#zosia x ollie
isspyaarkoquboolhai · 7 years
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Ollie leaving has reminded me of Zollie all over again :(
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ollie asking dom to tell him about zosia, my heart
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everything-naylor · 7 years
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andysullivan · 7 years
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19 days of series 19, day 4, favourite relationship ↳ zosia and oliver
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If the writers are gonna go down the ‘Ollie forgets everything including Zosia’ route, I want her to come back and to have a really cute memory loss story line where He LeARns To LoVe HEr agAin
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bi-jasmineburrows · 7 years
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always together, never apart, maybe in distance, but never in heart ❤️
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zosiasvalentines · 7 years
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madam-wakefield · 7 years
Dom walking Zosia Down the Aisle
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ollievalentines · 7 years
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My dofty heart is broken and the Zollie scenes have me crying. Why do they do this to me every time?
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akaanonymouth · 7 years
Rewatching Holby City Series 13, in which Oliver Valentine is a Mahoosive Cock and shall remain one evermore, Amen. 
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hannahbananawadders · 7 years
So I'm doing a 100 prompt challenge for my Duke of Edinburgh award, and I'm desperate for prompts. I'm allowed to do fanfictions or original work, but I need some help in fanfic prompts.
Here are my ships:
(personally it's easier for me to write for the characters I like, but I'm open to trying new ones!)
Johnlock - john x Sherlock
Sherlolly - Sherlock x john
Harry Potter
Dramionie - Draco x hermionie
Hermionie x bellatrix
Pretty much any Harry Potter otps
Holby city
Zollie - zosia x Ollie
Flac - jac x fletch
Flaf - fletch x raf
Essie x raf
Berena - Bernie x serena
Jasia - jac x zosia
Dofty - dom x lofty
Domby - Dom x Arthur
Bella x Edward
I can do crossovers of above with Bella/twilight in general
Orange is the new black
Vauseman - piper x Alex
Nicky x Lorna
Nicky x Alex
Lorna x Alex
Daya x Bennett
Rose x Rosie
The meerkats from compare meerkat.com (lol)
Cosima x Delphine
Portia x Blanche
I'm hoping to do this challenge in 3 months if possible, starting on the 10th of January. If anyone could help with the prompts, that would be fantastic! I appreciate any kind, whether it be a starting sentence, AU idea, title, or just a random idea. Like I said before, if I don't do the ship/characters you're after, I can watch clips of it and try my best!
Either message me your ideas - anon or message, comment, reblog - I don't mind!
Thank you for reading, I really hope I can do this!
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also ollie being all confused and calling out for zosia hurts my heart
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alexdrakes · 7 years
holby city
lowkey otp: Sasha/ Essie. I still don´t know why they broke up, but I know it broke Sasha.
highkey notp: Several: Essie/ Raf and Sahira/Greg, to name two.
[softly] don’t notp: Ollie and Frieda. Ollie and Zosia belong together and I just don´t get why they want to thrust those two characters together.
highkey otp but i’m scared of saying it because it’s not a very popular choice: can’t think of any right now.
highkey otp and anyone on my tumblr knows it: Berena and Jac x Fletch. I started Holby because of Berena and I can´t believe I ship a hetero ship now lol.
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jamesharrys · 7 years
hey amina, it’s your secret valentine!! i just wanted to ask if you have maybe 6 or 7 favourite holby characters and a few of your favourite ships which i can incorporate into your gift? i know you said you would love anything with what you listed but I’m hoping i can come up with more ideas this way XD
hiii! sorry this reply is late..some of my fave holby characters would be: hanssen, ollie, zosia, jac, dom, sacha...some of my favourite ships:otps - zosia x ollie, sacha x essiebrotps - jac x ollie, arthur x dom x zosia (i love all the individual friendships in this trio too)I hope this helps somewhat and thank you so much!!
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hahaha throwback to when we were all like ‘wouldn’t it be cute if Zosia came back to visit for Christmas and spent it with Ollie’ bc JOkes oN uS... OLLie won’T evEn bE oUt of hiS cOma bY chRistMas lmAooooOoo
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