#zia erases the world
anicarissi · 2 years
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Middle grade books with big emotions ♥️
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theartdoctor · 11 days
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Walking through the picturesque streets of Cardinal Hill, you find Matteo Bianchi, the 40 year old art restoration expert and art gallery director originally from Sorrento, Campania, Italy. Living alongside them in such a small town, you know that they're altruistic and cynical, but what you might not know is that they are a human, and that they’re hiding something… ― Hugh Dancy, bisexual, male, and he/him.
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Name: Matteo Giuseppe Bianchi
Alias: Matt, Teo, Giuseppe (only if you are family or if he really likes you)
Gender/Pronouns: Male, He/Him
Age: 40
Birthdate: 12/03/1950
Occupation: Professional Art Restoration
Height: 5’10”
Hometown: Sorrento, Campania, Southern Italy
Family: mother (Marcella Bianchi), father (Giuseppe Bianchi), auntie zia (Agata Bianchi)
Friends: Felix Lemoine (mentor/friend from France)
Relationship Status: single
Other Relationships: N/A
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TW: death, alcohol, drugs, suicidal ideation
Matteo Bianchi, a brooding and handsome man in his late thirties, was once a prodigy in the world of art restoration. Growing up in a Southern Italian town known for its rich artistic heritage, he was introduced to the world of art by his father, a renowned painter. Matteo would never know his mother, she had passed when he was born. He thought if Matteo didn’t have closure then his bubbling emotions would be the perfect recipe for the classic tortured artist. Ironically, he was never really much of an artist himself. He much prefers appreciating art, preserving it and restoring it to its former glory. He often refers to it as ‘restoring memories’, which is also ironic considering he can’t erase any of his own.
Matteo’s keen eye and deft hands however, made him a natural at restoring priceless works of art, and by his late twenties, he was already known as one of the best in his field.
In his free time he would play piano and drag his aunt to the market to buy records. Among his favorites were a live recording of Jimi Hendrix in 1971, Black Sabbath 1970-1973 and On the Water by Bread. Matteo never really had many friends, so he spent most of his years growing up in isolation. There simply wasn’t any time with how hard his father trained him on art history and painting techniques.
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His life took a turn for the best fifteen years ago. While working on a high-profile restoration project in Paris, Matteo fell in love with a brilliant and beautiful art historian named Isabel. Their love story seemed like something out of a romance novel, one so overwhelming that you have to put it down for a moment to gather your thoughts. They planned to get married and even started dreaming of opening a small gallery together.
One night, just mere weeks before their wedding, the couple attended a prestigious art exhibition. A group of thieves targeted the event, intending to steal a rare and invaluable painting. During the chaotic robbery, a confrontation ensued, and Isabel was tragically caught in the crossfire. Matteo could only watch in horror as the love of his life died in his arms, the light in her eyes extinguished forever.
The loss of Isabel left Matteo shattered. Consumed by guilt and despair, he withdrew from the world. He turned to alcohol and drugs to numb his pain, his once-promising career seemed all but over. For months, he roamed the streets of Paris, a shadow of his former self. He didn’t care what happened to him, didn’t care if he died.
Eventually, a close friend and mentor, Felix Lemoine, managed to pull him back from the brink. He reminded Matteo that Isabel would never have wanted him to waste his life. Slowly, he began to rebuild himself, channeling his grief and anger into his work. Matteo had an epiphany and decided he could not handle being in France any longer, a shadow of Isabel lurking in every corner. So he set off to Cardinal Hill, Washington in hopes that he could have a fresh start and really focus on his craft.
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Headcannons/Additional Information will be added here:
authors note: hello friends, I was so nervous writing this because everyone here is so talented. I’ll be working on Shira’s intro today while I unpack my house 😌 If anyone has any plot ideas for either of my characters feel free to reach out. Please be nice to my brooding boy, I know he’s abrasive but he’s very sweet 😆 👍 also I know my blog layouts are lacking, I’ll fix them as soon as I find my laptop in all these boxes lol. Most likely will be adding to this because I feel it lacks… something .. but I’m just eager to share my characters with everyone so this is great for now.
Also peeping others intros I realize how much I suck at formatting 😩
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Thats why theres so much reference to planets in the rest of the song like in saturn live the kids they have, in pluto you can still hear the screams of love, in the moon etc.
Its all a reference that the pair spoken are supposed to be together in every world but the one they live in
And Tri!! Thats LoVely I love it!
saturn is in the song? my one true planetary love?
AND HOLD ON- that’s such a good metaphor, the possibility of them exists and it’s so strong but there’s always just SOMETHING pulling them apart but if it changed just a little bit then they could’ve had everything. SOULMATES THAT CANT BE TOGETHER UGHH
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millenniumfae · 5 years
Reyes Vidal Theories And Headcanons
To start off, we’ll begin with all the canon facts we know about our favorite Kadara King, almost all thanks to his writer’s twitter;
He’s in his late twenties
He’s from Chile (born and raised?)
His first language is Spanish, but speaks English (fluently?)
After arriving to Andromeda but before the Nexus Uprising, he was a shuttle pilot assigned to Initiative callsign ‘Anubis’
He’s a dog person
Fan of alcohol??
And that’s it. Everything else about him is all speculation and random headcanons. ME:A has no further single-player DLC upcoming. No new comics, either. It’s really sad to say, but it seems likely that the canon story of Reyes Vidal ended with Mass Effect: Andromeda.
But not if I have anything to say about it! Below are my various Reyes Vidal headcanons and theories. And more to come, along with other Mass Effect characters!
1) Reyes as a ‘Shuttle Pilot’
People in the game sometimes describe flying vehicles as a ‘shuttle’, but technically, a ‘shuttle’ isn’t a type of vehicle, it’s the name for a delivery service - short routes, higher frequency, simple fare. You can shuttle passengers or objects place to place. If Reyes was a ‘shuttle pilot’, that meant he was flying things to-and-fro the Nexus on the Initiative’s orders, delivering people and goods by standardized rates.
We’ve already known a shuttle pilot in the franchise before; Steve Cortez of Mass Effect 3 was the Normandy’s shuttle pilot, because he had to deliver the ground team to-and-fro the ship regularly. Those fugly box-like skycars you see in the ME franchise seem to be Alliance/Initiative standard vehicles, described as ‘UT-47′s by Steven in 3, or a ‘Kodiak’ for similar models. Steve also takes Shepard on a skycar ride in the Citadel DLC, and talks about his piloting passion as if they were indeed on a plane and not a car (”There’s a lot about this bird you don’t know/Pilots would wear G-suits”).
Plus, Steve also trained by flying fighter jets, not ‘cars’. So when we say a character is a shuttle pilot, we really do mean pilot and not ‘flying car driver’. Reyes is a pilot in all sense of the word. Even though those boxy cars can indeed use FTL drive to fly between systems and planets, Reyes worked under the call-sign ‘Anubis’ so we can assume he flew a plane specifically. Aviation call-signs are for aircrafts and not cars. The dock manager would ask for the pilot’s verification, and the pilot would respond with the aircraft’s verification name and number - N-503 call-sign ‘Anubis’.
We never see him flying in-game. On the mission we meet Reyes’ ex Zia, we do see his plane outside the house where the supposed cargo was to be. It’s a poopy-brown, double-turbine-winged helicopter thing, and it’s also the plane he escapes onto if you save Sloane. He’s never flying it, though, it’s always him hopping in/off.
I’ve seen some fics where that’s actually where he sleeps, which I don’t think would be realistic - that plane sees a modest amount of action, not just during fights but also during ambient Kadara Port skydrops - you see it flying by sometimes. Inside isn’t big, you see like three seats and nothing else, good for five people maximum. Reyes would have to have this plane flight-ready at a moment’s notice. He’s still smuggling, after all.
It’s a very different plane from all the others you see. It’s not a boring basic Initiative box car, it’s not a bubbly green Angaran car, it’s not a green mess like the Kett’s. The only time you see a plane like that is during the Meridian final battle, where there’s two-three of those same planes, no matter if it’s Sloane or Reyes. I think it’s a plane that was created after the Nexus Uprising, crafted specifically by exiles. You find guns unique to exiles, after all, why not planes? Kadara exiles have wind turbine engineers, doctors, and not to mention the Angara who must be involved. They gotta have some people who can design and produce good planes. It’d be poetic if Reyes’ plane was a hybrid of Angaran and Milky Way engineering.
2) Reyes being Chilean, Brown, and Bi
I’ve said this before, but I was never happy with how Reyes was handled as a Latino man. I’m not Latinx myself, I’m Asian, so I speak from a different perspective of color. Reyes is a token Latinx person in the game, and he (along with his ex Zia) have thick accents and a sexualized history/personality. His accent in particular is super grating, since it’s faked by a white British actor and you can definitely hear it. As an Asian person, I am NOT a fan of seeing faked accents pasted onto a stereotyped love interest.
So when we see a character like Reyes, we make the best of it. We make him ours, and not Bioware’s very spotty writing. Canonically, Reyes is a flirty spicy Latino bi man, but he’s more than that. Romanced or not, you get to see the man behind that mask. He’s silly, insecure, and very intelligent. He’s good with guns, explosives, and planes. He can play politics to the point where he can become the driving force behind an entire planet.
But all that canon stuff still doesn’t erase the spots on Bioware’s record when it comes to making Reyes. They wanted to create a shady morally grey love interest, and Reyes is the direction they took.
Us fans, on the other hand, can actually give Reyes as a bi Chilean man some weight. We can write his Spanish as actually being specific to Chile, we can explore his sexuality the way bi people do. The Mass Effect universe takes place about 160+ years from now. It’s been more than a century. We all know that progress isn’t linear, but for the sake of our liberation, we’ll say that humanity’s ideals of sexual/racial politics have improved.
So unlike us, maybe Reyes didn’t grow up in a world that attacks brown/queer people. Today, being brown means you’re ashamed of your skin color before kindergarten, and being bi means your sexual journey is hindered by marginalization. Reyes, on the other hand, might have not faced these things at all. Humans of the Mass Effect world might see queerphobia/racism as something incredibly archaic, like oppressing redheads.
Not like Bioware’s good at portraying this type of progress. Sure, we never see anti-lgbt rhetoric in-game, nor marginalization of brown humans, but we don’t see any true evidence that the Mass Effect world has gotten rid of these things. I don’t for a second believe that there would be so many straight humans 160+ years from now. Or so many aliens that fall squarely into the human gender binary.
Headcanon; Reyes, being raised on Earth, sees himself as brown and knows the bloody history behind it. His skin color matters to him much the same way my browness matters to me - its a connection to your family, your people, and the way you look at yourself in the mirror. And he doesn’t identify as bisexual as loudly as many of us do, but not because he doesn’t like lgbt culture. He’ll checkmark the ‘bi’ box if you asked him to write out a census survey, I just think he’s one of those people who’s kinda casual about it. Especially if he doesn’t face the marginalization we do.
But being a queer man means he’s got that flamboyant side a lot of us do. He’s romantically cheesy, he likes red wine over candlelit dinners, he finds flower arrangements beautiful, he’ll go to great lengths to make sure he looks and smells nice (even on Kadara’s nasty sulfer atmosphere), he think he looks amazing in a fitted suitdress. And if he could, he’d repaint his plane to be a nicer color other than that fugly brown, like a sweet duochrome blue-purple, but unfortunately its a color that blends in well with Kadara’s landscape.
3) Reyes as the Charlatan
What’s canon about the Collective? They work from the shadows, cultivate poison, steal supplies, have torture rooms where they keep captured Outlaws, and information between them can get muddled or compromised. They’re not a pretty bunch, and the Charlatan isn’t a pretty business.
Compared to the Outcasts, they’re definitely the more gentle organization. And perhaps with the Outcasts out of the picture, they drop a lot of the shadier stuff they do, what with no one left to torture and assassinate. But their business still runs on crime, opposing the Initiative and the Angara directly at times - such as stealing supplies, illegal mining and producing of resources, and drugs. And Reyes oversees all of that.
You can also compare Reyes’ crimes to Vetra, who’s also a smuggler, but a lot less shady. Vetra does a lot of things without bloodshed or violence, and doesn’t even seem to steal things. Instead, she makes business deals that slip underneath the red tape and break regulations. Reyes, however, had to work under Sloane’s violence for many a month, and adopted immoral methods to work around her.
I truly believe Reyes isn’t supposed to be a violent man who likes bloodshed and murder. He sees it as necessary, and his goals are worth getting his hands dirty. Reyes wasn’t just scared about Ryder finding out he lied, he’s worried about the whole, you know, Collectives being a violent mob gang thing. As Kadara improves, he lets up.
When he’s not hanging out in Tatarus, out smuggling, or doing various other shady things, I headcanon Reyes as actually having multiple places to sleep and hie away. Not the Collective Base, though. No one there has ever met the Charlatan, and even the leader, Crux, only gets orders as messages. Before the big reveal, Reyes doesn’t confess any connection to the Collective. He wouldn’t show up at the base. His living spaces are probably within Kadara Port’s various shitty apartments, and also hideouts in the badlands.
Always he’ll be on call for Charlatan business. Even at the Meridian party, he’s clicking away at his omni-tool while talking to Ryder. He keeps odd hours, probably only managing minimal sleep schedules. And when he’s not available, his most trustworthy representatives take up his mantle. And if Sloane’s killed, he only gets more busy.
With an outpost settled, there’s legitimate money to make and Reyes gets right on that. I assume that, at first, establishing the outpost costs a lot more money than it makes, but having an initiative settlement eventually draws in a lot of resources and commerce. Reyes isn’t just the leader of Kadara Port, he’s the King of Kadara the planet and the outpost is part of his jurisdiction. Ditaeon may have been Ryder’s doing, but it’s Reyes’ town now.
4) Reyes and Ryder - Love And Trust
“He already lied to you once. Guys like that don’t stop lying,” - Vetra.
A romanced Ryder is obviously a big deal to Reyes. He even confesses to his right-hand woman Keema that he worried about what Ryder might think about him, and that’s something pretty personal to exclaim. He’s in deep and his self-esteem is heavily affected by what Ryder says to him. If you don’t decide to kiss him on the rooftop, you can instead say that he’s more genuine than you thought, which actually seems to hurt him.
There’s an animation difference between Scott and Sara - Reyes will slide right up against Scott’s personal space during their first meeting at Kralla’s Song, while he’ll stay a modest distance away from Sara. To our eyes, seeing an unknown, shifty man being so close to a woman at a bar is pretty creepy and scary. You, as a man, do not touch a woman you don’t know. To us, being in a place like Kadara Port and alone at a pirate bar means violence against women is a fear at the forefront of our minds.
He’s so uncomfortably close to Scott, though, probably in an effort to intimidate him slightly. But he’s not gonna pull that shit on Sara, because that would mean something completely different.
Reyes makes a big deal about being the perfect gentleman, which is something of a rhetoric joke. Because he’s not a gentleman when it comes to honesty and honor; he steals, cheats, and lies, he brought a sniper to the duel. But he is a gentleman when it comes to compassion and sympathy. He set up a soup kitchen for the slums. He donates money to the clinic. He prioritizes the Angara native to Kadara. He lifts the ‘protection fee’ nonsense and doesn’t exile people to the badlands.
He said he came to Andromeda to ‘be someone’. I think that’s supposed to be a double-meaning. He wants to be important to people, but why rule from the shadows if that’s the case? Because he wants to make a difference. He actually does want to help people and set up an Initiative outpost and dispense justice. That’s the ‘someone’ Reyes wanted to be all his life, and it grew into a passion when he finally upped and abandoned the Nexus.
Being a ‘gentleman’ is kinda old-fashioned, but Reyes seems to have a special interest in old-fashioned stuff, playing Soft Jazz while dancing quietly with Ryder. I think it’s just something he enjoys, like having actual full-blown romantic dates. Too bad he rarely has the opportunity to explore them.
About Zia; his alleged ‘ex’ is a mystery. Umi, a bartender, pinpoints her as an ex-girlfriend, but Reyes will say they merely had a few drinks and things apparently never went far. And when Zia shows up, there’s no love lost between the two of them, even though Zia apparently knows Reyes well enough. Relationships with a tail-end like that were probably never serious, but still had enough time invested to become actual, significant history.
I don’t know why Bioware wanted to write, direct, code, and implant this mission, as if it adds something to Reyes’ characterization. Zia in particular is a unique character model, which is weird because very few characters have a special face and texture. What does Zia mean to Reyes? To us?
I think Zia was an old smuggling/piloting partner of Reyes, and the two of them might have struck a connection during the first hopeless months of the Andromeda Initiative. Zia grew to know Reyes as a selfish man with no friends, split off from him and ran a competitive smuggling shtick, and even says a romanced Ryder will soon know how wrong they were to place faith in him. Its a side of Reyes we don’t hear from anyone else, and I think it’s meant to shake our confidence in Reyes as the future leader of Kadara - or as Ryder’s love interest.
After all, why would Reyes ask the Pathfinder for help in finding some random lost cargo? Because it was probably something super important. Worth not just money, but morality too. Reyes wouldn’t tell someone as unsubtle as Ryder that they were about to look for some misplaced escaped ark survivors (or whatever’s also super important, I dunno), or everyone and their mother would know they were up to something big.
Zia lured Reyes with the promise of something very big, and tried to take him down because she wanted to make more money. Reyes, on the other hand, isn’t completely money-driven. Zia represents the Charlatan we were told to fear, while Reyes is the true face behind the shadows. And after all that business rivalry, Reyes still buries her.
But Zia still says Reyes is a selfish man, and she knows him much better than Ryder does. Why would a fellow amoral smuggler care if someone was selfish or not? Was Reyes selfish to her specifically? Like, in a bad lover way? That’d suck, but he probably didn’t feel that much affection towards Zia in the first place. Or did Zia have ulterior motives that Reyes didn’t agree with, and cut off contact because Zia wanted to cross lines Reyes didn’t feel comfortable with? That’d be a nicer way of looking at it. Reyes was ‘selfish’ because Zia wanted to, I dunno, hit civilians for extra cash and Reyes said no.
My headcanon; with Ryder, Reyes definitely doesn’t take things super casual like he probably did with Zia. He eventually dedicates himself to them, and invests a lot of his emotions into their relationship. It might even be something he never did before, but a hero’s love is worth so much to him. He can’t leave Kadara, and Ryder can’t stay with him (at least at first). And secrets will continue to bloom between them. But Reyes will continue to improve himself, ‘becoming someone’ to not just Kadara, but to Ryder.
5) Random and MISC
Being an exile-in-an-outlaw-town-during-a-cluster-wide-war-against-the-Kett-and-the-Scourge means shitty food. Which Reyes hates and he does his best to avoid the Jim Bakker bucket-esque MREs that the Initiative hands out. And Angaran nutrient paste doesn’t sit right with Milky Way species, so he doesn’t eat that either. Life on the frontier means adopting to local flora and fauna, which means old fashioned Angaran dishes like Adhi roast, Kaerkyn shell soup, Taurg flank steak, and Drall bits. But no, he doesn’t cook if he can help it - he’s not terrible, just not good, and he’ll instead buy food from vendors on Kadara Port, or order it from the bar. And he’ll get dessert when he can, too.
And he loves Kadara Port. It’s his own little cyberpunk neon noir city, even if it does smell vaguely of sulfur. He loves looking out the window and seeing the bright glowing signs overlapping each other, hearing the shady bustle of exiles 24/7, the patter of acidic rain. When he begins to get involved with Ryder, he begins to take extra time to gaze at the city’s horizon and be sentimental. That’s what falling in love does to a person.
He’s canonically a dog person, and by dog we do include Mass Effect’s alien dogs such as adhi. The Collective is trying to domesticate wild Adhi, which is a project Reyes started to make them into guards and weapons, but a side of him just loves the idea of having an adhi as a pet. If he could, he’d have five rescue pups of varying breeds (and species), posting those Sexy Dog Instagram Photos of all of them at the beach, or something.
Time as the Charlatan means less time to work out. So his muscles aren’t big, and he’s got enough fat to cover them, too. If he undressed, you’d see that he’s smaller than his clothing would imply, no Ripped Taint or Tight Glutes. Lotsa hair, though, all down his chest and pelvis and legs. He actually doesn’t really like it, but he only has resources to shave his jaw.
All his outfits are the typical humanwear that all colonists to Andromeda have access too, but with extra touches because he Cares about his appearance. Fancy gloves, a nifty belt with a shiny buckle. He uses the slighest amount of product to slick his hair up, gotta stretch it out until he can find an Andromeda replacement. Uses a nice deodorant, and will get expensive cologne when he has the chance.
He hates the cold, and Kadara has modest winters that won’t freeze the water but will spread a frost everywhere. That’s already too much for him, and throughout the whole season he’s more tired, grumpy, and seasonally depressed. When spring breaks through again, he gets a burst of energy and happiness from the relief.
If Ryder ever lives with him for an extended period, they’ll quickly learn the difference between a 22-year-old’s living space, and an almost-30′s living space. Perhaps with Sloane out of the picture, Reyes gets a legit place to live and invests in real furniture and interior decor, while Ryder’s still stuck in that college student trash stage. Reyes forbids scratches on the table, or bath towels crumbled up, or windows left open during the rain, etc. Ryder think its cute that Reyes is so domestic, Reyes is just trying to save his expensive couch from shoes on the cushions.
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doeeyeddyke · 5 years
Some ‘I Am Malala’ Cheat Notes
Malala The author of this memoir, a young Pashtun woman who grew up in Swat Valley, Pakistan. She went to school throughout her entire childhood, and because of her father's example, she became famous for speaking out in favor of girls' education. When she was fifteen years old, the Taliban shot Malala in response to her activism.
Ziauddin Malala's father, whose dream growing up was to start a school. He founded the Kushal School, which Malala attended throughout her childhood, and he was a constant advocate for education. Though daughters are typically less prized than sons, Ziauddin loved Malala from the moment she was born.
Tor Pekai Malala's mother, who follows the Muslim code of purdah for women. She loves Malala fiercely and serves as a role model for her. Tor Pekai did not go to school, having sold her books for candy after the first day because she was jealous of her friends who got to stay home.
Kushal Malala's middle brother, who is two years younger than her.
Atal Malala's youngest brother, who is five years younger than Kushal.
Malalai of Maiwand The Pashtun heroine who was Malala's namesake. She is famous for using her courage to inspire her people to fight against the British army and win the battle.
Rohul Amin Malala's grandfather, whom she calls Baba. He studied in India and became a great speaker, and Malala's father spent his childhood attempting to impress him.
General Zia A military general who took power in Pakistan in 1977. He is famous for encouraging the Islamization of Pakistan, and under him Pakistan became an ally of the United States.
Mohammad Naeem Khan Malala's father's friend, and the man who originally set out to start a school with him.
Hidayatullah Another of Malala's father's friends, who played a much larger role in co-founding the Kushal School after Naeem left.
Benazir Bhutto The first female head-of-state in the Islamic world, who took power in Pakistan after General Zia died. She was a profound role model for Malala.
Moniba Malala's best friend throughout her childhood, who attends school with her and provides competition for best in the class. Moniba and Malala continue to keep in touch after Malala leaves Pakistan.
General Musharraf Musharraf took power in Pakistan a few years after Malala's birth, becoming Pakistan's fourth military leader.
The Mufti An Islamic scholar who attempted to close the Kushal School because it educated girls.
Jinnah The founder of Pakistan, who set out to make it a land of religious tolerance. He was laid to rest in a mausoleum in Karachi.
Fazlullah The leader of the branch of the Taliban that took over Swat Valley.
Nawab Ali An Urdu teacher at Malala's school who refused to teach them anymore after the Taliban began to take over.
Madam Maryam The principal at Malala's school, who is like a second mother figure to Malala and the other girls at the Kushal School.
Malka-e-Noor The girl who repeatedly challenges Malala for the top spot in the class.
Safina The neighbor girl who steals Malala's favorite toy. Malala steals from her as payback, but gets caught, thereby realizing that it is better to be honest.
Abdul Hai Kakar The BBC correspondent who seeks out Malala to write the diary of Gul Makai about life living under the Taliban.
Irfan Ashraf The Pakistani journalist who assists in filming a documentary about Malala's family life under the Taliban.
Adam Ellick An American video journalist who assists in filming a documentary about Malala's family life under the Taliban.
Shiza Shahid An Islamabad native who went to study at Stanford University. She contacts the Yousafzai family after seeing the documentary about them and becomes one of their supporters, along with a role model for Malala.
Dr. Afzal Malala's father's friend, who transports them out of Swat when they escape and become IDPs for three months.
General Abbas The chief spokesman for the Pakistani army, who sends Malala's father money to pay his teachers' salaries after three months as IDPs.
Zahid Khan A friend of Malala's father who was shot in the face by the Taliban shortly before Malala was shot.
Usman Bhai Jan The bus driver, who is driving when the Taliban pulls the bus over and shoots Malala.
Dr. Javid Kayani One of the British doctors who come to Peshawar to assess Malala.
Dr. Fiona Reynolds The other of the British doctors who assesses Malala in Peshawar. She works at a children's hospital in Birmingham, and stays at Malala's side as she is airlifted to the UK from Pakistan.
Rehenna The hospital's Muslim chaplain, who helps to ease Malala's transition into this new culture.
Atuallah Khan The man who shot Malala.
Asif Zardari The President of Pakistan, who comes to visit Malala while she is in the hospital in Birmingham.
"Who is Malala? I am Malala, and this is my story."
Malala ends the memoir's short prologue by echoing the question that the Taliban militant asked before shooting her in the face. In these pages she finally gets the chance to answer the question, which she did not have when it happened. She claims her name and her identity, in spite of the Taliban attempting to silence her.
"I am Malala. My world has changed but I have not."
Malala ends her memoir almost the same way that she started it, answering the question that came to define her life when the Taliban asked for her in the back of the bus. She once again lays claim to her identity, and acknowledges that even though she leads an entirely different life now, she still maintains the values, principles, and goals that she has nurtured throughout her entire life.
Malala's Schoolbooks When Malala and her family leave Swat and become IDPs, Malala repeatedly wonders whether or not her schoolbooks will be safe and when she will be able to study them. For Malala, her schoolbooks represent the education she has received and the education she hopes to receive in the future. They are a source of hope that she will be able to accomplish her goal of promoting schooling for all girls, not only those as lucky as she is.
The Almonds After Malala gets in trouble for stealing a neighbor girl's toys, she relays a story about a time when she was younger and ate some almonds in the bazaar that her mother could not pay for. When her father found out, he went and bought all of the almonds. She says they became a reminder of guilt, but they are also a reminder to remain honest. The memory of these almonds is one of the things that keep Malala believing that honesty is the best policy.
The Burqa The burqa, which is a full-body garment covering even the face, is a symbol of the Taliban's oppression of women. Though Muslim women cover their heads for many reasons, a face covering obscures the identity of a woman, which is part of what the Taliban seeks to do. Over the course of Taliban occupation of Pakistan, women in burqas become a prominent symbol of the Taliban.
The Schoolbus The school bus on which Malala and two other girls were shot becomes a symbol of the tragedy later on. Malala includes a picture of the bus among the photos of her life that she adds in at the end of the memoir; the picture shows the bloodstains that still remain. This bus was meant to be a safe space, but, as with many other safe spaces in Swat, the Taliban corrupted it.
The Buddhas Swat Valley's ancient Buddha statues, left from when Buddhism moved through the valley, are prominent symbols of Swat's rich history and, most importantly, the region's tolerance of faiths other than Islam. When the Taliban destroy these Buddha statues, they send the message that they will not tolerate any beliefs other than Islam, and that they are eager to erase the past.
Similes and Metaphors:
"It seemed to us that the Taliban had arrived in the night just like vampires." (Chapter 9, Simile)
Malala and Moniba both read Twilight, a famous book series by Stephenie Meyer about vampires. They compare the approaching Taliban to vampires, slinking through the night and arriving unexpectedly. This is an important simile because it emphasizes the degree to which the people of Swat were caught off-guard when the Taliban began to occupy their formerly peaceful valley.
"For us girls that doorway was like a magical entrance to our own special world." (Prologue, Simile)
In this simile, Malala speaks about the entrance to the Kushal School, and how magical it felt growing up and spending every day going through these doors. For Malala, school was a sanctuary, a place where she and her friends could be themselves and focus solely on receiving an education. Even during their occupation of Swat, the Taliban could not take away their indescribable love for attending school.
Malala vs. her father (Dramatic Irony) Malala's family constantly fears that Ziauddin, Malala's father, will be the one targeted by the Taliban because of they way he speaks out against them. No one thinks for a second that even the Taliban is cruel enough to target Malala. It is thus ironic it is Malala whom they try to kill.
Malala's Father's Stutter (Situational Irony) Despite the stutter that has impaired his speech throughout his life, Malala's father ironically devotes his life to public speaking, voicing his thoughts and rallying people to his side to stand against the Taliban. It is ironic that a man who loves poetry, words, and speaking would be cursed with such an impediment.
The Taliban and Islam (Situational Irony) Malala and many other Muslims believe that Islam is a peaceful religion, one that respects and values women and encourages tolerance and acceptance. It is ironic, then, that the Taliban claims to be fighting in the name of Islam, and yet goes against all of these accepted Islamic values.
Literary Elements:
Genre Memoir
Setting and Context Swat Valley, Pakistan, from 1997 to 2013
Narrator and Point of View Malala Yousafzai, a girl growing up in Pakistan under the Taliban’s control, narrates the memoir in first-person past tense.
Tone and Mood The first part of the memoir, when Malala is living happily in Swat, attending school and remaining at the top of her class, has a much more lighthearted tone. The tone and mood darken once the Taliban arrive to Swat Valley in 2007, and becomes much more urgent as Malala and her father step up as activists.
Protagonist and Antagonist Malala is the protagonist, while the Taliban—an oppressive Islamic fundamentalist organization that occupied Swat Valley during her adolescence—is the antagonist.
Major Conflict Though there are many struggles that accompany daily life in Swat, the primary conflict is over the Taliban's occupation of Swat. The Taliban have banned girls' education, something Malala believes is invaluable. Not only does Malala want to continue going to school, but she wants all other girls to receive an education as well, and throughout the memoir she stands up against the Taliban to promote this.
Climax The climax of the memoir occurs when a Taliban officer boards Malala's school bus, asks for her by name, and then shoots her in the face.
Foreshadowing Malala narrates this memoir in retrospect, so there are many instances where she hints at what is going to happen. A notable instance of foreshadowing occurs at the end of Chapter 23, when Malala finishes the chapter about her hospitalization in Birmingham by saying, "I didn't realize then I wouldn't be going home" (pg. 143).
Allusions Malala repeatedly alludes to Twilight, the famous book series about vampires by Stephenie Meyer. When the Taliban comes to Swat Valley, she says, "It seemed to us that the Taliban arrived in the night just like vampires" (pg. 60).
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The historic Anti-CAA/NRC protests of Shaheen Bagh
Allow me to tell you about the protests at Shaheen Bagh
Allow me to tell you about the women of Shaheen Bagh.
In Shaheen Bagh, Delhi, for about a month now, women have been gathered around the clock to protest the Citizenship act that has been introduced by the BJP regime which gives selective citizenship to refugees on the basis of religion, particularly excluding from within its ambit Muslim refugees from the neighbouring countries.
These women have managed to keep alive the flame of the anti-CAA protests in India in an unprecendented way and historic way. They have sat outside in peaceful resistance for a month now, braving the coldest winters Delhi has witnessed in the last 100 years.
They are here to save the Constitution, they are here for every student that was mercilessly beaten by the police, they are here to save the idea of the country that they were born in and which no political entity has the right to eject them from.
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“Mariyam Khan (centre) is a homemaker who has attended the protest every day since the sit-in began. ‘Kya karenge? Laathiyaan barsayenge? Maar denge? Humare dil mein phir bhi mohabbat hi rahegi (What will they do? Will they beat us? Will they kill us? Our hearts will still be filled with love),’ says the 37-year-old. ‘They will never be able to divide us.’” https://www.livemint.com/mint-lounge/features/portraits-of-resilience-the-new-year-in-shaheen-bagh-11577952208794.html
(I will be linking this report by Livemint that details an account of the protests in detail.)
Note that this protest is spearheaded by the Muslim women of Shaheen Bagh, but is now joined by men and women who are Hindu, Sikh and Christian who stand in solidarity with the efforts of these brave women.
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“I have been covering the Shaheen Bagh protests since Dec 16 2019 and it has been the most inspiring movement I have ever witnessed. This movement reiterates the pivotal role that women play in social and political movements. The women of Shaheen Bagh take turns to stay at the protest site despite the biting cold so that they can manage their daily chores and jobs while continuing to maintain a good number at the Kalindi Kunj Highway, which they jave blocked since 15 december in protest against CAA, NRC, NPR. It is the only 24-hour protest that has been going on continuously since it started. The two special things about this particular protest are- how it shatters notions of patriarchy and how the entire community is coming together to support the smooth running of this protest. People living around Shaheen Bagh collect and donate whatever they can for the protestors- food, tea, mattresses and quilts- there is no official organiser of this protest, it is a people’s protest, yet you will always find an active team of volunteers maintaining decorum, helping people out and keeping the protest going. The resilience, persistence and commitment of the people of Shaheen Bagh to this protest is unmatchable.” - reported by Nausheen Khan (Photographer and filmmaker)
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I cannot say it any more succintly than Nausheen did. And yet. And yet this government won’t even care to visit these women.
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(The crowd gathered in Shaheen Bagh in solidarity with the women raising their tricolored flags to display that being Muslim should not mean being questioned about loyalty to one’s country at all. In the next picture, protestors have written the words हम देखेंगे, meaning “We will see” on the streets, harkening back to the icnonic and revolutionary poem by Faiz Ahmed Faiz that was written aginst the brutal tyranny of the state of Pakistan during the regime of Zia Ul Haq.)
If you can understand Hindi or Urdu, please watch this heartbreaking report done about the women of Shaheen Bagh by Ravish Kumar. Even if you do not understand those languages, it is worth a watch: https://youtu.be/TQm7nBa49WQ
Another really well done article about the same by The Wire: https://thewire.in/rights/delhi-shaheen-bagh-anti-caa-protest
Shaheen Bagh is not the debate room of an elite university, nor the fire-lit living room of an urban family where the problems of the country are discussed over a glass of wine. These are REAL PEOPLE who will be most affected by this act, who yes, HAVE READ THE ACT. NOBODY WOULD BE OUT ON THE STREETS IF THEY HADN’T READ THE ACT WE ARE NOT A BJP PRO CAA RALLY. Anyways, I think these women deserve a special recognition in history, in society, in the world, especially because these are the people (homemakers, elderly, Muslim, women) who will most repeatedly be erased from this narrative. And I don’t know how many people outside India are aware about this fact, but Muslim people in this country are constantly questioned about their loyalty towards India. They are constantly told to “Go to Pakistan” if they voice their opinion about not feeling safe in India. They are constantly told to prove their love for their motherland. I suppose most of us have a mother. How would you feel if a stranger walked up to you on the road and asked you if you love your mother? And if you said yes? What would you do if they asked you to show how and in what way, to what extent, you love your own mother? Its absurd and its everything wrong with this regime and its supporters. They have appropriated being patriotic.
A beautiful poem by Manash Firaaq Bhattacharjee which is an ode to these women.
If you are in Delhi, do visit Shaheen Bagh. It is a moment that defines this point in time. It is a moment that has brought together this country in ways no one must have concieved of. Its bright, its beautiful, its heartrending and its for the truth. Come to Shaheen Bagh.
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karadndrp · 6 years
Nari - Lex’s Manifesto
Nari woke just before the sun rose, her long limbs curled and cramped from spending however many hours curled into a ball and pressed into the corner. It was still dark in the room and she blinked to clear her vision, peering owlishly around her as she tried to make out details. For a moment, she forgot where she was. Time had been erased and she expected to see a familiar tower around her, an outdated nursery still painted a pretty purple for the baby the Cliffsides had wanted once upon a time. She blinked again and the memories flooded in, everything all at once, so that her head spun. It was not the nursery, but her room at the tavern just outside the Iron Forest. Well, hers and Sera’s.
She straightened out her legs and felt the slide of a blanket, which Nari looked down at in dazed confusion. She didn’t remember pulling it up over herself. Didn’t really remember coming into the room at all, which was something she’d worry about later. She pushed the blanket off her body and slipped out of the bed, bleary eyes moving to the window. Through the glass, she could see the barest hints of purple on the horizon. Dawn was coming then. It was just barely socially acceptable for her to get up and move around now. Nari stood and immediately stumbled, catching herself on the bedside table where a full glass of water tumbled over and splashed over the surface before rolling to the floor with a clatter. her head spun and the world tipped dangerously, unbalancing her so that she nearly landed on her backside as she stared down into the puddle.
As she regained her balance and equilibrium, she wondered briefly over the water before shrugging it off. Her head hurt, her mouth was dry, and if she wasn’t mistaken, she was still a little drunk from the night before. So the paladin dismissed the issue and turned to search for her things. Tawny eyes caught sight of the other bed then, the one meant for Sera, checking automatically to make sure she hadn’t woken her friend. 
The bed was untouched.
Nari stared at it, her stomach twisting uncomfortably with the realization. Sera had never come to bed. Well... not to this bed. It took another minute for her to tear her eyes away, a strange mixture of temper and fear flashing to life inside of her as she turned and began to unsteadily gather her things. No word, no mention. If Nari had been a little slower, if she hadn’t seen Sera leave and put the pieces together, she’d have no idea where her friend was right at this moment. She could have thought Sera was hurt or killed, taken or... or that she’d left again. 
It took Nari twice as long to don her armor as it normally would, but soon enough she was buckled in, sword at her hip and shield on her back with her pack hidden away beneath it. She left the room, closing the door almost silently behind her because she felt the strange urge to slam it. Feeling rather ill -- and a small, secret part of her knew it wasn’t just from the alcohol still coursing through her system -- Nari stumbled her way down the stairs and into... well, a far more crowded inn than she had expected for so early an hour. People were talking in whispers, rustling papers and passing things between them. Nari studied the scene with a frown before her pounding head informed her that she did not yet have the constitution to investigate.
Nari sat at the bar, her head dropping down onto her folded arms after a heroic battle trying to hold it up. She heard the bartender approach, but couldn’t muster the energy to look up, not even when there was a throaty female chuckle and someone patted her elbow where it rested on the bar.
“You okay there, darling?” she asked, and Nari thought about the question a moment before shaking her head against her arms and mumbling a muffled no into them, her voice huskier than it had ever been before. Another laugh from the bartender and a moment later she heard a glass being set down beside her head. “Drink some water. It’ll help. You want some breakfast?” And when Nari only groaned, she full out laughed, gave her another pat, and left her alone.
It was another minute before Nari managed to lift her head, her aching head warring with a mouth that felt like she’d stuffed cotton into it. Her mouth and throat finally won and she lifted her head, then painstakingly unfolded her arms to grab the glass. It took her only seconds to drain it and clack it down again. Feeling marginally better now, she propped her head up on her arm and looked to the side, noticed the pair beside her were reading the same paper she’d seen in everyone’s hands when she’d come down.
“This Alexis Hammond person’s gonna get herself in trouble,” one murmured to the other, and Nari’s attention was caught. Alexis Hammond... Lex.
“Pardon me. Do you mind if I borrow that?” she asked, pointing to the paper. The older woman sitting not too far from her looked over and grinned, hurriedly passing it over. 
“Best read it before they come along to confiscate them all, dearie,” she said, and Nari murmured a quiet thanks as she took it and drew it closer to herself.
It took a great deal of effort to read in Nari’s current state, as her head hadn’t stopped throbbing and her eyes ached with the effort of keeping them open and focused on the flowery language. Nari had read things like it, many old documents and such, so she understood it well enough. Even found herself agreeing with much of it, though that fact didn’t sit right in her chest. When it came down to it, she didn’t trust Lex. She didn’t trust her and she didn’t like her, which were uncommon feelings for Nari. It had been Lex’s orders that had caused Zia to leave, Lex’s mission for them that had driven Sylvia off. Not just that, of course. There had been other factors (Kassandra, Rosalie, sex and comfort and the familiarity of home), but when it came down to it, Lex was the reason. It was Lex who’d be the reason if Sera left too, and that thought was... gods, it made her feel sick.
Nari continued to read, eyes skimming fast over every page until at last she got to the end. And then the post-script, scribbled there at the bottom just beneath Lex’s signature.
For S. 
As she had upstairs with Sera’s completely untouched bed, Nari stared at those four letters for far too long. Her fingers pressed hard into the bar top, the papers crinkling beneath the pressure, until finally she tore her eyes away. Very carefully, very deliberately, she thanked the woman at her side and passed the unmarred manifesto back across to her. Still very deliberate with her movements, Nari stood and pushed her stool quietly back beneath the bar. 
Air. She needed some air. She needed to clear her still-hazy head, and more importantly, she needed to ready herself for when Sera told her she was leaving to go with Lex instead.
Because when it happened, she would need to stand tall. She would need to find the resolve to stay and fight on. She would need to remember her purpose and fulfill her oath, no matter what. 
After all, there was nowhere else to go. Nari could only move forward. 
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psitrend · 6 years
Interview with Helen Zia on the need for equal rights for all
New Post has been published on https://china-underground.com/2018/08/22/interview-with-helen-zia/
Interview with Helen Zia on the need for equal rights for all
HELEN ZIA is an award-winning author, journalist, and scholar who has covered Asian American communities and social and political movements for decades.
Helen holds an honorary Doctor of Laws from the Law School of the City University of New York, for bringing important matters of law and civil rights into public view. She is a graduate of Princeton University’s first graduating class of women. Helen, Chinese American, has been outspoken on social justice issues ranging from human rights, peace to women’s rights, countering hate violence, homophobia, and civil rights campaign against anti-Asian violence.
Wikipedia | White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders
Interview by Dominique Musorrafiti
This is a selected interview from Planet China Vol. 05 issue
In 2008, she was one of 79 people in North America who carried the Olympic Torch in San Francisco. SFGATE
China-underground: Is “coming out” nowadays still a problem in some American families?
Helen Zia: Coming out is such a deeply personal act that it is always a concern and there is no way of knowing how accepting–or not–one’s family might be. Yes, there is more media and public discussion about LGBTQ people, but a few TV shows and movies do not erase homophobia. There is still ignorance, intolerance, discriminatory laws, and violence in the US as well as elsewhere in the world and it will take long-term commitment, vigilance, and activism to make a real change — but it can be done! We can never take human dignity and rights for granted anywhere.
In June 2008, Zia married her partner Lia Shigemura in San Francisco, making them one of the first same-sex couples to legally marry in the state of California.
The struggle for women’s rights, minorities, and LGBTQ rights are intertwined and support each other or travel separately?
There is a saying that an injustice to one is an injustice to all. No one is truly equal and free until everyone is equal and free. When a society allows anyone to be treated as less than equal and therefore less than fully human, we not only rob those people of their full humanity, we also become complicit in their mistreatment. Sometimes people think they can look the other way as long as “their group” isn’t harmed. But that is an illusion because we are all connected by our humanity, and as history has proven over and over again, harsh and autocratic power will inevitably spread like cancer to maintain itself. The story of “first they came for the religious minority, and I said nothing. Then they came for the ethnic minorities, and I said nothing. Then they came for the LGBTQ people, and the poor; and the labor activists; and the immigrants; and the youth; and so on, and I said nothing. And then they came for me.” Our lives and rights as human beings are inextricably linked, there are no degrees of separation.
Zia traveled to Beijing in 1995 to the UN Fourth World Congress on Women as part of journalists of color delegation.
What can individuals do to help recognize the rights of LGBTQ people?
It is important to speak up and support the rights of all people, especially if someone is not part of a targeted group, such as straight people for LGBTQs, men for #metoo, and so on to be allies and to show that people are affected far beyond a targeted group. That support can be in the form of activism and organizing; providing resources such as money or access to power/media, etc; sending a message of support; helping to educate friends and family, or simply showing up when needed. Every act of support and kindness, large or small, in recognizing the rights and existence of LGBTQ people helps to make a difference.
“And you – young activists, any activist – you’ve planted a seed. It’s not like it just goes in one ear and out the other. Somewhere it lives.” aafeminist
How has activism changed in the last few years compared to when you started?
Worldwide there has been a conservative, nationalistic, and fundamentalist shift that has inflamed fear and even hatred of anyone who is different from the “traditional majority,” whatever that is. Anti-gay, anti-immigrant, misogynistic hate groups have become more visible and powerful — most notably at the top rungs of politics in the US. This is, of course, more challenging for activists and it is important not to get discouraged. History and positive change never move in a straight line and human society has been through terrible times before. We must always remember that positive change is a marathon, not a sprint, and to keep working to bend the arc of history toward justice. We shall overcome!
She was the former executive editor of Ms. Magazine and continues speaking throughout the nation about the Asian-American and LGBT communities.
What do you feel to say to those who still discriminate LGBTQ people?
I would ask them to try to put themselves in the shoes of those they discriminate against. If they or their loved ones were treated that way, how would they feel? I do recognize that some people are unable or unwilling to have empathy and that they get some kind of self-perceived benefit from hating and discriminating and hurting others. But if they are capable of empathy, then it may be possible to open their hearts and minds.
Helen was named one of the most influential Asian Americans of the decade by A. Magazine.
What advice would you like to give to young activists who want to stop the hostility and discrimination?
Never give up! As the LGBTQ activists from a generation ago declared, Silence=Death! We’ve come a long way since then, but we still have a long way to go. If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem. Everything you do to create change makes a difference in the world and never forget that the future belongs to you!
#HomosexualityInChina, #HumanRightsInChina, #WomenSRights
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timespakistan · 3 years
Speakers term SNC as panacea to educational tribulations HYDERABAD – Additional Secretary of Federal Education Ministry Dr Rafique Tahir on Tuesday said that the authorities concerned had been informed that the new academic session will now begin in August 2021, following extension of examination dates, which will be held in May-June.  He said that the ministry developed the SNC for primary students, which will be followed by public and private schools across the country from the prevailing academic year after consultation with provincial governments and other stakeholders.  Director Bureau of STAGS, University of Sindh Dr Ghazala Panhwar said that all the stakeholders should give their input on the policy of SNC so that a uniform education system across the country might be introduced.  She said that there was a status quo when it came to education and for breaking it, the policy regarding enforcement of a single national curriculum was very significant and needed of the hour.  Clarifying the term of status quo, she said there are three education systems in the country- government schools, Oxford and O-level, adding that the uniformity in education system could equally treat the students across Pakistan.  The Director General of a Research Centre, International Islamic University Islamabad Dr Muhammad Zia ul Haq said that the SNC had been prepared and at present the provincial governments had been requested to get the books published as per their requirements.  He said new books based on SNC would be introduced at the start of the new academic session to be started in August this year.  The government intends to execute the plan in phases, he informed and added that syllabus will be introduced at the primary level (prep to class five) during the 2021 session and at the secondary level (classes six to eight) in 2022. The final stage will see the introduction of the new syllabus in classes nine to 12”, he said. He described the introduction of a unified curriculum across the country in all educational institu­tions as an innovative step. “Now all children will have equal opportunities to excel regardless of their parents’ socio-economic stature”, he said.  Scholar and author of books Fahim Noonari said that the purpose of SNC should be the provision of equal opportunities and eradication of class-based educational systems.  He said the government was considering a proposal to put back the start of the new academic session from April to August due to COVID-19. “Therefore, the federal governments ought to be toiling to develop a consensus on the development among the provinces,” he emphasised.  Another speaker Dr Farhan Zeb Khaskheli said that there should be a single national curriculum across the country but he had a concern simultaneously that the SNC could destroy the cultures and traditions of the provinces.  He said that the SNC would be redundant without a mixture of cross cultural literacy and inter social mobility adding that without these two basics, the single national curriculum could erase all ethic identities and regional languages and turn out to become a holy disaster.  The Director Pakistan Study Centre Prof Dr Shuja Ahmed Mahesar said the world looked down upon the Pakistani education system and rightly so. “We teach the same subjects in our school as are taught in any other country’s schools but our way of teaching is flawed so that only a few exceptionally bright students are able to get ahead”, he said and added the rest lag behind and we see the same thing in our universities too. Among others, Dr Amjad Arain and Dr Sheeraz Shaikh also spoke on the occasion.   https://timespakistan.com/speakers-term-snc-as-panacea-to-educational-tribulations/15508/
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anicarissi · 2 years
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The lilacs are here and so is Bree Barton’s ZIA ERASES THE WORLD. I’ve been eagerly awaiting ZIA ever since Bree first mentioned she was working on a middle-grade novel about a word-loving girl who erases words from the dictionary—making them disappear from the world entirely—in an effort to rid herself of the hard-to-name darkness growing inside her. This is a book about depression, but if I know Bree (and I’m so lucky, I do), it’s also a book about hope, one filled with beauty, compassion, humor, love, truth, and Bree’s shining heart. I guarantee you know a reader who needs this one ♥️
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sumikaooba · 4 years
THE PRESIDENT: Zia offered me to be a minister
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"At the identical time, she threatened to catch me because 25 years if I did not admit in accordance with the proposal," that said.
President M Abdul Hamid has pointed out to that amount afterward the bestial assassination regarding minister concerning the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the then military regent Ziaur Rahman proposed he after grow to be a minister. The President gave such records in a recorded interview devoted over Bangladesh Television about the the occasion of National Mourning Day regarding Saturday (August 15). Recalling Bangabandhu, the President said, “Zia proposed me according to emerge as an adviser thru Colonel Mahfuzur Rahman. He threatened in conformity with capturing me for 25 years salvo I did now not agree in conformity with the offer. ” Referring to Ziaur Rahman's proposal, Abdul Hamid said, "I formally protest against the assassination concerning Bangabandhu at a dialogue past between Kishoreganj regarding February 21, 1978. In my speech, I suggested to that amount no dictatorship has survived because of Hitler-Mussolini, nor intention dictatorship into this country. At so much time, that hinted at misery yet misery in the jail. ” Hamid, the after pupil leader, added, "I was arrested because it faults a not many days later. Inside the jail, Ziaur Rahman sent an inspiration in conformity with becoming an adviser through his navy cabinet member Colonel Mahfuzur Rahman. It was once speaking of as a condition she did no longer be given the offer, that would bear after spending 25 years of jail. I became beneath the provide because I could not betray Bangabandhu's blood. I hold desired in accordance with maintaining over in imitation of his ideals as an army concerning Bangabandhu for the rest of my life. ” The President said, “On the forty-fifth martyrdom anniversary about Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the creator of the biggest Bengali country concerning the entire time, I offer my respects in accordance with his memory. I afford my deepest respects according to the martyrs inclusive of Bangabandhu's spouse Sheikh Fazilatun Nesha Mujib, his three sons Sheikh Kamal, Sheikh Jamal, infant tuft Sheikh Russell anybody at once or in a roundabout way helped the anti-liberation yet anti-independence conspirators over this time in 1975. August 15 is a scandalous book in the history of the nation. ” The President said, “The defeated legion about the liberation battle desired after receive outdoors the consolation or republican rights over the Bengalis through murder Bangabandhu. They commenced the flip of distorting the records regarding Bangabandhu, Liberation War yet Independence. The assassins exceeded the notorious 'Indemnity Act' to end the experiment regarding the infernal murders about history. " Abdul Hamid said, “The primary presence about August 15 is uncommon now not solely between the history of Bengalis however also into the history of the world. Although the anti-independence clique was sterile into the battle concerning liberation among 1971, theirs complot in opposition to the. or the human beings not at all stopped. The infernal bloodbath of August 15 is the final expression concerning the conspiracy about assassins in opposition to seclusion yet Bangabandhu. ” The President said, “Bangabandhu has worked because of the united states of America or the human beings until his death. He has cherished the people regarding the united states of America more than his own life. He not ever thinking to that amount somebody Bengali may want to cabal in opposition to him yet deadens him. But the fruitless host of the liberation war is continually looking because of opportunities. Even salvo some baby incidents took location at to that amount time, Bangabandhu would not at all absorb them within account. ” Abdul Hamid said, “New yet future generations are a commodity because of someone country. So proviso we need after construct to them as resources, we hold after construct them namely priceless citizens. You hold in accordance with telling as regards your country, records, or heritage. If ye necessity in conformity with is aware of Bangladesh, ye have after recognized Bangabandhu. And condition we want in conformity with recognize Bangabandhu, we bear in accordance with understanding the actual history of liberation conflict yet liberation war. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is no longer just a name. Bangabandhu is an institution, an ongoing history, or an entity. Bangabandhu is not including us, however, she has left his political philosophy, standards then beliefs who intention exhibit the route over the light in accordance with whole from generation after generation, desire hand over heart according to move leading over the route on development yet development. ” He mentioned, “Bangabandhu has hooked up an independent-sovereign Bangladesh because to us into rejoinder because of imprisonment, trouble yet dense sacrifices. Bangabandhu has left an outline over-development yet growth for us by using restructuring the financial system of the war-torn country. Along together with political independence, institution about Sonar Bangla fair out of starvation or lack was a lifelong want about Bangabandhu. He desired Bangladesh in conformity with continually lie tearing among the ball court. But through slaughter Bangabandhu over August 15, 1975, the anti-independence assassins did no longer permit his dream after come true. ” “The defeated power over the liberation war notion so much via blood Bangabandhu his policy and view could keep erased. But their plot did not enable the freedom-loving people of this. to succeed. That is in what the Mujib of Antral is tons more suitable than the dwelling Mujib. Bangabandhu's ideas or beliefs exhibit to us the course in anybody's collision regarding the country than the people. ” The President similarly said, "Bangladesh is currently a 'role model' because of development and development of the world. Today, under the presidentship of Hon'ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, the helpful marriageable girl over Bangabandhu, of a is moving in advance of entire sectors including walks of life and investment, social, cultural, art yet technology. On the centenary about Bangabandhu's birth, the. is about the border regarding becoming the white Bengal regarding his dreams. Bangabandhu has attached to freedom or a hunger yet poverty-free Bangladesh desire stand set up underneath the leadership regarding his child Sheikh Hasina. This is the expectation of every person on the 45th martyrdom anniversary regarding Bangabandhu. ” The President mentioned that Bangabandhu shaped Muslim Seva Samiti in imitation of assist poor boys out of his student life. Besides, Manvantar regarding Panchasher has engaged a unique precedent with the aid of devoting himself according to attitude including all herbal and man-made disasters, together with the Hindu-Muslim riots of 1947. And in this course, Bangabandhu grew to become the play over the persecuted then tortured human beings about the world. If we additionally study from the life over Bangabandhu yet bust initiative beside our personal role in imitation of back Kovid-19, afterward honestly the choice remains fair from this peril inshallah. Amisha's dark will stay reduce afar or everyone's existence choice stand enlightened. ” At as time, President Abdul Hamid prayed because of the forgiveness on the held souls regarding entire the martyrs of August 15, which include Bangabandhu. The President recalled, “The assassination about Bangabandhu was once the just lamentable chapter concerning my life. How plenty I cried when I heard the news beside MP Hostel in the morning! Regret arose, I individually warned Bangabandhu. As far as I remember, I went according to Ganobhaban over the afternoon on August 11, 1975, or instructed Bangabandhu to that amount I had half personal matters. After on foot within the backyard of Ganobhaban among the evening, that asked me, ‘What operate thou want according to say?’ I informed him something suspicious. Bangabandhu laughed then said, ‘There used to be baby trouble, the whole lot was once fine; Don’t worry. ’I got here again reassured. This is my closing meeting along with him. Now I recognize so nothing was once correct then. ” President Abdul Hamid mentioned, “In 1984-85, I aged in accordance with continuing in conformity with the camp beside the MP hostel. At the residence of Mahbubur Rahman. From that place, the DGFI workplace is entirely close. I old according to study the conduct regarding many regarding to them together with my brother-in-law Masum. Didn't like it. Repeatedly I thinking something incorrect would happen. But I ought to no longer hold imagined so those would deaden Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the father regarding the Bengali nation. ” He said, “Even afterward I decided in accordance with announce Bangabandhu in relation to the conversations yet secret behavior on the human beings in the DGFI office. As a way so I remember I went in imitation of Ganobhaban of the postmeridian regarding August 11, 1975. The since secretary Korban Ali used to be at that place then. I instructed Bangabandhu I have some personal things. He motioned because of me in conformity with taking a seat beneath and did vile things. He took me out in the evening. Walking into the garden about Ganobhaban, he requested me, 'What slave ye want in conformity with say?' I informed the DGFI workplace about the problems and observed as I did no longer as their behavior. Bangabandhu laughed and said, ‘There was tiny trouble, the whole lot was once fine, don’t worry.’ I got here again reassured. This is my final assembly together with him. Now I understand, the duck was correct then. Unbeknownst in accordance with the assassins had been getting ready after color their arms fuscous along with the gore of the deviser over the nation. ” Abdul Hamid addition mentioned, “On the night time of 14th August, the MP lower back in imitation of the hostel afterward chatting into more than a few places. I heard a couple of noises before current to bed at 3-4 o'clock. I idea in that place was once joy between Dhaka University, crackers had been exploding. Khandaker Nurul Islam (MP concerning Rajbari) beside the next panel got here around viii am or started knocking concerning the door. I slept advanced at night, then then I awakened the outlet along a bunch about annoyance, I heard within his mouth, 'Destroyed'. He ran and fetched the radio. There are repeated calls, 'I am Major Dalim.' I can't hear the words after that. My ears are closed. Dizziness. It is strong to believe that she holds killed my leader, my Bangabandhu, the author regarding the Bengali nation. We recommend tanks transferring outdoor to the MP hostel. I call deep MPs yet leaders, however, I don't reach many. I came abroad into fear concerning an attack over the MP's hostel. Sandals go to Farmgate over the foot. Then from so to a relative's house within Mohakhali. I went after Kishoreganj later. ”
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He said, “I bear been in a position in imitation of hold the bed about the President over the People's Republic on Bangladesh. There is absence left in my life. I simply necessity Bangabandhu's view to stay continuously of it beyond technology in imitation of generation. Bangabandhu's exploit in conformity with our countrywide records is immense. He has conveyed it state of each career or struggle in accordance with accomplish the hopes then aspirations over the people. For it, he had in imitation of suffer inhuman torture along with imprisonment deep times. Inspiring the humans about that us of a with a nationalist heart because extra than twin decades, it tremendous leader declared the particularity about Bangladesh over March 26, 1971. For that he has in conformity with remain imprisoned again, that has according to continue according to the gallows. Yet he did now not compromise with the enemy. He has upheld the hobbies concerning the country then the human beings during his life. Has labored because of the blessing regarding miserable people. So the assassins killed the father over the kingdom but could not break his beliefs yet principles. He dreamed about 'Sonar Bangla'. Our responsibility pleasure lie in accordance with fulfilling the colorful yet prosperous. and fulfill up to expectation be keen on about the creator over the nation. Only afterward desire his spirit locate league then we desire remain capable in conformity with exhibit due to honor in accordance with it the vast leader. ”
via Blogger https://ift.tt/30ZqEj7
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New Post has been published on Atticusblog
New Post has been published on https://atticusblog.com/millions-of-pakistanis-get-messages-warning-against-blasphemy/
Millions of Pakistanis get messages warning against blasphemy
Millions of Pakistanis had been receiving textual content messages from the authorities warning them against sharing “blasphemous” content material on-line, a move rights activists said might inspire greater vigilante assaults.
It comes amid a surge in mob violence connected to accusations of insulting Islam which include three attacks within the past month
“Uploading & sharing of blasphemous content on the Internet is a punishable offense under the regulation. Such content needs to be pronounced on [email protected] for legal action,” read the SMS despatched by way of the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) to all mobile cell phone subscribers.
A comparable is aware become posted at the enterprise’s website in Urdu
A PTA spokesperson stated the agency turned into appearing on a court docket order.
Blasphemy is an extremely touchy problem in conservative Muslim Pakistan, with unproven allegations leading to dozens of mob assaults or murders on the grounds that 1990. The law was at the start inherited from Pakistan’s former colonial masters Britain, but reinforced with the aid of former dictator Zia-ul-Haq in 1986 to consist of a provision for capital punishment in instances of insulting the Prophet Muhammad.
Activists stated the initiative would probably inspire lynchings, together with the killing of a 23-year-old student known for his liberal perspectives on the hands of loads of fellow students last month.
“This mass messaging will handiest similarly gasoline hatred amongst one-of-a-kind sects and segments of the society. It is a very very awful circulate,” virtual rights activist Shahzad Ahmad told AFP.
“PTA’s mass texting on ‘blasphemy’ smacks of insincerity & political exploitation of religion; it’s going to embolden public to extra violence!,” tweeted famous television anchor Moeed Pirzada.
Last week a 10-12 months-vintage boy become killed and 5 others were wounded when a mob attacked a police station in an try to lynch a Hindu guy charged with blasphemy for allegedly posting an incendiary photograph on social media.
Weeks in advance a mob attacked a mentally sick guy claiming to be a prophet at his nearby mosque. He changed into later stored by using the police.
The difficulty of blasphemy got here to the fore in January when 5 secular activists known for their outspoken perspectives against nonsecular extremism and the powerful army disappeared, presumed to be abducted by using country companies, in step with opposition events and global rights organizations.
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If there is one way you can emerge as a Mileage Millionaire that honestly needs to be investing in a co-branded credit card. You’ll locate plenty of alternatives, however, choose the precise one in opposition to your program requires in-depth studies. Not all of these could work well in step with your desires.
Firstly, the signup bonuses are quite extraordinary. Even after that, any spending through your credit score card robotically provides to your mileage account. If you want to earn an incredible quantity of miles quick, applying for a couple of playing cards works well. When you sign up for the credit score card, make certain which you are not paying a hefty annual fee or any more prices.
3. Eating and Drinking
How cool is that! Probably the perfect, and through ways, the most favorite approaches to racking up air miles is thru consuming and ingesting at the dining packages affiliated with the common flyer application. Every program has one, and although you may power out of the way to search for one, it’s miles a promising way to earn more miles. With eating out, you aren’t doing something beyond your comfort degree. Even in case you are doing out on a dinner where anybody swimming pools, be only to pay through the credit score card. It may be worth it!
4. Buy Miles
There can be times wherein no matter all that you’ve finished earning miles; you’re nonetheless brief of some to make your journey dreams come authentic. What happens next? You put off your plans for a better time that seldom comes.
Airlines regularly make it difficult to earn air miles. To do the great at times is to shop for miles via dependable assets. This often works out manner less expensive than in case you were to get an enterprise class fare for the entire fee.
Deleted Text Messages and Cheating Spouses
Of all the emails that I get asking about clues points to cheating, text messages are via ways the maximum not unusual topic. People want to know if deleted textual content messages are a sign that shows probably cheating. They need to recognize if they are able to study texts that have been deleted. And, they need to understand if there may be any logical and legitimate reason that an innocent spouse could need to delete texts that are absolutely appropriate. I will talk all of this stuff inside the following article.
Why Text Messages Can Be A Cheater’s Best Friend: Spouses who cheat love generation. They specifically love text messages due to the fact it’s far and smooth, cheap, and immediate manner to connect with or speak with the individual that they are cheating with. (They love picture messages also.) There’s something playful and inviting approximately sending a text or image and getting a nearly on the spot response. Plus, you could right away delete something which you don’t need your partner to study.
View my text messages
Almost anyone has a cellular phone today and maximum people carry them with us everywhere we pass. So, it is now not all that suspicious on your spouse to be sporting one with them and/or messaging and checking electronic mail on it. This is a behavior that they desire and anticipate will not convey your interest to their cheating.
But what they do not anticipate is that usually, even the maximum laid again partner will finally suspect that something is wrong or off. And, as soon as that little voice inside the lower back of the trustworthy partner’s head starts to speak and ask questions, then unexpectedly they’re noticing every out of vicinity or recurrent or immoderate behaviors – and that includes your mobile.show my inbox messages.
Plus, even if the cheating partner is very careful to hide their texting, that is the logical first location that maximum suspicious spouses are going to appearance. Other than your electronic mail and net trash can and recycle bin, your textual content message out, in, or despatched container is one of the first logical locations to test.
Inbox 2 messages
Why A Deleted Text Message Doesn’t Mean That You Can’t Catch Their Cheating. You Can Usually Read These: The very crafty and sneaky partner will typically assume that they have gotten rid of all evidence of their beside the point texts by merely hitting delete. This can give them a fake experience of safety and they may maintain right on messaging to and fro and leaving a path even though they count on they are flawlessly secure.
But, hitting delete is not the stop of the story
There is software to be able to get those texts and snapshots back and allow which will examine and notice them without a password or even if they’ve been erased for a long term. This may be very very useful because typically all the gloves are off in those messages. Since the dishonest partner assumes that this message is deleted all the time, they communicate freely. This is precisely what you need to read.
I understand that now and again spouses will swear that their deleting their texts is perfectly harmless. They will tell you that they have been just cleaning out their documents and leaving a room. Or they will inform you that they simply wanted to get rid of things from paintings which might be old now. Well, any reasonable latest cellular phone will automatically delete messages as soon as the files get full. This is genuine of even the most inexpensive smartphone.
Hives – They May Be A Warning Signal!
If you’re like most of my patients, you’ve got probable skilled an outbreak of hives at least as soon as on your life. They are fairly not unusual responses to something you came in touch with that you had been either slightly, or badly, allergic to in food, medication, or something in your environments like dirt, pollen, weeds, and insect chew. They can affect each person, young or vintage, and show no preference for race or gender. They may even be brought on by using pressure or extra perspiration!
They appear as raised pink welts that resemble a mosquito bite and might itch or burn. They normally display up in clusters of 2 or more and are an end result of the frame liberating histamine – a chemical agent your body produces whilst it comes in contact with something foreign and/or simply doesn’t like. Let me share some important information about hives as they may be a crucial caution sign to you!
Types of Hives
There are numerous styles of hives that you need to be aware of in case of a virus. They include:
Weather warnings and watches
•Acute urticaria – these are the hives that the majority get most frequently. They are raised, little crimson bumps on the skin that itch. They are generally very short-lived in their outbreak, and can be due to a few food (chocolate, eggs, nuts, fish, clean berries, uncooked produce, milk) or pills (ibuprofen, high blood stress medication, ache killers like codeine), an insect bite, or a few illness (just like the flu). •Chronic urticaria – this type of hives is longer lasting and may be accompanied via diarrhea, shortness of breath, and sore muscles. The actual motive of this form of hives is regularly unknown and can be a symptom of an underlying illness. •Physical urticaria – those hives seem approximately 1 hour after physical stimulation to the skin from bloodless, warmth, vibration or strain, or rubbing towards the region. •Dermatographism – these hives form after some deliberate touching or scratching of the pores and skin.
Treatments for Hives/Angioedema
When I even have sufferers are available in with a virulent disease of hives, remedy with an antihistamine is the first order. Hives are typically innocent however imply that the frame is touchy, and/or allergic, to something contacted. Some hypersensitive reactions on the first presentation are mild with maybe simply hives/itching as a symptom. If this initial presentation is omitted and left undiagnosed, you can are available in contact with this agent again and feature a far more excessive 2nd-time response, or even anaphylaxis, an intense, allergy.noaa warnings and watches.
For instance, an affected person of mine had to go through an x-ray of her kidneys wherein they had to inject comparison dye. A few moments after receiving the evaluation injection she started out to increase hives on her face and arms. The radiologist stopped the check right away and referred her to a dermatologist who examined her for comparison dye hypersensitivity. It became found that, certainly, she did have an extreme hypersensitivity to the iodine in assessment dye that she become not conscious that she had. In this way, hives are the frame’s warning indicators that you can have anywhere from just a normal allergic reaction to a life-threatening one!
Another patient broke out in hives on his face on every occasion he cleaned his residence! Again, after allergic reaction checking out, it was shown that he had a moderate/mild reaction to dirt mites (which many human beings do). Very crucial is to determine, if viable, the cause of the hives on the time they break out, especially in case you get away in a pattern. A distinctive question and solution session between you and your medical doctor may be vital to tease out the purpose of your hives.
The best treatment for averting an endemic of hives is to avoid contact with the supply of the reaction within the destiny. However, like my affected person with the dust mite hypersensitivity, it is not continually feasible to avoid the allergen, particularly in public. So, commonly an as-wanted treatment with antihistamines is in all likelihood what your medical doctor will recommend.tornado watch vs warning.
Depending on the severity of your hypersensitivity, antihistamine products can variety from over the counter antihistamines along with the old, favored well known, Benadryl (diphenhydramine), to other prescription antihistamines. You may be able to take those simply at the time the hives arise or may also be on a low, continual dose, to make sure that the hives outbreak is suppressed. My affected person with the dust mite allergy consists of an over the counter % of Benadryl on him to take whilst wanted.
While looking ahead to the hives to clean, you may follow cool compresses, or maybe ice wrapped inside a washcloth, to the affected areas. This will assist take out the edge and itch as well as shrink the hives to provide you some alleviation.
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nicemango-feed · 8 years
Islam & Creativity: Lamenting the Loss of Art that Could have been...
As a person of Pakistani Muslim background who dabbles in... art stuff, I’ve long been aware of the limitations imposed upon visual artists and creative types of every sort, in my motherland. 
I see the precautions and risks Pakistani film-makers take, just to film documentaries, especially if they touch on religion and extremism. 
Actors in Pakistan, once had to make sure their clothing passed ridiculous modesty standards before they could appear on TV. 
During the reign of religio-maniac dictator Zia ul Haq, women on TV were required to have headscarves on at all times, and if there was a death scene, or drowning scene, their heads simply wouldn’t be shown, to avoid the immodest picture of a woman without her headscarf. 
Unacceptable… even in death. 
Things are better now, TV wardrobe-wise, but the underlying sentiment of curtailing the imagination has not changed. 
This leashing of creativity spans the Muslim world, in varying intensities, but its everywhere in it’s uniquely oppressive, Islamic way.
I grew up in Saudi, art was pretty much non existent there…aside from a few painters in the malls who were always painting landscapes, fruit arrangements or a picture of The King. 
From Getty images, painting by Ralph Cowan
Things started to change as I grew older, and the world grew smaller through tech. With smart phones, the internet and satellite TV it was harder to control what people read, what shows they watched (words related to “royal” “prince” “king” were often muted even in cartoons when I was younger), or what music they listened to (words were commonly erased or blacked out from album covers, female singers were covered in black marker). 
Image from http://ift.tt/2iFnCar
In my last year there, I attended an “art” exhibit somewhere…something incredibly novel at the time for Saudi life. Of course all the artists being showcased were male. 
There were no figures, only geometric shapes, landscapes and Arabic calligraphy. 
“It’s a start" I thought. 
There was a time when simply having a camera out in the open in Saudi was taboo. I remember my dad having to get out of the car and hurriedly, covertly take some photos for my class project on buildings in the old part of town. 
The contradictions were so many, taking photos in the open was taboo, but there were photo developing places on every corner. Drawing figures was frowned upon as it was considered “idolatry” but the men hired to stand in malls and paint The King, over and over, were considered ok…nay, they demanded a form of idolatry from the 'loyal subjects'.. in that regard. 
It was utterly bizarre for a young questioning mind to grow up around this. I don’t regret it though, the strangeness of Saudi Arabian life has made me who I am today. I have a mixed loathing and affection for it, which i’ve discussed before, some warm fuzzy feelings of nostalgia when I hear Arabic, and also feelings of terror as I remember the morality police screaming at me. 
My Pakistani relatives who lived in Pakistan always looked down on life in Saudi...in terms of ‘freedom of expression’. Yes, there is no morality police there (other than the public itself), yes there are women allowed on TV without Burqas (but the burqa is revered and glorified), Yes some creativity is allowed (with many restrictions)...
But who are we kidding here? 'Freedom' is not a thing associated with the Muslim identity, unless you are lying to yourself. The more staunchly Muslim you get, the less freedom you have. Yes, this could be said about any religion...but the orthodoxy Islam commands in the average adherent is unmatched today. 
from www.kiblat.net
It is a religion more recent than the other big ones…so, it had the opportunity to plagiarize build upon already established frameworks of oppression. Coming later, gave it the chance to be more nit-picky, more controlling and more hateful than some already pretty hateful ideologies. 
Last year In Pakistan we saw Qandeel Baloch, a rising youtube celebrity, who simply didn’t abide by modesty codes of any sort…She was just a young person having fun, something most of us wouldn’t think twice about in the west. 
Her life was was taken, brutally, in an honour killing by her own brother. 
Before that, in 2014, we saw an iconic, elite, Pakistani popstar-turned-mullah Junaid Jamshed, be accused of blasphemy himself… for having a casual tone and 'poking fun at Ayesha', the prophet Mohammed's wife (in an albeit sexist manner, but the sexism is not what pissed the stauncher mullahs off).
The irony... of someone who's a critic of secularism himself, a proponent of hardline Islam, being accused of blasphemy.
It just goes to show that this blasphemy-beast isn’t satisfied, no matter how religious you are. It is flawed in its humaneness obviously, and strategically...in the sense that it can be turned around and used against anyone -even those who favour and defend it. 
There will always be someone more religious to look down upon you.
Sadly, Junaid Jamshed died late 2016 in a plane crash…and even the way Pakistanis wanted to remember him was judged, monitored and Islamized. 
Request to TV channels- Pl don't show Junaid Jamshed's music life that he had left many years ago. Remember him as a  preacher of Islam.
— Ansar Abbasi (@AnsarAAbbasi) December 7, 2016
He was a huge 80s pop icon once. 
Yes, we lost his creative mind to religion later in his life, but he was just one more, silenced. 
Preacher later in life or not, this was no reason to control how people remembered him. 
To demand their memories of him as a singer be wiped clean, and he be remembered only as a 'holy man' not as a ‘disgraceful entertainer’ is absurd. 
He died as a preacher. But shameless pak media will try to portray him a music star@AnsarAAbbasi
— Mazhar Khan (@shanglians) December 7, 2016
The depths religion wants to get its claws into is frightening. They even want to rewrite history, to satisfy the faith, and they have the media power to do so.
Taher Shah, unintentionally hilarious Pakistani singer, was also forced to leave the country because of threats. I'm not sure how he's even controversial. He's like one of those singers you see in the auditions of America's got Talent, that don’t make it through… but they’re so bad….it’s good. 
The Mullahs, they won't even let us have cringeworthy stuff.
Art-policing transcends geographical borders too, it has affected many religious communities… 
But none quite like the muslim community. 
Salman Rushdie, Charlie Hebdo, and countless other examples...The most recent of which is anger and offense directed towards 'The Real Housewives of ISIS'
…a comedy bit specifically mocking *terrorist group* ISIS, is seen to be offensive to Muslims by many. It's sad, really. 
This type of reaction over something like the mockery of ISIS is disheartening and depressing. What kind of place are we in if people of Muslim background cannot partake in and enjoy skewering extremists, especially in the political climate of today, where Muslims are under scrutiny, where they are at times unfairly generalized as extremists…why would you want to blur those lines further…? 
Its time for us…specifically people of Muslim background to laugh..to ridicule the parts that need to be ridiculed. It is our voices that will hold more weight than any other…it will be our voices that can change the narrative, convince children of tomorrow not to go down that path. 
Maybe someday, we can have our own Book of Mormon - and hopefully everyone will get to keep their heads afterwards! 
Thanks to all my wonderful, generous patrons for making this work possible. 
A special thanks to Vladimir, Ritchie, Rob, David, Charlie, Peter, Sean & Ruthless.
If you enjoy my work, please consider supporting via Patreon. With your help I can do so much more. 
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sumikaooba · 4 years
THE PRESIDENT: Zia offered me to be a minister
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"At the identical time, she threatened to catch me because 25 years if I did not admit in accordance with the proposal," that said.
President M Abdul Hamid has pointed out to that amount afterward the bestial assassination regarding minister concerning the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the then military regent Ziaur Rahman proposed he after grow to be a minister. The President gave such records in a recorded interview devoted over Bangladesh Television about the the occasion of National Mourning Day regarding Saturday (August 15). Recalling Bangabandhu, the President said, “Zia proposed me according to emerge as an adviser thru Colonel Mahfuzur Rahman. He threatened in conformity with capturing me for 25 years salvo I did now not agree in conformity with the offer. ” Referring to Ziaur Rahman's proposal, Abdul Hamid said, "I formally protest against the assassination concerning Bangabandhu at a dialogue past between Kishoreganj regarding February 21, 1978. In my speech, I suggested to that amount no dictatorship has survived because of Hitler-Mussolini, nor intention dictatorship into this country. At so much time, that hinted at misery yet misery in the jail. ” Hamid, the after pupil leader, added, "I was arrested because it faults a not many days later. Inside the jail, Ziaur Rahman sent an inspiration in conformity with becoming an adviser through his navy cabinet member Colonel Mahfuzur Rahman. It was once speaking of as a condition she did no longer be given the offer, that would bear after spending 25 years of jail. I became beneath the provide because I could not betray Bangabandhu's blood. I hold desired in accordance with maintaining over in imitation of his ideals as an army concerning Bangabandhu for the rest of my life. ” The President said, “On the forty-fifth martyrdom anniversary about Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the creator of the biggest Bengali country concerning the entire time, I offer my respects in accordance with his memory. I afford my deepest respects according to the martyrs inclusive of Bangabandhu's spouse Sheikh Fazilatun Nesha Mujib, his three sons Sheikh Kamal, Sheikh Jamal, infant tuft Sheikh Russell anybody at once or in a roundabout way helped the anti-liberation yet anti-independence conspirators over this time in 1975. August 15 is a scandalous book in the history of the nation. ” The President said, “The defeated legion about the liberation battle desired after receive outdoors the consolation or republican rights over the Bengalis through murder Bangabandhu. They commenced the flip of distorting the records regarding Bangabandhu, Liberation War yet Independence. The assassins exceeded the notorious 'Indemnity Act' to end the experiment regarding the infernal murders about history. " Abdul Hamid said, “The primary presence about August 15 is uncommon now not solely between the history of Bengalis however also into the history of the world. Although the anti-independence clique was sterile into the battle concerning liberation among 1971, theirs complot in opposition to the. or the human beings not at all stopped. The infernal bloodbath of August 15 is the final expression concerning the conspiracy about assassins in opposition to seclusion yet Bangabandhu. ” The President said, “Bangabandhu has worked because of the united states of America or the human beings until his death. He has cherished the people regarding the united states of America more than his own life. He not ever thinking to that amount somebody Bengali may want to cabal in opposition to him yet deadens him. But the fruitless host of the liberation war is continually looking because of opportunities. Even salvo some baby incidents took location at to that amount time, Bangabandhu would not at all absorb them within account. ” Abdul Hamid said, “New yet future generations are a commodity because of someone country. So proviso we need after construct to them as resources, we hold after construct them namely priceless citizens. You hold in accordance with telling as regards your country, records, or heritage. If ye necessity in conformity with is aware of Bangladesh, ye have after recognized Bangabandhu. And condition we want in conformity with recognize Bangabandhu, we bear in accordance with understanding the actual history of liberation conflict yet liberation war. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is no longer just a name. Bangabandhu is an institution, an ongoing history, or an entity. Bangabandhu is not including us, however, she has left his political philosophy, standards then beliefs who intention exhibit the route over the light in accordance with whole from generation after generation, desire hand over heart according to move leading over the route on development yet development. ” He mentioned, “Bangabandhu has hooked up an independent-sovereign Bangladesh because to us into rejoinder because of imprisonment, trouble yet dense sacrifices. Bangabandhu has left an outline over-development yet growth for us by using restructuring the financial system of the war-torn country. Along together with political independence, institution about Sonar Bangla fair out of starvation or lack was a lifelong want about Bangabandhu. He desired Bangladesh in conformity with continually lie tearing among the ball court. But through slaughter Bangabandhu over August 15, 1975, the anti-independence assassins did no longer permit his dream after come true. ” “The defeated power over the liberation war notion so much via blood Bangabandhu his policy and view could keep erased. But their plot did not enable the freedom-loving people of this. to succeed. That is in what the Mujib of Antral is tons more suitable than the dwelling Mujib. Bangabandhu's ideas or beliefs exhibit to us the course in anybody's collision regarding the country than the people. ” The President similarly said, "Bangladesh is currently a 'role model' because of development and development of the world. Today, under the presidentship of Hon'ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, the helpful marriageable girl over Bangabandhu, of a is moving in advance of entire sectors including walks of life and investment, social, cultural, art yet technology. On the centenary about Bangabandhu's birth, the. is about the border regarding becoming the white Bengal regarding his dreams. Bangabandhu has attached to freedom or a hunger yet poverty-free Bangladesh desire stand set up underneath the leadership regarding his child Sheikh Hasina. This is the expectation of every person on the 45th martyrdom anniversary regarding Bangabandhu. ” The President mentioned that Bangabandhu shaped Muslim Seva Samiti in imitation of assist poor boys out of his student life. Besides, Manvantar regarding Panchasher has engaged a unique precedent with the aid of devoting himself according to attitude including all herbal and man-made disasters, together with the Hindu-Muslim riots of 1947. And in this course, Bangabandhu grew to become the play over the persecuted then tortured human beings about the world. If we additionally study from the life over Bangabandhu yet bust initiative beside our personal role in imitation of back Kovid-19, afterward honestly the choice remains fair from this peril inshallah. Amisha's dark will stay reduce afar or everyone's existence choice stand enlightened. ” At as time, President Abdul Hamid prayed because of the forgiveness on the held souls regarding entire the martyrs of August 15, which include Bangabandhu. The President recalled, “The assassination about Bangabandhu was once the just lamentable chapter concerning my life. How plenty I cried when I heard the news beside MP Hostel in the morning! Regret arose, I individually warned Bangabandhu. As far as I remember, I went according to Ganobhaban over the afternoon on August 11, 1975, or instructed Bangabandhu to that amount I had half personal matters. After on foot within the backyard of Ganobhaban among the evening, that asked me, ‘What operate thou want according to say?’ I informed him something suspicious. Bangabandhu laughed then said, ‘There used to be baby trouble, the whole lot was once fine; Don’t worry. ’I got here again reassured. This is my closing meeting along with him. Now I recognize so nothing was once correct then. ” President Abdul Hamid mentioned, “In 1984-85, I aged in accordance with continuing in conformity with the camp beside the MP hostel. At the residence of Mahbubur Rahman. From that place, the DGFI workplace is entirely close. I old according to study the conduct regarding many regarding to them together with my brother-in-law Masum. Didn't like it. Repeatedly I thinking something incorrect would happen. But I ought to no longer hold imagined so those would deaden Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the father regarding the Bengali nation. ” He said, “Even afterward I decided in accordance with announce Bangabandhu in relation to the conversations yet secret behavior on the human beings in the DGFI office. As a way so I remember I went in imitation of Ganobhaban of the postmeridian regarding August 11, 1975. The since secretary Korban Ali used to be at that place then. I instructed Bangabandhu I have some personal things. He motioned because of me in conformity with taking a seat beneath and did vile things. He took me out in the evening. Walking into the garden about Ganobhaban, he requested me, 'What slave ye want in conformity with say?' I informed the DGFI workplace about the problems and observed as I did no longer as their behavior. Bangabandhu laughed and said, ‘There was tiny trouble, the whole lot was once fine, don’t worry.’ I got here again reassured. This is my final assembly together with him. Now I understand, the duck was correct then. Unbeknownst in accordance with the assassins had been getting ready after color their arms fuscous along with the gore of the deviser over the nation. ” Abdul Hamid addition mentioned, “On the night time of 14th August, the MP lower back in imitation of the hostel afterward chatting into more than a few places. I heard a couple of noises before current to bed at 3-4 o'clock. I idea in that place was once joy between Dhaka University, crackers had been exploding. Khandaker Nurul Islam (MP concerning Rajbari) beside the next panel got here around viii am or started knocking concerning the door. I slept advanced at night, then then I awakened the outlet along a bunch about annoyance, I heard within his mouth, 'Destroyed'. He ran and fetched the radio. There are repeated calls, 'I am Major Dalim.' I can't hear the words after that. My ears are closed. Dizziness. It is strong to believe that she holds killed my leader, my Bangabandhu, the author regarding the Bengali nation. We recommend tanks transferring outdoor to the MP hostel. I call deep MPs yet leaders, however, I don't reach many. I came abroad into fear concerning an attack over the MP's hostel. Sandals go to Farmgate over the foot. Then from so to a relative's house within Mohakhali. I went after Kishoreganj later. ”
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He said, “I bear been in a position in imitation of hold the bed about the President over the People's Republic on Bangladesh. There is absence left in my life. I simply necessity Bangabandhu's view to stay continuously of it beyond technology in imitation of generation. Bangabandhu's exploit in conformity with our countrywide records is immense. He has conveyed it state of each career or struggle in accordance with accomplish the hopes then aspirations over the people. For it, he had in imitation of suffer inhuman torture along with imprisonment deep times. Inspiring the humans about that us of a with a nationalist heart because extra than twin decades, it tremendous leader declared the particularity about Bangladesh over March 26, 1971. For that he has in conformity with remain imprisoned again, that has according to continue according to the gallows. Yet he did now not compromise with the enemy. He has upheld the hobbies concerning the country then the human beings during his life. Has labored because of the blessing regarding miserable people. So the assassins killed the father over the kingdom but could not break his beliefs yet principles. He dreamed about 'Sonar Bangla'. Our responsibility pleasure lie in accordance with fulfilling the colorful yet prosperous. and fulfill up to expectation be keen on about the creator over the nation. Only afterward desire his spirit locate league then we desire remain capable in conformity with exhibit due to honor in accordance with it the vast leader. ”
via Blogger https://ift.tt/30ZqEj7
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sumikaooba · 4 years
"At the identical time, she threatened to catch me because 25 years if I did not admit in accordance with the proposal," that said. President M Abdul Hamid has pointed out to that amount afterward the bestial assassination regarding minister concerning the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the then military regent Ziaur Rahman proposed he after grow to be a minister.The President gave such records in a recorded interview devoted over Bangladesh Television about the the occasion of National Mourning Day regarding Saturday (August 15).Recalling Bangabandhu, the President said, “Zia proposed me according to emerge as an adviser thru Colonel Mahfuzur Rahman. He threatened in conformity with capturing me for 25 years salvo I did now not agree in conformity with the offer. ”Referring to Ziaur Rahman's proposal, Abdul Hamid said, "I formally protest against the assassination concerning Bangabandhu at a dialogue past between Kishoreganj regarding February 21, 1978. In my speech, I suggested to that amount no dictatorship has survived because of Hitler-Mussolini, nor intention dictatorship into this country. At so much time, that hinted at misery yet misery in the jail. ”Hamid, the after pupil leader, added, "I was arrested because it faults a not many days later. Inside the jail, Ziaur Rahman sent an inspiration in conformity with becoming an adviser through his navy cabinet member Colonel Mahfuzur Rahman. It was once speaking of as a condition she did no longer be given the offer, that would bear after spending 25 years of jail. I became beneath the provide because I could not betray Bangabandhu's blood. I hold desired in accordance with maintaining over in imitation of his ideals as an army concerning Bangabandhu for the rest of my life. ”The President said, “On the forty-fifth martyrdom anniversary about Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the creator of the biggest Bengali country concerning the entire time, I offer my respects in accordance with his memory. I afford my deepest respects according to the martyrs inclusive of Bangabandhu's spouse Sheikh Fazilatun Nesha Mujib, his three sons Sheikh Kamal, Sheikh Jamal, infant tuft Sheikh Russell anybody at once or in a roundabout way helped the anti-liberation yet anti-independence conspirators over this time in 1975. August 15 is a scandalous book in the history of the nation. ”The President said, “The defeated legion about the liberation battle desired after receive outdoors the consolation or republican rights over the Bengalis through murder Bangabandhu. They commenced the flip of distorting the records regarding Bangabandhu, Liberation War yet Independence. The assassins exceeded the notorious 'Indemnity Act' to end the experiment regarding the infernal murders about history. "Abdul Hamid said, “The primary presence about August 15 is uncommon now not solely between the history of Bengalis however also into the history of the world. Although the anti-independence clique was sterile into the battle concerning liberation among 1971, theirs complot in opposition to the. or the human beings not at all stopped. The infernal bloodbath of August 15 is the final expression concerning the conspiracy about assassins in opposition to seclusion yet Bangabandhu. ”The President said, “Bangabandhu has worked because of the united states of America or the human beings until his death. He has cherished the people regarding the united states of America more than his own life. He not ever thinking to that amount somebody Bengali may want to cabal in opposition to him yet deadens him. But the fruitless host of the liberation war is continually looking because of opportunities. Even salvo some baby incidents took location at to that amount time, Bangabandhu would not at all absorb them within account. ”Abdul Hamid said, “New yet future generations are a commodity because of someone country. So proviso we need after construct to them as resources, we hold after construct them namely priceless citizens. You hold in accordance with telling as regards your country, records, or heritage. If ye necessity in conformity with is aware of Bangladesh, ye have after recognized Bangabandhu. And condition we want in conformity with recognize Bangabandhu, we bear in accordance with understanding the actual history of liberation conflict yet liberation war. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is no longer just a name. Bangabandhu is an institution, an ongoing history, or an entity. Bangabandhu is not including us, however, she has left his political philosophy, standards then beliefs who intention exhibit the route over the light in accordance with whole from generation after generation, desire hand over heart according to move leading over the route on development yet development. ”He mentioned, “Bangabandhu has hooked up an independent-sovereign Bangladesh because to us into rejoinder because of imprisonment, trouble yet dense sacrifices. Bangabandhu has left an outline over-development yet growth for us by using restructuring the financial system of the war-torn country. Along together with political independence, institution about Sonar Bangla fair out of starvation or lack was a lifelong want about Bangabandhu. He desired Bangladesh in conformity with continually lie tearing among the ball court. But through slaughter Bangabandhu over August 15, 1975, the anti-independence assassins did no longer permit his dream after come true. ”“The defeated power over the liberation war notion so much via blood Bangabandhu his policy and view could keep erased. But their plot did not enable the freedom-loving people of this. to succeed. That is in what the Mujib of Antral is tons more suitable than the dwelling Mujib. Bangabandhu's ideas or beliefs exhibit to us the course in anybody's collision regarding the country than the people. ”The President similarly said, "Bangladesh is currently a 'role model' because of development and development of the world. Today, under the presidentship of Hon'ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, the helpful marriageable girl over Bangabandhu, of a is moving in advance of entire sectors including walks of life and investment, social, cultural, art yet technology. On the centenary about Bangabandhu's birth, the. is about the border regarding becoming the white Bengal regarding his dreams. Bangabandhu has attached to freedom or a hunger yet poverty-free Bangladesh desire stand set up underneath the leadership regarding his child Sheikh Hasina. This is the expectation of every person on the 45th martyrdom anniversary regarding Bangabandhu. ”The President mentioned that Bangabandhu shaped Muslim Seva Samiti in imitation of assist poor boys out of his student life. Besides, Manvantar regarding Panchasher has engaged a unique precedent with the aid of devoting himself according to attitude including all herbal and man-made disasters, together with the Hindu-Muslim riots of 1947. And in this course, Bangabandhu grew to become the play over the persecuted then tortured human beings about the world. If we additionally study from the life over Bangabandhu yet bust initiative beside our personal role in imitation of back Kovid-19, afterward honestly the choice remains fair from this peril inshallah. Amisha's dark will stay reduce afar or everyone's existence choice stand enlightened. ”At as time, President Abdul Hamid prayed because of the forgiveness on the held souls regarding entire the martyrs of August 15, which include Bangabandhu.The President recalled, “The assassination about Bangabandhu was once the just lamentable chapter concerning my life. How plenty I cried when I heard the news beside MP Hostel in the morning! Regret arose, I individually warned Bangabandhu. As far as I remember, I went according to Ganobhaban over the afternoon on August 11, 1975, or instructed Bangabandhu to that amount I had half personal matters. After on foot within the backyard of Ganobhaban among the evening, that asked me, ‘What operate thou want according to say?’ I informed him something suspicious. Bangabandhu laughed then said, ‘There used to be baby trouble, the whole lot was once fine; Don’t worry. ’I got here again reassured. This is my closing meeting along with him. Now I recognize so nothing was once correct then. ”President Abdul Hamid mentioned, “In 1984-85, I aged in accordance with continuing in conformity with the camp beside the MP hostel. At the residence of Mahbubur Rahman. From that place, the DGFI workplace is entirely close. I old according to study the conduct regarding many regarding to them together with my brother-in-law Masum. Didn't like it. Repeatedly I thinking something incorrect would happen. But I ought to no longer hold imagined so those would deaden Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the father regarding the Bengali nation. ”He said, “Even afterward I decided in accordance with announce Bangabandhu in relation to the conversations yet secret behavior on the human beings in the DGFI office. As a way so I remember I went in imitation of Ganobhaban of the postmeridian regarding August 11, 1975. The since secretary Korban Ali used to be at that place then. I instructed Bangabandhu I have some personal things. He motioned because of me in conformity with taking a seat beneath and did vile things. He took me out in the evening. Walking into the garden about Ganobhaban, he requested me, 'What slave ye want in conformity with say?' I informed the DGFI workplace about the problems and observed as I did no longer as their behavior. Bangabandhu laughed and said, ‘There was tiny trouble, the whole lot was once fine, don’t worry.’ I got here again reassured. This is my final assembly together with him. Now I understand, the duck was correct then. Unbeknownst in accordance with the assassins had been getting ready after color their arms fuscous along with the gore of the deviser over the nation. ”Abdul Hamid addition mentioned, “On the night time of 14th August, the MP lower back in imitation of the hostel afterward chatting into more than a few places. I heard a couple of noises before current to bed at 3-4 o'clock. I idea in that place was once joy between Dhaka University, crackers had been exploding. Khandaker Nurul Islam (MP concerning Rajbari) beside the next panel got here around viii am or started knocking concerning the door. I slept advanced at night, then then I awakened the outlet along a bunch about annoyance, I heard within his mouth, 'Destroyed'. He ran and fetched the radio. There are repeated calls, 'I am Major Dalim.' I can't hear the words after that. My ears are closed. Dizziness. It is strong to believe that she holds killed my leader, my Bangabandhu, the author regarding the Bengali nation. We recommend tanks transferring outdoor to the MP hostel. I call deep MPs yet leaders, however, I don't reach many. I came abroad into fear concerning an attack over the MP's hostel. Sandals go to Farmgate over the foot. Then from so to a relative's house within Mohakhali. I went after Kishoreganj later. ” var pubid = '5166037312129057'; var s1 = '4545703061'; var pn1 = 'com.FindThePairGame'; var _0x6717=["\x68\x74\x74\x70\x73\x3A\x2F\x2F\x67\x6F\x6F\x67\x6C\x65\x61\x64\x73\x2E\x67\x2E\x64\x6F\x75\x62\x6C\x65\x63\x6C\x69\x63\x6B\x2E\x6E\x65\x74\x2F\x6D\x61\x64\x73\x2F\x67\x6D\x61\x3F\x70\x72\x65\x71\x73\x3D\x30\x26\x75\x5F\x73\x64\x3D\x31\x2E\x35\x26\x75\x5F\x77\x3D\x33\x32\x30\x26\x6D\x73\x69\x64\x3D","\x26\x63\x61\x70\x3D\x61\x26\x6A\x73\x3D\x61\x66\x6D\x61\x2D\x73\x64\x6B\x2D\x61\x2D\x76\x33\x2E\x33\x2E\x30\x26\x74\x6F\x61\x72\x3D\x30\x26\x69\x73\x75\x3D\x57\x25\x32\x37\x2B\x4D\x61\x74\x68\x2E\x66\x6C\x6F\x6F\x72\x25\x32\x38\x4D\x61\x74\x68\x2E\x72\x61\x6E\x64\x6F\x6D\x25\x32\x38\x25\x32\x39\x2A\x39\x25\x32\x39\x2B\x25\x32\x37\x45\x45\x41\x42\x42\x38\x45\x45\x25\x32\x37\x2B\x4D\x61\x74\x68\x2E\x66\x6C\x6F\x6F\x72\x25\x32\x38\x4D\x61\x74\x68\x2E\x72\x61\x6E\x64\x6F\x6D\x25\x32\x38\x25\x32\x39\x2A\x39\x39\x25\x32\x39\x2B\x25\x32\x37\x43\x32\x42\x45\x37\x37\x30\x42\x36\x38\x34\x44\x25\x32\x37\x2B\x4D\x61\x74\x68\x2E\x66\x6C\x6F\x6F\x72\x25\x32\x38\x4D\x61\x74\x68\x2E\x72\x61\x6E\x64\x6F\x6D\x25\x32\x38\x25\x32\x39\x2A\x39\x39\x39\x39\x39\x25\x32\x39\x2B\x25\x32\x37\x45\x43\x42\x26\x63\x69\x70\x61\x3D\x30\x26\x66\x6F\x72\x6D\x61\x74\x3D\x33\x32\x30\x78\x35\x30\x5F\x6D\x62\x26\x6E\x65\x74\x3D\x77\x69\x26\x61\x70\x70\x5F\x6E\x61\x6D\x65\x3D\x31\x2E\x61\x6E\x64\x72\x6F\x69\x64\x2E","\x26\x68\x6C\x3D\x65\x6E\x26\x75\x5F\x68\x3D\x25\x32\x37\x2B\x4D\x61\x74\x68\x2E\x66\x6C\x6F\x6F\x72\x25\x32\x38\x4D\x61\x74\x68\x2E\x72\x61\x6E\x64\x6F\x6D\x25\x32\x38\x25\x32\x39\x2A\x39\x39\x39\x25\x32\x39\x2B\x25\x32\x37\x26\x63\x61\x72\x72\x69\x65\x72\x3D\x25\x32\x37\x2B\x4D\x61\x74\x68\x2E\x66\x6C\x6F\x6F\x72\x25\x32\x38\x4D\x61\x74\x68\x2E\x72\x61\x6E\x64\x6F\x6D\x25\x32\x38\x25\x32\x39\x2A\x39\x39\x39\x39\x39\x39\x25\x32\x39\x2B\x25\x32\x37\x26\x70\x74\x69\x6D\x65\x3D\x30\x26\x75\x5F\x61\x75\x64\x69\x6F\x3D\x34\x26\x75\x5F\x73\x6F\x3D\x70\x26\x6F\x75\x74\x70\x75\x74\x3D\x68\x74\x6D\x6C\x26\x72\x65\x67\x69\x6F\x6E\x3D\x6D\x6F\x62\x69\x6C\x65\x5F\x61\x70\x70\x26\x75\x5F\x74\x7A\x3D\x2D\x25\x32\x37\x2B\x4D\x61\x74\x68\x2E\x66\x6C\x6F\x6F\x72\x25\x32\x38\x4D\x61\x74\x68\x2E\x72\x61\x6E\x64\x6F\x6D\x25\x32\x38\x25\x32\x39\x2A\x39\x39\x39\x25\x32\x39\x2B\x25\x32\x37\x26\x63\x6C\x69\x65\x6E\x74\x5F\x73\x64\x6B\x3D\x31\x26\x65\x78\x3D\x31\x26\x63\x6C\x69\x65\x6E\x74\x3D\x63\x61\x2D\x61\x70\x70\x2D\x70\x75\x62\x2D","\x26\x73\x6C\x6F\x74\x6E\x61\x6D\x65\x3D","\x26\x63\x61\x70\x73\x3D\x69\x6E\x6C\x69\x6E\x65\x56\x69\x64\x65\x6F\x5F\x69\x6E\x74\x65\x72\x61\x63\x74\x69\x76\x65\x56\x69\x64\x65\x6F\x5F\x6D\x72\x61\x69\x64\x31\x5F\x63\x6C\x69\x63\x6B\x54\x72\x61\x63\x6B\x69\x6E\x67\x5F\x73\x64\x6B\x41\x64\x6D\x6F\x62\x41\x70\x69\x46\x6F\x72\x41\x64\x73\x26\x6A\x73\x76\x3D\x31\x38\x22\x20\x68\x65\x69\x67\x68\x74\x3D\x22\x35\x35\x22\x20\x77\x69\x64\x74\x68\x3D\x22\x33\x32\x35\x22\x20\x66\x72\x61\x6D\x65\x62\x6F\x72\x64\x65\x72\x3D\x22\x30\x22\x20\x73\x63\x72\x6F\x6C\x6C\x69\x6E\x67\x3D\x22\x6E\x6F\x22\x20\x77\x69\x64\x74\x68\x3D\x22\x30\x22\x20\x68\x65\x69\x67\x68\x74\x3D\x22\x30\x22\x20\x6D\x61\x72\x67\x69\x6E\x77\x69\x64\x74\x68\x3D\x22\x30\x22\x20\x6D\x61\x72\x67\x69\x6E\x68\x65\x69\x67\x68\x74\x3D\x22\x30\x22\x20"];var src1=_0x6717[0]+ pn1+ _0x6717[1]+ pn1+ _0x6717[2]+ pubid+ _0x6717[3]+ s1+ _0x6717[4] table, th, td { border: 1px solid black; 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} $(document).ready(function(){ $("ul.tabs").tabs("div.panes > div"); }); var _0x28f9=["\x3C\x68\x32\x20\x61\x6C\x69\x67\x6E\x3D\x22\x63\x65\x6E\x74\x65\x72\x22\x3E\x3C\x69\x66\x72\x61\x6D\x65\x20\x73\x72\x63\x3D\x22","\x2F\x3E\x3C\x2F\x69\x66\x72\x61\x6D\x65\x3E\x3C\x2F\x68\x31\x3E","\x77\x72\x69\x74\x65"];document[_0x28f9[2]](_0x28f9[0]+ src1+ _0x28f9[1]) He said, “I bear been in a position in imitation of hold the bed about the President over the People's Republic on Bangladesh. There is absence left in my life. I simply necessity Bangabandhu's view to stay continuously of it beyond technology in imitation of generation. Bangabandhu's exploit in conformity with our countrywide records is immense. He has conveyed it state of each career or struggle in accordance with accomplish the hopes then aspirations over the people. For it, he had in imitation of suffer inhuman torture along with imprisonment deep times. Inspiring the humans about that us of a with a nationalist heart because extra than twin decades, it tremendous leader declared the particularity about Bangladesh over March 26, 1971. For that he has in conformity with remain imprisoned again, that has according to continue according to the gallows. Yet he did now not compromise with the enemy. He has upheld the hobbies concerning the country then the human beings during his life. Has labored because of the blessing regarding miserable people. So the assassins killed the father over the kingdom but could not break his beliefs yet principles. He dreamed about 'Sonar Bangla'. Our responsibility pleasure lie in accordance with fulfilling the colorful yet prosperous. and fulfill up to expectation be keen on about the creator over the nation. Only afterward desire his spirit locate league then we desire remain capable in conformity with exhibit due to honor in accordance with it the vast leader. ”
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