering the various genres, we have a tendency to area unit certain that everybody can notice their favorite stage. massive names are confirmed, like Dimitri Vegas & Like microphone, the Belgian brothers United Nations agency take second place on the list of the most effective DJs of these days. There area unit also: Hurts, Disciples, Robin Charles Munroe Schulz, Paul van Dyk, Detour, Dječaci, Krešo Bengalka … the value for the ocean Star pageant is 279 kunas. Big names are confirmed, like Dimitri Vegas & Like microphone, the Belgian brothers United Nations agency take second place on the list of the most effective DJs of these days. There area unit also: Hurts, Disciples, Robin Charles Munroe Schulz, Paul van Dyk, Detour, Dječaci, Krešo Bengalka Events at Papaya https://papaya.com.hr/ begin at the top of could (May 31st) once the large Beach recessstarts. For now, there are confirmed performances by microphone Candy, Rene Rodrigezz, David Puentez, Sheko, and Trevon. the value of a three-day pageant price tag is 370 kunas. At the top of June (from twenty five to twenty seven June), the thirteenth edition of the foremost notedpageant in Zagreb, INMusic festivalhttps://www.inmusicfestival.com/ are control at Jarun lake. dischargedperformers area unit Queens Of The Stone Age, Nick Cave & The unhealthy Seeds, Interpol, Alice chained, David Byrne, St. Vincent, Portugal. The Man, The Kills, Bombino, Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes, Forest, Reykjavíkurdætur, Tshegue, Super Besse and lots of others. Tickets will be purchased at a worth of 470 kunas, and there's a break of shopping for inhabitation price tag for 265 kunas. A sixth day of remembrance, from July sixth to July eighth, are celebrated by extremist Europe https://ultraeurope.com/ , the ecu edition of the extremist Music pageant, the foremost noted electronic music pageant within the world. when the top of the third day, the complete story goes to Brač, wherever the fun can continue on the beach referred to as ‘Zlatni rat’. The second island to be visited by lovers of this pageant are Hvar (July 10th), whereas the top is reserved for the island of Vis on Julyeleventh. Afrojack, Alesso, Hermann van Buuren, Axwell & Ingrosso, Carl Cox, David Guetta, DJ Snake, Hardwell, Steve Angello, The Chainsmokers are performers within the Split, whereas Hvar is set-aside for Fedde LE Grand, Nicky Romero, Jonas Blue, Joseph Oliver Heldens and San Holo. price tag worth for the primary a part of the pageant is 1300 kunas. In period (10 – twelve July) the contemporary Island pageant https://www.fresh-island.org/ (with hip-hop and R’n’B music) are persevered Zrće. within the past, this pageant brought massive names like Sean Paul, whiz Khalifa, and Chris Brown whereas the leading name of this year’s list is that the seventeen-year-old Lil Pump. contemporary Island is additionally set-aside for Goldlink, J Hus, Stefflon Don, Tim Westeood, Statik Selektah, Cheese on Bread, Faded, Shorebitch, Shorty Bless, thus contemporary thusClean and Stamina. guests also will be ready to visit the Boat Party (ticket worth is 240 kunas). An exception to the festivals on the Croatian coast are Ferragosto JAM http://ferragostojam.com/, which can be control from August two to five August on Orahovica lake. once you see the list of performers: TRAM eleven, pipschips & videoclips, Bolesna Braća, Mašinko, Bad Copy, Zdenka Kovačiček, J.R. August, Shank, No Smoking, High5, Space, Sass, Chui, and Killed A Fox, we are able to conclude that the organizers have created certain that each traveler enjoys their genre. Tickets will be purchased in pre-sale, at a value of a hundred kunas. For now, solely a price tag package of 2330 kuna is on the market, which incorporates a pageant price tag, accommodation, and a few drinks. When you see the list of performers: TRAM eleven, pipschips & videoclips, Bolesna Braća, Mašinko, Bad Copy, Zdenka Kovačiček, J.R. August, Shank, No Smoking, High5, Space, Sass, Chui, and Killed A Fox, we are able to conclude that the organizers have created certain that each traveler enjoys their genre. Papaya https://papaya.com.hr/ , Aquarius http://www.aquarius.hr/ , and Kalypso https://kalypso-zrce.com/ are home of the Sonus pageant https://www.sonus-festival.com/ (from August nineteenth to 23rd). For now, solely a price tag package of 2330 kuna is on the market, which incorporates a pageant price tag, accommodation, and a few drinks. The performers can be: Adam Beyer, Adriatique, Agoria, Chris Liebing, D’julz, Dana Ruh, Dixon, Hellene Paic, Constantine, Luigi Madonna, Maceo Plex, Marco Carola, Rhadoo, David Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Seth Troxler, Solomun (Official), Sonja Moonear et al. The end of August and also the starting of Sep area unit reserved for the size pageanthttps://dimensionsfestival.com/line-up/ , which can be persevered eleven stages, whereas the guests also will be ready to party on the boats and beaches. The pageant can ensue from the twenty ninth of August till the third of Sep at Fort Punta Christo in Botswana monetary unit. The price tag worth is four hundredkunas, and a few of the performers area unit Jon Hopkins, Bonobo, Lena Willikens, Amp Fiddler, capital of Montana Hauff, city In impact, Semitic deity Kraviz, Batu, Peggy Gou, James Holden & The Animal Spirits, Azymuth & Marcos Valle Alfa Mist, Kraftwerk, Moodymann … The Outlook pageant https://outlookfestival.com/ are control at a similar location from Sep fifth to Septenth, wherever fans of bass, d’n’b, dub, reggae, lurking, hip-hop, jungle, and dubstep can notice their favorite stage. Jay, Commodore, Jodie, Jhus, X-Men, X-Men, Jie Hou, Stefflon Don, Kojey Radical, Mist, Madam X, kids of Zeus, AJ Tracey, David Rodigan, Channel One, Bonobo, Andy C, Noisia, Digital Mystikz, Gantz and Lamont, Louis Isadore Kahn & Neek, Channel One, Icing Steppas, Johnny Clarke, Digital Mystikz, Silkie, Truth, Kaiju, A / T / O / S, Sicaria Sound, Bharat and Jack Sparrow area unit just a few of the performers United Nations agency can perform at this pageant. the value for Outlook pageant is four hundred kunas.
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