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#i dont like my christian name idk why it makes me uncomfortable#im a real jkrowling when it comes to naming things pls help#txt
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Zoze Murinjo criticized the 'famous' Var Judge after the Fenerbahce Remici
24. January 2025, 05:11 ET Fenerbahce Coach Zoze Murinjo hit Var Judge Paola Macolenia After Rememi without goals with Lion on Thursday in the Europa League. Murinjo believed the Defender Lya Sael Kumbedi He was lucky on two occasions that he escaped without showing his red card. According to Murinje, Kumbedi should have received orders at 31. minutes after a sharp challenge against the…
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Eetam Efe Efeq Eftoem Eftoymmy Ehmyd Ezem Eznytp Eznytpe Eznytpa Ezyc Ezycemfyt Ezycemfte Ezycod Ezgtyf Ezgtyfa Ezovy Ezovoe Ezodam Ezzem Ezzym Ezzodam Ezqe Ezbom Ezudde Eqemfe Eqnyt Eqyzoe Equ Eme Emfty Emftye Emftyr Emfu Emhyz Emhyz Emhyze Emhyzove Emhyzome Emhoy Emope Emm Emme Emmy Emmyppy Emmoy Empjamu Empaomyppy Empamoe Empamoa Estoz Etzymy Etqemfa Etmazf Etpjit Edjzyu Eiftyu Netnete Nettu Nyeptovy Nyvlu Nyzomfe Nym Nymkeqom Nytmefyppy Nytmetf Nytmovy Nytpje Nyddoy Nypj Nypjemu Nypdu Nyppu Nyizej Nybytzu Nozz Nozzoy Nozzu Nzemve Nzemvjy Nan Nannoy Nannu Nammoy Ntef Ntefzyu Ntemfo Ntemfam Ntemfu Ntymfe Ntymp Ntypp Ntoem Ntofhyp Ntoppemu Ntaaly Ntivy Ntuem Nutam Vezbom Veqozzy Vemfevy Vemfovy Vetz Vetze Vetzad Vetqym Vetaz Vetazy Vetazomy Vetazum Vettoy Vedyu Vedyu Veddemfte Vepjytomy Vepju Vyvyzoe Vyvoz Vyvozoe Vyzoe Vjef Vjetzymy Vjetzyd Vjetzoy Vjetzappy Vjyzdye Vjytuz Vjydpyt Vjtod Vjtodpoem Vjtodpoy Vjtodpome Vjtodpomy Vjtodpasjyt Vjtodpu Vomfu Vzeoty Vzete Vzetymvy Vzeify Vzeifoe Vzeupam Vzoggatf
Vzogpam Vzompam Vzufy Vafu Vazzyym Vammoy Vamdpemvy Vate Vatyu Vatu Vaitpmyu Vteoh Vtodpome Vtudpez Vitpod Vumpjoe Feodu Fezy Fem Feme Femoyz Femoyzzy Femmu Fetze Fetzymy Fettyzz Fettym Fettuz Fetuz Feby Febof Ferm Fyem Fyemme Fynnoy Fynatej Fynte Fyzoe Fyzze Fyzatyd Fymody Fymmod Fytyl Fyttovl Fydotyy Foeme Foemy Foemme Foemmy Focoy Fazatyd Fam Famezf Famme Fate Fatyym Fatod Fatapju Faihzed Fiemy Fidpom Freumy Frohjp Yetz Ynamu Yffoy Yfhet Yfopj Yfme Yfietfa Yfretf Yfrom Yozyym Yzeomy Yzyemat Yzyme Yzode Yzoxenypj Yzze Yzzym Yzqyt Yzaody Yzde Yzdoy Yzbote Yqozu Yqqe Ymtowiy Ytov Ytove Ytol Ytole Ytom Ytqe Ytmydp Ytmydpomy Yddoy Ydpyzzy Ydpjyt Ypjyz Yihymy Yize Yimovy Ybe Ybyzum Ybytypp Geopj Gemmoy Geuy Gyzovoe Gyzoc Gytmemfa Gzate Gzatymvy Gzauf Gtemvyd
Gtemvod Gtemvod Gtemvodva Gteml Gtemlzom Gtyf Gtyfe Gtyffoy Gtyfytovl Hentoyz Heoz Hetu Heuzy Hymy Hymybe Hymyboyby Hyathy Hyathoe Hytezf Hytezfomy Hytptify Hoznytp Home Homhyt Hzefud Hzym Hzymfe Hzymm Hzatoe Hatfam Htevy Htyh Htyhatu Htypvjym Hiefezisy Hiu Hrym Hrymfazum Jemmej Jetazf Jettoyp Jettu Jetbyu Jeppoy Jexyz Jyepjyt Jyvpat Jyofo Jyzym Jymtoyppe Jymtu Jytnytp Jytqem Jozfe Jazzu Jasy Jaretf Jihj Oem Ofe Omyx Otymy Otod Otqe Odeev Odenyz Obem Kevl Kevloy Kevan Kevwiyzomy Kevwiyzum Keoqy Keoqy Keqyd Keqoy Keqoy Kem Keme Kemy Kemyp Kemovy Kemoy Kemod Ketyf Kedqomy Kedam Keboyt Keu Kyem Kyemyppy Kyemmy Kyemmyppy Kyemmoy Kygg Kyggytu Kyggtyu Kymme Kymmoy Kymmogyt Kymmu Kytyqu Kytaqy Kyttu Kyddy Kyddove Kyddoy Kyddoy Kydid Kozz Koq Koqqoy Koqqu Ka Kaem Kaemm Kaemme Kaemmy Kafo Kafu Kay Kayz Kajemme Kajm Kajmmoy Kajmmoy Kajmmu Kam Kamepjem Katfem Kathy Kady Kadygome Kadysj Kadysjomy Kadjie Kau Kauvy Kiem Kieme Kiemope Kifopj Kifu Kizoe Kizoem Kizoy Kizoa Kimy Kidpom Lete Letym Leto Letz Letze Lepy Lepjytomy Lepjzyym Lepjtum Lepju Lepoy Leptome Leu Leuze Lyopj Lyzzyu Lyzzo Lyzzoy Lyzzu Lyzzu Lym Lymfte Lymmypj Lymp Lyttu Lybom Loq Loqnytzu Lotl Ltodpe Ltodpym Ltodpo Ltodpoy Ltodpom Ltodpome Ltodpomy Ltodpu Ltudpez Litp Luzy Zeme Zemvy Zettu Zepaue Zeite Zeitym Zeitoy Zebytmy Zertymvy Zyej Zyy Zyy Zyohj Zyze Zyme Zya Zyam Zyame Zyametf Zytau Zydzoy Zydzoy Zydpyt Zypovoe
Zyrod Zoze Zozzoem Zozzoy Zomfe Zomfdeu Zomfdyu Zode Zzauf Zaod Zaze Zammoy Zate Zatyme Zatymy Zatyppe Zato Zatteomy Zaiod Zaiody Zivoe Zivozzy Zivu Ziod Zize Zix Zufoe Zumfe Zumyppy Zumm Zummy Qenyz Qenzy Qefyzomy Qey Qehhoy Qeqoy Qemfu Qemiyz Qetv Qetvyzze Qetvoe Qetvid Qethetyp Qethetope Qethoy Qethiytopy Qetoe Qetoem Qetoemmy Qetoy Qetozum Qetoa Qetoam Qetoam Qetkatoy Qetl Qetzymy Qetdje Qetdjezz Qetpe Qetpje Qetpom Qetbom Qetu Qetuemm Qepjyr Qeppjyr Qeppoy Qeityym Qeitovy Qec Qecomy Qeu Qyhem Qyhjem Qyzemoy Qyzne Qyzomfe Qyzodde Qyzafu Qyzbom Qytvyfyd Qytyfopj Qovjeyz Qovjyez Qovjyzy Qovjyzzy Qohiyz Qoly Qozftyf Qozpam Qomfu Qommoy Qotemfe Qotoeq Qodpu Qopvjyzz Qazzu Qame Qamove Qamowiy Qattod Qitoyz Qute Qutpzy Mefomy Memvu Meaqo Mepezoy Mepedje Mepjem Mepjemoyz Myoz Myzzoy Myzdam Myppoy Movjazed Movjazy Movazy Mome Mate Matqe Matqem Azhe Azoby Azoboe Azzoy Asez Ate Advet Seq Seqyze Sep Septovoe Septovl Sepdu Seppo Seppu Seiz Seize Seizyppy Seizomy Syetz Syfta Syhhu Symmu Syttu Sypyt Sjozos Sjozzos Sjuzzod Stodvozze Tevjeyz Tevjyz Tegeyz Tezsj Teqam Teqame Temfezz Temfu Tewiyz Teiz Teu Teuqamf Tynyvve Tyhome Tyhomezf Tymy Tymyy Tjamfe Tovetfa Tovjetf Tovl Tovlu Tope Tanytp Tanytpe Tanytpa Tanom
Tanum Tavjyzzy Tafmyu Tahyt Tazemf Tam Tamezf Tammoy Tade Tadezoy Tady Tadyqetoy Tadyqetu Tadoy Tadd Tacemmy Tau Tinym Tinu Tiddyzz Tipj Tuem Dentome Defoy Dezzu Dezbefat Deq Deqempje Deqiyz Demfte Demfu Dete Detej Dvapp Dyem Dythoa Dypj Djemy Djemmam Djeto Djetam Djerm Djerme Djyoze Djyzoe Djyzzyu Djyzzu Djyto Djytto Djyttu Djytuz Djotzyu Dofmyu Dozboe Damoe Damke Damue Dasjoe Dasjoy Dpevyu Dpevu Dpemzyu Dpyzze Dpysjemoy Dpysjym Dpyby Dpybym Diy Didem Didoy Dixemmy Duzboe Penopje Peqete Peqo Peqqu Pemue Pete Pedje Pyf Pytyde Pyto Pyttemvy Pyttymvy Pytto Pyttu Pyttu Pjyzqe Pjyafaty Pjytyde Pjaqed Poggemu Poq Poqapju Pome Paff Paq Paqqu Pamo Pamu Pamue Ptevyu Ptevo Ptevu Ptevu Ptebod Ptovoe Ptau Puzyt Putamy Bezytoy Bemydde Byzqe Byte Bytme Bytmam Bytamove Bovlo Bovloy Bovlu Bovpat Bovpatoe Bomvymp Boaze Boazyp Bothoz Bothomoe Boboem Refy Rezzevy Rezpyt Remfe Rettym Reumy Rymfu Rydzyu Rjopmyu Rozzetf Rozzoeq Rozzoy Rozzoy Rozqe Romogtyf Uazemfe Ubyppy Ubammy Xevjetueftoym Ehmyd Ezeom Eznytp Ezycemfte Ezycemfty Ezycod Ezovy Ezomy Eqemfomy Eqyzoy Emfty Emftyy Emhyzowiy Emmy Emmyqetoy Emmovl Emmoy Empaomy Etzyppy Etmeif Etpjit Eiftyu Eitaty Eityzoy Eityzoym Nespodpy Nymkeqom Nymaop Nytmefyppy Nytmetf Nytptemf Ntohoppy Ntima Nyeptovy Veqozzy Vetazy Vetazomy Vepjytomy Vjempez Vjetzyd Vjzay Vjtodpyzzy Vjtodpoem Vjtodpoemy Vjtodpomy Vjtodpasjy Vzeoty Vzete Vzeify Vzeifomy Vzyqymvy Vzyqymp Vazyppy Vatezoy Vatommy Vutoz Vyvozy Vyftov Vyzomy Feqoym Femoyz Femoyzzy Femoyzy Febof Fyzsjomy Fymod Fymody Fofoyt Faqomowiy Faqomowiy Fuzem Yqqe Yqqemiyz Yqqemiyzzy Ymxa Ydpyzzy Genoym Genoymmy Gentovy Gemmu Gzatymvy Gzatymp Gzatoem Gtemvomy Gtemvod Gtemvl Gtemvaod Gtemvaody Gtyfytov Hentoyz Heypem Heyzzy Hymyboyby Hyathyd Hyathyppy Hytqeomy Hjodzeomy Hoznytp
Hozzyd Homyppy Hodyzy Htyhatu Hiozzeiqy Hiu Hytetf Jymto Jymtoyppy Jytby Jiha Jihiyppy Jyzymy Omyd Otymy Odenyzzy Kevwiyzomy Kevwiyd Kemomy Kyem Kyemvzeify Kyemgtemvaod Kyemzaiod Kyemziv Kyemqetv Kyemqetoy Kyemqovjyz Kyemmy Kyemmomy Kyemseiz Kyemsoytty Kymmogyt Kyddove Kavyzumy Kamepjem Kadysj Kadyppy Kady Kayz Kayzzy Kizoy Kizoym Kizoyppy Kidpomy Kytaqy Letomy Lybom Zeypopoe Zeite Zeity Zeitymvy Zeitymp Zozoemy Zoamyz Zaiod Zaiody Zaov Ziv Zived Zivoy Zivoym Zivoymmy Zifabov Zufoy Zye Qefyzyomy Qehezo Qemam Qetv Qetvyz Qetvyzzy Qethiytopy Qetoe Qetoy Qetoyvjtodpomy Qetoyvzeify Qetoypjytydy Qetomy Qetoam Qetpomy Qepjoyi Qepjozfy Qeppjoyi Qeitovy Qecoqy Qovjeyz Qovjyz Qovjyzomy Qovjyzzy Qovjyzy Qovleyz Qotyozzy Qajeqyf Qamowiy Qathemy Qitoyz Qutoeq Qyzemoy Qyzodde Mefoe Mefomy Mepjezoy Movazed Movazy Mayqoy Avyemy Afyppy Afozy Azoboyt Sedvez Sedvezy Septovy Septovoe Septovl Seiz Seizyppy Seizomy Sjozossy Soytty Soyttyppy Wiympom Tesjeyz Teuqamf Teuqamfy Tymy Tymyy Tovjetf Tanytp Tahyt Tazemf Taqeom Tyhomy Tyhod Tyqo Tyqu Denomy Dentome Deqiyz Demfte Demftomy Detej Dythy Doqam Doqamy Dazemhy Damoe Dasjoy Dpysjemy Dpysjemoy Dixemmy Duzbeom Duzboy Dynedpoym Dybytomy Pjoyttu Pjaqed Pjya Pjytydy Bezympom Bezytoy Bemydde Bovpat Bomvymp Bothomoy Bytamowiy Rozzoeq Ceboyt Uemm Uemmovl Ubyd Ubyppy Ubammy Yzoemy Yzodenypj Yzody Yzafoy Yqozoy Ytov Ypoymmy Ybyzumyevjoq Efyzy Efyzjyof Efazg Eftoem Ehmyd Eznytp Ezgtyf Ezome Ezqip Ezaod Ezbom Ezrom Eqezoe Eqyzoe Emftye Emftyed Emhyzole Emme Emmezoydy Emmyzoydy Emmyzody Emdhet Empam Etqom Etmfp Etmazf Edptof Eihidp Eitovl Ecyz Netnete Nedpoem Nyep Nyepe Nymyfolp Nytmf Nytpteq Noemle Nafa Ntima Vetz Vetazome Vetazomy Veddemfte Vjetzappy Vjtodpe Vjtodpyz Vjtodpoem Vjtodpag Vzeifoe Vaznu Vazpam Vatyu Vatome Fehqet Fehanytp Femoyz Febof Foeme Foyftovj Foypyt Foypytovj Foyptovj Famezf Fidpom Yfopj Yfqimf Yozjetf Yllyjetf Yzgtoyfy Yzly Yzqet Yzde Yqoz Yqozoy Yqozu Yqqe Yqqytovj Ytjetf Ytov Ytole Ydpyzzy Ydpjyt Ybe Yrezf Gyzoc Gytfomemf Gzatoem Gteml Gtemx Gteily Gtyfytovl Gtyftol Gtoyfyqemm Gtoyftovj Gtopx Hentoyzy Hynjetf Hyath Hytezf Hytetf Hytf Hytjetfp Hytqet Hytmap Hytp Hytptify Hoznytp Hodyze Hodyzjyt Happgtoyf Happzoyn Happdvjezl Htype Htypvjym Htypy Htypyz Hiofa Himpjyt Hapx Himpjyt Jemmej Jemmy Jemmyzaty Jemd Jetezf Jetazf Jyfu Jyofyqetoy Jyofo Jyomyt Jyomo Jyoma Jyomtovj Jyomx Jyzyme Jyzhe Jyzhy Jyzzqipj Jyzqip Jyzqipj Jytnytp Jytqem Jytqemm Jytqomy Jytroh Jozfe Jozfy Jozfyhetf Jozqe Jazhyt Jatdp Jinytp Jimpyt Ozame Oqyzfe Omha Omhtof Otqe Ode Odenyzze Kevan Kevwiyzomy Keme Kytqeomy Kytaqy Kaevjoq Kajemm Kajemme Kajemmyd Kamed Kamepjem Kadysj Kadp Kizoe Kiss Kippe Kath Kithym Letom Letz Letzjyomx Letdpym Lepke Leptom Lepue Lytdpom Lybom Lzeid Lzeid-sypyt Lamtef Litp Zefodzeid Zetd Zyme Zybom Zoeme Zoydz Zome Zodnypj Zatympx Zapjet Zaiyzze Zaiody Zifroh Ziled Zipx Zufoe Zipazf Qehfezyme Qezpy Qezbome Qemiyz Qetvid Qethetypy Qetoe Qetoemmy Qetome Qetoa Qetoid Qetzymy Qetpe Qetpom Qeppjoed Qecoqozoem Qyfetf Qyomtef Qyzbom Qovjeyze Qovjyz Qovjyzzy Qoza Qomme Qotemfe Qotva Qotoeq Qotla Qame Qamole Qatopx Mefomy Memmy Mepezoy Movazed Movazeid Movazy Molaze Mome Mobezfa Azeg Azhe Azoboe Atptif Advet Apjqet Appa Appaqet Septovl Seiz Sypyt Sjozos Sjozoss Sjozosse Tevjyz Teomyt Tezsj Teqame Temfezz Tyomjetf Tyomjazf Tovjetf Tovjymxe Tanytp Tanytpe Tanom Tahyt Tazg Taqem Tamezf Tadome Tifazsj Tip Denomy Deqiyz Demfyt Demfte Dynedpoem Dyzqe Dybytom Djytuz Doyhgtoyf Dohodqimf Dohqimf Dpygemoe Dpysjym Didemmy Dbym Dbymke Duzbydpyt Peqete Pjaqed Poqa Pome Panoed Paq Ifa Iztovj Iztoly Itdize Ipy Ippa Iry Bezpyt Bytamove Bovpatoe Boaze Bazztepj Rezpyt Rymxyz Rytmyt Rytmjyt Roynly Rozjyzq Rozjyzqome Rozzoeq Rozptif Romgtoyf Razg Razghemh Cymoe Ubyppy
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D&D OC - Oraia
template from here:
Full Name: Oraia Age: ~142 years old by Baldur's Gate III (born c. 1350 DR) Species: Quasi-deity (Titan; weakened) Gender: Genderfluid (female-leaning) Sexuality: Pansexual
APPEARANCE (FC is Hannah John-Kamen)
Oraia's natural form is that of a 5'5" (1.65 m) human with tanned light brown skin and the toned physique of an average female in their thirties. Her hair is an extremely dark brown, which looks naturally tousled with its bouncy, tight waves. She wears it in a long braid, though messy strands escape to frame her face. Her eyes are a bright sea green, the only thing that serves as a visual clue to her inhuman nature. She wears* a brown leather cuirass with matching vambraces, knee-high boots, and a simple (waterproof-charmed) utility belt. All of this is worn over grey trousers and a white undershirt, which go under a short-sleeved blue dress that stops just above her knees.
Chaotic Good; although her parents are both considered to be extremely Chaotic in nature, Oraia's time living in the city has made her a bit more likely to think before she acts, and to obey the laws of the authorities in the region. However, she is fiercely independent, and if she sees something wrong with the way a creature is being treated, she will step in to help no matter what. Overall, Oraia is a compassionate, loyal, and positive person. Close friends are her family. When she isn't adventuring, she's being hedonistic, enjoying sex, socializing, and sunbathing. Somewhat characteristic of her parents, when Oraia is on a mission to execute a creature, she tends to do so violently, as opposed to in a less painful/more merciful fashion.
She was born when her parents, Poseidon and Nephthys, coupled in the form of their avatars. They raised her while traveling East Faerûn, until the Avatar Crisis/Time of Troubles (1358 DR). When it began, they rushed her to Sarshel in Impiltur, where they entrusted her with a middle-class family, the Damaran Stursks, Zoze (F; 1324 DR to 1391 DR) and Lon (M; 1320 DR to 1393 DR). While there, Oraia learned good values and developed a fondness for humans, especially sailors. The clerics who worshipped Poseidon and served Lord Rilaunyr were to check on her routinely. When the Spellplague (1385 DR) happened, Nephthys's avatar left the mortal plane along with the rest of the Mulhorandi pantheon. Demons appeared in the countryside, and Oraia chose to fight them, rather than go with Poseidon to his divine realm for safety. When Sarshel was abandoned after succumbing to decline from lack of trade and a rise in chaos, she turned to the seas. While attempting to protect a ship from what seemed to be a kraken, Oraia found herself under attack by the avatar of Panzuriel, the evil sea god who had been banished by Deep Sashelas and Poseidon. Panzuriel used a variety of corruption spells which resulted in Oraia becoming mentally and physically ill. He left her to die, and aquatic elves helped her recuperate. By the Second Sundering (1484 DR), New Sarshel was a thriving port city that she often visited. The same year, the Mulhorandi pantheon returned to help the Mulani overthrow the Imaskari by 1487 DR. Oraia initially joined her mother's people, feeling for the Mulani and wanting to bond with her family, but she abandoned the cause once she saw how the non-elite Imaskari were suffering. Now she travels, offering her services to any who need them.
Originally, Oraia was like most quasi-deities, possessing the following abilities: immortality, superhuman speed, high immunity to mind tampering/vitality sapping/forced shapeshifting, omnilingualism, and unlimited greater teleport. She could never grant spells, but she had a good handle on magic relating to her parents' Tempest, Water, Death, and Chaos domains. However, after her encounter with Panzuriel's avatar, she was forever weakened, due to the shock and because her parents ensured that her existence was (mostly) a secret; this resulted in her having almost no followers for her to draw power from. Now, Oraia's only powers relating to the Death domain consist of summoning and banishing spirits and the undead. She also is no longer immune to psychic attacks and she is no longer able to shapeshift. Uniquely though, she has always had the ability to cast water walk nonverbally and with little effort.
She often allows people to think she's a sorcerer tied to older gods. It's not too far from the truth. Most of the time she's a very offensive spell caster. Though she typically sticks to using spells from the Water and Tempest domains, Oraia's favorite spell is the word of chaos, which has often aided her in battle. She also has a dagger, prominently displayed at her waist.
Animal Handling - mostly horses & Celestial animals Arcana - what she can't do, she's at least learned about Persuasion - she's always had decent manners & she has high Charisma
*art is "Mauve" by Camila Vielmond on ArtStation.
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zozo sucked zozi laughed at our suffering zozz was vicious zoze shrugged their shoulders at us but zoza will be our true love
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happy karkaturday fellas (+ a jade and rose based on a photo i took for some friends at a con One Million years ago)
#homestuck#sorry#karkat vantas#jade harley#rose lalonde#zoze.................. this ones for you (sorry again)
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here’s the q&a i promised!! it was so fun to film and stuff so if you want more videos like this let me know what kind of vids y’all want :)
anyways thanks for the questions!!
@amazignphil @lemonheadlester @itsmydanpheelings @biphil @dailyboothdan @golddustphan
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My flatmate: comes home at 3:40am
Me: what time do you call this young lady?
Flatmate: I just spent the last hour in my car looking at memes
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- Mix for future Yuli. \\\\\\\
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what a sour note to end 2017 on,, ooooh i have a good idea! how about in 2018: WE DONT FUCKING STALK DAN AND PHIL
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March of the Living Trees (and Plants) Character Design Challenge by selected artists: Annah Wootten, Jules Dubost, Danielle Yao, João Moura, Zahoora Zoze
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A Monster Prom doodle I did a while back. Zoze is so cute;;;
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Art by Zahoora Zoze
· May’s Theme: #MarchOfTrees (and plants!)
· Presented by CDQ Magazine
Discover the artists of the Character Design Challenge community and the current Theme of the Month in our Facebook Group! And when you repost your design on our Patreon page, you can also win awesome prizes every month and choose the future themes!
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Solo - Past
One minute he had been standing next to Jeremiel and the next he found himself following a voice. It came from far away, echoing and muffled at once as if it had to travel through a long tunnel before reaching his ears. The rush of blood pounded against his ears with the breathing so that the words of this person, this distant voice, were a nonentity. He was aware of their presence but not the words that left them. A frown formed across his face as his surroundings came into view. A house? Letting his curiosity get the better of him - Israel entered and found himself boxed in by narrow white walls and a grate. “Fuck.”
“No... no... no no no...” He found himself mumbling, hands running against the nearest wall. “No no no...” An alarm sounded and the grate flew up. Suddenly he screamed in agony, falling forward as his body began to shift. Body twisting and breaking down as fur ripped from every pore. Run. His mind screamed. Stumbling out into the maze he began to run, the sound of frenzied footfalls and claws clamoring on the ground hungry for blood. No, not this again. Not this sick game. Howls rose up around him and he felt his body tense as he took a sharp left, dark eyes landing on two of the cannibalistic clones heading for him. Backpedaling he turned the other way as his sister and brother rushed towards him. Their eyes are dark, murderous, hungry... What kind of sick fucks turned their own children against each other? His parents. it was a competition they put together every year. Why? For their own sheer amusement. But if he could make the clones bleed they’d turn on each other instead... he just had to pray they wouldn’t heal before they smelt each other. He just had to stall for time...
Feeling something heavy knock into him, Israel slammed into the wall, dark eyes turning to look at Michael. “Voze fucking zide are vu on?!” He barked as Michael sneered at him and shrugged his heavy shoulders. “In here? My side... I’m just playing the same game you are, Izzy.” He chuckled before lunging towards Israel and biting into his shoulder. Flinching at the bite, Israel growled and swiped at Michael, heavy paws trying to claw his face away as a flurry of frantic paws skittered down the maze towards him. “Sorry I used you as bait, no hard feelings?” Michael muttered, licking the wound before turning towards the descending wolves. “FUCK YOU!” Israel growled before watching Michael lunge towards the first wolf to turn the corner. Closing his eyes and bracing for the fangs, he flinches as someone screams.
Turning his head to see what on earth was happening; the clouds in his thoughts prevented him from worrying too much about her apparent distress, but the screaming wouldn't stop and it was waking fresh fear in his chest, ringed by vestiges of memory. He wasn’t in the maze anymore. No, he was in the company lab. Looking down at the lifeless bodies that haphazardly littered the floor, Israel tilted his head at the rather bloody sight. Strewn body parts laying across the pristine marble, ripped effortlessly and cleanly from the torso. He tasted... blood? Another scream sounded and his frantic eyes turned to the brunette woman with the striking green eyes. He knew her... he knew her...
“Israel, stop.” She cautioned.
“I can’t.”
“Israel if you don’t stop...”
“Vu don’t hunderstand...”
He stepped towards her.
“Israel...” Her voice was now pleading.
He stepped closer.
His ears rang.
Pain radiating through his nerves.
A gun?
She had shot him.
He looked down at his abdomen. Blood soaking into the cotton of his shirt.
He turned on her like a whip, lunging for the gun.
“Vu’re not in control hanymore! I trusded vu for all zoze years und vu fucking lied to me! Vu’re chust as pad as zem!”
BANG BANG BANG! Blood sprayed against pale flesh as his body contorted. He blinked. His stomach churned as he clutched himself and stumbled away.
The wolf jerked awake. It was all a fever dream. He didn't realize he'd fallen asleep until the beeping had started up again -- a few minutes too late, he couldn't help but notice. His eyes opened as if they were fighting the weight of the world, but they got there eventually. Someone was coming toward him, moving swiftly towards him with a single-minded purpose. Before he could think better of it, his hand shot out and made a grab for her. A hand connects to his cheek with an audible sharp slap! He looks taken aback for a moment as she lowers her hand. “Israel...” She starts. “I’m sorry.” He’s shaking now. “Chust get zee fuck out! Vu’fe done enough!” With that, she gets up abruptly and leaves. Only the sting of her touch and the smell of her Burberry perfume lingers.
Feeling tears well in his eyes, he lets them fall, a shudder passing through him. Taking the ring off his finger, he hurled it at the door. The band clattering against the tile of the room he had been sealed off in. He can hear it rolling around and then it stops... and his body contorts in agony. Every cruel experiment begins to reply before him. He can’t just see it, he can feel it as if it’s happening again. Every poke, every prod, every needle, every cut. His whole body sings with pain as he lays there strapped down and screaming. He can feel his mind begin to rip apart and the sanity unraveling. “I neffer asked for zis... I neffer asked for zis...” He mutters over and over. And then it stops. The tightened bonds release and he feels himself fall forward. A door swings open and he crawls towards it on shaking palms and stops at a staircase.
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getting noticed by your fave kpop youtubers once is cool and addicting, but getting noticed a second time in a day is like getting a dose of that drug and it’s almost better than the first time
#drug tw#hehe yea i got noticed by#niki and sammy#in their kpop carpool#im zozee#and then again in the comments#with a like#and a reply!
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