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onetoothpig · 6 months ago
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I really want you to get started on Jurassic Park now after reading your tags.
All right, you asked for it! This post is going to be long because I've been rereading Jurassic Park since I was about 10 years old. But. My thoughts:
Jurassic Park is the oldest story in the world: one about hubris, and the price men pay for their ignorance of nature. From the first moment the protagonists step foot on the island, they can see it. There are poisonous plants next to the pool because they "look pretty." The harbor has no retaining wall because tropical storms aren't considered important. And there's a steep price for that hubris. Wu doesn't bother to learn the dinosaurs' names before breeding them, Nedry ignores them as unprogrammable, Malcolm mansplains them to their own creators, Regis laughs at the idea of them escaping, Hammond relentlessly monetizes them, Arnold insists he can control them... And they all get eaten by dinosaurs. It's the characters with the good sense to be overawed and scared (Muldoon, Gennaro, the paleontologists, the kids) who make it out alive. Almost paradigm.
More specifically, it's a book about the most fundamental principle of engineering: be scared, be confused, and then do something anyway. Then do something else, then something else, until something works. Timmy isn't a master hacker in the book; he's just (unlike Grant) willing to push buttons on the computer until he finds the power grid. Gennaro's still a scaredy cat in the book, but he clenches his teeth and goes into the velociraptor nest anyway. The heroic characters are the ones who conclude someone has to do something, despite not knowing what that something is. The villainous ones are the ones who refuse responsibility.
Speaking of which, can we talk about Ian Malcolm? I'm a sucker for a good Cassandra character, especially one that manages to get even the genre-savvy reader rolling their eyes and going "will you shut up?" And Malcolm is one of the best, every off-putting academic habit rolled into one: He thinks he's better than other people for not liking sports. He brags about not caring about appearances and then comments on Sattler's legs. He assumes Hammond has read his monograph and — when Hammond reveals he hasn't — pulls out a copy that he keeps on his person at all times to have Hammond read on the plane. He smugly explains that other characters should've foreseen they'd be killed by dinosaurs, only to be killed by dinosaurs. He calls his theory the Malcolm Effect. I do love Jeff Goldblum's gentler, more charming take on the character ("See, here, now I'm sitting by myself, talking to myself, that's chaos theory" I say literally every time I ask a question of someone who just left the room). But I prefer the way original Malcolm gets away with being right about everything because we so so badly want him to be wrong.
Speaking of that comment about the legs: by the low low bar of 80s/90s thriller writers, Crichton is surprisingly progressive. Jurassic Park invites us to laugh with (and roll our eyes with) Sattler, every time someone expresses shock the world's top paleobotanist is a woman. The Lost World perfectly captures the "women in STEM have to be twice as competent to get half the respect" dynamic, and it's a story about the male characters over-estimating their own competence as the female ones go about saving the day. Race isn't handled perfectly, but it is discussed in both books. Malcolm's chauvinism is designed to make everything else he says a bitter pill, to poison us against him. Crichton's no feminist. But Sattler's hardiness — later Harding's and Kelly's as well — are shown as hard-won in a world that batters nerdy girls so hard that only the toughest survive.
And Malcolm is just one of the many ways Jurassic Park masterfully lampoons scientific bullshit. After little Tina is bitten by a "strange lizard" and nearly dies from the swelling, Dr. Cruz assures her parents that lizards bite zookeepers all the time, that some people are allergic to lizard venom, and that the lizard Tina drew resembles a basilisk — and then we cut to him talking to his fellow MD. Where we find out that lizards don't attack humans in the wild, no human they know of has ever been hospitalized for a lizard bite, basilisks aren't venomous, and Tina's condition doesn't resemble an allergic reaction. They have no idea what this "lizard" (a Procompsognathus) could be or how it poisoned this kid, but they've been taught to obfuscate rather than admit that. Scientists are arrogant, and ignorant of their ignorance.
But the book is every bit as positive about empiricism as it is negative about individual scientists. The seamless way Crichton blends science fiction with science fact gets me every time. His preface connects Watson & Crick to Swanson & Boyer to Malcolm & Levine, explaining each step of the research process as he goes. He goes on to explain how Genetech developed its ideas from IBM, and that IBM and Genetech both contributed to InGen, which in turn influenced Biosyn, funded by Hamaguri... and only two of those names are fictional, but don't worry about which. Crichton does his homework, and then he presents his homework in the most compelling way of any writer I've ever encountered.
You need no further proof than the technologies — satellite phones, electric cars, touchscreens, gene editing — that were sci fi in 1990, commonplace today. Crichton did the reading. And he rolls that science out ever-so-slowly: dribbling first the mystery of the worker with a 3-foot gash in his torso who claims a bird of prey did it, then the mystery of the resort that needs the world's most powerful data storage, then the mystery of the billionaire who calls in the middle of the night with "urgent" questions about what baby dinosaurs eat... Until even 10-year-old me could look at that picture of a fractal and go "ohhh, I see how the unstable phase shifts of chaos theory explain the fact that a thunderstorm caused that guy to get eaten by a T. rex." Almost paradigm.
And all Jurassic Park's banging on about chaos theory belies a deep understanding of how interconnected ecosystems are. Animals, like plants, like subatomic particles, must be understood holistically. Pretending that the best way to learn the truth of any system is through breaking it down "is like saying scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast is human nature. It's nothing of the sort. It's uniquely Western training." Crichton clearly loves biology: "a single fertilized egg has a 100,000 genes, which act in a coordinated way, switching on and off at specific times, to transform that single cell... A house is simple in comparison. But even so, workmen build the stairs wrong, they put the sink in backward, the tile man doesn't show up when he's supposed to. All kinds of things go wrong. And yet the fly that lands on the workman's lunch is perfect." And he clearly hates what capitalism has done to biotechnology.
Hammond the venture capitalist is a perfectly despicable villain: No dinosaurs have escaped, because I said so. If there are problems, no there aren't. Put on a good show for investors, no matter how many contractors die in the process. Talk about all the "good" the park will do by making tons of money. The kids are stranded and the tech expert's dead? No they're not, because I said so, now pass the ice cream. It's truly a delight watching him get eaten by dinosaurs.
For that matter, Jurassic Park is bursting with details of style over substance. There are cutesy Apatosaurus cutouts in the hotel rooms and bars on the widows, a half-finished restaurant covered in Pterosaur poop, and a celebrity-narrated tour track that can't synchronize with the dinosaurs. It's trying to be Disney World, and it's actually a roadside zoo. The signage — "When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth," the hand-lettered "Welcome to Jurassic Park", the room (and department) called "Control" — isn't subtle in its irony. But it is fun.
Which is yet another great sci fi trick. "Our funding is infinite but our peer review sucks" perfectly sets up the blend of the accurate with the plot-fueling (likely why Crichton reuses it several times). Why are there Pterosaurs in a dinosaur park? Our funding is infinite but our peer review sucks. Why are so many Cretaceous dinosaurs in Jurassic Park? Our funding is infinite but our peer review sucks. You didn't know Dilophosaurus is venomous? Our funding is infinite... It's perfect, because it's the opposite of how the scientific process usually works. Again: Crichton knows his shit, and he knows how to communicate it.
Like, even when I'm reading Sphere or Terminal Man — books where I'm perfectly aware I know more than Crichton on the subject, not in the least because their science inevitably became outdated — I still find myself believing, at least for the length of the story. You don't have to suspend disbelief when reading Crichton's work; he hoists it into the stratosphere for you. Half the time he won't give it back even after you're done. Almost paradigm.
But despite all that nerdery, Jurassic Park is still a rocking adventure story that builds momentum until it smashes to its conclusion at 70 miles an hour, ending the millisecond it can do so with not a word of denouement. You can practically hear that last deep piano note on the final words. It's cinematic as hell. This is Crichton post-Westworld, pre-Twister, the ultimate adventure writer. He reads, clearly, avoiding the errors of sci fi amateurs who watch too many movies (the T. rex has a distinctive smell, the island is relentlessly humid, so on) but he knows how to make a tight fast-moving story that you can consume in under three hours. His imagery is powerful, his pacing is on point, and his plot sucks you in and shoots you out like a water slide.
Jurassic Park is fun. It's informative. It makes you laugh, and gasp, and sigh, and think. It has its flaws (Harding Sr. fades out in the 3rd act, Grant's Maiasaura expertise never pays off) but those are minor in a book that stands up so well to rerereading. Almost paradigm.
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askponyinuyasha · 10 months ago
There's talk of giant spiders and other less natural monsters near the old fortress in the center of the wood; Be careful out there.
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Zooks: There's talk of giant spiders and other less natural monsters near the old fortress in the center of the wood.
Inuyasha: What?!
Inuyasha: We'll have to finish this later!
Gad: Be careful out there!
Astro & Sunburst: ...
@ask-wizard-sunburst: Did he say 'giant spiders'?
<Previous> ... <Next>
~To be continued...~
(High-res transparent PNGs below the cut, and whoa-nelly there are a lot of them)
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Thanks everyone for your patience! This bit took me a really long time because there were so many figures and new poses and effects to draw!
In the intervening time, I did really enjoy seeing everyone's speculations as to who the off-screen character was! Nobody managed to connect the dots that they'd seen this font and text color before!
Anyway I hope to do a couple more entries like this where I can sit back and let the story tell itself. I'll even try drawing some action sequences maybe but hopefully I can avoid drawing too many spiders.
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I've always gotten the feeling that Greevil prefers Eldes over Ardos.
You see, one thing I find interesting is that, on Citadark Isle, you encounter Ardos way before you find Greevil - who appears to have chosen to keep Eldes (and only Eldes) by his side. Now, this could also be chalked up to Ardos' rashness, as seen in scene with Zook where he's the one taking initiative and talking about chasing him. However, if Greevil felt like he needed or wanted Ardos there anyway he would just order him to stay, so at the very least we can say that he's fine with not having his older son with him. You could also read the Zook incident as Ardos being eager to please his father, which would fit into the picture.
Additionally, the way Greevil says
"You managed to defeat Ardos. Of course, you have also beaten so many of my followers. Perhaps it's no surprise you won."
and shortly after also says that
"I do have an appreciation for the strong, you see."
makes me think there's an underlying pattern. If you look at Greevil's dialogue, you learn that he values strength and loyalty in his followers and one of his main "issues" with them - and what even appears to be one of the main reasons behind the creation of XD001 and other Shadow Pokémon - is that he deems them unreliable. He says that
"The others can't be counted on at all." (to Eldes)
and in regards to his plans explains to Michael that
"Next, I plan to create an army of Shadow Pokémon that work independently on my orders alone. When this second step is done, I will take over the world without having to rely on bothersome people."
So how does this play into Greevil's relationship with his sons? Both Ardos and Eldes are loyal to their father, with Ardos going as far as insisting on addressing him as Grand Master at all times and being straight up fanatical in his belief in Cipher's cause. However, looking at them as trainers, as well as how Greevil appears to judge their abilities, I think it's fairly clear that Eldes is (perceived as) stronger. Therefore he is, according to Greevil's values, the better subordinate and by extension the better son.
Lastly, I find it rather telling that Greevil chooses to listen to Eldes in the end when he's defeated. Yes, this is primarily supposed to be his humanity winning out, with Ardos and Eldes acting as shoulder devil and shoulder angel respectively to create a moral conflict that allows Greevil to choose good and thus go on a path of healing and redemption.
However, there's also the human level. In this scene, Greevil appears distressed and confused and displays a state of mental instability that we can all guess led him to where he is now. He briefly argues against Ardos' suggestion to flee and kill everyone, but folds quickly and easily; his authority and control over his sons is completely shattered. Then Eldes arrives and - finally - speaks up. Again, Greevil puts up little to no resistance and it's Ardos who argues with Eldes.
Greevil ultimately listens to Eldes. Being addressed as father by him gets through to him. When Greevil looks up again, he's looking at Eldes; and it's at this point that Ardos realizes he's lost and leaves without another word. Could a similar emotional appeal from Ardos have worked as well? Maybe, but there is no space for such a thing while arguing in favor of cruelty. I do think that there's an element of Greevil trusting Eldes' judgement that plays into his decision. Would Greevil have chosen the dark path if he favored Ardos over Eldes instead? It's impossible to say for sure, but I would love to hear your thoughts if you have any.
Tldr: I think there's a case to be made that Greevil prefers Eldes over Ardos and that this might have played a role in his decision at the end of XD. It's definitely not explicit and I don't want to state anything as fact, but Greevil's overall values and behavior may hint at such a dynamic; it would also explain some of Ardos' behavior.
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ask-cinnavanillamelody · 1 year ago
Dear Selene; I hope this letter reaches you. We're writing to compliment you on your fantastic spellwork with the moving house and such; removing every trace of your existence is not an easy thing to do, Zooks knows. Also writing you to say... yeah. We understand why you did it. Twilight and your... soul-mate(?) don't exactly seem compatible and you don't want to be alone again, and folks were talking like they wanted to take your son, too. Don't worry, Zooks hasn't figured out how to track you, this letter is just supposed to... find you on it's own. destroy it if it makes you feel better. I don't suppose Sombra has any regrets to air out? Any words he'd like to give back? Regardless, you were the nicest villain we've ever had the pleasure of lair-invading, and we hope to see you again soon-ish. Preferrably without the darker undertones of our last visit. -Gad and Zooks
Dear Gad and Zooks, Selene here
Thank you for your kind letter, it means so much to me that you are willing to show me, and by extension, my little family kindness.
I will admit, I did not trust many who came, and certain gray earth pony was particularly hurtful, but I should've expected that reaction, I have come to realize many ponies are...prone to fright when they look upon me now. Part of it is Somby's species as an Umbrum, they have a natural ability to instill fear in whoever looks at them. It's not ideal, I don't want to hurt or scare anyone, but I can't help seeming terrifying.
Thank you for the compliment on my enchantment! Did it surprise you when you could no longer read the direction Mira gave you? When my house disappeared in a very instant? And Mira has no recollection of even giving it to you? you are right, it is a very hard feat of magic! That just happens to be my special talent.
Somby does have a few regrets, and he would like to say them himself:
Hello hippogriffs. Not that I owe you anything but since you asked...I regret killing Princess Amore back then in the crystal empire, I never should have tried to be king, it wasn't my place. My biggest regret, is letting my only friend Radiant Hope down. I was lucky to find "selena" when I did, I was almost gone for good. But I know how being alone feels, the constant fear that everyone is out to get you, I did not want another to have to experience that. Selena has become my second chance, and I am grateful for her everyday.
But if any of you have ill intentions towards her, rest assured my wrath upon you will be felt. I hope I've made myself crystal clear.
woah- it's always a bit strange when he takes over like that, it's like going to sleep, then waking up again! but anyway, I hope this letter reaches you. (you will quickly find there's no return address hee hee!)
And I am truly not as villainous as I seem, neither is Sagi I might add, he's just...complicated.
Your friend,
Selena 🌑
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stephaniejuhnay · 1 year ago
Community fans, what is your favorite slightly obscure quote? I’m not talking cool cool cool or streets ahead or my whole brain is crying or even ya bit. I’m asking for deeper cuts. Either bc they’re funny or bc of their delivery or both.
Here are several of mine:
“Worth ittt.” Troy, Aerodynamics of Gender
“The…Soul Train awards…were tonight.” Troy, Social Psychology
“Ooooohh, I cannot.” Shirley, Horror Fiction in 7 Spooky Steps
“I know who Sean Penn is! I seen milk!” Professor Kane, Biology 101
“This means trace the call Rhonda!” Dean Pelton, Basic Intergluteal Numismatics
“No soft serve?!” Dean Pelton, Course Listing Unavailable
“Guys, what makes you think I can convince Chang of anything if I can’t even convince you not to make me do it?” Jeff, Environmental Studies
“Daammn, and the winner for best adapted Oscar burn goes to Jeff Winger for ‘oh snap, the man who went there.’” Chang, Epidemiology
“Paint?? Ball??” Elroy, Modern Espionage
“Desperate deans call for deansperate measures.” Dean Pelton, Modern Espionage
“By zooks, what sort of jackassery is this?!” Professor Whitman, Debate 109
“No to everything you both said!” Britta, Urban Matrimony and Sandwich Arts
“Did someone say Pegasus? A word I understand in every language.” Abed, Advanced D&D
“Jeff! I hope you’ve got an army of raisins because I’ve got a major scoop!” Annie, Investigative Journalism
“Well nice fix Tweedle Dumb and even Tweedler Dumb!” Pierce, Communication Studies
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andyyywastaken · 1 year ago
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Remembering my nerdy kid obsessions: skylanders.
I love these little things, and i find it so weird how the series seemingly got wiped out sometime in 2017, and people forgot about it.
Never seen a trend die harder XD
Eh, i've still held on to em, and i love every single one of em :D
The ones i have:
Series 1 Shroomboom - Life - Giants
Trap Shadow - Magic - Swap Force
Series 1 Stump Smash - Life - SSA
Blast Zone - Fire - Swap Force
Wash Buckler - Water - Swap Force
Super Shot Stealth Elf - Life - Superchargers
Food Fight - Life - Trap Team
Ninja Stealth Elf - Life - Swap Force
Star Strike - Magic - Swap Force
King Pin - Water - Imaginators
Golden Queen - Earth - Imaginators
Crash Bandicunt - Life - Imaginators
Dr Neo Cuntex - Tech - Imaginators
Big Bang Trigger Happy - Tech - Swap Force
I remembered all of these off the top of my thinking dome B)
Damn im obsessed send help lmao.
The ones i used to have but were lost/destroyed :(
Series 2 Chop Chop - Undead - Giants (2012-2014)🪦
Wind Up - Tech - Swap Force (2013-2021)🪦
Snap Shot - (2014-2016)🪦
Take a moment to remember these sad lost plastic beans...
And then completely forget about them as you rant about-
The ones i want/am going to get:
But these are the ones i want the most:
Chopper - Tech - Trap Team
Knight Light - Light - Trap Team
Zook - Life - SSA
Legendary Bone Bash Roller Brawl (jfc-) - Undead - Superchargers
Cobra Cadabra - Magic - Trap Team
Jawbreaker - Tech - Trap Team
Hot Dog/Molten Hot Dog - Fire - Giants
Swarm - Air - Giants
Pit Boss - Undead - Imaginators
Chopscotch - Undead - Imaginators
Springtime Big Bang Trigger Happy - Tech - Swap Force
Night Shift - Undead - Swap Force
Theres more but i wont bore you with that XD
I LOVE this series, and if anyone wants, i am more than happy to keep talking about it lol.
Hit me up with a quessy if u wanna :D
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the-faramir · 10 months ago
Extinction Curse Session 2024/04/17 Part 2
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On returning to the circus grounds outside of Willowside and handing the new tent over to a team of roustabouts for setup, the party took a moment to rest and consider the next move.
Zookdar stretched his arms out above himself and to the sides. "Well! I for one, could use a drink. Think I'll head on over to the tavern to get some beer—and maybe to find a woman to keep me company!"
The others just looked at Zookdar in disbelief. "Really, Zook," Midori chided, "we need to check in and see what else is goin' on around town, and you want to go out carousin'?"
"Sure! I've earned a little break," he replied and trotted off toward the tavern. The others shrugged and ran some errands in the meantime.
Two hours later, the party met up near the Willowside town square. Zookdar appeared to be a bit tipsy and had several large, black feathers stuck on his outfit. "I met a wonderful Tengu lady at the tavern," the gnome bragged to his teammates, "and her sister!"
Meanwhile, one of the mayor's aides approached the heroes to let them know that the mayor was looking for them. He led the team to the mayor's office.
"Madam Mayor," Midori spoke up, "You're lookin' to talk to us?"
The mayor replied, "Thank you for coming all the way to Willowside. Your presence has brightened up the town quite a bit. Hmm," the mayor chose her words carefully before continuing:
“I hate to ask this, but I must for the town’s sake. I know the dinosaurs have killed some people and other folks just simply left town. But there’s perhaps something else going on out in the swamp. A few hours east of town is a gambling hall and entertainment venue called Fortune’s Hall. The owners, the Carristers, have been big supporters of the town, despite being so far outside of it. For the past few weeks, no one’s heard from anyone there—not the Carristers, not their staff, not any of the regulars who were out that way. A few people went to check, but they didn’t come back. That was about when the reports of dinosaur attacks started, so I assumed that dinosaurs got them—and the folks at Fortune’s Hall for that matter. But a few days ago, one of the horses from Fortune’s Hall showed up here in town. The poor thing had almost starved to death, and it had an unusual bite on its leg. Strangest of all, someone had written 'The Fun Never Stops' on its side in purple paint. Gristarn Vrick got the horse cleaned up and fed, but it’s too scared to head home. Something strange is going on at Fortune’s Hall, and it doesn’t seem related to dinosaurs or the Welt. I’m not sure Willowside can withstand yet another threat.
“Will you investigate it for us? I know that it’s dangerous, but you’re better able to look into this than anyone else but the Banyan Boys.”
Midori asked for clarification, "The Bunyan Boys?"
Lysander questioned, "The Beagle Boys?"
Fizzarolli inquired, "The Beastie Boys?"
Midori queried, "The Bangle Boys?"
Zookdar pressed, "The Vengaboys?"
The mayor sighed. "No, the Banyan Boys!"
The heroes answered in unison, "Never heard of them."
Rubbing her temples, the mayor explained, "Ledorick, Stirvyn, and Tashlock Banyan are the law enforcement around Willowside."
Zookdar asked, "Well, why can't you send them in?"
The mayor explained, “I’ve asked, but they think the dinosaurs got everyone and it’s too big a risk to go check it out. I won’t pretend it’s not risky, but I think there’s something other than the dinosaurs threatening our town.”
Lysander offered, "We have some time on our hands while the tent gets set up. We'll go check it out for you."
The mayor thanked the party and offered a pale lavender ellipsoid aeon stone. Lysander graciously accepted the gift.
Midori clapped her hands once and exclaimed, "Well, let's get our things, load up the circus bus, and head on out!"
In the wagon on the road to Fortune's Hall, Midori could not contain her excitement. "Once we get there an' clear out whatever bad guys're makin' trouble, the Carristers will be so grateful an' they'll prepare us a feast an' open up the bar for free drinks an' maybe let us stay to see a play! Yeah! It'll be a great time! Cause you know why? We like to party! We like, we like to party! We like to party! We like, we like to party!"
Midori began to dance in her seat and sing a punchy, vibrant song in the key of A-flat major:
🎶🎶🎶 The circus bus is coming And everybody's jumping Willowside to Fortune's Hall We are gonna have a ball
The wheels of wood are turning And lantern lights are burning So if you like to party Get on and move your body 🎶🎶🎶
Midori stopped singing. "Oh, oh, wait. We're comin' up on the blockade in the trade route. Remember, Zookdar? Where yer ass got kicked? Looks like we'll have to fight our way through dinosaurs again, but this time we'll be prepared." The wagon started to turn around the bend in the road leading to the clearing. "Everyone, welcome to Yer Ass Kick Park!"
But as the clearing came into site, there were no xulgaths, no dinosaurs, and no fallen logs blocking the road. Somebody had cleared it all!
"Huh," mused Fizzarolli, "that sure was convenient."
The rest of the trip seemed to fly by and the party's journey completed without incident. Finally, they arrived at Fortune's Hall.
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fkyumerica · 3 months ago
ricky made katie wagonsomer/alicia pattenaude his second wife
before he made her miranda praznik
they dilate your eyes to notice a ass and a asshole
voo ZOOM
they attacked everyone on dope to be in this house
get to know their family in this house
they picked the hottest ones they said
or the least dirty
and zoom heroin jokes
hey angela
how much did you steal from her
how much did we steal from her
40 million
wow liane 40 million before that
just from the olympics
said i own tv
she said
now i go in
whose amazing leon
can take 20 days
who who who
after you
or him
wtf switch the dope
dont teach em the dope we die
now float on
look at the rug
it had to look like their babys ass still or it wouldent work
look at it
he said it was his
he talks like anne marie and half ups your face
he shot it in when she was in the dentist chair right? liane?
cool or not dope date
half face cool half face heat
you can do it
you just telling anybody to do that
made a hhouse with a yard ruler
didnt marry robby's family
not a south
has to talk to the nicest girl
everybody in the town had to talk to each other
ricky/mike/madonna/her dancers/leonardo dicaprio
and his inbred mom is zooking out all the time and in eyes for him to go
stupidest black shit he said it
faked a wedding to go back and fuck
learn the family attitude
steven martinez and felicia nazario, ricky's parents
help detroit they called the most
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cxffinbxbe · 4 months ago
I'm going to have my dog on Zook and when my roof asks for his name like she always does ima tell her it's assigned three so I can talk about my assignment
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libidomechanica · 5 months ago
“No fault in women to the goods where or her she had”
How long as flies, and the fresh into bed and lyfe.     Here, the cup runs throte. Ah for ioy doe remayne, thus far from his voice from thee. For I missay,     both of Air Fruit moist and death. A spark. Much carefully though not always easy task;     for long since. Its uglinesse? Cruel and full of love; it is gone only thee to the fall;     or on my Nancy and brambles. Ah,
dreamed that in her Nature’s own selues; for his bone     from the will belief from the poor a prince my sick dreames, my joys for restful death’s second     the drill but from variously, and the Clover dwelling! Which the wide oppen three.     It promised length of the facts! In listened song of your eye—tell you with care, that busie archer     his own hunger-pinch. To hear things
with undefiléd Robe to me. And when all my     lifelong hand in the door; so I turn’d. It make a fellow dirt, ye’ll cast on the shepheard     so nene a golden creast with Barnaby the harder to enjoy two hours after all.     Thee, only. For it an echo ring? The Ouzell she may raise their wiliness? It will     sing, that sike mischeife the mark in these
trunks? For my shepheard all the other the hedge to     the streets of my blushing with a kiss, I woke to the twilight, doe ye awake and pain     his face of any bene, we han great love, if it weare: yet stile affords: while other     disaray, and tooke on, losse art found such beauty, glorious desires, yet dewed     with a blew silke riband. Not once the
thresht in school except for it were the truth I’ll tell,     there, talking off through oft had gives the things of Old; no poet’s matters in a midnight.     Hark how the rich inward seek and lend what a beggar’d of sweetness of memory of     heart the plaid it were tame flowrd my ioyfull stop there he looked up … zooks, are changeable clay,—     thou with better come! Hark how truely
maskt, there. The grass, approch to his deuoyr belied; and     for you except therefore of; witnesse manifest by thy seruices vnto her sad faces     on the brute; a god in leave thought doth, if theyr choking. And nowhere and feele as     much carelesse did Matthew stopped, and all to my use deceive; that will these same, give lies     of his sings on the love, though of your
head without a Thorn, and you say? As it is some     and trust! Beards all, and love that it is tyme to the holy bower, the taste like a Shadow     movest thou dost sing. Wish your three stronger by day. Of flesh, you keep’st me in me? Come,     Anthea, must be; for than ever drove the porch, windchime wasn’t there is the jewels trifles     are rebuilt. Although unseen them too:
but why not do, thou see’st though it be, at leap in     fields, and further. Our work enough for a fleece of the Damzels, daughter’s and find. No fault     in women to the goods where or her she had to subdue then overlooked and most     proceeding his upturned to plow; shovels crumble and let this net? Soul’s sleepe, adieu ye     Woodes can drinking of me weeps to
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Cyprian Queene, seeke the crop of care: did stinging go     the pledge absolute Ones where lives o’er her haffet lock’d up in any chest when my wish,     and you, whose like a spark struck vainly in the must should have Vizírs—but better the father     liuely notes of Demon, Ghost, and tears, of fire, of counted such a Solitude again,     and overswear the others’ joy.
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michel-tanguy · 1 year ago
New Post has been published on Michel Tanguy
New Post has been published on http://micheltanguy.com/email-order-bride-pricing-simply-how-much-will-you-use-finding-and-purchasing-a-foreign-partner/
Email Order Bride Pricing: Simply how much Will You Use Finding And purchasing A Foreign Partner?
Matchcom Romance App
How Much Time Does It Take To Purchase A Bride Online?
Just who Are Brides to be For Sale?
Finding Mail Buy Brides?
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charleetyger · 2 years ago
Social Media Conflict: Ah! Run away!
Let's get in our TARDIS or our DeLorean flux capacitor and head back in time to my week one post regarding digital citizenship.
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Digital citizenship is the 'responsible use of technology by anyone who uses computers, the Internet, and digital devices to engage with society on any level' (Zook, 2023).
So, to be a digital citizen, and to condense that quote into keywords, you need to use technology responsibly when engaging with society on any level.
Responsible. As Oxford Dictionary via a quick Google search states, to be responsible is 'the obligation...to care for someone.'
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Apparently caring for others is just a little too hard for some people on the internet though. That's where conflict begins.
This week's lecture states that conflict on social media is often about power over such things as: resources, speech, platforms, the market, brans, and commercial interests.
Unfortunately, this commonly leads to acts of online harassment by a few users of the internet. Online harassment is adapted and defined as 'threats or other offensive unwanted behaviours targeted directly at others through new technology channels or posted online for others to see that is likely to cause them harm' (Haslop, O'Rourke, & Southern, 2021, p. 1420).
Now, I'm not going to give you explicit examples of online harassment because, frankly, that is highly inappropriate, unnecessary, and also due to the fact that if you have been on the internet for even half a millisecond you will know what online harassment entails. It's not pretty, that's for sure.
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I will, however, list some methods to combat these crimes because, yes, online harassment is a crime!
1. Take Legal Action.
Below is a list of Australian legal acts one can take against online harassment. These acts offer protection against online abuse, image-based abuse, child cyberbullying, and other seriously harmful and dangerous content, a few examples of such include:
The Criminal Code Act 1995
The Australian HUman Rights Commission Act 1986
The Enhancing Online Safety Act 2015
The Online Safety Act 2021
2. Advocate For A Safer Online Space
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is all about the relationship between a corporation and the people in the local society where the corporation operates. By placing pressure on corporations for a safer online space, these platforms can become a more healthy place to exist for people of all ages.
3. Take A Humorous Approach
Remove the power the online harassers think they have by making jokes to raise awareness and to resist and fight back with intelligence and dignity.
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Online harassment and social media conflict is horrid and gross; however, the more we—as intelligent digital citizens—take back the power and talk about the issues of harassment, hopefully more people on the internet can be taught how to behave appropriately.
Be nice to one another, y'all!
Haslop, C, O’Rourke, F, Southern, R 2021, #NoSnowflakes: the toleration of harassment and an emergent gender-related digital divide, in a UK student online culture, Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, vol. 27, no. 5, <https://iam.atypon.com/action/saml2post>
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orderofthecube · 2 years ago
Zook’s Everchanging Orb
Wondrous item, rare, interstellar
This clockwork sphere has five functions, one of which you can activate as a bonus action by expending 1 of the orb’s 3 charges. Six seconds after it has been activated, the orb carries out the function as described below. One minute after the completion of the function, the orb sprouts tiny metal legs and attempts to rejoin the creature that last activated it.
The orb regains 1d3 expended charges at dawn. You cannot use the same function more than once per day.
Countdown. The orb ticks loudly for 1 minute. The ticks slowly increase in frequency and are accompanied by blinking lights and smoke.
Explosive. The orb fires tiny pieces of metal in all directions. A creature within 15 feet of the orb must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 piercing damage.
Flashbang. The orb emits a burst of bright light and the sound of a thunderclap. Each creature within 30 feet of it must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be stunned for 1 round and blinded and deafened for 2 rounds. A creature that succeeds on its save is blinded and deafened for 1 round.
Smoke screen. The orb emits a large plume of white smoke, creating an area of heavy obscurement in a 15-foot radius around it. The smoke dissipates after 1 minute.
Misdirection. For 10 minutes, the orb creates the sound of several creatures talking to each other. The words are muffled and are not in any language. 
Get the book for free/PWYW on DM’s Guild.
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playingfamilycharades · 28 days ago
if anyone has her character in mind im sorry because mine is probably very different and detailed
disclaimer: i talk about race/ethnicity a fair amount, so please keep in mind that i am white british and may be wrong on some things. if you would like to correct me, feel free to do so POLITELY
- heather is 5'4"/162.6cm
- she's 75% japanese, 25% american. her dad is fully japanese, her mum is half japanese half american
- her mum didn't know her (japanese) father, and grew up not connected to her heritage at all, and is really strict on heather to stay connected to her culture
- she was named after her great-grandmother (on her mum's side)
- her middle name is mizuki
- she told jason her middle name after a year. jason called her zuks ("zooks") for five and a half months
- she has a two year old sister named kamiko, who heather calls kami
- she's 14
- her birthday is july 15th
- her and jason had been together since jason was 13 and heather had just turned 14. marvin and whizzer found out they're together when jason is 14 and heather's soon to turn 15. mendel and trina found out because marvin told trina
- she had never met any of jason's parents before they found out. she did, though, meet marvin and whizzer first. they loved her and constantly asked jason when she would next come round. when she met mendel and trina, they loved her too, and trina would pack jason's lunch and put a few extra things in there for heather. both mendel and whizzer made the "you couldn't do better?" "don't say that. i love her" "i was talking to the lady" joke
- she's a cheerleader. i say this because jason mentions nine girls in miracle of judaism, and a smaller cheer squad could have 9 people (5-20 i believe ??). the other girls mentioned are also in the school team, but heather also does cheer outside of school with a larger team
- her timetable is cramped. she does SOMETHING after school every day of the week. on monday she does violin. tuesday she has school cheer. wednesday she goes to her grandmother's (on her dad's side) to help with gardening, im pretty sure gardening is important to japanese culture, i could be wrong although i have looked it up. thursday she has out of school cheer. friday she has piano. however, she does have her weekends free, which are usually spent either with jason, calling jason, or texting jason
- her favourite animals are cats
- she loves anything strawberry
- her favourite colours are very light blue and very light pink
there's probably more that i cant remember because ive never actually written any of this down before
these are HEADCANONS and im not mischaracterising her because all we know about her is that she stares at jason
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i have so much lore behind heather levin. i'm a chronic jeather shipper and have her story and her family's. there's NOTHING about her and jason, let alone her herself. if i dare post about it would anybody gaf 🙏
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the-faramir · 11 months ago
Extinction Curse Session 2024/03/20
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Once again, the time had come for the Circus of Wayward Wonders to move on.
A member of the maintenance crew piped up, "I know of a great location to head to next! My Aunt Estessa is the mayor of a town along the north coast of the island: Willowside! I hear they're dealing with some troubles, so they could really use some excitement right about now."
The entire circus took a short voyage on a ship (definitely not paid for by Opper Vandy) from Kerrick to the shores of Willowside. Eventually, a sandy beach came into view. A group of twenty people stood on the beach, waiting. But waiting for what? Surely the Circus of Wayward Wonders!
Midori, who had pushed herself to the top of the gangplank on the approach to the pier, strode down to the beach, elbows akimbo. She stopped on the sand in front of the crowd and raised her hands in the air dramatically. "Welcome, good people! We come in peace! Take us to your leader! We are the Circus of Wayward Wonders!"
Every single person on the beach ignored her. Midori's right eye started twitching.
Zookdar came up beside Midori. He suggested jokingly, "I say we hit 'em with a fireball. That'll show 'em respect!"
Midori whispered loudly out of the side of her mouth. "SHH! Zook! I think they can hear you! An' we need payin' customers!" She cleared her throat and tried a different approach:
Oh, gather 'round, both young and old, Upon this sandy shore so bold, The Circus of Wayward Wonders' tale, Is one of magic that never fails.
Step right up, the show's begun, Under the golden setting sun, A ship of dreams on sands alight, With wonders that will dazzle your sight.
From distant lands, through stormy skies, To entertain, to mystify, The acrobats and jesters dance, Inviting all to take a chance.
The waves applaud with every beat, As mysteries and music meet, A spectacle of sheer delight, That shines as bright as stars at night.
Step right up, don't be shy, The circus ship has sailed nigh, On this beach, we'll weave a spell, Of Wayward Wonders to retell.
So let the drums and trumpets sound, As our ship has run aground, To share with you our storied quest, The Circus of Wayward, simply the best.
Once the song had ended, Midori heard one person in the crowd clapping. "Oh, a fan! Perhaps somebody local with skills who may want to join our merry troupe? Please, come forward!"
The short-statured circus aficionado stepped forward. Midori squinted in the noontime sun to see. "Oh, little girl, would ya like to run away and join the circus?"
A high-pitched, melodic voice answered, "Yes, that's exactly what I want to do."
Lysander stated flatly, "Midori, she's clearly a halfling."
Midori replied, "Not a little girl?"
Lysander gestured at the short woman, more flustered, and responded, "Look at her hairy, bare feet!"
Midori shot back, "Are you sure?"
Lysander exclaimed, "You know what a halfling looks like! For Pharasma's sake, you worked with Alyssa Sunmeadow selling concessions at the Celestial Menagerie for a year!"
Midori turned to the halfling woman. "Sorry 'bout that. The sun got in my eyes. But, yes, let's tell ya about our circus!"
Zookdar offered, "We have doctors, lawyers, charlatans, crooks, thieves…."
The woman asked, "Have any books?"
Zookdar continued, "Some books. Gypsies, tramps, did I mention the thieves?"
The halfing replied, "Yeah, so, here's my deal. I have some sleight-of-hand skills. I can get along with your thieves. I have some magic and some musical talent as well. I go by 'Magical Myrrie.'"
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Meanwhile, the rest of the crowd brushed past the circus folk to talk to the other people who had come in on the ship: merchants who were setting up shop right there on the beach as the crowd clamored to buy their wares. Some of the party joined them to see what was for sale.
Zookdar announced, "It's bread and foodstuffs."
Midori entreated the crowd, "You've had your bread, now it's time for the circus!" She put on a cheesy grin and gestured jazz hands at them, but, once again, they completely ignored her.
Galon mentioned, "Hey, this bread is very expensive. Crazy expensive. And it just looks like your run-of-the-mill loaves. What gives?"
His bags full of foodstuffs, a local man walked by the party and offered, "Hey, want to join the caravan? I assume you're heading into Willowside."
Galon replied, "Sure!"
The local man advised, "We'll be heading out in the next twenty minutes."
The caravan traveled down a windy dirt road through sand. The party noticed that the land was very dry, with mostly dead, withered little plants poking out here and there. No sound of insects cut through the heavy silence.
Zookdar decided to make small talk with locals to see what he could find out about the area. He found out that the local crops had not been doing well for some time. There has been a plague on a stretch of land to the southwest of the town that they call "The Welt." Willowside is now quite poor, as the townsfolk have been spending all of their savings on overpriced food.
Zookdar started probing, "So, is…anybody worried that you might be afflicted by an evil wizard?"
A local woman answered, "There was talk about it, but we didn't find one. We did try drowning, like, forty witches, but that didn't help. But you can't be too safe, am I right?"
Zookdar grimaced, but continued, "Anything else notable over the last few years?"
There was no answer.
"Would anybody give us more information for…one gold piece? And a silver?"
Midori helped out, "And three, no, FOUR coppers?"
The woman replied, "Nah."
Zookdar and Midori just shrugged and sat back to get comfortable for the rest of the ride.
As the caravan drew closer to town, Galon noticed a shrubbery moving in the distance. A scream erupted from the general direction, "Help! Help! The shrubbery is trying to eat me!"
Galon, Midori, and Zookdar jumped down from the cart and readied their weapons for action. It seemed that Lysander had fallen asleep in the back of the cart. In his place, Buffy strode over to the party, potions of healing clinking as they rotated to the front of her vending racks. Before they could act, however, one of the local men ran to the shrubbery to help. Shortly after, the party heard him scream, "Help! Help! I'm also being repressed!"
The party ran to the shrubbery to find three giant flytraps accosting two people.
Zookdar ran in with a battle cry to intimidate the foes.
One of the plants focused on Midori, hitting her and attempting to grab her. She narrowly avoided its grasp.
Galon flanked the plant attacking Midori and unleashed a flurry of blows on it, also narrowly avoiding capture.
Midori screeched at her opponent:
Listen here, you photosynthetic fiend, My friends and I won't be so easily gleaned. We'll trim your tendrils and your ego deflate, For we're the gardeners of our own fate!
The plant shook from the painful vibrations of Midori's attack.
All of the commotion had awoken Lysander, who ran to join the fray. Buffy, sensing that a party of four could handle things, retreated to the cart.
The plant then attacked Galon, grabbed him, and tried to swallow him whole! Galon barely grabbed on to the sides of the plant's maw to remain outside.
Lysander, not wanting to get too close, fired his Hex Blaster gun at the plant, but missed. Sighing, he reloaded.
Zookdar struck the giant flytrap with his flaming gnome flickmace, hitting it, knocking it down, and setting it on fire!
The battle continued on like this for several rounds, the giant flytraps grabbing and swallowing party members, while other party members fought back and freed their allies. All in all, Galon was swallowed twice, Zookdar was swallowed three times, and Midori was knocked out and swallowed once.
With his final blow, Galon killed the last giant flytrap, freeing everyone who had been trapped inside.
Midori shouted with disgust, then said, "C'mon, let's treat our wounds and continue on." She gathered the party into a tight square and began bandaging everyone up. Before they could rejoin the caravan, however, Galon noticed some footprints in the dry, cracked earth trailing off to the east. They looked like the tracks of a reptilian quadruped!
(Some images Copyright Paizo, Inc.)
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