simonxriley · 5 years
Can you do a r6s hand cannon with the Russian bois and the hostage is some one they know or love in training like how are they in then and such
Ooo I love this. I’m gonna do these as if they were actually rescuing or defending the hostage. And sorry this took a bit, and feel free to request more of the Russian bois!! 
Overly careful, will make sure the hostage is nowhere near a breech-able area. Might have them hide under a table/desk/bed for more safety. 
If possible he’ll set up his LMG in view of every entrance into the room, the shield being in the spot where his body is opened most. 
Makes sure the team reinforces every breech-able wall and if Kapkan is with him, make sure he mounts his EDDs on each door frame leading into the room. If Frost is their her frost mats are being placed by each window in the room and the surrounding ones. 
Will keep telling the ‘hostage’ that everything will be okay and that he’s gonna make sure they get out. 
If need be he will take a bullet for them. He’d rather get hurt then them. 
In intense situations he can become a lot more blunt but in an offensive way. When it comes to people he knows or loves he will make sure everyone keeps them safe. 
He’ll check up on them in the hospital afterwards, make sure they’re okay and will bring a small gift. 
He’ll snipe (with a silencer) from a distance, picking off anyone that is alone outside or inside the place where the hostage is being held. 
Glaz is patient, it comes with the job of being a sniper. As he picks off people one by one he is also surveying the building, picking a place for the best entry and exit. 
He’ll drone inside the building, looking for the hostage, knowing full well he would have to switch to his side arm since a sniper isn’t a close quarter kind of weapon. 
Uses his grenades as a distraction when he’s going to grab the hostage, hoping the men inside will check it out. 
Depending on where the hostage is, he’ll either shoot a window open from where he is or re-position himself in another area. Either way a window is being shot out and he’ll take out any remaining people inside the room. 
Glaz will rappel up the building and quietly enter the room, making sure the hostage is okay to move and makes sure anybody who is with him is watching the room for anybody to enters it. 
He’ll rappel down the building with the hostage on his back and make their way to the extraction point. Making sure the other operators are watching every angle as they move.  
As they wait for evac he’ll have everyone surround the hostage in each direction and pick off any terrorists that come close. 
Maxim is a hunter, he’ll figure out where the terrorists will come in and plant his EDDs on the windows and door frames leading to the room where the hostage is. 
Will make a barricade around the hostage for more protection. He knows how chaotic a fire fight can get, he doesn’t want a bullet to hit them. 
He’ll plant nitro cell around the building, especially near where the cameras are and will detonate them when the terrorists are nearby or have them self-detonate. 
Tries his best to have good bedside manners and tell them that everything is going to be okay. 
Very patient, as a hunter should be, lies and waits for his prey to come to him. 
Likes to have Doc with him, just in case of any injuries that may happen. Frost because of her traps, they come in handy if they’re placed underneath a door. Mira for her Mirror, Bandit for his shock wire and of course Tachanka. Also Jager because of his magpies. 
While most of the operators stay in the room or roam very closely to it, Kapkan will roam the building, checking on his traps and taking out any one else that’s in the building that is not supposed to be. 
If he can, he’ll also have Glaz with him, because a sniper can come in handy on taking out hostiles that haven’t made it into the building. 
Takes his time and is equipped with both his shield and AK-12.
Will use his cluster charges in rooms where it’s filled with more than one hostile. It much more quicker to clean a room out that easily. 
Tries to remain in contact with his team, not just for his sake but for the hostage as well. 
Will use his drone to locate the hostage and look for any C4 that might be in the room. 
Doesn’t really have a preference on who’s on his team, as long as it’s not Ying. Glaz has to be though, he trusts him the most. 
Before entering the room, they’ll breech through a wall to hopefully stun the hostiles in the room and take them out and any C4 before entering. 
Once they have the hostage, he’ll put the hostage behind him and his shield in front. Anything to keep the bullets from accidentally hitting them. 
He’ll make sure they’re alright before the ambulance takes them to the hospital to get looked over and will check up on them the next day. 
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ask-team-rainbow · 5 years
Do the ops play games like call of duty, world of tanks or warthunder
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“I actually have lots of tournaments with the guys for Call of Duty. It can get pretty damn fun watching Craig get his ass beat by Yumiko because Jack taught her how to play.”
-Jordan “Thermite” Trace
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m4a1-shermayne · 5 years
What is the hydrostat?
A version of the Panzer IV which used a hydrostatic transmission
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ask-team-rainbow · 5 years
As a funny ask has cav ever shanked some body in the ass also has fuze every saved the hostage or no!
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“Not funny.”
-Shuhrat “Fuze” Kessikbayev
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ask-team-rainbow · 5 years
How is jaeger and bandit doing since they lost there acog and are they mad that goyo got a acog
“We don’t talk about the ACOGs…”
-Marius “Jager” Streicher and Dominic “Bandit” Brunsmeier
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m4a1-shermayne · 5 years
Fav panzer 4 version and do you know about the breakout of berlin in 1945
hydrostat and no
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