#zane is literally the only competent villain but he sleeps all the time
universesrising · 4 months
storybook au where lloyd is the underpaid and extremely tired librarian who has to deal with 5 random villains coming to life from their books every full moon
he’s not too worried about it cause all they do is argue at each other about who gets to take over the world the whole time until the sun comes up and they disappear
zane is the only competent villain being the ice emperor and all but since all he does is sleep the entire night there’s about 0 worry that he’ll wake up and actually destroy the world
cole isn’t even a true villain he’s just the ghost in a spooky mystery book where random people go into a haunted house and are surprised it’s haunted
one of the books gets checked out and lloyd has an aneurism trying to find who did it before the full moon because the only time anyone is competent is when there’s no one else to argue with
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lunyxdragon · 6 months
Dragons Rising Rant
I WAS NOT READY for season 2 part 1
(I'm spoiling pretty much everything below the cut)
This was everything I wanted and more (not to say it doesn't have its issues, but still)
I know some people were grumbling about Lloyd taking Zane's role of being the vision haver but I honestly like how they handled it. Because it feels an awful lot like a PTSD allegory. Like, Arin is literally like "you've been through a lot, maybe it's catching up to you" or smthn like that, the visions showing up at random and inconvenient times during the day, being unavoidable but they can be lived with, panic attacks, so am I the only one seeing this??? This does some interesting things to my Lloyd PTSD headcanons... another thing is the two people that have had visions are the two most likely people to have PTSD imo, so... there's that...
Lloyd verbally acknowledges having panic attacks which caught me so off guard for a show to sell toys to eight year old boys. It wasn't like puss and boots level of panic attacks, definitely not given that much focus, but it was there. Lloyd canonically has panic attacks!!
I know it's a kid's show, but I feel like they could have handled the sleep deprivation a bit better than "Lloyd is falling asleep all the time," like there's so many other ways you could convey that, at least vary it a bit. They hammer this point into the ground and I feel like kids aren't that dense, and would understand it even with half of the random falling asleep replaced with irritability, zoning out, or other stuff like that idk.
I WAS NOT READY for Kai to get sacrificed. When they were talking about human sacrifices I was like "nah ninjago would never go that far, that pretty much confirms that either the sacrifices aren't actually necessary or the forbidden five don't get brought back," then Kai literally gets sent to the backrooms with no way out.
And Bonzle. BONZLE. Need I say more? Wish she had gotten more focus though. The sorceress felt like a d&d oc shoved in last minute though, and her design was so chaotic it was distracting from the show for me. Probably just me though, I like order. She's fun, I just wish they'd either given her an arc or given that focus to Bonzle.
Internally screaming when Nya says "Jay would never forget me" and when Jay showed up. I really hope they give him enough time to shine.
Ras literally runs and catches up to a moving car and knocks out a dragon in a single hit. Bros insane. I guess the blood moon just makes him physically stronger? They didn't really elaborate what the blood moon does to Ras and why. But he's an actually competent villain, which Ninjago is in short supply of.
Cole literally said "Come at me (bro)" to the Administration.
Speaking of Cole, Geo misses him!! I'm way overhyped for this couple, but this is the closest thing we'll get to a canon gay couple in ninjago. Lego doesn't have the balls to actually show them kissing or being a couple, not with their show that gets aired all over the world to sell legos. I'm gonna go rewatch the land of lost things episode from s1 later.
The timeline is even more messed up now though. If Cole only just returned, when were the Mech Pilot shorts supposed to happen? We'll see what the creators say on Twitter lol.
Ending this off on a positive note, the found family is gonna kill me. Arin literally seeing Lloyd and Nya as his parents was gold. Oh man Ras slammed the poor boy around a lot, physically and mentally. Just let both Arin and Sora realize they're not useless. Nahhh the angst is too good.
Is there more? Probably. But I need to do my calculus coursework...
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