#zaeed x male shepard
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x3no9 · 1 year ago
Beautiful piece of work done by @fernaitor ! Featuring Zaeed Massani and my OC Isaac Shepard. This is glorious! Pairs well with all my fics, but I decided to add it to Renegade Angels because ALOT of what is going on here happens in that chapter. Check out the full version via the link!
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clericofshadows · 8 months ago
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Stealing each other's hoodies and kisses <3
Regis took Zaeed's yellow hoodie, Kaidan took Regis's N7 hoodie, and Zaeed took Kaidan's Spectre hoodie ;)
Rendered in Blenderv3.3 Eevee, map source [x]
Hoodies found in my Cleric's Hoodies for Male Shepard and Zaeed Massani's Armory mods
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illusivesoul · 1 year ago
For Mass Effect ask
🧡 - Favorite non-Shepard pairings? Why do you love this/those pairing(s)?
Thanks for the ask :) Oh, I could go on all day about these. These are just the ones that I can remember at this moment, to not make this overly long lol: Jack x Kahlee Sanders Edi x Samantha Javik x Zaeed Dr Michel x Dr Chakwas Gabriella Daniels x Samantha Grunt x a male krogan oc im making up for him Liara x Tela Vasir Samantha x Ashley Kaidan x Steve Jack x Aria Ashley x Pennyloafer (Shes a character from the comic Ashley is in)
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zet-sway · 3 years ago
I, M, S, U?
HEY I'm so sorry to make you wait like 34 years for a response on this lmao the last two weeks have been utterly draining. I actually slept like 16 hours today or something SHEESH.
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
I've tried a variety of ships this year - including Shepard x Miranda, Ashley, Liara, Zaeed, James, Kaidan, various OCs, and of course Garrus. I've even read fics about cloneshep too.
But out of those, shakarian is the one I bookmark the most lmao
And in the spirit of honesty - I gravitate toward shakarian angst lmao
See, I'm very attached to Shepard. I love to see the different ways people write her. Femshep is close to my heart because I'm a woman and I work in a male-dominated field. Femshep is respected in a way I want to be. I feel like Garrus - romanced or not - gives her that respect and deep companionship without overly idol worshipping her. He has a lighthearted manner of speaking while also being able to talk about serious topics. He really is a cool dude.
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
Uhhhh a few. I wrote a renegade Shepard fic that might transition into big time angst. I have a bunch of scattered WIPs I can't fucking keep track of.
I'm still thinking about that chaptered fic
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
I live in this completely irrational headspace where I feel like I'm committing a crime if I specifically write a trope. My stupid oppositional brain thinks tropes are something to be dodged rather than embraced. Help me I don't understand tropes at all.
U: A pairing you might like to write for, but haven’t tried yet.
This is a great question. I definitely should write Shepard/Irikah because two sihas together? Yes omg.
I think I might also like to write Shepard x Zaeed, or Shepard x Javik. I'm not making any promises though. My writing muse is a fickle thing.
Thank you so much for the ask!!!
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estalfaed-archived · 7 years ago
Been Tagged
Well lookie here! I was tagged by the wonderous @the-open-future for this tag game in this post!  Thanks for the tag!! So lets get right to it!
First Ship you ever read fic for: I’m pretty sure it was a Destiel fic, Dean Winchester x Castiel, from Supernatural. 
First Ship you ever wrote fic for: Humm, the first fic I wrote was an OC fic set in the Mass Effect Universe with mshenko as a background relationship? Shamelessly self promoting here, read it because its near and dear to my heart, With Open Eyes.  Otherwise, I have a ton of mshenko one shots that I wrote for tumblr which can be found here. 
Ship you write the most now: Mshenko, without a doubt
Ship you read the most now: Mshenko, haha I know, I know. I need to branch out more, I have a few rare pairs that I enjoy, but yeah, its all about mshenko these days.
Newest Ship: UGH. Ok, so I on again, off again, watched Vampire Diaries and they did this way crazy swing of a romance between Bonnie Bennett and Lorenzo(Enzo) St John and at first I was like, OMG NO, but now I am so damn invested in that relationship? Its like, fuck Damon and Stefan, who cares about those guys and their drama BS, I’m here for Bonnie and Enzo. 
Rare Ship you wanna read more of: Mshazeed, I am just...I really like that rare pair. (Male Shepard x Zaeed Massani) An excellent fic, if you want to dip your toes into it, can be found here, written by @ellebeedarling
Your taboo Ship: I don’t necessarily have a NOTP? But I don’t like incestuous relationships or pedophilia stuff, so anything involving that I guess.
They never met in canon Ship: I have the perfect one for this! Kaidan Alenko and Scott Ryder, haha, Mrylenko, a total of two fics exist on AO3, one of them mine I did for my MEBB, which is here. I never expected to love it as much as I did? It grew on me, and I’ve been blown away by the reception that fic has received, so thanks y’all.
Your unexpected ship: I would say Sterek? Derek Hale and Stiles Stilinski from Teen Wolf? There is a lot of unmentioned sexual tension between those two and it just...haha its great. Plus their screen time interactions are my favorite. It’s not canon, as far as I know, though I’m two seasons behind, so maybe? Fingers crossed? 
The ship you always forget to give love to: Shoker, either Mshoker or Fshoker. Joker is an unsung hero to me and I’ll forever be salty he wasn’t a romance option.
Ship your OC with a canon character (if applicable): My only OC that I’ve written a story about is smitten and in love with the a different OC in the story, though he did have a huge crush on Kaidan Alenko and that biotic booty. Though really, who wouldn’t?
A ship you’re embarrassed to ship: Humm...honestly nothing really comes to mind? Though idk, maybe Destiel? Like, those damn producers keep pulling me back into Supernatural with destiel click bait, and I always fall for it. Thats a ship that will never happen, but damn it, they tease it so bad. ARG. So maybe I’m embarrassed that I always fall for it, idk. 
Your most romantic Ship: Sarah Kerrigan and Jim Reynor from Starcraft. Those two are a really damn close second as far as favorite pairing, right behind mshenko. I just love their story line and honestly, I felt like Heart of the Swarm was such an emotionally satisfying and also heart wrenching chapter in their saga. These two just, damn it they love each other a lot. 
Your sexiest ship: Mshenko. Kaidan Alenko and MCommander Shepard are just really good together. Idk if its the content that the fandom has created that has solidified them in my mind, or if it was their in game chemistry, back story, a culmination of all their trials together finally coming to fruition. I just love them and I love them together, and the thought of them doing sexy things together, being happy together, yeah, it just works for me.
Your most tragic ship: Ahh, I’m torn, I’m really torn about this. On one hand, we’ve got mshenko, two men who have finally found one another amidst the end of the world, and their time is short and frantic and god they are so in love. They might not have enough time, that after all this time, it could be over at any minute. It colors their relationship, this race against time, this impending doom. It breaks my heart and its why I will always choose Destroy, no matter what, because I want Shepard to live, I want him to be with Kaidan, and I want them to be happy.  On the other hand, I have Bonnie and Enzo, because I was so surprised in how much I loved them together. I think a lot of it was great acting, and lets be real, Bonnie Bennett and Caroline Forbs carried TVD for a long time, because Elena, Stefan and Damon were terrible and unsympathetic characters. Anyways, spoilers, but when you’re finally on board with BonniexEnzo and their finding their happiness together, Enzo dies. And fuck if I wasn’t there with Bonnie, crying tears because, I should have known, only Elena gets her happy ending, even as all of her friends suffer around her for it. OK I’M SALTY about how the final season went. 
A ship you want more content for: I am forever wanting more mshenko stories, the long fics, the ones that are 100k+ that take a while to get through. The ones that have interesting plots and twists and compelling story lines. 
All right, I’ve probably bored y’all to tears at this point, if you made it this far, well shit, thanks for reading this mess of rambles. Time for the tagging! As always, totally optional, but I’d love to know ;-]
@shotce, @blueteaparty, @arkesstuff, @thedarwini, @threewhiskeylunch, @willowdeville, @choosyfruit, @omegastation and @rego-mem
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x3no9 · 1 year ago
Thank you @hffhifjou for this sweet sketch of one of my favorite couples ever: Admiral Hackett and Illusive Man Jack Harper. Goes along perfectly with my fics especially this one..
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x3no9 · 1 year ago
Thank you @hffhifjou for this beautiful depiction of my OC Isaac Shepard and his merc, Zaeed. Love the tenderness of it!
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x3no9 · 1 year ago
Gorgeous commission from @tamago-art !! Captures the scene from my fic "Renegade Angels" so beautifully!
Full version via the link.
Thanks so much.
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x3no9 · 1 year ago
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Fixed Zaeed’s eye and throat a bit.
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x3no9 · 1 year ago
Thank you @milkcioccolato for this sexy and adorable commissioned mini-comic of my OC, Isaac Shepard and Zaeed Massani as they do their usual horseplaying. It is so great working with you and you are so keen on what I am asking. I love it right down to the tattoos and their adorable derrieres! 😅😉💕
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x3no9 · 1 year ago
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Sunday Funday! Isaac is getting ready to play with Zaeed. 😏
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x3no9 · 1 year ago
Just sketched Harper x Hackett as featured in my horror-themed fanfic collection. Harper is featured as the former Illusive Man, but he made a deal with the darkness in order to live eternally. A brilliant musician and tactician, Jack meets the uptight, severe Admiral while at the Alliance gala recital.
Please note: I am an enormous Jackett fan, perhaps even coined that term, lol, and I always depict or describe Hackett as being taller and a bit stronger. For the sake of being true to classic, romantic horror, I made him appear slighter in frame.
The story linked is for the collection and includes Starfield and Resident Evil chapters.
Please let me know what you think!
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x3no9 · 1 year ago
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Gif of the gents spending quality time together ❤️👀😏.
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x3no9 · 1 year ago
Did a sketch to go along with my Lost In Time fic. It starts off as a prequel/origin story for Jack Harper, Henry Lawson and Steven Hackett then goes well beyond ME3.
Henry is a violent and cruel sociopath with an extremely high IQ and he has his heart set on Jack Harper.
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x3no9 · 1 year ago
Zaeed x Isaac Shepard fanfic with Isaac as a pure Renegade, taking Aria out! Also, Kaidan x Garrus as an added bonus AND Vega doing Isaac a favor ;)
Thank you @eyecandyeoz. It really captures a moment of desperate passion between the power couple, with Isaac as a crime boss.
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x3no9 · 1 year ago
Thank you @Judithmactir for sharing this sexy art!! Goes so well with my latest Two Shep fic!
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