#zn soft icons
softiejuhakn · 7 years
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↳ zn (laboum - uni.t) soft pack/layouts ❀ [[ like/reblog if you save/use ]]
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i4uravity · 6 years
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zn_laboum  ˀˀ < ̠l̠ike or k̠ahei_cokr >
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Unique Weapons, 3: Blades, bludgeons and bows of all shapes, sizes and mysterious backgrounds. Heroes and villains across fiction can often be immediately recognized by their signature weapon, causing the weapon itself to be an iconic part of the character. From Perrin’s spiked half moon axe to Roland’s enormous sandalwood revolvers, the jedi’s lightsabers, Arya’s needle, Legolas’s bow, Wolfwood’s Punisher, Detritus’s Piecemaker, the bride’s katana, Bond’s Walther PPK, Robin Hood’s longbow, Jason’s machete or Indiana Jones’s whip, a weapon can even function as a physical manifestation of the character’s personality. None of these weapons are intensely magical in their own right but can serve as the physical basis for family heirlooms, legendary artifacts and magical or masterwork weapons. Alternatively they can be found as loot and become part of a PC’s distinctive appearance, allowing the player to become fully immersed in their character’s look and feel. —Note: Some entries call for the DM to “Roll a Random Weapon” which simply means that the DM can roll from the pregenerated lists on this blog or choose whatever weapon they feel would be appropriate for the situation.
A huge, bloodstained jawbone of an unknown creature that's assuredly been used for acts of violence. The club has dozens of notches on the bone which almost certainly denote the number of creatures the makeshift weapon was used to kill.
A padded messenger bag containing a half dozen fairly inconspicuous looking dinner plates. The dishes are made of a light metal alloy and their edges are decorated with blue webbing and a seedling rice plant. Upon close inspection the edges of the plates are actual razor sharp along the entire rim except for a hand sized area where the plants cross creating a “Zn” pattern. The objects are perfectly weighted for throwing (Chakram statistics) and make a distinctive whistling sound while hurtling through the air.
A collapsible steel baton that can be used as a club. The weapon can be compacted into a foot long metal cylinder and can be extended with a flick of the wrist. The baton is twice as heavy as a normal club but the bearer gains advantage on checks made to conceal it on their person.
A heavy, two handed pickaxe consisting of a bone shaft, topped with a pair of jagged claws as sharp and durable as steel that are bound to the bone with sinew. The weapon radiates a faint aura of ruthlessness and evil intentions. Knowledgeable PC's will discover that all parts of the weapon originated from a singular demon.
A brightly polished steel shortsword whose pommel is decorated with delicate green vines and beautiful flowers. If the wielder ever uses the weapon to kill a member of their own race, the weapon's appearance changes drastically when the wielder next sleeps. After they awake, they will find that the blade's once shining metal has darkened to a matte black with blood red veins running through it. The vines have mutated into thick cords of virulent purple, covered in wicked barbed thorns. The weapon's dark change is only apparent to that wielder (And by extension any others who have used it to murder another of their own species), who is never again able to see the weapon as it was before.   
Roll a Random Weapon: A humble looking weapon that was once passingly glanced at by a minor God of War. When grasped, the wielder is filled with a thirst for violent conflict and armed battle for no other reason than to prove which side is stronger. Despite the extremely limited exposure to the God's general presence, the weapon still tingles with residual divine magic and can serve as a focus for offensive spells (Those that cause direct damage or others subject to DM approval) cast by a true adherent of a God of War.
A sickly pale, leather pouch containing a dozen, granite sling bullets carved from tombstones.
A one-handed mace made entirely of bluish steel, with a handle wrapped in white dragonhide. The weapon is completely covered in a fine layer of perpetually frost.
A greyish-green greatsword with a serrated edge on both sides of its blade and a hilt made of a soft, white substance wrapped around a solid core. The white spongy flesh of the hilt has a heartbeat-like pulse that never matches its wielder's and is fantastically unnerving to hold.
Featherweight Darts, Silver: A small wooden case containing a dozen extremely small, lightweight darts. These fragile darts have barbed needle-like heads made of silver which are too small to deal damage on their own. When a dart hits exposed skin, the thin shaft breaks off, leaving the base of the fine barbed head flush with the flesh and nearly impossible to spot. These darts are specialty weapons used against lycanthropes, devils and some undead as the victim typically doesn't have the time and composure to find and remove the barbed head with tweezers or a needle. The silver head embedded in the victim's flesh and acts as a toxin and when combined with other similar darts and silver weapons, can weaken the creature enough to kill. The barb can be removed without issue in one round with proper equipment and a successful medicine check or by quickly cutting out the barb dealing 1d2 damage. The small darts are meant to be used in both blowguns and wrist launchers but can be thrown by hand or fired from a hand crossbow while suffering disadvantage on the attack roll. ---Note: The suggested damage for an embedded dart in a creature weak to silver is 1 per minute (At the end of each minute) until it is removed. Otherwise the embedded silver could hamper spellcasting, supernatural abilities, lower the victim's damage resistance or lower the amount of hit points they receive from healing. This effect would be compounded with each additional embedded barb and it is ultimately up to the DM to determine exactly how to implement this weapon.
-Click Here for homebrew Masterwork Weapon Bonuses to give these objects even more personality and mechanical benefits.  
-Or keep reading for 90 more weapons.
—Note: The previous 10 weapons are repeated for easier rolling on a d100.
A huge, bloodstained jawbone of an unknown creature that's assuredly been used for acts of violence. The club has dozens of notches on the bone which almost certainly denote the number of creatures the makeshift weapon was used to kill.
A padded messenger bag containing a half dozen fairly inconspicuous looking dinner plates. The dishes are made of a light metal alloy and their edges are decorated with blue webbing and a seedling rice plant. Upon close inspection the edges of the plates are actual razor sharp along the entire rim except for a hand sized area where the plants cross creating a “Zn” pattern. The objects are perfectly weighted for throwing (Chakram statistics) and make a distinctive whistling sound while hurtling through the air.
A collapsible steel baton that can be used as a club. The weapon can be compacted into a foot long metal cylinder and can be extended with a flick of the wrist. The baton is twice as heavy as a normal club but the bearer gains advantage on checks made to conceal it on their person.
A heavy, two handed pickaxe consisting of a bone shaft, topped with a pair of jagged claws as sharp and durable as steel that are bound to the bone with sinew. The weapon radiates a faint aura of ruthlessness and evil intentions. Knowledgeable PC's will discover that all parts of the weapon originated from a singular demon.
A brightly polished steel shortsword whose pommel is decorated with delicate green vines and beautiful flowers. If the wielder ever uses the weapon to kill a member of their own race, the weapon's appearance changes drastically when the wielder next sleeps. After they awake, they will find that the blade's once shining metal has darkened to a matte black with blood red veins running through it. The vines have mutated into thick cords of virulent purple, covered in wicked barbed thorns. The weapon's dark change is only apparent to that wielder (And by extension any others who have used it to murder another of their own species), who is never again able to see the weapon as it was before.  
Roll a Random Weapon: A humble looking weapon that was once passingly glanced at by a minor God of War. When grasped, the wielder is filled with a thirst for violent conflict and armed battle for no other reason than to prove which side is stronger. Despite the extremely limited exposure to the God's general presence, the weapon still tingles with residual divine magic and can serve as a focus for offensive spells (Those that cause direct damage or others subject to DM approval) cast by a true adherent of a God of War.
A sickly pale, leather pouch containing a dozen, granite sling bullets carved from tombstones.
A one-handed mace made entirely of bluish steel, with a handle wrapped in white dragonhide. The weapon is completely covered in a fine layer of perpetually frost.
A greyish-green greatsword with a serrated edge on both sides of its blade and a hilt made of a soft, white substance wrapped around a solid core. The white spongy flesh of the hilt has a heartbeat-like pulse that never matches its wielder's and is fantastically unnerving to hold.
Featherweight Darts, Silver: A small wooden case containing a dozen extremely small, lightweight darts. These fragile darts have barbed needle-like heads made of silver which are too small to deal damage on their own. When a dart hits exposed skin, the thin shaft breaks off, leaving the base of the fine barbed head flush with the flesh and nearly impossible to spot. These darts are specialty weapons used against lycanthropes, devils and some undead as the victim typically doesn't have the time and composure to find and remove the barbed head with tweezers or a needle. The silver head embedded in the victim's flesh and acts as a toxin and when combined with other similar darts and silver weapons, can weaken the creature enough to kill. The barb can be removed without issue in one round with proper equipment and a successful medicine check or by quickly cutting out the barb dealing 1d2 damage. The small darts are meant to be used in both blowguns and wrist launchers but can be thrown by hand or fired from a hand crossbow while suffering disadvantage on the attack roll. ---Note: The suggested damage for an embedded dart in a creature weak to silver is 1 per minute (At the end of each minute) until it is removed. Otherwise the embedded silver could hamper spellcasting, supernatural abilities, lower the victim's damage resistance or lower the amount of hit points they receive from healing. This effect would be compounded with each additional embedded barb and it is ultimately up to the DM to determine exactly how to implement this weapon.
A woven linen quiver containing a dozen arrows whose shafts are a pale honey colour with white fletching and marked with bands of lead behind the points.
A long length of bone fashioned into a quarterstaff with crystal runes embedded into steel rings at both ends.
A quarterstaff made of pale green bone with light purple runes decorating its otherwise plain ends
A leather quiver containing a dozen arrows, each with a strange sigil worn into one side of the arrowhead.
A stone handaxe that emits a high pitched ringing sound whenever it strikes anything.
A banded leather quiver containing five thin, ornately crafted javelins, surmounted by steel heads patterned with labyrinthine twists of narrow bands of light and dark metal.
A sea-mage's quarterstaff made entirely of a six foot long moray eel, whose fang filled mouth lies gaping wide, revealing the sea serpent’s secondary internal jaw. It has been subjected to magical enchantments which perfectly preserve the body and render it stronger than steel.
A pair of daggers whose blades are shards of razor sharp green jade attached to thin, sleek bone handles tipped with Randomly Coloured tassels. 
A battleaxe of obvious dwarven make that sports an iron head and haft inlaid with spiraling geometrical patterns of mithril runes.
A woven burlap quiver quiver containing a dozen arrows whose shafts are a deep black colour with flecks of a sickly green.
A longspear made of calcified bone with a razor-sharp obsidian-tip.
A short bow composed of two, one-and-a-half foot tapering prisms of dark wood which are assembled into a cylindrical central shaft which forms the bow.
A reed quiver containing a dozen iron war darts, whose thin metal stabilizing fins are stamped with the images of bees and wasps.
A rust spotted steel cutlass (DM's choice of shortsword, longsword, of scimitar statistics), with a basket hilt cast in the likeness of a grinning skull.
A composite longbow with five small coloured stones and three silver studs set in a diamond pattern above the handle.
An ash wood longspear with a black, necromantic rune at the base of the blade.
A polished pair of iron knuckle dusters tipped with fine silvered points on each stud.
A shortsword constructed from a large bone of unknown origin. It is coated in a strange black oily substance that never washes away. When the weapon is first grasped, the wielder feels their arm go cold as their warmth rushes towards the hilt of the blade.
A huge two-handed greatclub made of a single piece of worked ivory.
A longsword with a silvered blade contained within an ornate black leather sheath. The weapon's cross guard is in the shape of an eagle whose eyes are small rubies.
A standard longsword sheathed in a scabbard bearing a hidden false bottom large enough to hold a flask, vial or small knife. The barely perceivable catch is accessible from the exterior of the scabbard.
A quarterstaff with a large metal loop on the top end, from which multiple small rings hang from, that chime with the movement of the staff.
A heavy, perfectly usable iron flute that can be used as a weapon (Club statistics). It whistles when used to make attacks, unless its many holes are filled with cork or wax.
A pair of steel knuckle axes which are best described as axe blades mounted on standard brass knuckles. Treat them as standard knuckles that deal slashing rather than bludgeoning damage.
A dagger-like weapon (Dagger statistics, only deals piercing damage), with four barbed spikes mounted in a square pattern in place of a blade. Knowledgeable creatures will recognize the weapon as a quadrens. A wielder who practices with the weapon for at least one hour per week gains advantage while using the quadrens to disarm creatures.
A whip with a series of razor sharp blades and fangs inset along its tip. This weapon is an instrument of torture an mutilation and is commonly known as a scorpion whip. 
A Randomly Coloured scarf with one side that looks like a normal, brightly coloured performance scarf, while the other side has a number of small blades woven into granting the bearer advantage on all checks made to conceal the blades. It can be wielded as a weapon (Dagger statistics that deals half normal damage) by a creature who practices with it for at least one hour per week.
A pallid length of sharpened thighbone is carved into the shape of a dagger, but with tiny holes bored into it at equal intervals and can be played like a flute.
A longsword whose blade is thick and serrated with a hooked barb at the end. It looks almost as if it were crafted by an amateur as its smithing marks are clearly visible. The brutal weapon is caked in blood from its years of killing that no amount of cleaning will remove.
A bone longspear topped with a sharp serrated tooth bound to the bone with sinew. Knowledgeable PC's will discover that all parts of the weapon originated from a singular dragon.
A well crafted longsword, crudely decorated with odd, crude red and yellow runes just above the hilt. The runes appear to have been applied after the sword was forged and their poor application sharply contrasts against the fine workmanship of the weapon.
A small mithril dagger with a brilliant moonstone hilt that sparkles brightly even in low light.
A black machete (Shortsword statistics) made of high quality steel whose pommel was forged in the shape of a jaguar's head.
An elegant green jade quarterstaff, masterfully etched to mimic the pattern and texture of dragon scales. It has been capped at either end with silver resembling a dragon’s head and coiled hindquarters.
A shortsword made of solid mercury, forged in dragon’s breath and cooled in the corrupted black waters of hell. Etched in the blade is the word “Tisis”, the name of the sword in an ancient tongue, which means “vengeance”.
A long spear of fire hardened ash with a gleaming silver triangular spear head, carved into the wood are runes invoking destruction. Two words are inlaid in silver, one "Hate" and the other "Discretion”.
A staff-length oaken shillelagh (Greatclub statistics), with a sizable knob on one end that was hollowed out and filled with lead.
A well crafted longsword with a rose quartz in its pommel and the symbol of a rose in full bloom etched into the grip.
A hide sling trimmed with red fox fur.
A cloth pouch containing a dozen sling bullets made out of pixie skulls with residual dust still clinging to them. When the bullets are shot from a sling, they let out a gale of childish laughter that turns into a warped cackle upon impact.
A collapsible steel pole that can be used as a quarterstaff. The weapon can be compacted into a two foot long metal cylinder and can be extended with a flick of the wrist. The cylinder is twice as heavy as a normal quarterstaff but the bearer gains advantage on checks made to conceal it on their person.
A quarterstaff made of rose wood that sprouts miniature roses along its length every sunrise. The roses sprout in full bloom with needle like thorns which must be pruned before the staff made be effectively used.
A longsword with a hilt is bound in black silk, with dark brown leather showing through small nicks in the fine cloth. The crossguard is “V” shaped, nestling the blade between its arms. The narrow blade is made of a pure silvery metal, which is always cold to the touch. It looks finely crafted, a step far above a simple soldier's weapon despite similar appearances. From the hilt dangles a chain attached to a small silver skull.
A halberd sporting a black leather grip and a gold-inlaid pattern of stripes and sharp angles on its steel blade. 
A pristine shortbow made of a strange white wood that’s been engraved with holy symbols and prayers to the God of Random Good Domain. Knowledgeable PC’s will recognize that the faintly glowing bowstring is actually the braided golden hair of an angel, which twangs with pure musical notes when used.
An elegant light crossbow with a gold-washed barrel that always catches the light. Its maple grip feels pleasantly warm to the touch.
A dented and mistreated dagger which remains curiously sharp. When used to cut mundane material, it only takes half the normal time required.
A mage's quarterstaff consisting of a six foot long snake skeleton encased in a clear glass cylinder. The staff has has been subjected to magical enchantments which preserve the bones and render the glass stronger than steel.
A steel fullblade with a larger than average pommel with a small barely perceivable latch that opens to reveal a hollow interior. The pommel can hold a one-ounce flask, folding knife, small rolled up scroll or other small object.
Featherweight Darts, Cold Iron: A small wooden case containing a dozen extremely small, lightweight darts. These fragile darts have barbed needle-like heads made of cold iron which are too small to deal damage on their own. When a dart hits exposed skin, the thin shaft breaks off, leaving the base of the fine barbed head flush with the flesh and nearly impossible to spot. These darts are specialty weapons used against fey and fairy folk, as the victim typically doesn't have the time and composure to find and remove the barbed head with tweezers or a needle. The cold iron head embedded in the fey’s flesh and acts as a toxin and when combined with other similar darts and cold iron weapons, can weaken the creature enough to kill. The barb can be removed without issue in one round with proper equipment and a successful medicine check or by quickly cutting out the barb dealing 1d2 damage. The small darts are meant to be used in both blowguns and wrist launchers but can be thrown by hand or fired from a hand crossbow while suffering disadvantage on the attack roll. ---Note: The suggested damage for an embedded dart in a creature weak to cold iron is 1 per minute (At the end of each minute) until it is removed. Otherwise the embedded cold iron could hamper spellcasting, supernatural abilities, lower the victim's damage resistance or lower the amount of hit points they receive from healing. This effect would be compounded with each additional embedded barb and it is ultimately up to the DM to determine exactly how to implement this weapon.
A pair of iron claws (Dagger statistics), consisting of bands of metal and leather that wrap around the wielder's hands, leaving several protruding dagger-like blades. The wielder is able to make use of their hands to interact with objects or wield other weapons but the bearer's hands are mildly restrained and suffer disadvantage on any checks involving fine control control such as picking pockets, playing instruments or disarming traps. The claws require a free hand and a full round to don or remove.
A shortspear with a barbed, harpoon-like tip, feathered with bright colours. Knowledgeable PC’s will recognize it as a banderilla, a weapon used by bullfighters to antagonize the animal into continuing to fight without dealing lethal damage immediately.
A steel bladed butterfly knife whose brass handle is shaped to perfectly resemble a spyglass when the blade is hidden.
A small, slick garrote with ebony and red leather grips.
A pike crafted from sandalwood carved with cloud patterns that spiral up its shaft.
A polished black wood club, whose top end is capped with an ornate silver spider
A bastard sword with a curved, black blade that leads into a hilt inlaid with human bones, ending in a large black onyx gem.
A bamboo bandolier containing a dozen razor sharp shuriken carved from Randomly Coloured jade. 
A polished pair of iron knuckle dusters with small raised skulls on each stud.
A steel dagger that points north when held in the flat of one's hand.
A rapier with a handle of green jade carved to resemble a snake. Whenever the blade is unsheathed, the weapon lets out a long, ominous hiss.
A mace forged of black iron, whose head was crafted to resemble a clenched fist, pierced with spikes protruding from between the fingers.
An oddly shaped glaive, made from what appears to be snow-white wood. A blood red leather handle is wound around it, where the wielder is meant to grip it.
A wickedly sharp longspear with a shaft of dark grey metal, covered in an unpleasant oily sheen. The stuff of shadows constantly coalesces and drips from the tip of the spear.
A quarterstaff made of finished golden oak wood. It sports a few carvings inset along its length and a gnarled knot at the top
A shortsword consisting of a bone hilt topped with a giant alabaster feather as sharp and durable as steel that's bound to the bone with a single unbreakable strand of golden hair. The weapon radiates a faint aura of redemption and good intentions. Knowledgeable PC's will discover that all parts of the weapon originated from a singular angel.
A dull iron shortsword that cannot be sharpened but functions well as a club. It produces soothing musical notes when swung.
A standard shortsword sheathed in a scabbard bearing a hidden storage compartment large enough to hold a flask, vial or small knife. The barely perceivable catch is accessible from the interior of the top end of the scabbard.
A dagger consisting of a sharp serrated tooth attached to a bone hilt with sinew. Knowledgeable PC's will discover that all parts of the weapon originated from a singular dragon.
A darkwood longspear ending in a thorn-like head bearing a wide-bladed barb. When the weapon is used in combat, its successful critical hits are accompanied by an unsettling screech, as if some wild enraged beast cried out.
Featherweight Darts: A small wooden case containing a dozen extremely small, lightweight darts. These fragile darts have barbed needle-like heads which are too small to deal damage on their own. When a dart hits exposed skin, the thin shaft breaks off, leaving the base of the fine barbed head flush with the flesh and nearly impossible to spot. These darts are overwhelmingly used along with poisons, as the victim typically doesn't have the time and composure to find and remove the barbed head with tweezers or a needle. The poison is often combined with a numbing agent rendering the head even more difficult to locate and remove, allowing the poison to fully work itself into the victim’s system, causing the victim disadvantage on checks made to resist the poison while the barb remains in the body. The barb can be removed without issue in one round with proper equipment and a successful medicine check or by quickly cutting out the barb dealing 1d2 damage. The small darts are meant to be used in both blowguns and wrist launchers but can be thrown by hand or fired from a hand crossbow while suffering disadvantage on the attack roll. ---Note: The suggested damage for an embedded dart that bears a poison is 1 per minute (At the end of each minute) until it is removed. This effect would be compounded with each additional embedded barb and it is ultimately up to the DM to determine exactly how to implement this weapon.
A longbow made of a strangely soft, white wood and strung with a silk string. Despite the unusual materials the bow is perfectly functional.
A dagger cast from a single piece of black iron, with a gleaming razor's edge and a grip resembling carved fingers.
A weathered cutlass (Shortsword or scimitar statistics, DM's choice) whose bronze crossguard is in the shape of a skull and crossbones. It's leather grip is worn and salt stained.
A greatsword consisting of an opaline glass blade with a deer horn hilt. The milky blade has been magically enchanted to be as sharp and durable as steel.
A well engineered heavy crossbow, inscribed with imagery of storms and plagues, glorifying a daemonic harbinger.
Roll a Random Weapon: A creature who wields the weapon in combat experiences the distinct feeling of being watched from afar by an alien intelligence, as though the weapon has somehow attracted the attention of a scrying mage, extraplanar entity or minor God.
A simple wooden mace that bears the scars and splinters of frequent use and looks like the weapon of a traveling monk or military chaplain.
A vicious weapon consisting of two raggedly serrated blades placed side by side, each ending in a cruel hook (Longsword statistics). This object cannot be mistaken for anything other than an implement of painful death.
A graceful longspear of plainly elven design. Behind the long pole weapon’s spearhead, several short branches project from the shaft at irregular intervals, each angled forward and tipped with a smaller leaf-like blade. The branching blades grant the wielder advantage on attacks of opportunity provoked by movement. The longspear’s design focuses on quick, deliberate strikes rather than powerful, crushing blows and thus the wielder must use dexterity modifier rather than their strength modifier to determine their attack and damage rolls.
A greataxe of orcish design with an oversized head bristling with spikes and a long, thick haft that only barely counterbalances its weight.
An elven made short sword with a blade reminiscent of a long, narrow leaf that is suitable both for slashing swings and targeted thrusts.
A wrought iron quarterstaff spartan and plain in design, its only embellishments being a snarling wyvern's head at the tip of the staff and a matching sharp bottom for the tail. It has a cushioned grip in the center, the ornate velvet wrapping offering plenty of space for hand holds. Beneath, and everywhere else along the staff, are dozens of sharp steel spines, each of which cuts like a caltrop. These spines elongate and shift when in close proximity to anyone but the true owner, and are certain to impale all but the rightful wielder. Those who look directly at the wyvern's head are overcome with self doubt and suspicion of others, making them more open to suggestions they would otherwise immediately dismiss.
A broad-bladed, single edged, bastard sword bearing nine heavy rings threaded through its spine, providing additional weight to add to the force of its impressive chopping power.
A macabre scimitar, decorated with images of shriveled vines and wilted flowers along its blade. Whenever the sword draws fresh blood, the blighted plant life depicted on the blade animates and the thorny vines draw the blood into the blade leaving no trace of the liquid. The creeping, twisting vines gorge themselves on the spilled blood, becoming bloated abominations of nature as the shriveled flowers thrive and blossom into holy symbols of evil Gods. Without a constant source of fresh blood, the plants slowly wither and return to their dormant shriveled state.
A rapier that appears to be nothing more than an elegant basket hilt made of glass or highly polished crystal with no blade, as the deadly length of the weapon is invisible.
A heavy weapon (Longsword statistics) with a distinctive crescent-shaped blade, appearing as an amalgam of sickle and sword. The pommel and blade have a number of holes drilled into them, where charms, bells and holy trinkets have been attached. Knowledgeable PC's will recognize this as a temple sword, commonly used by warrior monks who use it as a focus for meditation and prayer as well as defense.
A large, reinforced leather quiver containing a dozen javelins. The specialized throwing spears consist of a barbed head and long narrow shank made of iron mounted on a wooden haft. The barbs seem to be designed to lodge in an opponent's shield or body so that it cannot be removed, while the long iron shank prevents the head from being cut from the shaft. This type of javelin (Which knowledgeable PC's recognize as an Angon) was designed for the purpose of disabling enemy shields, thus leaving combatants vulnerable, and disrupting enemy formations.
A three bladed dagger with cross-members for gripping. When tapped on a hard surface, the dagger emits of series of musical tones as if it was singing. The knife is lightweight and surprising easy to conceal, making it perfectly suited for disemboweling unsuspecting victims.  
A straight-bladed glaive, tapered to a graceful point and polished to a mirrored reflectiveness. The holy symbol of a God of a Random Lawful Domain is etched in emerald at the base of the blade, and a green tassel hangs from the pommel. The wielder of the blade may gaze at her own reflection in the blade's surface in search of confidence. The wielder's reflection is of themselves at their very best, an image of their own face, with all of their finest qualities writ plainly upon it, revealed through the magic of the blade.  
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