metagalacafe · 5 months
@moonsharkss ! My part of the art trade!!!
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sposetosides · 18 days
zepher post 1
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i got to draw today. rome's slept for a bit today and let me take over cause everyone was either busy or sleeping.. so i doodled a little. it's nothing much. i like brat <3
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gremlinboykevin · 1 year
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A little doodle of my boy Zepher and his lovely wife Momo!
Momo belongs to my bestie @sopadeleon !!!
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I both stan and am horrified by Zepher
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onefootin1941 · 21 days
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Joan Blondell with husband Dick Powell, 1939
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blondbaddie69 · 1 month
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ponytime · 1 year
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tale-of-two-new-kings · 11 months
[ Initializing connection . . . . ]
[ . . . . . ]
{ Bzzrt! connection completed! }
Amazing! Much obliged Zepher. Now.. um... now what do I?-
{ Just speak-zz, and I will ~transcribe~ whatever you wizh, Your Zzzighness! }
Alright! Well, a good evening to the people of 'Rotumblr'- am I pronouncing that right?- I am- okay, very good-
My name is... Tax! Just call me Tax. I am ever so thrilled to explore this- uh {app!} yes, this app! And discover more about the people who parruse this space!
... ... {is that all?} Is there more that needs to be said?? {No! no, eh-he, I'll get that bzz- posted right away...hooboy}
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justablah56 · 2 years
oh my goddddd so I'm listening to Rolling With Difficulty and the pure WHIPLASH that is going from dndads to this- really makes me realize how loose dndads is with actual dnd rules shjekdjdkkskd I'm definitely enjoying rwd but wow lmao
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omeez93 · 8 months
Hey. Peace world. What would you like to ask the Oracle?
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carables · 11 months
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Seattle Enclosed Renovation ideas for a sizable transitional galley kitchen with a farmhouse sink, recessed-panel cabinets, white cabinets, quartzite countertops, gray backsplash, ceramic backsplash, stainless steel appliances, a peninsula, and white countertops.
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lovefordyingstars · 1 year
take me to the lakes where all the poets went to die
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death (mentioned), blood word count // 600 series // kingdom of myth characters // cordelia, constantine
It had taken three months to get a lead on the missing students, and the first one they’d found had been nothing but a dead body in a warehouse. Now the trail was cold once more. As Cordelia stared down at the letters from her father she wondered if he’d ever felt so dejected. 
So useless. 
Her eyes were blurry, focused only on his auroras and sad prose. He had a habit of including random lines of poetry in his writing, lines he suspected she might enjoy, it always made her smile in the past, but now she felt the words mocking her.
I want to watch wisteria grow right over my bare feet, 'cause I haven't moved in years
She felt it now, the roots growing over her like she was stuck in place, there was nothing but a chasm in her heart that stretched forever and made her feel lost to time. Her walls were covered in news articles and missing person posters, scraps of paper with leads scribbled on them and napkins pinned up with ideas. 
“Don’t give up on me now Vesp.” Constantine's voice was like a pair of shears, cutting all the weeds holding her down. 
“Not giving up, just thinking.” she snipped, the sun was going to be setting in little under an hour, why was he visiting her now? 
“Good, then come on.” Whatever expression she made had him chuckling, a fist knocking against her door frame as he turned around. “We’re going to the lake, over the hills, I’ll explain why when we get there.” 
Who was she to argue against his whims? 
She complained the whole trip there.
The sun was dipping below the horizon as they reached the top of the valley, the tops named the Windermere peaks for the way the winds caught against them, and often made pleasant hums during particular times of the day.
The crystal lake sat in the middle, so clear that despite going hundreds of feet down, you could see almost to the bottom from even atop the hills.
"Down there, let's stop at the shore." 
"Oh yes, let's sit down where sea monsters are waiting to grab us by the ankles," she complained but followed him down the slope. They had to watch each step carefully.
"Technically, lake monsters," he countered and she snorted, but whatever retort would be made was lost as the rocks from beneath them both gave out. 
What would have been a fun climb down turned into tumbling and cursing as they tried to regain footing with the ground crashing around them. Whatever magic might have been used would have been impossible with Cordelia's concentration on not breaking her neck. 
When they finally stopped her arm was laying in the cool water of the lake. Constantine coughed, but it quickly turned into a ragged laugh. "Guess we took the express route." 
Cor groaned, the water was becoming muddy with her blood from all the cuts, and Coss didn't look much better with blood flowing down his temple and hands. 
"You have a horrible sense of humor," she sat up and took a deep breath, deciding to use the water or the lake to cleanse the wounds. The water was uncontaminated, so other than water lake monsters were polluting it, they'd be fine. 
They worked in silence for a while, the winds humming, the sounds of the water splashing against them, and their own deep breaths. It was peaceful. 
"So why'd you bring me here?" She finally asked after they'd been laying in the fading sun for a while, Coss using his magic to slowly heal their cuts and bruises.
"This is why, not to make you fall, though it was a bonus." She hit him for that and he fell back with a smile. "But to get you out of your own head, you've been so focused on this case that you've started to spiral, this is me, helping." She smiled and laid back next to him, watching the last bit of light disappear from the sky. He had a weird way of helping.
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zephersspace · 2 years
Not pretty
Not everything is always pretty.
But everything always is.
That's the thing about life. It doesn't matter the way things are, what matters is that they... are.
They fucking are and it doesn't matter if we're ready, or if we agree, or if it benefits us. Life just... is.
Life happens and we have to take it and make it something worthy. Or so we are told.
Something worth the time and the effort and the work and the chance.
Because everything that happens is a fucking chance. To what? Hell if I know. I guess it depends on you if it's a chance to succeed or fail miserably. But at the end, great or fucked up, amazing or shitty, it's still a chance.
So, as I was saying: not everything is always pretty.
Situations can be still.
Places can be ruins.
Times can be frozen.
People can be monsters.
And it doesn't fucking matter because it all will still BE.
We will still existing, we will have to handle all that.
And that's my problem here. I am. I still AM.
And I'm still expected to be perfect.
But they don't get it.
I'm a still situation.
A ruin of a place.
A frozen time.
A monster.
And I'm not pretty.
-Zepher J.
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sunvmars · 1 year
citrus | s.r. [4]
pairing: steve rogers x fem/afab reader
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↞ previous | next ↠
word count: 2.8k
warnings: none i can think of
summary: steve explains himself
a/n: guys i literally spent two days writing this and couldn’t manage to stretch it to 3,000 words :,) this is not the end of the series contrary to how the end of the fic sounds. also my birthday was on tuesday so i apologize for the late update!
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You sigh deeply, not knowing what to expect.
"Alright, I'm listening."
You walk over and sit on the edge of your bed. He follows to stand in front of you, awaiting directions on where to sit. All you give is a shrug and pat the spot next to you on the bed.
"I don't bite," you joke with a smirk.
He returns your smirk with one of his own, "Not typically," he says.
Your heart pounds with anticipation when he sits next to you. Anxiety seeps off of him and threatens to crawl into you.
"So, what's going on?" you question.
Steve takes a deep breath in and then out, trying to find the right words to start with. He knows there aren't any right words to start with in this situation, but he searches his brain for them anyways. He also knows that you probably won't wanna be around him, or with him, again after he tells you what he's been keeping from you. So, he seizes the opportunity to fully take you in: soft and bedridden hair, pajamas that hug your figure, eyes illuminated by the dim lights.
"It's about your past, y/n. And, before I start, I need you to understand that I didn't want to keep this from you but I thought it was the right thing to do," he states, his voice low and steady like he's walking on eggshells.
Your heart skips a beat at his words. Elaine Caldwell, the woman who raised you, wasn't your real mother and you've always know that. She never kept it a secret from you so you were bound to find out, but she wasn't open about your real parents either. She'd always say that she would tell you everything you wanted to know someday when you were ready. Elaine passed only a few months after you turned 18 and left you with all of her belongings, but nothing she owned told you anything about your parents. You have looked for any trace of your parents and family for years, but you always turn up with nothing.
"Do you know something…?"
"I know everything," he admits.
You listen in silence as he begins to tell you everything he knows about your parents, Genesis, and Zepher Hawthorne. You listen in stunned silence as he tells you about how you're the only trace your parents left behind and about how strong you truly are. It's like something out of a movie, you struggle to process everything he's telling you. And when he's done explaining, all you feel is a mixture of confusion, irritation, and fear swirling within you.
"Why now, Steven?" you question with a shaky voice. "Why are you telling me now? Why didn't you tell me before?"
His shoulders slump slightly when his gaze meets yours. He's more than aware that his decision to keep all of that from you hurt you more than he could know. The fact that you're hurt and he's the one that caused it makes him feel unimaginably guilty and regretful. He takes a moment to gather his thoughts before responding to you.
"I should've told you earlier, I know, and I'm sorry for keeping it from you. I thought I was protecting you," he admits, his voice filled with remorse. "It's stupid, but I had your best interest in mind, y/n. The whole reason I'm telling you this tonight is because Hawthorne doesn't just suspect you're alive, he knows it now, and he's getting closer to finding you. I wanted to find him before I told you any of this but now the circumstances have changed."
"Hawthorne knows about me?"
"Yes, he does. I got a letter from him two days ago stating that he knows who you are. He's not only aware of your existence, but I think he also knows that you've been with me. And that's exactly what I was afraid of."
"What does he want?" you ask.
Steve's jaw tightens as he tries to choose his words carefully. He doesn't want you to worry too much- that can't be good for you or the baby. Yet, he refuses to lie to you or sugarcoat anything again.
"I don't know for sure, not yet. However, given his history, he might see you as a threat, but it's more likely that he…he could have other motives."
You already know what 'other motives' he's referring to. Hydra isn't very secretive with how they operate; he'd use you as a weapon or an experiment. You find yourself becoming overwhelmed as you contemplate the danger you're in.
"Do you have a plan..?"
"We're working on it. I promise to keep you updated from here on out."
"Who's we?" you ask curiously with an eyebrow cocked up at him.
"Me and Buck," he mumbles.
"No. No, no. One, or both, of you are going to get hurt. We have to tell somebody else, I can't lose either of you-"
"Y/n, we're both going to be fine. We're going to be okay," Steve says, cutting off your rambling. "You're going to be fine," he adds,
"Hydra infiltrated SHIELD once and I won't risk the information getting into the wrong hands. Everything about you relates to your adoptive mother, and that's how it appears in the SHIELD database, so let's keep it that way for right now."
He's right, and you hate that more than anything.
"What about Bucky?" you ask with concern. "He's putting himself in danger to help us, we can't just let him face this alone."
His eyes reflect concern for Bucky just like yours do. "We've come up with a plan to minimize the risks for him and we're staying in close contact. Bucky's resourceful and calculated, plus he's got experience with Hydra. If I even suspect that he needs me then I'll go, but right now I have to be here for you."
"You left me, Steven. Now you decide you have to be here for me? Didn't seem like a top priority a few weeks ago. What changed?"
Steve winces at your words that feel like a punch to the gut. He hates that he hurt you at all and he especially hates that you think he wanted to. He knows he deserves every bit of your anger and frustration, but it doesn't make hearing it any easier. He sighs deeply as he reaches out to gently take your hand. You hesitantly allow him to hold your hand in his.
"I can't take back the pain I caused you, no matter how badly I want to. But I can promise to never keep anything from you again, no matter how difficult or dangerous the truth may be."
You look into his crystal blue eyes and see the sincerity in them. You see more than the truth in him though. Despite the mistakes he's made, you see the man you fell in love with who only wants to protect you. Guilt pangs in your chest at how harsh you'd been, although he likely deserved it.
"I'm sorry, I appreciate your honesty. I'm just confused and angry and…I don't think there's an emotion I haven't felt since we sat down, actually."
"I understand. It's a lot to take in, yeah?"
"There's just one thing I still don't understand," you say before looking over at him.
"And that is?"
"If I've got all these mental abilities, why can't I use them?"
"They could be dormant or suppressed," Steve replies. "It's not entirely uncommon for superhuman abilities to stay hidden until certain conditions are met or an event triggers them."
"I don't want you to try to use your abilities until we know more about them," he adds, "Bruce can probably run some tests for us."
"But what if we run out of time by then? What if he finds me? If he's still with Hydra, we have a better chance of taking them down if I know how to use whatever abilities I have."
"We have time, y/n," he reassures you gently, "Besides, you're in a tower full of superhumans and skilled agents. You're as safe as you can be here."
"I can't just sit here and wait for something to happen, Steve… If there's a chance that I can use these powers to protect us then I need to try."
Steve sighs when he sees nothing but pure determination in your eyes. Being as stubborn and insistent as you can be frustrates him sometimes, but he's well aware that he loves that about you. You're a fighter- you always have been and he only hopes that you always will be.
"Okay," he concedes. "We'll talk to Bruce tomorrow then, hm? We'll see if there's a safe way to test and develop your abilities. But you have to promise me you'll be careful and, if anything goes wrong, it's under my discretion whether or not you fight."
"I don't need you to be my damn father, Steven," you grumble, irritation laced in your voice.
He chuckles at your statement, earning an eye roll from you. "Believe me, I know you don't. But you mean everything to me, honey, and I can't stand the thought of anything happening to you or our baby."
"The baby," you whisper to yourself.
Your hand instinctively moves to your slightly bloated belly as you absorb the situation at hand. The baby growing inside of you, your unborn child, is at risk because of the secrets of your past. You begin to feel selfish for hardly thinking of the baby before you thought about yourself. A frown plants itself onto your lips and it makes Steve frown too. Then, when his words finally sink in, you repeat them almost like a question.
"Our baby…?"
A familiar lump forms in his throat. He finds himself unable to come up with a response, thinking he'd said something wrong. All he can muster up is a, "Yeah, our baby."
"You don't have to say that just to make me feel better, it's only going to make things worse."
"I never didn't want this baby, just like I never didn't want you. I didn't mean what I said earlier. I want both of you forever and I've never wanted anything more," he reassures you, trying his best to offer up a small smile.
"Are…are you sure? You can't take it back again."
"Wouldn't dream of it, I've never been more sure of anything else."
"Steve," you mumble. "I just wish that you had trusted me enough to tell me about this sooner."
"I should have. I should have trusted you with this from the start and I'm sorry for not doing so, but I will fix this, y/n. I'm going to make this right."
You don't respond, unable to find the words to say. He takes that as his cue to say something he probably shouldn't.
"I don't expect you to believe me, but I will do whatever it takes to make this right. And however long it takes for you to forgive me, I'll wait for you, even if that time never comes. You can hate me forever but I will never stop loving you; you're it for me, baby."
He doesn't mean to say it, but there it is. "Baby." Who knew someone could make a word sound so good? It could never sound so good rolling off of someone else's tongue and you hate that. You want to hate him, you want to hit him and fight with him for lying to you, but you can't. You're pissed with him yet all you can find yourself wanting is to be in his arms again- to be his baby again.
"Y/n? Did I say something wrong?"
You're not sure if it's the hormones, his willingness to protect you and the baby, or just you but something urges you to lay your head onto his chest- so you do that. Your head rests on his warm chest and your arms snake under his arms to wrap around his waist. You'd never fully grasped how much you missed the sound of his heartbeat until now. A heartbeat: It's something so simple but it makes your heart feel complete again, like both of your hearts are back in sync as they should be.
Steve's mind blanks and his body stiffens at your sudden movement. At first, he thinks he's simply daydreaming, but then he feels your grip tighten on his shirt. Your body shakes slightly and, even though you're silent, he knows you're crying. You're crying for the second time in twenty-four hours and it's his fault. He slowly, cautiously wraps his arms around you to pull you closer to him.
He lets you cry into him, not saying anything as you do. Sometimes words can't heal wounds and he knows that. He knows he's hurt you, but he's ready and willing to give you all the time and space you want to process everything.
Minutes pass in silence until your tears subside. You pull back slightly from Steve's chest, sniffling as you wipe away your tears. Your eyes make their way up to meet his.
"I just… I wanted to hear your heart again," you confess softly.
"I'm here, and I always will be. I'm so sorry for ever leaving you, y/n."
His eyes soften and he reaches up to cup your cheek. He smiles softly, wiping a stray tear from under your eye with his thumb. You find solace in his touch. You're so, so angry and confused but it's as though the tenderness in his gaze has the power to soothe your ache. In this very moment, it's easier to give in and let him care for you than to fight yourself on it. Honestly, you're not sure how much fight you have left for the day. So, you let out a shaky sigh and then lean into his touch for a moment.
"I know you're sorry, Steve," you reply softly. "And I want to believe you, I really do, but it's going to take time for me to fully trust you again."
"I know, and I'll give you all the time you need. I just want you to know that I'm here now, forever."
"I'm… I'm so angry with you still, and it'll take a while to get over that, but I don't think I have the energy to be angry anymore tonight."
"What do you need from me, honey?"
"Just wanna be us again for tonight," you admit, vulnerability laced in your voice.
"We can do that."
For now, the weight of the truth lingers in the air and so does the pain it's caused. You offer him a faint smile and he returns it with that perfect one of his own. From the way his heart flutters when he looks at you, he can't believe he went without you for so long. His eyes flicker from your lips to your eyes and back again. Then he finds himself wanting needing to kiss you.
"Y/n," he whispers gently, almost so gentle that it's inaudible.
His thumb continues to trace along your cheek. It's a tender caress that says everything he can't put into words. You can feel your heart pounding hard in your chest under the intensity of his gaze. The ache in your heart, the sudden need for his presence, it all becomes overwhelmingly clear.
"I don't want to rush things, but…"
He doesn't have to finish for you to know what he's going to say because you already know. You feel it too- that magnetic pull between you. Without hesitation, you lean in, closing the remaining distance between both of you. The kiss is short and sweet. It's soft and filled with a yearning that has been building up for weeks. It's a kiss that carries the weight of the words neither of you could find it in you to say. It carries the promise that you're still here and that he's willing to fight for you and the baby.
Steve rests his forehead against yours when your lips part. His eyes lock onto yours and he traces your jaw with his thumb. He knows that this doesn't mean things will instantly go back to how they were before, but this moment is one he appreciates anyways.
"Y/n," he coos softly, "I'll spend every day of my life making it up to you if I have to. I'll prove to you that I'll never let you down again."
You offer him another small and weary smile. It's a start, a tiny step towards rebuilding what once was. Neither of you has all the answers or knows what the future holds, but for now you have each other. And that's more than enough.
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@oh-thats-cute @vicmc624 @blackhawkfanatic @tooruen
@athenabarnes @gh0stgurl @missing-loki @elizacusi-blog
@terry2227 @imyourbratzdoll @starksbabie @diannana
@flowers-and-fichte @ozwriterchick @kandis-mom @nouk1998
@lokislady82 @procrastinatingsince99 @bethexo07 @angelicxkayla
@babezawa @pussy-f41ry @sincerelytlh @chrismus48978731689
@paarthurnax59 @rebeccapineapple @felicitylemon @amiquette
if I forgot your tag, or you want to be added to or removed from the tag list for this series, leave a comment or message me :)
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letsatomicbanana · 1 year
I dug through the Zepher(?)Top tag and I can confirm, Ink loves the crap out of those two
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littlezeph · 2 months
Intro!!! 𓆣✮︎
Hi! I’m Zepher or Zepher, I’m 19 and struggle with Anorexia (Ana), Binge Eating Disorder (BED), Self harm and Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)
My account is not for anyone in recovery. I encourage recovery for everyone but me. All my content is for me and those who relate. I will block anyone who is not an account related to one of these topics. You can always find me under my tag (zombiezeph) if I get t3☈︎₥︎eⅮ︎ If you find my page and don’t like it please just block me because this is my diary and I’ll only come back. I update stats frequently. And are working on more search marks.
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Stats/search marks below cut off
HEIGHT: 5’5” | BMI: 28.3
HW: 210lbs/95.2kgs
LW: 169.8lbs/77.0kgs
SW: 194lbs/87.9kgs
CW: 169.5lbs/76.9kgs
GW1: 180lbs/81.6kgs
GW2: 166lbs/75.3kgs
GW3: 152lbs/68.9kgs
GW4: 138lbs/62.5kgs
GW5: 124lbs/56.2kgs
GW6: 110lbs/49.9kgs
UGW: 96lbs/43.5 (for now)
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Search marks:
Edward: eating disorder stuff
BPD: borderline personality stuff
Destruction: self harm stuff
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