#zeo ranger iii blue
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sonic5421 · 2 years ago
Motor City Comic Con May 2023
Well, I had a great time yesterday at the first of two Motor City Comic Con conventions being held this year down in Novi, Michigan. Though I couldn’t stay as long as I wanted, it was long enough to at least walk out with some great merchandise and memories.
Chief among those are being able to meet Tara Strong, the voice of Princess Twilight Sparkle from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, alongside many other roles, such as Raven of the Teen Titans and Princess Melody, Ariel’s daughter from Disney’s The Little Mermaid franchise, and Steve Cardenas, known as Rocky from the Power Rangers franchise as the second MMPR Red Ranger and Zeo Ranger III - Blue, whom I had a chance to pass on my condolences to regarding the death of JDF/Tommy Oliver.
There was many impressive cosplays there that I saw, such as Mirabel, Rapunzel, Ariel, Totoro, Officer Jenny, Nurse Joy, Sheena Fujibayashi, and more, along with the Great Lakes Garrison of the 501st/Rebel Legion being there as well.
Overall, despite not being able to stay as long as I wanted to, I had a great time, and can’t wait for the second one in November. I’m sure to see some great cosplays and VIPs there as well, and get some good loot too. I hope some of the users here on Tumblr were able to make it and have a great time there as well.
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leopold-wolf · 2 years ago
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Zeo ranger I, Pink!
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Zeo ranger II, Yellow!
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Zeo ranger III, Blue!
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Zeo ranger IV, Green!
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Zeo ranger V, Red!
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princess-viola · 3 years ago
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yesthebatmanme · 4 years ago
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On April 20th, 1996.  The Power Rangers returned stronger than before as the Power Rangers Zeo 25 years ago from this day!
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mateushonrado · 4 years ago
Power Rangers (season 1-4) 7 of 20: Rocky Desantos
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Status Post #10147: Red Ranger II (1994-96) / Red Ninja Ranger (1995-96) / Zeo Ranger III Blue (1996)
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tokucosplay · 6 years ago
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Zeo Ranger III Blue / OhBlue cosplayed by Wynton Stayton.
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tokupedia · 6 years ago
Costume Ideas for Halloween 2018: Boom! Studios edition (Power Rangers 25th anniversary)
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It is that time of year again and we are going to start off with Power Rangers since this is their big year. Boom! Studios has blessed fans with a ton of new options for trick or treat this year to dedicated cosplayers, so we are going to start off with a few of them before moving on to the usual fare.
First up, of course, is...
Lord Drakkon (Evolution I, Evolution II and III)
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One of the deadliest threats to the Power Rangers thus far, Drakkon made a lasting impact on the franchise. Having some good looking upgraded forms is definitely going to leave a lasting impression on fans. He starts out as a MMPR-Samurai hybrid, then evolves further with the Red Zeo subcrystal before attaining godhood by becoming one with the Morphin Grid. 
Female fans can do the standard Gokai Change method if they wish by adding a skirt or do an even wilder alternate take where Ranger Slayer Kimberly kills Evil Tommy and takes the powers for herself, adding the Bow of Darkness to the costume. However fans go about it, if done well, you will look like a badass when entering a room or going door to door for those elusive Snickers, M&Ms or other goodies.
“Super Zack” (or a variation) from “Forever Mighty Morphin Black”
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Superheroes are all the rage these days, in movies, tv and in merch. So what if Power Rangers were a more traditional western style superhero team rather than an adaptation of a Japanese superhero show? You get this guy from a short story in one of the MMPR Comic annuals!
This version of Zack can fly like Superman and sports a variation of the classic MMPR Black Ranger suit with a full black cape, Superman-like boots that have a single black diamond with a white outline and elbow length gloves with black lining on the hand and finger parts of it. Or, if you have time, you could design a variant of the other colors. Imagine how cool a White, Pink, Red, Green, Yellow, Blue or even a Zeo version could be!
Zombie ‘69 Rangers
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Let’s face it, these poor guys didn’t get enough “screentime” for our tastes. So, what if there was a “Blackest Night” scenario?  Zombie Power Rangers! Admittedly, a bit too gruesome for the kiddies, but scares are part of what Halloween is for right?
This would be an easy one, just wear tattered 1960s-ish clothes, a little make up and carry a Power Morpher or go crazy and make mangled Power Ranger suits. Daniel’s would have the shattered helmet visor with scary zombie eyes peering out of it, Jaime’s would have bloody entrails sticking out since she was crushed to death and Nikolai’s would be a singed Blue Ranger suit with exposed burns and some skeletal make up. 
Silver Space Ranger Sentry
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A fan favorite among shows in the Power Rangers lore is Power Rangers in Space. So it stands to reason that a representative of what could go wrong if evil got that team’s Ranger powers should be present on this list. 
The Silver Space Sentries are vastly different from their original counterpart, equipped with a combat utility belt with the (Mega)Ranger symbol in the center and a few bulky pouches on each side of the hips, a jetpack with shoulder padding, kneepads and some kind of device on the left shoulder (energy gage?). Some kind of breathing apparatus tube flows into the helmet and they are equipped with twin blasters. 
Honestly, I chose this one out of the recent ones not cosplayed yet because the White Jungle Fury Rhino and Gold Dino Charge are way more complicated to replicate from scratch due to all the armor. But if you can pull those off, I’d love to see you complete the challenge!
And lastly for now, our recent lovely morphin’ lady, since Ranger Slayer is all the rage and cosplayed quite a lot, it helps to go for the less mainstream.
Solar Ranger
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This shy-but-kinda-maybe-evil little sunshine gal is still very new, having not even uttered a word yet in the comics so far. And while her full costume hasn’t been given a lot of time to show off, we can tell that the costume has a purple hoodie with gold lining, bandages on her wrists and boots, some kind of star like pattern, gauntlets or morpher on the gloves and seemingly takes heavy inspiration from Kamen Rider Ghost and Kyuranger with a touch of SPD thrown in. She wields some kind of discus weapon that may or may not be made of purple crystal or just energy.
It is a challenge to translate to real world costume given the cosmic pattern of stars in her suit. But for the helmet, I recommend a purple or violet Maziora or Chromaflair paint and a few custom flakes to bring the “star” effect to life. Just be sure not to hurt yourself when applying and wear a mask when spraying. Since her costume is gender neutral like Trini’s suit, a Rule 63 is pretty simple to pull off, just make it fit your body with no add-ons needed.
And there you have it! 7 costume ideas to kick off the spoopy-spooky season.
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thvndring · 5 years ago
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❝ It’s Morphin Time! Zeo Ranger III, Blue! ❞
Rocky first met the Rangers after saving a baby along with his friends Adam Park and Aisha Campbell. Rocky was chosen to replace Jason Lee Scott as the Red Mighty Morphin Power Ranger after Jason, and his fellow Rangers Trini Kwan, and Zack Taylor were selected to attend the peace conference in Geneva, Switzerland. After the Thunderzords were destroyed & the Rangers assembled the Zeo Crystal, Rocky became the Blue Zeo Ranger in order to face King Mondo & the Machine Empire.
As the Blue Zeo Ranger, Rocky commands Zeo Zord III & Super Zeo Zord III. After an injury prevented him from joining the Turbo team, Rocky passed his mantle to Justin & is, to date, the only ranger to harness the Blue Zeo Crystal.
Rocky is a guy with a big appetite for both food and life and keeps his energy going by staying physically active. He enjoys working on his karate, running with the other guys, playing volleyball, football, snowboarding, even doing splits. He also channeled his energy into serving as a lifeguard.
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maswartz · 7 years ago
Shattered Grid in the Powerverse
This Drakkon comes from a dark future timeline from Universe 18 (same as 9 only Tommy survived Drakkon’s attempt on his life) Three Phases Phase 1- One day Billy and Lewis are working in the command center when an alternate version of the Boom Rangers teleports in. Tommy is still with them. They were forced to teleport to escape Drakkon. The MMPR rangers are called in and they swap info. Drakkon and an army of Sentries arrive in the city. Lewis calls some friends and the Morphing Masters Rangers (MMPR), Boom Rangers, Lewis, Rail Warriors, Shinobi Strike, Beast Might, Shooting Star Squadron Rangers all arrive to help. The ranger teams face off against the Sentries to keep them from attacking the civilians while the MMPR and Boom Rangers and Lewis fight Drakkon and his backup. The Psycho Rangers (RBYBPG) The Psychos are defeated and grow into two giants (RBYBP merged and Green’s monster form) The Morphing Master Megazord and DrillRex Megazord are called in to fight them. After beating the merged Psycho they split into five monster forms. The sixth Rangers join the fight in their megazords (Construction Rail Megazord, Rodeo Megazord, TriBeast Megazord, Starlight Megazord) When Green is defeated he threatens to explode sending radiation all over the city but Lewis contains it using the power of the Solar Streak Megazord. Drakkon is soon forced to withdraw with his army but not before threatening to return for his revenge. Phase 2- Drakkon manages to steal morphers from every team (MMPR- Ninja Steel) and combines them into his own gaining nearly unlimited power. He returns to the PV and demands a rematch with Lewis who he blames for his previous loss. Lewis and Cody (PR 4Z) answer the call but not before Cody calls some friends. After a quick battle in which Drakkon wipes the floor with the two he puts up a mystic barrier to have an one on one battle with Lewis which ends with him stabbing and impaling him. At that moment the Riders arrive (Deca through Hybrid) They shatter the barrier and rescue Lewis taking turns using medical powers to heal and stabilize him while the others distract Drakkon by negating his powers (Mystic Force vs Mystic, Time force/Turbo vs Racer etc) Once Lewis is stable they all switch to their final forms and battle Drakkon. As they do the Morphing Grid finishes healing Lewis temporarily super charging him allowing him to throw a blast of power at Drakkon distracting him allowing the Riders to unleash a series of finishing moves forcing Drakkon to demorph. As he prepares to morph again Racer steals his coin and gives it to Lewis who breaks it. Drakkon falls back to his world where Finster 5 reveals that because of all the time he spent morphed his body internalized most of the power meaning that all Finster has to do is create a new coin and he can morph again. Back at the command center Billy and Cody throw the broken coin into the grid where the power is absorbed and spread out. Phase 3- Drakkon has his forces find and bring him the corpse of Prince Dex who did not survive his battle with Dreggon’s forces. Using his belt he gains the power of a Rider in addition to his own powers. He returns to the Powerverse to gain his revenge. Again he is confronted by Lewis and Cody however this time the Grid itself joins them. Outraged and disgusted by his desecration of the powers, turning what once brought life into a bringer of death the Grid shatters his new belt and zaps him with bolts stripping away his stolen powers until he has nothing left but his original Green powers. Lewis and Cody wipe the floor with him demorphing him. The Grid strips away his final power before making sure he can never morph again before returning him to his world where he is put on trial and executed for crimes against humanity. Weeks later the MMPR rangers, Lewis, and Cody travel to the world of the coinless to see how things are going. They meet Trini who at this point is the only ranger left (Slayer had left to atone for her actions by traveling the multiverse). They realize that the Zeo Crystal is still hidden on the moon in this timeline and bring it to Earth. The energy from it summons Trey from Triforia who splits it into five sub crystals and one larger crystal. The five sub crystals are used to create a new team of Power Rangers, Power Rangers Zeo. And the remaining crystal is used as a power source for the rebuilding planet. Using the Super Zeo Zords this new team defends a world coming back from the brink. It’s Morphing Time! Zeo Ranger Power! Trini- Zeo Ranger V Red! Rocky- Zeo Ranger IV Green! Kat- Zeo Ranger III Blue! Adam- Zeo Ranger II Yellow! Aisha- Zeo Ranger I Pink! Trey- Gold Ranger A new team of Rangers rises from the ashes to protect the world from Finster 5 and any who seek to take advantage of the chaos. Months later Kimberly returns, truly free from Drakkon’s hold she seeks out Ninjor’s temple to find redemption. There she trains with his spirit eventually becoming a warrior mage tasked with protecting all that is good. (Think Dulcea) Powerverse
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princess-viola · 3 years ago
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mateushonrado · 6 years ago
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Status Post #8066: Blue, Navy, Cyan and Aqua Rangers
Row 1: Billy Cranston (Tom Silardi) / Biorhythm Blue (Bio-Man), Billy Cranston (David Yost) / Blue Ranger (MMPR pilot), Billy Cranston (David Yost) / Blue Ranger / Blue Ninja Ranger (MMPR), Billy Blake / Blue Ranger (MMPR Hamilton), Bobby (uncredited actor) / Blue Dark Ranger (MMPR S2), William Cranston (David Yost) / Wild West Blue Ranger (MMPR S2), Billy Cranston [clone] (David Yost) / Blue Ranger (MMPR), Billy Cranston (David Yost) / Blue Ranger / Blue Ninjetti Ranger (MMPR: TM) and Ninjor (Kim Strauss) (MMPR S3)
Row 2: Stanford Winner / Blue Dark Ranger (MMPR Marvel), Cestro (Karim Prince) / Blue Aquitar Ranger (Alien Rangers), Rocky DeSantos (Steve Cardenas) / Zeo Ranger III Blue (Zeo), Auric the Conqueror (Derek Stephen Prince) (Zeo), Justin Stewart (Blake Foster) / Blue Turbo Ranger (Turbo), Justin robot (Blake Foster) / Blue Turbo Ranger (Turbo), Blue Senturion (David Walsh) (Turbo), TJ Johnson (Selwyn Ward) / Blue Space Ranger (In Space) and Psycho Blue (Wally Wingert) (In Space)
Row 3: Kai Chen (Archie Kao) / Galaxy Blue (Lost Galaxy), Chad Lee (Michael Chaturantabut) / Blue Lightspeed Ranger (Lightspeed Rescue), Lucas Kendall (Michael Copon) / Time Force Blue (Time Force), Max Cooper (Philip Jeanmarie) / Blue Shark Ranger (Wild Force), Tori Hanson (Sally Martin) / Blue Wind Ranger (Ninja Storm), Blake Bradley (Jorgito Vargas Jr.) / Navy Thunder Ranger (Ninja Storm), Blake Bradley [Wild Wipeout] (Jorgito Vargas Jr.) / Navy Thunder Ranger (Ninja Storm), Ethan James (Kevin Duhaney) / Blue Dino Ranger (Dino Thunder) and Beevor (Nick Kemplen) / A-Squad Blue Ranger (SPD)
Row 4: Sky Tate (Chris Violette) / SPD Blue Ranger (SPD), Bridge Carson (Matt Austin Sadowski) / SPD Blue Ranger (SPD), Lina Song (Malika Lim) / SPD Blue Ranger (SPD), Madison Rocca (Melanie Vallejo) / Blue Mystic Ranger (Mystic Force), Snow Prince (Paolo Rotondo) (Mystic Force), Dax Lo (Gareth Yuen) / Overdrive Blue (Operation Overdrive), Theo Martin (Aljin Abella) / Blue Jaguar Ranger (Jungle Fury), Master Finn (Paul Gittins) / Shark Spirit Ranger (Jungle Fury) and Flynn McAlistair (Ari Boyland) / Ranger Blue (RPM)
Row 5: Blue Shogun Ranger (Najee De-Tiege) (Samurai), Kevin's father (Steven Smith) / Blue Samurai Ranger (Samurai), Kevin Baron (Najee De-Tiege) / Blue Samurai Ranger / Blue Shogun Ranger (Samurai), Noah Carver (John Mark Loudermilk) / Megaforce Blue / Super Megaforce Blue (Megaforce-Super Megaforce), Koda (Yoshi Sudarso) / Dino Charge Blue (Dino Charge), James Navarro (Reuben Turner and voiced by Dan Musgrove) / Dino Charge Aqua (Dino Charge), Nikolai Chukarin / Blue Ranger (MMPR/GGPR) and Billy Cranston / Blue Ranger (MMPR/GGPR)
Row 6: Kimberly Hart / Blue Ranger (MMPR/GGPR), Billy Cranston [Coinless] / Blue Ranger (MMPR/GGPR), Brute / Supersonic Blue (MMPR/GGPR), Blue Senturion (MMPR/GGPR), Serge / All-New Blue Ranger (MMPR: Pink), Billy Cranston / Blue Ranger (MMPR: Pink) and Preston Tien (Peter Sudarso) / Ninja Steel Blue (Ninja Steel)
Row 7: Cenozoic Blue Ranger (PR 2017), Billy Cranston (RJ Cyler) / Blue Ranger (PR 2017), Eddie Banks (Andre Meadows) / Hyperforce Blue (Hyperforce), Blue Samurai Sentry (MMPR: Shattered Grid), Ninjor (MMPR: Shattered Grid), TJ Johnson / Blue Space Ranger (MMPR: Shattered Grid-Beyond the Grid) and Heckyl / Dark Ranger / Blue Solar Ranger (MMPR: Shattered Grid-Beyond the Grid)
Occupying the eighth spot of Row 6-7: Chun-Li (Gemma Nguyen) (Street Fighter Showdown, honorary Ranger)
Occupying the ninth spot of Row 5-7: Ravi Shaw (Jazz Baduwalia) / Beast Morpher Blue (Beast Morphers)
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mateushonrado · 6 years ago
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Status Post #7242: Zordon Era Blue Rangers (+2 Extra Heroes).
Row 1: Billy Cranston / Blue Ranger / Blue Ninja Ranger [MMPR-Zeo] (David Yost), Kimberly Hart (in Billy's body) / Blue Ranger [MMPR S1] (Amy Jo Johnson) and William Cranston / Blue Wild West Ranger [MMPR S2] (David Yost)
Row 2: Ninjor [MMPR S3] (Kim Strauss) and Cestro / Blue Aquitar Ranger [Alien Rangers, guest in Zeo] (Karim Prince)
Row 3: Rocky DeSantos / Zeo Ranger III Blue [Zeo, guest in Turbo] (Steve Cardenas), Justin Stewart / Blue Turbo Ranger [Turbo, guest in PR In Space] (Blake Foster) and Justin robot / Blue Turbo Ranger [Turbo] (Blake Foster)
Row 4: Blue Senturion [Turbo] (David Walsh) and T.J. Johnson / Blue Space Ranger [In Space, guest in Lost Galaxy, Super Megaforce and Ninja Steel] (Selwyn Ward)
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mateushonrado · 5 years ago
Power Rangers (Zordon era) – I of IV
Status Post #8297: Rangers
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers S1
Red Ranger: Jason Lee Scott (Austin St. John)
Black Ranger: Zack Taylor (Walter Jones)
Blue Ranger: Billy Cranston (David Yost)
Yellow Ranger: Trini Kwan (Thuy Trang)
Pink Ranger: Kimberly Hart (Amy Jo Johnson)
Green Ranger: Tommy Oliver (Jason David Frank)
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers S2
Red Ranger: Jason Lee Scott (Austin St. John) > Rocky DeSantos (Steve Cardenas)
Blue Ranger: Billy Cranston (David Yost)
Black Ranger: Zack Taylor (Walter Jones) > Adam Park (Johnny Yong Bosch)
Yellow Ranger: Trini Kwan (Thuy Trang) > Aisha Campbell (Karan Ashley)
Pink Ranger: Kimberly Hart (Amy Jo Johnson)
Green Ranger: Tommy Oliver (Jason David Frank) > Tom Oliver (Jason David Frank)
White Ranger: Tommy Oliver (Jason David Frank)
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers S3 / Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers
White Ranger / White Ninja Ranger: Tommy Oliver (Jason David Frank)
Red Ranger / Red Ninja Ranger: Rocky DeSantos (Steve Cardenas)
Black Ranger / Black Ninja Ranger: Adam Park (Johnny Yong Bosch)
Blue Ranger / Blue Ninja Ranger: Billy Cranston (David Yost)
Yellow Ranger / Yellow Ninja Ranger: Aisha Campbell (Karan Ashley)
Pink Ranger / Pink Ninja Ranger: Kimberly Hart (Amy Jo Johnson) > Katherine Hillard (Catherine Sutherland)
Extra Hero: Ninjor (Kazuki Kao, voiced by Kurt Strauss)
Masked Rider: Dex Stewart (T.J. Roberts)
White Aquitar Ranger: Delphine (Rajia Baroudi)
Red Aquitar Ranger: Aurico (David Bacon)
Blue Aquitar Ranger: Cestro (Karim Prince)
Black Aquitar Ranger: Corcus (Alan Palmer)
Yellow Aquitar Ranger: Tideus (Jim Gray)
Power Rangers Zeo
Zeo Ranger V - Red: Tommy Oliver (Jason David Frank)
Zeo Ranger IV - Green: Adam Park (Johnny Yong Bosch)
Zeo Ranger III - Blue: Rocky DeSantos (Steve Cardenas)
Zeo Ranger II - Yellow: Tanya Sloan (Nakia Burrise)
Zeo Ranger I - Pink: Katherine Hillard (Catherine Sutherland)
Gold Ranger (technically black): Trey of Triforia (Tom, Tim and Ted DiFillippo, voiced by Brad Hawkins when in Ranger form) > Jason Lee Scott (Austin St. John) > Trey of Triforia
Extra Hero: Auric the Conqueror (Hideaki Kusaka, voiced by Derek Stephen Prince)
Power Rangers Turbo
Red Turbo Ranger: Tommy Oliver (Jason David Frank) > T.J. Johnson (Selwyn Ward) > Robot T.J. (Selwyn Ward)
Blue Turbo Ranger: Justin Stewart (Blake Foster) > Robot Justin (Blake Foster)
Green Turbo Ranger: Adam Park (Johnny Yong Bosch) > Carlos Vallerte (Roger Velasco) > Robot Carlos (Roger Velasco)
Yellow Turbo Ranger: Tanya Sloan (Nakia Burrise) > Ashley Hammond (Tracy Lynn Cruz) > Robot Ashley (Tracy Lynn Cruz)
Pink Turbo Ranger: Katherine Hillard (Catherine Sutherland) > Cassie Chan (Patricia Ja Lee) > Robot Cassie (Patricia Ja Lee)
Phantom Ranger (Black): Unknown (Alex Dodd)
Extra Hero: Blue Senturion (Yoshinori Okamoto, voiced by David Walsh)
Power Rangers in Space
Red Space Ranger: Andros (Christopher Khayman Lee)
Black Space Ranger: Carlos Vallerte (Roger Velasco)
Blue Space Ranger: T.J. Johnson (Selwyn Ward)
Yellow Space Ranger: Ashley Hammond (Tracy Lynn Cruz) > Astronema (Melody Perkins) > Ashley Hammond
Pink Space Ranger: Cassie Chan (Patricia Ja Lee)
Silver Space Ranger: Zhane (Justin Nimmo)
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