Hey there, I’m Debra. I’m a writer living in West Jordan, Utah. I am a fan of programming, Web designing, and politics. I’m also interested in Social media marketing and design. Pinterest My Site
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This is the second episode that I’ve done in the Attributes of Christ series.
Today we are discussing being Submissive and what that means.
I’ve been thinking about doing an attributes of Jesus Christ series for some time. I’ve finally started it. Hopefully you enjoy it. The idea is to identify and discuss what the Christlike characteristics we each need to possess and obtain while in this life. Our goal should be to become like Jesus. We do it through practice. We do it by modeling His attributes. It’s not easy. I’d suggest it’s not even simple. But, with effort, you can do it.
Come Follow Me
I hope this video is beneficial.
Let me know if you enjoyed this episode or if you hated it.
Did I get something right?
Did I get something wrong?
Let me know.
Let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
If you would like us to continue to produce the material to help you in your Mormon or Latter-day Saint Sunday School Class, let us know in the comment section below.
I hope you find this material helpful.
Attributes of Christ
This is the attributes of Christ series. We are going to go through all of the Christlike attributes that you must possess so that you can be like Him. Because, if you are not like Him, you will not be able to abide His coming.
Thanks for watching.
Here are links to other lessons:
Meekness – Attributes of Christ
Submissive – Attributes of Christ
Come Follow Me New Testament Lesson 13 – Gospel Doctrine
http://jeremyeveland.com/submissive/ https://jeremyevelandmba.tumblr.com/post/184060813477
0 notes
I’ve been thinking about doing an attributes of Jesus Christ series for some time. I’ve finally started it. Hopefully you enjoy it. The idea to to identify and discuss what the Christlike characteristics we each need to possess and obtain while in this life. Our goal should be to become like Jesus. We do it through practice. We do it by modeling His attributes. It’s not easy. I’d suggest it’s not even simple. But, with effort, you can do it.
Come Follow Me
I hope this video is beneficial.
Let me know if you enjoyed this episode or if you hated it.
Did I get something right?
Did I get something wrong?
Let me know.
Let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
If you would like us to continue to produce the material to help you in your Mormon or Latter-day Saint Sunday School Class, let us know in the comment section below.
I hope you find this material helpful.
Attributes of Christ
This is the attributes of Christ series. We are going to go through all of the Christlike attributes that you must possess so that you can be like Him. Because, if you are not like Him, you will not be able to abide His coming.
Thanks for watching.
Here are links to other lessons:
Meekness – Attributes of Christ
Come Follow Me New Testament Lesson 12 – John 5
Come Follow Me New Testament Lesson 13 – Gospel Doctrine
http://jeremyeveland.com/meekness/ https://jeremyevelandmba.tumblr.com/post/184037023682
0 notes
Mosiah 3:19
Mosiah 3:19
I’ve had this verse run through my mind for awhile now. It’s got a lot of meat in it.
I don’t try to go too in depth, but I at least wanted to talk about it.
“Become as a Child”
I hope this “thought for the day” is beneficial.
Let me know if you enjoyed this episode or if you hated it.
Did I get something right?
Did I get something wrong?
Let me know.
Let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
If you would like us to continue to produce the material to help you in your Mormon or Latter-day Saint Sunday School Class, let us know in the comment section below.
I hope you find this material helpful.
Thanks for watching.
Here are links to other lessons:
Come Follow Me New Testament Luke 7 – Gospel Doctrine
Come Follow Me New Testament Lesson 12 – John 5
Come Follow Me New Testament Lesson 13 – Gospel Doctrine
http://jeremyeveland.com/mosiah-319/ https://jeremyevelandmba.tumblr.com/post/183940971922
0 notes
New Testament Lesson 13 – Gospel Doctrine – Come Follow Me
Come Follow Me – Matthew 16 – New Testament Lesson
So I wanted to supplement Lesson #12 of the New Testament and add to it by providing you with some information on Matthew 16 in the Bible.
“Thou Art the Christ”
I know that the sound or audio isn’t great – I don’t have a professional studio to record this information in, so I know that it is lacking; but the information should be insightful. I try to give you additional references and provide information that hopefully causes you to reflect and ponder.
Let me know if you enjoyed this episode or if you hated it.
Did I get something right?
Did I get something wrong?
Let me know.
Let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
If you would like us to continue to produce the material to help you in your Mormon or Latter-day Saint Sunday School Class, let us know in the comment section below.
New Testament Gospel Doctrine
I hope you find this material helpful.
Thanks for watching.
Here are links to other lessons:
Luke 7 – Come Follow Me – Gospel Doctrine
New Testament Lesson 12 – Come Follow Me – John 5
New Testament Lesson 13 – Gospel Doctrine – Come Follow Me
http://jeremyeveland.com/new-testament-lesson-13-gospel-doctrine-come-follow-me/ https://jeremyevelandmba.tumblr.com/post/183740730737
0 notes
New Testament Lesson 12 – Gospel Doctrine – Come Follow Me
Come Follow Me – John 5 – New Testament Lesson
So I wanted to supplement Lesson #12 of the New Testament and add to it by providing you with some information on John chapter 5 in the Bible.
“Be Not Afraid”
I know that the sound or audio isn’t great – I don’t have a professional studio to record this information in, so I know that it is lacking; but the information should be insightful. I try to give you additional references and provide information that hopefully causes you to reflect and ponder.
Let me know if you enjoyed this episode or if you hated it.
Did I get something right?
Did I get something wrong?
Let me know.
Let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
If you would like us to continue to produce the material to help you in your Mormon or Latter-day Saint Sunday School Class, let us know in the comment section below.
New Testament Gospel Doctrine
I hope you find this material helpful.
Thanks for watching.
Here are links to other lessons:
Luke 7 – Come Follow Me – Gospel Doctrine
New Testament Lesson 12 – Come Follow Me – John 5
New Testament Lesson 11 – Gospel Doctrine – Come Follow Me
http://jeremyeveland.com/new-testament-lesson-12-gospel-doctrine-come-follow-me/ https://jeremyevelandmba.tumblr.com/post/183732024912
0 notes
Luke 7 – Come Follow Me – Week 11
Come Follow Me – Luke 7 – New Testament Lesson
So I wanted to supplement Lesson #11 of the New Testament and add to it by provising you with some information on Luke 7 in the Bible.
“These Twelve Jesus Sent Forth”
I know that the sound or audio isn’t great – I don’t have a professional studio to record this information in, so I know that it is lacking; but the information should be insightful. I try to give you additional references and provide information that hopefully causes you to reflect and ponder.
Let me know if you enjoyed this episode or if you hated it.
Did I get something right?
Did I get something wrong?
Let me know.
Let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
If you would like us to continue to produce the material to help you in your Mormon or Latter-day Saint Sunday School Class, let us know in the comment section below.
New Testament Gospel Doctrine
I hope you find this material helpful.
Thanks for watching.
Here are links to other lessons:
Luke 7 – Come Follow Me – Gospel Doctrine
New Testament Lesson 10 – Come Follow Me – Matthew 10
New Testament Lesson 11 – Gospel Doctrine – Come Follow Me
http://jeremyeveland.com/luke-7-come-follow-me-week-11/ https://jeremyevelandmba.tumblr.com/post/183712708337
0 notes
New Testament Lesson 11 – Come Follow Me – Gospel Doctrine
Come Follow Me – Matthew 13 – New Testament Lesson 11
This lesson is about Matthew 13 in the New Testament. We’re trying to follow the Come Follow Me materials in the Gospel Doctrine Class. According to my notes, this should be Lesson 11 in the Gospel Doctrine manual, but with the way they do it now, it can be somewhat confusing at times. If I got it wrong, please let me know.
��Who Hath Ears to Hear, Let Him Hear”
In this episode, we cover Matthew Chapter 13 only. The lesson says that you should review Luke 8 and Luke Chapter 13 too. Sorry I simply wasn’t able to do more. Going over the scriptures is a great feat and one that you should take the time to do on your own. It is a worthy endeavor.
Let me know if you enjoyed this episode or if you hated it.
Did I get something right?
Did I get something wrong?
Let me know.
Let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
If you would like us to continue to produce the material to help you in your Mormon or Latter-day Saint Sunday School Class, let us know in the comment section below.
New Testament Gospel Doctrine
I hope you find this material helpful.
Thanks for watching.
Here are links to other lessons:
Come Follow Me Matthew 8 and 9
New Testament Lesson 10 – Come Follow Me – Matthew 10
New Testament Lesson 11 – Gospel Doctrine – Come Follow Me
http://jeremyeveland.com/new-testament-lesson-11-come-follow-me-gospel-doctrine/ https://jeremyevelandmba.tumblr.com/post/183705373102
0 notes
New Testament Lesson 10 – Come Follow Me – Matthew 10
Come Follow Me – Matthew 10 – New Testament Lesson 10
This lesson is about Matthew 10 in the New Testament. We’re trying to follow the Come Follow Me materials in the Gospel Doctrine Class. According to my notes, this should be Lesson 10 in the Gospel Doctrine manual, but with the way they do it now, it can be somewhat confusing at times. If I got it wrong, please let me know.
“These Twelve Jesus Sent Forth”
In this episode, we cover Matthew Chapter 10. We weren’t able to do more. Going over the scriptures is a great feat and one that you should take the time to do on your own. it is a worthy endeavor.
Let me know if you enjoyed this episode or if you hated it.
Did I get something right?
Did I get something wrong?
Let me know.
Let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
If you would like us to continue to produce the material to help you in your Mormon or Latter-day Saint Sunday School Class, let us know in the comment section below.
New Testament Gospel Doctrine
I hope you find this material helpful.
Thanks for watching.
Here are links to other lessons:
Come Follow Me Matthew 8 and 9
New Testament Lesson 10 – Come Follow Me – Matthew 10
New Testament Lesson 8 – Gospel Doctrine – Come Follow Me
http://jeremyeveland.com/new-testament-lesson-10-come-follow-me-matthew-10/ https://jeremyevelandmba.tumblr.com/post/183270284937
0 notes
Come Follow Me Matthew 8 and 9
Come Follow Me – Matthew 8 and 9
This lesson is about Matthew 8 and Matthew chapter 9 in the New Testament. We’re trying to follow the Come Follow Me materials in the Gospel Doctrine Class. According to my notes, this should be Lesson 9 in the Gospel Doctrine manual.
I believe that this is the 9th lesson in the New Testament under the Come Follow Me manual.
“Thy Faith Hath Made Thee Whole”
This is about how miracles occur according to God’s will and our faith in Jesus Christ. I hope you enjoy this lesson.
Let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
If you would like us to continue to produce the material to help you in your Mormon or Latter-day Saint Sunday School Class, let us know in the comment section below.
New Testament Gospel Doctrine
I hope you find this material helpful.
Thanks for watching.
Here are links to other lessons:
Come Follow Me Matthew 8 and 9
New Testament Lesson 7 – Come Follow Me – Matthew 5 Luke 6
New Testament Lesson 8 – Gospel Doctrine – Come Follow Me
http://jeremyeveland.com/come-follow-me-matthew-8-and-9/ https://jeremyevelandmba.tumblr.com/post/183097625342
0 notes
New Testament Lesson 8 – Matthew 6 and 7 – Come Follow Me
New Testament Lesson 8 – Matthew 6 – Matthew 7 – Come Follow Me
This lesson is about Matthew 6 and Matthew chapter 7 in the New Testament. We’re trying to follow the Come Follow Me materials in the Gospel Doctrine Class. This is helpful I hope.
I believe that this is the 7th lesson in the New Testament under the Come Follow Me manual.
“He Taught Them as One Having Authority”
This also covers the Savior’s Sermon on the Mount. I know of no better way to become Christlike than by living the way taught by Jesus in this message found in scripture.
I hope you enjoy this lesson.
Let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
If you would like us to continue to produce the material to help you in your Mormon or Latter-day Saint Sunday School Class, let us know in the comment section below.
New Testament Gospel Doctrine
I hope you find this material helpful.
Thanks for watching.
Here are links to other lessons:
New Testament Lesson 6 – Come Follow Me – Gospel Doctrine
New Testament Lesson 7 – Come Follow Me – Matthew 5 Luke 6
New Testament Lesson 8 – Gospel Doctrine – Come Follow Me
http://jeremyeveland.com/new-testament-lesson-8-matthew-6-and-7-come-follow-me/ https://jeremyevelandmba.tumblr.com/post/182914393812
0 notes
New Testament Lesson 7 – Matthew 5 Luke 6 – Come Follow Me
New Testament Lesson 7 – Matthew 5 and Luke 6 – Come Follow Me
This lesson is about Matthew 5 and Luke 6 in the New Testament. We’re trying to follow the Come Follow Me materials in the Gospel Doctrine Class.
I believe that this is the 7th lesson in the New Testament under the Come Follow Me manual.
“Ye Must Be Born Again”
I hope you enjoy this lesson.
Let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
If you would like us to continue to produce the material to help you in your Mormon or Latter-day Saint Sunday School Class, let us know in the comment section below.
New Testament Gospel Doctrine
I hope you find this material helpful.
Thanks for watching.
Here are links to other lessons:
New Testament Lesson 6 – Come Follow Me – Gospel Doctrine
New Testament Lesson 7 – Come Follow Me – Matthew 5 Luke 6
New Testament Lesson 5 – Gospel Doctrine – Come Follow Me
http://jeremyeveland.com/new-testament-lesson-7-matthew-5-luke-6-come-follow-me/ https://jeremyevelandmba.tumblr.com/post/182893363847
0 notes
Eliminate Distractions
Eliminate Distractions
How do you accomplish things in life?
In the areas of:
Health and Fitness
Spirituality and Religion
Marriage and Family
Work and Business
and all other areas of life?
It is by focus after eliminating distractions.
Hope this Uplifing #ThoughtForTheDay is good for you.
Learn to Question Yourself
Eliminate Distractions
http://jeremyeveland.com/eliminate-distractions/ https://jeremyevelandmba.tumblr.com/post/182760373637
0 notes
Learn to Question Yourself
Learn to Question Yourself
Are you always right?
Yeah, neither am I.
It’s possible, in fact probably, because we all err, that you, me or all of us may be wrong about something.
Perhaps, the best route of action to take is that of being kind to other since we don’t know everything and we surely don’t know everything about others – where they come from – or what they’ve gone through.
Remember to question yourself and not be afraid to realize that you could be wrong.
In fact, it may not be about being wrong or right at all –
Maybe its about being kind and nice to others.
Something to think about.
Learn to Question Yourself
http://jeremyeveland.com/learn-to-question-yourself/ https://jeremyevelandmba.tumblr.com/post/182737818772
0 notes
New Testament Lesson 6 – John 2-4 – Come Follow Me
New Testament Lesson 6 – John 2 through 4 – Come Follow Me
This lesson is about John chaptes 2, 3 and 4 in the New Testament. We’re trying to follow the Come Follow Me materials in the Gospel Doctrine Class.
If my memory works; then, this is the 6th lesson in the New Testament under the Come Follow Me manual.
“Ye Must Be Born Again”
I hope you enjoy this lesson.
Let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
If you would like us to continue to produce the material to help you in your Mormon or Latter-day Saint Sunday School Class, let us know in the comment section below.
New Testament Gospel Doctrine
I hope you find this material helpful.
Thanks for watching.
Here are links to other lessons:
New Testament Lesson 6 – Come Follow Me – Gospel Doctrine
New Testament Lesson 4 – Gospel Doctrine – Come Follow Me
New Testament Lesson 5 – Come Follow Me
http://jeremyeveland.com/new-testament-lesson-6-john-2-4-come-follow-me/ https://jeremyevelandmba.tumblr.com/post/182609747537
0 notes
New Testament Lesson 5 – Luke 4 and 5 – Come Follow Me
New Testament Lesson 5 – Luke 4 and 5 – Come Follow Me
This lesson is about Luke Chapters 4 and 5 in the New Testament. We’re trying to follow the Come Follow Me materials in the Gospel Doctrine Class.
If my memory works; then, this is the 5th lesson in the New Testament under the Come Follow Me manual.
I hope you enjoy this lesson.
Let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
If you would like us to continue to produce the material to help you in your Mormon or Latter-day Saint Sunday School Class, let us know in the comment section below.
New Testament Gospel Doctrine
I hope you find this material helpful.
Thanks for watching.
Here are links to other lessons:
New Testament Lesson 3 – Come Follow Me
New Testament Lesson 4 – Come Follow Me
New Testament Lesson 5 – Come Follow Me
http://jeremyeveland.com/new-testament-lesson-5-luke-4-and-5-come-follow-me/ https://jeremyevelandmba.tumblr.com/post/182373524572
0 notes
Resources for Studying the New Testament – Come Follow Me
Resources for Studying the New Testament- Come Follow Me
I wanted to provide some of the resources that I use to study the New Testament and prepare talks and/or lessons.
None of these links are affiliate or paid links – this means that I don’t get paid if you buy or use any of these resources.
I hope you find them helpful.
Here are some of the resources I use:
Resources for Studying the New Testament – Come Follow Me
I think I put down all of the resources I mentioned in the video here – if I’m missing any, please let me know and I’ll put a link in the comment section.
I hope this information is useful to you –
Here are some of the resources I use:
Good luck teaching your lessons!
Let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
If you would like us to continue to produce the material to help you in your Mormon or Latter-day Saint Sunday School Class, let us know in the comment section below.
New Testament Gospel Doctrine
I hope you find this material helpful.
Thanks for watching.
Here are links to other videos:
New Testament Lesson 3 – Come Follow Me
New Testament Lesson 4 – Come Follow Me
Resources for Studying the New Testament – Come Follow Me
http://jeremyeveland.com/resources-for-studying-the-new-testament-come-follow-me/ https://jeremyevelandmba.tumblr.com/post/182243110312
0 notes
New Testament Lesson 4 – Luke 3 – Come Follow Me
New Testament Lesson 4 – Gospel Doctrine – Come Follow Me
This lesson is about Luke Chapter 3 in the New Testament. We’re trying to follow the Come Follow Me materials.
This is the 4th lesson in the New Testament under the Come Follow Me manual.
I hope you enjoy this lesson.
Let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
If you would like us to continue to produce the material to help you in your Mormon or Latter-day Saint Sunday School Class, let us know in the comment section below.
New Testament Gospel Doctrine
I hope you find this material helpful.
Thanks for watching.
Here are links to other lessons:
New Testament Lesson 3 – Come Follow Me
New Testament Lesson 4 – Come Follow Me
New Testament Lesson 2 – Come Follow Me
http://jeremyeveland.com/new-testament-lesson-4-luke-3-come-follow-me/ https://jeremyevelandmba.tumblr.com/post/182228943162
0 notes