zenkorecords · 2 years
HELLO! I would like to inform those who stumble across this post I will be participating in a Minecraft charity event called Pride Games 2022 this Friday the 17th at 2pm PST! It will be very cool and I'm gonna try and stream it on twitch so maybe stop by?
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zenkorecords · 2 years
Just thinking about vampires and how they wouldn't be able to see their reflections for a long time because mirrors used to made of silver, but one day they just walk by a mirror that- isn't silver? They would suddenly see themself, for possibly the first time in ever if they weren't turned but just kinda always existed as a vampire. I mean sure maybe someone painted them at some point but, they can really see themselves now. Look Its late, Im tired I just- I just think that this. this is all.
Ok well, after research it doesn't hold up as well because actually silvering wasnt a thing till after the 1800's so assuming that vampires could obviously be older than that, older vampires would have maybe had mirrors which wouldn't have been made of silver but instead something like bronze- (bronze abt 2000 BCE) Or even more worry some than not seeing your reflection, maybe, 16th century mercury mirrors! which would have been like, then to the 1800's. So really, only vampires after the 1800's would probably not know what they look like till- cameras? hold on now I gotta look up camera history and the cameras use of silver-
Ok but before I google the cameras its important to note that the modern-day mirror process can involve silvering however it could also be a aluminum coating (first used for telescope mirrors in 1930 from my brief research) so only certain mirrors would show a vampires reflection in a modern mirror so vampires in the modern day could see their reflections with the right mirror.
Ok so now, cameras! ...which is less reflections, but still interesting in theory as a lot of popular media often portrays vampires as unable to appear in photos.
The first camera was invented in 1816 by French inventor Nicephore Niepce. His simple camera used paper coated with silver chloride. And upon a brief google search did in-fact tell me that silver chloride could be converted back to silver (and chlorine) through a heating process so in all technicality the first camera would have used silver in such a way that, in theory, vampires wouldn't show up in the pictures. However, what about other cameras? Modern digital ones? Cell phone cameras?
It seems like most film cameras still use silver or at least cannon film cameras, "Camera film uses silver halides (such as silver chloride, bromide or iodide) as the materials exposed to light."
While looking the bit on film cameras up, also came to the realization that some x-ray's may use silver which is whole other set of problems if a vampire were to need an x-ray! Historically all radiographic film media employed silver salts as part of the image-producing process. Although the vast majority of radiology departments in the developed world are now filmless there is still a very large amount of traditional x-ray film in film libraries and storage.
Digital cameras and photography time! Digital cameras are full of printed circuit boards that contain gold, silver, and also base metals like aluminum and copper. Although LCD display screens do not contain precious metals, the contact points along their edges can contain gold and silver. However, when you press the button to take a photograph with a digital camera, an aperture opens at the front of the camera and light streams in through the lens. So far, it's just the same as a film camera. From this point on, however, everything is different. There is no film in a digital camera. Instead, there is a piece of electronic equipment that captures the incoming light rays and turns them into electrical signals. This light detector is one of two types, either a charge-coupled device (CCD) or a CMOS image sensor. Both CMOS and CCD imagers are constructed from silicon.
So, tldr for the digital camera: the image itself isn't put onto anything made of silver so, by previous reasoning vampires would be able to have digital pictures of them taken!
Look, Im so tired. It is 1am in my little corner of the planet and Im just rambling at this point.
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zenkorecords · 2 years
Woah! A pinned post! So much info!
Hey! My name is Zen and I’m a nonbinary streamer who uses They/Them pronouns and does the occasional art! You can see me stream over on twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/zenkorecords! I have a twitter which is also @ZenkoRecords! If you need something probably a good idea to DM me on twitter as, I check the bird app more-  However feel free to DM me here too! Or on both if you want, just don’t spam :) To find my random musings on the hell site I use the tag #zenscreamsintothevoid for that and any art I may post in the future will be under a different blog most likely, but that hasn’t happened yet if you are reading this!
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zenkorecords · 2 years
Im out here on the mobile tumblr website, looking around and there are simply no crabs? Is this- voctory? or defeat? I kind of want some crabs, they are friend shaped-
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zenkorecords · 2 years
So, I am infact new to this hellsite and today I learned that the ONLY way people get exposure here is reblogs and I- Simply didn't know this, no one told me this! So I just spent about 15 minutes reblogging pretty much anything I've liked since my arrival here!
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