#zoey necrodopolus
sasi-art · 1 year
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The zombies take on Barbie! (2/3)
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sayorseee · 1 year
Kings, Queens, and the Pawns In Between
the mob au
Chapter 10: Exceptional Zed
Zed and Addison’s relationship continues to blossom, while Zed wrestles with the guilt of seeing her in his line of work.
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Ao3 | fanfiction.net
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zombies-updates · 2 years
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Z3 Fam, via Kingston Foster’s Instagram
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lady-of-the-spirit · 4 years
AU where Zombies 2 is just Zed and Bucky fighting over custody of Zoey.
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megedonnelly · 5 years
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the softest big brother
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z-o-m-b-i-e-zzzzz · 5 years
Hey! It’s me again! I love all the ficlets and headcanons you’ve done! I really like the headcanon of the wolves “tickle” spots if you will. I was wondering if you could do something with someone accidentally finding Wyatt’s! If you’re too busy feel free to ignore this! ❤️
Mr. Necrodopolus had left an hour ago, Zed and Addison half an hour ago. Wyatt sat in the small complex in Zombietown. Why he'd taken the job? He didn't know. But he owed Addison and Zed for the moonstone so he'd do this. He just had to babysit Zoey for another three hours. And hopefully she'd be asleep within the next hour it was already 8pm.
But good Lord could this child ask a question. How he and Willa were related because they didn't look the same, where he had to explain that they were biracial and he'd just taken after his father while Willa had taken after their mother.
She'd asked about his senses, if he could really smell, hear, and see better than others; yes. If he could turn into a full wolf, not yet but the goal was one day in the near future.
She'd asked a myriad of questions related to his werewolf side including his "tickle spot". Which after further explanation was the spot where he liked to be scratched the most, like when Wynter was at her submission when getting scratched behind the ears. The young zombie had even given an example by scratching her own dog. He didn't have one, or if he did he didn't know where it was.
After a lot of coaxing Wyatt allowed her three chances to try and find it, and in return she'd go to sleep, by now it was 9:30 and she needed to be getting to bed.
The first try she'd gone behind the ear like she'd done with Wynter, but it didn't work for him. Then she tried his shoulder blade, and while it did feel nice it wasn't it. On the last try Zoey climbed on the couch next to where he sat at scratched the very top of his head.
Wyatt's leg started bouncing and he felt like he was in heaven. She'd found it. The young zombie giggled and continued to scratch for a few minutes longer before yawning loudly and requesting to be taken to bed.
About an hour later Zoey's father walked in with Zed, who'd dropped Addison off at her own house.
Wyatt went back to the den and while he didn't do it often since that night every now and again he'd ask Willa or Wynter to scratch the top of his head.
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caisjunlis · 5 years
A Zeddison Christmas || A Zombies Aesthetic ||
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A request from @keepswingin !! It's a bit of an AU I may or may not gonna start writing because I love that idea not gonna lie. I hope you like it as much as I do ! (Yes the little girl is supposed to be Zoey,she's blonde for a reason lol)
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cozy-possum · 5 years
Please tell me during the second Zombies movie, since it involves werewolves theyre gonna do a gag with Zed and Addison trying to sneak a werewolf student around and Zoe is gonna think its a dog for her, everyone else assumes  and the three of them are like “I mean if its a good disguise” sort of plotline
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cometcrystal · 4 years
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promo pics (some from z1!) in the new mashup video that i don’t remember ever seeing before
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kangaracha · 4 years
“I can walk Zoey home, if you want,” Addison offers as the final bell rings on Wednesday afternoon.
Zed looks at her in surprise, slamming his locker closed and hefting his bag onto his shoulders. “Are you sure?” he asks as they walk towards the school’s exit.
“Yeah,” Addison insists. “We’re meeting up after your football practise to study, remember? I have to stop by Eliza’s anyway, so I’ll just wait for you at yours.”
“You’re the best,” he says and finds her hand in the space between them, squeezing it as their fingers interlace. “Zoey’s going to be so excited. She hates waiting around for football.”
“And you hate waiting around for her to finish cheer practise.” Addison reaches around with her other hand to poke him in the chest, grinning. “That’s what you get for living all the way out in West Seabrook.”
“I don’t hate watching cheer!” Zed argues, holding the door open for her. “I get to watch you!”
“You should be watching your little sister,” Addison scolds him, but she’s smiling from ear to ear, a face so bright she puts the overcast sky to shame.
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asarahworld-writes · 5 years
A ZOMBIES Christmas
so I know it’s the middle of January, but I finally finished the second chapter of A ZOMBIES Christmas.  And the irony of the first sentence is killing me.
Chapter 2
Christmas arrived sooner than anticipated.  Addison’s family had a quiet morning opening stockings. After the annual family photo, Addison gathered her gifts and brought them up to her bedroom.  She sat down, cross-legged, staring at her closet.
Twenty minutes later, she went back downstairs, coat in hand.  “Dad, I’m going with you to pick up Zed.”  Dale sighed, but said nothing.  “I have to give Zoey her present.  And I got something for Eliza, and I went in with Zed on something for Mr. Necrodopolus.”
“I’ll tell your mother,” Dale said eventually.
The short ride to Zombietown was longer than Addison remembered.  And she walked there all the time.  Before the car was even turned off, Addison had grabbed her bag and was running to the door.  She went in without a look back.  If she had, she would have seen the faintest smile on her father’s face.
“Addison!”  She was immediately greeted by Zoey and Puppy.
“Hey Zoey.  Is Zed ready?”
“Puh-lease.  He takes forever just to get up.”  Zoey looked at Addison’s bag.  “You don’t usually carry a backpack unless it’s school stuff.”
“Very observant,” Addison smiled.  “But we have to wait for Zed.”  She had barely finished that sentence when Zoey, followed closely by Puppy, went back up to Zed’s room, calling for her brother. Zevon entered the living room, looking meaningfully at the bag.
“We don’t really do much for the holidays,” he said plainly.
Addison nodded.  “Zed said about as much.  I’ll take it back if it’s too much, but I wanted to do this.”
Zevon shrugged.  “Don’t blame me if Zoey starts clinging on to you.”
“Wouldn’t be a problem if she did,” Addison assured him. “I love her like she was my own sister.”
Zevon nodded as his children entered the room. “Addison,” Zed, though fully dressed in maroon sweatpants and a dark tee, yawned as he greeted her.
“My dad’s outside,” she said in reply.  Zed’s hand shot up to hurriedly comb his hair.
“I’ll be five minutes,” he kissed her cheek and began to dash upstairs.  Addison grabbed his wrist, pulling him back.
“It’s fine.  Dinner’s not until three.  It’s barely noon.  Besides, he knows I brought presents for the good zombies in this house.”
“Presents?”  Zoey looked up, her eyes darting between her father and Addison.
“Soon,” Addison promised.  “But we seem to be missing a few people.  Be back in a minute,” she dashed outside.  The ten minutes she was gone appeared to be agonizing for Zoey, who bounced around the house, peering out the windows.  Taking advantage of the time, Zed wandered into the kitchen where he fried brains in a can.  He passed a plate to his sister and his father, the family eating in silence as they waited for Addison.
Zed was rinsing the plates off when the front door opened again.  He heard Bonzo and Eliza greet his family.  His brow furrowed in thought.  Addison was up to something.
A pair of warm arms were wrapped around his middle. “Coming back?”
“Yeah.”  The couple walked hand-in-hand back to the living room.
“So, I know Zombies don’t usually do much for Christmas.  Usually because humans are shitty and make them go to work.  But I just thought, you know, you guys are…  Anyway, Merry Christmas everybody!”  Addison turned to her bag, pulling out the wrapped gifts. She quickly passed them out, laughing when Zoey’s eyes widened as she looked at her boxes.
“These are all for me?”
“Yeah,” Addison laughed, pulling out an envelope. “Why don’t you go ahead and open one of them?”
The little girl’s jaw dropped.  “Pompoms?  My very own pompoms.”  She grabbed them excitedly.  “Zombies cheer, zombies ball, even me though I am small!”  Zoey cheered, lifting her pompoms and shaking them.  “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
“I told you you were great at cheer,” Addison smiled as she watched the little zombie unpack the cheerleading equipment.  “Okay, now open the envelope.”
Zoey’s eyebrows furrowed as she concentrated on reading the letter.  When she reached the end, her beaming grin returned.  “Dad, can I go?  Please? I promise to listen to Addison and to finish my homework as soon as I get home.  After I take Puppy for his walk.  Can I?”
Luckily, Zevon already knew what his daughter was talking about.  “Of course, my zombie angel.”
Addison squeezed Zed’s hand, leaning in and whispering: “Bucky’s going to coach her.”  Zed gave her a questioning look.  Addison nodded.  “It’s good. We can drop in and watch if you want.”
Addison handed out the rest of her presents. Eliza was impressed with the boots (“You know my orthidic numbers?  Wow, Addison, didn’t realize we were so close,” she gibed good-naturedly.)  Bonzo was grinning the moment he realized that he had new art supplies (“If you want a different paper grade or type of paint, just let me know.  I mostly – “ Addison was cut off as he hugged her.
She gave Zevon’s present to Zed.  “You bought whatever it is, you give it to him,” she whispered. Zed rolled his eyes, but handed the package to his father.
Zevon laughed as he opened it.  “Thought you liked the taste of gym sneakers, son,” he said, holding up the spice set.  Zed shrugged.
“It might be nice to try something new.”  Zed looked around the room at his family, his eyes lingering on Addison.  Zevon nodded, understanding exactly what his son meant, even if he himself didn’t know.
“That it might, son, that it might.  Thank you.  Now, don’t you kids need to get going?”
“Zed needs to open his present first.  Actually, Zed, why don’t you take it to your room?” Addison pushed the box into his arms, suddenly nervous.  She caught Eliza rolling her eyes and grinned.
Zed laid the box on his bed, lifting the lid.  A crisp black suit, white shirt, and red tie. Clothes for the dinner.  With Addison’s family.  He undressed quickly, staring at the suit.  It was just dinner.  If they didn’t accept Addison for who she was, they’d come back here.  He hurriedly tied the tie, cursing as he fumbled.
“Need a hand?”
“Thanks,” Zed muttered as his father easily tied a knot in the ridiculous accessory.
“If they give you any trouble tonight, I’ll come get you kids,” Zevon said as they came back into the living room.
“Thanks,” Zed repeated, hugging his father.
Zoey was the first to speak.  “I like pink better.”
“Not hideous at all,” Addison said, a playful smirk barely disguising her attraction.
Zed grinned.  “I’ll take it.”
“Okay, the two of you are clearly referencing something the rest of us don’t know about.  I think you’ve left…Dale waiting long enough, kids.”  Zevon took their coats from the closet and ushered them out the door.
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sayorseee · 3 years
Hi friend! Could you do Protective!Zed? 👀
He blamed himself, really.
He’d gone and watched, ignoring the uneasy turning of his gut. A mistake, really.
She hits the gym floor hard, a sickening crack that he’ll replay in his head forever.
He shouldn’t have let her go off like that. So if he keeps an extra eye on her, dotting over her all day and night and making sure her every need is met until her leg heals. Well you can’t really blame him.
Zed doesn’t even let their dog into the couch, even though Zoey assured him she’s fine and would love to play with her dog.
“You could get more hurt!”
“I won’t break a bone cuddling my little fluff ball!” Zoey argues.
Zed frowns, though his sister is persistent. “Fine, but five minutes. Puppy doesn’t understand you’re hurt!”
Zoey rolls her eyes, though her annoyed look is quickly replaced with the sweetest smile as she pats her legs, urging puppy to climb onto her lap.
“I don’t think you understand that I’m fine.”
Zed shrugs. “Need more juice?”
“Want another snack?”
Zoey looks up from her puppy play, her eyes twinkling with amusement. “You’re gonna make me super fat! How will I ever fly again?”
“You are never flying again, Zoe.”
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unusual-ly · 6 years
The Paizley/Necrodopolus Family dynamic?
Ok so the Reilig and Necrodopolous families are very close specifically because their mothers were best friends. Zevon is good friends with Paizley’s parents too, though. They were really supportive and helpful when Zed’s mum died
Paizley was about 3-ish when Zed was born so they grew up together. They don’t really have any common interests but they spent so much time together as kids it’s not such a big deal. She’s always acted like a big sister to him and Zoey, she looks out for them and she’s slightly more responsible with taking care of Zoey than Zed is, and reminds him constantly
She calls Zed “Zeddy” and Zoey “green bean” (but I have everyone call Zoey that *^*)
Paizley pretty much knows everything about Zed, all the awkward and embarrassing stuff from his childhood, and she’s also very blunt and has low empathy (it’s the autism) so she tends to reveal a little too much at times (Eliza finds this hilarious). Never in a mean way, she just can’t tell whether or not something is uncomfortable or embarrassing or rude or whatever so Zed ends up either trying to shut her up or laugh it off
Paizley can very easily get Zoey on her side and turn her against Zed
They all call each other’s parents auntie/uncle (tho I have yet to decide any BGZ’s parents names, I do plan to name some of them soon enough…!)
Paizley’s been very afraid of the zombie patrol ever since the raid and bonfire when she was 7 (and she finds it hard to trust humans in general but she’ll warm up to them) even though she doesn’t remember it well, so Zed is very protective and careful with her around them (but he’s not supposed to talk about the raid around her. Remember what happened when she was reminded of it in TM?)
The first of my Christmas fics would be a good reference for how the kids act together~
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z-o-m-b-i-e-zzzzz · 5 years
Hi! I really love your headcanons, and I was wondering if you could do, like, Zed walking in on a werewolf cuddle pile! If you don’t want to just ignore me! Thanks!
ABSOLUTELY BB. Ficlet right? If i get it wrong and you wanted hcs just lemme know.
That night was supposed to be a new moon so the wolves hadn't been at school today. Zed ended up rounding up all the work they'd missed for the day, intending to take it to them.
"I wish I could come with you but my aunt and uncle invited my parents and I to dinner. Tell Willa, Wyatt, and Wynter I say hi though." Addison explained.
"You know I will" Zed said as he headed off towards the woods, a stack of homework for all the different wolves in his backpack.
When he arrived at the den he knocked om the outside wall and called in, "Hey guys! It's Zed! I have your homework!"
He repeated this a few times with no response before he decided to just walk in. He'd left the homework outside the den a few months ago and it had all gotten blown away in the wind. Since then the wolves tried to make sure to answer when he arrived.
Upon actually entering the den Zed couldn't find anyone. He'd been a few times and knew his way around, somewhat. As he entered further into the den he heard soft snoring coming from a room he knew to be Willa and Wyatt's. Now normally Zed wouldn't just enter someone's bedroom, but he needed to get this homework to SOMEONE and leaving it all with the alpha would have to do.
Once inside the room Zed looked over to Wyatt's bed to see it empty. Panning his eyes around he noticed a heap in Willa's bed. Approaching the heap he saw Wyatt, arms around both Willa and Wynter, both cuddled into his side, though he was leaning more towards Willa. He could see a couple of pups cuddled into Willa and Wynter's sides as well. All were snoring peacefully.
Zed awkwardly leaned and tapped Wyatt on the shoulder. The wolf slowly opened his eyes and jolted awake at the realization that Zed was in the room, though stayed still so as to not wake any of the others up. "You speak of this to no one."
Zed's eyes widened and he nodded, "understood"
"Okay. What do you want?"
"Homework." Zed said waving around the stack, both of them talking in hushed tones.
"Set it on the desktop and get out" Wyatt said before closing his eyes again. Zed did as asked and left the den.
The next day at school Zed saw the wolves had returned and approached Wyatt as he saw the rest of the pack leave.
"Hey, Wy."
"What's up Zed? Thanks for the homework last night by the way."
"Oh...yeah no problem. Quick question. What did I walk in on? Why were like six of you packed into Willa's bed?"
"It's just...how....wolves...sleep? I don't know how to explain this to you." Wyatt said before abruptly leaving.
'Great. A wolf thing.' Zed thought before heading to class.
Hope this met your standards!
Also I've noticed the other asks from people though I'm not sure if I'll get to it by tonight due to how late it is. I'll definitely do some tomorrow though!
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sayorseee · 3 years
Kings, Queens, and the Pawns In Between
the mob au
summary: Falling in love is messy. Falling in love with a mob boss and ending up in the middle of a turf war and high profile criminal investigation? That’s just a typical Tuesday.
Chapter 3 - A Glass of Scotch : Taking down a rival mob boss requires three simple things: an inner circle, focus, and a glass of scotch.
ao3 | ff.net
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sayorseee · 3 years
Who’s your favorite zombies character, you ask me.
Some days, I’ll answer with Zed. Others, it’ll be Addison. Majority of the time, I’ll say Eliza over anything, forgetting the most important, most adorable and funny character the movie has: Zoey.
Zoey, who’s literally grown up through the three movies and the thought of that makes me want to cry. Who went from probably six to eleven through the movies, which is a lot of life and development as a person. Who carries the plot and resolution of Z1, adds the best comic relief in Z2, and has me the most excited for Z3.
In the end, it’s always Zoey.
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