#zorian is a level 17 character who dumped all his skill ranks into knowledge and spellcraft
ersetu-gazette · 2 months
Seeing a post talking about how STEM majors in different conferences respect each others kinds of work while fearing it gave me an idea of how Zorian's reputation after the time loop could manifest. Imagine you're at a spell forge conference/convention. Everyone is giving talks, pitches, and grant requests for their very niche work in spell formulas. You've got advanced warders, golem crafters, training sphere designers, etc. And then this new kid comes up to present, an academy graduate that started his own spell forge in Cyoria with the dirt cheap property costs. He starts pitching his spell formula that allowed you to communicate both telepathically and verbally over vast distances. The specifics fly over your head, it's not your specialty, but you think you understand the broadstrokes. And it makes sense for him to be good at this, you heard he is friends with some telepathic spiders or something. And then throughout the event you see him talk animatedly with other experts in their own fields and keeping up with whatever they say. You think you also hear him pitch his own improvements and suggestions that those experts seriously consider. And then he comes to you, at your little golem booth. He compliments your design, makes an inside joke many golem crafters make, and asks you detailed questions with an obvious knowledge base of the field. You have an opportunity to ramble so you take it and the kid asks you questions that allow you to talk more without betraying any secrets. You try to return the favor but you still don't get some of the fundamentals of what his project is about, but he helps you better ask the gist of what you're curious about. Eventually you ask how he knows so much about golem crafting. He waves off the question with "Oh I have a friend who's a real nerd about it. Anyway if you make some space around the inside of the golem's joints you can inscribe a separate animation spell formula which gives it a better range of motion. Good luck with your work!" And then he leaves, not seeming to care he just solved one of the roadblocks your team has been struggling with for weeks. Talking to your other friends you find that they had similar experiences with the kid. What the fuck is he?
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