#zel is rambling
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whumpbug · 8 months ago
GUYS IT'S TIME. i now introduce.....
(scarab is the name of the ship they are all on do you guys get it. because. whumbug. beetle. scarab. the ship is shaped like a beetle--okay im done)
the vibes/tropes are: sci-fi/space fantasy, dysfunction junction, found family, accidental child acquisition, AND MORE!!!
HUGE thank you to @lemlem21 for listening to me Yap about them and helping me iron out a lot of the details!!! also for recoloring some of the skincolors!!!!
i apologize in advance. this is a long post. please please feel free to ask questions because this can get confusing. there are 6 characters all with complex traits and names so please ask me for clarification if you need it! i apologize for all the reading guys (˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥⋆)
OKAY! ONTO MY SPACE SILLIES! they are Everything to me.
okay just before i start, i want to briefly explain why all these people are together on a ship.
in this universe, theres a central government that spans across many planets in neighboring star systems. this is known as the Provinces of the Allied Galactic Empire (PAGE). this is the explored and "civilized" part of the galaxy.
recently, there have been more attacks on PAGE-affiliated planets and systems from the unexplored galaxy (known as the Outer Sector, or just Outsec in shorthand) and PAGE intends to get to the bottom of it.
and that's where Scarab Crew comes in! multiple teams were formed of people with exceptional talents in their species/planets and were sent on multi-year long exploratory missions under the name The Expedition Program (TEP). the scarabs are one team of many!
TEP's goal is to record and report all that they find as well as identify threats and/or the planets responible for the attacks. they are to come back with information and new technology that would make PAGE stronger and more well-rounded!
NOW ONTO THE SILLIES!! i used different picrws for each of them to match their Vibe
(also i added pronounciation guides to the best of my abilities i hope it helps im sorry in advance)
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Captain Nieven Alaric (Nee-ven Ah-la-rik)
pronouns: he/him
role: captain/leader/correspondence with PAGE
planet of origin:  Asto’is (species: Asto’isian)
age and height: late '30s to early '40s / 6 ft. 0 in.
description: the competent, calculated, and and cold head of The Scarab. he was a well-off government official before TEP, but unfortunately, he lost his family in an attack by Outsec rogues. he is a man hardened by life and unwilling to get attached to others again and because of this, is very efficient when it comes to running his ship. still, efficiency is not always the most important thing when it comes to leading a team. this is something nieven must learn.
species-specific traits: horns on the top of the head-- very interconnected with the central nervous system. decorated as a sign of age and/or accomplishment. also, asto'isians have pointy teeth! they are carnivores!
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Hari Khurana (Huh-ree Ku-rahna)
pronouns: relaxed he/him
role: engineer/medic/chemist
planet of origin:  Earth (species: Homo Sapien)
age and height: mid to late '30s / 6 ft. 2 in.
description: a simple human that started from the bottom. hari grew up in a trailer park, raised by his older sister when his father worked 3 jobs to put food on the table. since he was little, it was known he was a genius when it came to stem subjects. into adulthood, he excelled in every stem job he took on. still, no one expected him to get singled out when TEP was recruiting. aside from his smarts, hari is cheeky, sly, a bit of a Bastard™ but he also has tremendously big heart. he's passionate about what he does, no matter how hard it can be for him sometimes.
species-specific traits: despite his brains, hari is... a defective human. due to malnourishment as a child, he has a plethora of health problems that worry his team to no end. some include: asthma, lactose intolerance, allergies to many foods, marie antoinette syndrome, POTS, among others. he is also a below-the-knee amputee on his left leg due to an accident in his teens.
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Nylathrania (Nyla) Qifir (Nye-lah-trah-nya Kee-feer)
pronouns: she/her
role: pilot/navigator
planet of origin: Harye (species: Haryen)
age and height: mid '20s / 5 ft. 7 in.
description: the haryan are an extremely superstitious, winged race that place an extreme importance on flight. when a child was born with in inability to even lift her wings because of nerve damage, you can imagine it did not bode well. nyla was passed around from household to household with no place to call home. she wants to prove herself to her homeland by becoming the most successful pilot in TEP with her pride and joy of a ship, The Scarab, but even that will never make her good enough for her people, and consequently, herself.
species-specific traits: the bat-like wings and short horns are trademarks of the haryen people. unlike nieven's, nyla's horns are simply bony-keratin structures as extra protection for her brain. her wings are a bit smaller than other haryen's due to muscle atrophy.
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Ytzel (Zel) Mixca (Ee-tsel Micsh-cka)
pronouns: relaxed she/her
role: gunsman/conflict strategist
planet of origin: Huelxa (species: Huelxcan)
age and height: mid '20s / 5 ft. 4 in.
description: born to a planet of war, zel grew up around bloodshed and violence throughout her life. in her culture, getting close to people was discouraged becasue you never knew who would be on the other side of the next civil war. she was often forced to fight her siblings and friends (to an extreme level) as a test of strength, so she comes off as abrasive and rude because violence makes her feel in control. it's a familiar pattern. she hasn't yet learned that love does not need to be painful.
species-specific traits: the huelxcan actually have a second pair of arms! these arms sit slightly more towards her back, in the middle of her rib cage. the huelxcan people also have evolved with enhanced hearing, and wear accessories on the ears to enhance it further.
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Vin’ri (Vinny) L’aoh (Vin-ree Luh-ow)
pronouns: they/them
role: scribe/recorder/photographer
planet of origin: Z’edin (species: Z’edinra)
age and height: late teens (17-19) / 5 ft. 9 in.
description: vinny is heralded as the voice of reason when tensions are high amongst the rest of the crew. they are level-headed and approachable, making them an instrumental member of the team. but their secret? they're so lonely. in their culture, it's customary to stop being affectionate with children when they reach about 14 to encourage growth and independence. vinny didn't have a problem with this at first, but now that they're so far from home? they feel the need for comfort more than they'd like to admit.
species-specific traits: the z’edinra all have a prehensile tail that is about an armspan in length. it is capable of grasping, and can hold their body weight. also, z'edin is an ice planet which leads vinny to be prone to overheating in even mildly warm environments quite easily
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Ren "Alaric" (Rehn Ah-la-rick)
pronouns: he/him
role: healer/newest member (not with scarab crew initially)
planet of origin: Siea W5M (species: Amb’toman)
age and height: about 7 years old / 4 ft. 3 in.
description: ren's parent's were killed when he was only 4, and he was taken to Seia W5M to be sold as a commodity-- his species is sought after for their abilities. he was under the ownership of a man for a few years before he escaped and has been on the run ever since. he covers his eyes with a blindfold to conceal the signature trait of amb'tomans-- white scleras lacking a cornea. because of his years blindfolded, light tends to overwhelm him. he is skittish, flighty, and in need of people who will take care of and love him.
species-specific traits: the amb'toman are a desert-dwelling species that evolved healing abilities to cope with the harsh climate. the short version of how the abilities work is essentially: people spend a certain amount of energy to heal themselves of injury or illness. ren can spend that energy all at once on himself or another person to heal them exponetially faster. the draw back is gets extremely sleepy after healing, and tends to be unable to stay awake
RELATIONSHIPS: ask me about them!!! there are Some romantic relationships but i also love platonic and familial relationships so ask about whoever you'd like! i'm aiming to start the story early on to when they first meet so it'll be fun to develop their relationships as i write!!
PICREWS: 1 2 3 4 5 6
BONUS: here is all their height differences (ren is itty bitty guys)
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and that's it!!! thank you SO much if you've read to the end, it honestly means so much. and like i said before please please PLEASE dont be afraid to ask as many questions as you want (about specific scarabs, or the crew as a whole but just know if its the crew it might not be as detailed because. theres 6 of them.) these characters can get confusing and i want to make as easy of a reading experience as i can!
i hope you enjoy my little passion project and im so excited to develop these sillies further!! (✿◦’ᴗ˘◦)♡
tagging: @sethlost and @mellowwhumps (≧▽≦)
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gaylactic-fire · 1 year ago
I think what some people are (dare I say purposefully) failing to understand is that I don't give a rat's ass if you think Zelda would be a mother. I do however, give a rat's ass if you think she'd be a tradwife.
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killerpancakeburger · 1 year ago
"Karlach and Lae'zel are combat specialists; avoid having both in the same party"
But- But I want to :(
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crows-of-buckets · 4 months ago
I think I may make an au where Zel becomes the Inquisitor instead of Selene. They were both at the conclave, so it was only really chance that ended with Selene grabbing the anchor
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zelreedsandwrites · 2 months ago
I was actually so committed to finally beating bg3. After 800 hours of playtime THIS was the run that would FINALLY take me to the end credits!
Aaaand then my game kept crashing whenever i got close to the city proper. I cleaned up my mods for this run too ;-;
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whoblewboobear · 6 months ago
Porter’s ex was so fine it’s unreal. Of course he fumbled two baddies in a row, I’m not even surprised. 🙄 Jace don’t take him back he has a bad track record.
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linkspussy · 2 years ago
I'm the only Linkship enjoyer that doesn't like Twild and I'm being so brave about it
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raidenloml · 1 year ago
hey guys i have so many oc ideas and i think you should start getting interested in their lore to force me to work on them more how cool would that be... (is so excited to work on the sillies but needs encouragement or will forget them entirely womp womp)
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valsilverhand-archive · 2 years ago
Trying to flesh out 3 characters at once is tough! So many ideas rolling around like oof
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whumpbug · 8 months ago
Very curious about the Scarab Crew and enthusiastic to know more about them!! Seriously I love all six of them so so much already
Some things I'm curious about
What are each of their stress responses / coping mechanisms? Like when they're having big feelings what do they do to cool off or how do they go about hiding it if that's more their jam
What are your FAVORITE platonic or familial relationships on the crew and why
What are some foods that exist in this sci-fi world and what are the taste preferences and favorite dish of all the members of the crew? (Something from their home planet? Something often served at space stations? A treat they have on board every once in a while?)
I know a few of these are probably loaded questions so it's cool if it takes you a while to answer or you don't have time or something. I am Very excited for future content regardless
ANON!! this is a great question and so so good for their development THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
stress responses:
nieven's coping mechanism to trauma is removal and isolation. when tensions rise in the ship, or he's feeling overwhelmed, he retreats to his quarters and stays there until he can clear his head. he'll usually get some work done or some cleaning done, but he just generally wants to be Away from the others. he doesn't want to be seen when hes like that because what if they think him a weak leader?
hari's stress response is... odd. he laughs. he laughs it off or elects to ignore it because that is easier than facing it head on. he chooses to make light of his own bad situations because that also makes it easier for everyone else to deal with. if a situation arises where he can't laugh it off, he locks himself in his room and breaks down. he shows no one.
sweet girl. she is very confrontational if something is wrong and she has no problems sharing how she feels on a surface level. if someone pissed her off? she's telling them. if something is stressing her out? she airs it out and vents to anyone who'll listen. but when it comes to her deep inner struggles? her insecurities? she keeps those close to her chest. she can't let anyone use them against her.
answer is simple. she punches. as soon as she feels a flicker of frustration, she heads to the training room on the ship and starts beating the ever-loking crap out of the dummies. she punches and kicks and tackles until her muscles are aching and her fists are raw and bloodies but at least she can breathe again. at least the pain in her chest isn't from emotion and is from something productive.
when they're stressed, they retreat to their room to study. studying gives them something to focus on other than whatever theyre feeling and they also enjoy feeling productive and useful. they can't let the others think that they need them. they can't be perceived as weak or childish. they have to be independent.
oh baby boy. his defense mechanism to almost anything that stressed him or makes him upset is hide. he finds the nearest cupboard and curls into a ball with his knees to his chest and makes himself as small as possible. maybe if he takes up less space, he'll be less of a problem. (the crew spends a good 20 minutes looking for him everytime he does this, only nieven can coax him out)
my favorite platonic relationship at the moment is either nieven and vinny or vinny and ren!!!
nieven and vinny are everything to me. they are exactly what they each needed. nieven lost his family in an awful accident-- he has so much love and grief and he's too emotionally constipated to know what to do with it and then you have this teenager who is so touch and affection starved who emotionally lost their parents at 14 because they were supposed to be fine on their own and they're not and UGH. im so normal about these two.
and vinny with ren.... my goodness. these two are THE SIBLINGS EVER. vinny dotes on ren so much. they love him with their whole heart. nieven makes ren feel safe, sure, but vinny is who starts to bring out ren's real personality out. they help him to just feel like a kid again, and in turn become in touch with their own inner child and its jsut. UGH they're so good for eachother.
food / treats on board?
i'm just going to list some common foods (or at least the space equivalent) they have stocked and who eats them!! hope this answers your question!!
fruit ice pops: ren and vinny
space version of korean ice cream in fish-shaped waffle: ren!!!
not food but cigarettes: nieven is a chain smoker i fear. (spigarettes, if you will. that's another of his coping mechanisms)
huelxcan beans and rice: everyone except nieven. this man can not handle spice. he disintegrates.
pani puri: hari!! and the rest of the crew! (except nieven if they make it spicy.)
this is just a few! i'm sure more will come up in future fics!!!
thank you for the question anon!!!! i love love love developing the scarabs they mean everything to me YAYYY!!!
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grayson-baller · 2 years ago
after dominion, may write an elp thing.
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killerpancakeburger · 1 year ago
Just found an online guide with how to get every single approval. Very tempted to restart from square one to get every Astarion approval even if it means hating myself/Tav.
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kate-m-art · 2 years ago
New Link got a hundred notes im???
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multiicolor · 2 years ago
@sparkadream ♥'d.
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" Oh, that came out SO wrong. I didn't mean that I'm happy you went through that— I-I meant like, we been though the same THINGS and I'm happy that you .. did?? AH, NO NO- NOT- "
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abyssmal-skies · 9 days ago
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zelreedsandwrites · 2 months ago
I wish i could write some really dope books and become a renowned writer just so i could then ghost write shit ABOUT my blorbos characters and people would be like damn that some damn literary analysis lemme disagree with another 10 page article that I’d just get to read for fun. Like for all her innumerable flaws jk trolling is seriously missing out on all the fan content about her little guys. I’d have my hands in EVERY pie and stirring EVER pot rest my word
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