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Finally realized why I've never attempted to screenshot any of Ms. Claire Luvcat Yoon's videos before. I'd just end up tempted to take every single frame one of her floofers is onscreen, which is constantly. It'd take me half a year to get through an entire video. 😅
Anyways, thought the shots of the kitties soaking up the sun in their garden for the last time were adorable. And then the mother of all cat moms proceeded to take a lush bloom fallen off of her rosebush and use it as a fancy little hat on her babies (except for Lulu, the little heathen who instead sat on and crushed it with his ridiculous raccoon tail lol).
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And in this moment, I felt so seen by Justin's editing. :'D
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it sure is mr. neal ☕💦
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"Going to have to give me a larger percentage of the company."
Ms. Emily Fleming, the woman that you are. (Amazing.)
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don't mind me just thinking it's neat that not only is chichu turtle-rabbit a fan of sailor moon but has strong opinions on exactly which character she is (to which i totally relate as i am also hotaru tyvm 😙)
(the look itself is giving super duper mars vibes tho .. like it's reminding me a little of "mars reiko-chan" from the live action show hehe ❤❤)
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thanks for clarifying lol 
(for the record bc i know the irishman in question would be insistent about it mr septic pronounces the middle syllable of his surname like ‘lock’ compared to how rhett & his family pronounce theirs as ‘loff’ which is probably more americanized .. but yeah that’s also where my mind went as soon as i heard the new pupper’s name haha)
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Ms. Winjeong I assure you that none of us silly fans would've known it was unintentional if you hadn't told us lol
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I had to get up to use the bathroom I completely unintentionally happened to pause on this
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wowie I love calve 🥵
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wowie so cool jiminrina plays the same mobile tetris game as me!!
even tho in my case i've literally played all the available levels & now wait patiently for the developers to update with new ones like my husband who's gone away to war
idk if this is supposed to be like a ref to their contribution to the tetris movie soundtrack but either way. fun!
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love that all 5 of them are just casually capable of doing the bowie hand goggles thing
listen this impresses me as someone who has tried and doesn't have the wrist flexibility to do it (and so i resort to the regular non-upside down okay sign held up to the eye à la lady gaga in the poker face m/v)
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never thought i'd see a horror game fetch quest playthrough where the players are being prompted to literally find the qur'an, let alone one by some of the kpop girlies i like but here we are
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okay i completely understand that the rest of the content of this episode was probs a lot more interesting to ppl what with the involvement of nips & crotches but when i say seeing link struggle with this whole face tablecloth trick bc his skull is structured differently from the guy in the tiktok made me giggle
also this is the first time in a while i’ve actually felt like screencapping smth so i just wanna own the serotonin boost it’s given me while i’m in the moment
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i understand why some occasionally refer to this man as ‘kink neal’
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guess who’s watching smosh vids instead of anything remotely productive again...
okay but i just thought it was so cute & goofy when damien pulled off the ‘conversation tube’ and her hair floofed out of her braid like this X3
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i mean caveman link grog is right and he should say it
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i am but a simple gay and court just be lookin’ real cute w/those piggy tails X3
oh and i guess shayne’s lookin’ cute there too lol
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