#zero ecape
crimes-against-art · 2 years
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Day 5: Flame
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rililith · 2 years
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A friend surprised me by buying me zero ecape. i dont know anything about it but i hope zero escapes this time...
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miyakuli · 10 months
The Zodiac Trial
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The Zodiac Trial is an investigative visual novel clearly inspired by titles such as the Zero Ecape saga, where a group of characters find themselves taking part in a deadly game and trying to survive it. Let's face it, the game clearly doesn't have a big budget, and suffers from this in certain respects, but its storyline does have certain qualities. Unfortunately, I didn't get hooked enough, mainly due to the construction of the game as a whole:
❤ The game's strongest point is undoubtedly its storyline; it's well-built and fairly coherent, and the desire to solve the case kept me going right to the end.
+/- On the other hand, the quality of the writing varies too much from one route to the next; in some, the tension builds up gradually and events can surprise in a positive way, while in others things happen too quickly and the game takes no time at all to build up a general atmosphere or a feeling for the characters. Perhaps it's a pacing issue, or maybe just lazy writing. +/- Some nice atmospheric music, but a lot of music that doesn't go with the scenes at all (having super happy music just because the characters are relaxing a bit isn't consistent with the context and totally breaks immersion). +/- On the whole, I like the chara-design, but the drawings are still very amateurish, with problems with the proportions of the bodies. I also found the illustrations much less accomplished than the character sprites.
✖ Backgrounds that have too much of a blurred/realistic photoshopped effect, it's not very pretty. ✖ The game has 13 main routes, each with 4 different endings (making a total of 52 unlockable endings), which are not always clear on how to reach them, and a flowchart is sorely lacking to at least give you an overview of what's left to unlock. Because of this, you're forced to start over and over again, which becomes tiresome even with the use of the skip option. I admit I've missed endings out of boredom…. ✖ Also, many of the endings are totally useless and add nothing to the main plot; I feel that the game has tried to be too greedy in terms of content, but on the contrary, this has weighed it down for nothing. ✖ In the game's description, it says that we'll be solving puzzles…. frankly, if that's why you want to play it, forget it. There are very few puzzles to solve on your own (sometimes it's the narration that does it…ok) and they're all about finding codes. What's more, some of them involve remembering details from other routes, the problem being that there's no notebook to record your discoveries, so unless you have an excellent memory, you're left wishing you'd taken notes the day before ;;
I salute the efforts of a small studio to have wanted to propose an intriguing story, and I really feel that this was done with a love for games of the same genre, but the game sincerely lacks maturity in my eyes, especially in its construction, with overloaded branchings and writing that isn't always consistent. For the curious, at least try it out for its scenario!
➡ My personal VN ranking (in french) ➡ My Steam page
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1apiwe · 2 years
South African Cabinet Reshuffle
Cabinet reshuffle looming in South Africa
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K: And now, Tenmyouji you will play the role of my father.
Tenmyouji: I don't want to be your father.
K: Great, you already know your lines.
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lagomorphthird · 4 years
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what a fucking shitheel. tried to make him look more like a webpage mascot.
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dothackeryggdrasil · 6 years
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Remember this
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morisninethlion · 7 years
man, it’s a good day to love zero escape. all three of them. 999, vlr, and ztd. This reads like im going to make a joke but no, i just really love all three of these games and I want everyone to know that.
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kira-angel24 · 3 years
Whumptober Day 25
Hide & Seek, Escape, Flight, Hiding
        They were taken back into the arena. But this time it was bigger. There were giant walls that reached the ceiling. She felt something touch her wings. She looked to see her wings free. The cuffs were off of her wings. She flapped her wings, grimacing from disuse. There was a loud creak and both twins turned to look. Sparks flew and they knew.
         She flapped, her wings burning as she struggled to get off the ground. Crow stayed to the ground as she flew as high as her wings could carry her. She found a nook and hid. Sitting her back against the wall. Her knees up against her chest. Her wings trembling as she listened in the deathly silence.
         Not even any footsteps. Just her own heart and her racing breaths. Her mind constantly running. Where is he? Where's Crow? She peaked around the corner. Nobody. She turned and muffled her scream.
          He stood over her. Sparks radiating from his fingertips. Her wings wouldn't stop shaking. She felt the wet tears streaming. "Found you." She couldn't say anything as she choked up sobs.
          "Y... you're not... g... going to..."
          "Hurt you?" She nodded. His sword slammed against the concrete next to her. The blade inches away from her cool colored dress. "You have one more chance... to run." She got up slowly. Her legs shaking. She bolted through the labyrinth. She prayed, hoping to find Crow. She ran till she couldn't go anymore. She heaved. Her face wet with tears. She wanted to pass out but a voice boomed through the arena. "You can run but you can't hide forever!" It sounded familiar but unhinged. She shuddered and her wings flared. Something cold touched her back. She turned her face full of tears.
             "C... Crow...?" She wrapped her arms around him. A small dagger was placed in her hands. "Wh... what...?"
             "Run. Get out of here." He whispered in her ear.
              "B... but I..."
              "I can't let you stay here."
              "I... I won't leave without you."
              "We're both getting out together. Right now." He turned and pointed at the door next to them. "Lock pick the door I'll hold him off." She ran to the door. The lock was big, but too small for the dagger. She plucked one of her feathers. Her hands nimbly picking at the lock.
              "I found you." She turned. Her father was standing behind them. Crow readied his blade. She heard the clangs of their swords as she frantically tried to open the door. The lock clacked as she twisted and turned the feather to open the lock. Nothing and nothing until...
              She flung the door opened. She ran and Crow followed after her. BAM! The door was snapped shut with her father still inside. "Wait what about...?!"
              "He turned himself psychotic! It's his own fault!" He grabbed her wrist as he pulled her away. She turned. His eyes. Glassy. A single tear was shed from his face. At the same time a single tear hit the ground as she was lead away. The sirens blaring and the lights flashing. The two have escaped.
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Juniper Publishers - Open Access Journal of Engineering Technology
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Tribological Behaviour of Strained Harden Commercially Pure Titanium with Nano Structured Diamond like Coatings
Authored by :  Aqeel Abbas
In this research, the tribological tests for coarse grained and variant surface prepared commercially pure Titanium (CP Ti) grade 4 were performed under plastic friction and elastic contact conditions. Coefficients of frictions were calculated for samples with and without coating in commercially pure Titanium-Tool Steel friction pair. After sever plastic deformation via equal channel processing, mechanical testing was performed for commercially pure Titanium with ultra-fine grains. Metallographic studies of coating applications were conducted for samples with ultra-fine grained structure. From the results it can be concluded that commercially pure Titanium grade 4 with Multi arc oxidation coatings presents less coefficient of friction and remains almost constant with increasing no of cycles. It was observed that strength of commercially pure Titanium is increased by 35% which corresponds to VT6 and after Sever Plastic Deformation through Equal Channel Angular Processing grain size is reduced to 300nm.
Keywords:  SPD processing; Zones; Tribometer; Properties; Chromium steel
Abbreviations: UFG: Ultra Fine Grain; SPD: Sever Plastic Deformation; ECAP; Equal Channel Angular Pressing; CP Ti: Commercially Pure Titanium
At the present time, it is observed that interest in studies related to strength enhancing in metals has been increased. The ultra-fine grain (UFG) structure can be obtained by sever plastic deformation (SPD) processing [1], specifically by equal- channel angular pressing (ECAP) [2,3] and ECAP-Conform [4]. Development of industrial SPD processes is hindered, in particular, by the lack of systematic studies related to the preparation of billet surface prior to SPD processing.
The feature of the SPD processing via ECAP-Conform is that in the deformation site there are distinct tension zones and compression zones, as well as stick zones and slip zones. Thus, in order to increase the efficiency of the strain hardening process in metals via ECAP-Conform and produce good-quality high- strength semi-products, it is required to fulfill two competing requirements: to provide a low friction coefficient in slip zones and, at the same time, to preserve the integrity of the billet in tension zones and a high friction coefficient in such zones.
The present knowledge in the area of tribology involves a number of fundamental theoretical and experimental regularities enabling solution of applied tasks related to dry and boundary friction, aerodynamic, hydrodynamic and elasto hydrodynamic lubrication, which are realized in the conditions of metals processing [5-8].
    Materials and Methods
Commercially pure Titanium (CP Ti) grade 4 was selected as basic element for strain hardening process and coating of Micro arc oxidation and Ion-plasma spraying was developed for surface preparation.
Coefficient of friction under plastic condition
The initial samples of Grade 4 Titanium were settled in ring shape with dimension of outer diameter, D0 = 18mm; inner diameter, d0= 9mm; height, H0 = 6mm. As the under layer coating, an aqueous salt composition based on sodium tetra fluoroborate was used on surface of samples. The ring-shaped samples were strained on flat anvils with a surface finish not lower than 0.25μm. The upsetting ratio was 50%. After deformation, [9,10] the coefficient of external friction is determined according to the nomogram.
Coefficient of friction under Elastic condition
The reciprocating movement was used to evaluate the friction coefficient in the pair «Grade 4 CP Ti - Fe-1.5Cr-1.0C chromium steel» on a Nanovea TRB-1 tribometer with spherical diameter of 3mm. parallelepiped-shaped samples with a length of 25mm and a section of 9.5 x 9.5mm were used. The displacement amplitude under a normal load of 5N was 20mm under 5000 cycles. The total friction path was 200m under a displacement speed of 30 cycles per min. The testing results were processed on a computer, using the appropriate software. Before and after the tribological tests, the micro hardness H of the studied CP Ti samples was tested on a Micromet-5101 device under a load of 0.98 N with a holding time under load of 15s.
The adhesion of the coatings was analyzed using a Nanovea Nano scratch tester. The testing conditions were as follows: the scratching speed was 0.77mm/min; the line length was 3mm; the initial and maximum loads were 5 and 200mN, respectively. The rate of load increase was 50N/min. A conical diamond indenter with an apex angle of 120o and an apex radius of 20μm was used.
SPD processing of initial samples
To produce a high-strength material with a UFG structure, a six-cycle deformation processing was conducted. After getting the UFG structure, mechanical tests were performed by measuring micro hardness across the billet's section in 15 points. The load was 1 N and the holding time was 10s. The method of micro hardness measurement provides a rather full picture to evaluate the mechanical properties of the tested material, in particular, its strength.
    Results and Discussion
Coefficient of friction under plastic condition
The variation in internal diameter of the ring during the upsetting with flat anvils serves as an indicator of the value of frictional forces. When the coefficient of external friction (f) tends towards zero, the internal diameter increases; when the coefficient of external friction tends to the maximum value (≈0.57), the internal diameter decreases; and when the friction coefficient is f=0.05-0.06, the internal diameter remains practically unchanged.
When determining the coefficient of external friction under plastic deformation of Grade 4 CP Ti, it was found that under the deformation of a ring-shaped sample without any lubricant, the average value of the friction coefficient amounted to 0.35, and with under layer coating in combination with a lubricant based on solid fine-dispersed filler, it amounted to 0.25. Also, in the case of «dry friction» an adhesive interaction between the tool (anvils) and the billet's material was noted.
Coefficient of friction under elastic condition
The initial roughness of the contacting surfaces of the tested samples and the indenter for both procedures was 0.06-0.16μm in the Ra scale. The results of tribololocal tests in accordance with the first principle in the following friction pairs:
«Grade 4 CP Ti without coating - Fe-1.5Cr-1.0Cchromium steel»;
«Grade 4 CP Ti with an IPS coating - Fe-1.5Cr-1.0Cchromium steel»;
«Grade 4 CP Ti with MAO coating - Fe-1.5Cr-1.0Cchromium steel», is shown in Figure 1. The investigated material was in the as-annealed state and had a coarse-grained structure [11].
As it can be seen from the presented diagram, the friction coefficient values for the annealed samples from CP Ti (curve 1) are higher than those for the samples with coatings (curves 2 and 3). It is also noted that in the course of testing of all the samples, the onset of the regime close to the steady-state one is in the range of 750 to 1000 cycles. It is visible that the running- in stage for the samples without coating (curve 1) has a flatter character. This indicates a smoother change of the friction regime when reaching the steady-state regime. It was found that for the uncoated CP Ti samples with a CG structure (curve 1) and the samples with a TiC coating applied by ion-plasma spraying (curve 2) the friction coefficient has the largest values in the investigated friction pair. Within the confidence interval, the variation dynamics and quantitative values of the friction coefficients presented in Figure 1 by curves 1 and 2 differ insignificantly. Evidently, during the testing of the sample with a TiC coating on a tribometer in accordance with the selected principle,
A rapid abrasion of the coating is observed.
Figure 2 shows the friction tracks after testing of the samples with different variants of surface preparation. The smallest values of the friction coefficient are observed for the sample with a surface treated by MAO, producing TiO titanium oxide (curve 3). From analysis of Figure 2 it follows that there is observed a similarity between the friction tracks on the samples from Grade 4 CP Ti without coating (a) and with ion-plasma coating (TiC) (b). This is evidently related to the fact that in the accepted conditions of the physical experiment, there occurs intensive abrasion of the coating and exposure of the substrate material - Grade 4 CP Ti. The friction track displayed in (Figure 2), c and formed on the sample with a TiO coating produced by MAO represents an even trace without any disruptions. This indicates the preservation of integrity of the studied coating and its high strength. From analysis of Figure 2 it is observed a similarity between the friction tracks on the samples from Grade 4 CP Ti without coating (a) and with ion-plasma coating (TiC) (b). This is evidently related to the fact that in accepted conditions of the physical experiment, it occurs intensive abrasion of the coating and exposure of the substrate material - Grade 4 CP Ti. The friction track displayed in Figure 2, c and formed on the sample with a TiO coating produced by MAO represents an even trace without any disruptions. This indicates the preservation of integrity of the studied coating and its high strength.
Thus, from the point of view of tribological efficiency, the TiO coating produced by micro arc oxidation is of most interest. Figure 3 shows the machine diagrams produced in the realtime mode during the testing in accordance with the principle involving linear reciprocating movement.
(Figure 3) Machine diagrams producted during the tribological testing in accordance with the principle involving linear reciprocating movement:
a. Grade 4 Ti without coating;
b. Grade with an IPS coating (TiC);
c. Grade 4 Ti with a coating produced by MAO (TiO).
Surface analysis on a nano scratch tester
As it can be seen from the presented results of physical experiments, in this case the nano scratch tester enabled producing, in fact, profilograms of the investigated In Figure 3, the samples of Grade 4 CP Ti without coating (a) and with an ion Plasma spraying (IPS) coating (b) are shown. It is observed a much rougher surface in the whole studied area, both at the initial moment of contact and in the process of the indenter's penetration with increasing load. For the sample with a TiO coating produced by MAO (c), there is observation of practically constant curve in the process of scratching of the surface by the indenter, as the load and the depth of the needle's penetration into the coating increase. This may indicate a high shielding ability and hardness of the coating produced by MAO. This observation is in good agreement with the results of tribological testing (Figure 1, curve 3), obtained earlier, and demonstrating the smallest friction coefficient values and a practically absent running-in segment (Figure 4).
It is visible from Figure 4 that in the indentation cup on the sample surface without coating (a), the exposed surfaces are observed due to the formation of adhesive bridges with the indenter's material. The sample TiC surface coated with ion- plasma spraying (b) has exposed visible areas (bright fragments in the photo). These areas are caused by the adhesive interaction between the materials of the sample and of the indenter (Figure 5) it is clear that the most even and clean indentation was made on the sample surface with a TiO coating (c) produced by MAO (Table 1).
Where β is the strengthening coefficient of molecular bonds under the action of compressing pressure, τ0 is the shear strength of adhesive bonds in the absence of a normal load.
It follows from analysis of the data obtained earlier that the smallest value of the adhesive component of the friction coefficient, from the investigated options, is observed in the contact pair «indenter from Fe-6W-5Mo steel - coarse-grained Grade 4 CP Ti with surface coated by oxide, using MAO». For the two other samples, with a TiC coating and without coating, the adhesive components of the friction coefficient are 2.5 and 3 times higher, respectively. Thus, from the point of view of frictional interaction under elastic contact sliding conditions, the most preferable from the tested options is the oxide coating produced by MAO on the surface of coarse-grained Grade 4 CP Ti. Mutually correlated results were obtained both when determining the integral quantity of the friction coefficient and when evaluating the adhesive component of the friction coefficient.
SPD processing of initial Samples
As a result of the testing, the SPD-processed samples demonstrated the average micro hardness value of 372.12 MPa. Figure 6 presents the results of comparative micro hardness measurements for CP Ti.
It can be analyzed for the results of deformation processing that the strength of CP Ti is increased by about 35%, which corresponds to the strength of the titanium alloy VT6 (or Grade 5). Figure 7 shows the microstructure of CP Ti with a sub microcrystalline (SMC) structure.
Metallographic studies revealed that after SPD processing via ECAP-Conform, [12,13] the microstructure of CP Ti represents an equiaxed structure with a mean grain size of 300nm.From the Hal-Petch effect grain size is directly related with strength of material. Mechanical properties can be elaborated in table below.
From the point of view of frictional interaction under elastic sliding contact conditions, the most preferable from the tested options is oxide coating on the surface of coarse-grained Grade 4 CP Ti, produced by MAO. Mutually correlated results were obtained both when determining the integral quantity of the friction coefficient and when evaluating the adhesive component of friction; After deformation processing, it is observed that the strength of CP Ti is increased by about 35%, which corresponds to the strength of the titanium alloy VT6 (or Grade 5);
Metallographic studies reveal that after SPD processing via ECAP-Conform, the microstructure of CP Ti represents an equiaxed structure with a mean grain size of 300 nm;
The type of the applied coating (ion-plasma deposition and micro arc oxidation) has practically no effect on the extent of corrosion damage of the CP Ti specimens.
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whitemageyuna · 7 years
Seven talks about astrology so he believes in it, do you think him and Lotus get into arguments about it because she's a firm believer in science?
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autobizupdate · 7 years
Producing Its 1 millionth Vehicle: GAC Motor Opens New Chapter By Putting Quality First
GUANGZHOU, China, May 31, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- China's fastest growing automaker, GAC Motor, is celebrating the production of its 1 millionth vehicle, a white 4WD GS8 that rolled off the assembly line on May 15 at its factory in Guangzhou, China.
A group photo of GAC Motor at its celebration of its production of the 1 millionth vehicle
By producing 1 million cars in only six years since the company was founded, GAC Motor has broken sales records unremittingly with every new model that is designed and engineered with the highest standards in quality.
"This is an important milestone for GAC Motor, as we rolled off the 600,000th vehicle last June and less than one year later, we've accomplished the goal of producing the 1 millionth. Our boosting production capacity has proved the rapid development and advantages of the world-class vehicle manufacturing system by solid actions as we march into the 'era of million,'" remarked Yu Jun, presisent of GAC Motor.
GAC Motor’s 4WD GS8
In 2016, GAC Motor sold more than 380,000 vehicles worldwide, marking a 96 percent year-on-year increase and 85 percent compound growth rate for six years in a row. In the first four months of 2017, GAC Motor has already broken previous records with 163,000 cars sold, achieving a 65.1 percent year-on-year increase.
The company's best-selling SUV, the GS4, also became the fastest model within its price range to break the 500,000 mark, and is setting a blistering sales pace of 35.5 percent year-on-year growth, while the advanced GS8 now leads the high-end, seven-seat SUV category with sales exceeding 10,000 in March and April.
Adhering to a quality-centric strategy led by innovation from the very beginning, GAC Motor has applied advanced and intelligent technologies in all links of automotive manufacturing chain. The company's high quality and competitive models designed to meet the individual needs of the consumers have withstood all tests and found opportunities in global markets.
GAC Motor maintains a far lower component defective rate than industry average. To guarantee product quality and safety, GAC Motor has set the very strict "6520" quality control system that places "zero flaw" as the goal and improve product quality standards comprehensively.
In 2016, the total test drive mileage was 930,000 kilometers (577,875 miles), equivalent to 23 laps around the earth, and zero safety incident occurred.
GAC Motor now ranks 5th in J.D. Power Asia Pacific's 2016 China Initial Quality Study, the highest among all Chinese brands for the fourth consecutive year.
The signature model GS4 also received a gold medal from C-ECAP (China Eco-Car Assessment Program) with clear advantage in low emissions while ensuring optimal performances and safety.
Centered on GAC Automotive Engineering Institute, GAC Motor has expanded a global automotive R&D network supported by the company's technology center, top global suppliers and research institutes that adhere to the highest international standards to fulfill the company's commitment to top-notch vehicle quality and reliability. GAC Motor has established strategic partnership with the world's top 10 auto suppliers including Aisin Seiki, Michelin, Continental and Faurecia.
After GAC's establishment of its first North America R&D Center in Silicon Valley this year, GAC Motor has begun recruiting talents in all fields from research and development, and vehicle engineering to marketing communications and management.
"GAC Motor's global research and development network has always put quality first, our teams of engineers and designers are dedicated to bringing better quality products and services to make travelling by GAC Motor cars a unique, trustworthy experience," Yu said.
About GAC Motor
A subsidiary of GAC Group, GAC Motor develops and manufactures premium quality vehicles, engines, components and auto accessories, achieving a year-to-year growth rate of 96 percent in 2016, the highest among all Chinese brands in the corresponding period.
For more information, please visit:
Facebook: http://ift.tt/2sm8Pa1 Instagram: http://ift.tt/2rqF87X Twitter: https://twitter.com/gac_motor 
Media Contact:
Suki Wong +86-186-8058-2829 [email protected]
Taki Jiang +86-134-5028-4242 [email protected]
Photo - http://ift.tt/2slX6YT Photo - http://ift.tt/2smqoqe
Read this news on PR Newswire Asia website: Producing Its 1 millionth Vehicle: GAC Motor Opens New Chapter By Putting Quality First
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linnarias · 9 years
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999 week / day 4 (?) / clover //
oops i am very late but here’s a clover for 999 week!
planning on selling this as a print for overload 2015 in auckland c:
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Junpei: what's the easiest way to steal a man's wallet?
Ace: knife to the throat?
Santa: gun to the back?
June: poison in his cup?
Snake: you're all horrible.
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textpostescape · 10 years
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crimes-against-art · 8 years
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“Because she tried to protect them. She was in my way. She had to die too.”
This ending really fucked me up lol
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