#zhongluc headcannons
evieonic · 3 years
Zhongli/Diluc Headcanons
Zhongli x Diluc headcanons hERE WE GO BISH.
Specifically on how they met and how they fell in love!
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I don’t think the game covers how they meet??? I actually don’t think they have any interactions together at all so I’m thinking how they met is probably some kind of “birthday” party for Zhongli where Childe dragged him to Mondstat to try drinking some of their wine insTEAD OF WHINING ABOUT OSMEDUES WHATEVER IT CALLED WINE AND COMPLAINING ABOUT THOSE WHO SHARE THE MEMORIES... Sorry. he says that a lot, i’m just saying.
Childe probably sat them both down at the bar so he could get an up close experience with the towns folk and all that stuff cause he probably knows Kaeya and a few other people there. Venti of course is there and playing his tunes and oF COURSE zhongli glares at him the second he walks in. XD
They happened to arrive at the bar on a night that Diluc is working there. And when they see each other for the first time, they have two very different reactions.
Zhongli finds Diluc to be very attractive. But only in the sense that he looks like a gentleman, an upper-classmen, a respectable person who holds himself in high regard. He’s probably a polite person, probably very kind, likes to get things done for the good of the world and Zhongli likes that. He’s by no means romantically attracted tho... not yet that is ;)
Diluc, however... Zhongli’s hot, okay? He’s stunning, he looks like a gentleman too, like a respectable man, totally different from Kaeya - he actually looks like Diluc in that standard, in the standard of looking like a gentleman but the difference here is Zhongli looks so fucking good at it and that makes Diluc’s knees weak but here’s the thing, Diluc is a tsundere so he’s not going to admit it at all.
How do they fall in love? Well Diluc serves them their drinks and Zhongli being both the polite man he is and also intrigued, he starts asking Diluc questions. Ya know, get to know questions. They chat and Diluc discovers that Zhongli is really fun to talk to. He has a little polite smile the whole time that brings him comfort as they talk about random things, sometimes going off into tangents together. Childe and Venti both realize pretty quickly that sparks are flying so they back away and neither of the gentlemens in question realize that they are alone at the bar and also... learning and drifting closer to each other.
It’s when Zhongli finishes his drink and comments about how late it’s gotten that Diluc realizes he has his elbows on the bar, leaning forward, listening closely to every word Zhongli says, looking like someone who’s falling in love, dammit. And hell, it’s when Zhongli and Childe bid farewell and mention that they’re returning to Liyue that Diluc realizes that he actually is! He’s developing a crush on the man and he’s not too sure how he feels about that.
Diluc thinks he’s never gonna see Zhongli ever again but the next night, he does and Zhongli explains that he wanted to stop by and give Diluc an address so they could write together because he just enjoyed their conversations so much that he really wouldn’t like them to end. But as soon as Zhongli says that, he gets flustered, realizing how creepy that sounds and shyly pulls at his collar, his cheeks getting red as he says, “but only if you would like to as well, of course.”
Diluc very much would like to. In fact, he very much would like to, to the point where he folds his arms over his chest and says, “why write? I could use a break and I've been wanting to see Liyue for a while. How about we converse there? In person is always better, you know.”
Diluc can’t believe how bold he just got and almost takes back his offer but Zhongli smiles so... brightly that Diluc says nothing while Zhongli eagerly accepts his offer and tells him when they are leaving and asks him when he can pick him up. His reaction is just another reminder to Diluc that he is falling head over heels.
Long story short, Diluc goes with Zhongli and they just are non-stop talking the whole time. Talking about everything under the sun, talking about everything they possibly can talk about. And with each topic, they are shifting closer together, their knees bumping, their fingers touching. It’s obvious to literally everyone else but them that sparks are just SOARING right now.
Diluc spends time in Liyue, exploring it with Zhongli for a day but then he extends his vacation. And extends it again. Until he finally has to leave. When he leaves, he’s very sad cause he’s just been having so much fun with Zhongli, more fun than he’s ever had in his life.
Zhongli also has been having an amazing time so when they go to part ways, he smiles sadly and asks him to please write to him because he really, truthfully wants to get to know him better as a person.
And that just sends Diluc reeling cause holyfuckthishandsomemanwantstogettohimomg but he recovers and shakes his hand and smiles back saying, “of course!” 
They both shake hands and say farewell... oh, that doesn’t seem romantic? Listen, they both really want to hug, Diluc REALLY wants to do more, but they just met, so they can’t be doing anything like that yet. Baby steps, people, baby steps.
As soon as Diluc gets home and gets to work, he kind of forgets about Zhongli. He doesn’t really forget him per say or the time they spent it’s just at first, he wonders if Zhongli truly meant it when he asked him to write to him, then he convinced himself that he didn’t mean it, probably just a polite Liyue thing to say, then he got busy and then he just... forgot. 
But nearly two weeks later, he receives a letter from his Zhongli, a freaking six paged letter, full of questions and full of details about his day. It’s so detailed and specific that Diluc feels like he was there with Zhongli that day and best part is at the end of his letter, Diluc is reminded once more that Zhongli... meant it. Cause he signed it with his name and with a plea for Diluc to please write back and to please visit him when he can because he... misses him. Oh that gets feelings stirring once more.
Diluc hasn’t even taken off his shoes and he’s already sitting at his desk with parchment and ink, writing a letter about his day and about how he made a safe return because Zhongli was really worried about that. He talks about his tavern, his customers, he talks about how he misses Zhongli as well and how he wishes he could return to Liyue soon. He writes nearly eight pages of content before he finally brings himself to a stop and seals his letter, immediately sending it off.
The next few days are full of excitement cause he’s dying for response. People have noticed actually, Diluc is smiling so much more often now, his eyes light up and he’s kind and sociable towards people more often. He’s even more lenient on the alcohol with Venti and he talks to Kaeya. He actually talks to him. Kaeya wouldn’t admit it if you asked that he cried tears of joy that night that finally Diluc was talking to him.
His routine is the same for nearly three months. Working, waiting for letter, reading letter, writing letter, sending letter than repeat. He receives nearly a six or eight paged letter each time, always full of Zhongli’s day and questions about his own. His letters are so adorable because each and every time, Zhongli is concerned he’s boring Diluc with stories about his work and about how his day has gone. Diluc reassures him constantly that he loves it. He loves hearing about what he’s doing, what he did in the morning, what he talked to Hu Tao about in the afternoon, what his late night thoughts were...  It makes him feel like... a couple.
It becomes harder and harder for Diluc as the days go by for him to push his feelings down. The man isn’t in front of him, speaking his words, all the words are just on paper and yet Diluc’s feelings are growing stronger and stronger by the day. It gets to the point where Diluc blushes by the mention of his name and starts to eagerly ask for Zhongli to visit him without him even realizing it.
He realizes it when he receives a short letter from Zhongli in return, so short, it’s just a page saying..., “Yes.”
Diluc gets the letter the same day Zhongli arrives, smiling with a twinkle in his eyes as he opens the door to his tavern.
And Diluc simply forgets where he is, he forgets he is in public, he forgets that it’s Zhongli and they’ve known each other only for a few months but Diluc forgets it all and just leaps over the bar counter, grabs him by his collar and kisses him like he hasn’t seen him in years. Everything just stops. Everyone shuts the fuck up. Venti stops playing his harp, staring in disbelief.  Kaeya dropped his drink. Everything just stops. 
Diluc has Zhongli’s face cradled in his hands, melting into the kiss, too into it to realize that Zhongli’s eyes are wide with shock and isn’t kissing him back.
But as soon as Diluc realizes, he pulls away like the man is made of fire and instantly goes to cover his mouth, his cheeks nearly the same color as his hair. A mix of emotions run through him; embarrassment, love but mainly... hurt.
He takes one look at Zhongli’s face, then his eyes go to the tavern’s crowd, seeing that all eyes are on him so he turns back to Zhongli, mumbles a quick “sorry” and bolts out of the door.
He runs. He doesn’t even know where he’s going but he runs. Before he knows it, he’s run down the road, to the gate of his estate, breathing hard. His heart is surging with emotions and he almost wants to cry. He ruined everything. He just had to go and ruin everything. Zhongli didn’t kiss him back which was understandable, Zhongli probably hasn’t even ever regarded him like that and yet he’s done messed up their friendship by kissing him.
He’s so stupid.
But while he’s in a state of self-loathing, he suddenly hears footsteps chasing after him. Zhongli comes to a stop as their eyes meet, both of them looking at each other, surprised and confused. They’re silent for a moment before Zhongli finally speaks, his eyes full of concern... “You... You ran away so quickly,  I couldn’t help but follow.” Diluc doesn’t even know what to say. But Zhongli does. “I just wasn’t expecting that. You pulled away before I could...,” he chuckled softly, his smile fading as he realized how hurt Diluc was. How much he misunderstood. So he clarifies, “I love you too, Diluc.”
With that, Diluc’s breath hitches and he doesn’t know how to react. A new surge of emotions hits him and his feet are moving before his mind can catch up. Zhongli rushes closer to him, his hands coming to his face while Diluc’s arms go around his neck and again, Diluc kisses him but this time Zhongli kisses back and it’s perfect. Everything is just perfect. After that, everything is history. The two of them are a couple and a very happy one at that. A few months later, Zhongli permanently moves into Diluc’s estate to be closer to him. They spend nights cuddling, chatting about the same old topics that they never get bored of and during the day? Zhongli helps Diluc at his tavern. Many people agree that it’s adorable to watch Diluc and his partner work together to clean glasses and serve their customers. One more remarkable thing? Diluc is happy. And no one has seen him like that for a long time.
Well! That’s all I got, folks! I hope you enjoyed that! If you want more, i’m open to requests. I have a list of ships I like to do and a list of fandoms i like to do so go ahead and check those out if you’d like to ask for something specific. I’m always open to prompts and headcanons and accept mostly anything so just ask! XD Thank you for reading!
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umbertail-dawn · 2 years
Do you need something? You can find me here in my downtime. But don't waste my time with stupid questions, alright?
This is a independent Diluc roleplay character blog! Very much headcannon heavy, but I do keep things fairly canon aligned.
The blogs main rp style mimics an actual tumblr blog, but I also do semi-lit and above roleplay so feel free to ask for that as well! I cannot do illiterate/asterisk roleplay. Nothing against your style, I just struggle to do much with it and its less fun for me. Feel free to say hi though!
I dont mind oc's at all, but I may be more selective with them for roleplay partners. Asks are perfectly alright!
Im very happy to do most ships! For Diluc, any gender partner is fine! Im a multi shipper so dont be surprised if he ends up with multiple partners. I dont do ships just off the bat though, I prefer them to actually interact for a bit and have some chemistry beforehand.
Preferred ships are chiluc, zhongluc, albedo/diluc (do they have a ship name?), and jeanluc. Also him with Elzer or Adelinde is a rarepair of mine, you may see hints of that! No Kaeluc please, its a squick for me.
Muse is 23 and uses He/Him
Mun is 17 and uses they/it/bun
Will not do NSFW rp, but suggestive/nsfw jokes or asks are allowed within reason. I reserve the right to delete any asks or stop any rp that crosses any boundaries.
DM me for any rp requests, and asks are always open!
I run 3 blogs, who all exist in the same world.
Kaeya: @alberich-abyss
Albedo: @princeps-purification
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