radiophd · 2 months
zimoun -- dust resonance
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krisis-krinein · 7 months
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hawkmoths17 · 1 year
Zimoun - Guitar Studies I-III (2022)
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francescosavini · 2 years
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megabif · 7 months
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Villa Manin
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artsvoice · 1 year
Swiss sound artist Zimoun uses a large number of common materials in his sound art installations, and by changing the form of the materials and the way they are used, he creates subtle audio-visual art installations. I was reminded of the sound of waves crashing against a rock wall when I watched the project's foam balls being blown by a blower at high speed.
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k00284834 · 2 years
Temporary: Audio
Taking inspirartion from sound artist, Zimoun, I developed an idea involving rhythm and audio. I recorded myself dancing on various recycled materials: cardboard, plastic bags, paper bags, and edited them together using Adobe Audition.
I still believe I have more to ideas to develop with regards to audio and I intend on discussing these ideas within tutorials.
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unaturalhistory · 22 days
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kyara-spatial-art · 27 days
Week 2 Artists
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From Switzerland, Zimoun is an artist who likes to connect sound and architecture and a way to define a space. Each of the pieces above use cardboard and motors to create unique sounds in each space. The first creates an element of nature as the motors hit the boards, sounding like rain. You can move around it and it sounds like rain hitting a building. While the last one is more of a rumbling, like many soft footsteps. It's interesting that each are art made of cardboard (simple and seen in everyday life) in a heavily industrial/worked locations. A marble museum, concrete basement and a brick church. The shape is also a point of interest as the last two are uniform boxes, the first uses boards to intersect with each other creating a freeing element.
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This is the Spirit of the City, it was created by the United Visual Artists in London. Each column are 9 feet tall rotating mirrors. They generate the image of towers in a city. The material allows the visitors to reflect on themselves and interact with the light of the sun, while the rotating element ensures that experiences if new and unique for each person. Almost like exploring a new place and looking at yourself differently due to the new experiences but also touching on the notion of an ever changing city.
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diekleinehexeinmainz · 10 months
Schau dir Zimoun : 25 woodworms, wood, microphone, sound system, 2009 an
Was kann der Zauberwald. Wo finden wir evtl. Schnittmengen zwischen Bühne und Sound und Bühne und Kostüm
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ousooo · 10 months
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Release Date: November 24, 2023 Format: vinyl LP + digital Order on: Bandcamp / Kudos Pre-save on Spotify + co Watch a video version of the piece.
«What you do is a fundamental question. But it’s how you do something that ultimately determines the effect.» — Julian Sartorius
With ‘RLLRLRLLRRLRLRLRLLRLRLR’, Swiss drummer and sound artist Julian Sartorius presents his third album in three years. Together with ‘Ensemble This | Ensemble That’ Sartorius has created a mesmerizing 39-minute percussion album that conclusively expands his artistic output. For the first time, an ensemble plays an idea conceived by Sartorius, while he assumes the role of an interactive conductor, manipulating the sounds made.
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Sartorius is known for his fluid and versatile solo performances in which he continually modulates the sound of his instruments, adding objects and progressively unfolding his sound world. The idea of expanding this practice was already gestating when the ‘Ensemble This | Ensemble That’ invited him for a collaboration. Together with the drummers and percussionists Brian Archinal, Victor Barceló, Miguel Angel Garcia Martin and Bastian Pfefferli the concept was further explored, elaborated upon in detail, and finally realized.
‘RLLRLRLLRRLRLRLRLLRLRLR’ is both title and score for the ensemble’s four percussionists. The pattern, consisting of 23 individual beats, is played continuously by the ensemble while Sartorius gradually makes alterations to the instruments played. The result is a piece that has a sustained rhythmic flow yet is perpetually changing. Sartorius’ interventions and the precise musicality of the ensemble allows the listener to discover an expansive array of moods and intensities.
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The album is structurally recursive but develops an almost mystical magnetism through an odyssey of diverse musical landscapes. Sartorius explains: «It amazes me deeply how much the sentiment can change based on a musical mood - this sense of curiosity is made audible with this album.» The album recording itself is designed as an endless loop: at the end of the recording, the ensemble’s sound has returned to its starting point, thereby completing an endless, self-contained cycle, with no beginning or end. In this way, Sartorius also echoes his 2021 album ‘Locked Grooves’.
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Julian Sartorius’ precise and multi-layered rhythmical patterns are keen excursions into the hidden tones of found objects and prepared instruments, bridging the gap between organic timbres and the vocabulary of (experimental) electronic music. He has released numerous solo albums, creates audiovisual art works, collaborates with musicians, writers, and artists, and performs live in intimate venues and on festival stages.
Ensemble This | Ensemble That (ET|ET) have established themselves not only as interpreters of contemporary music, but also as collaborators to a wide range of artists including projects like Zimoun, Myriam Bleu, Strotter Inst., Lê Quan Ninh, Marko Ciciliani, Jürg Frey, and Michael Maierhof, amongst others.
___CREDITS Composed by Julian Sartorius in collaboration with Ensemble This | Ensemble That Recorded by Grégoire Pasquier at Studio de la Fonderie Edited by Julian Sartorius Mixed by Grégoire Pasquier and Julian Sartorius Mastered by Rashad Becker at Clunk Mastering Cut by Adi Flück at Centraldubs Graphic design by Sarah Parsons
This is OUS046
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deepartnature · 11 months
ModularGuitarFields I-VI - Zimoun (2023)
"... Zimoun is a multi-disciplilnary Swiss artist who is best recognized for his immersive and site-specific installations with cardboard, DC motors and other industrial objects to create large-scale installations of orchestrated noise and movement. His mechanized environments have been shown in prestigiuos museums and galleries worldwide. On his latest musical release, ModularGuitarFields I-VI is entirely based on the sounds of a Tenor Baritone Guitar, combined with select elements of a Modular Synth and a vintage 1960s Magnatone Amp. ModularGuitarFields I-VI encompasses expansive and atmospheric realms, showcasing Zimoun’s passion for raw, warm sounds, as well as minimalist concepts and approaches. ..."
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pikasus-artenews · 11 months
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Zimoun. Villa Manin per l’arte contemporanea
Le creazioni dell’artista svizzero Zimoun sono macchine che generano ritmi e rumori in dialogo con gli ambienti in cui sono collocate
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jkateliang · 11 months
The inspiration collection 2
Sound art installations by Zimoun
In description, "The frenzied movements contrast the calming, whirring sounds the artworks emit, which mimic raindrops or a repetitive drum."
The pause in between making the difference and create new things. It is the most important and interesting place.
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ming-audio · 1 year
project proposal
Sound Material Dialogue
Sound Material Dialogue is a sound art project designed to explore the sonic effects produced when different materials collide. This project merges the realms of sound art and experimental sound production, encouraging creative sound interactions to provoke the audience's contemplation of materials, resonance, and sound.
I am planning to create a sound installation that employs electricity and motors to drive various materials to collide with each other, generating a diverse range of sounds. The experimentation and composition will take place in a soundproof recording studio. This choice is made due to the requirement of a quiet environment, enabling the investigation of distinctions within similar sounds and facilitating sound recording.
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Research Progress
So far, I have discovered that collisions between different materials result in distinct sound effects. For instance, wood against wood produces a clacking sound, while metal against metal creates a sharp, crisp noise, and so on. I intend to explore more materials to record a variety of different sounds.
Artistic References
Céleste Boursier-Mougenot's work, such as 'clinamen,' emphasizes the connection between sound and material. The sound of flowing water and the gentle friction of porcelain bowls, amplified through microphones, interweave in the exhibition space. This creates an ecosystem where fluidity and stillness coexist, artificial and natural elements converge, accompanied by the pleasant sound of porcelain bowls colliding, all against the backdrop of a flickering azure planet.
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Zimoun's works often employ common materials like cardboard, wooden blocks, fan blades, and strings to produce unexpected sound effects in his sound installations. This inspires me to contemplate how to creatively repurpose materials and integrate them as a part of the sonic experience. Furthermore, his installations frequently use straightforward mechanical systems, such as motors and rollers, to generate intricate sound effects. This demonstrates that even within the realm of sound art, one can employ simple and controllable mechanical systems to create complex soundscapes.
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k00284834 · 2 years
Artist Research: Zimoun
(2003) 35 min. Stereo
How Does it Apply to my Project?
The repetition and rhythm heard in Zimoun’s, Drums, remind me of the rhythms created whilst dancing; this could be an avenue I explore.
I also want to apply a critique I received during my progress review and develop work involving video and audio.
I intended to use multiple audios I have recorded and incorporate them into a video.
I’m also considering including a sculpture within the video to experiment with clay.
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