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yianny4green2 · 4 months ago
Shadow Ember, Day 8.
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8. Gracias a Inspiración, tomas el pincel.
8. Thanks to Inspiration, you take the brush.
Si, en ves de terminar el dibujo de hoy hice un poco de Zeyla, tuve inspiración y mal humor
Yes, instead of finishing today's drawing I made a little of Zeyla, I had inspiration and a bad mood
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somalilandcurrentnews · 6 months ago
Somaliland: Several water wells projects being implemented in Zeyla district
The Selel region and the Zeyla district officials and top officials of the Amoud Foundation have jointly inaugurated and laid the foundation stones for the development of various projects, that will be implemented in the area. These projects include borehole wells that have been completed and those that are in the process of being implemented in the Asha-addo and Kala-Bayd areas. Ahmed Abdi…
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semnebune · 9 months ago
Cu Zeyla Tomlyn, fostă Petra Acker, despre un album nou, muzici diverse, importanța numelui și multe altele
Am ascultat-o pe Zeyla Tomlyn pentru prima dată când cânta încă sub numele de Petra Acker. Eram la un concert de jazz în București și m-a fascinat din prima vocea ei, muzica ei și prezența scenică. Avea o detașare foarte mișto și o anume siguranță de sine, plus că se mula foarte bine pe muzica pe care o cânta. Iar combinația dintre voce și muzică pe mine m-a vrăjit. Au trecut niște ani de atunci,…
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konnektom · 1 year ago
Ecdâd(Osmanlı) Nereye Ne Kadar Hükmetti ?
01. TÜRKİYE 02. Bulgaristan (545 yıl) 03. Yunanistan (400 yıl) 04. Sırbistan (539 ...yıl) 05. Karadağ (539 yıl) 06. Bosna-Hersek (539 yıl) 07. Hırvatistan (539 yıl) 08. Makedonya (539 yıl) 09. Slovenya (250 yıl) 10. Romanya (490 yıl) 11. Slovakya (20 yıl) Osmanli ad:Uyvar 12. Macaristan (160 yıl) 13. Moldova (490 yıl) 14. Ukrayna (308 yıl) 15. Azerbaycan (25 yıl) 16. Gürcistan (400 yıl) 17. Ermenistan (20 yıl) 18. Güney Kıbrıs (293 yıl) 19. Kuzey Kıbrıs (293 yıl) 20. Rusya'nın güney toprakları (291 yıl) 21. Polonya (25 yıl)himaye Osmanlı adi: *Lehistan 22. İtalya'nın güneydoğu kıyıları (20 yıl) 23.Arnavutluk (435 yıl) 24. Belarus (25 yıl) himaye 25. Litvanya (25 yıl) himaye 26. Letonya (25 yıl) himaye 27. Kosova (539 yıl) 28. Voyvodina (166 yıl) Osmanlı adi: Banat
29. Irak (402 yıl) 30. Suriye (402 yıl) 31. İsrail (402 yıl) 32. Filistin (402 yıl) 33. Urdun (402 yıl) 34. Arabistan (399 yıl) 35. Yemen (401 yıl) 36. Umman (400 yıl) 37. Birlesek Arap Emirlikleri (400 yıl) 38. Katar (400 yıl) 39. Bahreyn (400 yıl) 40. Kuveyt (381 yıl) *41.Iranın batı toprakları (30 yıl)( 42. Lübnan (402 yıl)
43. Mısır (397 yıl ) 44. Libya (394 yıl) Osmanlı adi:Trablusgarp 45. Tunus (308 yıl ) 46. Cezayir (313 yıl) 47. Sudan (397 yıl ) Osmanlı adi: Nubye 48. Eritre (350 yıl ) Osmanlı adi: Habes 49. Cibuti (350 yıl) 50. Somali (350 yıl ) Osmanlı adi: Zeyla 51. Kenya sahilleri (350 yıl ) 52. Tanzanya sahilleri (250 yıl) 53. Çad'ın kuzey bölgeleri (313 yıl ) Osmanlı adi Reşade 54. Nijer'in bir kısmı (300 yıl) Osmanlı adi: Kavar 55. Mozambik ' in kuzey toprakları (150 yıl) 56. Fas (50 yıl ) himaye 57. Bati Sahra (50 yıl) himaye 58. Moritanya (50 yıl) himaye 59. Mali (300 yıl ) Osmanlı adi: Gat kazası 60. Senegal (300 yıl) *61. Gambiya (300 yıl ) 62. Gine Bissau (300 yıl) 63. Gine (300 yıl ) 64. Etiyopya' nin bir kısmı (350 yıl) Osmanlı adi Habeş
Osmanlı Kara hudutları sınırları içinde resmen bulunmamakla birlikte fiilen Hilafete bağlı yerler
64. Hindistan Müslümanları Pakistan 65. Doğu Hindistan Müslümanları Bangladeş 66. Singapur 67. Malezya 68. Endonezya 69. Türkistan Hanlıkları 70. Nijerya 71. Kamerun
Denizlerde ise; Akdeniz'in tamamında 1 asır boyunca Akdeniz'in bir kısmında 3 asır kadar Karadeniz'in tamamına 4 asır kadar Ege nin tamamına 4 küsur asır kadar... 
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moneeb0930 · 2 years ago
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Oromia or Oromia is the largest nationality and one of the most civilized nationalities in Ethiopia 🇪🇹
The national population reaches 35 million people, or up to 39% of the country's population
The largest percentage of Oromo converts to Islam, followed by Christianity
The colors of traditional clothing are red, white and black. Women perform accessories in the form of an inverted triangle at the front of the head
There is evidence that they are the womb from which most of the southeastern Kushite peoples emanated, such as the Somalis, the Afrin, the Sahu in Eritrea, and the Nubians in Egypt and Sudan. And a large part of the Guraghi people, and they used their historical port (Zeyla) "Zeyla" to import and export goods such as livestock and grains such as corn, barley, coffee and animal skins.
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steliosagapitos · 2 months ago
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By Zeyla Tomlyn.
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the-au-collector · 7 months ago
That sounds like an amazing night!
Might I also propose bringing our pets to play with and obscure but fun board/card games?
@sketchy-potato @iolitemoth @hyliagirl42 @ra-archives @chatter-crow @mo0n1lght-studios @zeyla-hyrule @wanderlustmagician @somer-writes @chatter-crow
I think most of my other mutuals are tagged so... if anyone else wants to bring something you're more than welcome to join!
Name an activity you would propose to do with people if you could meet up in real life. Mine: root beer taste-testing, plus snacks like cheese and crackers and fruit while we chill and chat.
@hotcheetohatredwastaken @not-freyja @elle-rosewater @somer-writes @wanderlustmagician @majorproblems77 @la-sera @baileyboo2016 @noorahqar @deleetrix @gia-d @skyward-floored @gintrinsic @linkiscool333 @lerikwrites @across-violet-skies @marcusdoodlesalot @passerinesoncaffeine @ravenwithawritingdesk @ovegakart @weavingstarlight @arr-u @thepinklink
I know I have more mutuals and people I follow but I don’t have space on my phone screen to see much more.
Tag mutuals if you want! see what people enjoy!
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annalynnwrites · 1 year ago
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Title: Philaeus/Zeyla/Delphia (Working)
Date Created: March 3, 2022
A concept I've been playing around with for years. This is just one scene to set up the world, although I would love to do more with it.
Kind of my hand at a high fantasy, fairytale, Mistborn-esque, Harry Potter-esque, LOTR-esque thing.
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444names · 2 years ago
female arab forenames + english words borrowed from arabic
Aamina Aanda Abarah Abarda Abda Abiama Abiba Abilah Ablahra Adija Adijam Adilaira Adrasma Adya Adyascan Afarra Affeen Afida Afiqa Afridan Afriya Ahriah Aiba Aifatin Aiklaani Ailah Aiza Akam Akayya Akia Akira Akiyarah Alah Alalwaf Aled Aleil Aliayda Alifa Alil Alila Alimah Alimat Alimatin Aliyas Alma Ameemali Amidah Amila Amilah Amiram Anaida Arah Ardood Arizi Asha Ashirana Asihanya Asmilah Ayarifa Aynawa Ayzah Azarda Azebet Azeya Azizizza Azmath Azmira Azzarda Babarah Banida Bardool Bariah Barimara Bariyam Baseen Basira Batima Baylaaf Bayna Bibahra Blaikhah Blalili Bleila Buthaki Buthiya Caled Candaida Canindy Chad Chadiva Charahan Chen Cohakira Coheck Cottona Cottoon Dafsa Daila Dala Dalida Dhah Diha Diva Domah Doos Dufia Dufiya Dufizzak Duhada Erbila Erema Ereshada Faafat Faaimah Faan Faana Fadil Faina Faisma Fara Farama Fard Faria Farra Fatel Fath Fathifar Fathsafa Fatinna Fatuna Fayba Fayda Fayya Fiam Fida Finabah Fisada Fiyazen Fukhan Fukhsam Gebah Gebeh Gebra Gera Ghah Gira Guitaria Haba Hadika Hadila Hadilah Hadjah Hady Hadyahra Haffeen Hafrah Hahruzi Hahsa Haima Haira Haiza Hajam Hakilah Hakira Hakra Halaifat Halia Haliha Halya Hamah Hanah Hanidah Hari Haride Harra Hasine Hask Haza Heya Hibeema Hura Huro Husaba Husra Iess Ililah Imah Isir Jamira Jarda Jaysuna Jayya Jenabida Jenana Jenna Jida Jujumni Jumal Kalina Kalwah Kamira Kardoma Khab Khabatun Khad Khadila Khalinah Khar Kharia Khshen Khsira Lagda Laima Leinda Leshabi Leylah Lifay Lima Linah Liyya Loell Luba Lubibet Lujoosos Mahafiqa Mahah Mahla Mahra Mahrusa Malah Malihaz Malilah Mara Marah Marde Maridah Marikari Marra Matel Mathiyah Matima Mayna Moos Mounina Mufisaw Muna Mundah Mundu’a Mundya Muniya Nableh Nadan Nady Naibia Naina Naisah Nama Nana Nandya Naniya Nanyask Nimah Nisra Niya Niyya Nohol Nour Nuhasmee Numnida Nuriya Nuro Nusni Omar Orajideh Orbee Qubra Rahiba Rajam Raki Reena Remi Ress Restima Riamong Rikam Riyamina Rubna Ruzi Sabatifa Sabda Sabibah Sabilah Sada Sadah Sadija Sadil Sadima Sadir Sadram Safatifa Safaya Safida Safiyah Saibah Saifa Saimas Sair Saira Sairah Saizada Saleena Salgebah Salia Salifal Salila Saliya Sama Samah Samimara Samina Samindah Samine Samna Sanahrup Sang Sange Sanir Sanira Saniya Santara Sarda Sari Sarima Sawsah Seebet Sema Semida Shadira Shah Shakir Shal Shala Shaliah Shalmala Shamin Shamira Shamon Shanda Shanhara Shar Sharwah Shebah Shibida Shida Shikila Shir Shirukha Shiya Shrup Shur Shura Shurizak Shuro Sima Simar Sina Sira Siya Sodayzah Sorah Sososo Suba Subila Subra Suhadiha Suhah Suham Suhar Suhard Sula Sulleah Suma Sumalifa Summara Suna Suniya Syrubna Syrukala Syruz Taana Tabi Talikar Talina Taline Tama Tamira Tara Tarda Tarwa Ulaybah Uleah Ultaa Umasmin Wafaifa Walileen Waline Wida Widah Wisafsa Wisdomah Yaha Yaharama Yahir Yusa Zadila Zadiram Zadiva Zady Zahla Zakira Zakra Zakrah Zayya Zebeenna Zebeh Zebrana Zeikama Zeil Zeinajla Zeli Zell Zelmahma Zennajwa Zera Zerbeena Zeyahma Zeyla Zubia Zuhar Zuka Zukhada Zukhalwa Zuleylah Zull
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germanlarioja · 2 years ago
Cuando la información duele
Esta semana la familia padeció los dolores de la mediatización del caso. ¿Qué sucede con la responsabilidad de la comunicación cuando se habla de las infancias? Zeyla, tía de Zoe, la niña de 4 años asesinada por su madre y su pareja en la ciudad de La Rioja en noviembre del 2021, contó que la familia atraviesa un momento difícil por la forma en la que se habló en un medio local sobre el caso.…
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yianny4green2 · 4 months ago
Zeyla Saiko, Chapter 4, My Dear Daughter
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Sus manitas pintan, por ellos se pone las mangas encima, para no manchar todo
His little hands paint, for them he puts his sleeves on, so as not to stain everything
Si, en ves de terminar el dibujo de hoy hice un poco de Zeyla, tuve inspiración y mal humor
Yes, instead of finishing today's drawing I made a little Zeyla, I had inspiration and a bad mood
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somalilandcurrentnews · 3 months ago
Somaliland: Local government chiefs confer on disaster management in Borama
The mayors of Boorama, Hargeisa, Berbera, Gabilay, Zeyla, Salahlay, Balligubadle, Baki and Lug-haya held a meeting to discuss issues pertaining to natural disasters and ways of combating them. The two day meeting is being held in Borame, Awdal region. The conference is an annual one usually organized by the local government authorities association, HAL-KASAL in association with the help of the…
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the-au-collector · 9 months ago
Thanks for the tag!
He resigns himself to never having an answer.
Uh... context: Legend's having some conflicted feelings about Time.
No pressure tags: @breannasfluff @somer-writes @sketchy-potato @vicmillen @promqueen78 @iolitemoth @zeyla-hyrule @theecholegend
Last sentence tag game
RULES: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
Thanks for the tags @mistresslrigtar and @dubiiousfood !! Here is what I have, from the next of the depths:
Losing his arm had been a shock, but the loss of his gear was devastating.
Tagging: @flutefemme @leiladebees @louwhose @cooking-with-hailstones @embyrinitalics @ladyhoneydee @hyylia @aurathian + anyone else who wants to play!
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saxafimedianetwork · 3 years ago
Is Ethiopia Preparing For War On Somaliland?
#Diplomatic sensitivity shouldn't trump an opportunity to avert war. The consequences of @SecBlinken & Feltman’s omission of #Somaliland from #USA #diplomacy will have real-world effects if @AbiyAhmedAli & #Chinese leader @XiJinping_Pres interpret the @POTUS administration’s neglect as a green light to start a new war of aggression.
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glintea · 7 years ago
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Well I decided to try my hand at slightly more realistic drawings... Yeah it didn't work. Anyways. We have Nanelia, my MU from FE Fates in her summer clothes. And Zeyla in an updated outfit.
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torresbus · 5 years ago
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Hola hola , buenos días y #felizfindesemana ya está aquí el #viernes. El grupo #zeyla de #costarica nos envía esta bonita foto de su viajes por #madrid #avila y #segovia . . #viajes #excusiones #traslados #transfers #aeropuerto #aeropuertomadrid #minibus #microbus #autobus #autocares #torresbus Pide presupuesto al Tel/Whatsapp +34 607372252 o al email [email protected] torresbus.es (en Ávila, Castilla y León, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3d75kXDpAR/?igshid=1q8vtbkojn00h
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