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simpforwebtoonmen · 2 years ago
Comedy show 〜 ☆
This is a comedy show starring multiple lookism characters !!
The stars for today’s episode is: Zack and Zoe
(I’m sorry I’ll try to get to y’all’s requests soon !!)
Under a twitter post…
broo (character) is so FIOOONE 😫🙏 *picture of said character*
in (character) we thrust ☺️🙏
You two need psychological help. That is a 2D character.
you’re being extremely negative zack lee 😾
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ak144metal · 2 years ago
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tahunggak · 6 years ago
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Lama tak terdengar kabarnya, #ManoharaOdelia muncul dengan kabar yang mengejutkan. Beberapa waktu belakangan ini, #Manohara dikabarkan sedang memiliki hubungan istimewa dengan #ZackLee, mantan suami #NafaUrbach. Terkait hal ini, kembali beredar video yang memperlihatkan Manohara sedang bersama Zack Lee di The Jaya Pub di kawasan Thamrin, Jakarta Pusat. Keduanya menghabiskan waktu bersama, Minggu (16/6 ) malam. . Dalam video tersebut, Manohara dan Zack Lee terlihat sedang menikmati penampilan musik yang ditampilkan. Manohara tersenyum dan duduk di samping Zack Lee. Pemandangan ini menimbulkan sejumlah spekulasi bahwa keduanya memang memiliki hubungan asmara. Banyak yang mengkait-kaitkan keduanya memang sedang #berpacaran. . Sebelumnya, video Zack Lee sedang mencium pipi Manohara, dan artis cantik itu memeluk tubuh Zack juga lebih dahulu beredar. Video yang viral tersebut juga mengundang banyak reaksi. Bahkan, Manohara disebut-sebut sebagai orang ketiga yang menyebabkan perceraian Zack Lee dengan Nafa Urbach. Manohara sendiri mengaku hanya berteman dengan Zack Lee. Ia juga membantah sebagai pihak ketiga dalam keretakan rumah tangga Nafa dan Zack Lee. Begitu juga Zack Lee yang menampik memiliki hubungan dengan Manohara. Namun, kini video keduanya sedang menghabiskan waktu bersama kembali beredar. Apakah saat ini hubungan mereka sudah berkembang menjadi sepasang kekasih? Belum ada konfirmasi resmi baik dari #ZackLee maupun Manohara soal isu kedekatan di antara mereka. Sumber : Insertlive #manoharaodeliapinot #zacklee #pacarmanohara #pacarzacklee #nafaurbachzacklee #manoharazacklee #artis #selebriti #tahu_nggak https://www.instagram.com/p/ByzwFfHgsnM/?igshid=1jntwkdncz6qu
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filmsnobreviews · 6 years ago
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Check out our very own @batbobteh and his review of Netflix’ The Night Come For Us. Ito, a gangland enforcer, caught amidst a treacherous and violent insurrection within his Triad crime family upon his return home from a stint abroad. #movie #film #cinema #indonesia #action #actionmovie #ikouwais #julieestelle #joetaslim #zacklee #timotjahjanto #netflix #netflixoriginal #moviereview #filmsnobreviews https://www.instagram.com/p/BsoSi33Fq2d/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=at9lgl1splaa
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liputanviral-blog · 6 years ago
Tanggapan Nafa Urbach Mengenai Isu Zack Lee dan Rahma Azhari Pacaran
Liputanviral - Zack Lee belum lama ini bikin heboh dunia maya karena postingan fotonya bersama Rahma Azhari. Terlebih lagi pada foto tersebut, Zack mengungkap sebuah fakta unik, di mana mereka dulu sempat pacaran ketika masih berusia 17 tahun. Netizen lantas menduga-duga jika pasangan ini punya hubungan spesial, yang mana gosip itu langsung disanggah sendiri oleh Zack. Menurutnya, Rahma adalah sahabat baiknya. Lalu bagaimana pendapat Nafa Urbach mantan istri Zack mengenai hal ini? "Hi guys, banyak sekali yang DM saya mengenai Zack. Huehue.. Saya cuma mau bilang ke kalian, Zack dan saya tidak ada hubungan apa-apa lagi kecuali untuk masalah Mikhaela (anak)," tulis Nafa pada postingan IG story-nya di akun @nafaurbach. 1. Nafa Tak Ingin Ikut Campur  Nafa menegaskan jika dirinya sama sekali tidak peduli akan hubungan percintaan Zack. Meskipun begitu, mereka masih tetap menjalin hubungna baik demi sang buah hati yang kini tinggal bersama Nafa. "Saya berusaha membangun hubungan sebaik mungkin tanpa melibatkan perasaan apapun. Untuk kehidupan pribadi Zack sendiri saya sudah tidak usah ikut campur dan saya harap kalian pun melakukan hal yang sama," ujar Nafa. 2. Nafa Hormati Keputusan Zack Siapapun pacar Zack nantinya, Nafa ingin mendukung dengan sepenuh hati. Seperti diketahui, Zack dan Nafa resmi bercerai pada akhir 2017 silam setelah sama-sama membangun biduk rumah tangga selama 1 dekade lamanya. "Untuk urusan Zack dan siapapun wanita yang dekat dengan dia, please kalau bisa kita nggak usah ikut campur ya, hormati keputusan dia dan pilihan dia, siapapun itu nanti. Sayapun akan menghormati keputusan Zack," pungkas tulisan itu. 3. Zack Tanggapi Komentar Netizen  Setelah foto bersama Rahma Azhari terposting, banyak komentar netizen membanjiri akun Instagram Zack Lee. Terjadi pro kontra terkait keputusan Zack mengunggah foto itu. "Buat aku dunia internet sangat lucu, banyak orang nggak kenal menghakimi. Tapi seru aja yang pada komen-komen itu sangat lucu, kadang aku balas," ujar Zack ketika ditemui belum lama ini. Read the full article
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nandosembiring · 6 years ago
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Jaga Pocong | Semua akan jadi pocong pada waktunya | Jaga di bioskop mulai 25 Oktober 2018 | pemain : Acha Septriasa, Zack Lee, Jajang C Noer, Dewi Irawan, Aqila Herby, Luthya Suri| Sutradara : Hadrah Daeng Ratu | Produksi : Spectrum Film, Maxima Pictures, Unlimited Production #jagapocong #25oktober2018 #Achaseptriasa #zacklee #jajangcnoer #dewiirawan #aqilaherby #luthyasuri #pocong IG : @jagapocong. https://www.instagram.com/p/BoOuSEPjj5L/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1dsyiikwigf7a
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leirow · 4 years ago
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🥚zacklee.. and to all those who have a prob with that: f*ck off…🦵🏾🪨s https://www.instagram.com/p/CSYMeU9MUts/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ukdamo · 8 years ago
De Drum Majah
Ray G Dandridge
He's struttin’ sho ernuff, Wearin’ a lady’s muff En’ ways erpon his head, Red coat ob reddest red, Purtty white satin ves’, Gole braid ercross de ches’; Goa’ness! he cuts a stunt, Prancin’ out dar in frunt,     Leadin’ his ban’. 
Wen dat ah whistle blows, Each man behine him knows ’Zacklee whut he mus’ do; You bet! he dues it, too. Wen dat brass stick he twirls, Ole maids an’ lub-sick gurls Looks on wid longin’ eyes, Dey simpley idolize     Dat han’sum man. 
Sweet fife an’ piccalo, Bofe warblin’ sof’ an’ lo’, Slide ho’n an’ saxophones, Jazz syncopated tones, Snare drum an’ lead cornet, Alto an’ clarinet, Las’, but not least, dar cum Cymbals an’ big bass drum - O! whut a ban’! 
Cose, we all undahstan’ Each piece he’ps maik de ban’, But dey all mus’ be led, Sum one mus’ be de head No doubt, de centipede Has all de laigs he need, But take erway de head, Po’ centipede am dead; So am de ban’.
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inanews-blog1 · 6 years ago
Manohara Disebut Pelakor, Nafa Urbach Minta Maaf
Inanews - Penyanyi dan pesinetron Nafa Urbach mengaku tak enak hati sekaligus geram ketika tudingan pelakor dialamatkan kepada Manohara usai video mesranya dengan Zack Lee beredar. “Apalagi sihini? Ya ampun!” ujarnya saat dihubungi awak media. Tak ingin persoalan itu melebar, Nafa Urbach diketahui langsung meminta maaf kepada Manohara. “Ya, saya kasihan saja kalau nanti dia dipersalahkan sama orang-orang. Aku kan enggak suka konflik seperti itu,” kata Nafa Urbach.
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Nafa Urbach menambahkan, “Dulu waktu masih berhubungan dengan pacar pertamaku (Primus Yustisio), orang-orang pada susah move on. Sekarang, aku sudah bercerai dengan Zack Lee pun orang-orang masih tidak bisa move on. Padahal aku kan sudah melanjutkan hidup ya.” Nafa menegaskan, dia enggan terlibat konflik dengan Manohara hanya karena tudingan netizen. Pasalnya, dari sudut pandang ibu satu anak itu, tidak ada yang salah dari kedekatan mantan suaminya dengan Manohara. “Aku rasa tak ada yang salah dengan (kedekatan) itu. Toh mereka kan berteman. Aku enggak suka ribut-ribut seperti ini,” tuturnya. Nafa Urbach juga mengaku merasa terganggu saat harus menghadapi pemberitaan kurang menyenangkan seperti itu. Alasannya, karena penyanyi asal Magelang, Jawa Tengah itu tengah mencoba peruntungan di dunia politik.
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“Aku itu sering diberitakan ini itu, apalagi sejak berstatus single. Jadi ya sebenarnya agak repot saja kalau masih disangkutpautkan dengan mantan (suami),” imbuhnya. Tudingan pelakor yang ditujukan kepada Manohara sebenarnya tak lepas dari rumor orang ketiga di balik perceraian Nafa Urbach dan Zack Lee, pada 23 Oktober 2017. Namun lewat klarifikasinya di media sosial, Manohara memastikan keretakan rumah tangga Nafa dan Zack bukan karena ulahnya. Read the full article
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zackleetheawsome-blog · 13 years ago
Hey whoever's following and see's this!
Will my terraria fan story make a good fan comic?
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zackleetheawsome-blog · 13 years ago
-Day 3 (morning) We had a couple of zombies claw at the front door last night. That was a lot better than them clawing at my face. I realize that I haven't really slept in 3 days, maybe it has something to do with the land or... I don’t know... I’ll ask the guide in the afternoon. -Day 3 (evening) We went out to get mushrooms. Sounds weird but apparently wounds don’t heal here and in order to heal is to eat something. I’ve been wondering... Who is this ‘Guide’ guy? How does he know all this? What’s his real name? Oh apparently you don’t sleep here. he said it’s kind of better like that. We also happen to find a dungeon not too far away from the house so me and sam will be going there tomorrow. Hope nothing gets to us tonight. -Day 4 Sam went missing in the night. I'm going to go find sam. Bet he went to the dungeon early while the Guide was teaching me how to use the pickaxe. The air was thick and heavy and a earthy smell hung like a wall. Apparently I had entered a jungle. there were vines and various vegetation. Trees loom over seemingly too weak to hold the mass of vines upon their branches. There was something different about the jungle than a normal jungle. There were small ponds that littered the landscape, creating various pond depths. Jumping in was a bad idea. Wading through a shallows something tore at my very flesh and like a storm of pain just keeps coming. I knew I was badly injured and if i did nothing about it I would surely die. the only thing that could be done was... Jump. Whatever was biting me came after me and stopped at the water's surface. It was an ugly and for some odd reason it was alone. It didn't really look like a threat, Two big eyes and miniature fins with turquoise scales, It actually looked pretty cute until I realized I was falling back into the water. A scream of an arrow plopped into the water with such force it struck the parana and kept going in one direction clearing the piranhas body. Smacking into the water with a belly flop, I tried to swim but I realized that my left leg didn’t respond. Another arrow whizzed by and this time the parana exploded into shards of flesh and coins. A distant voice cried “You alright?!” In my pain all I could do was yelp. Whoever was there had odviously sensed my distress. The world began to grow dark and all my effort to stay afloat failed and sunk beneath the water.
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zackleetheawsome-blog · 13 years ago
Night time I learned was not a time to be out and talking a stroll. If the guide was of any help he told me that much. Looking in my bag I saw that the ipad was on and the unknown app showed directions on how to build a torch. Following the directions I took the apparently an “woodcutting axe” and Hacked at a tree for a while until my hands cramped. “Why didn’t it make scratch on the tree?!” I yelled at the guide awaiting for some useful advice. The guide looked and laughed, “Bah! Thats a copper axe it’ll take a while before you actually do something to the tree!” Taking hold of my anger before it got the better of me while wielding an axe, I put down my axe and responded, “Is there a better axe that I can use around here?” “Well there is more...” the guide started but was cut off from rustling from behind. Turning around I snached my axe and waited before what seemed like an hour until the brilliant morning sun shown through the canopy. There were two blue eyes like gems staring back, as soon as I saw them the thing jumped out. I was put into an headlock and I realized this was too smart to be a zombie. “Who are you?! What do you want with my guide?!” The voice screamed. “Relax Sam he’s just another ‘player’.” said the guide. Feeling the pressure around my neck loosen I got up immediately and saw Sam. Sam had a pale green shirt and brown shorts, blond hair and deep blue portal eyes that seem to be locked right on mine. “Who are you?” I asked. “I should be asking you the same thing.” said Sam still eyes locked and copper sword in hand. “Now Sam, this is Tom. He’s new to the server, maybe explain a few things first to him before killing him?” said the guide in a joking manner. Sam looked disgusted at me then looked to the guide. The guide nodded as if to acknowledge something they previously discussed. “Alright!” Sam said finally “Names Sam and welcome to the survival server.” “Survival what?” I replied. “I don’t know either but all I know was that I was put here with an axe, pick and an ipad which I kinda lost and then I met him.” Sam shot a look at the guide but the guide looked indifferent. “Same here but instead I kept the ipad and the guide found me.” I responded feeling glad that I won’t die from impalement. After that talk and meeting Sam the guide told us to build a proper house out of wood. After a while of hacking the seemingly invincible wood in an instant it all came down like rain in perfectly cut lumber. Even though I don’t remember much from what I was before I knew enough that wood doesn't work like that. The guide seemed to just do nothing but sit and tell us advice, but after the house was built he seemed to brighten up. “Not bad... most players would have killed each other by now and the house isn't that bad for noobs.” And the sun went down accompanied with the pinholes of light in the sky and sound of zombies growling.
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zackleetheawsome-blog · 13 years ago
Terraria(fan story... Don't worry! Its not lame!)
Day 1 I know not how i got here, or why I got here but all I know is that a came to this land with an old rusted pickaxe, a huge woodcutting copper axe, and this tablet with only two apps, the notepad app and a blank app, with a solar panel charger. I was cast upon a forest with trees that seemed so tall it almost pierced a passing cloud. With An occasional rabbit who didn't seem to acknowledge my presence, the first thing I did was pack up and went to the nearby hill to get a lay of the land. The height of the nearby hill was easily conquered by a series of jumps, and like a curtain, the top of the hill gave way and revealed the the majesty of the land.  The forest extended like a green rug rolled across the valley, at the other side another hill jutted up like a spike of stone that stabbed the earth and then halted from its path to the sky. To my horror there was no sign of civilization in sight. My legs felt weak and i fell to my knees.  “How am I gonna make it?! All i have is a rusted pick, a gigantic axe and a stupid ipad that i can’t even use!!”  Just then I realized the sun went down and something hit me very hard in the back and nearly threw me off the cliff. It growled and almost sounded human, than i saw its face and realized it was far from human. a face covered with boils and half rotted flesh it snapped its jaws like a alligator does when catching prey. Grabbing my axe in fear and on the ground I slashed at its legs and it fell down the mountain. I got up and ran into a squishy thing that stung as I felt its oily surface.  The pain so great I leapt backwards and the zombie hit me again launching me forward, I realized I was trapped. Than a chiming sound came from the sky and a brilliant star fell from the sky and just as I dodged,the slime jumping, It hit the slime and zombie blowing them into next month with nothing but a beautiful star and a couple of coins and some slime. As I approached the items to inspect them they seemed to move on their own and flew into my bag. There were other wet slapping sounds that i knew immediately where slimes and distant growling of zombies. Than a voice so alien, because of my solitary, spoke “I didn’t think you would have made it out of that mess.” My voice lost and dry from lack of use came “ugh... wha?” His hair blond and thick and eyes grey swirls but friendly but war hardened. “ Hi! I'm the guide and i will tell you how to survive in this land.”
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