sunlitriddle · 7 months
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I might be a little excited for this game
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flowerslightning · 4 years
I think it's pretty sad that all the ships seem to throw hate towards eachother =c I think the only shippers I haven't seen throw hate towards another is the sephcloud ones, who are just chilling over in their own little corner. lol Cloti seems hella toxic, and I will admit we do have alot of toxic people in the clerith one, too. Zackrith (I don't know the offical ship name! sorry :C) Will also throw hate.. same for the zackxcloud ones. I wish all the ships could just get along??
Ahahaha. No worries. Zackrith sounds cool too
Agree 😂 SephCloud seems to be the most peaceful ship ever. They're totally minding their own business.
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Overall, I dont really care about who fans ship Cloud with. Its their choice, their fantasy. As long as they're happy, i'll be happy too. I enjoy all the fan artwork. And most of the time, Im living with my own Zerith's world
Why cant we all enjoy each others favourite ship in peace? The things that anger me the most is that how they wish Zack never exist and hoping that Tifa will die in the Remake bcause they think that these both characters are not important to Cloud.. NOT IMPORTANT TO CLOUD?? EXCUSE MEEE?? And they threw some other bad words too 💔
I havent come across with toxic Cloti and Zerith group yet, but i do believe they exist. SHAME ON THEM for acting like that 😡
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