#zarbi is like bizarre but backwards which means weird
joojdraws · 1 year
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losing my mind just started playing smile for me in french (my first language) and dr. habit's name is dr. zarbit
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hatari-translations · 4 years
Daði Freyr ft. Don Tox - Heyri ekki (Can’t Hear) - transcript/translation
This song, requested by anon, is significantly rap in a mixture of French and English. I’m afraid I know maybe three entire sentences of French, so I could only transcribe the Icelandic portion; however, the fantastic okarynna has generously transcribed and translated those parts for me and even provided notes in the vein of what I do! Huge thanks for that.
Icelandic/French/English transcript
DAÐI: (Dans)
DON TOX: On est calés collés serrés, ça vaut le coût d’essayer Si j’aimais l’ambiance, histoire de semer le feu et c’est la folie I don’t care if the neighbour call the police They are coming, no worries they join us in the party On va casser la baraque et d’entrée Pense à rien, tout ce qu’on veut mon gars c’est danser De malade à la clinique et on consomme la teuf (fête) comme de la pill Et déjà tout mon stress se relativise
Shake-a-shake-a-shake your body On révèle tellement on regorge d’énergie T’es accro de (?) ce soir on craque denordi (ordinaire) Tu veux savoir c’est qui par là, c’est God c’est Daði C’est toi qui es zarbi (bizarre) Tu fais genre t’as peur du dancefloor Bouge sur l’électronique comme sur du dancehall T’es sous l’emprise of a super McSort ouais Faut que tu t’agites down on the bass drop
DAÐI: Heyri ekki hvað þú ert að segja Það er í lagi, þú veist hvað ég meina Við komum ekki til þess að spjalla Við komum til þess að stíga dans
Heyri ekki hvað þú ert að segja Það er í lagi, þú veist hvað ég meina Við komum ekki til þess að spjalla Við komum til þess að stíga dans
Við horfumst í augu En þau segja allt sem segja þarf Annað getur beðið betri stað og betri tíma, getum útkljáð þetta seinna Við horfumst í augu Ég þarf ekki að vita meir á þessu augnabliki
DON TOX: Þa-þa-þa-þa-það skiptir ekki máli On fait la vague que je parle Islandais C’est pas sorcier fait juste bouger ton corps C’est maintenant ou jamais pourquoi t’hésites encore Commence par un pas et je ferai le deuxième Ici le contrat c’est fully autorisé Yo vernissez les pierres et soulève le plafond On fait crouler le sky on s’entoure des glaçons Prends ça comme une dose the mushrooms, fait ce que tu veux Rien à foutre, t’occupe pas de ceux qui en souffrent Nous on est plus forts à la pêche Les maux en tant que tels on les garde dans la tête Dans la même crêche, on est déjà dans la sphère ouais Plus on transpire on se baigne dans la fête
Tel un monastère faut pas crier hallelujah On a du mal à voir on est dans le brouillard Faut soulever la tête comme le ferais ma booyah Ici y’a pas le temps des goujats
DAÐI: Heyri ekki hvað þú ert að segja Það er í lagi, þú veist hvað ég meina Við komum ekki til þess að spjalla Við komum til þess að stíga dans
Heyri ekki hvað þú ert að segja Það er í lagi, þú veist hvað ég meina Við komum ekki til þess að spjalla Við komum til þess að stíga dans
English translation
DAÐI: (Dance)
DON TOX: We’re all crammed in together, it’s worth a try Gotta set the mood, I light the place on fire and it goes crazy I don’t care if the neighbour call the police They are coming, no worries they join us in the party We’re gonna raise the roof that’s for sure Don’t think about it man, all we wanna do is dance We were sick now we’re at the clinic, we’re popping this party like it’s a pill I can already feel my stress going down
Shake-a-shake-a-shake your body We’re out here basking in loads of energy You’re addicted to (?) tonight we’re breaking free You wanna know who’s up there, it’s God it’s Daði You’re the one who’s being weird You act like you’re scared of the dancefloor Move on the electronic beat like it’s dancehall You’re under a super McSpell yeah You gotta move it down on the bass drop
DAÐI: Can't hear what you're saying That's fine, you know what I mean We didn't come here to chat We came here to dance
Can't hear what you're saying That's fine, you know what I mean We didn't come here to chat We came here to dance
We look in each other's eyes But they say everything that needs to be said Everything else can wait for a better place and better time, we can work it out later We look in each other's eyes I don't need to know any more in this moment
DON TOX: It-it-it-it-it doesn't matter Let’s do the wave ‘cause I’m speaking Icelandic There’s no secret to it, just move your body It’s now or never, why are you hesitating Start with a step and I’ll make the second one Here’s the contract it’s fully authorized Yo polish the floor and raise the roof We make the sky drop down and we’re surrounded by ice cubes Take it like a dose of mushrooms, do want you want to Don’t give a damn, don’t worry about those can’t take it We’re the best, we’re in great form Let’s keep the aches in our own heads In the same kindergarten, we’re in the right sphere yeah The more we sweat we can bathe in the party
Like at a monastery we must not yell hallelujah We can’t see ‘cause we’re standing in the fog We gotta lift our heads up like my booyah would We haven’t got time for boors
DAÐI: Can't hear what you're saying That's fine, you know what I mean We didn't come here to chat We came here to dance
Can't hear what you're saying That's fine, you know what I mean We didn't come here to chat We came here to dance
okarynna's French transcription/translation notes
(Again, huge thanks to okarynna for providing these!)
I can now definitely sympathize with how difficult it is to transcribe rap parts, Don Tox gave me a run for my money! I will preface this with the fact that I am French-Canadian, and Don Tox sounds like a Frenchman to me, so I’m not 100% familiar with all the expressions he uses. He mixes in random English phrases as well as “verlan” (a French habit of speaking words backwards, so “fête” becomes “teuf”), so my this is my best try at interpretation.
“Teuf” is verlan for “fête”: party “Zarbi” is verlan for “bizarre”: weird
“On révèle tellement on regorge d’énergie” doesn’t make a lot of sense, as “révéler” means to uncover. But it may be an anglicism using the word “to revel in something”, so I went with that.
“On craque denordi” I’ve completely made this up but it’s all I can hear, and it sounds like it “denordi” could be verlan for “ordinaire”: normal. It’s worth noting he used the word “craque” which could also be “crack” as in the drug. Could be a regional thing. He does refer multiple times to partying and dancing feeling like a drug to him.
Yes, that is “McSort” or “McSpell” as is “McDonalds”.
As far as I’m aware “polir les pierres” is not an actual idiom, but it does sound to me like it could mean “polish the floor” as in you dance so hard that the floor shines.
“Nous on est plus forts à la pêche” literally means “we’re the best at fishing” which makes no sense here. However, “avoir la pêche” or “une pêche d’enfer” means to be in good shape, to have lots of energy, and that seems to fit in better. In both these idioms, the word “pêche” is actually the fruit, a peach.
“Les maux on les garde dans la tête” is a clever word play, because “maux de tête” means “headaches” and he says they gotta keep them in their heads.
In France “la crèche” is the kindergarten, the daycare for young children. I’m not sure what he’s getting at, probably that himself and whoever he’s talking to come from the same place?
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