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Alguien dijo una vez que en el momento en que te paras a pensar si quieres a alguien, ya has dejado de quererle para siempre.
—Carlos Ruiz Zafón, "La sombra del viento."
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Corelli és az ideológiák
- Természetünknél fogva küzdünk a túlélésért. A hit ösztönös válasz a lét ama vonatkozásaira, amelyekre másképp nem találnánk magyarázatot: a világmindenség erkölcsi érzéketlenségére, a biztos halálra, a dolgok titokzatos eredetére, saját életünk értelmére és nemkülönben annak hiányára. Alapvető és pofonegyszerű tételek ezek, de korlátaink miatt nem válaszolhatunk rájuk egyértelműen, ezért védekezésként az érzelmi reakciókhoz menekülünk. Színtiszta, egyszerű biológia.
- Maga szerint tehát minden hit és ideológia légből kapott mese?
- Kivétel nélkül minden az, amivel a világot magyarázzuk vagy leírjuk. Itt például az a bökkenő, hogy az emberállat erkölcsi érzékkel vettetett egy erkölcs nélküli világba, és véges létezésre van ítélve, azzal az egyetlen céllal, hogy fajának továbbélését biztosítsa. Ez a valóság nem élhető túl sokáig, legalábbis nem az ember számára. Ezért töltjük életünk jó részét álmodással, főleg amikor ébren vagyunk. Mint mondtam már, ez közönséges biológia.
- Ezek után arra kér, hogy találjak ki egy mesét, amely előtt térdre esik a gyanútlan olvasó, mert elhiszi, hogy látta a fényt, és van miben hinni, van miért élni, halni és akár ölni is?
- Pontosan. Nem kérem, hogy olyasmit találjon ki, ami sohasem létezett eddig ilyen vagy olyan formában. Csupán arra kérem, segítsen inni adnom a szomjazóknak.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón: Angyali játszma (2020, Európa)
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"Czasem człowiek nabiera większej swobody przy kimś obcym niż przy kimś, kogo dobrze zna."
~ Carlos Ruiz Zafone~
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“Every book has a soul, the soul of the person who wrote it and the soul of those who read it and dream about it.” ― Carlos Ruiz Zafón
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Someone once said that the moment you stop to think about whether you love someone, you’ve already stopped loving that person forever.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón
#Carlos Ruiz Zafón#motivation#quotes#poetry#literature#relationship quotes#writing#original#words#love#relationship#thoughts#lit#prose#spilled ink#inspiring quotes#life quotes#quoteoftheday#love quotes#poem#aesthetic
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Someone once said that the moment you stop to think about whether you love someone, you’ve already stopped loving that person forever.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón
#Carlos Ruiz Zafón#motivation#quotes#poetry#literature#relationship quotes#writing#original#words#love#relationship#thoughts#lit#prose#spilled ink#inspiring quotes#life quotes#quoteoftheday#love quotes#poem#aesthetic
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Carlos Ruiz Zafón, "The Shadow of the Wind."
#poets corner#poetry#poet#vintage#diary#life#nature#poetic#dark academia#love#unfeignedwriter#dark acadamia quotes#carlos ruiz zafón#poets on tumblr#books
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“I stepped into the bookshop and breathed in that perfume of paper and magic that strangely no one had ever thought of bottling.”
― The Angel's Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafón
#Quote of the week#Quotes#Quotation#on books#on reading#bookshop#Carlos Ruiz Zafón#books#read#reading#booklr#bookish#features#bookworm#bookaholic#book blogger#book blog#readers of tumblr#bibliophile#bibliomania
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Someone once said that the moment you stop to think about whether you love someone, you’ve already stopped loving that person forever.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón
#Carlos Ruiz Zafón#motivation#quotes#poetry#literature#relationship quotes#writing#original#words#love#relationship#thoughts#lit#prose#spilled ink#inspiring quotes#life quotes#quoteoftheday#love quotes#poem#aesthetic
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Someone once said that the moment you stop to think about whether you love someone, you’ve already stopped loving that person forever.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón
#Carlos Ruiz Zafón#motivation#quotes#poetry#literature#relationship quotes#writing#original#words#love#relationship#thoughts#lit#prose#spilled ink#inspiring quotes#life quotes#quoteoftheday#love quotes#poem#aesthetic
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Czas, im bardziej jest pusty, tym szybciej płynie. Życie pozbawione znaczenia przemyka obok, jak pociąg niezatrzymujący się na stacji. - Carlos Ruiz Zafón, Cień wiatru
#polskadziewczyna#blog posts#blog of the day#blogger#cytat z książki#po polsku#blog on tumblr#blogerka#polski blog#blog of the week#carlos ruiz zafón#carlos ruiz záfron#cień wiatru#ból wewnętrzny#ból psychiczny#ból#ból życia#samotność#ból istnienia#cierpienie#strach#smutne#miłość#painful#cytat dnia#cytaty#polski cytat#cytat po polsku#blog z cytatami#życie to żart
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Someone once said that the moment you stop to think about whether you love someone, you’ve already stopped loving that person forever.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón
#Carlos Ruiz Zafón#motivation#quotes#poetry#literature#relationship quotes#writing#original#words#love#relationship#thoughts#lit#prose#spilled ink#inspiring quotes#life quotes#quoteoftheday#love quotes#poem#aesthetic
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Someone once said that the moment you stop to think about whether you love someone, you’ve already stopped loving that person forever.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón
#Carlos Ruiz Zafón#motivation#quotes#poetry#literature#relationship quotes#writing#original#words#love#relationship#thoughts#lit#prose#spilled ink#inspiring quotes#life quotes#quoteoftheday#love quotes#poem#aesthetic
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La Sombra del Viento fandom (aka @theuselesshistoryweeb and myself), come get your traumatised character foils! 📚🔥
I’M ACTUALLY REALLY PROUD OF THIS LITTLE THING. I first drafted it in English, then realised 80% of the way through that something wasn’t working out and decided to slap some Spanish in there. Baby’s first poem in her third language… Woah…
A huge thank you to @lesbitorte for kindly checking the grammar and spelling! ❤️
Alt text and translation below:
parte de mí,
un sueño imprudente
qué creía quemado.
lo que podría haber sido
se dispara como agujas
sobre nuestras cabezas
Y grito:
¡Se parece a mí,
el mar y el fuego,
el Edén y los desagües
tallados en sus huesos!
La quiero como
Lo que buscaba,
lo descubrí en
un velo de páginas
como un sudario.
Me atormenta
un nombre vacío;
una ala azul pálido
cae como neblina
sobre su cara.
¿Me parezco a ella?
Esta ciudad que alberga
el amor y el odio,
el peso de la guerra,
me interroga:
a sus entrañas?
Eres // lo que buscaba,
parte de mí. // Lo descubrí en
un sueño imprudente, // un velo de páginas
que creía quemado // como un sudario.
Mirándote, // me atormenta
lo que podría haber sido // un nombre vacío;
una ala azul pálido
se dispara como agujas, // cae como neblina
sobre nuestras cabezas — // sobre su cara.
Y grito: // ¿Me parezco a ella?
¡Se parece a mí, // esta ciudad que alberga
el mar y el fuego, // el amor y el odio,
el Edén y los desagües — // el peso de la guerra
tallado en sus huesos! // Me interroga:
¿La quiero como // debería?
¿Quieres // regresar
a sus entrañas?
You are
a part of me,
a careless dream
I thought I’d burnt.
Looking at you,
what could have been
rises like spires
over our heads
And I scream:
“She looks like me!”
Ocean and fire,
Eden and sewer filth
carved in her bones —
I love her
like you love.
What I’ve been looking for,
I discovered in
a veil of pages
like a shroud
I am haunted by
an empty name;
a pale blue wing
falls like fog
over her face.
Do I look like her?
This city that shelters
love and hatred,
the weight of war —
it makes me wonder:
Should I
to her womb?
You are // what I’ve been looking for,
a part of me. // I learnt so in
a careless dream, // a veil of pages
I thought had burnt // like a shroud.
Looking at you, // I am haunted by
what could have been // an empty name;
a pale blue wing
rises like spires, // falls like fog
over our heads — // over her face.
And I scream: // “Do I look like her?
She looks like me, // this city that shelters
ocean and fire, // love and hatred,
Eden and sewer filth // — the weight of war
carved in her bones!” // It demands to know:
Do I love her // like I should?
Do you want // to return
To her entrails?
If you’ve made it this far, you’ve probably noticed that there are little nuances in the Spanish version that called for vocabulary variations in the translation! For instance, in Daniel’s part, “entrañas” refers to his mother’s womb; but in the overarching poem, I used “entrails” because I was talking about Barcelona itself and wanted to highlight the ambiguity of its entrails’ nature — a womb that gives birth, or a stomach that devours and vomits?
Speaking of Barcelona — the original English draft didn’t make it clear enough that the city itself was the topic of the overarching poem, rather than a hypothetical female character/weird mix of Penélope and Daniel’s mum (possibly even Bea…?). Spanish’s gendered pronouns came in really handy here!
If you haven’t already, go read La Sombra del Viento (The Shadow of the Wind) by Carlos Ruiz Zafón — it’s great! 📚🔥
#literature#spanish literature#carlos ruiz zafón#la sombra del viento#the shadow of the wind#julián carax#laín coubert#daniel sempere#nina writes#poetry
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I wandered off, walking through streets that seemed emptier than ever, thinking that if I didn't stop, if I kept on walking, I wouldn't notice that the world I thought I knew was no longer there.
-- Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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Someone once said that the moment you stop to think about whether you love someone, you’ve already stopped loving that person forever.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón
#Carlos Ruiz Zafón#motivation#quotes#poetry#literature#relationship quotes#writing#original#words#love#relationship#thoughts#lit#prose#spilled ink#inspiring quotes#life quotes#quoteoftheday#love quotes#poem#aesthetic
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