wally-b-feed · 2 years
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), Zelu Entrat, 2022
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msweebyness · 5 months
MiracOlympus- An Unpleasant Encounter
This is a short that takes place back in the young gods’ teenaged years, based on a moment from the second episode of the Gods School web series. But with a much more insidious context… @artzychic27 @imsparky2002
Just as a reminder:
Marc- Persephone
Mylene- Demeter
Lucien- Zelus
Down in the fields around Olympus, a duo of divine siblings were picking various different crops for the feast that would take place later that night.
Marc laughed at the silly joke Mylene had just told, before he spotted some lovely Narcissus flowers growing in a grove nearby. Thinking they would be wonderful to decorate the tables, he turned to his sister.
“Hey, Sunflower, I’m gonna go pick some of those flowers in that grove to put in the centerpiece vases!”, he told her, picking up his basket and standing to leave.
“Okay, Poppy, just stay close!”, the goddess of the harvest answered with a smile, before turning back to her work.
With that, Marc made his way toward the shady grove, and began picking flowers. Gathering narcissus, wild roses, and daisies for the centerpieces, he was unaware of a pair of sharp eyes watching him…
But when he had moved fairly deep into the grove, sufficiently out of his sister’s sight, he heard a familiar voice that made his blood go cold speak to him.
“Hello, little flower.”, and Marc went rigid, turning toward the voice in a defensive stance.
“You’re not supposed to be anywhere near Olympus, Lucien. Leave now.”, he said sharply, though he couldn’t keep the tremble out of his voice, much to his dismay.
“Oh, why the cold reception, my lovely little blossom. I came all this way just to see you, after all.”, Lucien said coolly, moving out of the shadows with a serpentine grin.
“No one wants you here, least of all me! Get out of here, and for the hundredth time, leave me alone!”, Marc demanded, his hand moving toward his pocket, ready to grab the dog whistle that Nathaniel had given him, which would summon Baark to his side in an instant.
But Lucien didn’t back down, only moving closer to Marc. He reached out and cupped his cheek, making the raven-haired god shudder with revulsion.
“Come now, you don’t want me to leave.”, he purred as he leaned in so his face was only an inch or so from Marc’s, “You can’t deny what’s between us, little flower…”
Marc stiffened and quickly shoved him away, fixing him with a dagger-sharp glare.
“There is nothing between us!”, he snapped, “I love Nathaniel, and only him! And I want NOTHING to do with you!”
Lucien scowled at the mention of the redhead, and grabbed Marc’s wrist in a tight grip, pulling him in close.
“Don’t mention that name. That twerp has no place ruling over an entire domain.”, the vile god snarled, “And you shouldn’t be wasting your time on him.”
“Don’t you dare insult him! Let me go!”, Marc hissed, trying to pull himself free from Lucien’s grip. He quickly thrust his other hand into his pocket, fingers closing around the dog whistle.
However, before Lucien could make any other moves, Marc sent a prayer of thanks to the Fates as he heard his sister’s footsteps approaching, as Mylene called out for him.
“Marc? Poppy? Where are you?”
Quickly, Lucien shapeshifted into a hawk and hid in a tree, just as Mylene pushed through the cover of leaves and emerged in the grove.
“Oh, there you are! Let’s go, I think I have everything I need!”, she said, holding up her basket of grains and the like, before she noticed her brother’s disheveled state, “Poppy…are you okay?”
Straightening up, he managed to give her a smile, “Y-yeah, Sunflower, I’m fine. The, uh, the pollen is just…really thick back here.”, he quickly said, adding a sneeze for good measure.
“Well, come on, let’s get you back to Olympus for some fresh air.”, Mylene said, as Marc retrieved his basket of flowers. And with that, the two siblings flew back toward the mountain peaks, with Marc sending a cold glare back to the hawk still in the grove.
A few moments later, the hawk transformed back into a young god, glaring up at the peaks of Olympus, where he was no longer welcome…not noticing the ground giving an angry rumble below him.
Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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blxxdq-mvs1c · 1 year
Yandere! HATZGANG x gn! reader (separate headcannons)
tw: obsessive themes, stalking, possessiveness
an: It was in my drafts for so long and is so short that I can't believe it😭 I'm already saying that boys are aged up!!
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Grumpy cat fr
Possessive, stalker type
Writes you letters, poems or at least tries to, makes you origami gifts too
Goddamn tsundere ass mf
Obsessive, sweet type
Definitely makes or buys you chocolates and food
Live laugh love Robert
Sleepy black cat
Silent, sweet type
Expect to get so SO many flowers and large bouquets
night walks together
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msc137 · 3 months
okay. so. the trazilax family basically has a monopoly on the criminal underworld around here. i think im getting somewhere.
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harleycrittercorner · 4 months
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Small green beast
Pale Green Assassin Bug
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ofbeautsandbeasts · 5 months
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This is my first time seeing a Pale Green Assassin Bug! Apparently, they often wait on leaves to ambush passing insects. They also set sticky traps 🕸
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adelaideoldburg · 5 months
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emorty · 3 months
you said you had an idea of how xe got in, right? what was it?
- @msc137
I think xe may have snuck a tracker onto me while my guard was down. I was high and distracted, so I wouldn't have noticed. That or xe had a ship with a cloaking system and xe followed us home.
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yourfavouritefighter · 4 months
Did something cause pimp King Kay's corruption arc or was he just built like that (a shithead) and hid it well? Also, what's Fent and Ghostie Dean's relationship *insert innocent angel meme*
okay okay okay so!!!!!!
Pimp Kay wasn’t always a little shit! once upon a time he was a kind lil rascal with a knack for showbizz, however when Dean died Kay was taken in by his mother the queen Zelus. Having seen how fragile her sons were and how quickly Kay tried to fight the guard who killed Dean, she decided to train him. You see Zelus had discovered old texts that told off ancient and powerful magic- and what better test subject than her heir. With dark magic Kay would be an unstoppable ruler and the perfect threat against those who dared to stand against her rule.
She had fent act as an assistant and helper to Kay, a) as a way to help train fent to be a valuable asset, and b) to help keep Kay in line and develop the social skills required to be king. And that’s how things were for a while. However Zelus didn’t realise that dark magic corrupted its user. (lemme just drop my notes on dark magic rq)
-very taboo was used a lot in the past before people began to understand the effects of it
-angels are more susceptible to the effects of dark magic due to being made completely of light
-when used the caster will begin to be corrupted by the magic
-when the caster uses the magic, the corruption will spread, however acts such as killing will heightens the effects
-past a certain point the corruption will continue on its own, without any magic usage to provoke it
-the corruption is the destruction of the casters own magic to feed the dark magic, this is why their will be dark gradients from areas of high magic usage (arms, face etc), these gradients are the caster’s body breaking down as all creatures are made from magic
-once fully corrupted the caster will cease to exist their entire being fuelling the dark magic/dark magic god
-if the caster loses their magic or their magic is separated from them (some people have the ability to block magic etc) then the effects will reverse as their soul is able to rebuild its magical stores, healing the body.
-dark magic like really messes with ur head because it’s literally controlling you as it destroys ur mind to feed itself like dude ur gonna go insane because ur mind is like half destroyed
-anyone who is hit by a dark magic attack may be susceptible to its affects (get infected punks)
-dark magic had all but been forgotten when zelus (jeez she’s just ruining everything huh) digs it up to test on her kid cuz she wants a warrior heir (big fuckywucky)
-anyone killed by dark magic cannot go to the afterlife as their soul is consumed by the magic
But yeah so Zelus didn’t realised that Kay was getting fucked up by the magic, it was relatively minor up until he murdered her and then he started acting really whack and Fent started getting all sus of the dude.
And that’s around the time Kay framed the angel guard who killed Dean for Zelus’ death starting a war against angels but yk. But it slowly became a self perpetuating cycle, Kay did bad stuff because of the dark magic, the dark magic got stronger, kay did more bad stuff, the dark magic got stronger. Yeah it was fucked up.
So i’m not entirely sure about the dynamic between Gohstie dean and fent (cuz i haven’t really thought about ghostie dean in a while i can’t lie dude).
Their personalities are like, Dean is quite curious and a lil bit awkward as he’s been trapped in the spirit world for like the past 5-10(+?) years (i haven’t decided how long he’s gonna be dead yet (prolly closer to 5)) and so doesn’t understand mortal customs and stuff. Whilst fent is quite moral and well intentioned. So it’s probably gonna be the pair of them sharing a brain cell. I’m thinking it will be a lot of dean chirping in with random questions about the world (aka my excuse to infodump in my story and it be relevant) and fent telling dean cool stories from his life or the world. Maybe a little bit of Dean offering really dodgy suggestions to the problems they encounter, because his view of the world is kinda whack in places. Hes normal but occasionally he’ll come out with the most whack sentence you’ve ever heard.
The group: is looking for someone
Not a soul:
Dean: we should ask The Candle Man for help!
Fent: the whAT 😟
All of it makes sense to Dean, because as a spirit everyone knows about The Candle Man (aka Wick God of Souls) however he is mostly unknown to the mortal world, and even to those who know of him, he’s not called ‘the candle man’. Basically there’s a lot of that going on.
Also i think Dean spends a lot of time just sprawled over Fent as a ghost. Like what do you mean he can’t curl around Fent’s shoulders like a lil creachure??? My lil touch starved ghost boy teehee
anyways thank you for reminding me to post pimp kay here
also also also bonus lil head canons for post ghost Dean
-will walk into walls or get startled when he bumps into things cuz he forgets he’s like physically in places now
-he doesn’t know how to facial expression (being a ghost is weird and a lot of things function completely differently)
-occasionally he’ll just forget that he’s supposed to walk becuase he’s so used to being able to just will himself to move and it works yk
-textures completely freak him out sometimes (FYM THE GROUND FEELS DIFFERENT IN DIFFERENT PLACES???) he also finds wearing a variety of clothes strange (wdym you don’t just have one outfit that you just wear yk???)
-occasionally he’ll just stand and stare at people cuz he forgets people can see him now (my bro is a people watcher through and through)
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dreamconsumer · 1 month
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Styx, Pallas and their offspring: Nike (Victory), Bia (Violence), Kratos (Strength) and Zelus (Glory, Emulation).
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onenicebugperday · 8 months
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Found this little dude crawling up my leg, took me by surprise in late January :) What kind of gentleman is this?
Location for ID in second ask for privacy
A friend and a pal! Looks like a leafhopper assassin bug, Zelus renardii. Well. I suppose a friend and a pal only if you are not a leafhopper
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sloppypears-ash-sg · 4 months
Humanized Cephalopod Slumber Party!
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Meggy, Desti, Abby, and Zelus in pajamas, ready for a slumber party!
Meggy's PJs: Light orange with squid outline pattern
Desti's PJs: Pink with a yellow octopus
Abby's PJs: Dark blue with a light blue human outline
Zelus' PJs: Light blue with blue stripes (OnyxKing never finished her, so she wears default PJs)
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thorinoakenbutt · 1 year
Finding all of the letters and diaries Orin and Durge had about each other in my Tav playthrough is making my Durge so funny
Durge: Dad doesn't give a shit about artistry, dead is dead
Orin: *gives Durge a tadpole labotomy*
My Durge: *turns into a bard, apparently*
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blxxdq-mvs1c · 2 years
Hey Dude! I saw you were writing for the quarry and I was wondering if you could do something for Ryan and a non-binary or ftm (which ever you want) just general head cannons or anything really have fun with it!
Ryan Erzahler x nb! reader (headcannons)
Tw: Werewolves, mentions of dying
An: Hi man, I never wrote for Ryan before and it's so rushed😭 I might change it later but I hope you'll like it💕/p
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You and Ryan met on a camp, and you gained his attention from beginning as one of the few.
Then you two became friends, talking to a little bit taller young man was pure happiness knowing he's not every talkative to others.
It of course was normal friendship, jokes, laughing together and listening to podcasts, until the last night at Hackett's quarry. You and Ryan guessed who made the car unable to go, everyone did.
But at the campfire Ryan choose you over Dylan to kiss, and it made you two start a little romance.
The moment you all saw something weird is happening Ryan was making sure you're next to him, you're safe and nothing happened to you.
But when this something attacked you, almost tearing to death made Ryan realize that he loves you the most and will protect you from all bad of this world.
Thank God after the night ended you were doing a lot better than before so Ryan was calm.
You two will never forget that night but it made you fell in deep love that probably won't end when you die and you'll be together even after death.
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msc137 · 3 months
im going to the club, im asking around, im going to figure out where the hell xe is so i can kill xem.
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darkness9000a · 5 months
Thought about making four more characters for Collektha Bounty,
Zelus the God of Rivalry and Jealousy,
Nike the Goddess of Victory,
Bia the Goddess of Force,
and Kratos the God of Strength
It’s nothing special really. 😅
They maybe gods, but these four characters ( Zelus, Nike, Bia, and Kratos ) are also the most dangerous bounty hunters in the underworld.
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