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RCM-617 from AC Sanctuary, inspired by Aitsu to Lullaby⊠Via Bikebound
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Kawasaki Z750 by Gunnar's House Of Custom.
#motorcycle#kawasaki#z750#gunnars house of custom#cafe fighter#cafe racer#sport bike#moto love#lifestyle
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#photography#digicam#casio exilim#ex-z750#night photography#powerlines#casio#street photography#scenery
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CIMG6110 from April 2008
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Sony Ericsson Z750 (2007)
#sony ericsson#sony ericsson phones#old phones#clamshell design#glossy tech#techcore#colorful tech#2000s#early 2000s#2000s tech#y2k aesthetic#y2k#frutiger aero#old phone#webcore#digicore#2007#sony#sony phones
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Jun Hoshino and Kawasaki Z750 Twin
ăăăŻăæ ç»ăçăŁăéçŁăă§èȘćăźCB750ă«äčăŁăŠćșæŒăăŠăăæéăă
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An old Suzuki Mightyboy turbo build article. Article is from a magazine from the early 90s.
The unique tuning is appealing
I won't lose to 660!
Mighty Boy TURBO by private tuning
550cc owners may be feeling a little sad with the arrival of the 660. But when it comes to tuning, the 550 is still very interesting. This time, we'll introduce you to the super energetic Mighty Boy, with its highly original tuning!
You can't judge people and cars by appearances...
At first glance, he looks like an ordinary guy, but when he gets behind the wheel on the circuit, he turns out to be a crazy fast racer... That's the kind of story you hear, you can't judge a person by their appearance. The same can be said about cars. This guy, MightyBoy, is a good example of that.
At first glance, it looks like a normal Mightyboy with a slightly large air intake.
When you drive it, full boost kicks in at 2000 rpm, and it accelerates with such force that you'll think, "Hey, wait a minute."
And it was no surprise. The engine in this car is an F5A with an intercooler and turbocharger. Moreover, the F5A has an increased displacement of 610cc, so it has a lot of torque even before the turbo kicks in. This engine hits full throttle at 2000rpm and keeps going all the way to 8000rpm, making it no ordinary engine.
my car. So tune it yourself
To explain in more detail about the tuning done by Mightyboy, the engine has been enlarged to 610cc by widening the bore to 65.5mm. A Tomei high compression piston is installed, and the compression ratio is about 9.0 with two Cook Sports(?) gaskets. The valve springs are normal.
The steering wheel is a Nismo Sunny wheel, and this is where you can really see the owner's personality.
The turbo system is equipped with a Mira TR-XX turbine and intercooler. The boost pressure is controlled by a homemade EVC at Lo (0.73kg/cmÂČ) and Hi (1.2kg/cmÂČ).
The levels can be switched by a switch on the shift lever. Other original features include a turbine cooling radiator and a fuel cooler mounted at the very back of the bonnet, making this an engine bay full of the owner's ideas.
Currently, the horsepower is kept at around 60hp, but this is set up with an emphasis on torque, considering that it will be used for daily commuting. This is still plenty fast, and it is apparently faster than the standard Works.
The suspension is in keeping with the power.
Naturally, the suspension has been strengthened to match the increased engine power, but this too has been tuned to the owner's own unique style, which is interesting.
The front shocks are standard, while the rear shocks are Kawasaki Z750FX (S&W) for motorcycles. The front springs are standard Grand Civic springs, while the rear springs are standard Alto springs. This suspension works really well, and it's great when cornering with the 13-inch Potenza.
It provides firm support with just the right amount of roll.
It's surprising that most of these tunings are done privately by the owners themselves. Tuning with a tuning kit specified by the manufacturer is easy and there's no such thing as a bad result. But a car that you build by trying out different things like Mightboy does is something you love like a part of yourself, and there's a joy in having a car that's unique and yours alone. I'd recommend this to anyone who's confident in their mechanics.
âČThe rear suspension fits the Z750 shock perfectly. The idea behind this is amazing.
âČThis is the Lo/Hi switch for the homemade EVC. The main unit is located in the engine compartment.
âČâŒThe big air intake (for AE92) was not just for show. It covers the protrusion of the intercooler and also takes in a large amount of air to the intercooler.
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KAWASAKI BODY COMP MUFFLER 2008 Z750 18091-0485 https://www.pinterest.com/pin/402227810490040313/
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Kawasaki Z750ăăăć°ăă§ćźæă§ăâȘ
ăăăăŠăăŸăăăä»æ§ć€æŽăé ćŒ”ăŁăŠèăăŠäœæ„ăăŠèĄăăŸăđ
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Az ismeretlen ismerĆs: Kawasaki Eliminator 500 SE 2024 teszt

Ăletem egyetlen Ă©lmĂ©nye a Kawasaki mĂĄrkĂĄval a rutinvizgsĂĄm alkalmĂĄval volt. 163 cm-es csajkĂ©nt, talĂĄn egy Z750 volt. A neve sajnos nem maradt meg, csak a horror, amit kĂŒzdöttem az alig leĂ©rĆ lĂĄbammal a magas sĂșlypontĂș motoron. VĂ©gĂŒl egy - önhibĂĄn kĂvĂŒli - oktatĂł Ă©s motorvĂĄltĂĄs megmentett, de ez egy mĂĄsik sztori. EttĆl fĂŒggetlenĂŒl a Csajokamotoron lelkes rajongĂłjakĂ©nt a teszt elĆtt ĂĄtfutottam a Kawasaki gĂ©pparkot Ă©s a szemem megakadt az ismerĆsen csengĆ Eliminator nĂ©ven. Gyorsan rĂĄkerestem. HĂĄt persze, hisz amikor a tĂ©rdbalesetem rĂ©vĂ©n eldĆlt, hogy vĂ©ge a berĂșgĂłkaros korszaknak, akkor mint egyik jelölt szerepelt a megtekintett motorok listĂĄjĂĄn. Ezt könnyen tehette, hiszen a gyĂĄrtĂł az Eliminator nevet a 80-as Ă©vek közepĂ©n dobta piacra, Ă©s ez a kultikus tĂpus igen szĂ©les skĂĄlĂĄt tudhatott magĂĄĂ©nak. TĂz lĂ©pcsĆben, a 125-östĆl az 1100 köbcentiig, kettĆ Ă©s nĂ©gyhengeres vĂĄltozatban is gyĂĄrtottĂĄk. BarĂĄtaim szerint az Eliminator 500 azĂ©rt szĂŒletett, hogy egy hĂșszĂ©ves blokkot egy kreatĂv motorĂ©pĂtĆ ĂĄltal megĂĄlmodott custom köntösben Ășjra piacra dobhassanak, Ă©s nagyjĂĄbĂłl Ăgy is van. A vĂ©lemĂ©ny annyiban sĂĄntĂt, hogy a blokk is Ășj, mĂĄr amennyiben Ășjnak tekinthetĆ, hogy a Ninja 400 blokkjĂĄt megreformĂĄltĂĄk 451-re megnövesztett löketƱvĂ©, hogy ezzel kiĂ©rdemelje az 500-as jelölĂ©st. A hagyomĂĄnyos custom stĂlust felborĂtja ugyan a soros kĂ©thengeres blokk szintĂ©n a Ninja 400 vĂĄzba Ă©pĂtĂ©se, azonban a könnyed elsĆhöz tartozĂł masszĂv hĂĄtsĂłrĂ©sz rĂ©vĂ©n az erĆteljes stĂlusĂș bobber megjelenĂ©ssel kortalan szĂ©psĂ©get alkottak. A motor esztĂ©tikusan rokkeres kĂŒllemĂ©ben nagy szerepet jĂĄtszik matt, mĂ©gis selyemfĂ©nyƱ nagyszemcsĂ©s metĂĄl festĂ©se, fekete szĂnben, mely uralkodik az egĂ©sz megjelenĂ©sĂ©ben. Kis sĂșlyĂĄhoz kis ĂŒlĂ©smagagassĂĄgot terveztek, belĂ©pĆszintƱ A2-es jogosĂtvĂĄnnyal is vezethetĆ teljesĂtmĂ©nnyel, ezĂĄltal kezdĆ motorosnak, kismagassĂĄgĂș pilĂłtĂĄknak, illetve kevĂ©sbĂ© masszĂv erĆvel rendelkezĆknek is kĂvĂĄlĂł vĂĄlasztĂĄs. MĂ©g több kĂ©p a galĂ©riĂĄban A pörgĆs sorkettes elkĂ©pesztĆ dinamikĂĄjĂĄhoz alacsony sĂșlypont, kifogĂĄstalan lĂĄgy jĂĄrĂĄs Ă©s egyenesfutĂĄs tĂĄrsul, az ĂșthibĂĄkon puhĂĄn huppannak a kĂ©nyelemre hangolt rugĂłstagok. A vezetĂ©stechnikalilag semleges, kissĂ© elĆredĆlt testhelyzethez meglepĆen kĂ©nyelmes a naked-es lĂĄbtartĂĄs. A kormĂĄnyfogĂĄs Ă©s az ĂŒlĂ©spozĂciĂł ergonĂłmiĂĄjĂĄnak köszönhetĆen a menetszĂ©l sem fĂĄrasztja a kezet Ă©s a vĂĄllat. A kiscruiser igen jĂłl manĆverezhetĆ, fordulĂ©kony, a kanyarokba szĂ©pen besimul. Igen Ă©lvezetesen motorozhatĂł nemcsak vĂĄrosi cirkĂĄlĂł. A 2024 ĂĄprilisi pĂ©ldĂĄnyt bejĂĄratĂłskĂ©nt hoztam el, Ăgy kifejezett kĂ©rĂ©s volt, hogy kĂmĂ©letes, közĂ©ptartomĂĄnyi ĂŒzemmĂłdban hasznĂĄljam. MĂ©g Ăgy, 4-5 ezres fordulaton hasznĂĄlva is egyenletesen hĂșz, jĂłl szerepelt közĂșton kielĆzve, de mĂ©g az autĂłpĂĄlyĂĄn is hatezres fordulaton. Kis kĂ©znek valĂł puha kuplunggal, jĂłl összehangolt fĂ©krendszerrel egy percre sem hozott nehezen kezelhetĆ helyzetbe a hatsebessĂ©ges Kawasaki, olyan igazi megbocsĂĄtĂł Ă©s szerethetĆ tĂpus. Közel 700 km-t tettĂŒnk meg, ezalatt hĂĄromszor tankoltam, vegyes hasznĂĄlatban Ăgy 3,2 literesre jött ki a fogyasztĂĄsa a jobbik naftĂĄbĂłl. Az ĂĄltalam tesztelt Eliminator 500 'SE' megkĂŒlönböztetĆ jelzĂ©st kapott, azaz extrakĂ©nt felszereltĂ©k egy sportos, burkolt fejidommal, a kormĂĄnyra szerelt C-Ă©s USB töltĆvel, bordĂĄs gumi teleszkĂłpszoknyĂĄval, Ă©s egy dizĂĄjn ĂŒlĂ©ssel. A dizĂĄjn jegyĂ©ben ez utĂłbbi utas rĂ©sze azonban olyannyira rövidre Ă©s kemĂ©nyre sikerĂŒlt, hogy kĂ©t szemĂ©llyel csak kĂ©nyszerhelyzetben ajĂĄnlatos hasznĂĄlni. A stĂlus rovĂĄsĂĄra ment mĂ©g a visszapillantĂł tĂŒkör, mely kĂ©tsĂ©gkĂvĂŒl passzol a megjelenĂ©sbe, azonban hĂĄtrafelĂ© nem, vagy csak a vĂĄll Ă©s a könyök megfeszĂtĂ©sĂ©vel hasznĂĄlhatĂł. Ha megvennĂ©m, ez lenne az elsĆ, amit cserĂ©lek, mert bĂĄr holtteret mindig kell ellenĆrizni, de nem baj az, ha az ember vezetĂ©s közben enĂ©lkĂŒl is lĂĄtja mi törtĂ©nik a hĂĄta mögött. A mĂĄsik amit cserĂ©lnĂ©k, az a kipufogĂłdob. Egyben van az összhanggal, de nekem valahogy mĂ©gis bĂĄntotta a szemem az a nagy hurkatöltĆ. Volt mĂ©g egy furcsasĂĄg rajta nekem: az elejĂ©n a hƱtĆ alatt a kipufogĂłkönyök kivezetĂ©s, törtĂ©netesen lefelĂ©. Nem mondom, hogy nem jĂł, hisz nyilvĂĄn nehĂ©z gĂ©pipari gyĂĄrtĂłkĂ©nt a cĂ©gnek alap a tartĂłssĂĄg Ă©s a minĆsĂ©g, viszont a magyar utakon, padkĂĄkon nem biztos, hogy ez a legjobb megoldĂĄs. (EttĆl mĂ©g teljesen okĂ©, csak erre figyelni kell.) ĂsszesĂ©gĂ©ben, a Kawa piacra dobott egy kiforrott koncepciĂłt ĂŒtĆs stĂlusban, dinamikus, mĂ©gis kiszĂĄmĂthatĂł, bĂ©kĂ©s karakterrel. Mondhatni, hogy alkottak egy sikeres motort versenykĂ©pes ĂĄrkategĂłriĂĄban. Ha hasonlĂł adottsĂĄggal rendelkezel mint Ă©n, kiprĂłbĂĄlĂĄsĂĄt csak ajĂĄnlani tudom. Ăs hogy Ă©n vennĂ©k-e? AmĂg elbĂrok a nagyvassal, nemhiszem. De leszek mĂ©g öregebb Ă©s gyengĂ©bb, szĂłval nem mondom, hogy soha. https://csajokamotoron.hu/2024-ben-erkezik-a-kawasaki-eliminator-europaba Kawasaki Eliminator 500 SE mƱszaki adatok Motor: folyadĂ©khƱtĂ©ses, nĂ©gyĂŒtemƱ pĂĄrhuzamos kĂ©thengeresLökettĂ©rfogat: 451 cm3Furat x löket: 70x58,6 mmKompressziĂł viszony: 11,3:1Ăzemanyagrendszer: Fuel injection: 32mmx2Max. teljesĂtmĂ©ny: 33,4 kW (45,4 LE)Max.nyomatĂ©k:  42,6 NmĂttĂ©tel: 6 sebessĂ©gesElsĆ futĂłmƱ: hagyomĂĄnyos olajos teleszkĂłpvillaHĂĄtsĂł futĂłmƱ: klasszikus lengĆvilla kĂ©toldali rugĂłstaggalElsĆ fĂ©k: 310 mm ĂĄtmĂ©rĆjƱ szimpla tĂĄrcsaHĂĄtsĂł fĂ©k: 240 mm ĂĄtmĂ©rĆjƱ szimpla tĂĄrcsaTengelytĂĄv: 1.520 mmĂlĂ©smagassĂĄg: 735 mm (gyĂĄrilag kĂ©rhetĆ ennĂ©l is alacsonyabban)Ăzemanyag tartĂĄly: 13 literTömeg: 177 kg, max terhelhetĆsĂ©g: 357 kg.Ăra: 2.650.000 Ft, az SE tĂpus: 2.820.000 Ft Read the full article
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I'll give you another 5 from "Random Asks?" 3, 15, 19, 22, 25
3. Pick one song to play every time you enter a room.
This one is interesting. đđđ
Gravity - Boris Brejcha (feat. Laura Korinth).
This song is nice and beautiful. Try to listen full song, maybe its not your type of music, but yeah.
15. If you had a billboard, what would you put on it
Haha. I dont know. Advertisement about my veterinary practice.
19. Share the weirdest fact you know.
Hmm. Cows dont have teeth on upper jaw.
22. Craziest thing you have ever bought?
Latest - kawasaki z750.
Earlier - paid big money for my last tattoo. Sheesh.
25. Drop an insane piece of lore about you?
I hope i understood this question right.
At the outside i am 'cold' but in insids i am very emotional. I am giving the expression for other that i am the good girls.
But actually i love to do crazy stuffs, sometimes illegal, dangerous. Like to try new things. Love fast driving, having tattoos, listening techno and rave, going to gym to push myself. Person who have really kinky mind with some fetishes and immediately turns on when my neck is touched or some touches on my inner thighs.
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as i plea the stars so heavy you too, in the end must leave hearing the angelsâ
crying timeâ
is gone withâ
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Motovlog de Popizinha 110 #honda #automobile #z650 #z400 #motovlog #z750 #youtube #lançamento #funk via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8Ke_DXpF78
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Kawasaki Z750 by Gunnar's House Of Custom.
#motorcycle#kawasaki#z750#gunnars house of custom#cafe fighter#cafe racer#caferacer#moto love#lifestyle
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