#zom b chopper
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ghostinthehole · 26 days ago
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I was feeling rly sad then i remember that i could just draw them like this.... its been almost 7 years of yumeing them.......
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dreamerkitty · 8 months ago
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Recent sprite variants, trying to get up to date :v
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murmurtown · 7 months ago
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Happy Anniversary to Yokai Watch 3!! thank you so much for giving me this precious little goober I love him so much (alongside other awesome characters like Tenkamusou and The Ghoulfather, but actually many many of my fave are from yw3, it means a lot to me)
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yokaiwatchconfessions · 2 years ago
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dollsandmasks · 2 years ago
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Гуляли в Океании и нашли там вот это! Распечатанные на глянцевой фотобумаге любимые блорбосы, что может быть лучше?
Мы ещё фотографии хомяка распечатали, на холодильник наклеить, а вот эти ребяты пойдут в альбомчик! (Который ещё надо купить).
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darkyubiz · 7 years ago
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transparent zom b chopper and neko ii for all ur transparent zombie dad and cat baby needs
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kaialone · 7 years ago
Yokai Watch Busters 2 Translation
(Masterpost for my Yokai Watch translations can be found here)
This will contain major spoilers for Yokai Watch Busters 2, specifically Chapter 8, so proceed with caution.
With that being said, this will be a translation of the aftermath of the battle with Gowin Bundory.
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These are the scenes that follow right after the battle with Gowin, the related scenes of which I have translated here, so I recommend reading that if you want more context.
Bolded is the original Japanese; for reference and in case someone who is better at Japanese reads this, and feels like correcting something.
Bolded and italicized is my translation.
(Number) Indicates I got a specific comment to make on that part in the translation notes.
Please keep in mind that I’m a beginner when it comes to Japanese, so it’s possible that I make mistakes, too.
After the Battle with Gowin:
Jibanyan: ん? ここはどこニャン? Hm? Where are we, nyan?
Zom B Chopper: あ あれを見ろ! Ah, look at that!
Zom B Chopper: なんだこれは… 船を操縦するための舵 …つまりハンドルだな! What is this... A rudder to steer a ship... ...in other words, a steering wheel! (1)
Jibanyan: うーん 何かありそうだけど 全然わかんないニャ〜ン。 Hmm, seems like there’s something up with this, but I don't get it at all, nyaaan.
Indy Jaws: きさまら死にたいのかぁぁ! Do you want to die or something!?
Indy Jaws: こんなもの あきらかなワナだ! 触るんじゃないっ! This is an obvious trap! Don't touch it!
Indy Jaws: いいか? ちょっとでも 触ろうもんなら… Got it? Even the slightest touch could....
Indy Jaws: って さめえええええっ! Ah- Sameeeeeee! (2)
Jibanyan: めちゃめちゃガッツリ さわってるニャーン! You just totally touched it as much as possible, nyaan!
Whisper: え? え! うわわ… 床が動きますよ〜! Huh? Huh!? Uwawah... The floor is moving!
Zom B Chopper: そうか…! これはハンドルを 「右に回すと床が上へあがる」しかけだな! I see...! This wheel is a mechanism that "raises the floor when turned to the right"!
Komasan: もんげ〜!! さすが大大大冒険家ズラ〜! Mongeee! As expected from a Great Great Great Adventurer!
Jibanyan: この島に来て はじめて 謎を解いているとこ見たニャン! This is the first time I’ve seen you solving a puzzle, since we came to the island, nyan!
Whisper: でも グーゼンですけどね〜! Even though it was an accident, whis!
Indy Jaws: グ… グーゼンではない! ワナにさえ愛され 味方にする! It wasn't an accident! Let the trap love you, and turn it into an ally!
Indy Jaws: そ それくらいでないと 大大大冒険家���は言えないのだよ! I-if you can't even do that, you can't call yourself a Great Great Great Adventurer!
Indy Jaws: ハハハ… ハ〜ッハッハッハ!! Hahaha... Haaahahaha!!
The word I translated as steering wheel is ハンドル/handoru in Japanese, which is derived from the English world “handle”, and can be used to refer to the steering wheel of a car.
Indy Jaws often uses さめ/same, which literally translates to shark, as an exclamation of suprise, shock, or the like.
On a Higher Floor:
Jibanyan: ニャニャ… なんだニャン? Nyanya... What's this, nyan?
Indy Jaws: 見ろ…!祭壇だぞ! 安置されている宝玉は…。 Look...! An altar! And the jewel that's enshrined there...
Zom B Chopper: ああ! あれこそ 「バンバラストーン」……!! Ahh! That's the "Banbara Stone"...!!
Jibanyan: ニャ… ニャニャ!? Nya... Nyanya!?
Indy Jaws: あ… ジバニャンの宝剣が勝手に…! Ah... Jibanyan's Treasure Swords are acting on their own...!
Jibanyan: やったニャン! 「バンバラストーン」 ゲットだニャン!! Hooray, nyan! We got the "Banbara Stone", nyan!!
Zom B Chopper: 秘宝に認められたんだ…! やったな! よし… 早くここを離れようぜ!! The Hidden Treasure accepted us...! We did it! Alright... Let's hurry up and get out of here!!
Jibanyan: わかったニャン! Got it, nyan!
As they’re about to leave:
Indy Jaws: ん? 待て! あれを見ろ! Hm? Wait! Look at that!
Dandory: はぁ…はぁ…くくく… 待ち待ったぜ この時を!! *pant*… *pant*… Hehehe… We've been waiting for this moment!!
Indy Jaws: くっ またお前たちか… 往生際が悪いぞ!! Kch, you again… You just don't know when to quit!!
Dandory: バンバラヤーの秘宝が復活…  ってことは いるんだろ? The revival of the Hidden Treasure of Banbarayā… That's it, isn't it? (1)
Dandory: 壺の妖怪… 「カナエンデス」!! Yōkai of the Vase… “Kanaendesu”!! (2)
Black Catleen: ふふふ… やはりお前たちも来たか しつこいやつらめ… Hehehe… So you came after all. What a persistent lot… (3)
Whisper: うぃす? どいうこと? Whis? What's this?
Kirene: あぁっ!! Ahh!!
Dandory: ふ…ふふ… 参ったぜ 本当にその姿のままなんだな… Heh… Hehe… I'm at loss. You really have become like this…
Tanto: か… 母ちゃん!? 母ちゃん!! M… Mommy!? Mommy!!
Spatto: あっ タント!! Ah, Tanto!!
Tanto: わかるかい 母ちゃんオイラだよ! ずっとずっと探してたんだよォ! You understand, Mommy? It's me! We've been lookin' for you for so long!
Whisper: ええっ お母さん!? ブンドリー一家の? What!? The Bundory Family's mother?
Whisper: で それが壺の妖怪? ど…どゆこと〜? And, she is this Yōkai of the Vase? W… What are you talking about?
Spatto: バ… バカ! いくなタント!! You… You idiot! Stay away from her, Tanto!!
Spatto: 今の母さんは… 母さんじゃないんだっ!! Mom is not… she's not Mom anymore!!
Dandory: まだ小さかったあいつには話してないんだ… Since he was still small, we didn't tell him…
Dandory: 母さんと壺の妖怪が… 合体していることを! …that our mother and the Yōkai of the Vase… have fused!
Everyone: ええーっ!? Whaaaat!?
Black Catleen: くっ… な なんだコイツは!! ええい! はなれろっ!! Kch… What's with this one!? Arrghh! Get off me!!
Tanto: うわああああ!!! Uwaaahh!!!
Indy Jaws: 地鳴りだ! やばいぞ! Rumbling! This is bad!
Black Catleen: なんだ!? 塔が… 変形する? What!? The tower is… changing shape?
Black Catleen: 秘宝の前にして… こんなことがぁぁっ!! Why does this have to happen… when the Hidden Treasure is right there!?
Dandory: タント… タントはどこだ あっ!! Tanto… Tanto, where are you!? Ah!!
Tanto: ゴメンよぉ… オイラいっつもみんなの 足引っぱってばっかでさあ… Sorry… 'm always just draggin' you guys down…
Dandory: ガレキが… タントっ! う…動くな The debris… Tanto! D… Don't move!
Dandory: 待ってろ! 兄ちゃん今行くからな! Just wait! Your big brother will be right there in a moment!
Gowin: ハッハッハァァ!! ここはワシとバアちゃんにまかせろや! Hahahahaaa!! You can leave the rest to me and Grandma!
Toranka: ハッハアア! その通りだよォ! Haha! That's right!
Gowin: グハハ…… フウ…… フウ…… Guhaha… *huff*… *huff*…
Dandory: 親父…! ばあちゃん…! バスターズとの戦いでもう力が… Dad…! Grandma…! You're still out of energy from fighting the Busters…
Gowin: グハハ… バッスルしすぎたかのォ Guhaha… Guess they busted us. (4)
Kirene: イヤぁ! パパ〜っ! おばあちゃん〜!! No! Papa! Grandma!!
Komasan: タントさぁ〜ん! 待ってるズラ〜 Tanto! Hang in there!
Komasan: スィーツ好きどうし 助け合いズラ!! Sweets lovers gotta help each other!!
Treasure Komasan: よいしょっ… ズラ Heave-ho…
Tanto: コ… コマさん… オイラなんかのために Ko… Komasan… You're doin’ this for someone like me…
Dandory: タント…… お前… Tanto… You…
Tanto: ゴメンよ 兄ちゃん 敵なのに友だちになっちゃって… 'm sorry big bro, I made friends with him, even though he's our enemy…
Dandory: ありがとよ バスターズ 弟をたのむぜ Thank you, Busters. Please, take care of our little brother.
Dandory: おい! スパット! キレーネ! Hey! Spatto! Kirene!
Dandory: 親父たちを追うぜ! ヤツと決戦だっ!! We're going after Dad and the others! This will be the final battle with that guy!!
Spatto: ああ! Right!
Kirene: うん 行きましょう! Yeah, let's go!
Tanto: 兄ちゃん! 姉ちゃん! み… みんなあああっ! Big bros! Big sis! G… Guys!
Zom B Chopper: おい! やつらが上の階に! 追うぞっ! Hey! They're going to the upper floor! Let's go after them!
Zom B Chopper: さあ急げ ウィスパー!! Now, hurry up, Whisper!!
Whisper: うぃす〜〜っ!? この流れで私に来ます!? Whiiiis!? You're coming at me with that!?
Whisper: いやいや! おかしいでしょ〜〜っ!! Oh, no, no! You're not making sense!!
Zom B Chopper: お前一番 その輪っかのハンドルに近いんだよ! You're the closest to that steering wheel!
Zom B Chopper: 右に回して床を上げろ! Turn it to the right and raise the floor!
Indy Jaws: そうだ早くやれ!! 穴が閉じるぞ!! Yes, and hurry it up!! The opening is closing!!
Whisper: あわわ… 右って言ったらどっちです! Awawa... When you say right, which one do you mean?
Whisper: いつも私が鼻をホジホジする方の手? The hand I always use to pick my nose?
Jibanyan: どっちでやってるかなんて知らないニャン! As if I'd know which one you do that with, nyan!
Whisper: ですね! そうこっち! こっちが右手! True! Right, this one! This one is my right hand!
Whisper: ハイ息すってぇ〜… 右に力を入れてぇ〜… Alright, take a deep breath... Put your strength into your right hand aaaand...
Whisper: 回すぅぅ!!!! Turn it!!!!
Zom B Chopper: おい ハンドルは「右」から回しちゃったら 「左」に行くだろうが… Hey. If you turn the wheel from the "right", it will go "left", you know...
Whisper: …うぃすぅ〜? ...Whis?
Indy Jaws: 何やってんださめぇぇぇぇぇ〜〜!! What are you doing, sameeeeeee!!
The term バンバラヤー/Banbarayā could be romanized in different ways, for example the first syllable “Ban-” could also be romanized as “Bam-”, the middle part “-bara-” could also be “-bala-”, and the ending “-yā“ could also be romanized as “-yar”, “-yaa”, or “-yah”.
Kanaendesu is taken from 叶えんです/kanaendesu, which translates to “it is granted”, as in, a wish is granted. It's also noteworthy that  デス/desu is the Japanese spelling of the English word “death”, and I feel that this is likely intentional here, so the name could be spelled as Kanaendeath. But, I’m sticking with a literal romanization for now.
This “form” is labelled Black Catleen later in the game, so that’s what I’m using here.
In Japanese, I’m fairly sure he is making a pun on バスターズ/basutāzu (”Busters”) with the word バッスル/bassuru (”to punish”).
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ghostinthehole · 2 months ago
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final part of these silly photo series that I forgot to post for months
we had tons of fun ❤️
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dollsandmasks · 7 months ago
Indie Jaws and Zom. B. Chopper on a date be like
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auto suggest bewilders me
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dreamerkitty · 7 months ago
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Yolk draws of the week whoopeeeeee!
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murmurtown · 11 months ago
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he's so silly 😭😭💗💗
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ghostinthehole · 2 months ago
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Tis the season
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ghostinthehole · 1 month ago
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What if we're holding hands on the cafe where we can dine and dip our feet, and we're both boys
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The boys in casual attire idk
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dreamerkitty · 7 months ago
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Youve been hit by, youve been struck by… maids!
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dreamerkitty · 7 months ago
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Doodles of boys! Wow!
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dreamerkitty · 11 months ago
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Various draws from over the last few weeks
Wow can you tell I like drawing guys in dresses?
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