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flarebean · 2 years ago
id for an image i havent drawn its only in my mind
neon and kay/o clasping arms as if a greeting. electricity is sparking, you can see a battery gauge gain charge on kay/o's screen-face. her fingers are placed specifically on electrodes, his hovering just off skin (always careful about physical interaction, that one)
they do this when either of them are at extremes; neon overcharged or kay/o depleted
((i havent decided if clasping arms or hands is more fitting of the vibe i want of it, actually))
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jadeazora · 1 year ago
A teaser featuring the starter Pokemon has been shown for the Indigo Disk.
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Today's TCG art drop is Grusha and Glaceon!
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Some promo shots for Friday's episode of Horizons! Amethio vs. Rayquaza is about to be a disaster (for him.)
New update and app icon for Cafe Remix! (I spy a new costume for Spheal.) New main orders are added, and a new event style, Outdoor Tea Party is coming soon. The Rowlet Outbreak event has begun, with a higher chance of encountering shiny Rowlet, and the Calyrex slow-cooking event is coming Dec15.
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shadowcat222 · 2 years ago
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Also oh yeah V- Equinox embraces the Decepticon cause instead of continuing his fight even through the most hopeless period was a concept I suppose
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ipierrealism · 2 years ago
Ogni volta che su qualche social leggo "unpopular opinion: videogiochi >>> sesso" la sola cosa che mi chiedo è: ma da quando sarebbe unpopular?
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eternosognatore · 17 days ago
"Preferisco salvare la nostra relazione tutte le volte che è necessario, piuttosto che ripartire da zero con qualcuno che non amerò mai quanto te"
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pleistocene-pride · 5 months ago
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Torpedo torpedo, better known as the common torpedo, common torpedo ray, ocellate torpedo, or eyed electric ray, is a species of electric ray in the family Torpedinidae which is endemic to the eastern Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. These rays typically dwell in coastal and nearshore waters but can occasionally be at depths up to 1,300ft (400m), however they tend to prefer warm sandy flats and sea grass beds. Torpedo rays are generally solitary and nocturnal ambush predators which feed on a variety of fish, crustaceans, and worms. They are themselves preyed upon by seals, sharks, and large boney fish. As with other members of its family, the common torpedo can subdue both prey and predator with strong electric shocks of up to 200 volts which are generated from a pair of large kidney-shaped electric organs which are visible beneath the skin on either side of the head. The electrogenic properties of this species led it to be used in medicine for the treatment of pain and diseases such as gout by various cultures in antiquity such as the Greeks, Egyptians, and Carthaginians. The Romans in particular used the common torpedo to treat headaches. Reaching around 12 to 24 inches (30 to 61cms) in length and 7 to 16inches (18 to 41cms) in width, with females being slightly larger than males, the common torpedo has a nearly circular pectoral fin disc and a short, thick tail with two dorsal fins of nearly equal size and a large caudal fin. The eyes are small and followed by spiracles of comparable size. The dorsal coloration of the common torpedo is rusty orange to reddish brown which is adorned with prominent blue spots on its back, which usually number five but may vary from zero to nine. The underside is cream-colored, with dark disc margins. Breeding typically occurs from December to February. Common torpedos are aplacental viviparous, with the developing embryos nourished by yolk and histotroph ("uterine milk") produced by the mother. Females produce litters of up to 28 after a gestation period of 4–8 months depending on the geographical region. Common torpedo reach sexual maturity at around 10in ( 25cms) in length and may live upwards of 10 years.
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lueduar01 · 1 month ago
i'm curious about Volt Shih-Tzu / Plasma-Belle's lore
did she became a Maverick Hunter?
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I can give a little lore of Volt Shih-Tzu.
for this little info
Plasma-Belle (Dr. Willy give her that name while he was building her)
Volt Shih-Tzu. (Name that Sigma gives to her after he found her head in one of Willy's old factory that there was Zero when he was still evil)
Plasma-Belle was a creation of Dr. Willy, who years later, Sigma would finish building.
Before he died, Willy had finished Zero but left one more Robot half built, he could only complete what was its Head, as is known, during the events of Megaman X nobody knows of the existence of Dr. Willy or rather nobody knows him, neither Zero nor Sigma
Plasma-Belle was the only one who saw what he was like and what his face was like, Willy never completed Plasma-Belle for fear that she would also be violent due to her programming, which was totally the opposite, Plasma-Belle has both a childish and adult attitude, since she has great intelligence, during the 100 years that passed, Zero finally woke up to cause chaos before Sigma became Maverick and Zero a Maverick Hunter, but Plasma-Belle did not wake up, not until Sigma found her head, in the same laboratory where she faced Zero, but she also found the plans of how her design and creation was going to be, so she decided to take both the plans of her design and The head that was complete, the months pass and finally Plasma-Belle that we will now know as Volt Shih-Tzu had awakened from her sleep, but unlike Sigma, Volt Shih-Tzu had a very different programming than the other robots, She did not have a programming to become evil, but the opposite, when she woke up and saw Sigma in front of her she quickly realized that he was not what he appeared to be.
Volt Shih-Tzu has his visor that allows him to analyze a person to identify if they are a Maverick or Reploid.
She confused never knew how she got there, but as she felt insecure and afraid she decided to escape, Sigma ordered his comrades to capture Volt Shih-Tzu, but what she did not know is that she actually had powers that she could not control, which causes Volt Shih-Tzu to annihilate all of Sigma's subordinates, Sigma seeing all the destruction she caused with her powers was amazed, and it is impossible that a Robot as small and naive as Volt Shih-Tzu could cause so much destruction, Volt Shih-Tzu realizing all the damage she caused, manages to escape, Sigma orders her capture, in order to use her powers,
During their search they never managed to locate her, Volt Shih-Tzu wandered the world aimlessly until she came across our beloved X and Zero who were capturing renegade robots, Volt Shih-Tzu seeing them in action was amazed Fascinated and when she analyzed them with her visor she saw that they were good beings, although she was very timid and wanted to approach them without hesitation.
It is at this point where X and Zero meet Volt Shih-Tzu, wanting to explain what is happening. At first Zero thought it was a Maverick, but X sees that it is not a Maverick as such, and they decide to help her.
Volt Shih-Tzu tells X and Zero that she wants to be like them, a Maverick Hunter, both are amazed by her words but tell her that it is something dangerous since it is a very small robot, but Volt Shih-Tzu shows them otherwise, since it has a great intelligence despite being small, and of course some of its abilities, which she does not control yet, X sees that she can have great potential, so X and Zero think about training her to better control her powers and turn her into a great Maverick Hunter, from that moment Volt Shih-Tzu promised to train hard with them, but before going to the base of the Maverick Hunters, Volt Shih-Tzu tells them that she met Sigma, and telling how she was created, also reveals where her hideout is. X and Zero doubt her words, but she promises to guide them to her lair
i will leave this lore from here.
for this is Volt Shih-Tzu lore that i'm creating.
i'm not good creating stories but i try qwq
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year ago
i know everybody makes fun of Thalia and Jason for being underpowered compared to the rest of the Big 3 kids, I have done so on multiple occasions myself, BUT. Okay.
I do think the Grace siblings aren't so much underscaled to the others, but instead their powers just aren't nearly as precise. Like, Nico and Hazel can control literally any stone/earthenware/metal material and summon reinforcements and a whole bunch of other little things, Percy can control all water just in general, etc etc. Jason and Thalia? Jason can control all air, which is OP as fuck when you think about it. He flies through controlling the air to lift him. Which means he can lift/carry/etc anything by just controlling air the right way. Like, people talk about Percy being OP as fuck with the water thing but Jason's on pretty equal ground with "can control all air/wind."
And then the lightning/thunder. I know everybody likes to go "oh well what if they could control nerves and electrical impulses!" you are thinking too specific/minute. We don't need to go that far. The Grace siblings can cast a concentrated fucking explosion whenever they want and it will not harm them at all AND it has area of effect damage and potential residual effects. Armor does not do shit against a literal three MILLION volts. And lightning is BIG. Like okay yeah sure not great for small combat or close-range with allies but put either of them against an army? Bye bye. Does not stand a CHANCE. And we've already established in The Lost Hero that if you put Jason in a room full of conductive metal and his allies are not at risk? You are a GONER. Zero questions! You can fight skeletons and rocks and maybe water. You cannot fight three million volts straight to the face. The Grace siblings do not need bells and whistles they have Cast Beam Attack and there is nothing you can do about it. And this does not even touch upon how fucking loud thunder is.
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homregeszet · 1 year ago
Római folyóügyek
Van egy érdekes összevetés Európa ókori és középkori higiéniai viszonyairól, miszerint a római vívmányokat, mint a közfürdők és a nyilvános wc-k használatát elfelejtik a későbbi időkben. Természetesen ez ebben a formában nem igaz. A közfürdők nagyobb városokban tovább üzemeltek, csak a nemek közös fürdését tiltották benne, valamint a nők számára a meztelenséget. Az pedig, hogy több járványt ismerünk a középkorból azt elsősorban az írott forrásoknak köszönhetjük. Na de akkor miben volt másabb a római higiénia és wc használat? A római fürdőkben nem csak a tisztálkodáson volt a hangsúly: üzleti, politikai találkozókat tartottak itt. Alapvetően három főhelyisége volt a fürdőépületeknek: tepidarium, caldarium és frigidarium. Az első a meleg vizes fürdő, a második egyfajta gőzszoba volt, a harmadik pedig a hideg vizes medence, ez utóbbi volt mind közül a legnagyobb és ebben a sorrendben kellett végighaladni rajtuk. Nagyobb fürdőkomplexumok egyfajta wellness szolgáltatásokat is kínáltak olajos testápolás révén. (1. kép)
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1.kép: római fürdő
A fürdők a rómaiság jelképei lettek, távol Itáliától is megjelentek, amint megtelepedtek a külső tartományokban. A katonai táborok közelében minden esetben működtek fürdők, gazdag villa épületeknél is előfordul fürdőépület. Ezekhez a környező vízfolyásokat, forrásokat használták fel, szállításra komoly vízvezeték rendszert építettek ki. Talán mindenki számára ismerős a aquaeductus, a nagy kőből épített pilléres vízszállító építmény, de ezeken kívül is használtak kisebb vezetékeket, csatornákat kőből, terrakottából és ólomból. Utóbbi egészségügyi kockázatoktól nem mentes, bár a folyó víz miatt kevesebb méreganyag volt a vízben, mint amennyit egyesek gondolnak. Szóval nem az ólommérgezés miatt omlott össze a Római Birodalom. Ezt a fajta "szerelvényt" egyébként is csak a leggazdagabb réteg engedhette meg magának. Nem régiben találtak egy igen jó állapotú ólom víztartályt és vezetékrendszert a Pompeii melletti Stabieból. Idősebb Plinius szerint a vízelvezetés volt a rómaiak egyik legnagyobb vívmánya. (2. kép)
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De miért beszéltem ennyit a fürdőkről mikor a wc a téma? Mert a nyilvános wc-k többségének a víz öblítését vagy a végtermék elszállítását a fürdőkből kifolyó vízzel oldották meg. A latrines, ahogy a rómaiak hívták, szintén koedukált volt, férfi és nő egymás mellett végezhette a dolgát vagy ingyenesen vagy pedig némi használati díj ellenében. A dolog után pedig körbe járt egy ecetes vödörben ázó botra erősített tengeri szivacs, ez volt a "budipapír". Ehhez kapcsolódóan ismert egy ostiai grafiti: verbose tibi nemo dicit dum Priscianus utaris xylosphongio - senki sem fog veled sokat beszélni Priscianus, amíg nem használod a szivacsot a bot végén. Kevésbé felkapott helyeken, vagy ahol hiány volt a tengerből, lecsiszolt kerámiatöredékekkel kapargatták le a betyárkörtéket. Nem minden településen volt meg a pottyantás is ilyen úri helyisége, csak a nagyobb városokban. (3-4. kép)
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Írott források alapján tudjuk, hogy előszeretettel vonultak el a rómaiak a városon kívüli temetők sírkövei közé. Erről beszámol Petronius Satyriconja is a farkasember történetében, valamint Salonából is ismert egy sírkő, amely próbálja eltántorítani az embereket az ilyen cselekedetektől: Quiqu in eo vico stercus non posserit aut non cacaverit aut non miaverit is habeat illas propitias si neglexerit viderit - Aki ezen a helyen nem üritkezik vagy nem vizel, bizonyos jótéteményekben részesül. Ha ezt semmibe veszi majd meglátja! (5. kép)
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Keretes szöveg: Az én emberem kezdte lecsinálni a síremlékeket, én pedig fütyörészve leültem, és a sírköveket számlálgattam. Egyszer csak látom ám, hogy a kísérőm vetkőzni kezd, és minden öltözékét lerakja az út mentén. Nekem még a lélegzetem is elakadt, úgy álltam ott, mint egy holttetem. Az pedig körülvizelte a ruháit, és pillanatok alatt farkassá változott. (Satyricon LXII 80. ford.: Horváth István Károly)
Egyfajta "zero waste" felfogásként is értelmezhető az ürülék és vizelet hasznosítás. Előbbit trágyázáskor használták, ami nem a legideálisabb dolog volt. Utóbbihoz egy híres anekdota kapcsolódik: sokan hallották talán a pénznek nincs szaga kifejezést, ez Vespasianus császártól származik. Az egyik verzió szerint a nyilvános wc-k megadóztatása miatt, egy másik változat azonban a tóga fehérítőkhöz kapcsolja. A tógának, a római arisztokrácia tipikus öltözékének, egyik ismérve, hogy hófehér, ezt a fehérítést általában a teve vizelet által érték el. Azonban teve nem mindenhol volt akkor sem, így másik nyersanyaghoz fordultak, ami általában az emberi volt. Szóval valamelyik szolgáltatás megadóztatása miatt vonta kérdőre a Későbbi Titus császár atyját, aki válaszul elé tartott néhány érmét és mondta el a híres mondatot: Pecunia non olet.
Az eddigiek alapján lehetne gondolni, hogy a római társadalom illatos, tiszta és egészségesebb volt, mint a későbbi korok emberei, azonban új kutatások árnyalják ezt. Fürdőkből és latrinákból vett minták alapján több parazita és féreg maradványát is kimutatták. Magyarázata ennek, hogy a fürdővizeket nem cserélték olyan gyakran, mint kellett volna és a takarítást, tisztítást sem vették olyan komolyan. Galenus a Kr. u. 2. században élt orvos szerint az élősködő férgek és kórokozók a test belső harmóniájának megbomlása miatt jönnek létre, az fel sem merült, hogy esetleg kívülről hatoltak volna be. Habár valóban hatalmas technikai mutatvány volt a római tisztálkodási kultúra ilyen megvalósítása, az egészségügyi hiányosságok miatt ezeket nem lehetett kellőképpen kihasználni.
Végezetül álljon itt néhány mondás, amelyeket egy ostiai latrina falára írtak fel és az ókori hét bölcshöz kapcsolták őket. (A fordítások az ELTE BDPK honlapja alapján)
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Durum cacantes monuit ut nitant Thales. - Thalész arra ösztönözte a keményet (vagy nehezen) szarókat, hogy feszítsék meg magukat.
Ut bene cacaret, ventrem palpavit Solon. - Hogy jól szarjon, Szolón a hasát simogatta.
Vissire tacite Chilon docuit subdolus. - A ravasz Khilón tanította, hogy kell némán fingani. (6.kép)
Németh Attila
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freakartack · 5 months ago
If my memory serves me correct, you've shown us your take on Mona's parents and 5-Volt's hubby. Have you devised anything about the other parents? Like Kat and Ana's or 18-Volt's? I know we heard only snippets about those and 13-Amp's in canon...kinda. It's interesting how many gaps imagination could fill in when it comes to WarioWare.
Sure have! Ashley's, too. And Wario's mom. And Spitz's dad, although I never actually showed my design of him because it's kind of underwhelming. I also have Dribble's extended family rattling around in my head too (similarly underwhelming because it's just a bunch of dogs). Really I just find it fun to take cartoon characters whose family has been vaguely alluded to at best and fill in the blanks to explain why they're like that. It's like a coloring book. I haven't drawn Kat+Ana's or 18-volt's though...my take on Kat and Ana's parents needs more time in the oven, because 1) i feel like i need to get my finger more on the pulse of campy ninja movies before I can successfully pastiche them, and 2) I don't think I can top this bit from jan Misali's esteemed novella Wario Faces Consequences For His Actions:
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I haven't drawn 18-volt's mom before, although I'd probably end up drawing her sooner than the twins only because I have a better handle on her situation. According to 18-volt's stage in Gay Man Wario, his mom is a lot less smothering than 5-volt and is instead rarely around, letting 18-volt play video games whenever he wants. He's clearly a latchkey kid with a single mom who works long hours to support them both, which is both sad and also on par with the rest of the lonely children of WarioWare. 18-volt has been sidelined for so long, but given the crazy deep cuts that Warioware throws out sometimes (e.g. cicada, the music box from WL3, the fact that 5-volt herself was hinted at all the way back in mega microgames), there is a non-zero chance, however slim, that we may one day see her for real. She deserves to have fun too!!
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cosmozoa-sys · 6 months ago
⋯ science themed id pack !!
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names ⁘
matter ◎ element ◎ plasma ◎ acid ◎ atom ◎ ion ◎ spectra ◎ alkali ◎ catalyst ◎ chrome ◎ kelvin ◎ electra ◎ ether ◎ halogen ◎ osmos ◎ quark ◎ sagan ◎ valence ◎ archaea ◎ evo ◎ volt ◎ spore ◎ doppler ◎ entropy ◎ tesla
sagan: from Carl Sagan
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pronouns ⁘
Fe/iron (or any element) ◎ chem/chemistry ◎ volt/volts ◎ bio/biology ◎ atom/atoms ◎ photon/photons ◎ nu/nuclear ◎ evo/evolve ◎ cell/cells ◎ ribo/ribosome ◎ RNA/DNA ◎ ion/ions ◎ grav/gravity ◎ wave/waves ◎ mi/microbe
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titles ⁘
The Modern-Day Alchemist ◎ The Collapse ◎ The Architect of Life ◎ (prn) With Entropy in (prns) Hands ◎ The Nucleus ◎ Absolute Zero
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system names ⁘
the biosphere ◎ the chemical orchestra ◎ the fungal spores ◎ the periodic table ◎ the solar system
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This was more chemistry and biology themed, but I'll happily do your specific field if you'd like to request that! -Iris (she/her)
credits: 1 - 2
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cherryblogss · 19 days ago
Bom, galera venho dar uma notícia meio chatinha. Infelizmente, decidi dar uma pausa por tempo indeterminado em escrever/tumblr devido a vários fatores que vão desde bloqueios criativos até minha própria saúde mental. Sei que "prometi" o kinktober, mas não tá saindo nada e o que eu tenho de rascunho não me satisfaz. Fiquei muito decepcionada comigo, porque não consegui cumpri nenhuma meta que estipulei e acho que isso me afetou um pouco no geral, além de não ser totalmente culpa minha, já que quando anunciei não estava tão sobrecarregada☠️
Ultimamente não tenho me sentido feliz com a minha escrita e sei que isso é resultado de um cansaço extremo e pressão que tenho em ser melhor, mesmo que escrever nunca tenha sido meu forte. Também fico meio mal por não atender aos pedidos e não tenho me sentido motivada a escrever. E eu sei que a maioria aqui não quer ficar me vendo responder ask sobre coisas aleatórias e falar como quero mamar o pipe dez vezes por dia enquanto "ignoro" os pedidos de escrita.
Esse anúncio de pausa é algo que eu tenho adiado há muito tempo e faço agora porque realmente me sinto perdida, não está fazendo tanto sentido tentar por horas escrever e ficar distraída adiando coisas da minha carreira. De certa maneira, me sinto saciada pelo que já entreguei, querendo ou não tem muito conteúdo e quando vou escrever parece que tô repetindo a mesma coisa.
Agradeço muito a todxs que tornaram esses meses da minha vida melhor, me senti menos sozinha e pertencente a algo pela primeira vez na vida, mas é necessário tirar esse tempo pra me cuidar. Eu fiquei muito ocupada com uns projetos da minha vida profissional e quando eu chego em casa não quero ficar olhando para uma tela, eu já trabalho com isso o dia inteiro e tô sentindo o prejuízo de me forçar a interagir ao ponto que fico com a cabeça latejando até dormindo. Talvez eu volte daqui a uma semana quando eu ficar mais "aliviada" da minha carga de trabalhos ou quando me sentir melhor, mas por agora tô com zero ânimo😔
Peço desculpas pelas asks que não respondi ainda, mas quando eu "voltar" vou tentar organizar tudo com calma💜Fico muito feliz que "criei" esse espaço que surtamos e conversamos sobre qualquer coisa e sinto muito por me distanciar. Não se preocupem que não é um adeus definitivo🫶🏻
beijão, cherry
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fee-ling · 4 months ago
A volte vorrei andare in un posto dove nessuno mi conosce e ricominciare da zero.
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gabbiadicarta · 10 months ago
a volte temo di non essere guarita davvero dai miei pensieri intrusivi. a volte penso di non farcela, di mollare tutto e sparire.
non riesco a chiedere aiuto, non riesco ad esprimere le mie emozioni. non capisco il perché io mi senta così tanto sola e sostituibile. c'è sempre una voce che mi ripete che valgo zero.
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red-v3lvetx · 28 days ago
su questo social compaio e scompaio, non lo faccio apposta, sono talmente presa dalla vita, dalla mia testa e talmente persa e alla ricerca di me stessa che a volte mi estraneo.
nessuno mi obbliga ad usare questo social, eppure a volte sento il bisogno di tornarci.
penso mi piacerebbe parlare e raccontare di quello che accade nella mia vita, delle piccole vittorie e scoperte ma poi mi ricordo che questo blog è principalmente erotico e chi mi segue non è interessato alla mia gioia di aver cucinato o di esser uscita a passeggiare con il mio cane, se mai gli interessa del mio corpo o delle mie passioni sessuali… sapete una cosa? in questo periodo ho zero pulsione sessuale e forse per questo quando apro il mio blog e vedo le mie foto e reblog non mi sento a mio agio.
magari creo un blog parallelo, non so
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valeriaviero · 1 year ago
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Done a couple of months ago
A volte vorrei fare tabula rasa anche di questo tumblr e ripartire da capo da zero, ma per ora fa troppa fatica.
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