#zero judgment btw !!
princessg3rard · 9 months
international moots pls reply this is important !!
do y’all want me to start tagging my political takes and hebrew posts in English tags so y’all can filter them ??
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blacktabbygames · 3 months
Hi, I admit I dont really know what the process for this looks like, but would you ever consider adding Slay the Princess to the Playstation Plus subscription service, or to Xbox GamePass? Even temporary, with a time limit?
This might be something we do towards the very end of Slay the Princess' life cycle, but subscription services are a pretty hard sell for us in general. I don't think they're sustainable for the games industry as a whole, and they're a contributor to some of the race-to-the-bottom mentality. (Absolutely zero judgment for folks who use these services, btw. *I* use these services, but then I also know that I never actually buy a game after getting it on Game Pass or PS+; this is really just about the corporate side of things)
A big news item in the industry over the past month was the closure of Tango Gameworks, the Microsoft-owned studio that made Hi-Fi Rush last year, a wonderful game that got a bunch of awards and scored an 87 on Metacritic.
There's been a lot of speculation around this closure, and to add to that speculation, I believe that at the end of the day, Hi Fi Rush lost a lot of money, at least on paper.
It was shadow-dropped as a day 1 gamepass exclusive, which meant that there was no marketing done in advance, and sales were immediately cannibalized. (Side note— Hi-Fi Rush is maybe the only game I've picked up on Game Pass that I turned around and bought a Steam copy of, mostly because I wanted to play it on my Steam Deck.)
Since Tango was owned by MS, this was almost certainly a deliberate choice to make Game Pass seem more appealing, and even then, the studio behind a *hit* game was closed for financial reasons. So we're not sure that's a part of the industry we want to dance with.
I know this probably seems at odds with our stance on piracy, but at the end of the day, I think they're different beasts, and it's the scale, perceived legitimacy, and corporatization of subscription services that gives me a lot of pause, especially with Game Pass, which tends to double-release for PC and console. And on the flipside, I legitimately don't think piracy hurts developers.
So again, I think if we were to do something like this, it would be towards the end of the game's life, or it would be something tied more to an isolated ecosystem (i.e. if we do mobile, something like Apple Arcade, since people don't really *buy* mobile games, and the overlap with console + PC is very small.)
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kalorphic · 1 year
can you rec a dark if like +18 ☠️ i want chaos. (u can ignore this btw)
Okay, I found this one quite difficult because I don’t know what you would constitute as dark (especially considering that this community on tumblr doesn’t really do dark dark (that I’ve seen)), but I’ve managed to compile the list below. Most have demos and there aren’t as many which haven’t updated in months and months (but there are still a few).
I added IFs that used the words ‘dark’ or ‘horror’ in their descriptions and/or that were explicitly rated 18+. I then looked at content warnings - what they were, how extensive they were, and how intense they were.
If anyone wants their IF removed, please let me know (or added, but please keep the criteria(?) above in mind).
OFNA: Birds of a Feather by @ofna - Demo
Legend of a Savior by @legend-of-a-savior-if - Demo
Witches of Ferngrove by @witchesofferngrove - Demo
The Exile by @exilethegame - Demo
Remember, You Will Die by @vapolis - Demo
Project Hadea by @nyehilismwriting - Demo
The Goodfellows by @thecuriouseye - Demo
Event Horizon by @if-eventhorizon - Demo
Fellow Traveler by @robotvampire - Demo
We All Bleed Red by @lost-kiwi-dev - Demo
Mind Games: Trepidation by @bottlecaprabbitgames - Demo
Swallow the Dark by @swallowthedark - Demo
Sinners and Saints by @sinnersandsaints-linwrites - Demo
The Numbers Game by @thenumbersgameif - Demo
A Trial of Horror by @atrial-ofhorror-if - Demo
Defiled Hearts: The Barbarian by @defiledheartsblog - Demo
Haunt the Bodies by @hauntthebodies - No Demo
Kingdoms and Empires by @kingdoms-and-empires - Demo
Ballad of the Judgment Night by @nikkefort-dev - Demo
The Spirited: Origins by @yuveim - Demo
Fox of Sunholt by @foxofsunholt - No Demo (being rewritten)
My Beginning & My End by @chaosbringerx - No Demo
A Court of Serpents by @acourtofserpents - Demo
Ripper’s Plague: Ground Zero by @ripperplague - Demo (indefinite hiatus)
The Operative: Fires of Revolution by @theoperativeif - Demo
The Scars I Live With by @thescarsilivewith-if - No Demo
The Kiss of Midnight by @if-kissofmidnight - No Demo
An Ode to Dying Stars by @dyingstars-if - No Demo
Tainted Souls: Fables & Myth - The Bonded Awakening by @taintedsoul-if - Demo
Dark Impulses by @timidloner - Demo
The Inseparables by @theinseparables-if - No Demo
The Decoy by @alternatewriter - Demo
Softly, Opulent by @softlyopulent-if - Demo
Cheers to the Elites by @cheerstotheelites-if - Demo
The Weight of Yesterday by @theweightofyesterday-if - No Demo
What Lovely Bones by @whatlovelybones-if - Demo
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thestobingirlie · 1 year
Always had this thought that they like to put Steve down to lift Eddie up, because canonically Steve is way, way, waaaaay out of Eddie's league.
Like I dob't believe in leagues and I think Steve and Eddie are good together, but if you do? It's undeniable. Steve's reputation is that he is handsome, cool, kind, smart (yes, he is quick-witted and snarky too), comes from money, semi-independent from his parents, a good person, friendly and popular. He seems stuck, but to most of Hawkins I bet it's evident that he actually is going to land on his feet and that he is just finding himself/rebelling, etc.
Eddie? Eddie can't graduate from high school, works as a dealer, lives in a trailer park and does fuck all with his life. I love Eddie btw, and to viewer it's evident that he would have also landed on his feet, but to a Hawkins resident? They don't see that.
And if you believe in leagues (and people who make sure to make Steve as pathetic as possible most certainly do), Eddie has zero chances with Steve
love the way this is worded lmao, and i so agree. i think because hawkins wouldn’t see eddie as being worthy of steve, people feel like they have to write it so that steve isn’t worthy of eddie. rather than just saying; fuck what other people think, they love each other as they are.
i actually think it’s interesting that people are so desperate to make eddie better than steve in all the areas that steve thrives. while simultaneously saying steve needs to change everything about himself in order to be worthy of eddie.
like, eddie’s beloved by everyone in the group, and they all think he’s so much cooler than steve. and no one likes steve anymore and everyone in school thinks he’s a massive loser that will never amount to anything. and steve utterly despises himself, and he’s just constantly full of bitterness and regret about his past. but eddie’s so free and himself, and not at all judgmental, and the way he views other people isn’t wrong at all.
so much fanon content relies on eddie teaching steve how to accept himself, and be himself, when in canon, it’s more the other way around. steve knows who he is. he’s comfortable with it. it’s eddie that puts on a performance in school (‘the freak’!!). it’s eddie that judges others without knowing them. it’s eddie that actually says with his own mouth to steve “you’re metal as hell. i was wrong about you. i made assumptions based on nothing.” steve doesn’t have to change to be more like eddie, and if he did, he’d be taking some massive steps back in his development.
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Another Level rant/update 😬
I'm posting the rant that I started the other day when responding to an ask!!
You can read it below the cut 😊
When it comes to Another Level, I love the story so much. Obviously, I adore the characters. Another Level gave me Rinko. And I never imagined she'd become what she has. She's grown and taken on a life of her own that I never expected, and it's made me love her so much more. What's getting to me recently is that I honestly am just tired of the conflict in canon. It's stressful and exhausting to deal with.
As I've been trying to write for Horizon of Chaos, I realized that the events in the manga have really shaped how much I feel about writing anything for the month in between. It's really hard to write cute and happy when I know something that big is coming up. Our proverbial 'beach episode' is so much harder with shit like that looming on the horizon, even though they're going to make it through.
It makes me want to skip past it completely and go to the happily ever after. But that would feel wrong. It would feel half-finished. It wouldn't feel like the proper resolution after so much has happened.
It's also, if I'm being honest, getting a bit outside of my comfort zone. Because I've stuck as close to canon as I possibly could throughout the entirety of Another Level, and diverging so heavily now is a bit daunting.
To give a bit of a "behind-the-scenes" perspective, I'll share a secret that might not be that much of a secret: When I first started writing Another Level, back when I wasn't even sure if I was going to post any of it, I was determined to stick with canon no matter what. Meaning if Gojo died in canon, he was going to die in Another Level. I even had two plans for endings. For if he lived or died.
But, after writing a bit, and figuring a few other things out, it felt cruel to rip that chance at happiness away from them after they've been through so much. They've worked so hard and been through so much, and while JJK itself isn't meant to be a bright and happy story, I started writing Another Level specifically to deal with all that shit, so why make it darker than it needs to be when I don't have to?
I don't remember exactly when I made the decision, but at some point very early on I decided, 'Fuck canon if he dies. Gojo and Rinko are getting a nice happy ending together where they live long lives together and have cute lil babies.'
Another Level Gojo feels so close to canon that he feels like canon sometimes, as many of you have pointed out and said you like about him (thank you so much btw, it is greatly appreciated 🥹). But he has layers of character depth that he's gained through knowing Rinko that canon Gojo doesn't have.
Canon Gojo was perfectly happy dying to someone stronger. Because that meant he got to just be 'Gojo Satoru' and not 'The Strongest.' He was fulfilled and happy to die that way, leaving the rest to his students.
Another Level Gojo is tired. He's been fighting his entire fucking life. He's been blamed for shit his entire fucking life. And he's found the one person in the world who loves him and sees through all that bullshit, and he wants to finish this garbage and just have some quiet time to live his life being an idiot with this woman who has stayed by his side and seen the human in him since the beginning.
Another Level Gojo is going to want to be truly selfish. He's going to feel cheated dying now. As you saw in the most recent part of Horizon of Chaos, he's not ready to leave just yet. He wants more time with Rinko.
Because Rinko has always seen Gojo Satoru, the dumbass who does stupid shit and is just an overgrown child who never got to be a kid. And she's indulged him by giving him cookies and letting him have those moments of vulnerability with zero judgment for things that others spent years blaming him for. She was one of few people who never faulted him for not killing Geto sooner. Gojo knows how much she hated Geto by the end because of what happened to her kids, to Touma. But she has still maintained that she understands that he was his best friend and expecting him to react any differently than he did would be asking too much of anyone.
Remember one of the things she's told him during a moment of vulnerability?
"Even the strongest fail."
She has always seen his moments of genuine weakness as something to love and not something to break him down for. And he is so ready to just spend the rest of his life showing her just how much he loves her for it. So he will.
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You've started reading Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint! For Han Sooyoung??? Story, you are the most valid ORV reader there is and I'm wishing you thoughts and strength for the coming destruction of sanity.
How are you finding it so far? (This is Note, btw, and feel free not to answer if you still want to withhold judgment)
Note!!! Yes, I did start!
Ahuhdfv yeah I had heard people talk about it before but I wasn't really looking to get into anything new atm so I thought ok, I'll check it out eventually. Like it sounds good but not right now. Then the yaoi polls started and people were telling me to vote joongdok so I did with like, zero understanding of what was happening but you know. Happy for you guys! And then there were a few memes and I was amused and said ok, it seems like I should really put this on my list. And then there was a post talking about how meta the themes are and that it's heavy on platonic love themes and it made people cry and I went oh. And then another said the women were distinct and well written and I went oh.
Yeah and then I saw people tagging these deranged posts with hsy and that decided it for me. Pleased to know she is every bit the chaos woman I thought she'd be, and I still feel like I barely know her at this point. Her and kdj's dynamic is ahafbvdhfvnv. Asshole besties. To me.
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I actually binged most of the webcomic in one day (I found it first) before I decided to stop and start from the beginning with the novel because I wanted more of kdj's narration! It's interesting... I know it's going somewhere very different from how it started and while I have some ideas, I'm very uncertain about them. There's so much going on. The entire cast is really fun and I'm intrigued by all of them. But. um. I have a lot of fondness for. Her.
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J-Jung Heewon... so cool............. (also she's funny as heck which is just a bonus at this point)
Love that Kim Dokja has surrounded himself with people who care about him deeply and 100% have his back but also would not hesitate to get his ass. Good for him, honestly.
Anyways I'm still catching up in the novel but I left off in the comic with yjh flipping out after kdj took a mortal blow for him and then going ballistic while affirming kdj as his companion only for dead kdj, who is watching all this go down, to immediately rationalize it as "ah he's trying to get coins". ............ How can he be so clever and also so dumb.
Who are your favourites btw? I imagine it may be for spoiler reasons but I'm still curious :D
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kithtaehyung · 1 year
hi, i wanted to say hi, so HI, and here, take this: 🍊
im embarrassed to send this lmao but i just saw you said something about still getting commentary so i thought huh maybe she didnt see it so yeah, i reblogged some, one is on the 3tan master and another one for busted
OH and its on my sideblog @jungkookincalvins i wasnt sure if you saw or not or you were busy idk 👉👈 , it was days ago i dont remember exactly but there's not a lot in that blog yet so, its somewhere in there
or maybe you did see it?? idk its fine! lol, i mean its also ok if you dont see it,. i just saw you said that so yeah..
can i be more awkward? yes, yes i can so ill stop here,..
hAVE A GREAT DAY, go and be awesome 🍀
Can't wait for Mami btw!!
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WAIT THATS YOU????😂😂😂 you crack me up literally every time with the reblogs on that blog I’m not even kidding🤣 god tier meme usage i am so impressed whenever i see them. I need to finally respond to those so I’m so so sorry I haven’t yet! Just know that I am a fan💀
ᕕ( ᐛ )🍊ᕗ thanks for the tangerine, love! and nice to meet you🫂 as far as why you reached out, I totally got your commentary and wanna say thank you fr fr! Seriously, you have no idea how it truly does make me smile.
PLSSS you never have to stop being awkward or whatever you feel like. everyone can be themselves here and i am a gd fool myself so.. there’s zero judgment coming from me🥴👍 just have a good time! glad to have you<3
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henswilsons · 2 years
Now that she’s pregnant, writers’ve painted themselves into a corner, there’s literally no satisfying solution to this situation. Anything they come up with either makes the whole storyline useless (like Connor and his wife leaving, it just proves Buck’s actions have zero consequences even when it’s a literal baby) or too cruel, especially just for the sake of Buck’s character development (miscarriage and Buck, of course, blaming himself for it). Connor and wife dying and thus making Buck ‘a real father’ is probably the worst one because would turn the show into a 100% soap opera. This shit stunk from the very beginning, they should’ve thrown it away after one episode and now it’s all dried up and they have no idea how to clean it without it leaving a stench behind and they probably haven’t even realised it yet.
i don't think i'd say there's no satisfying solutions!! as a warning i am really not the most verbose person and i'm sure so many people will be able to word this much better and more succinctly than i can, but i definitely wouldn't say that this plotline is in the can just yet. from last episode we've seen how invested buck is--calling himself a father, buying a weeny lafd baby jumper (which made me CRY btw!!)--so obviously he has not internalised hen's "donor not dad" comment, in fact it's bounced right off his very handsome face. i think there are a few options of what's gonna happen re: baby
connor and kameron do move away/take the baby with them (i think this is super plausible). i wouldn't say that would be undoing the plotline/rendering it useless at all because they'll be taking buck's child with them!!! buck physically will Not be able to be a father if that happens, and he'll have to come to terms/start properly dealing with the intrinsic deep desire to be loved that's been present since s1 that he'll search for a chance for a family ANYWHERE, even if that means donating his sperm to a baby that for all his purposes won't be his.
there's a miscarriage/stillbirth/complications in any way that result in them losing the baby (i saw someone speculate the baby might be born with luekemia which 😵‍💫😵‍💫 i doubt it only bc i genuinely don't see a baby being around for very long, but think of the IMPACTTT). sure, this would probably be very cruel, but it would add to this notion of buck feeling as though he's expendable/"spare"/faulty parts. i think it was the lovely nie @gayhoediaz that mentioned she doesn't see it being a miscarriage but a stillbirth, because then buck will feel as though he is somewhat responsible for it, which i can very very much see, which could then have ramifications for buck
connor and kameron dying. yeah tbh i don't really see this either as delicious as it would be (shoutout molly buckley verse i love you!!!!!!!!!!) only because it would be saddling buck with a child for the rest of the series which is a Very Big long-term commitment that i doubt they'll go for.
then there’s ofc them having the baby and buck being a part of its life which i also kinda doubt will happen because it feels like rewarding buck for decisions he ultimately made from an unhealthy place
i still have faith/high expectations in the writers for how this plotline is going to carry out!! we still have a whole second half of the season so until s6 has aired in its entirety im reserving my judgment. i'm sorry you feel this way though!
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satohqbanana · 1 year
Food for Thought: Zero and Her Sisters and a Girl's Development
Note: (Points to "Rose") This baby could take so much gender/sexuality-related trauma! Anyway, I thought I was going somewhere with this but some stuff didn't fit with my original idea. I still like it enough, so you can have this WIP. (Btw not consistent with the Rose/Zero novella)
A young girl who is undergoing puberty would be akin to Five. Likely due to the influence of adults around her, she becomes fixated on flaunting her sexuality as a way to make herself attractive to potential partners. She is very sexual and presents herself as physically mature (or whatever she thinks means "mature"). She pushes herself on a partner her age, but boys aren't really taught that they need to grow up this fast so her actions scare him. Through her observation of adults, she is taught that this way of acting is desirable, so the boy's response to her is simply him playing the love game. In the end, that doesn't work. She isn't the older woman the world is somehow pushing her to be, and this relationship is clearly not working.
Four represents the girl who wants to act like the new ideal girl for her age: the pure maiden. She has to cast aside the "impure" desires that she possesses so that she may show self-control and proper maturity. She even looks to an older guy as her ideal partner, a man who like her ought to show self-control. Their relationship fails because she cannot communicate her desires properly, because she is clearly just a young girl who has no idea what she is doing. She lashes out at the world for damning her whether she had her desires on the forefront or not.
So she becomes Three, the girl who just doesn't care anymore about the world. She likes what she likes and she'll roll with it. Her interests goes places, even towards the most disgusting, perversive, or deadly - if only to feel alive and have something exciting to amuse herself with. Her partner of preference is an actual old man, hairs greying and with assumed accumulated wisdom and knowledge over the years. He cares for her and keeps her company, but she eventually grows bored of him, because he runs out of novelties to share with her.
But one day, things miraculously change. The girl finds something to care about in the world: the lesser fortunate, and she becomes Two. Love blooms in her heart, and she offers what she can of herself to help out orphans and the like. She also finds a man who might as well be her Mr. Right. Her life feels perfect, almost too perfect... until it isn't. Mr. Right was Mr. Wrong, and when her belief in him shatters, she finally lets go of the idea that she needs a man.
Now she is One. Alone, she works to better the world in what way she can and be knowledgeable in its ways. Alone, she bears her burden and leads her life. People look up to her and there are times she yearns for a partner, but she doesn't risk having an intimate relationship again. However, the more she learns about the world, the more it becomes warped in her eyes. All she has is her own judgment, and her own judgment tells her to cast everything away.
Everything but herself.
With that, she becomes Zero, a woman who works only for herself, dictated by her own rules, dancing to her own rhythm. Nothing can chain her down now.
However, her pride is in vain. What chains her is her past and herself. Tired of her misfortunes, the cycle of reinventing herself to find a sliver of happiness, she seeks to to destroy every one of her selves, including the current one. Only then, she'd be free.
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lightinxthedark · 1 month
I know you're working on Zargabaath's bio but could you tell us about his family? Is his grand nephew named after him?
((sure! So... Zargabaath is pretty estranged from his family, minus his niece. He was the middle child of the family, and definitely felt invisible compared to his siblings, though that... really didn't bother him all that much. Even as a kid he tended to keep to himself, and didn't get along much with his siblings. His brother was loud and abrasive, his sister was the favored child of the three so she got away with anything and everything, and his parents were dismissive at best and apathetic at worst. All things considered... certainly not the worst childhood, but nothing spectacular, either. He came out just fine, after all.
His sister, Edith, however, ended up falling into the wrong crowd, and got pregnant out of wedlock when she was nineteen/twenty. Zargabaath had already left home by then and was in the military as a Judge by that point ((I'm still figuring out ages, btw, but he probably was twenty-one at that point)), and didn't... exactly what anything to do with whatever Edith had gotten herself into. He was worried, but there wasn't much he could do, and left it at that. His sister gave birth to a healthy baby girl, but had zero interest in raising her, and his mother and brother weren't much help, either, so Zargabaath ended up stepping in when he could to help raise his niece. It wasn't often, considering he was a Judge and was up for promotion, but he made sure she was cared for and healthy. Then four years later, Edith decided she had enough and left Freya with her mother and brother, and left Archades to "find herself". Petra had no intention of raising her granddaughter, having felt she'd done enough after raising three children, and Osgar absolutely had no intention of stepping in either, but Zargabaath couldn't bear the thought of his niece being passed off to be raised by strangers. So, he took a temporary leave from the military, and took Freya in to raise by himself.
Given that Freya was three/four years old, she had a rough understanding of what was going on, but as furious as Zargabaath was at his family for being so quick to leave her alone, he did his best to step up for her, and came to love her as if she were his own daughter. He was careful to remain neutral about the rest of their family when she was old enough to be told the truth of what had happened, as he didn't want to skew her judgment of them one way or another, and told her if she wanted to reach out to them he would support her. Freya wasn't interested, so it really was just the two of them until she got older and met Varin Pharo. Zargabaath and Varin do get along, though Varin was intimidated by him in the beginning, and Zargabaath was there at their wedding. They had their son about a year after they married, and Freya did indeed name him after her uncle, which is why Draven has Beric as a middle name. It's something that absolutely got Zargabaath choked up, and he won't deny it, heh. It was incredibly touching, and he loves his grandnephew dearly, even though he doesn't like the fact he is a granduncle already.
All of this, though, isn't something Zargabaath openly talks about, at least with the other Judge Magisters. He's cautious with what he shares about himself or what he allows to be known by them, just given the cutthroat nature of his position and the social/political games they're constantly playing (including himself), so he tends to be incredibly private about his personal life. It doesn't mean he loves his niece and her family any less, or that he's any less proud of them, he would rather keep them safe.
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patches-of-thistle · 5 months
here, the dungeon lord stands....
in the process of being rewritten, take my words here with a grain of salt
hi! welcome to my rant-y blog. i dont have any preferred pronouns nor a solid alias to be referred to, so make up your own based on how you view me and see what sticks! if you want any pointers though... - loleris. im referred to this a lot by older friends even tho the name is outdated - incarnate, patches, or thistle. referenced from this blog and my main blog @cataclysm-incarnate - eristle. a relatively recent nickname that a friend made on the spot which i adored bc of how it merged two of my most fav nicknames!! - inspironing. its my ign (in-game name) in a lot of places
fandoms im into: - dungeon meshi / delicious in dungeon - omega strikers - and a couple more smaller things that youll have to find on your own terms! (honorable mentions: marionetta, katana zero, potionomics, last command)
im a very insecure person who runs away a lot! please dont take any time i take away from you or any associated group of people personally, my flight instinct tends to lean in the direction of "get away and stay quiet/lay low" to gather my thoughts - this isnt to say i WANT you to constantly in careful treading each time im around. im a flawed person and i've come to terms with that, so i'd hate not to be able to learn ways to "undo" those flaws from other people, even if a little
im also a. uh. somewhat judgmental person. i was BORN thistle-coded... but to be real i try and hide my judgment as best i can nowadays. it'll be bottled up as best it can and im on an active journey to try and subvert my aforementioned judgment! just... dont force me into situations/conversations that i already show disdain to bc it makes this hard
also. i love cats! i dont own one, but i love cats and will frequently catpost!
small q&a bc idk what else to put
1. why do you not bother for a concrete personal pronouns and an alias? - two things; i've both grown to be unbothered by people mischaracterizing me and me not spending a lot of time to invest into either! i have some semblance of my own identity in mind, but its used only for humor's sake as comparison to other peoples' perception of me HAH
2. what's with the old aliases? why mention them at all? - i've grown attached! i cant get over any of my old aliases that i gave just the tiniest portion of purpose, even for a little bit. plus, its something for people to fall back on if they wanna get back to talking to me like normal instead of referring to me like. idk, thistle or smth as a joke (please do this btw, itd honestly make my day)
3. why do you know [abc], but not [xyz]? - once again, i dont invest enough time to know things. im unaware of, surprisingly, a lot of things, so if youre looking to ask me something along the lines with an everyday-something like preworkout or cologne is... well, im not your guy - if a note i made of myself helps, i describe myself as someone completely detached from the real world
4. why do you talk a lot? - i just have a lot to say! also, because i picked up that being extra-omega-clear helps convey your intentions and reasoning, which is especially useful when talking to people with bpd...?? which i picked it up from in the form of a post about this specifically?? - whatever the case is, i just have a lot to say. bookends.
5. why did you ghost me on [xyz]? - now, contrary to question #4, i DONT have a lot to say on topics im unfamiliar or otherwise uncomfortable with answering. if i ghosted you, it's either because of those two reasons OR i forgot - this happens a lot. like, a LOT lot and im guilty of it, so please bear with it. im not trying to be mean nor take anything personally when i do it, i promise
6. why are your tags like that? - im anxious! again! i purposefully skirted around actual searched tags to make my own obscure tags that no one in any of the nine circles of hell would dare look up! but if its the story behind them you want... - "#cataclysmic ranting" and "#random reblog" are both tags ported over from my main blog! im keeping them there for legacy purposes (and to make things easier on my end) - "#oc discussion" is a bit of a stretch because i think this'll flood out my blog from the other people posting in it. otherwise, i use it to discuss my own ocs, as it says on the tin! - more to come...
7. why "patches-of-thistle"? - it's a project moon/mili reference! specifically of the song, "through patches of violet". i replaced violet with thistle because thistle had been given his name by king delgal because of his eye color (purple) - small, unneeded info, but this post helped me praise the name as "thistle" to almost religious levels
and that's a wrap! sorry that you have to digest a lot to know me if you dont already do, but hey! i need people to know what theyre getting into first hahah
expect this to be edited! maybe i'll include a masterpost of the many soon-to-be threads on this blog somewhere within these blocks of text - trust me, i'll be sure to deliver on the "rant-y" part of my description of it 🥰🥰
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divergent-one-1984 · 1 year
Organized Crime Ring in Astoria, NY, in a neighborhood under the jurisdiction of 114th PRECINCT and in apartment buildings managed by CENTRAL ASTORIA, LLC. I have been the victim of TARGETED COMMUNITY HARASSMENT SINCE SUMMER 2016 because of my race and gender, I am an African American woman (because of a rumor / gossip mill started by staff at NYC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION while I was employed there from 2014 to 2016 I was made the victim of WORKPLACE MOBBING and TARGETED PSYCHOLOGICALHARASSMENT & TORTURE / EMOTIONAL ABUSE. Due to the illegal access and leaking of private, personal, confidential information by wiretapping / cloning / hacking of personal devices, accounts and illegal surveillance in my residence, etc. This includes leaking of confidential medical information (HPV diagnosis in 2008 (strains that can cause CERVICAL CANCER and an ABORTION I had in 2004) - SISTER / STALKER ONGOING GASLIGHTING
In addition to the HATE CRIME element to the ongoing stalking and harassment there is a RELIGIOUS Zealotry / Nuttery / Judgmental / FUNDAMENTALISM / EXTREMISM element to my daily harassment as I am being harassed by mostly MUSLIM and LATINO people.
Based on facts / my observation, I would estimate that 9 out of 10 people harassing me on a daily basis are MUSLIM or LATINO, with MUSLIMS ranking number 1 (the majority being MEN and BOYS), MUSLIMS who appear to be from MIDDLE EASTERN / ARAB countries and countries on the ASIAN continent, such as BANGLADESH and PAKISTAN where the majority of the demographic is MUSLIM).
I am STALKED and HARASSED by WOMEN and GIRLS as well (again mostly MUSLIM.and LATINO, however in lower numbers, seems to be a HARASSMENT CAMPAIGN led by MEN and BOYS, with their female counterparts ,associates, family members, etc assisting. SISTER / STALKER basically holding me hostage non responsive to me getting laptop or keyboard SO I CAN MOVE OUT OF HERE.
Starting In MAY 2023 I decided I had enough of my SISTER'S / STALKER'S HARASSMENT and the COMMUNITY HARASSMENT.
I want to leave so I can be on my own and take care of myself how I need to regarding the constant ORGANIZED GROUP STALKING AND HARASSMENT and other things.
I have zero money and a busted laptop. I made a request to purchase a laptop for less than $200, did the research and found at least 3 that fit the bill, my SISTER / STALKER who has been HARASSING / GASLIGHTING me for years, who actually tried everything to not allow me to move back into the apartment 2 1/2 years ago, now it seems to be wanting to hold me hostage and not allow me to leave based on her inaction regarding my numerous requests).
My SISTER / STALKER handles the HOUSEHOLD FINANCES FOR THE RELATIVE I AM CARING FOR, according to my SISTER / STALKER & CAREGIVER $200 was not doable, even though I stated you can budget for it and from the beginning I have stated I would pay the relative back.
BTW, my relative who I believe is a target as well, who has been intentionally medically neglected which lead to most of the health problems they have today, which has rendered them bed bound, was basically collateral damage.
When my TARGETED HARASSMENT began in the WORKPLACE in late 2015 and then my COMMUNITY in SUMMER 2016, at some point most likely and very seemingly ILLEGAL SURVEILLANCE was set up that was DIRECTED INSIDE and AT my residence as well as WIRETAPPING / CLONING / HACKING of PERSONAL INTERNET, DEVICES, AND ACCOUNTS occurred.
I was living with this relative at the time when my TARGETED HARASSMENT began, obviously there was some data gathering / hacking of personal information prior to in order to plan the HARASSMENT TACTICS and to continue to gather information to harass in real time and have the ability to adjust HARASSMENT TACTICS accordingly in real time.
As an alternative, a week or so later I asked relative if they would be able to purchase something that was no more than around $40, they were ok with that basically.
I requested an external keyboard to be purchased. I did the same thing when requesting the laptop, I did the research, sent some suggestions and I found, SISTER / STALKER WHO WON'T SHOW MY RELATIVE HER ACTUAL BANK ACCOUNT to actually see how much money is in there each month.
I believe my SISTER has set up online accounts for banking and bills that my relative is not privy to at all. My relative trusts her explicitly / blindly.
I researched keyboards that would be compatible with my tablet found 2, one was about $40, the other was about $25.
Per my discussion with my relative, they said this would be ok, more attainable, even though they really have no clue what is in their own bank account because of the secretive control my SISTER / STALKER has on my relative's household finances.
MAY 2023 I sent a text via my relative's cell phone asking if my SISTER / STALKER purchased the keyboard because I had not heard anything back and my SISTER / STALKER had sent a text to my relative's cell phone about packages that were being delivered, one of them was from Amazon, which is where my laptop and keyboard recommendations came from. Packages came, there was no keyboard and no response to my follow up text to SISTER / STALKER.
My SISTER / STALKER went from NOT wanting me to move back in the apartment, trying to thwart this as much as possible to trying to hold me hostage essentially, because she is part of this ORGANIZED GROUP STALKING AND HARASSMENT CAMPAIGN.
I am telling her I want out / to leave and she's silent on this when 2 1/2 years ago she was saying all kinds of things to get me to NOT move back even though it was a done deal, I had decided already.
SUNDAY, JULY 9, 2023
Continued STREET THEATER skit my SISTER / STALKER delaying purchase of keyboard and performing all kinds of GASLIGHTING harassment.
My SISTER / STALKER ARRIVES SOMETIME AROUND 5:15 PM left before 8:38 PM, that's the time I came out of bedroom.
My SISTER / STALKER left a flyer on the living room table from CHERRY VALLEY GROCERCY STORE (a supermarket a couple of blocks from the apartment, that is next door to a LAUNDROMAT, even though I don't go to the supermarket).
My SISTER / STALKER handles the household finances for the relative I take care of, including groceries, which she has delivered at the beginning of each month from STOP 'N SHOP.
My SISTER / STALKER often leaves this flyer here when she comes over, even though its unnecessary because she purchases the groceries each month and I have no money to purchase anything and she does not leave money / cash in the house for my relative, she also has relative's debit card so even if my relative wanted something from the supermarket I could not go to get anything because there is no money in the house so she brings the flyer in as GASLIGHTING / HARASSMENT.
My SISTER / STALKER keeps bringing CHERRY VALLEY SUPERMARKET flyers here even though it makes no sense to because I dont go to the supermarket, our groceries are delivered each month and there is no cash / debit card / credit card for me to go out and purchase anything from CHERRY VALLEY or any other retail establishment.
(see photo of flyer attached)
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CHERRY, in addition to the derogatory term most are familiar with of a woman losing their virginity / breaking / tearing of the hymen.
I think CHERRY is a jail / law enforcement term, like fresh meat in jail for sexual assualt / breaking someones CHERRY.
(Early on in my TARGETED COMMUNITY HARASSMENT, which began in SUMMER 2016, STALKERS in my neighborhood performing NOISE HARASSMENT constantly walk by or stand under my apartment windows making various loud noises, one particular incident involved a LATINO man walking under my bedroom window speaking loudly about rape, making a statement during a DIRECTED CONVERSATION he was having on a cell phone about "raping her", her was referring to me)
Law enforcement has been heavily involved in my harassment since it started while I was employed at NYC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION.
The straw that broke the camels back for me after months of MOBBING, was an incident that occurred where a female employee was physically blocking me from exiting the elevator to my floor for work.
I quit either that day or the very next day because I realized this was an elevated form of bullying going on here, they were not just trying to make me quit or fire me for a fabricated cause but it seemed as if they were trying to get me to have a lapse in judgment and put my hands on someone so I can get arrested.
After I quit and filed a complaint with NYS DEPARTMENT OF LABOR and while the investigation was going on suddenly everywhere I went there were FDNY EMT Ambulances and NYPD patrol cars, as well as NYS and out of state law enforcement vehicles, and FDNY fire trucks in my neigborhood and travelling in and around NYC.
Mostly FDNY Ambulances in the beginning, then NYPD cars, constantly parked at my bus stop by my home, driving past the bus stop while I was waiting for the bus usually right before the bus drove up and parked at the bus stop before I get there via walking to the bus stop or exiting the bus, parked outside of retail stores, banks, post office, etc.
I have been a New Yorker all my life and I have seen more NYPD and FDNY vehicles around me in the last 8 years since my TARGETED COMMUNITY HARASSMENT began, than in my 40+ years on this earth.
2 FEMALE NYC DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS employees, SHANNON and CHRISTINE, who sat in cubicles 2 rows behind me used to refer to me often in DIRECTED CONVERSATION with each other as "CHERRY".
I believe CHERRY is also reference to MY PERIOD, which I am harassed about frequently through various PSYCHOLOGICAL HARASSMENT TACTICS, including COLOR HARASSMENT, a CHERRY, obviously is RED like BLOOD, MENSTRUAL BLOOD IN THIS CASE, and VALLEY is low like your VAGINA / UTERUS is in a low position / the lower half of the female body.
My PERIOD will be starting in a few days.
Same day my SISTER / STALKER scheduled a doctor's appointment for relative I am taking care of at the same hospital my former GYN has an affiliation with.
My former GYN also saw patients on this one day a week, WEDNESDAYS.
I believe NATASHA LIGGINS-MODELO (former NYC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION employee who BULLIED ME and instigated WORKPLACE MOBBING against me while I was employed at NYC DEPARTMENT of EDUCATION) was instrumental in HACKING and LEAKING OF MY PERSONAL DATA, which included medical information (HPV DIAGNOSIS, strains that cause CERVICAL CANCER).
To me there is no other logical explanation for the degree of harassment, degradation, dehumanization, complete violation of CIVIL, HUMAN, AND PRIVACY RIGHTS, etc that has been done to me except IGNORANT PEOPLE feeling a way about someone who has an STD / STI, a very common one that some of the very people harassing me right now probably have and don't even know it or who will eventually contract it because the only way to avoid it is to never have sex because condoms won't necessarily protect you from HPV.
It's so damn common they have a VACCINE for it that they encourage people to give to their children ideally before they have entered the sexually active population, which will certainly expose them to the possibility, whether they had 3 partners or 300 partners, whether they used a condom everytime they had sex or never or sometimes used a condom.
No one is immune from contracting HPV , unless you NEVER EVER have sex or hump / rub your genitals on someone else's genitals, so the judgement is really silly and coming from an ignorant place.
I did not do anything to NATASHA LIGGINS-MODELO, or anyone else in thay workplace or in my life generally to where they would just do something like this to me out of the blue.
One of the goals of RELATIONAL AGGRESSION and WORKPLACE MOBBING is to humiliate the tareget.
They used the HPV as a justification for the HARASSMENT & ABUSE and as something to try to humiliate me for. This is the only thing that makes sense.
I believe the HPV was leaked in the workplace and to people from my personal life, namely past sexual partners and because they are ignorant and ill-informed they overreacted and did this to me.
Also, one of the persons I think may be involved I believe is the person who I contracted the HPV from, my ex fiance WILFRED SHAWN KIRKALDY, I was initially diagnosed in JANUARY 2008, I stopped having sex with WILFRED SHAWN KIRKALDY, about 6 months prior to this in JUNE 2007.
I had been with WILFRED SHAWK KIRKALDY from 2002 to JUNE 2007 and only had 1 sexual partner prior to him. The 3rd sexual partner I had was KIRK DOLPHY, who I started having sex with right after I ended my relationship with WILFRED.
So for about 6 months prior to my HPV diagnosis, I was having sex with KIRK DOLPHY (who coincidentally was a NYC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION employee at the time when I met him back in 2007 and when I eventually went to work there in 2014).
So, the only thing I know for sure is that I was diagnosed with HPV in JANUARY 2008 and that I had already had 3 sexual partners by them, so technically it could be anyone of those 3 people, which includes my 1st sexual partner (who I will never name because frankly I don't think he has anything to do with instigating this harassment against me), my 2nd sexual partner WILFRED SHAWN KIRKALDY and my 3rd sexual partner KIRK DOLPHY.
I believe a couple of sexual partners I had after my diagnosis have something to do with the instigation of this HARASSMENT, as well or maybe primarily, one is my 5th sexual partner DEVIN ELTON THOMPSON, the 6th sexual partner is a LATINO by the name of LUIS MARTINEZ.
If it wasn't 1 or more of these past sexual partners I have named it is associates of theirs, harassing me as some kind of a stan for those individuals.
(see previous posts for details regarding my total of 6 sexual partners I have had over the course of my life)
Based on some other factors along with timing of diagnosis I really think I contracted HPV from WILFRED SHAWN KIRKALDY.
I told WILFRED SHAWN KIRKALDY about my diagnosis in SUMMER 2008. WILFRED SHAWN KIRKALDY also has strong ties to NYC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, he works in the school system, also he was a basketball athlete growing up in the NYC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION system, also worked for the NATIONAL BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION (NBA), which probably had some dealings with NYC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION.
Each of these men also are of JAMAICAN DESCENT, known to be an EXTREMELY MISOGYNISTIC CULTURE certainly capable and willing of doing this to a woman for this reason.
My SISTER / STALKER scheduled a doctors appointment (AT THE SAME HOSPITAL MY FORMER GYN WAS AFFILIATED WITH and on the same day my GYN had annual appointments, today, WEDNESDAYS) some days ago that is way too early, requiring me to get up much earlier than I need to be up even though I have told her in the past not to schedule appointments earlier than 11 AM.
This is close to the time relative has regularly scheduled appointments multiple days a week. On these days my relatives SCHEDULED TRANSPORTATION TIME IS 10:10 AM, today it is 8:30 AM, transportation times should never be earlier than this unless its like a surgical procedure where operating rooms have to be scheduled making time slots are a bit more limited.
A regular ass appointment, the patient decides day and time, not the doctor.
I have to do a lot to prepare this relative, they can't really do much of anything on their own. I have to prepare their meals, get them their medicine, bathe them, clothe them, transport them from bed to wheelchair with the use of a Hoyer Lift.
Because of this, I would prefer any kind of appointment where the relative has to leave the house not be that early.
Most reasonable people would feel the same, but when you are being HARASSED / GASLIGHTED by a STALKER, my SISTER and a relative who doesn't know what is going on and is not very bright and lets my SISTER do whatever she wants regarding things then I have to deal with nonsensical bullshit all too frequently.
STILL NO KEYBOARD as of today. My SISTER / STALKER has been here couple of times and purchased (through delivery and in person) items that are needed and items that are not needed and no one asked her to buy but the keyboard still not here.
SISTER / STALKER RETURNED SOMETIME BETWEEN 12:30 and 1:00 PM knocked on my door with no response.
I told my relative I don't talk to my SISTER / STALKER, she also knows I don't talk to her anymore therefore she knows there is no reason to knock on my door disturbing me. 2 meals have been prepared for relative, she only has to place them in microwave.
I don't have to do ish while SISTER / STALKER is here. SISTER / STALKER is one who showed me how to use Hoyer Lift so she can move relative from wheelchair to bed herself.
My SISTER / STALKER just knocked did not say anything in response to me asking wth she wants, so I kept my door closed and stayed in my room.
My door had propped open at some point so I went outside to see what was going on around 1:23 PM.
Asked relative if SISTER / STALKER and her son left because they did not appear to be in the apartment. Relative stated SISTER / STALKER and her son left the apartment to get some food.
Apparently SISTER / STALKER knocked on my door so that I could put relative in bed, however she did not say anything and I went on about my business because I told relative before they left for appointment this morning since SISTER / STALKER and her son were coming back to the apartment SISTER / STALKER can put relative in bed because I don't want to look at / be around SISTER / STALKER and her son (THEY DISGUST ME and I HAVE LOST ALL RESPECT FOR THEM for the things they have done to me / the ORGANIZED GROUP STALKING & TARGETED COMMUNITY HARASSMENT they have engaged in)
So, unfortunately, if SISTER / STALKER does not place relative in bed they will have to sit in wheelchair until they leave, which is exactly what happened.
I am not doing it though, SISTER / STALKER and her son went to the store, came back at 1:24 PM, about a minute after I came out of my room. I heard the key in the door and went back into my bedroom so as not to lay eyes on them, left relative in wheelchair, they stayed there until I came out of my room around 5 or 6 PM.
Again, My SISTER / STALKER is the one who initially showed me how to use the Hoyer Lift so she is proficient in its use. She can place relative in the bed herself.
My SISTER / STALKER let relative sit in wheelchair and did not place them in the bed.
So back to my VAGINA and the HARASSMENT regarding the smell, my HPV, my MENSTRUAL CYCLE, YEAST INFECTION, etc.
My harassment regarding my VAGINA involves all negativity, either smells like FISH or GARBAGE or both according to the HARASSMENT, also constantly referencing HPV and YEAST INFECTION (associated with CHEESE AND FISH and other things, using these and other urban derogatory terms to reference the status and smell of my vagina.
My SISTER / STALKER went to McDonalds to purchase a FILET-O-FISH WITH CHEESE sandwich for my relative, which they never get. My relative normally gets a BIG MAC.
This was done intentionally to HARASS ME because MY PERIOD STARTED TODAY.
Attached is a video taken by me on NOVEMBER 29, 2019, at about 8:30 AM. The time stamp on the bottom right of the screen is an hour ahead because I had not updated time for DST. Next to a garbage lot for business (a supermarket if I recall correctly):
The grafitti written on the wall was, "✓ PUSSY" and "coincidentally" parked right at the curb was a SANITATION TRUCK.
I walked this route every morning to the train station when I was living in MIDWOOD, BROOKLYN and working at NYC DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS, in walking distance from my SISTER / STALKER during MAY 2018 to APRIL 2021.
So, I had been passing by this same wall for more than a year during my morning commute to work and did not see this.
Then in 2019, when I took this video this was like right after it appeared, probably a day or so afterward.
I had been walking this same route to the train station for work since I moved to MIDWOOD in MAY 2018. To me this is obviously a reference to going to GYN, me having HPV, but from a particular persons point of view because of the crude language used.
The only man that I have been with sexually who usee the word "PUSSY" freely in conversation, not during sex or anything like that but regular ass conversation was DEVIN ELTON THOMPSON
(see previous posts and image below for receipts, his quote was "I love PUSSY" or something pretty much close to this effect)
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DEVIN ELTON THOMPSON has been frequently referenced throughout my HARASSMENT since the beginning while I was employed at NYC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, where the HARASSMENT began.
Additionally, this graffitti showed up in the month of NOVEMBER, which I am sure is no coincidence as NOVEMBER is the birth month of myself and DEVIN ELTON THOMPSON, we share the same birth date, different year.
Also, when you make an appointment with most doctors, at least with my former GYN, they always ask you what your DATE OF BIRTH is.
This graffitti along with other harassment I had been experiencing while employed at NYC DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS made me become aware that my USED DISPOSABLE MENSTRUAL PADS were being extracted from my garbage, not sure if it was from work, home, or both, but after that I stopped using DISPOSABLE MENSTRUAL PADS and began using REUSABLE MENSTRUAL PADS, which these STALKERS eventually went on to actually steal some of my REUSABLE MENSTRUAL PADS (4 of them to be exact) out of the LAUNDROMAT while they were in the dryer, I stepped out of the LAUNDROMAT to purchase CHINESE TAKEOUT.
They did not take all of them (They came in packs of 4, I had 12 or 16 of them at the time) so I did not notice until I got home to put away my dry clothes and hang up any wet / damn clothes that the 4 REUSABLE MENSTRUAL PADS were missing.
I backtracked and figured they must have stole them while I stepped out for those few minutes to get the CHINESE TAKEOUT because other than that my clothes were in my view the remainder of the time.
Per the relative I am taking care of my SISTER / STALKER purchased the keyboard yesterday and it should be arriving tomorrow.
FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2023 Keyboard arrived.
0 notes
get-starfingered · 4 years
...How can you be a media/fandom puritan and be a Jojo's fan?
You use people's fave stories as evidence of their inherent evil but somehow you're exempt from the iron-clad judgments you pass onto everyone else. Wild.
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brightymir · 3 years
Could you do a part 3 on the foreign reader headcanons for the remaining hashira, please?
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cw: canon violence, language, misspellings
characters: giyuu, sanemi, kyojuro, obanai, muichiro x gn!reader
author's notes: THANK YOU FOR 500 OMGEEE I CANT BELIEVE THIS WHAT!??!?!?!?! btw this part is more on fluff than crack, and i think it's not really foreign reader now 💀 it's just a whole bunch of fluff because this missy got carried away. also, obanai's and muichiro's is rather long because it's my first time writing for them! but anyways, here's the third part with the remaining hashiras, so i hope you guys enjoy this and have a wonderful day!
kamaboko squad || hashira pt.1 || hashira pt.2
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❄︎ giyuu tomioka
okay, first of all, he's nonchalant about it. his reaction after hearing about is just like him hearing about what's for lunch
shoots his shot and tries to be friendly because "he is not hated by everybody" but the language barrier was in the way
but he's so, so patient with you and tries to understand each word you say with your broken japanese
giyuu's always quiet so he barely teaches you japanese but he interrupts whenever you make a GRAVE mistake like mispronouncing a syllable and making it sound like you were cursing
(not so subtly) teaches you breath of water
you sat still and didn't touch your food as you sat across the water pillar. you were stiff and alert, not knowing how to act around the man who you were paired with for your first mission in japan.
"it's okay, i'm not going to bite" he said slowly and picked up his chopsticks, proceeding to eat the pork cutlet from his bowl. you breath out a sigh of relief and started eating as well.
it wasn't that you found him intimidating, he looks like he couldn't even kill a fly. but, you knew that in japan, you shouldn't touch your food unless the elders/your seniors do it first.
tomioka smiled secretly, which you failed to notice.
after that mission, you two both spent more time together and grew closer. you often get teased by the insect and sound hashira, asking how you manage to stand tomioka-san, to which you reply with just a smile.
giyuu was mostly quiet, and did not bother teaching you japanese, but he was there to correct significant mistakes. he also sometimes shows interest about your culture, to which you indulge him in.
though sometimes, the water hashira really is persistent about you and your breathing technique.
upon arriving at the training grounds, you began to clean your sword as giyuu asked a question.
"ever thought about doing breath of water?"
"uhh no, thunder and water don't mix well, i would be killing myself if i ever do breath of water" you replied to which he hummed and nodded only.
you studied the water hashira for a few seconds, he had a frown on his face and he muttered something under his breath along the lines of "this wouldn't have happened if they never passed around tanjiro" which made you frown.
"is something wrong, tomioka-san?" you inquired as you got into a battle stance. he remained quiet as he fixed the stance of your shoulders and the fold of your arms.
"be the water hashira" he said with a straight face, which made you drop your battle stance and turn at him with wide eyes.
"oh, i don't think it will work out. my apologies" you responded politely.
"yeah, shinobu said the same thing. she didn't apologize though."
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❄︎ sanemi shinazugawa
gives zero fucks about why you're there and even questions your capability and skills
but he can shove those judgmental remarks up his ass after being paired up on a mission with you
teaches you japanese words, only the mean ones though that you can use to make fun of others (tomioka)
you get cookie points if you make good ohagi because that would be a turning point in yours and sanemi's interaction
will never admit but your scars kinda attract him and make you look more impressive in his eyes
subtly urges you to go back to your country
you sat on the highest branch of the tree and was busy scouting the area while the wind hashira uncontrollably roamed the ground below, carelessly slicing off anything in his way.
"oi! the fuck are you doing up there? you look like a damn monkey!" he called from below you which made you frown in irritation. whatever he said must be a silly insult again.
you hopped down and met him face to face. "shut your noisy ass up before i pull your tongue" you replied in your own native language, making him frown in confusion.
on your way back to headquarters, you gave him an ohagi that you made while staying in the wisteria house.
he raised a brow before (un)willingly taking it and turning away before taking a bite. you failed to see the way his eyes lit up from the taste of the ohagi.
from there on, he always requested for your company during missions. saying he needed your "stupid and noisy ass" to keep him company.
false. he just wanted to teach you curse words and taste your ohagi. (and to ogle at your scars) but you tagged along, the wind hashira never let much people get so close to him after all.
after a mission in the south, you two sat on the grass outside the mansion with the wisteria print. you two ate ohagi and drank tea while listening to the nightingale passing by.
"hey, where did you get those scars?" he asked before chomping on his ohagi. you blinked once, twice, before replying. "hmm, i lost track. some must be from training, some for cuts and injuries that can't fully recover and the likes.
he only nodded in silence before stuffing another ohagi in his mouth. "how about you? those are quite the number of scars" you said and drank from your cup.
"doesn't matter" he replied shortly. you only hummed and ate your ohagi in silence for a few minutes before he spoke up again.
"hey, you should probably return to your country" he suddenly brought up and he played with the sleeves of his sleepwear. the statement made you chuckle.
"already tired of my presence, i see" you jokingly replied, to which sanemi gave you a glare. he awkwardly put a hand on your shoulder and gave it heavy, rough pats.
"i'm not kidding. it's safer there, you're farther from muzan and his upper moons. you're still so young, don't waste your life on something like this. you should have a family and grow old, those sort of shit" he said wholeheartedly which made you give him a small smile.
so, scars and ohagi was all it took to crack the infamous wind hashira.
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❄︎ kyojuro rengoku
very welcoming the moment you entered his line of sight, his voice booming upon recognizing you as a reinforcement from another country
believes that you are very strong and capable just seeing you simply introduce yourself
teach you proper japanese, mostly food recipes and ingredients. tries to turn you into a foodie (if you aren’t already)
drags you to food trip in various towns to try out different foods, be it on duty or day offs
brings bento boxes for you two to enjoy after trainings
wishes to come visit your homeland someday, when you both are relieved of your duties
without even speaking a word, the flame hashira already caught your attention from a distance. of course he did, with that bright aura and vibe that required everybody's attention.
"welcome to the japanese demon slayer corps! i hope to get along well with you!" he said with a loud voice, booming laughter following suit.
requested your assistance in his mission once and from then on, he always HAD to have you on each of his missions.
teaches you proper japanese, and out of all the hashiras, he is the most efficient in this aspect. even shares to you the traditions and the culture of japan, its history and riches, and everything you need to know during your stay.
indulges you with japanese cuisine, and never lets you go to a mission with an empty stomach.
time comes when he eventually lets you go on missions on your own, leaving you a bento box for your dinner.
and kyojuro feels relieved to see you come back when the sun began to rose. you were wounded, but you were in one piece.
he greets you with his signature smile, even though his eyes were trained ahead. you returned the gesture and headed inside, where he began preparing breakfast for the both of you.
"do tell me about your cuisine, i'd like to know about it" he made small talk as he cooked, the apron he wore tightly wrapped his frame.
"hmm, our cuisine our complicated, i tried looking for ingredients in the marketplace but it always ends up incomplete" you responded, making him huff out.
"why don't i just bring you to my country to try out the food? once everything is done here, you know?" you added which lifted his spirit.
"yes! that would be pleasant!" he replied and put the curry bowl in front of you, your mouth watering at the sight and scent.
"let's eat!" he said and dug in, making you do the same.
the one time you tried to cook ended in disaster, his residence almost burning to ashes if it wasn't for him coming in the nick of time.
"i'm so sorry! i didn't mean to ruin your kitchen!"
"hahahaha, don't worry about it! you promised to let me try out your country's cuisine after all! i'm counting on that!"
you gave him a sheepish smile and responded with a loud "of course!" which made him smile too. it was a promise you will keep, when things are settled here in japan.
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❄︎ obanai iguro
stares at you for thirty minutes straight when you first stepped into the grounds, oyakata-sama introducing you
kaburamaru was on high alert around you as well just because, like master like pet
mitsuri was the bridge between you two, i cannot see any other reason you both grew close
doesn't bother teaching you japanese, he finds it amusing how you mess up sometimes
plus points if you have a pet you keep by your side all the time, attached to your person just like your sword were
(likes it when it's just the two of you, because everyone else is either annoying or scared of kaburamaru)
it's a rough start between the two of you, mutual distrust, the side glares, the secretive eye rolls, cursing each other under your breaths.
the serpent hashira just kept on judging you and being rough with you! his suspicions about you was too much and it made you irritated.
but of course, the love hashira was there to save the day. and managed to get you three to have lunch.
beneath the bandages on the lower part of his face, obanai was sporting a fairly large grin as he finished cooking lunch for the three of you.
how could he not? when you misspoke a syllable and called sanemi "a rat"? even misturi was turning blue from keeping her laughter in, her shoulders shaking tremendously as she stifled the cackles that was about to spill out of her lips.
paired up with him on a mission, his dual colored eyes flew to the small satchel you wore around your hips. the pouch kept on moving on its own, as if something was inside it. he brushed it off, thinking that his eyes were playing tricks.
soon, you two found yourselves surrounded by a horde of demons, and eventually split up. after a few minutes you two reunited and was about to leave the forest when you felt a heavy presence behind the two of you.
you both tried to intercept the attack but to no avail. you were bracing yourself for impact when the presence disappeared. both you and obanai ogled at the sight before the two of you.
kaburamaru was holding the demon using its body, rendering the demon unable to move. while your rabbit used its paws to slice the demon's head off.
your rabbit gave kaburamaru one long stare before hopping back into your arms. you could only giggle as you pulled out a cloth to wipe her bloodied paws.
kaburamaru slithered back to obanai's neck and stared deep at your rabbit, whose head was poking out of your satchel.
"hm. i didn't know you also carried a pet with you" he stated as you both began to walk out of the forest.
"you never asked" you replied smoothly and turned to feed your rabbit.
after that ordeal, obanai found himself hanging around you more often, just because kaburamaru practically drags him to see your rabbit.
he does not teach you japanese, except when it comes to greeting and replying to oyakata-sama. because he can't forgive you if you go around and call the master "a rat".
it was sundown and you both were fixing your swords and necessities before heading out for a mission. you sat on the grass and watched from afar as kaburamaru (playfully) attacked your rabbit, who kept hopping and teasing the serpent with its quick evasion skills.
"they're quite the pair, huh?" obanai said and sheathed his sword carefully, eyes sweeping to the two animals who were busy playing.
"mn, they're still animals after all. they fight, but they're still animals" you replied in deep thought, eyes still trained on the serpent and rabbit.
the two were enemies in nature, prey and predator. but though they are animals, they were still like humans. when facing a common enemy, they'd set differences aside and work together to take down whoever they find a threat.
your eyes fell to obanai's figure, who was busy fixing his haori. you two didn't have a good start, just like the two animals who were playing in the fields.
you two were bound to be like that — prey and predator. but that what makes the journey up ahead worthwhile.
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❄︎ muichiro tokito
this is another one who gives zero fucks, but not in a crude way
he simply, just does not give a care
you walk in and get introduced but his eyes remained unmoving from the master even though his fellow hashiras had various expressions
post-swordsmith village arc mui would teach you japanese and everything else
kinda hard to get along with him because, his head is always up in the clouds, literally
sibling/sworn sibling trope
after your greeting in broken japanese, your eyes immediately flew towards the one person in the line who did not look interested at all.
he was rather short and small in stature but you knew better than judge his sword skills from just his physical appearance.
even when you went to greet him and introduce yourself in an attempt to know everyone, he only responded with "oh? what cloud is up there?", eyes facing the sky. you gazed upwards and sure enough, the blue sky was covered by a blanket of light grey, shielding the eyes from the sun.
"oh, those are stratus clouds, they might continue on until late afternoon" you responded which finally made him look at you.
after a few, awkward moments of silence and eye staring, his lips opened again with another query.
"who are you?"
/ / /
you two have never been paired up for missions, since the mist hashira was more than capable of everything. so the only time you two meet was during official and unofficia hashira meetings.
you'd stick to him for as long as you can, fussing over him like a mother hen. this continued for months until muichiro finally brought up the topic.
"why do you keep hanging around me?"
you put down your chopsticks and replied, "you remind me of my younger sibling, you two share the same behavior" to which he only nodded.
"where are they now?"
"in the clouds" you responded which made him drop his chopsticks, looking out of the small hut to glance at the sky up ahead.
"i've never seen a person in the clouds, you must be mistaken."
/ / /
and after his return from the swordsmith village, he was no longer the tokito muichiro you knew a few months prior. he was much more lively and open and warm to those around him, especially towards kamado tanjiro.
he was often found either beside you or tanjiro, treating the both of you as his siblings.
muichiro caught up on his losses for the past months, teaching you japanese, the proper enunciation and intonation. the traditions and their routine, their culture and history, even the tiniest details that no average japanese person would pay mind to.
you'd return the same enthusiasm with telling him stories and legends about your country. the corps and your native methods of catching demons, your routine and the beautiful sceneries.
he then often took you around town and even took you on his missions just to see different views and scenarios. his favorite above all was training with you.
he was always over the moon with joy whenever he sees how his mist breathing complements and works well with your cloud breathing, the two weaving together to create a powerful attack.
the hashiras would always share a knowing and happy glance at the display of silbing affection between the two of you, glad to see that their little muichiro is experiencing the thrill and innocence of youth that he was robbed of.
mui would always tell you to bring him to your country, and even indulges in the idea of settling down there with you for good.
"y/n-san! promise that you'll take me to your country when everything is okay here!" he shook you as soon as you were within his line of sight.
you laughed and pat his head, "of course! i'll take you to the prettiest waterfalls and the largest forests" you said which made him smile widely.
perhaps this was one time you were thankful for being a swordsman. you managed to find a brother, and you were able to be a sibling to someone who lost his.
even for just a short moment.
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© 𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐘𝐌𝐈𝐑 2022 - all rights reserved. please do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or share my work on other platforms without permission. thank you.
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yandere-daze · 2 years
I wonder what yandere Kohaku would be like 🤔
I’d like headcanons of that :)
Sure thing!! I´m super excited to write for my favorite pink blorbo, honestly it´s about time that I finally wrote some yandere headcanons for him ^^
Still crying about the fact that I couldn´t get this card btw, it´s so beautiful! But sadly all my orbs were gone because of Mika😭 I swear that was a targeted attack from happyele
Likes, reblogs and comments are appreciated!
gn reader
tw yandere, obsession, jealousy, murder , possessiveness, stalking (brief mention, implied)
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General Yandere! Kohaku headcanons
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Kohaku grew up very sheltered so I wouldn´t be surprised if he has zero experience with love. All he knows about being in love is what he picked up from the internet - the best place to learn important things about life, obviously
Because of this, Kohaku wouldn´t realize his feelings for you for the longest time, nor would he notice that he felt way too intensely for you than what was considered normal
Sometime after meeting you, Kohaku would notice that he starts to feel strange whenever you're around. He feels his heartbeat speed up and he gets nervous when he feels your gaze on him. At the same time, your presence and attention make him so indescribably happy that he can't seem to focus on anything else except your gentle smile directed at him!
He´s usually very sharp-tongued but with you, Kohaku can´t seem to utter even a single harsh word. The thought of you feeling worse about yourself because of something he said is horrifying to him!
As I said, Kohaku grew up completely sheltered, so he really has no idea what these strange feelings mean. Why does he feel so different whenever he is spending time with you?
Deciding that asking his unit mates isn't an option ( god forbid asking Rinne about this, he would rather die!), he goes to ask Aira for advice
After listening to him rant, Aira brightens up and tells him that he must be in love!
Kohaku is shocked but after looking up advice on the internet, he assumes that it must be true. The internet never lies! He's in love with you!
It starts off innocent enough, he likes being in your presence and gets a bit flustered when talking to you. It´s very unlike him and it´s also very noticeable because his cheeks have such a cute pink flush to them whenever you praise him in any way. No doubt he would have harshly scolded anyone else that tried to tease him, but not you. He might complain a bit if you keep it up because he´s so embarrassed but he doesn´t really mean it. He doesn´t want you to stop
 He also gives mean glares to anyone he deems too close to you for comfort. Can´t they see that you´re busy with him and go away? He doesn´t hesitate to show his displeasure, either by verbally lashing out at the offending party or by quietly asking you if you could move to somewhere else where you wouldn´t be interrupted
But it´s really nothing to worry about, Kohaku is just being a bit childish of course! Young love can just be so troublesome sometimes so don´t think about it too much when he starts to get a little bit possessive
But it noticeably gets worse. Much worse
Harsh remarks soon turn into insults. Insults soon turn into actual threats against all the people that constantly swarm around and bother you
Kohaku knows that the world is a bad place and so he feels like he has to protect you from it at all costs. He´s willing to do almost anything for the people he cares about and you, as his dearly beloved, are his top priority. He has to make absolutely sure that nothing happens to you
Which is why I think Kohaku is one of the few yanderes that would murder without any guilt over what they are doing. While others might be scared or horrified because of what they had just done, Kohaku feels no remorse
They had it coming for messing with you, all he did was deliver a swift judgment and get rid of a troublesome person that no one would miss anyway
He doesn´t tell you that he does this, preferring to act in the shadows, but he certainly wouldn´t hide the fact that he is glad that they are gone
Oh, you think it´s horrible that someone so close to you died? Well, they were a bad person anyway so who cares?
He genuinely thinks that this is the right thing to do, that he needs to get rid of anyone that he deems a threat to you and your safety. Kohaku outright refuses to admit that his violent jealousy might have also played a part in his killings and specifically who he went after. He thinks himself way too mature for something like that
If you end up being scared because so many of your friends and people close to keep getting found dead, then Kohaku is more than willing to act as a bodyguard for you. It gives him an excuse to be close to you without secretly following you around town, and you´ll start to see him as strong and reliable, someone that can protect you no matter what happens!
Can´t you see just how much he cares about you? How much he loves you? How he would do absolutely anything for you?
He´ll prove himself, even if it means having to get rid of the competition one by one
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loveandthings11 · 2 years
Some thoughts from Team Kendall on the endless frustration that is Mass in the Time of War:
No one listens when Kendall actually is trying to do the right thing because every time he does, it also can be seen as self-serving. Seriously, every time. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t also the right thing to do. Yes, he wanted to save himself from going to jail and having his reputation irreparably destroyed. But also, it is the right thing to hold Waystar accountable and stand up for the victims. Both things exist simultaneously.
Roman and Shiv only want to pay attention to the tone Kendall’s saying things in in this episode, not to the actual content of his words (btw I think the audience does this sometimes too). He’s telling the truth about all these things, but they’re focused on pointing out that it sounds self-important instead of acknowledging that it’s true. They can be annoyed all they want, but they all agree that they would win if they all banded together and then they just don’t.
(Side note: this also comes up in the intervention scene, when Connor focuses on the phrasing of Kendall referring to himself as “the oldest son,” when at this point even Shiv is saying, “you know what he means.”)
Shiv says she’ll only join his side if she takes over. Kendall obviously should have been more tactful when explaining why it can’t be Shiv. But the truth is she has still barely worked for the company and it truly is not possible that shareholders would prefer someone with zero business experience over either Kendall or Roman, both of whom have worked for Waystar for 10-16 years in multiple cities. It is objectively a crazy idea that she’d take over a multibillion dollar empire over them at that point. Logan basically explains that when he lays out a three-year plan for her. And yet, she makes this into a reason not to side with Kendall, when Logan isn’t going to give it to her either. Not because she isn’t smart and capable- she is- but because she has no business experience from a shareholder’s perspective. (Yes, she learned a lot from being in the family, but shareholders and board members want to see concrete experience, not solely nepotism with nothing to back it up). At this point in time, of COURSE it would be Kendall. He’s leading the “revolution,” and he has the most experience and education. That makes sense, but no one listens because it also gives him what he wants- the CEO title.
It’s like they all despise each other’s ambition, even though they’ve been taught that that’s the only desirable quality a person can have. If Kendall (or any of them) has ambition or becomes CEO, that person might become Logan’s favorite, and they can’t let that happen. But wanting to be boss isn’t a bad thing in this family, it’s the only thing, so it’s hard to justify being judgmental that he could want to be CEO so much, other than for their own sakes. And if they’re in it for their own ambition, then they’re doing exactly what they’re accusing Kendall of doing.
This attitude is also reflected in the beginning of season 1 when Shiv says “because you like playing boss?” when Kendall says they shouldn’t rush Logan’s recovery. Yes, he likes it, but also, they really shouldn’t rush the recovery. Again, both things exist simultaneously. He was prepared to take over already and no one else was even expressing interest until Logan went to the hospital.
When Kendall says that Shiv is choosing the wrong thing over the right thing I’m basically screaming because it’s TRUE. He’s the “real her” because she has always stuck to her morals in politics, and now he is being the moral one, and she’s the “real him” because she’s going back to Logan to do his bidding, even though she disagrees and doesn’t feel right about it, like Kendall always has in the past. She’d rather do the wrong thing than see Kendall get what he wants. She’s trusting Logan, which is never the right choice for any of his kids.
Jesse. Just let him do even one thing without being thwarted in season 4.
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