venusaffair · 4 months
check out my friend's new song ! the language is greek and the lyrics were written by her 🥰
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didierleclair · 2 years
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Marie Zannou, top model.
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meganval · 2 months
Université d’Abomey-Calavi : Sandra ZANNOU décroche son Doctorat en Socio-Anthropologie de la Santé
Le Mardi 30 juillet 2024, la salle de conférence Michel BOKO de l’École Doctorale Pluridisciplinaire « Espaces, Cultures et Développement » de l’Université d’Abomey-Calavi a servi de cadre à un moment mémorable. Madame Sandra Zannou y a brillamment soutenu sa thèse, intitulée « Trajectoires de soins et vécu des malades du cancer du sein : une analyse socio-anthropologique à partir des cas…
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viviplaynet · 3 months
This new song is just the latest example of how her music never fails to impress; it's another stunning addition to her discography. A new single by Alis Zannou titled "Dilemma" explores the intricacies of love decisions and the pain of deeply felt choices, frequently capturing the intense emotions and inner conflict that accompany partnerships. It delves into topics like love's conflicted nature, indecision, regret, and desire. It has the power to portray the anguish of deciding between two relationship directions, the anguish of parting ways, and the hope or despair that comes with these choices. She uses analogies and rich images to convey the depth of the emotions involved, as well as her true feelings in the song, making the lyrics beautiful and introspective. By contrasting major and minor chords to symbolize opposing emotions and emphasizing tense and climactic periods through dynamics, the arrangement and melody heighten the emotional effect. In general, people connect with this kind of music because it speaks to their deepest feelings and experiences, providing comfort and empathy to those who are going through tough times. Alterations in tempo and key mirror developments in narrative emotion and tension, and the historical backdrop of the song's composition and performance adds a layer of significance. Listen to the song below and follow her on Facebook and Instagram.
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csspanish4blog · 5 months
La Falta de Diversidad en el Cine Español
¡Hola mis amigos! Hoy, me sumergiré en el tema de la falta de diversidad y estereotipos en el cine español. La representación de la diversidad en el cine español ha sido un tema de discusión y reflexión en los últimos años. Aunque España es un país con una población diversa, donde vive un 11.34% de población migrante, la representación de esta diversidad en la industria cinematográfica ha sido limitada. Esta falta de diversidad afecta la representación cultural y la inclusión, y también refleja las desigualdades y prejuicios en la sociedad española. La diversidad no solo representa una variedad de rostros en pantalla, sino también captura historias diversas que representan las experiencias y realidades de las diferentes comunidades. 
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Dado que la falta de diversidad y los estereotipos de los grupos étnicos en la industria cinematográfica española, se ha intentado mejorar la situación. “The Black View” se aburre como consecuencia de los problemas. “The Black View” es una plataforma para mejorar la visibilidad de los actores negros y ofrecer herraminetas para avanzar hacia una integración. Es un espacio para formar nuevos talentos, pero también para dar charlas en productoras y escuelas de guión, representar sus propias obras y colaborar con otras organizaciones internacionales. El fundador de la organización, un actor se llama Armando Buika, el primer paso fue contar con apoyo institucional. Por lo que, Buika propuso que un actor negro presentara un premio en la gala de los Goya. Luego, Santiago Zannou recibió una llamada para presentar uno de los premios. Fue el primer afrodescendiente en subir al escenario de los premios como presentador. 
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En conclusión, hay todavía un largo camino hacia lograr una verdadera diversidad e inclusión en la industria cinematográfica española. Recomiendo que nosotros apoyemos y promovamos iniciativas que fomenten la diversidad y la inclusión en la producción cinematográfica. 
Muchas gracias por leer nuestros blogs. Espero que hayas aprendido algo interesante o importante en estas entradas, y deseo que contribuya a que la industria cinematográfica española sea más inclusiva y representativa de la diversa sociedad  española. Si le interesa el medio ambiente y el cambio climático, recomiendo el blog de Heidi y Ellie. Ellas hablan sobre las cuestiones medioambientales en Argentina, por ejemplo deforestación. Gracias. 
https://www.facebook.com/actoresnegrostheblackview/photos/?paipv=0&eav=AfYFkArMLkCXjGE30B8aBTmupm83IPjyY11RKV3i-T1Kb7zKAiw_Rhv8md9V-RKNjKk&_rdr (foto)
https://www.latimes.com/entertainment/movies/la-et-mn-latino-stereotypes-20170428-htmlstory.html (foto)
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carolap53 · 11 months
Serving Kings
TGIF Today God Is First Volume 2 by Os Hillman
Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will serve before kings; he will not serve before obscure men (Proverbs 22:29). I was sitting in a room of 400 business people from 75 different nations to begin an international conference. After a time of worship, a man stood up and exhorted Christians in the United States to pray for their president. It was a difficult time in our nation because president Bill Clinton was in the midst of a scandal. The man who challenged us to pray was pastor Romain Zannou from the small African nation of Benin. Romain had earned the right to exhort us. Many years ago, God had given him a burden to pray for his Marxist dictator president, Mathieu Kerekou. For 10 years, he prayed for two hours a day for Kerekou’s salvation and for God to give Kerekou wisdom to lead the nation. One day while he was praying, Romain felt that the Lord had a message for the president. Within 24 hours, he was standing in a room with Kerekou to deliver the word of the Lord. Though he and Romain had agreed to meet after their first free elections for a time of Bible study, the former president refused to meet with Romain after only a few meetings. Almost every day after that, Romain went to Kerekou’s home, only to be told that Kerekou did not wish to see him. Each day he said, "I will wait," and stood outside the wall for hours, many times in the rain and heat, in hopes that Kerekou would let him in. After a year and a half of these unsuccessful visits, the former president finally received him and greeted him with the words, "Pastor Zannou, you are a very persistent man." They began an in-depth study of the Bible. Through this study of the word of God, the former president received Christ. Romain Zannou is one of many unknown leaders being used to impact nations through their own workplace calling. They are an unlikely group of people—pastors, flower shop owners, builders, industrialists and even a former golf pro (me). Be skilled in what you do. You may be standing before a king in the future.
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carabanchelnet · 2 years
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📌Madrid cancela la gestión de Mensajeros de la Paz en una residencia y promete aumentar el presupuesto 📌El Carabanchelero Santiago Zannou, ganador de un Goya, dirige el primer vídeo electoral del PSOE 📌Acaban las reformas de las zonas estanciales de Pan Bendito 📌¿Qué respiran los centros escolares? 📌Periodo de cálculo de la pensión: últimos 25 años cotizados o 29 descontando los dos peores 📌El nuevo sistema de BiciMad: nuevas bicis, nuevas estaciones… y multitud de problemas técnicos 📌Malasaña pone fecha a las fiestas del Dos de Mayo 2023 y busca propuestas 📌Madrid Urban Sports 2023: Madrid Río-Matadero con el mejor deporte urbano https://carabanchel.net
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gerardbillet · 3 years
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AKAA : Zanfanhouede : Identité, Fragment de joie ceremoniale, Julien Vignikin : Masque XXVI, Gerard Quenum : Pourquoi moi ? Edwige Aplogan: le Protecteur, Gerard Quenum : le Dictateur est mort, Vive la Dictature, VisionQuest4rosso, Lavar Munroe : Small Soldier War Mask. #carreaudutemple #akaa #zanfanhouede #zannou #identité #galerievallois #fragmentdejoie #julienvignikin #masque #gerardquenum #pourquoimoi #edwigeaplogan #leprotecteur #ledictateur #viveladictature #visionquest4rosso #lavarmunroe #bahamas #smallsoldier #warmask #nomadgallery #africa #afrique #instapic #photooftheday #parismaville (à Le Carreau du Temple) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWtzsNvMhw3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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julculture · 4 years
Semaine de la diplomatie climatique à Cotonou
L’Ue mobilise les artistes plasticiens
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Dans le cadre de la célébration de la semaine de la diplomatie climatique, au Bénin, la délégation de l’Union européenne a mobilisé des artistes plasticiens autour de la création d’une œuvre sur le thème du changement climatique. La remise de prix aux lauréats a eu lieu, mercredi 4 novembre 2020, à la résidence de l’Ue. « Chaque année, les Délégations de…
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morebedsidebooks · 4 years
Beautiful Debo
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A mother of four Béatrice Lalinon Gbado has a passion for education and children’s literature founding a Beninese publisher Ruisseaux d'Afrique in 1998 with such a focus. For Children’s Picture Book Day I thought I’d highlight one of her translated books, delightfully illustrated by Ponce E. Kokou Zannou, Beautiful Debo. A story of two girls visiting their Aunt during holidays who meet a beautiful woman named Debo at the market, beauty as it turns out can be fairly simple.
 Beautiful Debo (La Belle Debô) written by Béatrice Lalinon Gbado and illustrated by Ponce E. Kokou Zannou is available in several languages, (English translation and adaption from French: Data & Decisions Consulting Editor: Richard A.B. Crabbe, Proofreading: Fiona MacGregor and Sean Fraser, Typesetting: Jenny Wheeldon) in print from New Africa Books ISBN# 9781919876139, digitally from Worldreader.org
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didierleclair · 7 days
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Marie Zannou, top model.
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justforbooks · 4 years
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Giorgos or George Seferis, the pen name of Georgios Seferiades was born on March 13 1900. He was a Greek poet-diplomat. He was one of the most important Greek poets of the 20th century, and a Nobel laureate. He was a career diplomat in the Greek Foreign Service, culminating in his appointment as Ambassador to the UK, a post which he held from 1957 to 1962.
Seferis was born in Vourla near Smyrna in Asia Minor, Ottoman Empire (now İzmir, Turkey). His father, Stelios Seferiadis, was a lawyer, and later a professor at the University of Athens, as well as a poet and translator in his own right. He was also a staunch Venizelist and a supporter of the demotic Greek language over the formal, official language (katharevousa). Both of these attitudes influenced his son. In 1914 the family moved to Athens, where Seferis completed his secondary school education. He continued his studies in Paris from 1918 to 1925, studying law at the Sorbonne. While he was there, in September 1922, Smyrna/Izmir was taken by the Turkish Army after a two-year Greek military campaign on Anatolian soil. Many Greeks, including Seferis's family, fled from Asia Minor. Seferis would not visit Smyrna again until 1950; the sense of being an exile from his childhood home would inform much of Seferis's poetry, showing itself particularly in his interest in the story of Odysseus. Seferis was also greatly influenced by Kavafis, T. S. Eliot and Ezra Pound.
He returned to Athens in 1925 and was admitted to the Royal Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the following year. This was the beginning of a long and successful diplomatic career, during which he held posts in England (1931–1934) and Albania (1936–1938). He married Maria Zannou ('Maro') on April 10, 1941 on the eve of the German invasion of Greece. During the Second World War, Seferis accompanied the Free Greek Government in exile to Crete, Egypt, South Africa, and Italy, and returned to liberated Athens in 1944. He continued to serve in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and held diplomatic posts in Ankara, Turkey (1948–1950) and London (1951–1953). He was appointed minister to Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Iraq (1953–1956), and was Royal Greek Ambassador to the United Kingdom from 1957 to 1961, the last post before his retirement in Athens. Seferis received many honours and prizes, among them honorary doctoral degrees from the universities of Cambridge (1960), Oxford (1964), Thessaloniki (1964), and Princeton (1965).
In 1936, Seferis published a translation of T. S. Eliot's The Waste Land.
Seferis was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature "for his eminent lyrical writing, inspired by a deep feeling for the Hellenic world of culture." Seferis was the first Greek to receive the prize in 1963 (followed later by Odysseas Elytis, who became a Nobel laureate in 1979). But in his acceptance speech, Seferis chose rather to emphasise his own humanist philosophy, concluding: "When on his way to Thebes Oedipus encountered the Sphinx, his answer to its riddle was: 'Man'. That simple word destroyed the monster. We have many monsters to destroy. Let us think of the answer of Oedipus." While Seferis has sometimes been considered a nationalist poet, his 'Hellenism' had more to do with his identifying a unifying strand of humanism in the continuity of Greek culture and literature. The other five finalists for the prize that year were W. H. Auden, Pablo Neruda (1971 winner), Samuel Beckett (1969 winner), Yukio Mishima and Aksel Sandemose.
His house at Pangrati district of central Athens, just next to the Panathinaiko Stadium of Athens, still stands today at Agras Street.
There are commemorative blue plaques on two of his London homes – 51 Upper Brook Street, and at 7 Sloane Avenue.
In 1999, there was a dispute over the naming of a street in İzmir Yorgos Seferis Sokagi due to continuing ill-feeling over the Greco-Turkish War in the early 1920s.
In 2004, the band Sigmatropic released "16 Haiku & Other Stories," an album dedicated to and lyrically derived from Seferis's work. Vocalists included recording artists Laetitia Sadier, Alejandro Escovedo, Cat Power, and Robert Wyatt. Seferis's famous stanza from Mythistorema was featured in the Opening Ceremony of the 2004 Athens Olympic Games:
I woke with this marble head in my hands; It exhausts my elbows and I don't know where to put it down. It was falling into the dream as I was coming out of the dream. So our life became one and it will be very difficult for it to separate again.
Stephen King quotes several of Seferis's poems in epigraphs to his 1975 novel Salem's Lot.
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at http://justforbooks.tumblr.com
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mldigitalart · 4 years
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NYC Web Fest is looking forward to sitting down with these fantastic creators for our Sunday 2:30pm (EST) Industry Panel: NEW BEGINNINGS “Creation from Coast to Coast” with
Moderated by MelimeL
For more info –> https://watch.eventive.org/nycwebfest2020/play/5fae01ca3f8ed500780c8f1d/5fae03983f8ed500780c8fd3
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alainas-sims · 5 years
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Global CAS Challenge (19: Benin)
Ayo Zannou
Age: Teen
Aspiration: Freelance Botanist
Traits: Childish, Hotheaded
lipstick / eyes / necklace (GTW) / dress / sandals
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ujamaalive · 5 years
Afro-Spaniards are Spanish nationals of West/Central African descent. They today mainly come from Cameroon, Gambia, Mali and Senegal. Additionally, many Afro-Spaniards born in Spain are from the former Spanish colony Equatorial Guinea. Spaniards of Sub-Saharan ancestry originating in Latin America are generally excluded from this definition.
Total population  Spain 1,045,120 (2016) Regions with significant populations Andalusia, Catalonia, the Balearics, the Canaries, Madrid, Murcia, Valencia Languages Spanish; English, French, Portuguese, various languages of Africa Religion Predominantly Christian (mainly Roman Catholic), Sunni Islam, Traditional African religions, others, nonreligious Related ethnic groups African people, Spanish Equatoguinean, Cape Verdean Spanish, Afro-European
Notable people
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Antumi Toasijé, historian and Pan-African activist
Artists and writers
Juan Latino, poet and Renaissance humanist
Juan de Pareja, painter
Explorers and conquistadores
Juan Valiente
Juan Garrido
In entertainment and media
Francine Gálvez, journalist
Vicenta Ndongo, actress
Concha Buika, singer
Emilio Buale, actor
Virginia Buika, singer
Frank T, MC and rap producer
Dareysteel, rapper
Desirée Ndjambo, journalist
El Chojin, rapper
Santiago Zannou, film director
Jimmy Castro, actor
Hijas del Sol, music duo
Paloma Loribo, singer
Norberto de Noah, singer and writer
Andrés Montes, journalist
Bisila Bokoko
Dolores Johnson Sastre
Rita Bosaho
Juan Antonio de la Morena Doca, alcalde of Villamantilla
Pedro Oma Nkomi, alcalde of Pampliega
Guillem Balboa Buika, alcalde of Alaró
In sports
Miguel Jones, former football player
Vicente Engonga, football manager and former player
Benjamín Zarandona, retired football player
Venancio José, retired athlete
David Davis, retired handball player
Lauren, retired football player
Rodolfo Bodipo, football manager and former player
Glory Alozie, athlete
Yago Yao, retired football player
Souley Drame, basketball player
Iván Zarandona, football player
Valdo, football player
Rui, football player
Josephine Onyia, athlete
Marta Mangué, handball player
Alfi Conteh-Lacalle, football player
Javier Balboa, football player
Trihas Gebre, athlete
Alemayehu Bezabeh, athlete
Eva Ngui, athlete
Jade Boho, football player
María Bernabéu, judoka
Ruth Ndoumbe, athlete
Mark Ujakpor, athlete
Manuel Onwu, football player
Richard Nguema, basketball player
Godwin Antwi, football player
Jean Marie Okutu, athlete
Stephen Sunday, football player
Rubén Belima, football player
Aauri Bokesa, athlete and basketball player
Iván Bolado, retired football player
José Luis Collins, former basketball player
Serge Ibaka, basketball player
Emilio Nsue, football player
Pedro Obiang, football player
Eddy Silvestre, football player
Joel Johnson, football player
Omar Mascarell, football player
Derik Osede, football player
Jonás Ramalho, football player
Randy, football player
Astou Ndour, basketball player
Keita Baldé Diao, football player
Ilimane Diop, basketball player
Vanessa Blé, basketball player
Mamadou Diop, basketball player
Mamadou Tounkara, football player
Adama Traoré, football player
Iris Junio, basketball player
Larry Abia, basketball player
Sitapha Savane, basketball player
Iñaki Williams, football player
Marcelo Djaló, football player
Pape Cheikh Diop, football player
Nely Carla Alberto, handball player
Alexandrina Barbosa, handball player
Moussa Bandeh, football player
Mohamed Traoré, football player
Yankuba Sima, basketball player
Roberto Tobe, futsal player
Bacari Kambi, football player
Carlos Akapo, football player
Sergio Akieme, football player
Ismael Athuman, football player
Aitor Embela, football player
Igor Engonga, football player
Pablo Ganet, football player
José Kanté, football player
Niko Kata, football player
Josete Miranda, football player
Ana Peleteiro, athlete
Iván Salvador, football player
Boison Wynney, football player
Aridane Hernández, football player
Madger Gomes, football player
Juliet Itoya, athlete
Fátima Diame, athlete
Youba Sissokho, boxer
Gabriel Enguema, boxer
Jael Bestué, athlete
María Vicente, athlete
Joshua Tomaic, basketball player
Sebas Saiz, basketball player
Esteban Obiang, football player
Mujaid Sadick Aliu, football player
Jordi Mboula, football player
Cristopher Moisés, football player
Fátima Diame, athlete
Saúl Coco, football player
Jordan Gutiérrez, football player
Paolo Fernandes, football player
Sergio Hinestrosa, football player
Alberto Edjogo-Owono, former football player
Juvenal Edjogo-Owono, former football player
Juan Epitié, former football player
Rubén Epitié, former football player
James Davis, football player
Ruslan Elá, football player
Óscar Engonga, football manager and former player
Kily Álvarez, football player
Ruth Álvarez, football player
Sergio Barila, football agent and former player
Darwin Echeverry, athlete
Robert Sánchez, football player
Bambo Diaby, football player
Usman Garuba, basketball player
Aitor Ekobo, athlete
Ángel Mañana, basketball player
Óscar Ngomo, basketball player
Sebastián Bacale, basketball player
Riky Mendizábal, basketball player
Gorka Luariz, football player
Mamadou Gassama, handball player
Sekou Gassama, football player
Ángel Binyogba, futsal player
Luis Meseguer, football player
Acoydan McCarthy, basketball player
Adams Sola, basketball player
Federico Obama, football player
Salomón Obama, football player
Salma Paralluelo, athlete and football player
Mabel Okoye, football player
Fatoumata Kanteh, football player
Seth Airam Vega, football player
#AfroSpaniards are #Spanish nationals of West/Central #African descent. They today mainly come from #Cameroon, #Gambia, #Mali and #Senegal. Afro-Spaniards are Spanish nationals of West/Central African descent. They today mainly come from Cameroon, Gambia, Mali and Senegal.
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