Here I am again
Crying about my beautiful drow daughters
Who I love so much and want the best for
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ablackbrick · 2 years
The Begibatekin Rose
Top image: Another entertaining panel from “The Adventure of the Sage, the Scholar, and the Ox Drivers”. Below that: Also for today we have one of the four angel portraits Yost created for the cover of the apocryphal novel Away in the Middle Air by Esperanza Zilvarra Clavel (Philosophical Research Society, 1998). The angel portrayed here is possibly Azrael or Israfel (Michael and Gabriel are the…
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-(] 15 Minutes [)-
Another world, another time . . . 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Tao was on a coast of a white sands beach. Just sitting there, staring out into the setting sun along the horizon with his arms embracing his knees to his chest with a duet of tails laying behind him, braided together.
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One of Tao’s ears twitched and panned back as his tails tightened together when the shadows of the cupping waves were no longer in-sync. The shadow dancer had come and stepped out from behind his own stretched shadow due to the light of the setting sun. 
Tao and the shadow dancer both spoke without ever gauging each other with a look, “You look like hell.”
The both of them chuckled. Tao continued, “Seems like you’re time is quite short since the last few times we’ve actually met. It’s been a long time, Dae’.”
Dae’ pulled his off and sat next to Tao, his dark lock highlighted only by the slight shade of crimson hue that drew on the orange-esque light of the sun, “Aye, it would appear so . . . but I have managed to find ways to stay longer, but not quite out of the realm. How fare you, old friend?”
Tao closed his eyes and smiled poetically, “I miss one from the ocean and the way of her smooth motion. Her gentle waves and her suave ways.”
Dae’, naturally, had his eyes closed. “I can imagine, I miss someone, too . . . but they’ve now come back home since you carried them away and I apologize, I was never truly able to follow.”
Tao shrugged, “We are but broken men, would-be, has been.”
Dae’ tilted his head as his ears perked up, “Not quite . . . My time is still limited, I just wanted to stop by and say ‘Hi.’ Though, I will be back for you as I will for her and I have an idea of how to make things right.”
Tao finally opened his eyes as he stared at Dae’s smiling face. It appeared so cheerfully hopeful and it was something he never forgot, and it was quite hard to ignore. There was something about Dae’s calm words that gave the Nogistune some semblance of hope. Tao spoke no words, but cracked a soft smile as his duet of tails unbraided and playfully swished across the sand. This was no shade, he was finally back. 
Dae’ rolled forward to a stand and dusted the sand off of himself, shooting Tao a smile ‘fore opening his eyes and revealing those dark, dead, looking eyes ‘fore they ignited within their soft crimson glow of the six-sided stars, “Be patient, things will get better. Kee’tah has doubts in me and she is still broken and I have my own things to settle but . . . as long as I can keep Oodama at bay, I can spare some more time.”
Tao chirped up, “Oodama? Why?”
Dae’: “He saps me of my already limited time . . . “ 
Tao understood and nodded. Dae’ placed a hand over his heart and an amethyst glow spat out into the air from betwixt his digits ‘fore the shadows washed in all around him and consumed him within a swirling vortex, ripping him from that world. Only his fading voice was heard, “I will come back for you.”
Tao watched him disappear like all the other times he had. Though, it was different, Dae’ didn’t ever show up . . . he rarely ever saw him in the ‘flesh’ as it were. Tao smiled to himself and looked back to the sun that was now gone and only stars laid along the horizon. 
His two tails had draw out a diagram from long ago of seven and he adjusted it accordingly, as if something right finally had happened. 
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kian-sama · 9 years
Nash and Luc ^-^
Thanks, Teefs!
Nash:Weirdest thing ever happened in school/workplace?
I’m pretty sure there are far weirder things that happened, but right now, all I can think of is that time I helped my lil sis Jia smuggle a groundhog inside her shirt, across Canada’s Wonderland, where we worked. The thing just stayed put and we let it go in one of the less crowded sections of the park. Certainly got some strange looks.
Luc:Your favorite antagonist character(s)?
In the Suikoden series, Yuber, fo shizzle! Also kinda like Albert Silverberg
Other series? Now that’s gonna be a long list lol
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zylphiacrowley · 10 years
replied to your
I really wish I had a sewing machine because you...
I made the Matilda Knights emblem out of resin in art class a few years ago. Maybe you could do something similar? What about sewing by hand? Would take forever though. Maybe try to but a used sewing machine? Would be cheaper.
I’ve actually made my own version of the Matilda Knight crest as well! I might hand sew a banner and see how it goes. Only problem is that my hands start to hurt really bad if I do stuff like that for too long (I have the sneaking suspicion that I might have carpal tunnel, but I haven’t gotten it checked yet).
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judgementscythe · 11 years
5. Some characters are boring or just lame. Who is your lamest character?
Jowy Atreides
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I drew my drow girls in modern clothes. Just wanted to share!
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kian-sama · 10 years
zilvarra replied to your post: I found a tumblr full of male models, ...
This made me giggle xD
Teehee Tiffa XD It makes for some good uh, pretty boy research material lol if you're curious, it's this one 
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zylphiacrowley · 10 years
zilvarra replied to your post:14, 27, 57
Viniq? I have tasted it and I liked it. It’s sweet. It has 20% alcohol, though. If you’re a lightweight, one glass might be enough lol. Another good wine that’s cheaper is Port. I’ve tried the brand Taylor and it’s good. 18% alc.
Well technically I don’t know if I’m a lightweight or not, as I’ve never actually been drunk, only buzzed. I just assume I am because I hardly ever drink. Either way I’ll take note of your suggestions and give them a try if I find them.
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barkspawn · 12 years
Oh, I wonder if it's even possible.
The world may never know.
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asktalesofoldmen-blog · 12 years
Oh, I have a nickname for your nickname, Raven! It's Ray Ray. What do you think?
"Ray Ray, huh? I like ta sound of that one. It's spunky yet not too hip for a fella like me."
"I approve! From this day forward, you can just call me Ray Ray!"
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My most recent dnd character, Zilvarra! She’s a thief designed to do two things: steal stuff and be seductive ;) lol.
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zylphiacrowley · 10 years
zilvarra replied to your post “I have many headcanons for many things, but the one headcanon I will...”
YES that's his name! I knew it started with an M. I never even thought of that. I like it. I'll stand with you.
Perfect! The headcanon grows stronger. As far as I know, the ages line up pretty nicely, and there’s no evidence to prove it wrong (unless I’m missing something?)
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