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herosname · 4 years ago
@zerogravitygirl​ from here
     He just takes the lecture. He’s fully aware he deserves it.
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eriversible · 4 years ago
@zerogravitygirl replied to your post:
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"??? From Deku-san (@herosname)!" Surely if it's from Deku, then it's okay, right?
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manifestedsun · 4 years ago
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@zerogravitygirl​ are you still alive?
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He slipped on some ice. 
Went down. 
Didn’t feel like getting back up so here he was, lying in the sidewalk. 
“Unfortunately, yes.”
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tenacityblitz · 4 years ago
🍭 and will you share? ^_^
Question about the muse—send a symbol!
🍭  = Does your muse have a sweet-tooth? What’s their favorite candy?
Bakugou honestly is rarely in the mood for anything sweet, whether it’s chocolate or a fruit flavor, a hard or chewy or soft candy. If he did have to pick something, it would probably either be Pocky because it’s a lighter snack to give him just that little bit of a sweets fix, or KitKat since in Japan you can get a pretty big variety of flavors of them so it’s not just plain chocolate and done.
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dynamitem · 4 years ago
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@zerogravitygirl​ -  ‘’ no answers for free. information for information~’’. // Sentence Starters. // Accepting.
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Hearing the voice, his attention is drawn towards the brunette. Eyes of a golden shade rather than crimson, were aim to where she stood. 
Being tied up here, after nearly attacking a student, while not the most comforting solution, was much neccessary. Though, the teacher’s decision, provided no help at all, Bakugou was not going to explain himself, he did not needed to. 
‘‘Then, you’re done, you can leave’‘, he truly had no interest in telling why he almost went for a kill.
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redxriiot · 5 years ago
@zerogravitygirl​ replied to your post:
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midorihero · 5 years ago
“You were almost dead from pushing it too far!”
He laid in the hospital bed. He was bandaged from head to two. A leg in a cast, half his face obscured by the gauze. He flinched a bit from her tone. "N-Now i wouldn't say that..." He began. "I-It was for a good reason though Ochako! M-my body just moved on its own! And I needed to help -- Don't look at me like that!" He whined.
IVs and the heart monitor was on display next to him. He looked exhausted but he was alive.
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xplosionheart · 5 years ago
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“Ack!” He had been caught by...”Floaty lady? I haven’t seen you for a bit.”
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shinvcho · 5 years ago
Symbol meme || not  accepting || @zerogravitygirl
🍁 play with my muse’s hair
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“ What arou you doing?”
A simple question but the brainwasher didn’t move to make her hand turn away or anything to stop her just yet. hoenst, he liked his hair being touched and whole Urarakr technically was a stranger to him…
He know she wouldn’t do anything, so he will let it slide. At last for the moment. On her answere he will decide to move away or not. 
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stolequirks · 6 years ago
You're a big jerk!
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    ❝Ochako Uraraka, isn’t it? Or would you prefer Uravity? That quirk of yours could serve Tomura nicely, are you going to let me have it, or do you want to end up like Ragdoll?❞
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beautifulsexymuses · 6 years ago
my muse to give in to the urge for blood and bite yours in a vampire AU
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He’s so damn thirsty, his sire has left him to go abroad or some bullshit like that. He got Kaminari the blood he needed, nice convenient blood bags but now his connection to those things has been cut off. His sense have heightened to unreal levels. His skin is crawling. He needs it...He just so happened to see a beautiful girl that smelled exceptionally good. A dark alley...no one around...
He yanks her and drags her into the darkness. He covers her mouth before whispering in her ear. “Sorry about this, I wont drain you...promise.” He has her crane her neck and bites down, sucking huge gulps. 
Draining her dry might be more likely to happen than he anticipated.
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reginaextraterrestrial · 6 years ago
"Happy Birthday, Mina! I don't have money for a gift but if you ever wanna go to cafe, I'm ready~"
"Aww thank you so much Ochako!! Spending time together is all the gift I need! I'm free to go whenever you're ready to go!"
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wildxplosion · 6 years ago
“Are you okay?! Did I hit you too hard?”
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She’d hit him hard but it wasn’t exactly what he’d describe as too hard. But she’d fucking surprised him.
He had to give her that.
Katsuki scowled at her, lifting his hand to prod at his tender nose gently. He wiped away a little blood and scoffed.
“I’m fine. It wasn’t anything I can’t handle. But you’re definitely improving,” he admitted with a shake of his head.
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dekiruherodeku · 6 years ago
"D-Deku....a-am I ugly?"
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“Eh? Of course not…! Why, did somebody make you think you are? If someone did, then I ought to have a word with them…!”
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“Don’t listen to ‘em, okay Occhan? Y-You’re really cute, cuter than anything I’d ever deserve, a-and intuitive and really skillful as well as super reliable... N-Not to mention, whenever you smile, it-- really makes my heart flutter... You’re just expressive as I am, a-and your hugs are also the comfiest ever, plus the way you fight is so mesmerizing, and, and...”
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tenacityblitz · 4 years ago
“ You promised me! ”
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- ; phrases that really hit you where it hurts
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        “I know, I know. I didn’t think the other girls were gonna raid the mochi I bought from the store. I’ll buy you more next time I go out.”
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dynamitem · 5 years ago
Feral hues fixate the brunette. 
At every steps, taken by the girl, would the amnesiac teenager back away. If this keeps up, he was willing to fight his way around that person. 
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So much for wanting to get some lonely sleep, in this quiet back alley, someone had to come around, after most likely seeing him go by, run in the alleyway’s depths. 
But truth to be told, it was the same girl, that he once encountered in the woods. 
What did she even wanted this time?.
@zerogravitygirl​ Liked for a Feral Starter.
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