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i feel like im goinj to throw up
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Dışarı çıkarken sürmelerinizi dahi özene bezene silerek dışarı çıkacaksınız. Özenee bezene süslenmeyecek, özene bezene tesettüre gireceksiniz! “müslüman hanım’ olmak bunu gerektirir.
#süs#zinet#müslüman hanım#kul#kızlarıma not#sen neredesin dünya nerde#ben nerede durduğuma bakarım dünya nerede ise beni ilgilendirmez
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Monangambeee, Sarah Maldoror (1969)
#Sarah Maldoror#Luandino Vieira#Mário de Andrade#Serge Michel#Mohamed Zinet#Carlos Pestana#Elisa Andrade#Abdelkader Adel#1969#woman director
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Alors, appâtée par la bonne presse qu’a suscitée son premier roman, je l’ai lu.
Comment dire. Je n’ai pas du tout aimé. Je n’ai pas trouvé que le roman était truffé de bonnes formules, ni qu’il était désopilant. J’ai suivi le parcours du loser auto proclamé avec ennui, et dégoût. Je n’ai pas trouvé l’anti héros attachant, et je n’ai pas apprécié le style DU TOUT.
C’est dommage car l’auteur, que j’ai écouté en podcast, a l’air super sympa et drôle, en vrai. J’ai même jeté un œil sur son Instagram sur lequel il a été repéré par Joëlle Losfeld (!), et j’ai trouvé que ces petits fragments étaient réussis et souvent marrants. Très cyniques, mais marrants, globalement.
Mais selon moi, ça ne fait pas un livre, bien que le sien soit court. Sur la durée, avec une intrigue affreuse, ça n’a pas fonctionné pour moi. Il paraît qu’il fait penser à Bukowski, peut-être, ça doit pas être mon style (je n’ai jamais rien lu de lui, je l’avoue). En revanche quand on le compare à John Fante, alors là je dis non. Rien à voir. Parce que lui, je l’ai lu, et il m’est arrivé d’être profondément émue par ses récits. Mais ce n’est pas parce que le personnage est désespéré et alcoolique que c’est pareil, sinon on aurait un paquet de super écrivains tout autour du monde.
Il est en lice pour le Prix de Flore, ben écoutez, heureusement que je ne suis pas dans le jury (en plus, il faudrait se cogner Beigbeider 🙄 -pardon pour l’orthographe probablement fausse-). Ce qui me scotche, c’est que Nicolas Mathieu, que j’apprécie beaucoup, et dont les avis m’importent, dit que c’est un bon livre. Je ne sais pas s’il se fie aux textes d’Instagram qui l’ont conquis, ou s’il apprécie vraiment ce roman. J’aimerais comprendre. N’hésitez pas à m’écrire si vous l’avez lu et que vous avez aimé. Je serais vraiment contente qu’on m’explique.
#littérature#livres#litterature#roman#livre#Nagui Zinet#Une trajectoire exemplaire#éditions Joëlle Losfeld
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im so straight i make out with. two. men? women? .what the fuck is my gender at this point. whatever the straight option is.
V u have a wife
no homo tho
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playing before ur eyes….
therapys fun mc hav u tried doing that? oh wait u cant ur dead nvm sorry
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joining yipppeeeee
Tagging: @gayestclarinet @pastriibunz @stephlastname @isopodonanescalator + anyone else that wants to join :D
Playlist Shuffle Poll!
Thank you @owlsandwich for the tag :D
rules: shuffle your On Repeat playlist and list the first five songs in a poll, then have your followers choose their favorite.
I'm just going with my liked songs because I don't particularly have a playlist i put on repeat
Damn that's varied, for some reason every other song that was showing up was a Kpop one, even though it's been months since i've last listened to some of them(asshole, whenever i shuffle my playlist none of these play but now that I'm doing this Spotify has decided to pull songs from the very depth of my listening history)
@zeherili-ankhein @chichihuahua1413 @no-idea-where-i-am-lost
@ineffable-basted @bookisposts and whoever wants to join
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artfight dump 3/3 💫~⟡
can u tell i discovered how to properly deco my pieces,, 🫣 + two r birthday presents for friends waow !
attacks for: qloomyartist ⟡ KittiBimbo ⟡ st4rryshy ⟡ itssummerok ⟡ Zinet ⟡ SmolSinRoll
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Bir dakikanızı alır, lütfen okuyun. 👇
"Bugünkü faşist ve de terörist İsrail devletini oluşturan millet, şüphesiz tarihin en eski milletlerinden birisi olan Yahudilerdir.
Keza mevcut verilerin azlığından dolayı sınırlı olan bilgilerimize göre kendilerine en çok peygamber gönderilen kavim de bu Yahudi kavmidir.
Fakat buna rağmen, yâni ilâhi vahyin kendilerine bu kadar sık gitmesine karşın, Allah'ın elçilerine ihânet eden, kendileriyle en çok uğraşan, hatta onlara işkence yapan, onları öldüren kavim de yine bu Yahudi kavmidir.
Onun içindir ki Kur'an-ı Kerim'de Allah, "İnsanların, imân edenlere düşmanlık bakımından en şiddetlisi olarak, andolsun ki, Yahudileri ve Allah'a şirk koşanları bulacaksın" (Maide süresi 82. Ayet) buyuruyor."
Nitekim büyük zorluklarla, hatta hayatını tehlikeye atarak, istisnasız bütün erkek çocukları kesilen İsrailoğullarını Firavun'un zulmünden kurtaran Hz. Musay'a, bu Yahudiler ihânet etmiş ve kendisi Allah'ın emri üzerine Sina Dağı'na çıkınca, aralarında Samiri denen birisinin hevâsına kapılarak, altından bir buzağı yapmışlar ve ona tapmaya başlamışlardır:
"(Tûr'a giden) Musa'nın arkasından kavmi, zinet takımlarından, böğürebilen bir buzağı heykelini (tanrı) edindiler. Görmediler mi ki o, onlarla ne konuşuyor ne de onlara yol gösteriyor? Onu (tanrı olarak) benimsediler ve zalimler oldular." (Araf suresi 148)
Tarihin seyri içerisinde, gerek peygamberlere, gerekse ümmetlerine, -hatta tüm insanlığa diyebiliriz- karşı göstermiş oldukları ihanet hareketlerinden, düşmanlıklardan ve de zulümlerinden dolayı Yahudiler girdikleri her toplum tarafından kısa zamanda teşhis edilmişler, bu kavmin fitne-fesat çetesi olduğunu anladıklarından da diyardan diyara sürülmüşlerdir."
İhsan Süreyya Sırma
Medine Vesikası Işığında Yahudi Meselesi
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we’re probably the last ones to realize this(so. this is more of a post for all of our non-splatoon mutuals. hello. so sorry for the all cephalopod posting) but neat fun fact: not only do the three random bosses in side order(Asynchronous Rondo, Pinging Marciale, Parallel Canon) have a musical term in their name(all being in the last part of their name), they also have A TECH TERM IN THEIR NAME :D :D AND THE TERMS ARE REFLECTED ON BOTH THE GAMEPLAY AND THEIR ACCOMPANYING TRACKS :D :D
Asynchronous Rondo
Asynchrony: a term(in computer programming)referring to events happening independent of your main program, and the way to deal with those events
Rondo: a type of music structure featuring multiple different parts put together to make a whole song. The most common rondo follows an ABACA or ABACAD pattern
How it’s reflected in gameplay and/or in soundtrack: so the. this fucker that looks like those. spinning toy things i forgot what they’re called. anyways its layers are pretty…you know…asynchronous when compared to each other and. this is the one boss that i dont want to analyze its gameplay and soundtrack just bc i hold a deep hatred for it so. (CW: screams. why does it scream. what the fuck we. this is the right ost right. what the fuck)
what pattern does it follow? i. we’ll edit this later when we have the energy to analyze this stupid fucker
Pinging Marciale
Ping/Pinging(callback pin callback pin callback pin callback pin callback pin): A computer networking utility used to test the reachability of a particular host on an IP network. Pinging involves sending a signal to a target host system, and waiting for an echoed back reply from the target host. (side note: murder drones fandom hello thank you for making it so the first thing that comes to mind whenever we hear this term is “easier to assimilate than explain, anyway”)
Marciale: A musical term meaning a 'march tune', used for a song that's in the style of a march
How it’s reflected in gameplay and/or in soundtrack: so the pinging marciale is only vulnerable on its exposed faces most of the time; however, certain attacks force it to open its shell and expose itself. additionally, the arena contains several bumpers, which will cause the pinging marciale to bounce around on contact. if it hits a bumper, it receives damage and opens its shell (stopping the current attack if one was in progress) but produces a shock wave and summons Jelleton reinforcements(pinging :D)
as for the marciale part…
i love C0ld St0rage. btw. it leans heavy into all the sorts of melodies and synthy instruments and shies away from swung patterns, and it is very reminiscent of military band tracks. it also. has the amen break in it, which is a drumtrack that is widely used for breakcore tracks, which also makes pinging marciale the second (splattack!(octo) our beloved) breakcore track in splatoon :D
And now…Introducing the Intensifying Harmony
Parallel Canon!
guys. did you know. that i love parallel canon. we have a whole blog dedicated to it. did you know :3
now you may know already what one of the terms(canon) means (in musical terms), or you may not know what either term means and think that the meaning of parallel canon is. a fight that shows us a “parallel canon” where Order is in control. and this interpretation isnt incorrect at all, but there are more layers to its name. bc of course there are. its splatoon
Parallel(Parallel Computing): A kind of computing architecture where multiple different processors work on smaller pieces of one entire problem
Canon: A musical technique where one instrument plays a leading rhythm/melody, and multiple different instruments repeat that part throughout the song.(different from motifs, as canon’s phrases are usually strung in a row, while a motif is shorter and found anywhere in a track). The initial melody is called the leader, while the imitative melody(played in a different voice) is called the follower. The followers must imitate the leader, either as an exact replication of its rhythms and intervals or some transformation thereof)
How it’s reflected in gameplay and/or soundtrack: The drones lock onto the player at all times, making hiding from them ineffective, but also drawing attention to their location(parallel. sorta). how do you defeat them? picking them off, one by one, work on smaller parts of one entire problem :D
and as for the canon part :D
around 0:48 you can start hearing a repeating two-bar melody. this is the canon :D i. had more to say about this but the words are gone so. here’s a short video that showcases and explains the canon(and the motifs) of Ech0 0nslaught far better than we did :D
and that’s it post over we started this with so much energy but now we’re tired and we never want to see Asynchronous Rondo ever again. anyways
stay fresh or however the phrase goes
#. it’s over yippppeeeee#demonstraightfromhell#zinet#and many more we took turns for each section of this post. we’re tired. and also considering changing our major to music theory#splatoon 3 side order#parallel canon#luna’s loquacious ramblings
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You can do this!!!!!! :D :D
love when my parents enter my space and get angry that its dirty and dont wonder why the kid who actually hates messy spaces hasnt cleaned it. maybe i have depression and this is a symptom, dad
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«Sübhânallahi ve bihamdihi adede halkıhi ve rıdâ nefsihi ve zinete arşihi ve midâde kelimâtihi.»
Mahlükâtı sayısınca, kendisinin hoşnud olacağı kadar, Arş'ının ağırlığınca ve bitip tükenmeyen kelimeleri adedince Allâh'ı ulühiyet makâmına yakışmayan bütün noksan sıfatlardan tenzih eder ve O'na hamd ederim.” (Müslim, Zikir, 79)
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Hadis, Kütüb-i Sitte
Hadis, Kütüb-i Sitte
Huzeyfe (R.A.) anlatıyor: Resûlullah (S.A.V.)’ın şöyle dediğini işittim:
İpek ve İbrişim elbise giymeyin. Altın ve gümüş kaplardan su içmeyin, onlarda yemek yemeyin. Zira bu iki şey dünyada onlar (kâfirler), âhirette de sizin içindir.
(Buhari, Et`ime 28, Eşribe 28, Libas 25; Müslim, Libas 4, (2067); Tirmizi, Eşribe 10 (1879); Ebu Davud, Eşribe 17 (3723); Nesai, Zinet 87, (8, 198, 199); İbnu Mace, Eşribe 17, (3414)
#Huzeyfe #Resulullah #İpek #Altın #Sünnet #Hadis #İslam #Tevhit #Ahiret #DünyaHayatı #Kaplar #Elbiseler #Sahabe #SünneteUymak #İman #Takva #SosyalAdalet #İslamAhlakı #DünyaMalı #Müslümanlar #HadislerdeSünnet #YemekAdabı #Gelenek #ÖrnekAlmak #MüslümanToplum #DiniÖğütler #KurbanHayvanı #İslamEğitimi #SahabeHayatı #SünneteUygunHayat
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عن جويرية بنت الحارث رضي الله عنها قالت: قال لي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : «لقد قلت بعدك أربع كلمات، لو وُزِنَتْ بما قلت منذ اليوم لَوَزَنَتْهُنَّ: سبحان الله وبحمده، عدد خلقه ورضا نفسه وَزِنَةَ عرشه و مِدَادَ كلماته».
[صحيح] - [رواه مسلم]
Cüveyriye binti’l–Hâris -radıyallahu anhâ-’dan rivayet edildiğine göre o şöyle demiştir: Rasûlullah -sallallahu aleyhi ve sellem- bana şöyle dedi: «Senin yanından ayrıldıktan sonra şu dört cümle, senin sabahtan beri söylediğin zikirlerle tartılacak olsa, sevap bakımından onlara eşit olur: “Subhânallâhi ve bihamdihî, adede halkıhî ve ridâ nefsihî ve zinete arşıhî ve midâde kelimâtihi" (Yarattıkları sayısınca, kendisinin hoşnut olduğunca, arşının ağırlığınca ve bitip tükenmeyen kelimeleri adedince Allah'ı noksan sıfatlardan tenzih eder ve O’na hamdederim.)»
[Sahih Hadis] - [Müslim rivayet etmiştir]
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HA V’s a nerdy prude lmao /aff
Zi im gonna push you down the stairs
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