#zelda and faustus
lynelovespopculture · 5 months
With only months from her 16th birthday, Cordelia Spellman is   plagued by nightmares.
PLEASE ENJOY AND COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Cordelia Spellman was still asleep when she felt a cold breeze brush against her shoulder. Without even thinking twice, she covered herself with a blanket and tried to push her body deeper within the mattress, seeking heat.  It was only when a rough winter wind rushed right past her ear, did Cordelia open her eyes. It was then that Cordelia grew confused. She was in her own bed, alright, but she was also outside, in the snowy Greendale woods.
Where am I? Where is my room? My house?  Cordelia wondered.  Oh, where are my slippers? Cordelia got up and walked around, barefoot among the snow.  She wrapped her arms around herself, Cordelia looked down to see that she was wearing a short, silk nightgown with spaghetti straps, which was odd because Cordelia didn’t even own a silk nightgown.  As she looked around, Cordelia felt a strange feeling of déjà vu.  Then, all of a sudden, it hit her. The reason why this all felt so familiar was because she had done this before. She had this dream before.
“Oh Hecate, not again.” Cordelia muttered, slumping against a tree.
Cordelia didn’t even have to look up to see that 2 men that were lining up on each side of her, 5 feet apart.  The man on the left was tall, with white hair and dressed as if he dressed like he belonged in the court of Marie Antoinette. The guys on the right was shorter, plumper, had red hair and beard, wore a bowler hat and a brown overcoat.
“Can we not do this now?” Cordelia sounded more annoyed than anything else. “I just want to wake up.”
Quicker than lighting, the old man moved so he was right in front of Cordelia, holding her tightly and roughly by the arm. This never happened before.  Cordelia gasped when she realized that he had a knife in the other hand. With the other man at her back, Cordelia had nowhere to go.
“Well, if you’re so anxious, why don’t you hurry up and die then?” Instructed the white-haired man. Despite what he just said, the old man was in no rush. He was smiling as he ran the cold steel of his knife over Cordelia’s   bare skin. He also took his sweet time until he got to the crescent moon necklace.
“Your so-called goddess can’t help you now!” He tore the necklace off her throat and tossed it to the ground. He then took lines of fabric off the front of her nightgown before stabbing her in the shoulder. Cordelia wasn’t sure if magic would work in a dream but she was trapped.  So Cordelia closed her eyes and muttered a few words in Latin and whoosh, she was instantly a few feet away and her captors looked almost like they were hugging.
Cordelia smiled. “Ha! That should teach you to mess with a witch’s dream.” Cordelia turned and ran into what seemed like a million tree branches. The pain of the branches hitting   her body was enough to wake her up. Cordelia’s eyes popped opened and she found herself   back where she started, right back in her bed. Only this time, Cordelia was so grateful to see her room around it. Once she had composed herself enough, Cordelia sat up. When she looked down, she was shocked. While the nightgown Cordelia was wearing was cotton and much more modest than the 1 she was wearing in the dream. However, it was slashed exactly like it was in the dream!
“What the-“
Cordelia jumped out of bed to check it out more closely in her full length mirror. Sure enough, there were cuts and bruises under her ruined clothes and her shoulder had bled right where she was stabbed. It was only then that Cordelia noticed that she wasn’t wearing her necklace. She turned her head to see the necklace was resting on her desk, exactly where Cordelia left it every night before going to bed.
“What on earth is going on?”
An alarm sounded and Cordelia jumped out of her skin. Only to become annoyed to discover that it was her clock radio. Sighing, she turned it off on her way to the bathroom. Thankfully, the stab wound wasn’t that deep so Cordelia was able to wash and bandaged it along with the cuts on her chest. Then she dressed in a wool pullover and simple jeans, perfect for the cold January weather. Cordelia left her room after grabbing her necklace, and headed for the kitchen, where she heard her father’s voice.
“So, Zelda, are you going to be mistress of the hunt again this year?”
“Why do you ask, Faustus? Do you want to come join me?”
Cordelia made sure she put on a happy face before entering.  “Good morning, beloved parental units.  Planning for Lupercalia already? It’s still more than a month away.”
 Zelda sighed and smiled longingly at her husband. “It’s never too early to plan.  Besides, Cordy, with you joining the academy next week, you will be more than welcome to join in the activities.”
Her love life, or rather her complete lack of one was not a subject Cordelia wished to discuss with her parents. Thankfully, Faustus had already bought in the morning mail.
Cordelia picked up a colorful postcard.
Look, this is from Sabrina and David. I hope they’re enjoying their honeymoon in Greece.”
Cordelia’s attempt to change the subject worked as Zelda smiled. “You know, it’s funny, isn’t it? Sabrina’s 1st love was Harvey, a mortal who came from a long line of witch hunters. Then all those on/off years with Nicholas, who could have foreseen that Sabrina would have met, fall in love and marry another half-breed?”
“Hecate works in mysterious ways.” Cordelia smiled as she grabbed a muffin and her backpack.
“Sabrina and David aren’t the only couple that should have gotten married this past year.” Faustus muttered.
Cordelia couldn’t help but smile again. “Oh, Dad, are you trying to push Ambrose and Prudence down the aisle again because she’s pregnant?”
“Call me old-fashion, but I believe when a couple is expecting a child, they should get married.”
Cordelia had once made the mistake of pointing out that Faustus hadn’t married Prudence’s mother when she was expecting.     All that had gotten her was her father’s deadly glare and a muttering that “it’s wasn’t the same thing.” So Cordelia knew better than to open that can of worms again. Cordelia put the last piece of the muffin into her mouth. “Well, I better get going. I’m going to be late for school.”
Zelda arched her eyebrows. “Are you?”
Cordelia sighed as she turned back to the kitchen.  “Mother, if we’ ve discussed this once, we’ve discussed it a thousand times. As much as I am excited to join the academy and I am, I also told you that I have no intention of quitting Baxter High. Besides, if Sabrina can do it, why can’t I?”
“Because Sabrina has ties to the mortal world, you don’t.” Zelda pointed out.
“I’m sorry, Mom, but I disagree. I may be a full blood witch, but I have many mortal ties. My friends, this town. Things have changed since you were my age. Things have changed since Sabrina was my age.
Besides, I’ve already went over both schedules with the Baxter counselor and Aunt H. I won’t miss a thing! Besides, I still want to go hang out with my girls on any random weekend.”
“Well, you can still do that.” Zelda said.
Cordelia shook her head. “Not if we tell people that I’m at some boarding school in Maine or whatever the official story is.  No, they’ll stare at me and wonder why I’m not enrolled at Baxter.”
Zelda opened her mouth to say something else but closed it when Faustus softly laid a hand on her arm. “Cordy, are you sure you can handle the pressure of 2 schools?”
She smiled and shrugged.  “I’m an overachiever, Dad. You   know that, I’ve always been.”
Without another word, Cordelia turned, walked out of the kitchen and then out of the house. Luckily, she was just in time to catch her school bus. Once she got to Baxter, she knew exactly where to find her friends. She turned off the main hall to the left and at the end of that hall, there they were. Emily, Erin and Erica were    hurled together at Erin’s locker. Cordelia had no idea how to start this conversation so when she got to her girls, she just spit it out.
“I had the dream again last night.”
Erica looked up. “What dream?”
“THE   dream” Cordelia gestured wildly.  “the dream I’ve been having off and on for weeks now.”
Erica was the 1st to catch on. “You mean that dream where you’re running in the snowy woods in basically nothing but a slip with those 2 creepy dudes who do nothing but stare at you?”
Cordelia nodded. “Only they’re not just staring anymore. 1 told me he would kill me and then he even stabbed me. What’s really weird is that the stab wound was still there after I woke up.”
“Are you sure you just didn’t fall asleep while watching A Nightmare on Elm Street?”  Emily asked.
The other sisters laughed as Cordelia tipped her head and glared at her friend. “Guys, this could be serious. I need help.”
Erin got serious. “Well, what do your parents say about all this?”
 Cordelia shrugged. “I haven’t told them anything yet.”
“Oh? Why not?”
“Because I’m not even sure that there is anything to tell.  I am only dreaming, after all. Besides, I’m not even sure that ‘dream magic’” Cordelia used air quotes “is even a real t
“Cordy, may I remind you that you were stabbed in a dream and still had the wound after you woke up? Call me crazy but that” Erin lowered her voice, “sounds like magic to me.”
Cordelia remained unsure. “I don’t know. Maybe, I need more information.  Perhaps I’ll go visit Ambrose after school.”
Just then, Cordelia’s phone dinged. She   shut it off quickly but not before Erica saw the message.
“Why is our mother messaging you?  And why does she want to see you later?”
“I-I don’t know,” Cordelia moved a few steps away to open her locker in order to collect the right books for her first class.
Emily smiled. “You’re such a bad lair, Cordelia Spellman. This wouldn’t have to do   with our birthday being less than 3 weeks away?”
Cordelia shut her locker with a smile of her own. “You guys have been asking me that since before the holidays. Do you really think I’m going to   crack now?”
Emily looked back at her sisters and shrugged.   “Well, I guess she’s got us there.”
The foursome laughed and they   started to talk of other things as they moved down the hall. While turning a corner, they crashed into a girl who was coming the other way and school books flew everywhere.
“Oh, I’m so sorry! I guess I wasn’t watching were I was   going!” The other girl stressed.
“Hey, no worries,” Erin assured her. “We always forget how much room we take up when the 4 of us walk down the hall.”
As they sorted out the books, Cordelia noticed that the other girl had thick glasses, long raven hair and pale skin.  It reminded her of Snow White.  Cordelia watched as the new girl disappeared down the hall.
“Cordy? Is
“I think I’ve seen that girl before.”
The rest of the morning was pretty routine. The girls were all   busy with homeroom and classes. Cordelia and Erin shared a lunch period, so they were together when they found that the girl that bumped into them that morning was eating alone at the next table. She seemed lonely,
o Cordelia and Erin invited her to sit with them, and the 3 got to chatting. They quickly learned that the     new girl was named Bridget Morgan, who had just moved to Greendale, with her parents, just after Christmas. She also just got a   new job as a waitress at Dr. C’s.
Cordelia smiled. “So, that’s where I know you from!”
Bridget seemed friendly and warm, but also shy, especially about her home life. All the girls could get out of her was that her mother was a lawyer and her father, a doctor. Anyway, by the time lunch was over, Cordelia had decided that she liked Bridget.
 The triplets usually met up with her by the back door after last period, which is exactly why Cordelia sneaked out the front. 1 secret birthday planning meeting with Mr. and Mrs. Warner later, and Cordelia transported herself to the house that Ambrose shared with Prudence. As soon as Cordelia got up on the porch, a chill went up her spine. The front door was ajar.  Cordelia moved slowly, opening the door just a little more.
She went in. “Hello?  Ambrose?” No one seemed to be home, yet why was the front door open? Something was off here.   Cordelia moved through the hallway and was half- way up the stairs before she called out again. “Ambrose!”
“He’s not here.”
Cordelia half-turned on the stairs and saw her oldest sister smiling up at her. “Prudence,” Cordelia now felt foolish as she went down the stairs.  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to barge in here, but I found the front door open and I got worried.”
“It is?”  Prudence went to check and lock the door. “Ambrose must have not close it right. He rushed out to go to the academy to finish up the library inventory. You know, to take full advantage of this extra week.”
Due to many teachers still needing to correct exams and students still tired despite their recent holiday, Zelda decided to push back the start of the school term for 1 week. Today had been so chaotic that Cordelia had almost forgotten.
Suddenly, Prudence made a face, drew in a sharp breath and placed a hand on her swollen belly.
Cordelia rushed to her sister’s side. “Pru? What’s wrong? Is it the baby?”
“Don’t worry, sister,” Prudence assured her “it’s only a kick. But thank Hecate it’s my last term.”
It’s just then that Cordelia noticed something. “Prudence, what’s that on your hand?”
“Oh? You mean this?” Prudence held out her hand to show off her new diamond engagement ring. “Ambrose gave it to me just this morning.  He said he didn’t want to steal Sabrina and David’s thunder.  Hopefully, Father will let up on his lectures now that we’re engaged.”
Cordelia shrugged. “I don’t know. He was just talking about it this morning.”
“Great,” Prudence muttered and then she put an arm around her sister. “Never mind that now. Come in, come in.”
She led Cordelia into the kitchen where the 2 sisters had a   pleasant chat over a cup of tea. Prudence   eventually asked why Cordelia was searching for Ambrose? After a brief moment of silence, Cordelia asked a question of her own.
“What do you know about dream magic?”
Prudence admitted that she had no knowledge on that subject and that her sister was right to seek out Ambrose. An   half hour later, Cordelia found herself at the Academy. She paused in the    main hall, taking it in. Cordelia had meant it when she told her parents that she was excited to start her classes next week. This school, after all, had so much history. Both in personal family lore and magical education. Cordelia found Ambrose in the downstairs achieve. Ambrose admitted that he knew very little about dream magic, but after a short time, Ambrose found    a thin book on the subject for his cousin.
Cordelia was not pleased to see Zander and his 4-year-old sister, Nora on her front porch. “What are you doing here?” Cordelia demanded of Zander when she reached him.
“I’m returning this half- breed.  I’m so over her!”
Oh Hecate, here we go again. Cordelia rolled her eyes. “Every time you get even the slightly annoyed with your little sister, you feel the need to ‘return’ her. If I told you once, Zander, I’ve told a million times. Just because my mother was her mid-wife, does not mean that Nora belongs here!” As Cordelia stared hatefully at Zander, they could both hear skipping on the porch’s wood.
“Hi, Cordelia!” Little Nora was as filled with sweetness and light as her brother with darkness and foreboding. Cordelia was   smiling as she bent down, opened her arms and swept up the toddler.
“You see; the half-breed is happy to be with you.”
Cordelia picked up and held Nora so 1 of the toddler’s ear rested against Cordelia’s shoulder and placed her hand over the other ear while playing with Nora’s hair. “Don’t insult your sister,” Cordelia whispered. Then she turned back to Nora. “Don’t listen to your meanie of a big brother. Some of the best people I know are mortals.”
Zander snorted and rolled his eyes just as hell’s minion appeared. “My prince, your mother said not to leave hell. She sent me to fetch you and your sister back.”
“Better go, before the queen herself appears.”  Cordelia warned   as she handed Nora to the minion.
Just as the hellish trio disappeared, Jake opened the door.  “Is anything wrong, sister?”
“Nothing, brother,” Cordhelia sighed. “Just another day in Greendale.”
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caos-headcanons · 2 years
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. REWRITE IDEAS:
Lilith doesn’t kill Ms. Wardwell. She puts her into an eternal sleep and wakes her up at the end of Part 2.
The Weird Sisters are more flashed out and their individual personalities are more empathized and they all have individual hobbies and interests. Prudence likes to read and expand her horizon, Agatha likes to dance and starts to get interested in being a DJ, Dorcas is artistic and loves to do creative projects.
When Sabrina goes full time to the Academy, she interacts with other witches aside from Nick and the weird sisters.
Only the Weird Sisters wear these dark dresses with lace collars. The other witches wear outfits based on the time periods of their 16th birthdays. Witches who turned 16 in the 80s wear 80s based outfits, those who were 16 in the 90s wear 90s outfits etc.
Sabrina actually explains to Harvey how the Witch World works and she also explains to Nick how the Mortal World works.
There are more interactions between Sabrina’s mortal friends and her witch friends.
We will see the familiars of Faustus, Constance, Prudence, Agatha, Dorcas, Melvin and Elspeth.
We actually get to see Zelda bringing new witches, including Heather into the coven.
After the Church of Night becomes the Order of Hecate. The witches start to pursue their personal hobbies and interests.
Mambo Marie doesn’t go to the Underworld.
Prudence uses Nagaina’s Head in order to get rid of Blackwood, because Petrification does not mean that someone is dead.
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edwaverley · 1 year
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YOU WILL BE THE DEATH OF ME || spellwood playlist
01. Isak Danielson | Power
02. Rosenfeld | Dangerous Woman
03. BLVKES | Nobody Else
04. EMM | Twin Flame
05. Leonard Cohen | It Seemed the Better Way
06. Lana Del Rey | Big Eyes
07. Lena Hall | Time is Running Out
08. Kovacs | The Devil You Know
09. XXXTENTACION | Revenge
10. Green Apelsin | Станцую на твоей могиле (I Will Dance Upon Your Grave)
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Obviously there was a lot wrong with CaoS S4 but one thing I felt was really off was the imp of the perverse. I honestly feel like it had the potential to be really quite scary but I feel like they did not commit to it at all, and the main place this was obvious was Zelda.
You expect me to believe that Faustus Blackwood just let Zelda run the academy with her GIRLFRIEND?
Can you imagine how much scarier it would be to have Sabrina and Ros trying to pretend that everything is normal and then Zelda walks in on Blackwoods arm clearly under the curse.
This is Blackwoods sick fantasy, it doesn't matter that he hates Zelda he would never pass the opportunity to control her and this would be the ultimate way to humiliate her.
There were so many missed opportunities throughout the whole series and especially S4 but I thought this whole episode was just wasted potential
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know-the-way · 2 years
I would LOVE to read anything by you, unfinished or not 🖤 if you’re still okay to share ofc!
lol Well, you’re very sweet, thank you. And okay! Not sure if this is one I’ll try to finish, but here’s one from my abandoned wips file:
It’s set just after the scene in 02x05 where they search for Ambrose at the Spellman house and can’t find him. On the car ride back to the academy, Zelda reflects on her wedding eve and all the events/emotions surrounding it. (tw: mentions of rape/attempted rape)
The silence is palpable as they head back to the academy, only the grit of the tires on the Spellman Mortuary driveway and the muted hum of the car motor. She’s had more to drink in the past hour than she normally does in a whole day’s time and her gaze is fixed on the retreating image of her childhood home. Faustus is idly tapping his fingers upon his cane next to her. Even though she’s set to be eternally bound in unholy matrimony to him tomorrow, and it should be one of the most exciting nights of her life, she finds herself turning closer to the window, her nose nearly touching the glass, glued to the last embers of light from the porch windows as the driver turns the corner and she loses sight of it completely.
The way Sabrina looked at her. The contempt, the disgust… the smallest bit of fear. She must hate her truly now, but the fact is Sabrina hasn’t known Ambrose as long as she and Hilda have. She knows little to nothing of what they went through with that boy. The amount of times she, Hilda, or Edward had to negotiate at great risk to themselves just to save his skin. It’s why Edward ordered his house arrest in the first place. For his own protection (and theirs).
While she’s certain that Ambrose wouldn’t kill his unholy eminence without reason, and that’d he’d justify it with some passion or virtue he’d swear was worth the risk - the fact of the matter would still be that he’d done it. Blowing up the Vatican, the palace of their enemy, was one thing; destroying the highest leader of their own religion was another.
Actually, she corrects herself, the true leader is the Dark Lord, and the encounter she nearly had tonight is an all too strong reminder of that. Her brows knit together as her eyes fall closed, recalling the flash of light that accompanied the opening of her chamber doors earlier and the dread that instantly dropped in her stomach. She’d spent her whole life devoted to the Dark Lord; enlightened by his word; humbled by his challenges. She was a Satan-fearing woman, through and through, and the menacing touch of his claws on her shoulder was an emphasis as to why.
She can’t help but wonder what he might’ve done with her. Surely, he wouldn’t have been gentle; she’d laid with far too many of his devout followers to think otherwise. Not that she was ever gentle herself; she had claws and teeth, too after all, but something tells her the rough play of the coven orgies and even more intense of her solo partners would have paled in comparison to the Dark Lord’s expression of lust.
Her younger self would chastise her for such reservations. For whatever the Dark Lord commanded was far more important than any individual suffering and she should be honored she was chosen. She remembers counting down the days to her dark baptism as a small child, fervently pledging her devotion to the Dark Lord, starving for the power that walking the path of night promised her.
But naïveté was never kind. There were phases of night, after all, and so there was within the church, as well. Sometimes she lived in the beauty of twilight; where she found warmth, community, and ideas that set the burning passion within her blaze. Then there were midnights - a constant battle for balance as the day bid farewell to its end in tandem with greeting its beginning again; it was equal parts power and danger. Last, there was deep night - the time where the cover of darkness emboldened the malevolent; where unwanted touches, painful possession, and invading hands - so much stronger and older than hers - always seemed to find her.
It served nothing to dwell on such things, but at times hiding the effects was like asking a poorly-built dam not to break, and it had only been an hour ago, perhaps two… Her head starts to feel fuzzy and she grips the door handle for support.
Her worries and uncertainty for Ambrose are easy to stave off; she knows he will be fine (she will make it so), but the Dark Lord is not so easy… The wretched sound of his husked breathing, his towering presence looming over her making her feel so small, and those rough, invading claws that had just gripped in tight and begun to turn her towards him… would he have touched her like the others did? Take his pleasure and then leave her in who knows what state? Tradition demanded that details of any witch’s visit remain between her and the Dark Lord, but did his chosen witches even survive to lay with their husbands the next night? Could he… could he still come to claim her before dawn? The thought of it mixed with the drink in her body causes her to let out a quiet, frightened gasp and she flinches hard enough for her fiancé to notice.
“… Zelda?” he asks curiously, steadying his cane over his lap.
She briefly closes her eyes, takes a deep breath, and turns to him with a weak smile, “Yes, your Excellency?”
He gives her a pitying glance, one she’d find nauseating under the best of circumstances, and reaches over to gently grasp her hand into his. “I can’t imagine how hard this must be on you, darling.”
Oh, fuck off. Not only is he entirely unaware of what exactly has her distressed, but as if he has any care for her concerns in this matter with Ambrose... it’s laughable, really. He may think her a malleable little bride, but she’s no fool, and he should very much know that by now.
“There are far greater things at play,” she takes a deep breath followed by a placating smile, “Such a burden for you, your excellency, my sincerest apologies. But I’ve no doubt that justice will be swift with your leadership, and our wedding will hopefully be a balm for this unfortunate circumstance.”
Faustus considers her for a second - a surely noticeable flinch in her eyes as she attempts to remain convincing, but then he huffs out a pleased chuckle, reaching over to stroke her cheek, “I can’t tell you how pleased I am to have you at my side, my dear.”
She gives him another demure smile, leaning into his soft touch, and feigning the docile look of a submissive little bride that she knows strokes his ego and his cock in equal measures. She plays her part well by now and, as such, it’s no surprise that the crumb of admiration she’s fed him has him grinning ear-to-ear.
“Come here, my darling,” he whispers fondly, lifting his arm so that she can settle into his side.
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spellwoodmanor · 1 year
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isingonly4myangel · 2 years
Realised I never actually posted this ao3 link, so happy anniversary to this fic fuelled by vodka and election stress
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auntiezelda · 6 months
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Finally in control over her own body once more, Zelda wanted to tear Faustus apart for what he had done to her, for what he was attempting to do to her family. Yet she couldn't follow that instinct; she had to be smarter than him, and Satan knew she was certainly that. The only instinct she could follow after leaving her home was to go to the one witch she knew she could trust above all others, @alyafae. Maerose had always been a most loyal friend.
Knocking surely upon her door, Zelda need not wait long before the witch appeared. She attempted to give a smile but couldn't find it in herself to force one; she'd have to do plenty of that soon enough. "I'm sorry to show up unannounced and so late, but I have a favor to ask." She kept her hands clasped in front of her, missing her typical jewelry, missing her rings she could twist round when a cigarette was nowhere to be found; damn him and his spell.
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thenightling · 3 months
Queer Horror
It's pride month so here is a (NOT complete) list of horror icons real and fictional who are of the LGBTQAI+ community. Writers / directors / Actors Oscar Wilde Clive Barker Caitlin R. Kiernan William Joseph Martin James Whale (director of Frankenstein) Ernest Thesiger (Doctor Pretorius in Bride of Frankenstein) Anthony Perkins Vincent Price David Geffen (producer of Interview with the vampire movie and Beetlejuice) Jonathan Frid (Dark Shadows) Louis Edmonds (Dark Shadows) Ed Wood Elvira (Casandra Peterson) Amanda Beares (Fright Night, 1985) Merritt Butrick (Fright Night Part 2) Roddy McDowall (Hell House, Fright Night, Fright Night: Part 2, and Carmilla) _________________________ Characters Mephisto (Faust, 1922) Countess Zeleska (Dracula's Daughter) Carmilla (The Vampire Lovers, 1970 and all film adapations of Carmilla) Louis, Lestat, Daniel Malloy, Armand (Interview with the vampire movie and show and The Vampire Chronicles book series) Claudia, Madeleine, Nicolas (Interview with the vampire TV series) Jerry Dandridge, Billy Cole, Peter Vincent, Evil Ed, and possibly Amy (Fright Night, original 1985 version) Regine and Belle (Fright Night part 2, 1988) Miriam Blaylock (The Hunger movie and novel by Whitley Streiber, along with its sequels) Marius (Queen of the damned movie and novels) Glen / Glenda (Seed of Chucky) Dracula (Marvel comics, Dario Argento's Dracula, Steven Moffat's Dracula, Frank Wildhorn's Dracula The musical) Alucard, Striga, Morana, (Castlevania) The Corinthian, Hal Carter, Wanda, Judy, Donna (Foxglove), Hazel, Alexander Burgess, Paul McGuire, Cluracaun, Mazikeen, Lucifer, Loki, Desire, Johanna Constantine, John Constantine, Rachel, Chantel, Zelda, Aristaeus the Satyr, Jim / Peggy, (Neil Gaiman's The Sandman) Echo, Ruin, Heather After (From Sandman spin-off comics) April Spink and Miriam Forcible (Coraline) Angela and Sera (Marvel comics) Sam Black Crow (American Gods) EVERYONE! - Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles EVERYONE! - Lost Girl (TV series)
Snow White (Sleeper and the Spindle by Neil Gaiman) Dorian Gray, Lord Henry Wotton, and Basil Hallward (The Picture of Dorian Gray) Captain Shaekespeare (Stardust) Loki (all incarantions) John Constantine (All versions) Aziraphale and Crowley (Good Omens) Renfield (Original Dracula novel, speculated by scholars) Mephistopheles, Faust, and Satan - Dr. Faustus by Christopher Marlowe and Faust by Goethe. Carmilla and Laura (All versions of Carmilla) Eli and Oskar (Let the Right One In) Lily and The mermaid Queen (She-Creature, 2001 version) Radu (Dark Prince: The True Story of Dracula) Lexington (Disney's Gargoyles, not canon until the comics) Dorothy and Ruby AAK Red (Once Upon a Tme) Tara and Willow (Buffy The Vampire Slayer TV series) Lorne (Angel) Ethan, Dorian Gray, Angelique, and Professor Lyle (Penny Dreadful) Thelma Bates (Hex) Joe (Midnight Texas) Skully (Scary Godmother) Mitch (ParaNorman) Henry Fitzroy (Blood Ties) Thomas Jerome Newton (The Man who fell to Earth) Any Clive Barker character NOT confirmed to be straight is presumed LGBTQAI+. There are many, many more but my fingers are starting to ache and these are the ones I could think of off the top of my head.
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pupmusebox · 25 days
[ Final Fantasy ]
Zack Fair Sephiroth Cloud Strife Genesis Rhapsodos Kuja Vincent Valentine Noctis Lucis Caelum Prickly(Cactaur/OC) Skylar(OC) Nicholas(OC) Tobias(OC) Rafael(OC) Prompto Argentum Ignis Scientia Gladiolus Amicitia Cecil Harvey Luneth Arc Ingus Kefka Palazzo Zidane Tribal Vivi Locke Cole Edgar Roni Figaro Sabin Rene Figaro Cyan Garamonde Gau Shadow/Clyde Setzer Gabbian Squall Leonheart Zell Dincht Irvine Kinneas Vaan Rufus Shinra Tseng Reno Rude
[ Pokemon ]
Togekiss/Hibiki(OC) Gallade/Shinobu(OC) Mimikyu/Tabb(OC) Mewtwo/Vero(OC) Lugia/Calin(OC) Ho-Oh/Kasai(OC) Arceus/Kadavul(OC) Lunala/Artemis(OC) Solgaleo/Apollo(OC) Necrozma/Lux(OC) Dialga/Ruka(OC) Palkia/Rozovo(OC) Giratina/Izael(OC) Latios/Taylor(OC) Latias/Quinn(OC) Rayquaza/Daven(OC) Groudon/Reese(OC) Kyogre/Kaiden(OC) Jirachi/Nova(OC) Deoxys/Alec(OC) Shaymin/Sage(OC) Victini/Flynn(OC) Genesect/Briar(OC) Volcanion/Rex(OC) Magearna/Cleo(OC) Diancie/Blair(OC) Melottea/Wren(OC) Wes Ethan Silver Red Green Adaman Rika Piers Allister Gladion Drayton Crispin Giovanni Archer Petrel N Harmonia Maxie Archie Volo Cyrus Brendan Wally Steven Stone Wallace Lucas Barry Saturn Lucian Flint Buck Riley Hilbert Cheren Nate Hugh Calem Lysandre Elio Guzma Chase Rei Kieran Arven Atticus Giacomo Ortega Grusha Larry Hassel Jacq Salvatore Saguaro Prof. Turo
[ Persona ]
Naoya Toudou Tatsuya Suou Makoto Yuki(P3 MC/Protag) Ryoji Mochizuki Jin Shirato Takaya Sakaki Shinjiro Aragaki Akihiko Sanada Yu Narukami(P4 MC/Protag) Yosuke Hanamura Naoto Shirogane Kanji Tatsumi Tohru Adachi Teddie Akira Kurusu/Joker(P5 MC/Protag) Yusuke Kitagawa/Fox Goro Akechi/Crow Futaba Sakura/Oracle Ryuji Sakamoto/Skull
[ Golden Sun series ]
Issac Garet Ivan Alex Saturos Felix Piers Agato
[ Legend of Zelda ]
Link Zelda Sheik Ganondorf Midna Zant Kafei Vaati Shad Auru Sidon [ Sonic series ] Sonic Tails Knuckles Dr. Eggman Rouge Shadow E-123 Omega Silver Victor Espio Charmy Emerl Chaos Metal Sonic E-102 Gamma Black Doom
[ Animal Crossing ] Tommy Timmy Isabelle Tom Nook [ Vocaloid ] KAITO MEIKO Len Kagamine Gakupo [ Megaman Series ] Megaman.EXE Lan Hikari Eugene Chaud Protoman.EXE Baryl Colonel.EXE Iris Zero(Rockman Zero) X Zero Spider Bass.EXE
[ Fire Emblem ]
Marth Ike Soren Sothe Ranulf Tibarn Naesala Reyson Volug Zelgius Robin(M) Chrom Morgan(M) Gerome Inigo Corrin(M) Byleth(M) Claude von Riegan Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd Hubert von Vestra Seteth Rhea Shez(M) Arval
[ Splatoon ]
Kit/Captain 3 Drey/Agent 4 Zeke/Agent 8 Kyte/Neo Agent 3 Agent 1/Callie Agent 2/Marie DJ Octavio Pearl Marina Shiver Frye Big Man
[ Stardew Valley ]
Sebastian Sam Shane Elliot Alex Harvey
[ RWBY ]
Adam Taurus Qrow Branwen Salem Cinder Fall Winter Schnee James Ironwood Penny Polendina Weiss Schnee Whitley Schnee Blake Belladonna Yang Xiao Long Ruby Rose Lie Ren Ozpin Jaune Arc Sun Wukong Mercury Black Neptune Vasilias Fox Alistair
[ Fate ]
Ritsuka Fujimaru Ozymandias Gilgamesh Caster Gil Proto Gil Kid Gil Setanta Cu Chuluiann Proto Cu Caster Cu Alter Cu (Culter) Archer Emiya Shadow Emiya Alter Emiya Diarmuid Ua Duibhne Saber Diarmuid Aiden(OC) Aouregan(OC) Arthur Pendragon Immaru(OC) Izar(OC) Lugh(OC) Connla(OC) Achilles Chiron Romani Archaman Bazett Fraga McRemitz Asterios Fuuma Kotaru Merlin [ Fullmetal Alchemist ] Edward Elric Alphonse Elric Roy Mustang Envy Greed Maes Hughes [ Black Butler ] Sebastian Michealis Claude Faustus [ Devil May Cry ] Dante Nero Vergil [ Resident Evil ] Leon S. Kennedy
[ Trigun Stampede ]
Vash Nai/Knives Nicholas D. Wolfwood [ Homegrown Pet ] Hector Eli Pierce(OC) [ Elevator Pitch ] Protag Coworker [ Dead Plate ] Vincent Charbonneau Rody Lamoree [ Diabolik Lovers ] Ayato Sakamaki Laito Sakamaki Kanato Sakamaki Shu Sakamaki Reiji Sakamaki Subaru Sakamaki Yuma Mukami Ruki Mukami Kou Mukami Azusa Mukami Shin Tsukinami Richter Karlheinz Kino
[ Mystic Messenger ] Zen Yoosung 707 Jumin Han V Unknown/Ray [ Piofiore ] Dante Falzone Nicola Francesca Henri Lambert [ Fandomless OCs ] Draco Noire (Vampire) Aristaeus (King Bee Demon) Leo Cooper/Chase
[ Genshin Impact ]
Zhongli Venti Aether/Traveler Kaeya Diluc Albedo Tartaglia/Childe Itto Alhaitham Gorou Tighnari Cyno Xiao Wriothesley Neuvillette Il Dottore Pantalone Il Capitano
[ Honkai Star Rail ] Caelus/Trailblazer Blade Boothill Adventurine Dan Heng Gepard Gallagher Dr. Ratio Jiaoqiu Jing Yaun Luka Loucha Moze Sampo Welt [ Jujutsu Kaisen ] Satoru Gojo Yuji Itadori Sukuna [ Dragonball series ] Goku Gohan Android 17/Lapis Cell [ SpyxFamily ] Twilight/Loid Forger
[ YGO ]
Yugi Moto Yami Yugi/Atem Seto Kaiba Joey Wheeler Dartz Rafael Mahad/Dark Magician Jaden Yuki Syrus Truesdale Chazz Princeton Bastion Misawa Zane Truesdale Atticus Rhodes Aster Phoenix Jesse Anderson Jim Crocodile Cook Yusei Fudo Jack Atlas Crow Hogan Astral Kite Tenjo Trey/Micheal Arclight Quattro/Thomas Arclight Quinton/Christopher Arclight Reginald Kastle/Shark/Nash Rio Kastle/Marin Ray Shadows/Vector
[ Digimon ]
Tai Kamiya Yamato ‘Matt’ Ishida Koushiro ‘Izzy’ Izumi Daisuke Motomiya Ken Ichijoji Takato Matsuda Lee ‘Jen’ Jianliang Takuya Kanbara Koji Minomoto Koichi Kimura
[ Obey Me!/Nightbringer ]
Lucifer Mammon Leviathan Satan Asmodeus Beelzebub Belphegor Yuki(OC MC) Xavier(OC) Diavolo Barbatos Simeon Solomon Luke Raphael Thirteen Mephistopheles Michael Mael(OC) Dante(OC) Caius(OC) Silas(OC) Ignatius(OC) Samuel(OC) Belial(OC) Raguel(OC) Theodan(OC) Neo(OC) Zephyr(OC) Kuro(OC) Asura(OC) Meagera(OC) Astraroth(OC) Gardonus(OC) Lilith(OC) Cerberus
[ Twisted Wonderland ]
Azul Ashengrotto Vil Schoenheit Riddle Rosehearts Malleus Draconia Idia Shroud Leona Kingscholar Jade Leech Floyd Leech Jack Howl Ruggie Bucchi Kalim Al-Asim Jamil Viper Ortho Shroud Ace Trappola Deuce Spade Trey Clover Cater Diamond Epel Flemier Rook Hunt Lilia Vanrouge Silver Sebek Zigvolt Divus Crewel Dire Crowley [ Undertale/Deltarune ] Sans Paparus Mettaton Frisk Kris
[ Nexomon ]
Omnicron Ulrich/Grunda Nadine/Ventra Fenrir/Fona Merida/Arqua Deena/Nara Zetta/Luxa Nexolord/Metta Solus/Omnisun
[ 7th Dragon III: Code VFD ]
Yuma Kisaragi Yamato Mishiru Jet Sakaki Yuujin Nabaru Bastian Renstu Kirino Kirika Mei Nami Aogiri Urie Nio Misha Azerin Katanako Chelsea Citorin
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itookyoudown · 2 months
logically i know i should not watch any teeny bopper show ever because 1) not a teenager and also 2) don't enjoy 99% media made for that demographic. but you see what's infuriating is sometimes shows will have the most fascinating adult characters trapped in the narrative. zelda, madam satan, faustus blackwood, sheriff stilinski, giles, the darkling. i love y'all so much and yet i cannot rescue you from your genre i'm sorry :(
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danisnotmyname · 5 months
i don’t know if you still take prompts, and i don’t know if this is the right place to put this, but i’m putting it here. 😵‍💫👏
— a lilith and zelda prompt. (obviously.) modern au; about the two of them. i don’t know how to explain this, but i’ll try my best. and of course, if you do decide to take this further — please feel free to run rampant with it. it’s your writing after all, and i gave this prompt to you because i adore how you write.
i see them in a city setting: late night pillow talks; passing cigarettes between them; unable to resist taking one another on any surface. (let’s be honest, it’s madamspellman.) i suppose it’s a kind of domesticity? in the sense that they’re comfortable and at ease in one another’s presence.
— akin to ‘you bruise so prettily while i break my teeth over it’ perhaps?
i’d love to see small snippets of their relationship: zelda taking care of lilith; zelda cooking in their kitchen; zelda driving her mad. (the basics.)
i feel we don’t see enough of domesticity in the madamspellman fandom. (thank you, canon.)
something really out of pocket: rockstar au. zelda flies in to support the band that faustus and lucifer are leads in, them performing on stage, whilst simultaneously zelda and lilith fuck behind it. then, making excuses as to why they should book their own hotel room. (claiming they need to “catch up”, paint their nails; do their hair, after such a long time apart — needing a womanly presence to keep one another sane.) maybe even a motorbike ride at night to the hotel? (because who can resist lilith in some type of leather.)
this sounds ridiculous. i know. but i thought i’d throw these ideas out there. and if they don’t inspire you, i’d get it.
despite all of that, i adore your work. and i can’t wait to see what you come up with next. <3
Thank you anon for this prompt!! I've been writing some dark shit lately and it's just what I need. Here's the fic and I hope you like the way it turned out <3
I really appreciate that you elaborated on what you wanna see and also reassured me it's ok I go crazy with it 🥹 It's super sweet of you to do that. I'm flattered you like my writing and, OMG, thank you for reading 'You bruise so prettily while I break my teeth over it' and vibing with it.
This prompt honestly made my week 💖
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lynelovespopculture · 5 months
Zelda Spellman/Faustus Blackwood || Never Enough 😍😍😍😍  OK. OK I’LL WRITE I’LL WRITE
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know-the-way · 2 years
Chapters: 4/5 Fandom: Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (TV 2018) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Faustus Blackwood/Zelda Spellman Characters: Faustus Blackwood, Zelda Spellman Additional Tags: Dom/sub, Daddy Kink, Rough Sex, an ode to subspace, Praise Kink Summary:
In the throes of passion, Zelda lets slip of something naughty she’s been keeping to herself.
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honeyynymphh · 2 years
Fic authors self-rec! ✨ When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers 🖤
wow five is a lot! I am not going to stick to one fandom because I don't really like a lot of my current stuff haha Ghost Freshly Squeezed (E) Cardinal Copia x Fem!Reader A Discordant Melody (E) Cardinal Copia x Fem!Reader, PapaIV x Fem!Reader (they are two different characters) Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Do Not Stand At My Grave And Weep (M) Zelda Spellman x Faustus Blackwood - though it's not a ship-centric fic. But there's no happy endings, not here and not now (T) no pairings, just a story about the first time Zelda killed Hilda told in the style of Lemony Snicket. it was meant to be more but I left the fandom. I still like what I wrote and the single chapter can stand on its own. Rather Impulsive (E) Zelda Spellman x Mary Wardwell
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karume-selfshipper · 1 year
F/O List
I don't have set anniversaries for everyone... yet. I've never kept up with these before. But I do know roughly how long I've been with each one, I love them so much that I forget things easily...
Giant Teddy Bear: Over 6' and usually sweetheart underneath
Klaus von Reinherz (Blood Blockade Battlefront/ Kekkai Sensen) [June 3]
Broly (Dragon Ball Z)
Fatgum/ Taishiro Toyomistu (My Hero Academia)
All Might/ Toshinori Yagi (My Hero Academia) [May 18]
Ganondorf (Legend of Zelda)
Hulk (Marvel)
Gometetsu (Naruto)
Rappa (My Hero Academia)
Jasper (Steven Universe)
Hazel (RWBY)
Raditz (Dragon Ball Z)
Bowser (Mario)
Juugo (Naruto)
Android 16 (Dragon Ball Z)
Adaman (Pokemon Legends Arceus)
Hildwin (AFK Arena) [May 5]
George Haskill (Tomorrow's Nadja) [June 8]
Joesph Joestar <specifically from part 3 atm> (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) [Jan 2]
Gang Orca/Kugo Sakamata (My Hero Acedemia) [May 16]
Sckrunkly Type A: They need a hug, a hot meal, and nap (both look like it and act like it)
Levi Akerman (Attack on Titan/ Shingeki no Kyojin)
Qrow Branwen (RWBY)
Madara Uchiha (Naruto)
Gaara (Naruto)
Eraserhead/ Shota Aizawa (My Hero Academia)
Larry (Pokemon Scarlet/Violet)
Wolverine (X-Men)
Batman/ Bruce Wayne (DC)
L/ Lawliet (Death Note)
Jigen Daisuke (Lupin the 3rd) [July 17th]
Sckrunkly Type B: They only look like they need TLC
Piers (Pokemon Sword/Shield)
Kankuro (Naruto)
Tomura Shigaraki (My Hero Academia)
Gajeel Redfox (Fairy Tail)
Brassius (Pokemon Scarlet/Violet)
Sckrunkly Type C: They act like they need TLC (AKA Hypocritical Gremlins)
Kakashi Hatake (Naruto) [Apr. 27]
Piccolo (Dragon Ball Z)
Steven Starphase (Blood Blockade Battlefront/ Kekkai Sensen) [Dec. 10]
Neji Hyuuga (Naruto)
Saitama (One Punch Man)
Vegeta (Dragon Ball Z)
Sir Nighteye/ Mirai Sasaki (My Hero Academia)
Seto Kaiba (Yu-Gi-Oh)
Tyrian Callows (RWBY)
James Ironwood (RWBY)
Reigan Arataka (Mob Psycho 100)
Jet (Cowboy Bebop)
Bardock (Dragon Ball Z)
Nebulous Space: I just think they're neat!
Kisame Hoshigaki (Naruto)
Leonardo Watch (Blood Blockade Battlefront/ Kekkai Sensen) [June 5]
Zed O'Brien (Blood Blockade Battlefront/ Kekkai Sensen)
Steg (Steven Universe)
Lady Urbosa (Legend of Zelda)
Balalaika/ Sofiya Palovna (Black Lagoon)
Bayonetta/ Cerasa (Bayonetta)
Itachi Uchiha (Naruto)
Genos (One Punch Man)
Claude Faustus (Black Butler)
Beast/ Hank McCoy (X-Men)
Present Mic/ Hizashi Yamada (My Hero Academia)
Frieza (Dragon Ball Z)
Alucard (Hellsing)
Arthur Watts (RWBY)
Hidan (Naruto)
Kafka (Honkai Star Rail) [June 9]
Himeko (Honkai Star Rail) [June 9]
Dan Heng (Honkai Star Rail) [June 9]
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