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getoutofthisplace · 14 days ago
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Dear Gus & Magnus,
I rode in the video van to MIssissippi today and recorded a podcast episode with the former chief engineer for the Mississippi Department of Transportation this afternoon in our Ridgeland office. People in the office said my friend Michelle would be disappointed to miss an opportunity to make a cameo on the DA because she's travelling today, so I recorded the DA for tomorrow in her cube and let everyone else make a cameo. Here's how it turned out.
Ridgeland, Mississippi. 1.15.2025 - 5.08pm.
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nemzetikonyvtar · 6 years ago
Az apostol
Újdonságok az elektronikus gyűjteményeinkben
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Elektronikus Periodika Archívum
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worklabournewsresearch · 6 years ago
Are Blinded Reviews Good Enough to Avoid Gendered Outcomes?
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“Blinded reviews for scientific research grants — in which all identifying information on the applicant is removed — are designed to remove gendered outcomes, among other biases. They may not be working. Female scientists are 16% less likely than men to get a high score on their grant proposal, and new research suggests word choice might be the reason why. ... The findings are reported in a new working paper, ‘Is blinded review enough? How gender outcomes arise even under anonymous evaluation.’”
“According to the researchers, women used ‘narrower’ words that are ‘highly concentrated in a small number of topics.’ Male applicants, on the other hand, tended to use ‘broad’ words, which ‘appear at similar rates in all topic areas,’ the study stated. ... Women’s use of topic-specific words lowers their chance of getting a high score from reviewers compared to men. ... The result, the researchers write, is a ‘significant reduction’ in how reviewers perceive the quality of the women’s proposals. And that’s even when those proposals are of high quality. In fact, the researchers found that women who received grants during the time of the study ‘may well generate a greater ‘return’ on resources compared to their male counterparts.’”
“So what can female applicants do to increase their chances for a grant? Unfortunately, there’s no easy answer. Murray said the burden lies equally with funders and applicants. Kolev said while female applicants could alter their communication style in pursuit of grant funding, doing so carries the potential risk of undermining the quality of their research. ... Kolev and his co-authors suggested an organization could also increase the number of female reviewers, as the study showed women don’t favor proposals from men at the same rate as male reviewers favor male applicants.” 
“The researchers said they don’t recommend doing away with blinded reviews, as that type of judging has shown overall benefits in equalizing opportunities for candidates across a variety of categories like gender and race. However, if there is one thing for female applicants to take from their research, the co-authors write that repeat applicants received higher scores than their first proposals, suggesting ‘the value of persistence in the face of rejection.’”
MIT Sloan, June 5, 2019: “Who gets grant money? The (gendered) words decide.,” by Meredith Somers
National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), April 2019: “Is Blinded Review Enough? How Gendered Outcomes Arise Even Under Anonymous Evaluation,” by Julian Kolev, Yuly Fuentes-Medel, and Fiona Murray (42 pages, PDF)
(More) Bias in Science Hiring
“[R]esearchers found that scientists operated on a slew of stereotypes when asked to consider hypothetical postdoc candidates with identical qualifications but different names: apparently female or male, and white, black, Asian or Latinx. Still, there were some differences observed between biologists and physicists. Namely, biologists did not discriminate against women in terms of who they would hire or find competent on a scale of one to nine.���
“Candidates with women’s names were rated as more likable than men by both physicists and biologists. Physicists rated male candidates as more competent and worth hiring than female candidates, and Asian and white candidates as more competent and hireable than black and Latinx candidates. Black women and Latinx women and men candidates were rated significantly lower than all other candidates in physics, as well.”
Inside Higher Ed, June 7, 2019: “(More) Bias in Science Hiring,” by Colleen Flaherty
Springer Link, June 3, 2019: “How Gender and Race Stereotypes Impact the Advancement of Scholars in STEM: Professors’ Biased Evaluations of Physics and Biology Post-Doctoral Candidates,” by Asia A. Eaton, Jessica F. Saunders, Ryan K. Jacobson, and Keon West (15 pages, PDF) (For U of T community access click here)
‘Unconscious bias’ in hiring at Ontario’s Southlake Regional Health Centre
“Speaking for Canadian Women in Medicine, a group that has supported the physicians who brought the complaints, Setareh Ziai said: “We are disconcerted by the hospital’s inability to hold Marco Duic accountable for his overtly discriminatory actions. Furthermore, those who enabled this environment and sat silently over the years also seem to be escaping culpability.”
The Globe and Mail, June 11, 2019: “Changes needed to end ‘unconscious bias’ in hiring at Ontario’s Southlake Regional Health Centre, review says,” by Wendy Glauser
SouthLake Regional Health Centre, June 12, 2019: “Sharing the recommendations of Rubin Thomlinson’s workplace assessment of the Emergency Department at Southlake” (12 pages, PDF)
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