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postcard-from-the-past · 1 year ago
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Street scene in Zarzis, Tunisia
French vintage postcard
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fabricoletout · 2 years ago
New socks finished. Started at the beach during my trip to Tunisia. Incredible trip!
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bxlematin · 2 years ago
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Zarzis, 11/08/23 .
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worldswin · 2 years ago
How to Make the Most of Your Trip to Tunisia
#tunisia #tavel #tunisiatravel #tunez #Тунис #Тунислучшийпляж
ялюблютунис #туниссус #тунисмахдия #тунисэльджем #тунисхаммамет #тунисджерба #тунисзарзис #туниснабель #тунисмонастир #туниссфакс #тунискайруан #ТунисКарфаген #тунистабарка #tunisiabeach #hammamet #djerba #zarzis #tabarka #carthage #kairouan #sfax #mahdia #sousse #monastir #nabeul #capbon #visittunisia #визиттунис
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dellymeats · 8 months ago
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Attack on Zarzi.
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enbyleighlines · 10 months ago
While I was writing my fic Post Credits, I realized that Ike, Soren, and Ranulf all spent part of their childhood in Gallia
So theoretically, the three of them could have been childhood friends in an alt timeline
And yes, I am ignoring the way that laguz age bc it’s dumb. I like to think that they age like the Branded (IE, they age normally until adolescence, in which their aging starts to slow down). And since laguz have longer lifespans, their aging slows down a little later than the Branded
(Aka: the aging of Branded start slowing down around age 13-15, whereas the aging of laguz starts slowing down around age 16-18)
All of this is to say that I have recently been thinking about an AU where Ike, Soren, and Ranulf are childhood friends
More info under the cut:
Ike and Soren would meet like normal. But in this AU, Elena doesn’t die, so when Soren comes back the next day, Ike gives him more food. After a couple days of that, Ike finally convinces Soren to come home with him to meet his mom and dad.
I’ve long imagined that Elena’s bloodline carries some heron laguz blood (that of a blue heron, so not related to the nobility) so she has a cousin or an aunt or something who is Branded, and she immediately recognizes that Soren is the same, and convinces Greil to let Soren live with them.
Maybe Titania decides to adopt Soren, because it becomes clear to Elena early on that Ike has a crush, and she doesn’t want to complicate things by having them raised as brothers.
Ike and Soren meet Ranulf a few years later. He was born and raised in Zarzi, which isn’t far from the beorc village where Greil lives, but Ike and Soren don’t really visit Zarzi, nor does Ranulf venture much outside it. But one day, Ike starts tagging along with Greil and Titania on one of their trips into the city, and that’s when he meets and befriends Ranulf.
Ranulf is training to be a soldier like his father before him, and he is curious to see the beorc mercenaries that work for Gallia. He manages to badger his father into letting him attend the meeting between King Caineghis and Greil, and while the adults are talking, Ike starts asking Ranulf questions. They immediately hit it off. Ranulf is fascinated by Ike’s blunt and straight-forward nature. He’s never seen any beorc who acts so friendly towards laguz!
After that, Ike always tags along with his father, in hopes of bumping into Ranulf again.
Soren rarely leaves the village, and never without supervision, because Elena fears what might happen to him if left alone too long. So when he starts hearing stories about Ike’s new friend, he’s obviously quite jealous.
Ranulf decides that if Ike can’t bring Soren to meet him, he should go visit their beorc village! Almost immediately, Ranulf can sense that there is something different about Soren, but he doesn’t yet know about the Branded, so it confuses him. Nevertheless, he makes an effort to befriend Soren.
Soren does not want to befriend the guy that has stolen Ike’s undivided attention away from him. Also, Ranulf is immediately too friendly and too inquisitive. Plus he’s a laguz, and while Soren knows why laguz ignore him, it hasn’t softened his distrust of them.
Ranulf is very persistent, however, and Ike really wants them to get along, so eventually Soren caves.
Once they get a little older, they go on camping/hunting trips into the forest. At first, Titania or Greil tag along to supervise them, but eventually, they’re allowed to go on their own.
Soren and Ike both become mercenaries, working for King Caineghis. Ranulf goes on to climb the ranks and become the King’s right hand man. Sometimes, they team up on mission’s together, but more often, Ran acts as a messenger between the King and Greil, a job he enjoys because it allows him to check in on his friends.
Soren and Ranulf both start crushing on Ike fairly early on. It’s also not long before Ranulf reveals that he knows about Soren’s crush, and they wind up commiserating together about how oblivious Ike can be.
Soren views Ran as his love rival, but polyamory is commonplace amongst beast laguz, and Ranulf is more than happy to share whenever Ike finally gets a clue.
Having a Branded as part of the mercenary team causes Greil some grief at first. Many of their clients are laguz, and they get upset when they learn that Soren is a trusted member of the team. Greil and Titania try to keep Soren from seeing the worst of it, however, confronting any prejudiced views out of Soren’s earshot. However, that isn’t always possible, and Soren’s no idiot. He has a good idea of what happens. But he also doesn’t know how to thank Greil and Titania for sticking up for him, so he just pretends not to notice.
Aaaand, that’s it for now. I have no idea how this might affect the plot of PoR, or the fate of Crimea. For now, it’s just a fluffy thought experiment. Thanks to everyone who read this far!!
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slumberinglabyrinth · 1 year ago
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The oldest tweet mentioning Caineghis says that "aside from his sandals caineghis is probably one of the best-designed FE characters." I understand the sentiment, but I think the sandals are a nice accent to the rest of his design and help cap off how it all ties into who he is.
Caineghis knows his position and his strength and the strength granted to him by his position, and several times throughout the games he throws his weight around in a manner that could be described as either reckless or crass and faces no real consequences because, yknow, he’s the biggest of the big cats.
When he more or less explains his relationship with Elincia to Nailah as "someone who I love as I would a daughter, and you shall do the same", he knows she isn’t going to push back on him being heavy-handed about it. During the summit with all the Laguz leaders in por he’s a wall none of the other leaders (Dheginsea aside) dare try to move. Tibarn even comments on this in rd by saying that Skrimir of all people is easier to control than him. Skrimir! The meathead who let off the gas for the first time in his life like a week before!
So, let’s go back to his design. Imagine you’re to meet the king of a country. And he walks in wearing a robe. And sandals. Loungewear, basically. Bro is comfy as hell. It’s like if you walked into a job interview and your boss was wearing a tshirt and sweatpants and flipflops.
But he’s the king. Could you say anything? He’s 400 pounds of muscle. Could you object to his dress? He can turn into a massive lion at will. Could you suggest that he’s not taking his position seriously? Everyone in this country respects him tremendously. Are you going to dare comment on it? And there’s a glint in his eyes, a slight smile on his face, telling you that he knows exactly what you’ve been thinking, and you realize with some fear that this is all on purpose. He’s not dressed like this just for his own comfort.
No, he’s dressed like this so you know from the moment that he walks in that he’s in control. He always has been, and you have no chance of challenging that. No chance of challenging him.
This isn’t even getting into his body language and expression. Scroll back up. Look at him. Look him in the eyes. Even if every day is pajama day in Zarzi castle, he clearly carries himself with dignity. Looking at him, you know without a doubt that he’s a king. The king.
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zarzi-06 · 10 months ago
*s i g h*
I am back again just to post this-
Happy birthday to this absolute idiot-
(I didn't want to draw him normally so i just turned him into an anthro 😭 I'm sorry for this-)
(I still don't have an actual design for that version of him- I just hope he's still recognizable)
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..I also decided to make a little comic related to this with my OCs-
It's a little bit ship-y though- so just beware of that
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•Fox OC: Zarzi (an AU version of her)
•Dragon OC: Zerin
(...I'm totally sane about Zoda,, Totally- You can't even see that i love him- /j)
[Unrelated- but I might make an account for regular art at some point,, so yeah]
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deck0fcards · 2 years ago
Artfight attack for @zarzi-06
Our neon ocs
Cw for VERY bright colours
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bongda24hh · 1 month ago
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postcard-from-the-past · 1 year ago
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Mosque in Zarzis, Tunisia
French vintage postcard
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tunewtec · 2 months ago
Recyclage des Cartouches d'Imprimante en Tunisie : Guide 2025 pour une Gestion Écologique des Déchets
Le recyclage des cartouches d'encre est une initiative importante pour réduire les déchets électroniques et contribuer à la protection de l'environnement. Avec l'augmentation de l'utilisation des imprimantes à domicile et en entreprise, la gestion des cartouches vides devient une priorité. En Tunisie, plusieurs entreprises et services spécialisés offrent des solutions pour recycler ou recharger vos cartouches d'imprimante, permettant ainsi de réduire l'empreinte écologique et de promouvoir une économie circulaire.
Cet article vous guide sur le recyclage des cartouches d'imprimante en Tunisie, les entreprises spécialisées et les avantages environnementaux de cette pratique.
Pourquoi Recycler les Cartouches d'Imprimante ? 🌍
1. Réduction des Déchets Électroniques ♻️
Les cartouches d'encre sont souvent fabriquées en plastique et contiennent des produits chimiques, ce qui en fait un déchet difficile à décomposer dans la nature. Le recyclage permet de réduire ces déchets et de réutiliser les matériaux, contribuant ainsi à une gestion plus durable des ressources.
2. Préservation des Ressources Naturelles 🌱
Le recyclage des cartouches permet de réutiliser l'encre et les composants internes, réduisant ainsi la nécessité de fabriquer de nouvelles cartouches et l'impact sur les ressources naturelles. Cela participe à un processus plus économe en matières premières.
3. Économie Circulaire et Écologique 💡
Le recyclage des cartouches d'encre s'inscrit dans l'idée d'une économie circulaire, où les produits sont recyclés et réutilisés, réduisant ainsi le besoin de produire de nouvelles matières premières et contribuant à réduire la pollution.
Comment Recycler les Cartouches d'Imprimante en Tunisie ? 🛠️
1. Rechercher un Centre de Recyclage ou de Collecte 📍
En Tunisie, plusieurs entreprises spécialisées dans le recyclage des cartouches d'encre proposent des points de collecte pour vos cartouches usagées. Ces entreprises récupèrent les cartouches vides pour les recycler ou les recharger afin de leur donner une nouvelle vie.
Quelques exemples de services de recyclage en Tunisie :
BMI TONER à Zarzis : Spécialisé dans le recyclage des cartouches d’encre et toners laser.
CAP RECYCLAGE à Nabeul : Propose des services de collecte et de régénération des cartouches.
CARTOUCHA PLUS à Sfax : Offre des solutions de recyclage pour une gestion responsable des cartouches.
CRCI (Centre de Régénération de Cartouches d'Imprimantes) à Ariana : Ce centre est dédié à la régénération et au recyclage des cartouches d’imprimantes.
EASY PRINT à Tunis : Fournisseur de services de recyclage et de recharge de cartouches pour une impression plus durable.
2. Participer aux Programmes de Collecte des Magasins 🌟
Certains magasins spécialisés en Tunisie, comme Bureau Vallée, proposent des programmes de recyclage où vous pouvez rapporter vos cartouches vides et recevoir des bons d'achat ou des réductions pour vos prochains achats. Ces programmes encouragent le recyclage tout en offrant des avantages aux consommateurs.
3. Recueillir et Envoyer par Courrier 📦
De plus en plus d'entreprises offrent la possibilité de collecter vos cartouches vides en ligne, via des services de recyclage et de régénération. Vous pouvez envoyer vos cartouches vides par courrier et recevoir une réduction ou un produit en retour.
Avantages du Recyclage des Cartouches d'Imprimante en Tunisie 🌱
1. Impact Environnemental Positif 🌍
Le recyclage des cartouches contribue à réduire les déchets et à préserver les ressources naturelles. En récupérant les matériaux recyclables, nous diminuons le besoin de produire de nouvelles cartouches, ce qui réduit la consommation d'énergie et l'émission de CO2.
2. Réduction des Coûts 💰
Le recyclage permet de réduire les coûts en réutilisant les cartouches régénérées plutôt que d'acheter de nouvelles cartouches. De plus, de nombreuses entreprises offrent des réductions ou des bons d'achat en échange de vos cartouches usagées.
3. Promotion de l'Économie Circulaire 🔄
Le recyclage des cartouches d'encre s'inscrit parfaitement dans le cadre de l'économie circulaire, où les produits sont conçus pour être réutilisés, recyclés et transformés plutôt que jetés. Ce modèle est bénéfique pour l'économie et l'environnement, car il permet de réduire la dépendance aux ressources naturelles.
Où Trouver des Services de Recyclage des Cartouches en Tunisie ? 🛒
Il existe plusieurs entreprises en Tunisie qui offrent des services de recyclage pour les cartouches d'encre. Vous pouvez consulter des sites spécialisés comme Tunewtec ou rechercher des points de collecte locaux pour trouver des magasins spécialisés ou des services de collecte en ligne.
👉 Découvrez nos services de recyclage des cartouches ici
Conclusion 🎯
Le recyclage des cartouches d'encre est une démarche essentielle pour préserver l'environnement et réduire les déchets électroniques. En Tunisie, de nombreuses entreprises offrent des solutions de collecte et de régénération des cartouches, permettant aux consommateurs de participer activement à la protection de l'environnement. Que vous choisissiez de rapporter vos cartouches en magasin, de participer à des programmes de collecte en ligne ou de les envoyer directement à des centres de recyclage, chaque geste compte pour réduire l'impact écologique.
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ragzpizzle · 9 months ago
Here is my 8th ArtFight Attack. This one being my 3rd Revenge Attack and this being for Zarzi. I absolutely loved how they drew Azalea, so I decided to draw Ster for them! I loved Ster’s Design which is why I chose them for this. What do you guys think?
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leocrazyart · 2 years ago
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Character belongs to @delijzp (This is part of an art trade we did a few months ago)
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slumberinglabyrinth · 1 year ago
I started drafting this like. over three years ago? Lol.
Anyway, I had seen some tweets a while back about how Giffca and Skrimir would be difficult to add to the gacha because powercreep dictates new units strong but Gallian culture dictates the king (in this case, it's supposed to still be Caineghis) is the strongest, and god forbid heroes be lore-inaccurate.
Putting aside established canon, since they don’t care about it, and putting aside ‘stats aren’t entirely diegetic’, which solves this ‘problem’ but is 1) unprovable and more importantly 2) a boring answer, I had arrived at the simple and elegant conclusion that Giffca, at the very least in their youth if not also in the present, is simply stronger than Caineghis.
Some history/context before I talk about Caineghis and Giffca’s experience. Most of what we know comes from the first few pages of Tellius Recollections Vol 1, so I’d recommend reading through those if you want to learn more (not that there's much more to be learned 😔).
On page 11 of Tellius Recollection Volume One, we’re told that Gallia is mostly “a collection of scattered tribal groups of various sizes” (Zarzi, the capital, is stated to be a city, and is probably where most of the Crimean immigrants (which make up a fifth of the country’s population) can be found), and that “from time to time, these groups acknowledge the most powerful of them all as king”.
So, Gallia has the strongest person become king. This is common knowledge and what has driven the concerned posts about the viability of Giffca and Skirmir in heroes, but it's always good to check to see if these things are stated in the text. I’ve touched on it before but this concept probably mostly comes from the country having to fight for its independence, and having a leader that can return from the battlefield alive and not have to be replaced every few months is generally a good idea.
In the roughly 300 years between when the peace treaty with Begnoin was signed following the end of the Second Gallian War and the formation of the Laguz Alliance, Gallia was not at war. Regardless of the exact amount, they had to have gone through a decent number of kings by the time the games roll around, and it would be expected for the King Selection Process to have drifted a little bit from its origins.
Among other things, this means that the exact reasons for the whole The Strongest Becomes King thing has started to fade from public consciousness. It’s a tradition, sure, and they’ll continue to carry it on, sure, but because the reason for the tradition went away it’s not like people fully remember why they’re doing it anymore. It’s become more of a spectacle or festival than a necessary part of the nation’s survival, so it’s a lot less serious than it used to be.
So, what is it? How do these cats strut their stuff and prove they’ve got it?
It’s probably wrestling. I’m open to it being some other combat sport thing so much as that it’s clear that it’s some kind of competition of physical strength, but I like the idea of it being wrestling over, say, mma or boxing because it’s something where 1) you use your whole body (where they show off all of what they’ve got) and 2) isn’t about breaking your opponent’s face open or otherwise knocking them unconscious (giving your next king brain damage is probably bad). It could be judo or something similar, I guess. Don’t really have that much of a preference so long as it fills those two conditions. Either way, it’s become a literal (non-lethal, all-in-good-fun) battle for the throne.
On paper, but I’ll get to that.
And when I likened it to a festival earlier? By it has absolutely is a festival, because who doesn’t love to grab some good food with their friends and sit down to watch the most muscular people in Gallia rub their steamy, sweaty bodies together as they try to pin each other to the ground?
Everyone loves a good festival is what I’m saying. It happens a couple times in their lifetime, so since it’s not a life-or-death situation anymore, you might as well go all out.
The basic chain of events is
1) The current monarch announces their intent to step down in the near future
2) Whenever it’s next reasonably possible (ie. not in the middle of a war), the country shifts into 'festival mode'
3) Zarzi hosts the competition, though people will take the chance to celebrate all across the land
4) Someone wins and they do the whole ascend-to-the-throne ceremony stuff, though the previous monarch probably sticks around in an advisor role to make sure they can like. not burn everything down
“Okay but Skrimir is considered to be next in line for the throne during RD despite Caineghis retiring after RD???”
I think this is a reflection of things Caineghis and Giffca sought to change after their own experience, but I’ll get to that closer to the end.
Skrimir is well-known because he’s the king’s nephew, very popular, and his strength is readily apparent (remember: numbers aren’t real unless they suit the argument you’re trying to make). While people could (and will) try to beat him at Extreme Gallian Wrestling, basically nobody expects anyone to pose a serious threat to his chances at the throne. Which isn’t to say that he’s now suddenly literally the strongest person in Gallia (Giffca, for example, could totally still launch him into orbit), it’s just that none of the people who could beat him have any interest in the throne.
(Incidentally, this also addresses the concerns mentioned in the tweets that drove me to write this, but I'm not done quite yet)
On paper anyone can sign up for the wrestling competition, and a lot of people do, but in the years leading up to a monarch’s retirement there become clear favorites to win, and like how that happened with Skrimir, it likewise happened with Giffca and Caineghis.
Caineghis appealed more to the younger crowd, like Skrimir. He was hotheaded, passionate, and spoke to their hearts, and is described as having been somehow even less controllable than his nephew. We don’t really know much about Giffca in the past or the present 😩 but he’s shown to be very serious and grounded, which would likely have attracted the attention of Gallia’s ruling class instead.
“There’s a ruling class?” you may ask.
Perhaps that’s not the perfect term, but yes. In Chapter 9 of PoR, Caineghis mentions the “elder statesman” of Gallia being an obstacle to him offering Elincia his full support, and Ranulf and Giffca talk about "ministers" and "retainers" limiting Caineghis's support in Chapter 11. Though still a monarch, Gallia’s king is evidently far from an autocrat, and there is some equivalent to a noble class (likely the leaders of the “scattered tribal groups”, though given what Gallians value, war heroes or their equivalent are probably included too) that maintains some amount of sway in the country’s politics.
That brief aside aside, I think the ruling class (king included) of contemporary Gallia, would generally agree that simply having the strongest person in Gallia become king would be both impractical for governance (letting literally anybody walk up and claim the throne sounds like a great way for your country to crash and burn) and very impractical to actually figure out. Are you going to test every single person in the country? How much time would that take? How many resources? It’d be like herding cats!
So, while random people can still join and throw down if they wanted in on the fun, I think that the outcome (read: intended victor) is a thing that the ruling class determines ahead of time, with the tournament used to settle any disagreements should they not be in majority support of any one individual. There’s no way they’d believe their country could survive if they let any random guy run it, so, while the matches weren’t outright rigged (they'd likely be choosing someone strong anyway, so there wasn't a huge need for match-fixing), the tourney was more of an exhibition match that served as a way for the new king to win the approval of the citizens and show that he had the strength they were looking for in a leader.
The intended outcome would also be an open secret among anyone who would make it close to the top, since any runners-up would be prime picks for advisors or similar positions (such as succeeding any tribal leaders that are also looking to retire) and as a result, be recognized by those currently in power and approached about their future job prospects.
EDIT: I'm very smart and totally know how to both read and retain information from the two whole paragraphs TR1 gives us. They flat out say that Solhaut (Gallia's first king) was elected, which is more or less what I'm saying the ruling class still does. Gallia has never been genuinely threatened since its independence, so I don't think there's much of a reason for this system to have fallen out of practice.
With all that in mind, I can finally start getting to the point.
Between a younger Caineghis and a younger Giffca, it’s pretty clear to me that Giffca would be selected to be the next king. We don’t really know anything about him. At all. But that’s a clear step up from the “worse than Skrimir” rating Tibarn gave Caineghis, so. Yeah. I think it’s fairly easy for us to envision his younger self to be something like a more grumpy or gruff Ranulf and the ruling class could easily see someone like that being able to grow into a good king capable of making good decisions and leading Gallia in a good direction.
Sounds pretty great, right? Well... I think that an adolescent Giffca noticed that the people around him were rolling out the red carpet for him to be next in line for the throne after the current king retired, and he just didn’t want any of that.
It wasn’t that he didn’t want to serve Gallia, but couldn’t someone else sit on the throne? Being king sounded like it would suck. You’d have to sit around leading a country, you’d have no real vacation days to speak of, you'd become a target for entities that sought to harm Gallia… aside from living in the spotlight —if that was even something you wanted— there were no real perks to the job, especially in a country like Gallia where it gave you less power than it did basically anywhere else.
He liked his current job a lot (assistant to the head archivist, which he didn’t realize he was set up with so he could interact with a lot of ministers in preparation for his time on the throne (headcanon alert btw, though since I’m giving him any sort of characterization, I guess that should be a given :P)), and it’s not like anyone ever told him he had to win, had they? He did run a bit cooler than most Gallians, but he liked his freedom all the same.
And so, not realizing the ways in which he had been told to play along (not that anybody expected him not to, since he had never openly said anything close to “hey I don’t really want to do this”), he made it to the finals, put on a good show, and in front of the whole country, in front of their country’s patron (Dheginsea, who was invited as a guest of honor), he threw his match against Caineghis.
And why wouldn’t he? Caineghis was a naturally popular person, and he seemed plenty eager to lead (two traits Giffca sorely lacked), so he’d make a great king, and Giffca could go on with his life, and they’d both be happy.
Problem was, Giffca and Caineghis had clashed plenty of times already (Caineghis was still the second choice, so they crossed paths plenty of times) so on top of knowing what the plan was, Caineghis also knew that he shouldn’t be able to win against Giffca. They were fairly closely matched in raw strength, but Giffca was much smarter about the way he used it (not to mention that Caineghis was very prone to letting the blood rush to his head). He knew the throne was being forced upon him, and, while he was hotheaded, he had enough self-awareness to know that he wasn’t prepared for this job, which made it all the more baffling that Giffca, of all people, would think he was fit for it.
If you had asked Caineghis, he honestly thought that Giffca was a great choice to be king, a far better one than he was. Giffca had everything Caineghis lacked and everything a king needed: he was intelligent, he spoke with clarity, he held is head high, and, until now, he was always just. He was firm in his convictions but knew when he needed to bend a little lest he break, and, in their only similarity, he clearly loved Gallia above all else, so... why? He couldn’t understand why Giffca would push the throne onto someone so unfitting for it. Caineghis knew he was hotheaded, he knew he couldn’t keep his cool, and, even before it was decided that it should be Giffca, he didn’t feel like he was the right person for the job.
They both believed themselves unfit for the throne, and Giffca had acted faster than Caineghis and was able to run away from it. Up until that point, Caineghis had honestly liked Giffca a lot, he held a lot of respect for him, and he... couldn’t understand. He couldn’t understand why Giffca would go so far to avoid the throne. As he stood there, declared victor, declared king in front of the whole world, he knew he had lost to Giffca. At what, he didn’t know, but he had undeniably lost.
He couldn’t abdicate. He couldn’t walk away. And in the coming months, strangled by his own authority and responsibilities, he started to understand at least a little why Giffca hadn’t wanted this, but he was never able to understand why he didn’t just say so.
Giffca was able to escape notice in the bureaucratic mess around Caineghis’ sudden and unexpected ascent, but Caineghis never forgot. In the back of his mind, as he was busy with learning the ins and outs of being a monarch, he was always thinking of a way to find out why.
After a year or two, using Giffca’s second-place finish as a pretense, his authority as a king as a cudgel, and Giffca’s match-throwing as blackmail for good measure, Caineghis appointed Giffca as his right-hand man.
Their relationship from then on was rocky, to say the least. Giffca felt some guilt over what he did to Caineghis, but also felt that forcing him into a job he had been actively trying to avoid was excessive, and Caineghis still felt personally betrayed by Giffca’s actions during the finals match. They were civil with each other for the purposes of not sending the country they both loved so much down a path of destruction, but it took considerable time for them to come to understand each other and stop baring their fangs behind closed doors.
By the time they realized their anxieties about sitting on the throne (which is what lied at the core of their disputes) had been the same, they had both grown into their roles in the government very, very well, and while it still wasn’t something either could do alone, they weren’t really doing it alone anymore, were they?
Since the experience was so miserable for the two of them, it’s only natural that they resolved to do better for whoever was next (as we know, it ended up being Skrimir). I don’t think that they sought to completely upend the whole Fun Wrestling Get Together Festival thing, but with the benefit of hindsight they were able to see that most of their problems were caused by a lack of communication. They made sure that Skrimir actually 100% wanted to lead a country and, while they were at it, made sure Ranulf actually wanted to be his advisor/babysitter as well; they were openly given the freedom of choice instead of being expected to play along like good little kittens.
There wasn’t much beyond that that needed to be changed, though I think that it’s fair to assume that choosing to have Skrimir lead the military campaign in RD Act 3 was a way to have him prove his worth to those who cared (of course, this also included Caineghis and Giffca) before they progressed to the wrestling thing and couldn’t back out. It wasn’t necessarily as a way to manufacture a hero, but it’s not like it’d hurt for him to be one either, y’know?
I guess one last thing to talk about (since I’m in the general neighborhood of the topic) is how, like how the campaign in Act 3 was a humbling experience for Skrimir and a key point in his life where he realized he needed to change course one way or another, the shitshow surrounding Caineghis becoming king was an equally humbling experience for him (and eventually led to him becoming the kind of person capable of having “behaving rationally” listed as their talent in their Tellius Recollection Vol 1 profile).
It wasn’t as if his life was free of conflict before, but it’s easy to imagine that it was mostly smooth sailing. People liked him, he liked them back, and that usually stopped any problems before they started, but with Giffca throwing the match and everything that followed, Caineghis had hit a wall he couldn’t even begin to grasp the shape of.
I’ll repeat myself a little, but from Caineghis’ perspective, Giffca had done a total 180. The people of Gallia (and especially those who approached him) were generally a very straightforward bunch and whenever someone had a problem with Caineghis, they would use their words or their fists to figure it out. Giffca never gave him the chance, and that was a massive wakeup call.
Taking everything at face value got him into this situation, and if he hoped to stand up to those who (unlike Giffca) actually sought to bring harm to Gallia, he’d need to adapt to a world of deceit, lies, and half-truths. He had never needed to stop and analyze someone’s actions, words, or intentions to the degree which he had to with Giffca, but now that he was king, now that he was responsible for an entire nation of people, could he ever afford to be that careless again?
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piyasahaberleri · 2 years ago
Bu temsili fotoğraf, 21 Mayıs 2019'da Tunus'un cenup kıyısındaki Zarzis limanına varan bir Tunus balıkçı teknesini gösteriyor. — AFPBir adli yetkiliye gore, İtalya'ya gitmekte olan bir teknenin Pazar günü Tunus açıklarında batması sonucu minimum 10 kişinin kaybolduğu ve bir kişinin de yaşamını kaybetmiş olduğu bildirildi.Yakındaki Sfax şehrinde yargıç olan Faouzi Masmoudi, Tunus sahil güvenliğinin, ülkenin güneydoğu bölgesindeki Zarzis kasabası açıklarında alabora olan tekneden 11 kişiyi kurtardığını söylemiş oldu. Mahalli basında çıkan haberlere gore, Tunus beklenmedik bir göç kriziyle uğraşırken, Akdeniz'i geçmeye çalışan birçok insan artık Sfax ve çevresindeki kasabaları Avrupa'ya ana giriş noktası olarak kullanıyor ve Afrika'daki yoksulluk ve çatışmadan kaçan insanoğlu için ana çıkış noktası olarak Libya'nın yerini alıyor. ve Orta Doğu.Tunus Ekonomik ve Toplumsal Haklar Forumu'na gore, tekneleri Tunus açıklarında alabora olduktan sonrasında 608 kişinin öldüğü yada yitik olduğu doğrulandı. Haklar örgütü ek olarak ortalama 33.000 kişinin teknelere binmeye çalıştığını sadece başarısız bulunduğunu belirtti.Tunuslular daha ilkin geçtiğimiz haftalarda Sfax'ta mültecilerin varlığına karşı gösteriler yapmıştı.Buna ek olarak, yargı yetkililerine gore, Tunuslu bir insanın Salı günü şehirdeki şiddetli tartışmalar esnasında ölümcül şekilde bıçaklanmasının arkasından Sahra altı Afrikalı üç kişinin gözaltına alındığı bildirildi.Hak örgütlerine gore, bu haftanın başlarında yüzlerce Siyahi Afrikalı, Tunus güvenlik güçleri tarafınca Sfax'tan Libya sınır bölgesine yerleştirildi.İnsan Hakları İzleme Örgütü'nde göçmen ve sığınmacı hakları araştırmacısı Lauren Seibert'e gore, güvenlik güçleri tahliye edilenlere saldırırken telefonlarını, yiyeceklerini ve eşyalarını da imha etti. AB, Tunus'un ulusal göç krizini ele almasına yardım etmek için mali yardım sözü verdi.Geçen ay Cumhurbaşkanı Kais Saied, Tunus'un "göçmenler için bir geçiş yada yerleşim yeri olmayı reddettiğini" ve Avrupa'ya izinsiz göçü durdurmaktan görevli olamayacağını belirtti. Irkçı olmakla geniş çapta eleştirilen sözlerinde Saied, Şubat ayında Sahra altı Afrika'daki ülke sakinlerini suçla ilişkilendirdi.Yüzyılın başından beri Tunus'un demografik yapısını değiştirmeye yönelik bir kabahat planı var ve 2011'den sonrasında Sahra Altı Afrika'dan gelen kaçak göçmenlerin iskanı için büyük meblağlar alan taraflar var.Talihsiz vaka, Libya'dan İtalya'ya ortalama 400 ila 750 göçmeni taşırken Akdeniz'in ortasında başka bir talihsiz teknenin alabora olması ve 75'ten fazla kişinin vefat etmesiyle sonuçlanmasından haftalar sonrasında geldi.
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