#zhu xingjie scenarios
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scriptura-adrepticius · 6 years ago
Kalon - Zhu Xingjie
I’m... kinda back? I hope you enjoy this (and I hope people read it, though tbh I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t).
Sorry for being gone so long. Can’t guarantee my postings will be consistent mainly because of school, but I think I’ve found some inspo again and I really hope it stays :) Love you all! Thanks for staying with this blog!
Pairing: Zhu Xingjie x OC/reader
Series: Types of People
six-string boy and fawn girl
credits to @trans-bean-but-spooky and @la-petitefille
Genre: fluff, domestic!au
Word Count: 2.6k
Kalon: a beauty that is more than skin deep
Sometimes Xingjie wonders about you and you wonder about him. It usually leads to you or him falling deeper in love with the other.
Masterlist | Types of People
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imagine you were yanchen actually don’t, i think your heart will combust
Some days you look at Xingjie and wonder how a man with such goodness and innate beauty can exist.
It started in college when you first met him. You were tutoring Linkai in math, and one day Xingjie came to drop him off at the library. One look at him and you were blushing.
You were never particularly adept around the opposite sex.
Many people say it’s the eyes that drew them in, that made them start, that made them fall in love. But with Xingjie… it wasn’t his eyes. It was the way he spoke.
His beautiful voice, sweet and rich, drew you in like a fish to a hook but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care. You’d been taught not to make judgements immediately, but with Xingjie, you couldn’t help it. A man with such a sweet voice had to be just as sweet a person.
Thankfully, you were right. Xingjie proved your judgements correct and more, and when you finally plucked up the courage to ask him out and he accepted, you were more than overjoyed. It was the first time you’d done something so forward, and you were amazed that it’d turned out so well.
Maybe that’s the thing about Xingjie, you wonder. He always manages to bring out the best in you, the parts of you that are hidden to the world, to yourself. He always seems to know you better than you do yourself, and though that should freak you out, it really doesn’t.
How can such a man exist? you wonder. Handsome, talented, sweet, kind… the list goes on and on. Every day you see him, you feel like you discover something new about him, something that only enhances the soft aura he seems to emanate wherever he goes. You bring this up to him one day and he simply laughs.
“It’s because you bring out the best in me,” he says, lacing his hand with yours.
“And you, me,” you reply, squeezing his hand slightly.
Xingjie’s smile isn’t blindingly bright. It’s soft, full of joy, but calm like the moon. He shows that smile now and you relish in its soft glow. “Isn’t that what a significant other is for?”
It’s impossible for you not to smile in response. “Of course.”
. . . . .
Some days Xingjie looks at you and wonders if you realize your own beauty.
It’s small things that make him wonder. The way your eyes brighten at the sight of something beautiful. The way you drift around the apartment, moving like a wisp of the wind. The way your cheeks redden when he places a soft kiss to your nose.
Sometimes you’re huddled in a corner of the couch, a blanket over your legs, reading a book as he works on some music. Sometimes you’re sitting next to him on the grass, back against a tree, watching a butterfly flit amongst the bushes as he writes lyrics. Sometimes you’re sleeping at the table, a cold plate of food by your side, having tried to stay up until he got home.
Quiet beauty, quiet grace. You’re like a fawn - quiet, sweet, innocent.
More often than not, you catch him staring and you send him a questioning look, silently asking why. At restaurants you brush the corner of your lips, wondering if food is on your face. At home, you pat your cheek, wondering if marks are imprinted there after falling asleep on a book. At his studio, you rub your face, wondering if there’s a pen mark there.
And more often than not, Xingjie smiles and shakes his head, taking your hand in his. And more often than not, he whispers, “Do you know how beautiful you are?”
And more often than not, you smile shyly and blush.
And more often than not, Xingjie presses a kiss to your lips.
. . . . .
Some days you look at Xingjie and wonder how a man so perfect would ever choose you.
There was a time when you thought no one would ever love you. Your father died when you were young, and he understood you better than your extroverted mother ever would. She could never comprehend why it was so hard for you to approach strangers, to get up in front of crowds, to speak louder than your usual whisper. Your stepfather was much the same - though perhaps they both loved you, they never understood you.
It took a long time for you to come out of your shell. It took a long time for you to let people in. You had few friends, but your friendships lasted a long time, and your current friends swear that the long process of breaking through your walls was worth it. Every time they say that, your heart flutters a little and you smile.
But it was a long time before you had such friends, and as you grew older, you wondered if you would ever find a perfect love, like the kind you read about in books. Bliss. Unconditional acceptance. Sweet smile and soft kisses. Unrealistic love.
You’ve never been particularly outspoken. You’ve never been particularly attractive. So why would Xingjie ever choose little old you?
He’s sitting nearby, scribbling something on a piece of paper as you make a pot of tea. You sit in front of him, idly watching him write in silence, resting your cheek on your hand as you wait for the tea to boil. When it’s done, you stand up quietly and pour it into two mugs, taking one for yourself and setting the other in front of him.
Xingjie looks up, startled, and smiles. “Thanks, Jingyi,” he says, and even though you’ve dated him for more than two years, his voice still never fails to make your heart warm.
“You’re welcome,” you reply sweetly, leaning over slightly. “What’s that you’re writing?”
“Lyrics,” he says shortly, hiding the words from your sight. You make a face, sipping from your mug, and it makes him laugh. “You’ll get to listen to the song first,” he promises.
“I’ll hold you to that,” you reply, reaching over to take his hand in yours.
And he keeps his promise. He calls you one day at three in the morning, nearly falling asleep over the phone, and asks you to come to the studio. It’s a ten minute walk in the bitter morning cold, but you persist.
After all, it’s for him.
He greets you sleepily, dark eyes dull with exhaustion, but he eagerly leads you to the computer and forces you to sit on his lap. Just before you put the headphones over your ears, though, he stops you.
“Remember when you asked me why I chose you?” he whispers. “A few weeks ago?”
You nod.
“Well, here are the reasons why.” He tugs the headphones down for you, hits a button, and then music begins to fill your ears.
 It’s your smile
It’s your laugh
It’s the way your eyes shine
It’s your sweetness
It’s your joy
It’s the way you look at me, baby
I live to make you happy, to see the smile on your face
Because that smile, that laugh, that sweetness in your voice
It’s beautiful
And if I had to choose again, I’d choose you, my girl…
 Maybe your eyes are tearing up at the end of the song. Maybe you’re smiling so widely that your face is beginning to hurt. Maybe you’re about to start full-on sobbing into Xingjie’s shoulder.
But it’s okay.
Later that morning, he makes you swear that you won’t doubt your own worth anymore. You swear that you won’t, and then you begin bawling into his shoulder again.
Fuck, you’re a mess.
But as long as Xingjie’s there to smile at you, kiss you, and whisper “I love you” in your ear, then you think you’ll be fine.
. . . . .
Some days Xingjie looks at you and wonders why you chose him.
Most of the time it’s you who’s insecure about dating him and he feels stupid when it’s him. He’s always the one to comfort you, and it’s strange to have it be the opposite.
But obviously there are blue days, there are gray days, when Xingjie is uninspired and sad and grumpy and everyone tiptoes around him, trying to leave him alone. Except you.
“Go away,” Xingjie snaps when he hears the knock on his door. He’s got headphones on but nothing’s playing, and though his computer is open and displaying all the music software he’s got, he’s not using it. Just staring at it.
“Hell no,” he hears you say, and then the door is pushed open and you stand in the doorway, arching an eyebrow.
Xingjie blushes out of embarrassment. “Fuck, sorry, Jingyi.” He tries for a smile. “I thought you were Linkai.”
“Linkai?” You wrinkle your brow, settling onto Xingjie’s bed. “He isn’t even here.”
“He’s been spamming me with texts and I figured he was going to come here and bother me some more,” Xingjie groans, finally taking the headphones off. “It was a mistake to give him that key.”
You shrug. “Maybe. But anyway, what’s got you so grumpy now?”
Immediately the black mood settles over him again. His eyebrows furrow, his eyes darken, his mouth thins into a line. “Deadline,” he mumbles.
“Three days, then,” you hum, looking thoughtful. “You can spare one.”
“What?” Xingjie sputters. “No, I can’t!”
“Yeah, you can,” you retort, an uncharacteristic twinkle in your eye. “Change your clothes. Those look like they haven’t been washed for days. We’re going out.”
Despite his protests, you somehow force him out the door. He knows you have no plan which would on a normal day be strange since you’re always so organized. But he doesn’t mind.
As you drag him around the city, making his feet ache and his throat turn dry from too much laughter, as you hold his hand tight and look at him with such love and care in your eyes, Xingjie wonders just what he did in his past life to deserve you.
“Had a better day?” you ask finally as you slip your shoes off in the doorway, looking up at him with your sparkling eyes.
“I did,” Xingjie laughs, cupping your cheek in his hand. He presses a kiss to your lips. “Thank you.”
You give him a peck on his nose, stretching up on your toes, and smile. “You’re welcome.”
. . . . .
Some days you look at Xingjie and you fall in love with him all over again.
Autumn is your favorite season. The leaves turn orange, the wind turns crisp, and all around you is the excitement of the upcoming holidays, of times to spend with family and friends. The smells of warm coffee and hot chocolate pervade the air, bringing a smile to your lips.
You only mention your love for piano in passing, mostly because it’s just… too intimate an activity to call just a hobby. Piano used to be your life before you discovered science, and it was always an escape for you when the world became too much.
For the first few weeks you and Xingjie dated, he never knew you played any instruments. Whenever he invited you to his studio, it was always him who played, never you. Somewhere along the way you let it slip that you could play and since then, never has a trip to his studio gone by where he doesn’t request for you to play something on the old grand piano in the studio down the hall.
The keys, yellowed with age, are always smooth to the touch with just enough grip that you don’t have to worry much about your fingers slipping. You love that grand piano almost more than the one at home, and it’s only second because of the memories associated with your old upright.
It’s your birthday, and Xingjie, as always, has taken into consideration your unease with large crowds in planning a small party. The celebration is still rowdy, however, mostly because Linkai and Justin are both there to liven things up. You laugh, though - their antics don’t bother you anymore.
It isn’t until later that night when everyone’s left that Xingjie’s able to drag you away to the studio. Your curiosity is piqued - he’s already given you a gift, the treble clef pendant you now wear around your neck. You wonder silently what this is about.
Once inside the building, he turns away from his own studio in favor of the one with the piano. Your eyebrows furrow but you don’t question him, not even when he sits down at the bench, motioning for you to sit beside him.
“What’s this about?” you finally ask, sitting down. You lean your head on his shoulder, relishing in the warmth and stability that he seems to emanate.
“Your second birthday present. Just listen,” he whispers, then sets his hands on the keys and begins to play.
It’s a medley. Eight of your favorite pieces connected into a seamless ten-minute performance, culminating with your song. The song that you two danced to on the night of your first kiss. The song that you’ve jokingly deemed your theme song.
As he plays, your heart swells, and you think you’ve fallen in love with him again. Tears in your eyes, you tell him as much when he finishes.
“What made you fall out of love with me?” he teases gently, brushing a strand of hair away from your cheek. His touch makes you shiver.
“Absolutely nothing,” you reply, eyes shining. “I just fell a little deeper.”
. . . . .
Some days Xingjie looks at you and wonders if you’re real.
Xingjie can never find the words to describe you. Your peace. Your tranquility. The way you get startled easily, the way your eyes widen when you do. How you hum softly to the melodies he’s working on.
He wonders if that’s because you’re not from this planet. For the only word that even hints at what you are is perhaps otherworldly, and even that only touches upon the slightest essence of your being.
Until one day, when he finds the perfect word as he absentmindedly browses the internet.
The moon is bright, shining through the small window, illuminating your face with ghostly light. Your eyes are closed, your breath fanning his face as you slowly drift into the arms of sleep. Xingjie watches you doze off, his own eyes becoming heavy as well.
Linkai deems this kind of interaction awkward, but Xingjie thinks it’s just right. He cherishes these quiet moments, where he can enjoy your beauty in peace.
“You know,” he whispers sleepily, pulling you a little closer beneath the blankets, “I found the perfect word to describe you today.”
You open your eyes slowly. “What is it?” you ask, curiosity piqued. Xingjie’s heart leaps a little, hearing your tired, sweet voice.
“Kalon,” Xingjie enunciates, his tongue tripping slightly over the unfamiliar word. “A beauty that is more than skin deep.”
Even in the dark, your blush is unmistakable. Xingjie relishes in your surprise, in the way your eyes widen the tiniest bit, the way your cheeks pink slightly, the way you gaze at him with so much love in your eyes.
“Then, Xingjie,” you whisper, “I think it’s the perfect word to describe you too.”
Neither of you need the faint moonlight to know that the other is smiling.
Nor do you need the faint moonlight to press a kiss to the other’s lips either.
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peachyjie · 7 years ago
Only U || Zhu Xing Jie
A/N : Yes I know this is the 2nd Jie’s scenario i will be posting AT THE SAME DAY. But i gotta promote him so all of you will fall for him more the boy gotta eat too you know
Requested : Yes, the request was so funny. I actually had fun writing this (Request still open lovelies! 💕)
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Pairing : Zhu Xing Jie - Reader
Cameo : A softie and 2 troublemakers (Xiaogui, Justin, and Yixing!PD) *i had to add YX kay*
Genre : fluff i’m spoiling all of you tbh
Summary : Huba, that’s a way to make him feel irritated in a span of 0.1 second. But for you, it’s the softest and lovable thing he could ever ask for.
Episode 6,
It took him a long time to keep up with the cool and cold concept before it was all destroyed in just the span if 5 seconds by Xiaogui.
Xingjie swore his pain will never die down, especially now even his fans calls him with the nickname
That one nickname that ruins his cool image.
First of all, he does not sound like a Huba. No, his voice is too deep, too rich and too cool to even sound like that high-pitched pokemon monster.
Secondly, he does not look anything near a Huba. Xingjie felt like Xiaogui is questioning his good looks because rather than a cutie, Xingjie feels like he is a badass. Cough
And lastly, he wondered how a talented man who can sing, rap, dance, until doing magic trick got compared to a tiny monster?
“Huba, huba, hubaaaaa”, Xingjie annoyingly looked at Xiaogui. Xiaogui have a wide smile on his face provocating the older, Xingjie never felt so much need to slap that face of his.
“Ge, you resembles so much like a Huba. They don’t need to do anymore animation. They could just use you”, Xiaogui announced making the room roars in laughter.
“I will murder you one day, Xiaogui”, Xingjie hissed to the kid. Xiaogui looking back at his Ge in an unamused face just shurgs.
“Sure you will, Huba-ge”, making sure to emphasize the last word to piss the older off, Xiaogui went out of the room
Xingjie stared blankly in the training room. This is going to be his 3rd performance practice and everything is going on so well. Until break time came, and his headache came.
“HUBA GEEEE”, he flinched by the tone that Justin came out with. Xingjie’s face unamused.
But it didn’t last too long before Xingjie lost it and started headlocking Justin, almost murdering the younger.
“Call me what? I dare you to call me one more time, Huang MingHao!”, he roars. His arm locking the younger’s neck with a look of rage.
“I’m sorry!!!!”, Justin screamed, cracking his voice in the end. “Sorry for what?!”, Xingjie roars back.
The other trainees? Well they don’t want to bother a wild Huba on loose.
Xingjie was really close on forgiving the poor yellow head child, but Justin being Justin.
Hah, we all thought
“Sorry, Huba-ge”, taking the time of Xingjie being shocked. Justin slips away and ran out of the room. It didn’t take Xingjie too long to snap back to reality, chasing the younger.
“HUANG MINGHAO! Get your ass back here!”, he roars in the hallway.
Basically, this is his life now. A Huba.
Xingjie wondered quietly on stage, how did he managed to get this kind of treatment. What did he do in the past until Karma gets him this way?
Because right now, not only his members and trainees are calling him Huba. His fans are calling him Huba, but even his mentors are calling him Huba
Oh that’s not why he is complaining also.
Even his girl is calling him Huba, his beloved started calling him that after the last episode was aired and he swore, he could murder everyone right now.
There was also once where Xiaogui and Justin teaming up pranking him. They glued posters of Huba everywhere in the training room, then they decided its a good idea to gift him some Huba dolls. Xingjie swore he wished he had a knife that time.
Little did he know, standing in the sea of fans hid you. Holding a small banner with his name, your eyes sparkles when you saw him on stage. All posh and ready to dance.
You didn’t tell him you were on set, it was a small surprise you want to give him after being away from each other for almost 3 months.
Amazingly, the production team reaches out to you with this proposal. And of course you immediately agreed and flew to China without second thought.
You are always amazed when you see Xingjie on stage. Because on stage, he’s that confident guy everyone can fall for. Whilst off stage, like normal humans, he’s timid yet shy but intimidating for some reason.
You ran to the backstage, bowing to the head director. He welcomes you with a smile.
You looked at all the boys, quickly noticing where Xingjie is. You can’t help but put a bigger smile on your face.
“I want to say thank you for your performances tonight, I’ve seen such hard work and it was all paid magnificently on stage.”, you see Yixing started talking as the trainees turns all of their attention to him.
“After this shoot, please. Have some rest, drink enough water and take care of your body. See you next time”, at the same time Yixing said his greeting, the trainees began to loosen up and started talking.
Then you see it, the mischievous Xiaogui and Justin. They slowly crept behind him, and soon was pinning him down.
Xingjie caught off guard was soon yelling. “Huba gone wild!”, Justin yelled. Xiaogui was cackling at the side, holding Xingjie down.
You laughed slowly at the sight. You knew Xingjie never liked being called that in person. But you find the nickname so cute, you can’t help but use it yourself.
When Xingjie finally got loose from their grasp, he wildly took them in his hands. Pinching their cheek, hard.
A sea of screaming and yelling soon continues on, making the whole set a mess. It wasn’t until Yixing had to come back, clearing his throat gaining everyone’s attention.
“Hub-I mean, Zhu Xingjie.”, Xingjie stared at his PD in confusion. Even PD is calling him that? Oh, come on!
“So, I see you’ve been stressed for the past days due to constant bickering with Justin and Xiaogui”, Xingjie sighs.
“So, the production team decided to give you a small gift”, Yixing said. Looking at you, he nodded. “A gift for our Huba!”, Yixing said teasing the younger.
Xingjie was confused. But his confusion turns into surprise when he heard a loud-
And he was tackled by a small embrace. The whole studio erupted in more yelling and screaming. He stared at you, who have a goofy smile on your face.
You giggled. “Hi, Huba”, making him groan.
“Ohhhhh, Huba-ge is so whip!!!!!”, Xiaogui teased. “No fair!!! How come she can call him that and not get murdered?!”, Justin whined in advance, getting a hit from Zhengting.
The other trainees started staring at you, amuse at how you are able to control him. “Miss me, Huba?”, you questioned still smiling.
Xingjie had to admit, out of all people who can call him Huba. He finds your’s cute. Too cute
Because whenever you call him with Huba, your face immediately lights up. Eyes sparking, with a big smile on your face.
It droves Xingjie to the edge
Secretly he enjoys that, but he doesn’t want to admit it.
So pretending not to like it made it more provocative, so you kept doing it to annoy him
“Why are you here?”, he questions softly noticing how the trainees became quiet to stare at the live chinese drama in front of them.
“To meet you, of course!”, you said giddly. Jumping a little on your heels.
“Hey, Huba-ge! Aren’t you gonna kiss her?”, Justin provoke the older. Xingjie swore, if he kills Justin right here, right now. He would not regret a single thing.
But he was far grateful because Zhengting and Chengcheng decided to pull that yellow head down and gave him a good amount of beating.
Not wanting to be in the center of attention, he drags you off camera to an empty hallway. He stared at you in awe.
How long has it been since he last saw you?
A month?
He never knew how much this show took all of his time and attention. Seeing you now, in front of him. He realized how much he misses you.
“So you don’t miss me?”, you pouted.
“Maybe?”, he shurgs playfully. Laughin when you hit him playfully.
“I thought Huba’s are supposed to be cute and nice?”, you tease him. He gave you a small smile, you’re too dense to know the big affect you do to him in such small actions.
“Are you going to stop calling me a Huba?”, Xingjie ask you softly, almost whispering.
You thought for a while before you tiptoe, pecking his lips.
Gosh he misses that too
“Never, Huba”, you said playfully. His smile only got bigger.
“I like calling you Huba, it suits you”, you laughed. Circling your arms around his waist, you rest yourself on his chest.
You miss him, a lot
“And you don’t seem to mind”, you laughed. Xingjie grabs your chin slowly and pulls down to press a kiss on your lips.
It took him 3 full months to be away from you. And having you in front of him now is everything he could wish for. He just needs to let this moment last longer.
Just a little bit longer
When he pulls away, you whined from the sudden coldness. He laughed.
You held his gaze, filled with adoration and sincereness it could drive you wild.
“Yea, maybe I do like it when you call me that”, he said softly.
“Huba”, you said to him.
He pecks you one more time on the lips, making you giggle.
“Only you, Y/N. Only you”
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yeongwonhi-nuna · 7 years ago
Title: Dream
Pairing: Xingjie X OC
Genre: Romance, Slight angst
Word Count: 2303
Status: Complete
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I don’t want to go to sleep because I know you won't be here when I wake up.
  It started over a year ago. You were a friend of a friend. I knew you by name and by reputation, not that you had a bad reputation, in fact, you were famous for rejecting almost every girl or guy that approached you.
 We were at a house party and I'd stupidly worn a pair of too high high heels when I spotted the tiniest sliver of couch next to you. “Can I squeeze in there?” I asked hopefully, pointing to the tiny space. You glanced at the space before looking me over, top to bottom before nodding, sliding sideways on the couch, shoving your drunk friend further along the couch.
 “Thanks.” I said as I sat beside you, slipping off my shoes, a small moan of relief making its way out of my mouth as I rested my feet on the thick carpet beneath me. You chuckled as you eyed me, a deep sound which sent shivers rocketing throughout my entire body. You leant back on the couch, your arm draping the length of it, resting behind my head. The move was so smooth I couldn’t help but grin.
 “How are you planning on dancing for the rest of the night if your feet are killing you already?” you asked, your gaze slowly dragging down my bare legs, I’m glad I decided to wear this particular dress. It was short, but not so short that I had to worry about flashing myself. I grinned and crossed my legs, letting you get a good look at my thighs as I did so. “Not much of a dancer to be honest.” I said as I leant back on the couch, using your arm as a pillow. You grinned at me, “Me either.” You said as your gaze turned to the dancing people in front of us.
 We sat in comfortable silence for a while, before I let loose a small sigh. I could feel your gaze on me, even though I thought my sigh would never have been loud enough to be heard over the music. “Something bothering you?” your sudden concern threw me for a loop. I hadn’t expected you to care. Your reputation of being aloof preceded you. “Just some work stuff.” I said, giving you a half smile, my gaze remaining on the dancing people in front of us. “Want to talk about it?” you asked. I turned to face you, a curious look on my face. “Wouldn’t that be completely boring for you?” I enquired. You just shrugged, “I’m not really a party person either.” I chuckled at your answer. “You don’t dance, you don’t party… what do you do for fun?” I asked, aware of the hidden meaning to my words.
 The hidden meaning of my words obviously didn’t escape you, but you just grinned, ever remaining the gentleman. “Music, and not this crap that Xiao Gui is playing.” You said, gesturing over to our mutual friend, who had somehow gotten a hold of the auxiliary cord for the speakers and was blasting some strange song at an ungodly volume. I laughed, a true sound that made the corners of your lips lift. “It wouldn’t be hard to have better taste in music than Xiao Gui.” You chuckled at my words, the arm you had wrapped over the back of the couch, falling to rest across my shoulders. You gave me a look, silently asking me if it was okay, I gave you the slightest nod and you grinned.
 I lost track of how long we sat there. Squished together on the too small couch, talking about everything and nothing. Time seemed to forget to exist as we talked. When the party started to wind down in the early hours of the morning, I asked to you to come back to my place. I never expected you to say yes. I received more than a few jealous stares as we left hand in hand. But I couldn’t have cared less.
 At my apartment, we made love in a way that cannot be described in words. You were attentive and passionate in a way which I had never experienced with any of my previous lovers. You put my pleasure above your own, making sure I had taken all I could take, and more, before concerning yourself with your own pleasure. I never thought it was possible to have such a physical connection with another person. It was like you could read my every thought before I even had it and knew exactly what I needed and wanted, and you gave it to me freely.
 When I woke up the next morning, I could feel a pleasant ache in my muscles. I stretched out, finding the bed empty. “Xingjie?” I called for you, but a quick glance around my room revealed that your clothes were gone. I sighed as I pulled my blanket up around me. Not unexpected, but a part of me mourned my loss. I flopped back down in bed, more than happy to sleep for a while longer.
  While your early morning disappearance hadn’t been a surprise, I received a surprise from you that afternoon in the form of a text message. You apologised for leaving so early without saying goodbye, but that you would like to keep in contact. I couldn’t believe it. I’d had the best night of my life, and there, in black and white, was the offer that it could happen again.
 And so, it continued. For the next two months, the only time we met up was when one of us needed to let off some steam. Your job was very stressful so we met up quite frequently. Enough that our friends began to question if we were dating. We both denied it, we weren’t in that kind of a relationship.
  After that, we met up by accident in a coffee shop. You invited me to sit with you. It was strange at first. We had never met up like that before. Our conversation flowed as easily as it had on our first meeting on that too small couch. From that point on, the dynamics of our relationship changed ever so slightly, but one thing remained constant. You were never there in the morning.
  The more time we spent together, both in bed and out, the deeper in love I fell with you. But I could never bring myself to tell you. I was afraid of tipping the precarious balance of our relationship. Although we had never made any promises, I never slept with another man since our first night together. I couldn’t say for sure that you hadn’t been with another woman, but there was this feeling, deep inside of me, that you had only been with me. Perhaps it was a foolish hope. A desire for you to be mine and for me to be yours that made me think that way. But I clung to it like a lifeline.
   I propped my head up with one of my hands as I gazed down at you. You were always there when I fell asleep, but you were never there when I woke up. My heart ached as I looked at the clock. In just a few, short hours, you would be gone again. No matter how hard I tried to be aware of you when you left, I somehow always managed to sleep through your departure. Waking up in an empty bed, with another needle like stab wound in my heart.
 I laid down beside you, slipping my hand into yours with the vain hope that when you let go of my hand to leave, I would wake up. I gazed at your sleeping face, memorizing every inch of it until I couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer.
  I felt cold.
 I rolled over, still more asleep than awake, to the side of the bed where you should have been. Empty. I sighed, and perhaps because I was still half-asleep, tears began to slowly make their way down my face. “Why do you always leave?” I mumbled to myself as I curled up into a ball, savouring the faint smell of your aftershave. I didn’t bother to wipe away my tears. I didn’t see the point when there was no one there to see them.
 I felt my bed dip and a warm hand rest on my shoulder. That’s how I knew I was dreaming.
 It was already morning, so there was no way you were still here. I sniffled, tucking my head further into my pillow. “You jerk. Why do you always leave?” I asked, wishing I was brave enough to ask you this when I was awake. I felt you gently run your fingers through my hair as I kept my eyes closed, afraid that if I opened them, I’d wake up from my dream.
 “Hey.” Your voice was so soft, so full of concern that I broke. I sat up and stared you dead in the eye. “Why do you always leave in the mornings? Do you know how hard it is for me to sleep knowing that you won't be there in the morning? It kills me. I know I shouldn’t have, but I fell in love with you so long ago.” I inhaled deeply before continuing. “I can’t do this anymore. I can’t keep on feeling like this. I need to stop seeing you.” The words tasted like acid on my tongue. Not being able to see you again would be painful beyond words, but I could take it. Nothing is worse than having a taste of a wonderful life with the person you love but never being able to fully claim it as your own.
 “Hey, look at me.” you said, your voice so warm that I couldn’t help but to obey. Your expression was serious as you stared into my eyes as if searching for any sign of lies in my confession. “I’m sorry.” You said, still holding my gaze as you linked your hand with mine, the other wiping away the few remaining tears on my face. “I never realised how much of an effect me leaving had on you. I guess I never really fully thought about how you would feel about it.” You squeezed my hand gently, and despite my outburst of anger, I squeezed back, letting you know that I accepted your words.
 “The reason why I always left in the morning is because it was too hard to stay.” I tensed myself to stop my body from flinching from your words. “Don’t misunderstand me.” you added quickly, as if you had read my thoughts. “It wasn’t because I wasn’t happy or anything, in fact, it was exactly the opposite.” You stopped for a second, as if working out how to say what you needed to say.
 “Every morning, I would wake up beside you and you would always be sleeping so peacefully that it would take every ounce of strength I had to not wrap myself around you and never let you go.” You let out a short laugh. “Do you know that every time I had to leave you it got harder? And every time I left, I always kissed your forehead?” I felt tears well up again as you continued. “We started this as a friends with benefits kind of thing, but I don’t know when it happened, but soon that just wasn’t enough for me.”
 “You know that day we met in the coffee shop? That wasn’t an accident. Xiao Gui had told me you would be there so I went there, hoping that I would bump into you. Then we started hanging out more and I thought that maybe, just maybe, I’d be able to get you to open your heart to me, but I was never sure if I had managed it. I was too scared to tell you how I felt. But it looks like we both were…” you trailed off, the tiniest hint of a smile on your lips as you looked at me, with such a hopeful expression.
 I laughed, the absurdity of both of our actions catching up with me. “We’re both idiots.” I muttered as I threw my arms around your neck. You instantly returned my embrace, your warmth breath curling around my neck as you held me like a drowning man would clutch to a life ring.
 “Tell me I’m not dreaming.” I whispered. You pulled back, just enough so you could see my face. You gently pushed my messy hair away from my face. “I can one hundred percent guarantee that this is most definitely, not a dream.” You said, your beautiful smile coming out full force. A matching grin appeared on my face before you closed the small distance between us, sealing our confessions in the sweetest kiss I’ve ever had.
 “Come back to bed and snuggle?” I asked hopefully. You grinned at me, motioning for me to slide over. I moved back, giving you enough room to slide into bed beside me, you wrapped your arm under my neck to hold me close to your chest as you pressed kisses to my forehead, your hand lazily running up and down my arm. “I love you.” I said, relief flooding me at finally being able to confess the feelings that I had kept locked up for so long. You flashed me my favourite warm smile before pressing the briefest of kisses to my lips, “I love you too. Now let’s get some more sleep and I promise that this time and the next time and the time after that, that I’ll be here when you wake up.” 
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dearlinong · 7 years ago
poof! ; zhu xingjie
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[@hyunas355: so mr xingjie ruined my heart so can i ask for something really fluffy where he’s like teaching you magic???? (ruin me)]
(a/n: heiii, so yo gurl is back from that long writer’s block and im back with this wonderful scenario about xingjie <3333. IM SORRY IF THIS IS SHIT PLS DONT HATE ME bc i wrote this in the middle of the time when i had writer’s block. anyways i hope you guys like it!!)
genre: fluff
requested: yes!
so here we go
you came home from shopping when you saw xingjie standing and talking to himself
"okay bro you got this don’t panic okay"
"don’t panic about what honey?"
xingjie jumped in surprise because of you
"ahhh, nothing babe just ummm, practicing some magic tricks, so when i panic they don’t usually work"
you were already hooked when he said the word ‘magic’
for a long time now you’ve always wanted to learn magic tricks from xingjie, but he always says no
so today you were trying your luck again and ask him if he could teach you
and to your surprise he said ‘sure’ this time
so you two sat down and he told you some basics
he also showed you some of his personal fave magic tricks
"so this is a trick where i pull out a coin out of your ear”
and he’s just face palming himself bc he has literally taught you this about 23 times now
but he still found it cute that you were interested in what he was doing so he taught you again
and after about 20 more tricks he showed, you finally did your first trick which was sightly wrong because the coin dropped on the floor before you could make it ‘appear’ by getting it behind his ear lol
“okay i think i get it now, thanks love for teaching me!”
“w-wait, i wanna show you one last. if that’s okay?”
and you were like ‘oF CO URSE I WOULD BE HONORED’
so he proceeded in concentrating and you can’t help but get lost in his super perfect face
while you were practically drooling over your boyfriend he pulled out you favorite bouquet of flowers
he then hid his face behind a pillow he got because he was blushing so hard especially when he saw that you liked it very much
“what are these for?” you said while smilling
“i just wanted to buy you some flowers, can’t a guy buy his lovely girlfriend flowers?”
so you hugged him tightly, thanked him and kissed him :)
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zhengtiddy · 7 years ago
oK i am so sorry that i disappeared for so long? i was trying to get my other blog in order lmao but i’m back!!! yay?
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he does not want to admit he likes you
but in reality u make him feel so soft and nice and he gets butterflies every time he sees you :( 
he has no idea how he’s supposed to ask you
bc he’s pretty sure you don’t like him back anyway
but you do
and you have 0 hope that this guy is going to ask you out
you literally think he hates you
but it’s quite the opposite actually
he gets close to shitting himself every time you walk into the room
so he tries to show you subtly that he likes you a lot
he’s always making sure you’re not uncomfortable around any of the boys
always keeps you Well Fed lmao
and he always laughs at ur stupid jokes that nobody finds funny except for you
and the boys notice how whipped he already is for you and you guys aren’t even dating yet
and they see how you practically die when he gives you attention
so naturally the boys tease you both about it
and they tell you that he likes you
but ofc you don’t believe them
bc xingjie???? liking you????? sure
and you’re both so incredibly dense that it actually takes a while to get you two together
xiao gui gags 
and he hates how long it’s taking his “oTp” to start dating
yanchen also gets impatient
bc it physically pains him to see you two like each other so much and not do anything about it
so the boys Conspire 
they call it a very intricate and difficult plan
but in reality it’s just taking xingjie’s phone and texting u with it lmao
so they do
and you’re like freaking out
a lot
like you’re sweating profusely
you have to take a shit
everything is somehow going right and wrong for you
so you rush to the dorm bc “he” asked you to meet him there
and when you get inside xingjie is on the couch taking a fucking nap
and you’re just like??????? did i take that long
yanchen and xiao gui obviously didn’t really think their “difficult” plan through
bc now you’re standing awkwardly in their living room and xingjie is snoring his ass off on the couch
“hEy!!!!!!!!!!! y/n didn’t know you were here”
xiao gui literally screams as loud as he can to wake xingjie up
and when he does he looks like he’s about to rip xiao gui’s balls off
but anyway when he sees u
he immediately softens
and he’s just like wow i saw an angel
you and xingjie are just kind of like................................................. o
“uHhhh so how ‘bout it y/n, let’s date??”
and he’s honestly way less “cold” when you start dating
he’s not overly affectionate but it’s not like he doesn’t show it at all
he likes holding hands a lot
so whenever you’re walking or even just sitting watching tv he’s either holding your hand or just playing with your fingers
you try to show him vines but he absolutely Hates them and you
and ur just like how did i manage to end up with a boy that hates these but 🤷🏻‍♀️
he secretly finds it amusing how excited you get over them but he won’t admit
kind of a jealous boi
like not crazy psychotic jealous
but he’s just a little bit cautious
bc boys suck and he doesn’t want anyone bothering u
esp when u already have a cute bf :)))))))
so yeah he’s ready to Throw Hands if he needs to lmaoo
dates are usually super chill
like he doesn’t mind going out to eat or do whatever outside of the house but dates inside are also super fun with him
he usually gives in to your stupid ideas
like having a food fight while you’re trying to bake
or just putting socks on and sliding around on their wooden floor until someone falls and has to get stitches
idk he just seems so put together but
hOho bitch he’s not
he’s open to do anything stupid that will for sure result in one of you getting hurt or getting arrested lmao
he’s kind of a chill, live in the moment kind of guy
so every second of your relationship with him is just so spontaneous and exciting
but of course calm and relaxing when you both feel like it
likes kisses a lot
like yeah tsundere but with you????
how can he resist kisses
i feel like they’d be super lazy ones
like you’re just sitting on the couch dying and then all of a sudden he’s kissing you
it ends as quickly as it starts though lmao
he loves you a lot
and everyone teases him about it
but he doesn’t care
bc you’re worth all of it
you both compliment each other so well
you’re supportive of his dream and he is with yours
chill ass relationship
my kind of guy
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yanjuniverse · 5 years ago
How Should It Be - Xiao Gui/Wang Linkai One Shot
[a/n: ah yes back at it again with another cringey one shot. i meant to post this on 5/20 but i couldn’t get my brain juices to work and finish it until tonight. i hope you guys like it. big reminder that i love wang linkai ❤️. sorry if the fic is a mess btw lol.] / master list
He sags down in his seat, visibly defeated by whatever was on his mind. A pout is prominent on his lips as his best friend cracks a smile, clapping him on the back before wrapping his arm around him, their bodies crashing together.
“Why the long face, Gui? Don’t you know that frowning gives you wrinkles?” he asks. If Linkai wasn’t so down in the dumps, he would’ve smacked the exaggerated frown right off of Chengcheng’s face right then.
Fan Chengcheng has never been the kind to just let Linkai live in his misery. Oh, no. Fan Chengcheng has to twist the knife after he stabs you. Sure, the guy’s quiet when you first meet him. But once you get to know him the way Linkai knows him, it’s a done deal. Your soul is his and there’s no getting rid of him.
“You saw my butthole once, Kai. We’re practically blood brothers now.”
Don’t ask. Linkai is begging.
“Nothing,” he shifts back into the ratty couch. He thinks for a second about how Xingjie is always babbling on and on about how he should replace it (as if Linkai has the money to replace this old hand-me-down couch. He’s a soundcloud rapper. How much does Xingjie even thinks he makes off of his beats?). Something about how just because it’s old, doesn’t mean it’s vintage. Linkai thinks that maybe the spring that pops out of the second cushion of the faded blue sofa may have caught Xingjie by surprise one too many times. That’s why Linkai always sits on the arm rest or lays like a starfish on the floor during movie nights. You’ll never catch him squished in the middle of Yanchen and Xingjie on their Thursday night Grey’s Anatomy marathons (per Yanchen’s request because how could one look at the actual sun and say no?).
He’s picking at the frayed edge of the sofa when Chengcheng says, “It doesn’t look like nothing.” He suddenly snaps, reaching into his pocket before pulling out a pair of his (nonprescription) glasses. He pushes them up on his nose then opens his phone to his notes. Linkai sees him type “WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH GUI TODAY” and watches him not only put it in bold print but italics as well. “I think we should start a diary of some sort. My sister has one of those and she says it’s all a part of a healthy life style. Wait, should we buy a Password Journal for you? Okay, wait Chengcheng. Too far off track. Let’s focus on the now.” He recomposes himself before saying, “First of all, do you know your rising sign? It could help explain a lot of things.”
Linkai thinks that there’s a reason for everything. He thinks that you never meet a person by mistake. But sometimes...he has to question his life mottos as Chengcheng waves his hand and tells him he’ll make his birth chart from scratch, all he needs is the time he was born (because Chengcheng’s already memorized that he was born on May 20, 1999 in the Fujian Province).
“Chengcheng, I promise on my mother that I won’t judge you. Just tell me if you were dropped on your head as a baby or not.“ He’s desperate at this point. There’s no way somebody just wakes up and makes the conscious decision to be Fan Chengcheng. Not any sane person, that is.
“Astrology is a very serious science, Gui and I will not stand for your bashing!” Chengcheng whines.
Likai gives him side eyes. “Didn’t you only get into astrology because Justin said you were a Gemini and he liked that?”
“No!” But the blush rising on his cheeks says otherwise. “Look. This isn’t about me! This is about you! What’s your deal?”
The older one shakes his head, throwing himself back against the couch and hoping that the weird stain to his left would manifest into a blackhole and swallow him hole. He crosses his arms and taps his shoe against the ground, eyes glued to the ceiling popcorn and wondering who the hell even thought that shit was cute. He starts to wonder how much he could pay Chengcheng to eat it when the doorbell rings.
“I’ll get it,” Chengcheng says. “I’m expecting a package!” As he gets up, he throws a cushion at his roommate before hopping away.
Linkai shuts his eyes, too exhausted to even fight back. Maybe it is his package. Maybe it’s Justin. Maybe they have another “date” in Chengcheng’s room (it’s not a real date if Justin doesn’t know it’s a date).
He’s about to drift to sleep when another cushion hits his chin, causing him to bite his tongue.
He’s on his feet and ready to throw hands when his eyes land on (a very pissed looking) you.
Honestly. He’s not surprised. You have this sour face all day and all night and it’s to the point where he’s starting to consider having Chengcheng put together your birth chart so that he can understand just that much more about you.
He crosses his arms. “And what is the problem today, princess?” he raises his eyebrows. He leans down, teasingly close, and wrinkles his nose. “I was just thinking about you.”
“Don’t look so stressed,” you scoff. He pokes your forehead, causing you to stumble back a couple of steps. “Hey!” you whine, rubbing the spot. He can just hear you screaming in your head about how he has dirty finger nails or how his hands are always so cold and boney. You huff. “You’re gonna give me a headache.”
“You give me a headache every time you walk into the room,” he shrugs, pulling back. He throws himself onto the couch again and hears the floor rattle beneath him. Another complaint that you’ll throw at him is how he and Chengcheng should just move out of this ratty old place. (“And go where exactly?” “I don’t know! Go live with Zhengting! I heard he needs a roommate!” “You want us to live with Zhu Zhengting? He’ll be on China’s Most Wanted after he kills me and Chengcheng.”) You roll your eyes instead. “But go on. What did your best friend Wang Linkai do to piss you off today?”
“We had a lunch date!” you stomp your foot.
“A lunch date?!” Chengcheng repeats as he exists the kitchen, choking on the piece of bread he had shoved into his mouth. “You two go on dates?!”
Linkai snorts. Ever since Chengcheng found out the story of how you and Linkai met, he’s been begging for you two to fall in love. (“You met in college when she dropped her books and you helped her pick them up? Fingers lingering, eyes glazing over. Love blooming like spring cherry blossom-“ “Chengcheng, shut the actual hell up. I only helped her out because I’m not an asshole.” “Not an asshole? Have you met you?”). Chengcheng says that he’s read a lot of fan fictions. He knows how this will turn out. Apparently, he’s taking bets alongside Chen Linong and Lin Yanjun as to when you two will finally get together. But jokes on them because you are denser than a book.
According to Chengcheng, it’s not your fault because apparently Linkai has terrible game. His idea of flirting with you is to flake on you half the time, watch you get riled up then pat your head and walk away after you get done ranting to him. Linkai doesn’t call that game. He calls that tolerance because some of this shit you put him through makes his head spin in circles. Plus, he’s got an image to uphold. Xiao Gui AKA.IMP cannot go around braiding flower crowns and singing to the birds like this is some kind of Disney film. He’s still trying to live down that time Xukun posted a picture of him coloring in a coloring book on his instagram story (Ziyi still sends him children’s coloring books every holiday since. Whether Linkai fills them out or not is his business and his business only).
He thinks today is going to be a bad day. He thinks it’ll be one of those days where the two of you will fight to no ends and there’s literally nothing he can do to make you feel better. He hates to admit it but he likes those kind of days because they always end with the two of you laying in his bed. Those are the nights he’ll hold you and wipes your tears, whispering a mantra of “Yes, I’m an idiot” and “I’m sorry, it’s my fault for not cherishing you.” He likes those nights because even though you get on his last nerves, he’ll be willing to admit defeat if that means he’ll get to wake up with you beside him.
“Honestly, Linkai. I don’t even know why I try with you sometimes,” you groan, setting down the bag of food in your hands onto the coffee table with one too many water stains. “Chengcheng, come join us for lunch.”
“Oh, I don’t wanna intrude on your date,” he says.
You smile at him. “It’s not an actual date.“
There’s a weird look on your face as you say that. It’s a look you get that Xiao Gui has never been able to read. Your smile is big but your eyes never seem to match. Your shoulders visibly sag and your movements slow for a second before you seem to realize what you’re doing and get back to being normal. “Come!”
“No,” Linkai plops down on the floor next to you. “He has a lab with Justin due at midnight tonight. He needs to leave.”
“Hm? You keep tabs on me?” Chengcheng has a shit eating grin on his face which quickly disappears as Linkai scoffs.
“No. You’re wearing cologne for once and don’t look oily. From just that, I know you’re going to meet Justin,” he says. “You usually smell like terrible B.O. and your hair looks dry. As for your project, you have it written on your calendar inside of a big red heart. I saw it when I went to steal the five bucks from your dresser earlier.” Chengcheng sputters, face red with embarrassment.
You swat Linkai’s shoulder. “Leave him alone,” you frown. “Don’t worry about him, Cheng. You always look and smell great to me!” you grin encouragingly before turning back to Linkai again to whisper yell. “He has a crush. Don’t tell me you’ve never gotten dressed up for somebody you liked.”
“Hey!” he says louder than you expected considering this was supposed to be a hushed conversation. “I’m wearing the jeans you said make my ass look fat,” he retorts. You simply roll your eyes before returning to Chengcheng. Once again, you’ve reminded not only Linkai but the world that you are denser than a book. He makes a face. “You expect me to read your mind and yet you never seem to be able to read mine,” he mutters under his breath, forcefully stabbing into his rice.
“What was that?” you turn back to him. He shakes his head, shoveling a load of food into his mouth to keep you from pressing. You thankfully don’t and once again, turn to Chengcheng. “I think you look amazing. Really. Go get him! He’ll be in your arms in no time!”
“Thanks, jiejie!” the dopey boy grins. “I’ll be on my way then. Be back tomorrow morning. Don’t have too much fun while I’m gone!” he winks. He’s out the door before Linkai can kill him (as if Linkai even had the energy to do so).
He’s too busy dissecting his meat to notice your cold stare. You have to clear your throat for him to look up and see your face. He groans, “What the hell did I do now?”
“You should be more supportive of Chengcheng.”
“More supportive? Any more supportive and I might as well just text Justin and say ‘Hey dinghead! Chengcheng is in love with you!’” he scoffs. “Honestly, it doesn’t get any more supportive than me.” He’s actually offended that you don’t think he’s all for Chengstin. Linkai is the vice president of the Chengstin fanclub, only coming second to You Zhangjing. “Who do you think always makes sure there’s ice cream in the fridge when Justin comes over? Who do you think hops off our shitty ass wifi when Justin comes to watches movies? Who the fuck ran across town just to fight with sneaker heads to get Justin the newest pair of shoes because Chengcheng was stuck in class? Have you ever had to fight a sneak head, YN? Have you?” His eyes are wild as if he’s seen some things he’d rather not talk about.
You sigh. “I just think you need to be nicer to him,” you shrug.
“Last week you told me not to let Chengcheng step all over me,” Linkai points his chopstick accusingly at you.
“Because you were deadass tired and up doing his laundry while he slept!” you exclaim.
Linkai snorts. You’re honestly a walking contradiction when it comes to him. “Just eat and be quiet. I’ve already got a headache. Don’t make my stomach upset too with all of your nonsense.”
“It’s not nonsense, Linkai!”
“If it’s coming from you, it is.” He shuts his foam to-go plate and stands to his feet before you could give him another earful. “I’m gonna go get a drink. Want anything? Water? A soda? A shot of vodka?”
“Ten more minutes with you makes the last option sound more appeasing than it should,” you pinch the bridge of your nose.
“Nobody is forcing you to be here,” he reminds you, patting your head as he walks away. When he returns, he’s made two pretty drinks and winks at you. Bottoms up, his eyes say.
“Really? Drinking on a Tuesday?” you scoff.
“Whether it’s a Tuesday afternoon or a Saturday night, you will always find a reason to complain,” he replies. You roll your eyes, taking a sip and feeling the alcohol burn down your throat. You grimace before setting it back down on the table. “So what do you wanna do now, hm? Watch a movie? Make me watch you online shop?”
“Maybe I could put make up on you and do your hair,” you suggest.
It’s his turn to roll his eyes. “You say that everyone elses’ boy friends do this for them and yet, I feel as though I’m the only one.”
“Boyfriend?” you repeat, completely disregarding anything else he had said.
“Boy. Space. Friends,” he says before leaning back onto his hands. “Why? Do you wanna remove the space in between us?” he wiggles his eyebrows before swooping in close to you, noses bumping. You freeze at this. “What?” he smirks when you don’t push him away like usual. “You actually thinking about kissing me this time?”
You scoff, shaking your head and moving away from him. “Wang Linkai,” you scoff again. “You really are something else. You know that? Kiss you? My best friend? I’d rather eat sand or-“ You stop, looking at him and seeing the way his eyes cast down for a second. “What?”
He looks back up. “Nothing,” he says before pulling himself to his feet again. He stretches his arms over his head and yawns. “Come. Let’s go shop. Or something. I don’t know.” He shakes his head and reaches for his drink. Maybe he shouldn’t have poured so much alcohol into his drink. One sip and he’s already a mess. “What?” He notices you still haven’t moved from your spot on the floor. “Hurry up and put on your jacket. Or do I have to so it for you?” He makes a swipe to grab your arm but you pull back, holding it against your chest. “YN, what?” he sighs, a bit annoyed. “Are you mad at what I just did? Look, I’m sorry. Let’s just-“
“Linkai,” you frown. “Why do you look so sad?”
“It’s nothing,” he replies, walking around and looking for his keys.
“It’s doesn’t seem like nothing to you.” Your words are careful, almost as if you’re trying to find the right wire to cut in order for the bomb not to explode. It’s always like that when the two of you argue this deeply. And sadly, it always ends with somebody crying.
“Because it’s never anything to you!” he throws a hand down dramatically. “So like. Let’s go because I’m not going to do this today!”
“Do what today?” you ask, standing to your feet. He shakes his head and makes it towards the door when you grab his arm. He instantly spins around and pins you against the wall, arms encasing you. You narrow your eyes at him. “What’s your deal?” you huff.
“It’s not even a bit obvious to you?” He’s smiling like a deviant. Like you’re just playing into one of his cold jokes. “Are you really that stupid?”
“What did I do to you?” you cross your arms.
“Everything,” he says, eyes casting downwards. You feel your heart starting to hammer as you realize he’s staring right at your lips. “You waltz into my life and make it absolute hell. You expect me to just know what’s on your mind. You expect me to just know what makes you happy and what makes you sad. You expect me to just know these things and I don’t and it makes me so tired and yet...” he laughs coldly. “And yet when I look at you, I want to be defeated. I want to fall at my knees at your mercy. It’s been like this since the day we met.” His hand slowly makes its way up to your cheek, cupping the glowy red flesh between his fingers. “C’mon, YN. How should it be? What do I have to do to make you like me as much as I like you?”
“Linkai, you idiot! If you liked me, you should’ve just told me!” you pout.
“And then you would’ve found something to complain about then as well,” he rolls his eyes. “Honestly, YN. Just lighten up with me sometimes. I’m trying.”
“You’re always trying,” you smile. “That’s what I like about you.”
“You wanna know a secret?” he asks, leaning in closely. “I only try his hard for you.”
And as his lips finally land on yours, you realize that this is exactly how it should have been all along.
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loveydpp-blog · 6 years ago
[4:32pm] you being a member of ‘fantasy restaurant’ and justin saying you both are the parents of like (if you don’t watch the show, they have to take care of a dog named ‘like’ while managing the restaurant)
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xiaojuxiyou · 6 years ago
Birthday Magic
Soooo....Today is Zhu Xingjie’s Birthday!!! and I figured I would write a little scenario for him. I love him very much and his song Clown is so beautiful and sad at the same time, I’m crying.
Genre: Fluff (I Guess)
Word Count: 613
He opened the door to a dark room. Turning the lights on, he stepped in, looking around to see if anyone was hiding. He heard the door closed behind him and turning around, he came eye to eye with a cute looking woman. She smiled.
"Hello, Zhu Xingjie." she backed him up until his legs hit a wooden chair behind him.
She pushed him down onto the chair and took off her hat, bowing down to him. He watched in awe as he got a clearer look at her. Her eyes were as dreamy as a starry night, yet as innocent as a child's laughter.
"You've always shown your magic for everyone else," she said, "Tonight I will be showing you the magic."
Her fluttering lashes captivated his heart and mind. He found himself keeping his gaze on her as she turned around to grab a deck of cards from the table behind her. His eyes fell from her back down to her femininely curved hips. She turned to find him biting his lips while staring at her intensely as sweat ran down his temples.
"Tonight, I will captivate your heart." she whispered, leaning in close to his ear while spreading out the cards in front of him, "Pick one."
Trying to keep his breath steady, Xingjie pulled out a card. and handed it to her. Taking the card from his hand, she turned it to him to reveal a seven of clubs.
"Lucky number seven." she placed the card into the left side of his shirt, right where the heart would be located.
Xingjie kept his eyes on her face as she moved closer then backed away.
"Now you see there is no seven of clubs in my hands." she spread out the cards to show him, "I'm going to turn the seven of clubs above your chest into the Ace of heart."
Xingjie chuckled.
"Will you be able to do it, little miss." Xingjie leaned over closer to her.
"You better believe it." she scooted in closer.
"And if you can't?" he moved even closer.
"Then I will bow down to you, but if I can..." she leaned in so close, their lips brushed against each other, "You have fallen for me."
She whispered, her breath hitting his lips.
Hearing those words, she smiled ever so lively and innocent that he couldn't believe she was the same girl from a second ago. Going back to stand in her spot, she waved her hand over the cards, once, twice, and thrice. Throwing them up into the air, she snapped her finger and caught a card in the air at the same time.
"And here is the seven of clubs." she held the card out to show him, "And on your chest is the heart you have given to me in the five minutes that I have spent with you."
He stood there speechless as she grabbed his shirt, reaching in to pull out the Ace of Heart just as she said she would. She knew she showed him magic, when she caught him smile. She was happy, she could amaze someone with her talents.
Suddenly, the door swung open and the party horns began blowing. As everyone made their way in, she stepped away from him, to go pick up her cards. Her job was done here. Xingjie tried to dodge and duck and look over everyone's heads to see where she had gone to. He finally spotted her by the door, looking at him with a huge grin on her face. Through all the loud noise, he could only make out what she said before she left.
"Happy Birthday."
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xukunstellation · 6 years ago
Precious || Zhu Xingjie
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imagine this gif as the way xingjie looks at you sksksk my heart
Title: Precious
Pairing: Female!Reader x Xingjie
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1275 words
Summary: There are two things that Xingjie loves the most in the world: music and you.
A/N: I’m still pretty rusty at writing considering it’s been a while, so I hope this turns out the way I want it to. This is a long overdue gift to the lovely Meg aka @yanjuniverse who I miss and adore so much. She loves Xingjie to death, so this one is for you, love!
With a low drawn out yawn, you kept your eyes closed, not yet ready to leave your bed. Blindly, you reached beside you and tried to feel for your lover. To your disappointment, your hand only met with the feel of soft linen beneath your palm. With a pout, you opened your eyes and were greeted with empty space. Resting on top of the pillow beside you was a little note with what you recognized was his neat handwriting.
Got called in last minute to the studio this morning. I’ll be back ASAP x
You smiled at the little ‘x’. How cute. It was the little things that Xingjie did that never failed to make your heart melt. Although you were hoping to see his gorgeous face first thing in the morning, years of being together taught you that when duty calls, some things can’t be helped... just like your bladder right now. 9 am sharp.
“Every day without fail,” you sighed.
Now for the dreaded part: getting out of bed. Usually Xingjie would be the one to help get you up, but you were on your own this time. Maneuvering your legs over the side of the bed, you took a deep breath and heaved yourself up into a sitting position. A deep groan left your lips as you felt an ache in your lower back. Despite the gazillion pillows scattered around you on the bed, you often had difficulty getting into a comfortable position, much less get a proper consecutive eight hours of sleep. 
Slipping your feet into your fuzzy pair of slippers, you sped walk as fast as you could to the bathroom. After relieving yourself, you headed out your shared bedroom and into the hallway. As you made your way down the hall of your home, you took your time to admire the decor.
The walls were adorned with photos both recent and old, creating a gallery of the timeline of Xingjie’s and your life. There were photos of Xingjie with the rest of the gramerie crew, the same wild boys that remain his best friends to this very day. Not too far away were photos of him as a trainee during Idol Producer, some being solo photos from his stages, and others being photos with other trainees he had befriended on the show. You smiled proudly at the more recent photos that showcased him at his own concerts, including his solo ones, with the arenas filled with thousands of screaming fans.
Of course, you had your share of photos as well. Most of them consisted of you with your family from back home. Smiling faces gleamed at you, belonging to your loved ones and friends you held dear to your heart. Scattered here and there were images of you and Xingjie from a few of your many dates and cherished times together. You laughed lightly at an old image of a deadpanned Xingjie dressed in a Huba costume after losing a bet with you.
The wall on the other side of the hallway was completely devoid of any photos. Instead, empty wooden frames hung lonesomely in front of you. Despite the vacancy of it all, you felt your heart flutter at the thought of finally being able to fill these frames soon. 
Focusing back to your mini journey, you made your way to a creme painted door a few doors down from your own. Turning the oak wooden handle, you walked into the dainty room. You stepped foot on the large, plush light grey rug in the shape of an elephant. In the corner of the room, a four foot tall giraffe stood proudly. The walls were painted a cute pastel yellow. Adorable cartoon animals were drawn to match the safari theme of the room, such as lions, a cheetah, rhinos, flamingos, and hippos.
On the widest wall of the room was a giant baobab tree, its leaves a vibrant green and a rainbow of exotic birds perched upon its branches. Under the tree stood a mahogany bed frame complete with an earthy toned comforter set and a matching stitched quilt of various animal print patterns draped over the ledge. 
Approaching the mahogany dresser, a single picture frame sat upon it. Picking the frame up, you fingers gently traced the white outlines of the monochrome photo. Despite the smile that appeared on your face, you felt tears pool your vision. You heard the front door open and footsteps walking in your direction, hearing your lover call for your name. 
You felt a presence behind you and then felt a pair of arms carefully snake their way around your waist.
“Crying again?” Xingjie chuckled, his chest reverberating against your back.
Sniffling, you lightly smacked one of his hands with a pout. He only chuckled more, raising his other hand to wipe away a stray tear from your cheek with his thumb before resting on your waist again.
“These are happy tears. I’m just emotional. You know I can’t help it.”
“I know, I know. I’m only teasing.”
Leaning against his chest, the two of you fell into a comfortable silence as you held the picture frame between both your hands, the two of you gazing at it fondly. You didn’t know what Xingjie was thinking, but you figured it couldn’t be too far off from your thoughts.
“I can’t believe it’s almost time,” Xingjie mused. “It seems like only yesterday when it all began.”
You hummed in agreement, placing the frame back on the dresser. “To this day, my mind still can’t process the fact that this is really happening. I feel like it’s all a dream.”
“Luckily for you, it isn’t a dream. It’s all real.”
“Lucky me indeed,” you grinned at him.
Xingjie returned your smile, kissing your forehead lovingly. Focusing his gaze back to the black and white photo, he breathed in deeply before slowly exhaling. Although he looked calm on the outside, you knew he was just as nervous as you are.
“What’s on your mind, love?” you asked, tilting your head to lightly press a kiss to his jawline.
Xingjie didn’t reply, so you patiently waited until he was ready to speak his thoughts. After a momentary silence, he replied, “Do you think I’ll do a good job?”
“Do you want the truth?”
He looked at you questioningly as if it were obvious, but nodded anyway. Turning around in his arms, albeit a bit awkwardly, you caressed both sides of his face affectionately between your hands so that you two were making eye contact.
“I think you’ll do more than good. You’re going to be an amazing daddy.”
Taking his hands, you placed them onto the swell of your belly. As if agreeing with your statement, you felt the little being inside of you kick against his palms. You swear you’ve never seen anything more beautiful than the smile that immediately broke onto Xingjie’s face when it came to your soon-to-be child. He knelt down on one knee so that he was face to face with your belly. 
“Hey princess, I know you’re excited to come out of there, but try and take it easy on your mother, ok?” he sweetly requested.
He placed a chaste kiss on your tummy for your little girl. You had to fight back a new wave of tears from the heartwarming scene. You loved your growing family so much. You felt extremely blessed that this was your life. Xingjie looked up at you in adoration, intertwining his hand with yours. You admired the way your wedding rings glittered against your fingers.
“Mommy and daddy can’t wait to finally meet you.”
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my9percent · 6 years ago
Drabble Requests Open
Hi everyone! As the school year has hit one of the busiest points and with Nine Percent’s impending debut, I’m hoping to have some content out that aren’t long scenarios.
Below are a list of prompts taken from here. Please feel free to send in requests. I write for Nine Percent and basically any of the IPD boys.
You can send in two prompts maximum for each request. Feel free to include an au, a small plotline or a preferred genre (angst, smut, etc.). Happy requesting!
“The skirt is supposed to be this short.”
“How long have you been standing there?”
“I may be an idiot, but I’m not stupid.”
“Who gave you that black eye?”
“You haven’t even touched your food. What’s going on?”
“I just like proving you wrong.”
“Everyone keeps telling me you’re the bad guy.”
“Forget it. You fucking suck.”
“Quit it or I’ll bite.”
“If you use up all the hot water again, I swear to god! You’re on the couch for a month!!”
“If I die, I’m going to haunt your ass.”
“I’m pregnant.”
“Looks like we’re gonna be stuck here for a while.”
“Take. It. Off.”
“Well, you’re coming home with me whether you like it or not.”
“I’ll kick his ass if you want me to.”
“Stop it! It tickles!”
“It’s okay to cry…”
“And that’s how you ruin a life. Congratulations.”
“D..did you just make that noise?”
“He’s a bad kisser.”
“You can scream if you want.”
“I didn’t know we were keeping track.”
“We’re playing checkers. If you don’t like it, leave.”
“One of them’s missing.”
“Save some for me.”
“Oh, fuck off.”
“You’re still mad?”
“Come over here and make me.”
“You better watch yourself.”
“Eat your lunch and you wouldn’t be hungry.”
“Why did we have to have kids?”
“Call on Line 1”
“He creeped me out. I’m not gonna lie.”
“I’m done! You can fix it!”
“Can we just watch a movie and fall asleep on the couch?”
“Where did he go?”
“You leave whenever you feel like it.”
“I forgot I was a single parent.”
“Don’t apologize if you don’t mean it.”
“You’re going out dressed like that?”
“For the hundredth time, I’m not your babysitter.”  
“Frost the damn cupcakes.”
“Well that’s the second biggest news I’ve heard all day.”
“You look pretty hot in plaid.”  
“I thought you were dead!”
“I thought it was a one-night-stand…and now we’re married…”
“We’ve become the clingy couple that you used to complain about.”
“Quit touching me. Your feet are cold.”
“You know you want it, sweetheart.”
“I’m your husband. It’s my job.”  
“You just wanted them because the light up.”
“That wasn’t very subtle.”
“He thinks he’s a mind reader.”  
“It’s just you and me tonight. I was thinking we could have a little fun.”
“I don’t do hugs.”
“Don’t talk anymore.”
“I’m just a guy with a wife, two kids, and a Harley.”
“How do I even put up with you?”
“I said get rid of it.”
“They didn’t just find out. They already knew!”
“You’re not as quiet as you think you are.”
“Can you just man up and change his diaper?”
“Just don’t buy a goat. I don’t care what you do, just no goats.”
“I have a secret.”
“I won’t let you get hurt.”
“You’re strong, baby. You have to be.”
“He’s four years old!!”
“I’ve had enough! I want to be alone!”
“I can’t stand seeing you like this.”
“Me and the boys will handle it.”
“You’re competitive and so am I, and it’s going to lead to a fight.”
“Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?”
“You’re a dork, just like your father.”
“Mind if I join you?”
“I lost our child.”
“That’s my shirt. So is that..wait?”
“My name isn’t Leslie…who’s Leslie?”
“There’s a surprise upstairs for you.”
“I’ll take care of it.”
“I’m not your boss? Well then who is?”
“You can’t eat solids, only liquids until Thursday.”
“Come on, baby, up to bed.”
“They got you a present. Isn’t it sweet?”
“Am I scaring you?”
“Run! You said you’d work out with me!”
“After everything…I’d still choose you.”
“And when did you plan on telling me about this?”
“Trust me.”
“Scoot over a little bit, please.”
“You’re so clingy, I love it.”
“You didn’t just wake me up at 2am because you were ‘in the mood’.”
“Did they hurt you?”
“You’re cute when you’re all worried.”
“Stop being grumpy. It’s lame.”
“I don’t need a hero, I need a husband.”
“Don’t shut me out.”
“You got a cute butt.”
“I just got out of the shower, I can’t dance. What if my towel falls off?”
“Don’t be an asshole. Asshole.”
“Do you really think I could ever replace you?”
“Sharing is caring. Now give me your fries.”
“…or we can chill in our underwear.”
“You can’t make up for it by giving me a tic-tac.”
“Keep pedaling and don’t stop, okay?”
“You, me, popcorn, two liter Dr. Pepper, and a movie. You in?”
“Have you seen my contacts?”
“Life is a highway, and I’m always drunk. So I’m not driving.”
“Quit stalling. Where’s your father?”
“You can’t just hug me and think everything’s okay.”
“Is he coming home?”
“I prefer blondes.”
“No more dogs. How hard it it to understand?”
“I let you win.”
“I broke your nose, and I’m sorry for that. But what you’re doing isn’t fair.”
“Can I do your hair?”
“Your favorite superhero can’t be a villain.”
“I told you not to jump on the bed!”
“He’s pampering me, let him be.”
“Ready or not, here I come.”
“I’m worried about losing my job!”
“Oh, did I scare you, big boy?”
“Happy new year!”
“Quit moving, I’m trying to sleep. Wait…are you…what?!”
“You nap, I’ll stay awake.”
“It’s turbulence. It’s normal.”
“Don’t touch me. We’re fighting.”
“I’ll give you a massage.”
“You fell asleep in the tub?!”
“Are you doodling?”
“We’re not playing strip poker. I don’t care what I said when I was drunk.”
“Slushies aren’t just for kids, fuck society.”
“Are you scared…Then why won’t you look at the screen?”
“Enough with the pillow talk, I’m tired.”
“You had a nightmare, tell me what it was about so I can fix it.”
“We need groceries, not just junk food. You’re worse than the kids.”
“Is this our closet? Or your closet?”
“If I win, you do dishes for a week.”
“Fist bumps are cooler than high-fives…”
“Use your words.”
“Hold my hand so he gets jealous.”
“Ew, your hand is sweaty.”
“Get out of my face before I hit you.”
“I don’t care if your 4 or 40, you don’t hit people.”
“You only care about football, beer, and raking leaves.”
“Look! Fireflies!”
“Why do you only kiss me when I’m sleeping?”
“I just need ten minutes.”
*Make Your Own*
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scriptura-adrepticius · 7 years ago
A Heart of Ice - Zhu Xingjie
Uncalled for and unrequested, but inspired by Beauty and the Beast, some beautiful fanart I CANNOT FIND, and because Xingjie looks like a prince.
Pairing: Zhu Xingjie x OC/reader
Genre: fluff, angst, royalty!au
Word Count: 7.2k
Zhu Xingjie has a heart of ice, and unbeknownst to you, you’ve been tasked with melting it.
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if he looked at me like that i’d melt
Deep in the forest lies a forgotten palace, a forgotten land, a forgotten king. Cursed, he wanders the stone walls, unable to even glimpse the outside world.
The king used to be vain, you see. He was pristine, perfect, his skin pale and smooth, his eyes sharp but charming, his voice sweet and alluring.
He had everything. And that was his trouble.
The king grew up a spoiled child, used to flattery and gifts, unaccustomed to want. Whatever he wanted, he had or would get by whatever means possible. And when his father died and he ascended the throne, his requests only became more and more impossible.
It was a wintry day when the fairy came, disguised as an old woman seeking shelter, to see just how horrid this king truly was.
“Please, just one night, my good king… Please…”
She found out when he ordered her away.
In return, she cursed him. He stared in horror as she began to glow, a brilliant white light rendering him blind.
All the nobles and ladies around him vanished into thin air.
The candles flickered once and went out.
The drapes blew shut and when he ran to open them, the fairy simply laughed. “Young king,” she chuckled, “you would not want to see the sunlight.”
Frozen, the king could only stare at the now-beautiful fairy, who appraised him with a cold smile. “You will live forever as the king with a heart of ice, cursed to never see sunlight until you have learned to love once more. If exposed to the sun, your heart will melt too fast, and your time on earth will be gone.”
The king felt a stabbing in his heart, bringing him to his knees, and he clutched his chest in pain. He felt himself grow colder, saw his skin turn paler, felt the color drain from his face and his lips.
A cruel laugh echoed in the ballroom.
“Farewell, young king, and may we meet again soon.”
. . . . .
It’s cold.
Stupidly, that’s the only thing you can think at the moment. A snowstorm is brewing, and all you can think is that you’re cold.
“Well, I’m not wrong,” you mumble.
The wind is howling in your ears, the snow obscuring your vision. You clutch the reins on Xing harder, huddling down into your cloak as you urge him on. Xing obediently tries, but he can’t see either, and the snow on the ground is impossible.
The sun is nearly down, and the sky is darkening fast. If you stay outside longer, there is no guarantee on how long you can survive. Survival instinct spurs you on, and you doggedly continue with Xing.
It seems like a blessing when you finally see what seems to be a wall through the whirling snow. As you get closer, the wall grows larger, until you can just barely make it out to be a sort of very large house. Xing perks up, as though recognizing the house as a safe haven, and he speeds up slightly, slogging through the deep snow.
“Just a little more,” you encourage, patting his neck, before squinting through the snow to take a good look at the place.
“Oh my god,” you whisper.
It’s not a house.
It’s a palace.
A large, imposing gate - the wall that you saw - rings the grounds in which a tall, stone castle stands. You swallow, looking around nervously. It’s getting dark, and though you aren’t in a blizzard yet, the snowstorm very well might develop into one. So you steel your nerves, jump off of Xing, and lead him forward.
Once at the gate, you pause, unsure of how to get in, as the gate is made of heavy stone and metal. However, it seems you need not worry, because the gates suddenly swing open though not a single person is in sight. You look around suspiciously, but worry for Xing and the strengthening wind push you forward through the gates.
The gates are almost taller than you. Xing could probably just jump over them if he tried. There’d be no way for you to get out.
You shudder, not because of the cold this time, but because of how ominous this all feels.
You wonder if it’s too late to turn back.
A loud neigh jerks you around, the reins ripped from your grasp. Xing suddenly spooks and you shout, trying to calm him down, but he turns, rearing his neck, before running through the gate.
“Xing!” you yell, racing after him, but the gates clang shut right in your face, the loud noise ringing in your ears and rendering you frozen, unable to move.
You gape, stepping forward, but an invisible force repels you, sending you stumbling backwards.
Cold terror settles over you, but you force yourself to breathe deeply and turn around.
“Well, that settles it,” you mumble. With Xing gone, you have no way of going anywhere else. So you continue, hurrying to the doors of the palace as the wind continues to pick up speed.
The large, stone doors open surprisingly easily when you push, looking around for any sign of something living. “Hello?” you call, allowing the doors to close behind you.
There is no reply.
You shiver in the darkness, glancing back at the door. Again, you wonder if it’s too late to leave.
“Hello?” you try again.
A shriek builds up in your throat but you swallow it down, whipping around to see a lantern in the darkness, illuminating the side of someone’s face. A wave of relief and anxiety washes over you, and you bow slightly in their direction.
“I’m sorry for intruding, it’s just the storm outside was getting worse and my horse spooked and left and this was the closest place…” Your words die away when the person - well, the man - gets close enough for you to see his face.
He is striking, handsome, but inhumanly so. Perhaps the right word to describe him is otherworldly.
His skin is pale, so pale it’s nearly white, but not sickly. He stands with an elegant, cool grace you associate with nobles. His coal black hair contrasts sharply with his skin, and on anyone else, the combination would repulse you. However, it just makes him seem more aloof, even further away from you, a mere mortal.
His nose is tilted perfectly, his mouth unsmiling. A severe, wintry coldness seems to emanate from him, making you shiver even more.
But it’s his eyes that truly captivate you. And yet at the same time, they repel you.
They are dark. So dark.
And so, so cold.
“What brings you here, traveler?” he asks, gazing idly as though you are just a bug waiting to be crushed. You swallow, shrinking under his cold gaze, but you make an effort to hold yourself tall.
Your voice is steady when you speak. “I was trying to reach the next town, but I got lost when the snowstorm picked up. This place was the only place I saw, so I… I tried to come here. My horse spooked and ran away, and I have no other place to stay. I ask for your permission, please, to stay for the night. I will leave tomorrow morning.”
That disdainful gaze, that aura of cold, that wintry anger- is it anger? You’re not quite sure- makes you want to run away, but you swallow and stand your ground. “Please,” you plead again. “Just for tonight.”
The cold laugh that the man lets out sends chills up your spine.
“Traveler,” he says, staring directly at you. “I don’t think you understand.”
You take a step back involuntarily. “W-what...” You take a deep breath, steadying yourself. “What don’t I understand?”
There’s a long silence, and you’re about to bolt, blizzard or no, when he speaks.
“Once you enter this palace,” he says slowly, “you cannot leave.”
. . . . .
You jolt awake, panicking when you see that this is not your room. It takes a good thirty seconds for you to remember the events of yesterday, and when you do, you burrow under the thin blanket again.
“Please tell me this is all a dream,” you mumble, poking your head out of the covers once again, holding on to that stupid, vain hope.
Alas, the stone walls of the room shatter that dream. You sigh, kicking the covers away, before padding over to the small closet where you’d stuffed your things last night.
“I hope I brought that extra shirt,” you mutter, swinging the door open.
“What the fuck?!”
The closet is not empty, or even close to empty. Clothing of all types and designs fill the space with a rainbow of color, a stark contrast to the dark stone walls that surround you.
You blink.
You blink again.
You close the door and reopen it.
The clothes are still there.
You close it and open it again.
Everything is still there.
“Is this magic?” you murmur, hesitantly tugging on one of the shirts. To your surprise, it feels solid beneath your fingers, and you pull it out.
Dark blue, with intricate white designs bordering the collar and sleeves. You look between it and the rest of the fabric in the wardrobe.
“Why not?” you finally say, switching your rumpled, scratchy shirt for the new one. The cloth is comfortable and warm against your skin, and you pluck at it in curiosity as your stomach rumbles in hunger.
Food. Right.
You exit the room nervously, peeking around for any signs of the cold man from yesterday. There are none, so you venture out, stepping quietly on the stone floors. After wandering around for a long time, you finally locate what seems to be the dining room. There on a table lies a small assortment of fruits, breads, and other foods.
“Where does this all come from?” you ask yourself, eyeing the food uncertainly. You cautiously pick up an apple and examine it before biting into it.
Well, it tastes fine. You shrug before devouring the rest of the fruit.
“Magic, perhaps,” you murmur. You can’t think of any answer.
Once you finish, you take to wandering again, as there’s nothing better to do. You walk through the halls, taking random turns and opening random doors. You find a lounge, what seems to be a study, a lot of bedrooms, and then you find a library.
The room is large, filled with shelves that are in turn filled top to bottom with books. Mesmerized, you step inside, gazing in wonder at the book-laden shelves.
“Am I in heaven?” you squeak, breathing in the welcoming scent of old books. You pull one book off a shelf, scanning the title eagerly before sitting down to read.
The day passes in this manner, devouring one book and then pulling down another. It’s only when the clock strikes seven that you finally pull yourself from the fictional world to come back to reality.
You carefully mark your place with a scrap of paper, taking the book with you as you attempt to find the dining room again. It takes a good fifteen minutes, but that’s better than the thirty it took you this morning.
Still locked in a slightly dreamy haze, you step inside the room, ready to eat. However, you snap out of it quickly when you see the man from yesterday standing by the table.
You shudder.
“You’re late,” he says simply.
You don’t sit down. “I wasn’t aware that there was a set time for dinner,” you reply, eyes flitting back and forth between the table and the door, wondering if you could just skip dinner like you skipped lunch.
“Well, now you are,” he replies indifferently. “Sit.”
You don’t particularly want to, but something tells you that you can’t disobey. So you sit down gingerly, placing the book down next to you. You notice the man’s gaze travel to it, but you ignore it, instead filling your plate.
The meal is uncomfortably silent. You want to talk, but at the same time, you don’t. There is no noise at all save for the sound of chewing and silverware clanking on plates.
“Where does the food come from?” you ask impulsively.
Then you want to throw yourself out the window because Xinyi, what the hell kind of conversation starter is that?
“Magic,” the man replies without even looking up.
You blink slowly.
Okay… so I was actually right.
“You don’t believe me?” he says, raising an eyebrow. You nod vehemently. “I believe you,” you say with conviction.
Well, how else could you explain the clothing and the food? You’re pretty sure he didn’t cook it all himself, at least.
He just raises one eyebrow. You kind of feel like he doesn’t believe you, but what does it matter? So you busy yourself with your food again.
You finish your food in silence, standing up awkwardly. “Uh, where should I put my plate?” You shift your weight from one foot to the other nervously.
“Just leave it,” he replies, standing up as well.
“Magic, huh,” you mumble to yourself, placing the plate down. You pick up your book, ready to leave.
You freeze.
How does he know my name?
“The magic only keeps you from leaving the grounds,” the man continues, looking at you boredly. “You can still go outside.” He begins to walk away.
“How do you know my name?” you demand.
He turns back, a ghost of a smirk tilting his pale lips. “Magic.”
What an annoying jerk-
“And if you must know…” He pushes a lock of hair back, the simple motion rendering you speechless.
“My name is Zhu Xingjie.”
He walks away, leaving you to wonder just how he knew your unspoken question.
. . . . .
“Zhu Xingjie,” you mumble to yourself, wandering through the library. It’s a name that fits him, for some weird reason. You shrug, plucking a few books off the shelves. You’ll read those today.
A peek outside the heavy curtains tells you it’s sunny outside. You remember what Xingjie told you, that you could leave the castle, just not the grounds. You haven’t gone out in some time, so you think why not? and head out.
It’s cold, as expected, and you shiver even with the warm coat wrapped around you. You walk around for a bit, exploring the massive grounds, poking at a few strange statues here and there. They’re creepy, almost gargoyle-like, but interesting.
You find a large tree, and after climbing up the branches, you settle yourself in and continue reading.
Evening comes and you start to get hungry again, even after snacking the whole afternoon, so you reluctantly climb down the tree, shuffling inside the castle with rosy cheeks. You’re not sure if you’ll see Xingjie again, and you don’t really want to, but hunger wins over and you enter the dining room.
Xingjie is there. You don’t particularly care to sit with him for another meal, after they’ve been so awkward this whole week, so when you’re done filling up your plate, you start to walk away.
“You went outside?” he suddenly asks, a strange wistfulness in his tone.
Startled, you nod slightly. “Yes.”
He nods silently, turning back to his own food. You notice his expression turn from a blank face to a frown, but you stay no longer.
That strange display of emotion stays with you. You can’t help wondering why he seemed to have felt the way he did.
Still, what is there you can do about it? It’s hard enough to be in the same room as him- how can you get him to open up to you?
It’s a difficult question, one that you don’t have the answer to.
. . . . .
You decide to start by initiating conversation at meals. But wow, it’s hard.
First of all, you have no idea what to ask.
Second of all, it’s really hard to talk in Xingjie’s chilly presence.
Third of all, he doesn’t want to talk.
A few months drag on this cold manner.
“So what do you do during the day?” you ask one day, forcing yourself to keep the words flowing. It’s hard, and you’re running out of ideas, but you forge on anyway.
If you’re going to spend the rest of your life in this godforsaken place, you might as well get along with the only other person being held captive.
Xingjie looks up uninterestedly. You fight to keep your eyes steady, staring at him, though you want nothing more than to back away into the wall.
It’s not just that he looks scary. He certainly does, in a stupidly handsome way. However, it’s that unreadable expression in his eyes that makes you want to flee.
“Why do you want to know?” he responds, raising a single eyebrow.
Oh my god.
He’s been like this the whole past few months, and you now want to punch the stone wall, despite the fact that you’d probably break your hand.
Scratch that. You want to punch him.
He’s not making this easy at all.
“No particular reason,” you say evenly. “I’m trying to maintain a conversation, and I’m curious.”
He looks at you impassively. “Why do you want to maintain a conversation?”
You squeeze your eyes shut, willing your anger to go away before you throw food in his face. If you threw food, he could probably freeze you right then and there with that apathetic gaze of his.
“Because if I’m supposed to stay here for eternity, I might as well attempt to get along with the only other person being held captive in this godforsaken place,” you snap.
A cold expression passes over his face, and you involuntarily shiver, chills running down your spine.
“You will never know what it feels like to stay here for an eternity,” he says lowly, standing up.
You stare, shrinking slightly under his cold eyes. He walks over slowly, and you scramble to stand. You want to get away, because he’s seriously scaring you, but it’s as though his cold gaze has you frozen in place, unable to move.
He stops in front of you, his face only a foot from yours. You shiver, his cold aura hitting your skin.
Perhaps he really is the embodiment of winter.
“You will never know,” he whispers, his eyes angry and… is that helplessness you see?
His hand comes up, almost as though to grasp your chin, but just as he’s about to touch your skin, he drops it to his side quickly as though he’s just remembered something. Without another word, he stalks out the room.
Your hand comes up, touching the skin where he almost touched you. You shiver when you feel just how cold it is.
. . . . .
The events of last night come back with full force when you wake up the next morning. You groan, shoving your face back into the pillow.
You really don’t want to face Xingjie today.
It’s strange. In that moment where he nearly touched you, you saw so much emotion in his eyes, so much emotion that you’d never seen before.
Perhaps you’re so shocked because you couldn’t even think of him as a human with feelings.
The thought makes you feel really guilty.
Your thoughts turn back to that moment, your hand coming up to touch your chin as you gaze into the mirror. It’s bright red and prickles, though it doesn’t seem to be any worse than that.
“Oh god,” you whisper.
He nearly gave you frostbite from touching you.
Actually, he didn’t even touch you, which makes things even worse.
Is he even human? You feel guilty for thinking that, but it isn’t natural, his ice cold touch. His wintry aura isn’t normal either, as is the pallor of his skin.
You swallow, swinging your legs out of bed to get a closer look in the mirror. The frostbite is mild, alright, but you can already see the blister that’s supposed to form afterwards. You prod at it, wincing in pain.
“He may as well be the embodiment of winter,” you mutter.
You stay in your room the whole day, save for sneaking a couple plates of food out of the kitchen. But by late afternoon, you’re getting antsy, so you set off to the library to find a new book.
You push the door open, only to see him browsing the shelves. He looks over and you stop short, nervous and a little scared.
Xingjie’s eyes narrow, and he walks over, staring at your chin. His hand comes up and you jerk away reflexively before realizing he has gloves on.
“Relax,” he says quietly, though a bit haltingly, as though he isn’t used to speaking with such gentleness. “The gloves will prevent what happened yesterday.”
You relax slightly, allowing him to touch your chin gently. You look anywhere but at him, unsettled yet transfixed by his sudden kindness.
He takes a deep breath. “I’m sorry,” he says, voice serious. “I lost control of myself. I shouldn’t have done so.”
You swallow, forcing yourself to untense despite your proximity to him. “I have to apologize as well,” you say. “I didn’t know that what I said would affect you so much. I’m sorry.”
“It’s… not your fault,” he says, taking a slight step back. “You didn’t know.”
You want to ask why what you said hurt him so much, why it made him so angry, but the look in his eyes tells you that that is a question for another time. So you swallow your curiosities in favor of nodding.
“It’s not your fault either,” you say. “If someone had said something to anger me, I can assure you that my reaction would have been much more than touching their chin.”
It’s unexpected, what happens next, but Xingjie smiles slightly. Not a smirk. A real smile.
You gape.
“Perhaps,” he replies, “but I also must apologize for being so rude to you over the past few months.”
You make a face. “Let’s put that behind us. It’s fine.”
Xingjie raises an eyebrow, moving over to let you inside. “You certainly let go of things quickly.”
You shrug a little. “I don’t like holding grudges. I forgive, but don’t forget.”
Xingjie nods, looking thoughtful. “Well, I’ll leave you now,” he says. The look in his eyes softens the smallest bit as he bows slightly, about to walk away.
“Wait,” you say, before you even realize you’re speaking. He looks at you, surprised, but you swallow and forge on.
“Please don’t leave on my account,” you say softly. “You don’t need to go.”
Xingjie opens his mouth, staring at you in mild shock. You don’t hear the thoughts echoing through his head, but if you could, you would have heard Why would she want to be in the same room as a monster?
And yet something possesses him to stay.
You smile as he nods slightly and a little awkwardly, then steps back into the room.
. . . . .
Your friendship with Xingjie is tentative at first. The blister on your chin stays for a while, reminding you of just what he can do. It’s hard to relax yourself around him, though you make an effort to do so.
It’s also a little difficult to maintain a friendly relationship with someone whose beauty is so utterly cold and ethereal.
But it happens, bit by bit. Though you don’t see him around much, the castle doesn’t feel so uninviting anymore, and when you do see him, conversation flows. Not very smoothly, but it’s a start, and you find yourself more comfortable around him.
You still have a couple of questions, though. For one thing, besides when he apologized, you’ve never seen Xingjie outside of dinner.
What does he do during the day?
It’s a simple question, one that you should have no problem asking. However, something stops you. It feels like you’re invading his privacy, somehow, like it’s something private for Xingjie and Xingjie only.
And yet you ask anyway, because the scholar within you won’t rest until she gets her answers.
To your surprise, when you ask, Xingjie just kind of looks down. He looks… almost embarrassed.
Who knew the almighty ice prince Zhu Xingjie could look embarrassed?
You look at his expression. It’s… cute. You almost coo in amusement.
“I… make music,” he says quietly, barely able to look at you.
You tilt your head, unable to see the reason behind his reaction to his statement. “Music?” you echo.
He nods.
“So you play an instrument?” you ask, leaning forward.
Xingjie hesitates, then nods. “Piano, guitar… basically all of the instruments in the music room.”
You’re too excited to notice his slightly confused expression. “Can I hear you play?” you ask, gazing at him eagerly.
It seems to take a moment before your question registers in his mind, and even then, Xingjie is still a little out of it when he answers. “After dinner,” he promises, and you have to fight to keep the wild grin off of your face.
. . . . .
Xingjie is confused.
Very, very confused.
First of all, why weren’t you… fazed… at all… by the fact that he liked to make music in his free time?
His parents had devoted their entire lives to telling him that his passion for music would take him nowhere, that it was useless, that he had to devote his life to running the kingdom and not to such stupid trivial pursuits. As such, the nobles of the court devoted their lives to telling him the same thing.
Even after his parents died and he became the cold shell he is today, he hesitated to go to music even though nobody could stop him.
All because of that stupid stigma against the arts that he was brought up to believe in.
So when you expressed enthusiasm in his interest, in his music-making, he was shocked. And what shocked him even more so was the genuine delight in your eyes.
In all his years in the court, he’d never seen anyone look at him as genuinely as you did.
When you continued to ask him about playing instruments, he was so lost. He couldn’t believe that anyone was speaking to him like this. Especially a monster like him.
Really, did you just not realize the pure coldness that he emanated? The fact that he was literally a frozen, animated… semi-human?
And then when you asked him if he could play for you… well, Xingjie really can’t explain the slight feeling bumping around his chest. It’s been so long since he really felt something for anything other than his music that he really just doesn’t know how to explain it.
Whatever the feeling is, it isn’t unpleasant.
It’s then that he learns you can play the instrument too, not as well as he but granted, he’s had decades of practice compared to your mere eighteen. It’s then that the feeling grows, filling his chest as he watches you play with your simple grace and charm.
You confuse him so, so much.
And yet… this confusion… it isn’t unwelcome.
Xingjie sighs, getting up abruptly.
He’s never felt like this before, and he’s not sure what to make of it at all.
. . . . .
You lie in bed, still on cloud nine because of the beautiful music this night had given you. Or, more accurately, that Xingjie had given you.
His fingers danced on the instruments, making sounds that were almost too beautiful for your ears. He was talented, sure, but you could see just how much dedication he had to music and how hardworking he had to have been to reach that level.
You turn over, humming one of his melodies quietly. It had been a wonder to watch him play, to watch how he transformed from a cold, awkward being to someone with so much passion.
A smile crosses your lips involuntarily.
It’s like you’re seeing Xingjie in a whole new light now. First he was the cold, unwelcoming prince of the castle. Then he became more like an awkward, shy transfer student from another school.
And now he’s more like the dreamy musician with a passion that’s infectious, that inspires you to do better, to do more.
Your heart thumps, thinking of his bashful smile when you complimented his playing, and you feel yourself reddening slightly.
Who knew such a cold person could make you blush like this?
Really, if there wasn’t so much… mystery… behind Xingjie, and if you knew more about him, you wouldn’t hesitate to say that you could definitely fall in love with him.
But there’s those other questions that continue to prod the back of your brain and force you to stay vigilant and guarded against these feelings in your heart.
Just why is Xingjie here? Why is the castle always so dark, and why are the windows never open? And why is Xingjie so… cold?
. . . . .
Now that you know where Xingjie is during the day, you don’t hesitate to enter the music room quietly, sit in a corner with a book, and read as he fashions new melodies and harmonies that bless your ears with their beauty.
Xingjie doesn’t hesitate to join you in the library either, with him giving you recommendations every now and then. He doesn’t say it, but you have a suspicion that he’s read everything in the library.
Which brings another question to your mind: how long has he been here?
“You look like you’re thinking hard about something.” You start a little, not having noticed that Xingjie’s stopped playing and is now looking at you with slight concern. “Penny for your thoughts?”
You really want to ask the questions you have in mind. But for some reason, you also don’t. It feels like… taboo. You don’t know why, but it’s like you just can’t ask.
So you opt for something else. “What’s the extent of the magic of this place?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, like…” you trail off, trying to put your question into words. “Does everything necessary just… appear? Or is it like if you wish for something, it appears? Or what?”
“If you wish for something within reason, it will appear, I think,” Xingjie confirms. “I haven’t fully tested this magic either, despite-” He stops suddenly, then shakes his head. “Never mind. I just know that after I learned the guitar, I wished for more instruments, and the next day they were here.”
You notice his sudden hesitation and you want to pry further, but you don’t. Silence falls, and unlike other silences you’ve had before, this one is awkward.
Xingjie seems to know that wasn’t the question you wanted to ask.
“So what did you really want to ask?” he says quietly.
Damn, you were right.
You swallow. The air suddenly seems colder, and you shiver involuntarily, scared to verbalize your thoughts.
Fuck it, you think. And you open your mouth to talk.
“What is your connection to this place?”
Xingjie immediately clams up. You can see it. And you feel really bad for making him so uncomfortable, but you also really want answers.
“I…” He starts, then stops.
You’ve never seen this look in his eyes. To you, Xingjie has always been confident, cold, shy, embarrassed, sweet, and so many other things, but never… nervous.
And this expression makes you scared. What could be so bad about your question that the ice prince is now nervous?
“I can’t tell you that,” Xingjie finally says. “I’m bound by the magic of this place. I can’t tell you. At least… not yet.”
You nod slowly, putting down your book. “Then can you tell me why it’s always so dark?” You think for a moment, coming to a sudden realization. “Come to think of it, I’ve never seen you go outside either.”
Xingjie looks even more helpless. “I can’t tell you that either.”
“Okay.” You nod again, feeling awkward. The atmosphere is tense and uncomfortable, and you quickly stand up to leave. “See you, Xingjie.”
“Alright, Xinyi.”
You leave the room hurriedly, eager to escape the tense silence.
. . . . .
A week passes. Then another. And another. And another.
And, slowly but surely, the friendship you’ve built with Xingjie begins to crumble.
It’s your fault, you suppose. If you hadn’t asked those stupid questions, things wouldn’t be this way.
You’re miserable. You never realized just how much you enjoyed your time with Xingjie, how much you enjoyed talking to him.
You never thought you’d feel this empty without him.
It was your decision to stop going to the music room after that tense conversation. You stay in your room or outside for the most part, knowing that you won’t see Xingjie there. Dinner is awful - you’d forgotten how bad the silences used to be.
Without Xingjie, you feel empty and desolate. It’s like he’s become an essential part of your being over the past months, and you’re incomplete without him.
But if you’re miserable, Xingjie feels worse. He doesn’t blame your curiosity - he mostly blames himself for not being able to tell you what you want to know.
If only he could explain why he was so cold, why he couldn’t go outside, why the castle was always dark and how he was bound to this castle.
He sighs, his head in his hands. He’s sitting at the piano, but today, inspiration won’t come to him.
It’s strange. Whenever you were with him, lying quietly in the corner with your book, ideas came naturally to him. Seeing your smile inspired him. You made him feel that strange feeling in his heart, that strange feeling that he couldn’t figure out before… but now he’s pretty sure he knows that it is.
Love. That’s what it is.
But Xingjie’s afraid. He’s never loved before, for one thing. The only people he’d ever cared about were his three friends, all of whom disappeared when he was eternally bound to suffer here. He’s never felt this raw emotion for another human, this longing for someone that makes him almost physically ache for want of you to be near him.
For another thing, Xingjie has only one shot at getting this right. If you aren’t the one, and Xingjie only mistakenly thinks he’s in love, then things could go very, very wrong. For you and for him.
And the last thing, the scariest thought of all.
What if you don’t love him back?
Xingjie finds it difficult to believe that you could ever care for him in the same way he cares for you. He’s literally subhuman - his heart of ice confirms that.
How could you ever love someone who’s barely human?
The days drag on, with you slipping through his fingers with each passing moment. Xingjie becomes desperate to see you, but even when he does, it’s like there’s a wall between you two. An invisible wall that makes communication more difficult than ever.
It’s killing him. Well, probably not really, since he’s literally immortal and bound to this fucking place until he learns to love. But it really feels like it’s killing him.
And so he makes a decision.
. . . . .
You’re standing, ready to leave the dining room. You cast a glance at Xingjie, who looks conflicted about something.
You turn, but Xingjie’s voice calling your name has you stopping in your tracks. “Xinyi.”
“Yes?” You look back to see Xingjie walking up to you.
“I… um…” Xingjie looks down, then back at you, a slight blush on his face. “Would you dance with me?”
It takes a few seconds for the question to register in your mind.
“Here?” you ask, perplexed.
Xingjie quickly shakes his head. “No. In the ballroom.”
“I wanted to tell you something, but in a livelier situation.” Xingjie smiles slightly. “And from my past experience, dancing is livelier than me sitting you down at a table to tell you.”
“But I have nothing to wear,” you say, looking down at your trousers and shirt. They’re undoubtedly nice clothes, but for a dance, you need a dress. Unless Xingjie plans on being unorthodox.
Xingjie laughs a little, a sound you’re glad to hear after so many weeks of silence. “Xinyi, remember that this place is magic?”
You blush. “Right.”
“Go check your closet,” Xingjie says helpfully. “I’ll meet you there.”
With that, he walks around you out the door.
. . . . .
Icy blue silk, white satin gloves, a rose pin in your hair, light blue shoes. You watch your step, doing your best not to trip on the stairs.
It’s with nervousness and anticipation that you walk to the ballroom, hoping that you don’t look a total mess, but all those thoughts fly out of your mind when you see Xingjie.
He looks so, so handsome.
His blue silk shirt matches your dress, as do his white gloves, contrasting with his black pants. His eyes are still as dark and deep as you remembered, but it seems that they’re… twinkling. An expression you’ve never seen before.
“You look very handsome,” you say shyly, taking his outstretched hand.
“And you look very beautiful,” he says back, unable to take his eyes off of your face.
You blush under his gaze, allowing him to lead you inside. “Are we dancing without music?” you ask, looking around at the various instruments leaning against the wall.
“Magic, Xinyi,” Xingjie says, whirling you into position. You attempt to recall the dances you were taught back home, hoping that this won’t be too different.
You look around, startled, as music begins to play. You catch a glimpse of a violin floating in the air before Xingjie is moving, placing his hand on your waist and yours on his shoulder, and clasping the other in his.
“Let’s dance,” he whispers, his cold breath hitting your face. You shiver slightly, but in delight, before following his lead.
It’s strange, awkward almost, to be the only two dancing in this enormous ballroom. But after the first dance, your surroundings melt away, your attention focused only on the man in front of you. And you become comfortable enough to ask the first question.
“So,” you say, “what did you want to tell me?”
Xingjie twirls you under his arm slowly, looking suddenly serious. “You had questions before that I could not answer.”
You nod.
“I’ll answer them now,” he promises, “but don’t interrupt me until I’m done, okay?”
“Okay,” you reply.
There’s a short silence as the music dies, signaling a new song. The opening bars are soft, eerie, and haunting, and you shiver in Xingjie’s grasp.
“I was once a king,” he says, looking into your eyes. “I was vain, selfish, and horrible. I had everything. I wanted for nothing. And if I wanted for something, I would get it. No matter what. In short, I did not love.”
You remain silent, unable to look away.
“One day a fairy came, disguised as an old woman seeking shelter. I refused her.” Horrible pain twists Xingjie’s face and he looks away for a moment to compose himself. “It sounds terrible, but that was the person I was back then.”
You find it a little hard to believe, but seeing the pain in his eyes, you know that he’s telling the truth.
“In return, she cursed me.” Xingjie swallows. “Everyone around me vanished. The lights flickered out. And when I tried to open the drapes… Well, in short, the fairy had cursed my heart. I did not know how to love - my heart was proof of that. So it literally became a heart of ice.” A bitter smile crosses his face. “So I’m not even human. I’m a monster.”
“You’re not a monster,” you say staunchly. “Get that idea out of your head.”
Xingjie laughs a little sadly, adjusting his grip. “Alright, if you say so.
“Anyway, if I went outside,” he continues, “if I saw the sunlight, that ice would melt, and I would live no longer. As long as I remained in the dark, I would live, eternally bound to this castle until I learned to love.”
You nod slowly. Then, unable to restrain yourself, you ask, “But why couldn’t you tell me earlier? Why tell me now?”
A slight smile twists his pale lips. “If I told my story to anyone I did not love, I would die. Immediately, painfully, I don’t know.”
Your heart pounds painfully in your chest as Xingjie stops dancing, the music coming to a rest. It’s so silent in the huge room that you can hear your breathing, shallow and quick.
“You love me?” you finally ask, voice barely a whisper.
“I think I do,” Xingjie replies, his voice equally soft. “Do you love me as well?”
You nod once, twice, three times. “I think I do,” you whisper.
Xingjie’s gloved hand finds its way to your cheek, caressing the skin with his thumb. His touch is cold but dulled by the cloth of his glove, and you revel in the way his hand brushes against your skin, gently pushing away a fallen strand of hair.
You lean closer, cupping his face in your hands. You stare into his eyes, those dark eyes you fell in love with, those dark eyes that hold you captive in place. You are spellbound, feeling his breath ghost across your lips.
“Are you sure you love me? A monster?” he whispers.
“I said, get that idea out of your head.” You glare at him teasingly. “And yes. I am sure.”
And you press your lips to his in a gentle, sweet kiss.
. . . . .
It’s cold.
Xingjie’s lips are so cold.
It repels you and you almost pull away, but you force yourself to come closer, allowing Xingjie’s hands to rest around your waist as you cup his face in your hands. You force yourself to stay pressed against him, against the man you are sure you love.
And then, gradually, his lips become warmer. And warmer. And warmer.
You open your eyes, staring into his, before breaking away.
Where pale, white skin used to be, there is now a hint of pink and color in his cheeks. Your eyes roam his face, seeing pink lips and twinkling eyes.
Is that a tear you see? You reach up, brushing it away with your thumb.
“Xingjie,” you breathe. A tear wells in your eye, threatening to spill down your cheek. “Xingjie.”
“Xinyi,” he whispers, brushing it away.
And then he kisses you again.
Around you, the drapes blow open, the music begins to play again, and chattering begins to fill the room. But you don’t notice, focused only on the man whose heart you have melted.
“I love you,” you sigh against his lips.
He breaks away for just a second, just enough to say, “I love you too.”
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peachyjie · 7 years ago
Drowned || Zhu Xing Jie
A/N : The anon who requested this, entirely made my day better. Istg, i’ve been waiting for anyone to request about our beloved Huba. Enjoy my love 💕
Requested : Yes, ily btw (Ask box is still open, flow it in)
P.s : this is like a reverse scenario from Half Past Three and I am melting while writing this, but I’ll let all of you enjoy all the fluff while it last
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Pairing : Zhu Xing Jie - Reader
Cameo : Thirdwheel Xiaogui
Genre : fluff *enjoy it while it last*
Summary : Everyone finds it amusing whenever they see you with Xingjie. Because it’s not easy to train a wild cold Huba to be so.... soft
You were prepared, so prepared. Because you are not risking a bigger percentage of any brain damages right now.
When you walked in the house, it was silent. Too silent. But you suspected right.
Because when you setted aside your shoes, there it was.
“Y/N!!!!!!”, quicker than anything. He launches himself on you. You stared at the figure, a smile on your face.
Caught and in a warm embrace, you felt a step closer to home. You laughed, whilst the younger giddly jump in your embrace.
“Hi, Linkai”, you greeted him. He was all wide smile, jumping on his heels. “We miss you, what took you so longggggg”, he whined.
“Did that kid gave you any brain damage again?”, a voice interrupted your sibling moment with Linkai. You looked up and saw your one and only, beloved boyfriend, Zhu XingJie.
An unamused expression pasted on his face as he stared at Xiaogui who has his hands all around you.
“I came prepared, knowing this rascal wants me to lose my memory so I can date him instead”, you clucked your tounge.
Xingjie came closer to you, nodding. Forcefully pulling Xiaogui from your embrace. With the kid away from you, Xingjie easily slung a hand on your shoulder.
He uses another hand to guide your face near him, he rest a kiss on your lips. With a smile that made you melt, you swore you have never seen such being so perfect like Xingjie.
“Welcome back, beautiful”
He takes the bag of groceries you brought to make food for the others, and grabbed your other hand, proceeding to the kitchen.
There he setted the bag down on the counter, helping you organizing them.
This was a routine of yours. You’ve been dating with Xingjie since senior year of Highschool before proceeding to college. Which quite tested both of your bond on each other.
It wasn’t too convinient being in an relationship when you are seperated. Especially since Xingjie here is busy promoting after Idol Producer and then you’re buzzed up with college. But both of you made it work.
You both made schedules. Every two or three weeks you would go to his place and hang around with his friends, cuddling up with him. Basically catching up.
And this was one of the special day
You took an apron, putting it on. Xingjie being the passionate lover he is, took the chance of tying the apron for you. Basically back hugging you in advance.
You smiled at him gratefully, giving him a peck on the cheek.
Xingjie was about to lower down himself to another peck on the lips, but the Grammarie kids knows when to show up.
“Y/N”, you spun around with the sudden call. Laughing seeing Xiaogui being held by Yanchen for causing trouble.
“Hi”, you greeted all of them. Yanchen nodded to you and smiled. Xingjie was cool with his members being all close to you, because basically you know them first before you knew Xingjie.
And Xingjie is cool with anything as long as you are happy.
Okay, maybe he’s not too cool with Xiaogui
“Are you guys doing something inappropriate before we came in?”, Xingjie’s eyes immediately ran to murder Xiaogui.
“You better shut up, Xiaogui. Or Jie-ge will-“
Yanchen didn’t even need to finish his sentence, because we all know that small kid. He loves making a fuss.
“You know, Y/N. Huba-ge here is so drowned on love, he makes songs about you since you started dating. And speaking the truth, mostly it’s him pouring out his emoti-“
Oh that was it
Xingjie launches himself on Xiaogui, ready to murder him. You on the other hand was blushing.
Sure you know Xingjie makes songs and it’s his passion, sure you also listen to his masterpiece. And you’ve heard him sing, rap and his performances in Idol Producer. But you never knew the song was from you, about you.
Oh boy
“Some help?”, Yanchen looks at you for help. You snapped back to reality. Looking at the wild situation.
“Can you not be such a crow?”, Xingjie was on the ground with Xiaogui. Headlocking the younger.
“Say sorry!”, Xingjie hissed. Xiaogui whined instead. “Are you sorry?!”
“Yes”, Xiaogui mumbled. “I can’t hear you”, Xingjie barks.
You swore this isn’t the first time you see Xingjie like this. I mean, he did this to discipline the young ones, he once said.
You saw how he adopted Justin back in Idol Producer, or how he almost murdered Qian ZhengHao because he pinched Xingjie’s cheeks.
You and Yanchen just stood at the side watching, you stared at Yanchen. “How about we let them have their moment?”, you suggested.
Yanchen was about to object, before Xiaogui started producing a whale mating call scream. So Yanchen, caring about how much his life worth, nodded at your suggestion.
“Great, help me with dinner then”, he nodded again. Getting one last glance at Xiaogui’s last wrath, he went to wash the vegetables.
Content fills in your heart. You finished the bloodbath peaceful dinner with the boys, where they decided to excuse themselves after they finished.
You hummed a soft tune as you turns on the sink water, ready to wash the dishes. You bubbled up the sponge and took a plate to clean.
Until a hand snaked around your waist, and you felt a small weight on your shoulder.
You smiled, already knowing the culprit.
“Hello again, Xingjie”, he hummed in response.
You were quiet sad knowing the day ends too early, as you still wish to be with them longer. Around Xingjie longer
“Busy life in college?”, he asked out of the blue. You nodded. “Kind of”
He lets go of the embrace, slowly cutting the warmth. Slowly you felt the cold air cooling. You stared at Xingjie, walking beside you to the dishrack with a drying cloth.
“Do I need to use a paperbag to cover my face or do you want to bore holes on my handsome face?”, you snapped back out of trance and stared at a smirking Huba. I had to
You quickly turned and continue doing the dishes. He is chuckling, taking a clean plate from you before proceeding to dry it.
“I never knew your songs was about me”, you said softly. You saw Xingjie grew rigid before he sighs.
“I didn’t want you to know”, he said catching you off guard. You looked at him unsure what to feel about his response.
“I don’t mean it in a bad way, Y/N”, he said noticing your gaze. He continued to talk whilst drying the plate.
You decided to continue also, still bothered by his answer. Xingjie probably sense your aura of discomfort, he puts down the plate and cloth.
“Y/N”, he called softly. You looked at him, he was already facing you, a hand on the counter.
“Look, you known me since 2nd year of Highschool and we have been dating for almost 2 years now. Being with you is everything I could ask for, ever.”
“What are you getting in with-“
“Listen”, he sighed. Gulping a little, he continued.
“You know I have a cold image, and it makes me that type of a cool guy everyone’s intimidated with. Ask Yanjun, he was terrified when he first saw me!”
“But here, I can’t show you how much you meant to me. You know how awkward I am. Hence I am still asking myself why are you even dating me”
You laughed a little making him smile in process
“I didn’t want you to know that my songs are about you because you made me flustered okay. It makes me seems soft and cute”
“But also”, he took your hand. Slowly holding it in a soft manner as he talks.
“Also. The way your eyes lit up when you hear it for the first time, it’s precious. Because you sincerely like my songs not because knowing it’s about you.”
“You like my songs because you relate to it. You know what I was trying to point out in every lines, every lyrics. You know how much my hardship is to finish one damn song”
“But most of all”, he smiled softly at you. So fond knowing he could be so drown into you, he doesn’t even care if Xiaogui came in with a Huba costume just to piss him all.
“Most of all, you like my songs because it has the essence of me. Because that’s song is not just about you, it’s about us”
You smiled in the process. Sure Xingjie isn’t the most lovey dovey boyfriend ever. And sure Xingjie gets really awkward if he shows affection not just to you, but to everyone.
But seeing him cracking open a bigger hole sent you more wave of relief. You smiled wider at Xingjie’s flustered self.
“Thank you. Thank your for being my everything, Xingjie”
You both had to admit it, being so drawn in love wasn’t so bad. Because both of you know, whatever that will happen in the future may determine how strong your relationship will be.
Maybe this can reassure you. His small confession to you, a secret between two. Both of you knew.
Xingjie closed the gap between you and him, hands on your waist. Smiling, he leans down slowly.
How much you mean to him, and how terrified he will be if he lose you.
You closed your eyes as he closed his, closing the gap. The proximity of your’s and his face was so small, a nudge can help both of you fasten the pase.
“Oh can you both just please hurry up!”, eye wide open, both of you spun around staring in horror. Sitting right in front of you was Xiaogui, eating his banana with an irritated expression on.
“I swear, this is worse than waiting for Zhangjing succeeding on his diet! Like what is wrong with-“, you swore you’ve never seen Xingjie so pissed before.
He launches himself on Xiaogui, swearing to himself to murder the kid. You laughed.
Zhu XingJie, Huba. The man with many talents from singing, rapping, dancing, until doing magic. The man who caught China’s attention after they slept at him for god knows how long. The man who owns your heart.
And you know, both of you are drowned in each other’s love to even think of breaking up
HAHAHAHA the irony sorry but i hope you guys like it ehehehehehehhehe
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ilynong · 7 years ago
Fate | Zhu Xingjie
You see a cute guy on the subway, but it turns out that he’s more familiar than you had guessed.
some typa au idk what
requested by an anon 20 years ago
im so sorry
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ok so you’re just chilling on the subway
on your way to work
you get on the subway where it’s pretty empty, and you glance around you, just taking in all the different characters
there was a group of girls on the other end of the car, giggling at something on one of the girls’ phones
you were standing, holding onto the bar of the subway, and sitting near you were a few elderly people, holding onto their shopping bags
and standing a few feet away, casually leaning against one of the poles, was this s u p e r cute guy
he had inky black hair and was dressed quite fashionably, all leather and black ripped jeans
wowowowowowoow okAY
you turned your attention back to your phone, going to look at one of your social media feeds awkwardly as a horde of people boarded the subway, avoiding eye contact with people
as more and more people shuffled onto the subway, you felt yourself getting squeezed further and further back, until you were hitting solid
“careful” a low voice said in your ear, accompanied by a solid hand on your side, steadying you
your heart beat a little quicker as you looked over at the cute guy with pink cheeks
“thanks,” you smiled shyly, looking down at your shoes awkwardly
“no problem,” he replied, shrugging casually as he inched a little closer to you, the crowds getting even thicker, “subway’s always crowded, i didn’t want you to get trampled or somethin”
“you’d think i’d be more used to the crowds by now,” you joked offhandedly, inwardly cringing at how weird you were
the guy looked down at you with something akin to a fond smile, reaching up to run a hand through his hair
“yeah, you take this train every day, right?” as soon as he’d said that, he winced, “shit, that makes me sound like a total creep, doesn’t it.”
you laughed at that, shaking your head quickly
“no, no,” you assured him, “no worries. you do too?”
he nodded his head, “i work at the record shop downtown.”
“wait, really?” you looked back up at him in surprise, “i work at the cafe next door.”
“wait, are you (y/n)?” he asked, a slow smirk spreading across his lips
you nodded, “no way, are you xingjie?”
xingjie nodded, chuckling as he shook his head
“man, justin and zhengting have been trying to set us up for ages,” he grinned, “i guess fate was in on their little scheme.”
you laughed at his joke, feeling your cheeks pink at at that
like fr, if you had known that zhu xingjie looked like this, you would have take up justin’s offer ages ago
“so, whaddya say we buy into their scheme?” xingjie raised an eyebrow down at you as the two of you got ready to get off at the next stop, “i can pick you up after work and we can do something, if you’d like.”
as the two of you made your way onto the train platform, breathing in the fresh air, you smiled up at xingjie
“i’d love to.”
im dead 
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mangomilkflower · 7 years ago
Qian Zhenghao Weibo Update - Birthday message for Zhu Xingjie
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femikpop · 7 years ago
Idol Surprise
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Tittle: Idol Surprise Words: 1.4K Pairing: Mia/Idol Producer trainees Mia/Yixing; 10th Member of EXO Summary: Mia joins Idol Producer once again as a guest mentor. A/N: In some kind of way it’s second part to  Idol Crush.
‘Are you ready?’, Yixing asked, entering the small room with teachers in front of monitors, that were showing every practise room. He sat next to Mia and took her hand, giving it a little squeeze. She smiled at him and looked back at the TV.
‘I’m nervous.’, Mia said, bouncing her legs slightly, getting lookes from both MC Jin and Jieqiong. ‘But I’m also curious who’s gonna come to my team.’
‘A lot of trainees liked your song, so you don’t have to worry.’, Yixing said.
But even with those assurances, she was still anxious about who’s gonna train with her for the next few days. The song was very special. It was new project from their company including her, Chanyeol and Sehun. Few weeks after the episode airing, three of them would debut as second EXO sub unit, so it was perfect promotion. Song was called ‘Painted On Me’. It won’t be a main single for them, but it’s the song, that would fit trainees the most. 
‘Cai Xukun is going first!’, Cheng Xiao said with clear happiness in her voice. Everyone’s eyes were following his every move and where he would go. Mia screamed, when he entered the ‘Painted On Me’ room. ‘Congratulations.’, Cheng Xiao smiled to Mia, who answered with a little bow to her.
‘Justin is next.’, MC Jin said, pointing at Justin, walking throught the corridor, straight in the ‘Painted On Me’ room. Chengcheng, who was next did the same thing. Everyone of the teachers were shocked, but not more than Mia herself.
‘What is going on? Why do I have three rappers in my team out of seven members?’, she asked confused and looked around to get some answer, but everybody stayed quiet. ‘Oh my God, did you let them listen only to the rap part?’, she asked, turning to Yixing.
‘Maybe.’, he answered with huge grin. ‘I couldn’t play them your parts, they’d know it’s you. Especially Xukun. I feel like he knows your voice too well.’, he added and Mia dropped her head with blush on cheeks.
‘God, those poor guys are thinking, that it’s a rap song.’, Mia said with hand on her forehead. 
‘They’re in for a surprise.’,  Jieqiong laughed and they got back to watching monitors again.
Next trainess were entering the room, thankfully not only Mia’s, but other teachers’ too. She was shocked, that she ended up with room full of rappers. Her room was the first one to be filled up and people, who decided that ‘Painted On Me’ was the best out of six songs, were: Cai Xukun, Justin, Fan Chengcheng, Zhu Xingjie, Lin Yanjun, Wang Ziyi and Qin Fen. They were all in the room excited and waiting for their mentor to come.
‘Wait.’, Yixing said before any of the teachers moved from their seats. ‘We should play prank on them.’, he said.
‘What do you mean?’,  Li Ronghao asked.
‘We should go there and pretend to be their mentors, play with them a little.’, he explained and smiled to them. All five mentors, including Mia agreed, that it’s a good idea. They need to have a little bit of fun and relaxation, before days of hard work, that are waiting for them. Everybody all voted, that Mia should go first, as a guest mentor. 
Mia walked throught the corridor with doors and song names right next to them. She was thinking which room she would enter and what will she do and say. After few minutes of wondering around the corridor she knocked on the door of ‘Zero’ MC Jin’s song. Mia heard quiet ‘who’s there?’ and tried to open the door. When she did, she stood face to face with Xiao Gui. His mouth opened wide immediately, when he saw her. She only sent him cute smile and walked beside him to enter the room. She saw other trainees like Bu Fan, Zhengting or Jeffrey sitting on the floor. when they saw Mia, they immediately stood up in shock. Bufan was standing with black face and was looking from boy to Mia with real confusion. Similar thing was with Jeffrey - his eyes were wide open, because he didn’t expect he rto be here. And poor Xiao Gui was still standing at the door, not knowing what to do.
‘Hi.’, Mia said and bowed in front of them. Boys did the same thing, although their voices were way quiet than usually. ‘I am your guest mentor in this challenge. Thank you for choosing my song.’, she added woth bog smile.
‘You are our mentor?’, Zhengting asked.
‘Yes, is there something wrong with that?’, she asked with fake concern. They all started to scream ‘no’ or ‘no at all’.
‘We just didn’t know, that you can rap.’, Jeffrey said. 
‘I’m a woman of many talents, sweetheart.’, she answered and came closer to Jeffrey, putting her hand oh his cheek and stroking it few time, which made other six boys go crazy. ‘You should’ve seen me in a car, when I’m driving.’, she added laughing and they joined her. 
All of the boys genuinely believed, that Mia would be their mentor. They sat  around on the floor and started to plan the performance. They chose her as ‘center’ and Zhengting as a ‘leader’. They started to devide song into parts, that will suit particular person. Everybody was so into it, except Mia who didn’t know how to tell him, that this is all a prank. To the rescue came her phone, which started to ring.
‘I’m sorry. I need to asnwer it.’, Mia said and they all noddedd, understanding. She stood up and exited the room, let oout deep breath right after. ‘Thank God for my phone, because I had no idea how to end it.’, she said to the camera as she was closing the door.
After the phone call, Mia decided, that it was the time to finally go and meet her groupmates for the next few days. As she was approaching the room, she heard  loud noises from the inside. She opened the door woth loud noise, so everyone’s eyes were on her.
‘What are you doing in my practise room?’, she asked, walking in Yixing’s direction. He just shrugged, smiling. ‘Why are you here with my trainees?’
‘Show a little respect for the elder man.’, he said playfully. All the trainees were watching the whole interaction with full shock on their faces.
‘That’s what you get, when you mess with my team.’, she said back as Yixing was walking to the door. ‘Yeah, go back to your ‘old men’ team.’, she added turning back to the boys.
‘You’re literally having one of the oldest guys in the whole show in yur team!’, Yixing exclaimed, standing at the door.
‘Hey!’, Mia yelled after him. ‘Qin Fen might be old by age, but his young by heart!’, she added and boys laughed. She looked at Qin Fen and he just bowed, tanking her for the comment. Mia smiled to him and waited for Yixing to leave. ‘Welcome to the ‘Painted On Me’ team!’, she exclaimed and boys started to cheer. Then they started to talk about the performance, Mia explained everything what she would like to see on the stage and took everything that they wanted to say. ‘Any questions?’, she asked at the end and Justin raised up his hand immediately.
‘Will we be able to take a photo with you, so we can put it into our wallets and phone cases, like Xukun did?’, he asked with a grin and Cai Xukun immediately fell to the floor, embarrassed.
‘After the performance, okay?’, she asked and they nodded. Mia still was laughing at Xukun’s reaction, because he didn’t move from the floor.
‘Teacher Mia?’, Chengcheng asked and she turned her head towards him. ‘I think KunKun is dead.’, he said poking Xukun’s stomach as he was lying on the floor.
‘Oh my God, we can’t lose out leader! Xukun are you okay? Do you need me to call the medics or help you with smething?’, she exclaimed playfully, walking towards him.
‘I’m fine!’, he raised his voice, standing up immediately with a big smile, happy to see Mia in front of him again.
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yanjuniverse · 7 years ago
‼️‼️ MASTER LIST 2 ‼️‼️
Last Updated september 20, 2018 / view the first masterlist here!
Nine Percent as @Jae_Day6 Tweets
Nine Percent as my Coworkers
Nine Percent EXPOSED! Groupchat
Nine Percent as my Senior Year Classmates
Nine Percent on Your Birthday!
Bei Honglin
No Biggie - the one where he just wants to take you out to dinner
Bi Wenjun
Drunk Bi Wenjun
Drunk in Love - or the one where Wenjun is in love with everyone around him
Cai Xukun
I’m Bored - Xukun wants you to come visit him at the studio
Puddles - or the one where you can’t believe you have someone like Xukun
You’re Not Like Your Brother - au where ziyi and xukun are brothers!
You’re WHO?! - or the one where he realizes Wang Ziyi is your older brother
Chen Linong
Best Friends to Lovers!
Ding Zeren
Community Service - or the one I wrote because I couldn’t get him out of my head all day
It’s Raining! It’s Pouring! - or the one where you’re scared of storms
Fan Chengcheng
Hello, my soulmate - red string of fate AU
God Told Me - or the one where Wenjun has a big mouth
It’s A Kitten! - or the one where he picks up a stray on his way home
Open Up - or the one where he has trouble showing when he’s upset
The Way We Fell - or the one where Chengcheng didn’t fall in love with you as hard as you fell for him
Huang Justin/Minghao
Best Friends to Lovers!
Thank God - church boy au
The Black Eye - or the one where Justin just wants to be a good friend to Chengcheng
Lin Yanjun
As Your Big Brother
Leng Yanjun - or a hot mess of a fic
My Girl - or the one where he thinks you didn’t watch his birthday livestream and gets pouty
The Way We Fell - or the one where Yanjun silently falls in love
Trust Me - a 15 part series with a lot of twists and turns
Zhangjun Boyfriend Texts
Lu Dinghao
Animal Crackers - where you guys both work at a daycare and the little kids never know when to stop talking
Mu Ziyang
My Euphoria - 1/4 part series where oner works in a flower shop
Nyquil - the one where he has the flu and is high off nyquil
You’re Not Mad, Right? - or the one where Ziyang is tired of your relationship (ft bigbrother!yue yue)
Qin Fen
A Little Party Never Hurt Nobody
Qin Zimo
Hey Nerd! - you just moved to town and quickly take a liking to the anime club’s president
Wang Ziyi
Carnival Date
Oblivious - 20 part series where Ziyi is just a little too oblivious to his feelings
Shy - or the one where xukun has to help his bro out
Xiao Gui/Wang Linkai
365 - or the year you spend with him
As a Boyfriend
Daily Boyfriend Texts (part one)
Got Milk? - it’s two in the morning and xiao gui just wants to eat cereal
Gramarie Reaction to You Going Through a Break Up
Grocery Shopping with Xiao Gui
I Don’t Have Much - or the one where he forgot today was your birthday
Labels - basically xiao gui thought you were dating this entire time
Make This Feel Like Home - or the one where Linkai makes his home out of you
Owe You One - in which he wants you to meet your idol, zhu xingjie
Rainy Days - how he would act when it rains
Subscribe! - 20 part Youtuber/Rapper!AU series
The Way We Fell - or the one where you fall in love then out of it
YOU’RE DEAD MEAT - or the one where he has enough of your teasing
You’re NOT my Parent! - the one where Xiao Gui gets upset with you
Yang Feitong
Help! I’ve Fallen - or the one where he literally falls
You Zhangjing
Are You Sure? - Zhangjing thinks you may have given him the wrong cup
Living with You Zhangjing
Zhangjun Boyfriend Texts
Yue Yue
Fate AU - or the one where you literally meet the man of your dreams
Valentine’s Day - or the one where you’re not that sure if he’s flirting with you
Zhang Yankai
Gramarie Reaction to You Going Through a Break Up
Zhou Rui
Gramarie Reaction to You Going Through a Break Up
Zhou Yanchen
Daily Boyfriend Texts (part one)
Gramarie Reaction to You Going Through a Break Up
Zhu Xingjie
Gramarie Reaction to You Going Through a Break Up
For Life - or the one where you should’ve said I Love You before he left
We Should Break Up
Zhu Zhengting
Desperate Measures - or the one where Zhengting thinks you’re paying too much attention to your pets
I Really Like You! - Zhengting worries a little too much over nothing
Mamabear - the one where he doesn’t want your heart to get broken
Needy - or the one where you’re needy
Smile For The Camera - model!au series
Zhengting being a mom to his girlfriend
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