#zeiss opton tessar
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upthespiralstaircase · 3 months ago
Vintage camera photography by Steffen Østli Via Flickr: Golden light Taken with a zeiss ikon contina II 524/24 rangefinder 35mm from ca 1950 Lens: zeiss opton tessar 50mm f2.8 Aperture: f8 Film: agfa vista ISO 200
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taro6kg · 3 years ago
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Ikoflex Ⅱa
Zeiss-Opton Tessar 75mm f3.5
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danielantalwashere · 6 years ago
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Château de Bellegarde - Loiret by Philippe_28 https://flic.kr/p/2gsk8RE
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ddr-reklame · 4 years ago
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Die Werra ist die einzige Kamera, die von Carl Zeiss produziert wurde. Es ist eine Messsucherkamera die auffällt durch ein außergewöhnliches Design, die einzigartige Verschlussspannung und Filmtransport durch einen Ring um das Objektiv und die ungewöhnliche Objektivkappe, die auch als Streulichtblende dient. Hergestellt wurde sie vom VEB Carl Zeiss Jena, die in der ehemaligen DDR die Nachfolge der berühmten Carl Zeiss Werke antraten. Die Produktionsstätte für die Werra war in Eisfeld. Ebenso erhob aber auch die nach dem Krieg in den Westen übergesiedelten Zeiss-Opton Werke in Oberkochen den Anspruch der Rechtsnachfolge. Die Werrakameras für den Export in den Westen tragen daher nicht den Markennamen Carl Zeiss, sondern nur den Zusatz “Jena” oder “aus Jena”. Auch der strittige Markenname Tessar wurde nur als “T” abgekürzt angegeben. Die innerhalb der Ostblockstaaten vertriebenen Kameras trugen die vollen Markennamen. Insgesamt wurden von 1954 bis 1967 ca. 500.000 Werrakameras in 22 verschiedenen Modellen hergestellt. Als die Kamera Ende 1954 auf den Markt kam, hatte sie noch mit einigen Kinderkrankheiten zu kämpfen. Jedoch waren da schon mehrere 1000 Stück ausgeliefert worden, was zu einem anfänglichen Imageschaden führte. Die Modellpalette wurde zügig erweitert, und durch das moderne Design und die ungewöhnliche Bauart konnte sich die Werra bis 1967 am Markt behaupten. Dann war der Absatz von Messsucherkameras nicht mehr rentabel genug und die Produktion wurde eingestellt. Die Werramodelle wurden anfangs in olivgrün, dann auch in schwarz hergestellt. Dazu gab es mit der Zeit wechselnde Designs. Abgerundete Kanten, durchgehende Plastikfrontplatten, Belichtungsmesserabdeckungen und ein zusätzlicher Zubehörschuh gehörten zu den hauptsächlichen Änderungen im Design. (via http://www.seeing1.de/3f_Werra.html) #Werra #Kamera #Handkamera #Fotoapparat #camera #Photo #CarlZeiss #Zeiss #Jena #Eisfeld #DDR #GDR #Ostalgie #EastGermany (hier: Eisfeld) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIFWC54imDO/?igshid=fiqb0wl3haf9
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fotozeitmaschinen-blog · 6 years ago
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Italy near Lago di Bolsena
Camera: Rolleiflex Automat Model K4A (1951-1954)
Lens: Carl Zeiss Opton Tessar 3.5/75mm
Film: Fomapan 100 in Rodinal
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anselolson · 8 years ago
Richmond, Virginia
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asteriapolis · 7 years ago
vintage beach by tonicito Via Flickr: Don't the colors on this film make this picture look like it was taken in the '70s? ;) ¿Verdad que los colores de esta película hacen que la foto parezca tomada en los años 70? Zeiss Ikon Contessa 533/24 Zeiss-Opton Tessar 45mm 1:2.8 Rollei Digibase CN200, ISO 200/24º
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taro6kg · 3 years ago
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TLR brothers 2021
GR digital Ⅱ
右:Rolleiflex T( Tessar 75mm)
左:Zeiss Ikon Ikoflex Ⅱa (Opton Tessar 75mm)
No turn for several years.
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jerome-blog1 · 5 years ago
Camera Zeiss Ikon Super Ikonta 531
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Francisco Aragão © 2014. All Rights Reserved. Use without permission is illegal.
Attention please ! If you are interested in my photos, they are available for sale. Please contact me by email: [email protected]. Do not use without permission. Many images are available for license on Getty Images = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
English Zeiss Ikon Super Ikonta A, catalog number 531. Prewar, with uncoated 75/3.5 Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar. Coupoled rangefinder, Albada finder. Note the Zeiss-Ikon nameplate, some have this, some have the more usual impression in the leather. Note also the polished aluminum edges; this was done after the camera left the factory, probably because the black enamel became chipped (very common problem). In this case, and a few others I have seen, the removal of enamel and polishing were done so nicely that it looks almost like it was meant to be that way. Zeiss Ikon Super Ikonta 531 Made from 1937 to 1956, the Zeiss Ikon Super Ikonta 531 is the smallest of the Super Ikonta series. It is very light and fits easily in a pocket. The model shown on the picture has a Compur Rapid shutter with speeds up to 1/500 s but without flash sync. The lens is a coated 75 mm f/3.5 Tessar. The shutter release is on top of the body. The film advance knob has a double exposure prevention system. A coupled rangefinder and albada viewfinder are located on top of the body. This camera is splendid and very pleasant to use. One can wonder what prevents today’s camera makers to bring this concept up to modern standards.
Characteristics Format 4.5 x 6 cm (120 rollfilm) Lens Zeiss Tessar 75 mm f/3.5, coated Shutter central, Compur Rapid, from 1/500 s to 1 s, B pose, self-timer
Carl Zeiss AG is a German manufacturer of optical systems, industrial measurements and medical devices, founded in Jena, Germany in 1846 by Carl Zeiss, Ernst Abbe, and Otto Schott. There are currently two parts of the company, Carl Zeiss AG located in Oberkochen with important subsidiaries in Aalen, Göttingen and Munich, and Carl Zeiss GmbH located in Jena. The organisation is named after a founder, the German optician Carl Zeiss (1816–1888). Carl Zeiss is the premier company of the Zeiss Gruppe, one of the two large divisions of the Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung. The Zeiss Gruppe is located in Heidenheim and Jena. The other division of the Carl Zeiss Foundation, the glass manufacturer Schott AG and Jenaer Glaswerk, is located in Mainz and Jena. Carl Zeiss is one of the oldest existing optics manufacturers in the world.
Zeiss corporate history The manufacturer Zeiss in Göttingen Carl Zeiss opened an optics workshop in Jena in 1846. By 1847 he was making microscopes full-time. By 1861 Zeiss was considered to be among the best scientific instruments in Germany with about 20 people working under him with his business still growing. By 1866 the Zeiss workshop sold their 1,000th microscope. In 1872 physicist Ernst Abbe joined Zeiss and along with Otto Schott designed greatly improve lenses for the optical instruments they were producing. After Carl Zeiss’s death in 1888, the business was incorporated as the Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung in 1889. By World War I, Zeiss was the world’s largest location of camera production. Zeiss Ikon represented a significant part of the production along with dozens of other brands and factories, and also had major works at Dresden. In 1928 Hensoldt AG was acquired by Carl Zeiss and has produced the Zeiss binoculars and riflescopes since 1964., occasionally resulting in twin products being offered under both the Hensoldt and Zeiss brand names. The Hensoldt System Technology division (resulting from a merger of the military optics operations of Leica and Hensoldt) was continued by Zeiss under the Hensoldt name until 2006. As part of Nazi Germany Zwangsarbeiter program, Zeiss used forced labour during the Second World War. The destruction of the war caused many companies to divide into smaller subcompanies and others to merge. There was great respect for the engineering innovation that came out of Dresden—before the war the world’s first 35 mm single-lens reflex camera, the Kine Exakta, and the first miniature camera with good picture quality were developed there. At the end of the war Jena was occupied by the US Army. When Jena and Dresden were incorporated into the Soviet occupation zone, later East Germany, Zeiss Jena was assisted by the US army to relocate to the Contessa manufacturing facility in Stuttgart, West Germany, while the remainder of Zeiss Jena was taken over by the (Eastern) German Democratic Republic as Kombinat VEB Zeiss Jena. As part of the World War II reparations, the Soviet army took most of the existing Zeiss factories and tooling back to the Soviet Union as the Kiev camera works. The western business was restarted in Oberkochen (in southwestern Germany) as Opton Optische Werke Oberkochen GmbH in 1946, which became Zeiss-Opton Optische Werke Oberkochen GmbH in 1947, but was soon renamed to Carl Zeiss. West German Zeiss products were labelled Opton for sale in the Eastern bloc, while East German Zeiss products were labelled "Zeiss Jena" for sale in Western countries. In 1973, the Western Carl Zeiss AG entered into a licensing agreement with the Japanese camera company Yashica to produce a series of high-quality 35 mm film cameras and lenses bearing the Contax and Zeiss brand names. This collaboration continued under Yashica’s successor, Kyocera, until the latter ceased all camera production in 2005. Zeiss later produced lenses for the space industry and, more recently, has again produced high-quality 35 mm camera lenses. The eastern Zeiss Jena was also well known for producing high-quality products Following German reunification, VEB Zeiss Jena—reckoned as one of the few East German firms that was even potentially able to compete on a global basis—became Zeiss Jena GmbH, which became Jenoptik Carl Zeiss Jena GmbH in 1990. In 1991, Jenoptik Carl Zeiss Jena was split in two, with Carl Zeiss AG (Oberkochen) taking over the company’s divisions for microscopy and other precision optics (effectively reuniting the pre-war Carl Zeiss enterprise) and moving its microscopy and planetarium divisions back to Jena. Jenoptik GmbH was split off as a specialty company in the areas of photonics, optoelectronics, and mechatronics. The Hensoldt AG was renamed Carl Zeiss Sports Optics GmbH on 1 October 2006. The companies of the Zeiss Gruppe in and around Dresden have branched into new technologies: screens and products for the automotive industry, for example. Zeiss nonetheless still continues to be a camera manufacturer, and still produces the Pentacon, Praktica, and special-use lenses (e.g., Exakta). Today, there are arguably three companies with primarily Zeiss Ikon heritage: Zeiss Germany, the Finnish/Swedish Ikon (which bought the West German Zeiss Ikon AG), and the independent eastern Zeiss Ikon. Innovations The Zeiss company was responsible for many innovations in optical design and engineering. Early on, Carl Zeiss realised that he needed a competent scientist so as to take the firm beyond just being another optical workshop. In 1866, the service of Dr Ernst Abbe was enlisted. From then on novel products appeared in rapid succession which brought the Zeiss company to the forefront of optical technology. Abbe was instrumental in the development of the famous Jena optical glass. When he was trying to eliminate astigmatism from microscopes, he realised that the range of optical glasses available was insufficient. After some calculations, he realised that performance of optical instruments would dramatically improve, if optical glasses of appropriate properties were available. His challenge to glass manufacturers was finally answered by Dr Otto Schott, who established the famous glassworks at Jena from which new types of optical glass began to appear from 1888 to be employed by Zeiss and other makers. The new Jena optical glass also opened up the possibility of increased performance of photographic lenses. The first use of Jena glass in a photographic lens was by Voigtländer, but as the lens was an old design its performance was not greatly improved. Subsequently the new glasses would demonstrate their value in correcting astigmatism, and in the production of apochromatic lenses. Abbe started the design of a photographic lens of symmetrical design with five elements, but went no further. Zeiss’ domination of photographic lens innovation was due to Dr Paul Rudolph. In 1890, Rudolph designed an asymmetrical lens with a cemented group at each side of the diaphragm, and appropriately named "Anastigmat". This lens was made in three series: Series III, IV and V, with maximum apertures of f/7.2, f/12.5, and f/18 respectively. In 1891, Series I, II and IIIa appeared with respective maximum apertures of f/4.5, f/6.3, and f/9 and in 1893 came Series IIa of f/8 maximum aperture. These lenses are now better known by the trademark "Protar" which was first used in 1900. At the time, single combination lenses, which occupy one side of the diaphragm only, were still popular. Rudolph designed one with three cemented elements in 1893, with the option of fitting two of them together in a lens barrel as a compound lens, but it was found to be the same as the Dagor by C.P. Goerz, designed by Emil von Hoegh. Rudolph then came up with a single combination with four cemented elements, which can be considered as having all the elements of the Protar stuck together in one piece. Marketed in 1894, it was called the Protarlinse Series VII, the most highly corrected single combination lens with maximum apertures between f/11 and f/12.5, depending on its focal length. But the important thing about this Protarlinse is that two of these lens units can be mounted in the same lens barrel to form a compound lens of even greater performance and larger aperture, between f/6.3 and f/7.7. In this configuration it was called the Double Protar Series VIIa. An immense range of focal lengths can thus be obtained by the various combination of Protarlinse units. Rudolph also investigated the Double-Gauss concept of a symmetrical design with thin positive meniscii enclosing negative elements. The result was the Planar Series Ia of 1896, with maximum apertures up to f/3.5, one of the fastest lenses of its time. Whilst it was very sharp, it suffered from coma which limited its popularity. However, further developments of this configuration made it the design of choice for high-speed lenses of standard coverage. Probably inspired by the Stigmatic lenses designed by Hugh Aldis for Dallmeyer of London, Rudolph designed a new asymmetrical lens with four thin elements, the Unar Series Ib, with apertures up to f/4.5. Due to its high speed it was used extensively on hand cameras. The most important Zeiss lens by Rudolph was the Tessar, first sold in 1902 in its Series IIb f/6.3 form. It can be said as a combination of the front half of the Unar with the rear half of the Protar. This proved to be a most valuable and flexible design, with tremendous development potential. Its maximum aperture was increased to f/4.7 in 1917, and reached f/2.7 in 1930. It is probable that every lens manufacturer has produced lenses of the Tessar configuration. Rudolph left Zeiss after the First World War, but many other competent designers such as Merté, Wandersleb, etc. kept the firm at the leading edge of photographic lens innovations. One of the most significant designer was the ex-Ernemann man Dr Ludwig Bertele, famed for his Ernostar high-speed lens. With the advent of the Contax by Zeiss-Ikon, the first serious challenge to the Leica in the field of professional 35 mm cameras, both Zeiss-Ikon and Carl Zeiss decided to beat the Leica in every possible way. Bertele’s Sonnar series of lenses designed for the Contax were the match in every respect for the Leica for at least two decades. Other lenses for the Contax included the Biotar, Biogon, Orthometar, and various Tessars and Triotars. The last important Zeiss innovation before the Second World War was the technique of applying anti-reflective coating to lens surfaces. A lens so treated was marked with a red "T", short for "Transparent". The technique of applying multiple layers of coating was developed from this basis after the war, and known as "T✻" (T-star). After the partitioning of Germany, a new Carl Zeiss optical company was established in Oberkochen, while the original Zeiss firm in Jena continued to operate. At first both firms produced very similar lines of products, and extensively cooperated in product-sharing, but they drifted apart as time progressed. Jena’s new direction was to concentrate on developing lenses for the 35 mm single-lens reflex camera, and many achievements were made, especially in ultra-wide angle designs. In addition to that, Oberkochen also worked on designing lenses for large format cameras, interchangeable front element lenses such as for the 35 mm single-lens reflex Contaflex, and other types of cameras. Since the beginning of Zeiss as a photographic lens manufacturer, it has had a licensing programme which allows other manufacturers to produce its lenses. Over the years its licensees included Voigtländer, Bausch & Lomb, Ross, Koristka, Krauss, Kodak. etc. In the 1970s, the western operation of Zeiss-Ikon got together with Yashica to produce the new Contax cameras, and many of the Zeiss lenses for this camera, among others, were produced by Yashica’s optical arm, Tomioka. As Yashica’s owner Kyocera ended camera production in 2006, and Yashica lenses were then made by Cosina, who also manufactured most of the new Zeiss designs for the new Zeiss Ikon coupled rangefinder camera. Another licensee active today is Sony who uses the Zeiss name on lenses on its video and digital still cameras. Reputation Now over 150 years old, Zeiss continues to be associated with expensive and high-quality optical lenses. Zeiss lenses are generally thought to be elegant and well-constructed, yielding high-quality images. Even old lens designs such as the Tessar demonstrate engineering elegance and in the modern age of plastic parts, many Zeiss lenses are still made with predominantly metal components. Zeiss licenses its technology to be manufactured by third-party companies and indeed, many have done so. Notable names include Hasselblad, a famous name in medium format professional cameras. Rollei, Yashica, Sony, Logitech and Alpa amongst others, have used or manufactured lenses under Zeiss license. The Contax line of 35 mm cameras, first produced by Yashica and subsequently Kyocera until 2005 are perhaps the most well known to fit Zeiss lenses. Notably absent from this list are Canon, Nikon, and Pentax, who by and large produce their own lenses. On 27 April 2005 the company announced a collaboration with Nokia in the camera phone market. The first product to emerge out of this collaboration is the Nokia N90. Outside the world of cameras and imaging, Zeiss also produces spectacle lenses, particularly lenses made from high refractive index glass, allowing people whose prescriptions require stronger spectacles to use thinner lenses. These are sold in many countries. As of 2010 Carl Zeiss eyeglass lenses are sold in the United States through Carl Zeiss Vision Inc. The Carl Zeiss Industrial Metrology subsidiary is a respected source of coordinate measurement machines and mutidimensional metrology systems. Zeiss is a recognized partner to the automotive industry. A unique triplet of ultra-fast 50 mm f/0.7 lenses originally created by Zeiss for NASA’s lunar program had the distinction of being reused by Stanley Kubrick in the filming of his historical drama, "Barry Lyndon". The period atmosphere of the film demanded that several indoor scenes be filmed by candlelight. To facilitate this, Kubrick had, with great difficulty, the lenses modified to mount onto a cinema camera and two of them subsequently further modified in separate ways to give wider angles of view. Zeiss is currently in the process of designing the optical components for the James Webb Space Telescope set to replace the Hubble Space Telescope sometime in 2018.
Posted by Francisco Aragão on 2014-03-04 03:13:04
Tagged: , Camera analogica Zeiss Ikon , Brasília , Distrito Federal , Brasil , Zeiss Ikon , Camera , Analógica , Analogica , Old camera , Camera antiga , República Federativa do Brasil , Brazil , América do Sul , América Latina , Latin America , South America , Canon EOS 5D Mark II , Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS , Francisco Aragão , Fotógrafo , fotografia , photographer , Photography , Horizontal , Colours , Colorido , Camera de fole , Camera Zeiss Ikon Super Ikonta 531 , Tecnologia alemã , Made in Germany , Relíquia , Zeiss , Carl Zeiss , Zeiss Tessar 75 mm f/3.5 , Zeiss lens , Raridade , Câmera fotográfica , DF , Centro-Oeste , Planalto Central , Carl Zeiss AG , analog camera , OldAnalogCamera
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ddr-reklame · 5 years ago
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Die Werra ist die einzige Kamera, die von Carl Zeiss produziert wurde. Es ist eine Messsucherkamera die auffällt durch ein außergewöhnliches Design, die einzigartige Verschlussspannung und Filmtransport durch einen Ring um das Objektiv und die ungewöhnliche Objektivkappe, die auch als Streulichtblende dient. Hergestellt wurde sie vom VEB Carl Zeiss Jena, die in der ehemaligen DDR die Nachfolge der berühmten Carl Zeiss Werke antraten. Die Produktionsstätte für die Werra war in Eisfeld. Ebenso erhob aber auch die nach dem Krieg in den Westen übergesiedelten Zeiss-Opton Werke in Oberkochen den Anspruch der Rechtsnachfolge. Die Werrakameras für den Export in den Westen tragen daher nicht den Markennamen Carl Zeiss, sondern nur den Zusatz "Jena" oder "aus Jena". Auch der strittige Markenname Tessar wurde nur als "T" abgekürzt angegeben. Die innerhalb der Ostblockstaaten vertriebenen Kameras trugen die vollen Markennamen. Insgesamt wurden von 1954 bis 1967 ca. 500.000 Werrakameras in 22 verschiedenen Modellen hergestellt. Als die Kamera Ende 1954 auf den Markt kam, hatte sie noch mit einigen Kinderkrankheiten zu kämpfen. Jedoch waren da schon mehrere 1000 Stück ausgeliefert worden, was zu einem anfänglichen Imageschaden führte. Die Modellpalette wurde zügig erweitert, und durch das moderne Design und die ungewöhnliche Bauart konnte sich die Werra bis 1967 am Markt behaupten. Dann war der Absatz von Messsucherkameras nicht mehr rentabel genug und die Produktion wurde eingestellt. Die Werramodelle wurden anfangs in olivgrün, dann auch in schwarz hergestellt. Dazu gab es mit der Zeit wechselnde Designs. Abgerundete Kanten, durchgehende Plastikfrontplatten, Belichtungsmesserabdeckungen und ein zusätzlicher Zubehörschuh gehörten zu den hauptsächlichen Änderungen im Design. (via http://www.seeing1.de/3f_Werra.html) #Werra #Kamera #Handkamera #Fotoapparat #camera #Photo #CarlZeiss #Zeiss #Jena #Eisfeld #DDR #GDR #Ostalgie #EastGermany (hier: Eisfeld) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBPjwrWJ5d1/?igshid=1vejoprcwnvj0
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fotozeitmaschinen-blog · 6 years ago
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Nacht am Lago di Bolsena / Night at the Lago di Bolsena
Camera: Rolleiflex Automat Model K4A (1951-1954)
Lens: Carl Zeiss Opton Tessar 3.5/75mm
Film: Fomapan 100 in Rodinal
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koonkaleopfi · 6 years ago
Zeiss Ikon Ikonta Camera with Zeiss-Opton Tessar 1:2.8 f=45 mm Lens, Untested https://t.co/T5EoQMZ8Rv
Zeiss Ikon Ikonta Camera with Zeiss-Opton Tessar 1:2.8 f=45 mm Lens, Untested https://t.co/T5EoQMZ8Rv
— Koonka Leopfi (@KLeopfi) April 15, 2019
from Twitter https://twitter.com/KLeopfi April 15, 2019 at 02:27AM via KLeopfi
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chinablues · 8 years ago
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Eye contact
Shanghai, 2011.
Ikoflex IIa, Zeiss -Opton Tessar 3.5/75 with Ikoprox, Shanghai GP3 100 @200.
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taro6kg · 5 years ago
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Japan 2018
Opton Tessar 75mm f3.5
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fotozeitmaschinen-blog · 6 years ago
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An der Straße - Roadside Flowers
Camera: Rolleiflex Automat Model K4A (1951-1954)
Lens: Carl Zeiss Opton Tessar 3.5/75mm
Film: Fomapan 100 in Rodinal
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fotozeitmaschinen-blog · 6 years ago
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Italy near Lago di Bolsena
Camera: Rolleiflex Automat Model K4A (1951-1954)
Lens: Carl Zeiss Opton Tessar 3.5/75mm
Film: Fomapan 100 in Rodinal
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