opscurus · 9 months
// I was writing with Kogi ( @baiika ) her old blog ( @zetsumei-shuuto-archive ) before on an old Ichigo ( @cursxdsoxl-archive-blog ) and never really remembered?? My mind is blown, we've been friends since about 2015-16?? I love you, so glad we found each other again 🤟
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cryinglittlepeople · 6 years
zetsumei-shuuto replied to your post “just got confronted with the fact there are still people out there...”
The Heteros are at it again
god, BIG mood
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burdenedreverance · 7 years
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“Woah watch where you are swinging that thing..!” The male chided the woman, taking a step back as he narrowly dodged a strike.
                “Almost took my damn hand off..”
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despairforme · 7 years
     @zetsumei-shuuto hit the starter call ( open ).
     It had been YEARS since Nnoitra had seen a Shinigami ( and thank HEAVEN for that ). They stayed out of Hueco Mundo, and Nnoitra rarely went to any other worlds, so he simply didn’t cross their path. It was just as well. The last Shinigami he had met had CARVED his markings into him, and even now, Nnoitra wore the scars of his defeat. The sight of them still bothered him too.
     The Shinigami he was face to face with ( he could tell from her reiatsu ), was a short, young woman. It was, however, not her apperance that Nnoitra was studying, it was the FEELING of her SOUL. Nnoitra was quite ‘ sensitive ‘ ( if one could call it that ), to other creature’s presence. He could tell a lot about them just from their spirit power. And, whenever he met someone who had died in THAT CERTAIN WAY, he could always tell. They were drawn to him, in a strange way. Nnoitra’s own, dark, heavy reiatsu could feed off of theirs. Perhaps souls that had drowned were drawn to him because Nnoitra’s inner world was a pitch black ocean, or maybe because despair WAS LIKE DROWNING. It was ironic, that Nnoitra was able to tell when someone had died from drowning, seeing as he had NO memories of his own death, or his human life. All he knew was that he was about eight hundred years old, give or take.
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     ❝ Heh. ❞ He snickered, white teeth baring in a half-grin. He could FEEL his powers growing EVEN STRONGER in the presence of someone who had died for his aspect of death. All creatures despaired, but nobody had felt it as strongly as those who had drowned. Nnoitra himself couldn’t swim, so he would know.  ❝ Feels GOOD. ~ ❞ Did the Shinigami feel HIS presence? 
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flowerstormdance · 7 years
zetsumei-shuuto liked your post:Like for a starter with Ayako!
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“That was really impressive back there, Karin-chan.” And that was an honorific that she was trying out now. “Does your zanpakuto always make such a ruckus when you release them?” An after mission trip to the public bath was the best way to unwind- or so Ayako would tell anyone who would listen.
And there they were. She had insisted that Karin bring her zanpakuto along, as well... for bonding! It’s a win, win, win... win?
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shadowstrand · 7 years
@zetsumei-shuuto liked for a starter!
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Kyoko holds up one hand, cowed by Karin’s glowering. Evidently, she had overheard that... regrettable conversation that she had with Momo earlier. “Karin, Karin- I promise that it wasn’t anything bad- we talked, it got a little emotional, that’s all.” She wasn’t normally one to actually talk about emotions, but considering that her life was in danger right now... it was an exceptional situation.
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pervyssketchbook · 7 years
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Commissions for zetsumei-shuuto, thank you SO so much for your patience, and I really hope you like it!
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nonbinary-kite · 7 years
is this how u deal with ur problems irl kogi
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illusion-shinigami · 7 years
"Runami-san," she rubbed the bags underneath her eyes with her knuckles as she entered Kizato’s office. "I'm here for the recruit that was arrested last night. I've got some questions for him." She got bored of writing reports, she figured she ought to exercise her authority in more productive fashion. ((squad 5))
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Looking up from his paperwork to the person who called his name to see the third seat from the 5th division. “Ah, Karin-san.” he looked back to his paperwork and stacked it neatly before setting it aside and standing up to face her again. “I’m afraid I haven’t caught up completely with everything yet. I just got back from being stationed in the world of the living last night and have been catching up on paperwork since then.” He explained before stretching his arms a bit “What recruit are you talking about? Is it one from squad 3?” He questioned. 
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hanabiira · 7 years
zetsumei-shuuto replied to your post: Sure I’m the one with a “lowly” steward of a noble...
Cang Du ruggedly handsome, Kenzaki looks like a preened twelve year old with a bratty little sister next to you. ((rcttedpeach))
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Cang du is about as rugged as the dandelions he’s pulling out of my garden! 
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flowerstormdance · 7 years
zetsumei-shuuto replied to your post: LIKE for a starter with my girl Ayako Chikamai
((for sanbantai karin-chan))
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“Hello? Yoo-hoo!” Ayako waved one arm, her other sporting her brand spanking new lieutenant’s badge and holding her zanpakuto. She had zeroed-in on Karin after noticing that she appeared to be the only girl in the entirety of the sanbantai. “Yes, you! Could you come over here for a moment?”
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mirrorwoven · 7 years
@zetsumei-shuuto​ || Starter Call
“You’re so...young.”
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Not in appearance, she wants to clarify to the person she’s supposed to be delivering papers to. But the words pass the shinigami’s lips before Shiori can even think to stop herself, to rise up the ranks at a young age isn’t unheard of, the Captain of Tenth was testament to that. As had Ichimaru. The noble had always prided herself in seeing a younger generation overtake their elders, but had never assumed the sight would now have made her feel so old. 
Not that it’s necessarily a bad feeling. 
“Ah, apologies--when did you get promoted?”
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nonbinary-kite · 7 years
zetsumei-shuuto replied to your post “tomorrow i’m orienting with the two biggest……ah, personalities in the...”
Seduce them & then gouge out their eyes
b ut they’re both women i’m too gay for this assignment ma’am
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uchikese · 7 years
zetsumei-shuuto replied to your post: Casually flicks his new balisong around his...
Literally bursts into tears because it makes her want to stab herself in the throat. Yeah it’s a bad gift.
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Someone’s a lil fuckin’ sensitive today———
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wolf-skins · 7 years
sumei-shuuto replied to your post “cherryycokes replied to your post: ...”
geeezussssssss I hate these kinda people go do some yoga or some shit get a life enjoy ur shows Liz you're doin a lot better than that shitshow of a person @cherryycokes​ sweatie ur an adult how abt u get a life & quit bothering ppl
Honestly? Nowadays I just feel like a weird pity for them. Not a good pity, but just... sad. Like it’s sad. To go out of your way to start drama for no reason - to the point you dig up old positivity posts - and to even hate follow blogs??? Like that’s sad. Who does that to themselves? Why would you want to? Not only is it absolutely disgusting and practically harassment, but like they are literally building themselves an environment which always causes them to feel angry or depressed or whateverthefuck.
It’s not an a-spec’s fault they choose to hate us and they choose to do so in a way which is pathetic and unhealthy. Leave a-specs alone and also maybe do something else?? With your life?? Love yourself??
idk like it’s mind boggling and really sad 
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